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The Multiverse


City of Luminere
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Luminere, the Capital of Leonis and home to Tech Con Group.


Luminere is a part of Leonis.

1 Places in Luminere:

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Ella Hewitt [0] A shy girl at first, but quite bubbly when you get to know her. No blood family, and never settles in one place for too long.

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5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

High above Luminere, a Tech Con transport of some variety descended. Inside were survivors recovered from a bunker in Caprica City. Inside, a Caprica City officer finished securing the cabin he was sharing with another for landing. He grabbed a box of water from a cooler in the wall and locked it, buckling into a wall seat.

Kelby Heremosh couldn't believe she was here. The woman hadn't payed any attention to the ride, to be quite honest, and was shocked to see the opposite of destruction outside. Shock was beginning to set in. She recalled her friend, and the smell of charred bone wafted through her nose. There was no charred bone here. Buckled into her wall seat, Kelby sobbed once. She laid a hand to her face and wiped the tear.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
The spacecraft descended slowly onto the landing pad, an uproarous crowd already mobbing around the docking port. Cameras flashed, people cheered and news stations from all over Langara readied their live feeds. This was the final transport. The safe return of this ship marked the successful end to Tech Con's rescue endeavors into the Langaran capital.

The ship landed. A Tech Con rep stood up and tried to shout instruction to the refugees, but the roar of the crowd made him all but impossible to hear. Something about "black buses" and "the Hagan mansion". No one could really tell.

The next thing they new, the refugees would be ushered out of the transport into a world of blinding lights and cheering citizens. They were the last survivors of one of the greatest Aschen cities ever built. In the eyes of the Aschen public, they were more then just refugees. They were heroes. Walking history books. Teary inspiration to the rest of the Confederation in a dark time. Maybe the poor survivors saw themselves in the same light.

Or maybe they just wanted to be left alone.

Tech Con mercenaries struggled as they pushed through the crowds, attempting to lead the group to what was presumably their ride towards a better place. A merciless onslaught of questions roared in the ears of Kelby, Braxton, Alisia and Gerard.

"...what was it like in the bunkers..."

"...ever without food or water..."

"...did anyone die once you were locked away..."

"...forced to kill your own refugees for the sake of..."

"...was in Caprica. Have you seen him? Have you seen my son..."

"...make action figures outa' ya'. Big things, I'm tellin' ya..."

It was a nuclear fallout of a different kind; the desperate social ambush of a society nearly deprived of hope and meaning.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

As the spacecraft landed, she could hear muffled cheering coming from outside the ship. "What the..." Standing up and moving from the bunk she moved to the window, peering outside to see a swarm of people surrounding the port. Her eyes widened, she hadn't expected this or really thought much into it. She had been concentrating on figuring out what had really happened and why. This was crazy. Shifting, she turned to look at Gerard "well, the public obviously weren't kept in the dark huh?" And by that she meant the media didn't take long to let the public know what happened. Or what they thought what happened. Who knows what the people were being told, she just wanted to get off the ship and onto safe ground of sorts.

As they were lead through the crowds by the Mercenaries, all sorts of questions were blurted and yelled into her ears. Alisia cringed as she continued to desperately follow behind, not daring to take her eyes off the mercenaries. The female just wanted to get out of the roaring crowd. "N...No sorry, what? No. Uh, I don't know. Excuse me, sorry." Alisia continuously replied to the jumbled questions in attempts to stop them from coming, it only made it worse though, so she decided to be silent.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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"Shit..." The word fell from Gerard's lips as he stared out at the mass of people. The bombing must have been global news, how long has it been anyway? Hours? It felt like days. He was exhausted. Looking to Alisia, she was too. He scratched his head and discarded the milk box. Then, Gerard took a deep breath. It wasn't long before they were being lead through the ship, he walked silently and in formation with the others. The light of day flashed ahead, screams of people outside a dull roar throbbing at the edge of his hearing range. Gerard looked to Alisia, then let himself be ushered outside.

