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The Multiverse


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a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

A planet where the lines between magic and technology are blurred. A place where one cannot exist without the other. Mages summon their magic through machines, spirits possess vehicles, and magic itself can become as toxic as nuclear waste.

hungus_bungus holds sovereignty over Misrana, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

3,768 readers have been here.


Zanzaria hands out free guides to tourists!

A planet where the lines between magic and technology are blurred. A place where one cannot exist without the other. Mages summon their magic through machines, spirits possess vehicles, and magic itself can become as toxic as nuclear waste. Not only that, but technology is not simply metal parts and wires; it is biological, fused with animals, wired to skin and bone. This creates beings with both the intellect of their pilots and their own quickfire reflexes.

The world is ruled by one overbearing nation: the Calidonan Supremacy. It has been centuries since their takeover, and they have held onto the planet with an iron fist. Scars of past battles from the invasion litter the planet, both within the land and its people, however, a good amount of the planet remains lush and untouched.

There are three leaders, ruling as a triumvirate. Under them are various governmental figures that rule over the provinces, and then mayors that rule over the cities. Within areas under Calidonan control, army officials and vehicles are within heavy abundance. The only salvation is with the rebel armies, who gather at Trashtown, and have partially been able to reclaim Gravone.

Nahatsu has been able to ignore forceful Calidonan control without problem, all because their military oversees the protection of the planet.

There are many sapient humanoid species upon Misrana, along with spirits born from wild magic and spirits left over from the dead. Not all are friendly, however, there are those which could make valuable allies.

And here, in Misrana, you will need to choose both your allies and enemies wisely.
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A planet where the lines between magic and technology are blurred. A place where one cannot exist without the other. Mages summon their magic through machines, spirits possess vehicles, and magic itself can become as toxic as nuclear waste.


Misrana is a part of The Onyx Galaxy.

4 Places in Misrana:

27 Characters Here

Android I-101 [55] An android built in a distant future, wearing dark armor. His eyes glow with a metallic blue.
Minuet [54] Allons-y! To adventure!
Amar Chimei [15] Traitor, traitor.
Urian Ema [15]
Dr. Icarus Thatcher [15] "You act as if you've never seen an anthropomorphic bird before."
Cedric Mason [10] "On behalf of the United Republic, it is an honor to meet you."
United Republic Navy [10] The Navy charts the far reaches of space, searching the black expanse for new worlds as well as defending Republic space from potential threats.
United Republic Marine Corps [10] The Marines are the tip of the Republic's spear; a hardened fighting force charged with turning the tides of battle.

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Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Character Portrait: Sheila Highra
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"I am afraid you will not be able to find help here. Not for a long time until our forces are able to unify." replied the ustelan.

"In another decade I am sure things will be running more smoothly. You will be put in a database for contact, when that happens." they informed her. "Now...let us see. Reparations, yes? The dock is just forward, if you will move the ship very carefully-"


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Space around Misrana was likely fairly quiet since the last Aschen ship jumped from the unknown depths of space. Since the victory in the war against the Union, and the alliance with the Belkan Hegemony, the United Aschen Empire could operate once more, unchallenged throughout the galaxy. With the last known location of the 'A Psalm Every Day' traced to an uncharted location far from any known Aschen space, a small task force of a dozen ships, two Reverence II's, the 'Far Sight Lost' and the 'Unyielding Heirophant' along with several Reverence I's and a single 19km long CNV which acted as the supply hub for the fleet.

Admiral Inviere was in charge of locating the Psalm and evaluating any threat to the United Aschen Empire, and so the Aschen made their presence known, in roughly the same empty patch of space the lone Aschen ship had jumped in. Though rather than a single, badly damaged Aschen ship, a task force of twelve were likely detected. Two Reverence IIs operating at full strength, with the CNV and the support Reverence Is hanging back.