Augh, It was practically blinding. Braxton stepped from the ship, shielding his eyes from the natural light and flashbulbs alike. The crowd surged as they stepped from the shuttles and onto ground. His hand stayed glued to his face, jaw set tight. I'm not a war hero. Half way to the black busses, Braxton could have sworn he saw a familiar head bobbling up ahead. Dark hair, frizzed out of control, but was that? Oh my fucking...His heart dropped.

"Kelby!" Braxton shouted, pushing through the crowds, "Kelby?! HEY!" A few spectators took notice as he pursued the woman who could barely hear him. They pointed him out to eachother."Heeeey! KELBY!" Now even more had taken notice. A couple shouted along with him. Soon Kelby's name echoed through a small portion of the crowd, pulsing from Braxton as he shoved to Kelby as she let herself be shoved.

Gerard kept his head low, able to offer a pained smile here or there but not much else in terms of expression. A few reporters called out to him, looking for information. With a hand raised he gave them no comment. The Caprica City officer also received and returned more than one salute from fellow officers who had come to see if any of their own had made it.

There goes Braxton, Gerard noted to himself as he spotted the crowd giving way. There seemed to be a small commotion surrounding his friend. To his other side, he could hear Alisia responding to some question or another. Gathering Braxton could handle it, he turned to Alisia.



5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

Alisia quickly looked back to see if Gerard was still with her, and got a glimpse of the male and continued to follow those in front of her. The questions were overwhelming and they began to irritate her. Why so much praise and commotion over something like this? She thought. She hadn't done anything good to have this much damn attention. The female began to feel claustrophobic as the swarms of people were trying to swarm in further to stop her from trying to escape their questioning.

Alisia faintly heard the Agent behind her ask if she was alright. Slowing down her pace a bit, she grew closer to him, but it was impossible to walk next to him without having to push the people away. "N-No! This is insane!" She replied to him, her voice booming over the loud crowd of people. She desperately wanted to grab onto something so she knew she could definitely escape the people and not lose her way through them.
Noticing the buses up ahead a sigh of relief was released and her heavy breathing calmed.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
But before the weary Aschen refugees could be filed into the nearby buses, they would be told to wait by a team of Tech Con security barring their entrance. An announcement needed to be made first.

Stepping up onto a nearby podium, Dominic Hagan rose to a microphone, much to the enthusiastic applause of the already frenzied crowds. He smiled charmingly, waving to the masses and bowing humbly.

"Thank you!" he called out, his voice ringing clear and true through the white-noise, "thank you!" The crowd quieted a bit, though was still far from silent. "Today," he continued, "is a day of triumph! Today, we bring home the last thirty-two refugees of the Caprican disaster! The last thirty-two heroes of a tragic and devastating chapter in our nation's history. We celebrate their safe return, as we do also celebrate the rescue of hundreds of other Capricans, already recovering in Tech Con's designating refugee camps!" Thunderous applause. Cameras flashed. People roared. Dominic raised a hand, calling for quiet once more.

"Seeing as how our camps are already nearly filled, it is my esteemed pleasure to welcome these thirty-two remaining brave souls into my own personal mansion for the duration of their recovery. I ask that the refugees now step into these buses, where they shall be taken to my home as honored guests!"

More applause and cheering. The refugees would be ushered into the buses by Tech Con agents.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

Kelby turned to see a familiar face pushing towards her through the crowd. It took a moment to place, but it was Braxton. Before she could call out to him, an eruption of applause overtook the crowd. Their cries were drowned as Dominic took the podium, but she kept her eyes out for him as he pushed towards her.

The crowd quieted. After a few moments Braxton bustled into Kelby. She half caught him, running through thirty six emotions and then some. It was a person from her past, it was literally all she could ask for. They hugged briefly, wiping away tears, then Kelby turned to listen. Braxton needed answers, though. He whispered in her ear, she clenched her jaw, he gestured, she shook her head.
Gerard reached an arm for Alisia, calling for water from someone, anyone. Flashbulbs were erupting everywhere. Microphones attached to eager faces with questions spilling from them like sticky sludge. It was more than anyone could handle. He wished he had his sunglasses.

"Hey," They were almost at the buses, "We are well and safe," Someone pressed a water box into his hand. He tore it open and handed it to Alisia. "As soon as we get on those bu-"

Then, the podium was took and a roar shook the crowd. He moved closer to the girl as everyone settled. Gerard didn't quite understand why everyone was so excited about the situation. Pictures were still being taken, and before his eyes swam purple orbs. Annoying.
Wait a minute. Private estate? Both Braxton and Gerard gawked at Dominic, Kelby blinking speechlessly and looking around. Private estate? The crowds began to surge again, and before they knew it, Kelby and Braxton were on a bus.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Braxton Mortemira Character Portrait: Gerard Lorrette Character Portrait: Kelby Heremosh Character Portrait: Alisia Fray
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Once all the refugees were loaded up, the buses would roll out, leaving the clamoring Aschen reporters far behind. Tech Con agents would be aboard the shuttles, catering to every passing whim that its occupants might have. Alcoholic beverages, however, would be barred to them.

The refugees would have fifteen minutes or so to talk, the twinkling cityscape of Luminere blurring past them.

Eventually, the city gave way to rolling green fields and lush farmlands. At this point, a plasma screen mounted at the front of each bus would light up. Dominic Hagan's smiling face appeared to all of them.

"Hello again," he nodded, "sorry about that chaotic entrance. Things a got a bit out of hand. I wasn't expecting to have that large of a turnout." He shrugged. "But what can you do? In case you didn't notice, all of Langara has its eyes on you right now. You're heroes. A symbol of Aschen hope. Once you're all recovered, I think you'll all your lives to be very much changed." He shook his head. "But now? Now is the time for rest. I'm honored to have you all at my manor. You'll all be looked after and pampered as if you were guests at a fine resort. Anything you desire will be available to you." He glanced briefly down at his watch. "We should be arriving in about ten minutes... please enjoy the scenic Leonis countryside in the meantime."

With that, the screen went blank.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
It was a crisp autumn afternoon and the Luminere City Fair was in full swing. With only one more weekend left till they closed shop for the yahren, the fair organizers were pulling out all the stops. Carnival rides... outdoor theatre... fun and games... a farmer's market... the works. Dominic walked alongside Whisper through the throngs of laughing, talking people, a particularly large cloud of blue cotton-candy in his hand. He was wearing a heavily shaded pair of sunglasses. Though he didn't think he'd be recognized, he didn't want to take any chances.

"Over there is the Pegasi Rides," Dominic pointed to a large ride similar to a Merry-Go-Round... except that the mechanical winged horses hovered off the ground, offering their riders considerably more mobility, "Nik used to take me on those when I was a kid." He chuckled. "I used to try and shove all the other kids off their steeds for fun. I was such a nasty lil' brat. Nik literally had to pay out of pocket to keep the parents from filing a complaint."

He nodded to an open theatre. Three performers took the stage and began a rendition of a play. "That's the stage. Back when I came here with my mom, it was our favorite spot. They'd perform all of my favorite stories." From afar, it was difficult to tell what drama the performers were putting on. One of them was dressed in glimmering gold, the other in a sickly black. The last wore a plain mask, white as snow. "I wonder which myth they're doing..."

Turning around Dominic took a moment to admire the fair. Sweet scents lingered in the air... the sound of happy people resonating all about them. It was a good place. A clean place. "Some things never change, I guess," he smiled, "it all makes me feel pretty nostalgic. I miss it."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Whisper glanced to the open theatre but something about the costumes seemed familiar and unnerving and she looked away as they walked.

Coming here had proven a pleasant distraction. She didn't have Dominic's sense of nostalgia to this alien and foreign place - but she could feel his as if it were her own. It was hard for the young empath not to be at ease with him, as he never seemed anything but at ease.