Admiral Inviere slowly stroked her chin for a moment as DRADIS lit up. "We have DRADIS Contact, Admiral." The Ship's AI reported, and the Aschen Admiral offered a nod. "
Bring the fleet to Action station and bring shields and weapons online, double front, combat alpha formation." The order was crisp and clear, and evidenced by the two massive Imperial Reverence IIs pulling apart from formation and coming alive with shields and weapons, positioning themselves to give an overlapping field of fire.

Inviere opened up with the first hostile verbal warning.


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"Attention planetary governments and defense forces, this is Admiral Gina Inviere of the United Aschen Empire's Fleet of Profound Solitude. Any operation of planetary defenses will be considered aggression and we will engage accordingly, stand down your defenses and prepare to be scanned." The message was broadcast on a powerful amplified frequency, and could be heard across the planet


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Like before, when the Aschen ships neared, the planet, this time, was blocked from view.

Only four of the forty ODP's were activated, and already it had covered the planet in countless ships made solely for the defense of the planet. Misranans were completely comfortable with their own planet. They wished not to conquer, but if others wished to conquer them?

The Supremacy and the rebellion combined would never stand for it. And they were a deadly force indeed. With technology heavily designed by the Orange Guard, and improved since the past two hundred years, the Misranans were a force to be reckoned with.

A hostile verbal warning came back to the Aschen, with that same dark, alien, ghostly voice from before.

"A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Admiral. My name is Romeo Est-Valen, high guard of Misrana defense forces. Now that introductions are made, Misrana defenses are never on standby, and we will keep our operations functional until you are determined non-threatening."


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Admiral Inviere stood there in silence, and then brought up the information on the DRADIS readouts. "AI, Tag this location and summon reinforcements, the Fleet of Inner Knowledge and the Second Fleet of Homogenous Clarity." She ordered, and the AI quickly complied, compiling and collating information.

"Attention all ships, this is the Admiral, Concave formation, salvo fire. Standby for weapons free." She called on the communications, and the Imperial ships began to spread out. "Analyzing defensive capabilities, recommendation is to avoid close engagements with enemy defenses, and to utilize long range softening techniques and orbital bombardment." The Tactical AI recommended, while the crews went to work.

A lieutenant then chimed in. "Sir, with the planet out of view, we will be unable to target seismic fault lines for Singularity Cannon bombardment and planetary destruction, It's going to be a crap shoot." Inviere nodded and turned to the AI.

"Push my reply on the radio." The AI hologram nodded.

"Admiral Est-Valen. Perhaps I did not make myself clear. I have no qualms with destroying your planet and burning it until it's surface is but glass. You will deactivate your defenses, or I will open fire. Do not underestimate the firepower of these vessels. Or the power of the reinforcements to come. This is your final warning."


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
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There was a pause. Perhaps Est-Valen was smiling. Perhaps he was in thought. Then:

"Kind of you to provide us with an ultimatum, but you are mistaken on a few counts, Admiral. For one, I, myself, am not an admiral. And secondly, perhaps I am the one who isn't being heard clearly. There is nothing that your fleets can possibly threaten me with that is more dangerous than deactivating these defenses. Open fire if you wish to see your precious hulls in our scrap yards."

Two more ODU's empties, and the fog around the planet thickened further, until all light from space upon the planet itself was extinguished. The people below did not hold their breath. They only nodded, sighed, and moved on with their lives.


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
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The Tactical AI continued to assess the situation. "The current Task force is not currently equipped for a full fledged planetary assault, Should we break their defenses, it is unknown how long we can maintain footholds on the planet itself, though. I do not believe that anything they possess is of any threat to these vessels."

"You're a very arrogant individual, Est Valen, these ships have the power to destroy your planet, and you taunt us with threats of going to the scrap yards?." Inviere then turned to the AI. "I want fusion warheads in their tubes, Deploy the singularity cannon and begin primary preparations to fire, hit the planet dead center."