"When I was younger," Whisper replied with a soft smile. "There used to be this midsummers festival every year in Lorhill, and I always went. There were big dancing competitions and music, and the entire town would turn out for the festivities. I haven't been to anything like it in a long time."

"And you know that's not really food, right?" she asked as she eyed his cotton-candy.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"It's delicious," Dominic quipped with a mocking smile, "that's all that matters. Y'want some?"

Not too far away, a game master was trying to garner people into his High Striker game.

"Step right up! Step riiiighhttt up!" he hollered, "who among you fine citizens has the STRENGTH to conquer this game? Swing the hammer and ding the bell! Win a prize! Riches and glory can be yours!" The mustacheoed game master looked quickly to Dominic and Whisper as they passed by. He grinned maliciously.

"You!" he pointed to Dominic, "surely YOU, a strong and imposing young man, won't pass up the chance to impress your lovely lady friend and win her a prize?"

Hagan perked a curious brow, looking at the game and then back to Whisper. "Well. I'd never pass up the chance to publicly demonstrate my superior masculinity..." He rolled up his sleeves and grinned, nudging Whisper. "Whad'ya think? If I win you a prize will you gimme a kiss on the cheek?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
"And start a scandal?" Whisper teased lightly. "Have you seen the news?" she asked. "They're still running stories off the other day in Caprica City," she remarked playfully.

She shook her head with light amusement.

"We should probably be getting back soon though, or you're going to be late for this evening," she reminded him as she took his cotton candy in hand so he would have both arms free.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"Right after I establish my unchallenged authority over this inanimate object," Dominic assured her, stepping forward to receive the hammer and offering a few cubits to the grinning game master. A skilled athlete and fighter, Dominic sported a body that was nearly on par with professional power lifters. Surely he would have no trouble hitting the bell...

But as Hagan threw the mallet down and struck the pad with a mighty blow... the projectile only came up about three fourths of the full length of the scale before sinking back down. He scowled at the machine.

"Whaaaattt..." his brows furrowed, "...there's no way..."

The game master chuckled. "Tough luck lil' friend! But you needn't worry, I'm sure you were just getting warmed up!" He gestured widely. "Play again for another ten cubits? I'm sure you'll hit it this time..."

Dominic scowled. OBVIOUSLY he would play again. His pride was at stake. Fishing into his pockets, he gave the bills to the game master and took another muscle-rippling whack. It went a bit higher this time, but still no cigar.

"Fifteen cubits for another try," the game master snickered. He gestured to Whisper. "...unless you'd like to let the lady have a try. I'll give her a swing for free. Maybe she'll manage it..." He flat-out laughed now. Dominic only grumbled and reached into his pockets for more cubits.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

In the crowd of fair goers, whom a small group had congregated to watch Dominic take his swing at the High Striker, but one person in particular stood out. He was not terribly imposing, with a slender yet lean figure, a strong jawline with some stubble and blonde hair that fluttered in the breeze.

His attire wasn't terribly standing out either, a dark red polo shirt, a pair of khakis, and a jacket worn loosely over the polo.

"You know these things are rigged, right?" The man said, adjusting his dark sunglasses to reveal deep blue eyes. He pushed his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose, before he approached the pair.

"Let me take a crack at it." He said, passing a five and a ten cubit bill to the game master.

As he approached and reached for the mallet, he shot a look to the Hagan boy.

"I don't imagine my father would be too terribly thrilled about you flirting with his pet, either." He snatched the mallet from his hands, and with a mighty swing he brought the mallet down on the platform.

'Fwump--- Ding!'

The scrawny man had nailed it to the astonishment of the game master.

"It's all in the wrist." The man said, stepping back. "Strange considering you're twice my size. Isn't it." The man laughed.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Whisper couldn't help but be amused at Dominic's attempted shows of bravado. "Come on," she told him as he failed to ring the bell a second time. "It's just a game. Let's go get something to eat and head back?" she suggested.

Her expression faltered though as Raphael approached them, and her eyes followed Raphael with wary suspicion.

There were things about Whisper, and her work that she hadn't shared with Dominic, nor did she care to now. Raphael's presence left her uneasy, as did his mention of Mollem - a topic she had avoided with Dominic.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
Dominic (slightly red in the face), watched incredulously as the seemingly scrawny Raphael sent the marker up to the bell with calm ease.

"What..." the game master scowled, "I didn't set it to-..." He cleared his throat. "Uh... I mean... winnar! WINRAR! One prize for the strong young man in blonde!"

The surrounding crowd cheered and clapped before beginning to disperse.

Dominic smoothed back his hair and offered Raphael a charming smile. "You're stronger than you look. Good hit." He stepped forward, offering his hand. "Dominic Hagan. You're former admiral Raphael McGregor, right? I recognize your face from the news." His brows furrowed. "...I'm not sure who you're referring to with that 'pet' analogy, though. We're all servants of his Divine Shadow, but I would hardly consider using such a demeaning term to describe loyal imperial citizens..." Clearly Dominic wasn't sure who exactly Raphael had been referring to with the 'pet' comment. Was it Whisper? How could that be? So far as Dominic knew, Jacquelyn didn't have any involvement with Mollem.

...though, to be fair, Dominic still didn't know much about Whisper at all. Isirian. Childhood memories. Siblings. Some supernatural talent. Possibly a former member of the military. That was about as far as it went.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
Leanne walked over to the small group that surrounded Raphael. The physical trait similarities were obvious between the two of them. There was no mistaking that Leanne was a McGregor. She pawed at the caramel popcorn and flicked one away onto the ground. Everything tasted awful and it was all far too fattening.

“Raphael, I’m so bored. We should leave,” Leanne said with a nudge to his shoulder using her own. She looked to see who he was standing with and almost paled ghost white. This all had to be a coincidence. Dominic Hagan and Whisper were the two standing with Raphael.

Leanne didn’t know anything particular about either of them, but she knew enough to be nervous.

“A-Anyway, I need your help with picking out a dress. There’s a thing tonight and I need to look hot for it. I have a date, so let’s go…” Leanne said as she attempted to thread her arm through the man’s so she could pull him away from the others.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor
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0.00 INK

Raphael smiled, then extended his hand. "Fleet of Glorious Interdiction- The Charges in the international court held no merit, and the AHSC Had no choice but to reinstate me. Besides, there's no one out there that can best me in the field of battle."

He looked to Whisper, and then he looked back to Dominic, patting him on the shoulder. "You're right, we're all 'Pets' to the divine shadow. Though to be fair." He looked to Whisper, and then back to Dominic.

"You'd think someone with your capital would go for a wealthy Virgon, or perhaps a Sagittaron tycoon's daughter, not..."

"..A Xeno." He said, passing another look to Whisper.

"Well! This is my cousin, Leanne, We're in town to pick her up some stuff at the Luminere Designery." He said, mentioning the famous Leonis clothing importer and designer, with brands that would make Gucci, Vera Wang, and Armani look like rags.

At the mention of wanting to leave Raphael held up his finger. "Not quite, I'm not done here, why don't you take your hand at the ducks game?" He said, gesturing to a tent with moving ducks for people to shoot.

However he relented, and as Leanne tugged at him, he reached into his wallet and passed her off two 1,000 cubit bills and a fistful of Denarius.

"I'll be there in a minute, go entertain yourself."

Raphael could be such a jerk.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Whisper made no retaliation at Raphael's remarks, and in fact much of her former unease had returned and she avoided eye-contact with Raphael when he looked at her.

It was much as when Dominic had first met her; passive and compliant with an edge of discomfort that clung to her.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Julianna Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nemo
"Perhaps you've misinterpreted the nature of our relationship," Dominic replied with a pleasant smile, "Jacquelyn is a friend of mine. She's also an Isirian and a fully legal member of the Empire." He smiled and nodded to Leanne. "Pleasure to meet you, miss. I hope you enjoy the fair."