"I understand you destroyed a crippled ship that was begging assistance. We come here because this is the last known location of our vessel. Attacking an Aschen ship is an act of war, I will notify His Shadow. I do not think there is anything you have at your disposal capable of stemming the tide of the league of twenty thousand planets."


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Character Portrait: Sheila Nagala Character Portrait: Gina Inviere Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
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"Destroyed?" asked Est-Valen. "Oh, you must mean the Reverence II. No, it has not been destroyed, but if you continue your assault with the ferocity in which you promise, I'm afraid you might do that yourself, Admiral."

Someone hailed the Reverence II in the Drydock, and the ustelan Minister contacted Nagala.

"I believe you've carried a rather hefty surprise with you, Admiral Nagala." said Magannamus.


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Sheila Nagala had just finished her meal, while watching the happenings on DRADIS. She then turned to the Ustelan Minister and nodded. "Admiral Inviere and the Fleet of Profound Solitude... I had thought the Divine Shadow had informed the fleet that I was safe, well.. with the state of the Empire it's only natural that things could get missed." She said, before she opened up a channel to Inviere.

"Admiral Inviere, this is Admiral Nagala, stand down, they're friendlies." She said, transmitting a bitstream code between the two ships to confirm the Admiral's Identity.

"The Divine Shadow is on his way to open up formal talks between the nation state we've made contact with, and the Divine Order."


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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Gina Inviere growled. "Very well, All ships stand down, Condition one is no longer in force." She said, and the other Aschen vessels began to power down, as Nagala continued. "Don't think our weapons would do much good, This is some crazy shit I've seen so far. Magic and Technology, Manatech I haven't seen since I've ventured to Avio." Nagala added as Inviere growled, and nodded.

"Far sight Lost to Misrana Defenses, Request permission to approach and confirm the integrity of the Psalm Every Day." She said, shaking her head.

"Admiral Nagala what the frak have you done, for all we know these bastards are planning to sack Langara!"


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Several Mumfish swam alongside the ODP that held the Reverence II, sailing it slightly out of orbit of the other ODP's, having it stand out for all the Aschen ships to see.

"Permission to approach the current location of the Psalm Every Day. Come no closer." replied Magannamus, his fingers clasping together.


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Character Portrait: Gina Inviere
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There was several moments the two ships jived together and then out of nowhere, and without warning, the Task force jumped out of orbit. Nagala replied on the comms. "They've confirmed friendlies and will return to check in at a later date."


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Laluna
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The thick, lush forests or Chasate did not agree with Josai. The woman had been tangled in several vines, attacked by large insects, and had the morning's precipitation coating her from head to toe in water that slid from broad leaves that grew on the trees above. She was scratched, she was tired, and she was disgusted.

"Did you say that this person was close, Mabon?" complained the spy, peeling something wriggly and many-legged from her hair with a sneer.

The old general chuckled from behind Josai, taking down his hood to reveal an old, worn face. He raised a thick, robotic arm and cut down a few vines in front of them using a Rataan blade. "No. I said that she lived somewhere in the woods. I do not know if we are close enough. But we shall see, soon enough!" he snickered, walking past the diva, who rolled her eyes.

"You owe me a weeks pay! I had to give up a lot for this trip!"

"Like what? Your precious little Terran pet?"

They argued all the way up a small hill, which would give them an excellent view of what was ahead.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye Character Portrait: Laluna
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The one in which the pair sought lived in what was known to be a small town, before the forest reclaimed the land. A small settlement to act as a sort of junction between major cities in which travelers could stop for break, fuel, or feed, their vehicles, and dine themselves. However, as time went on, the junction was bypassed due to nontechnical leaps that allowed the semi-organic vehicles to travel faster and farther, thus turning the settlement into a ghost town.

After many years, and many desertions of homes and businesses later, the forest would reclaim that which rightfully belonged to the trees. One can still see parts of structures that had at one point served a purpose, now thick in vegetation. As the pair crested the hill, they'd come to see a series of unnatural cubical shapes that stood barely from the vegetation.