Turning back to Raphael, Dominic let a slight tinge of iron enter his tone. "Ah yes, reinstated was it?" he nodded eagerly, as if he were very interested in the topic at hand, "indeed, I didn't know that happened so soon. Last I heard you were taking some time to yourself on Argos." He smiled. "That is, if my Taiyou contacts in Andromeda are to be believed. Had a nasty run-in with some fugitives, didn't you? I hope your escorts weren't too put off. Argosian prostitutes are of such timid natures these days."

Dominic, it seemed, could also be quite the jerk.

His phone buzzed and he briefly looked down to check it. From his sister? What could be the meaning of-

He paled.

"You'll excuse me I trust, admiral?" Dominic looked back to Raphael, "it seems I suddenly have some very important business to attend to."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Julianna Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Prose
“Stop being a jerk!”

Leanne frowned and shoved the money down into her purse. She did not really want to hang around the Hagan. Blue eyes fell onto Whisper and Leanne tilted her head.

Leanne approached and then touched a few strands of the other woman’s hair. “She’s an Isirian, huh? I’ve never seen one until now.” She tried to capture Whisper’s chin so she could turn the Isirian’s face up to hers. Leanne just wanted to get a better look at her.

When Dominic made an excuse to leave, Leanne hoped that Raphael was done too.

“Raphael, let them go. The opera’s in a few hours and I still haven’t got a dress,” Leanne whined as she started to chuck small pieces of caramel popcorn at Raphael. She stopped when her own phone went off. Leanne took it out from her purse and opened the message.

Can't wait to see you tonight. XOXOXO J.H.

Leanne replied.

I am staring at your brother right now!

The phone chirped again.

Don't say a word to him. Want to surprise him.

Leanne furiously tapped away at her phone one more time.

Haven't. Raph too busy being jerk. Gotta go. Love you.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Julianna Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Tiko
Whisper turned her head away as Leanna approached to touch her hair and she avoided making eye contact with her much the same as she had with Raphael. The girl's unease in the presence of the McGregors was more than palpable as Leanna grabbed hold of her chin.

Whisper's pale blue eyes searched Leanne's only briefly before she averted her gaze while Leanna examined her face.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Julianna Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor Character Portrait: Orlin McGregor
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Raphael looked to Leanne, and then over to Dominic before another well framed McGregor approached. It seemed half the McGregor clan was here at the fair.

"Raphael we should go, Father is going to be at the Opera and we can't have him missing us." The other McGregor said, looking to Dominic and then to Leanne. "Mr. Hagan, If you'll excuse us." He said, watching as Dominic left to tend his own business.

Orlin then turned to Leanne.

"Let's go find you that dress, this place is getting on my nerves."

Raphael simply huffed. "Touche, Mr. Hagan." He said, then he offered a grin. "You might be one of the wealthiest families in the Empire, but don't forget your roots, Sheep frakker." He said, using a racial epithet for Aerilons.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper (Jacquelyn Rose) Character Portrait: Raphael E. McGregor Character Portrait: Dominic Hagan Character Portrait: Julianna Hagan Character Portrait: Leanne McGregor Character Portrait: Orlin McGregor
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#, as written by Nemo
The words 'neither you yours, shit-farmer,' nearly left Dominic's mouth. Raphael seemed to have forgotten his own family's relatively pathetic beginnings. But if Orlin and Leanne were both talking about going to the opera house that night, it seemed very likely that he was going to be running into the McGregor yet again in but a few short hours. Best leave things on moderately tame terms.

"A pleasure," he nodded to Orlin, to Raphael and, lastly, to Leanne. Turning, he motioned for Whisper to follow him.

"Tonight," he breathed one out of hearing range, "is going to be a clusterfrak."

They headed back to the Manor. The first round of drama had begun.