A series of structures of white, or was once white, coloration. They were covered in mildew, moss, vines, and some even had trees growing out from within.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Oh! Great. More forest! Just what I need." complained Josai, head rolling over her shoulders in misery. Mabon put his hand on her shoulder, then shoved her into a bush. She went flying with a yelp.

"You've got to learn that life isn't about the garbage piles of Trashtown, Josai! Misrana's technology was meant to allow this-" He held his hands out to gesture to the forest, "-to grow! To live. To flourish! I can only hope that greenery will overrun Trashtown once more. Like it did a century ago!"

"You're that old?"

"I'm that stubborn." Mabon replied, shoving her toward the old, grown over abode. After a few minutes of walking, they finally made it to what seemed to be...a door. Mabon, the old general, made sure that his pistol was on him. Josai made sure she had on her caster gloves.

"Is...anyone here?" Josai chirped.


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Character Portrait: Josai Toye
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"Oh! Great. More forest! Just what I need." complained Josai, head rolling over her shoulders in misery. Mabon put his hand on her shoulder, then shoved her into a bush. She went flying with a yelp.

"You've got to learn that life isn't about the garbage piles of Trashtown, Josai! Misrana's technology was meant to allow this-" He held his hands out to gesture to the forest, "-to grow! To live. To flourish! I can only hope that greenery will overrun Trashtown once more. Like it did a century ago!"

"You're that old?"

"I'm that stubborn." Mabon replied, shoving her toward the old, grown over abode. After a few minutes of walking, they finally made it to what seemed to be...a door. Mabon, the old general, made sure that his pistol was on him. Josai made sure she had on her caster gloves.

"Is...anyone here?" Josai chirped.


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The outer structure appeared to be an old refuel station of sorts with a mechanic shop. The large garage like doors had been blocked by the roots of trees and vines. The only doorway that allowed access into the structure was a common walk in door, which seemed to have seen recent use.

The approach of the new arrivals had not gone unnoticed, they weren't exactly the quietest pair to trump through this neck of the woods. The door slow creaked open, and from the darkness within, a single gold eye could be seen peering out to the half mechanical man, and the scar faced woman.

"What do you want?" Came an odd vox like voice that held a deep baritone, as well as an echo that emphasized its synthetic sound. Most likely a voice that was not to be expected had the travelling duo been told they were in search of a female.

"State your business or prepare to be atomized."


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Character Portrait: Mabon
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As soon as the voice came to their ears with a threat, Mabon and Josai went back to back, the general pulling his gun, the spy raising her arms and moving her fingers in several patterns to activate the Caster Gloves and create a feint orange shield around them.

"Stand down!" growled Mabon. "We're not here to fight! We came to find someone here on business. I suspect that you may or may not be the one we're looking for."

They looked around, the two, trying to find the source of the voice.


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"What buisiness could you two possible have out in the midst of the growth?" the digitalized voice echoed forth. Around the couple, a series of lights that would have served for night time landings illuminated and beamed towards them. Neon lights that portrayed a 'Alkazer's Fix' flickered on and off.

The entire area seemingly coming to life with various little knick knacks and tinker toys. Tiny mechanical creations spewing forth from cracks, windows, and door ways to surround Mabon and Josai. All chattering and nipping the air at the intruders.

"It should be you who should stand down, mechanical man. It is you and your companion that trespass with weapons."


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"Now, now, we're just trying to be cautious. We're not armed with much!" cried Josai, holding her hands up to maintain the shield. "All I have are shield capsules, I swear! And he's armed with just one gun! That's hardly a threat to your..." She looked around, eyeing the mechanical creatures around them.

"...many friends."

Mabon grunted and aimed at anything that moved. "We look only for Laluna. We would like to recruit her, and offer a less...isolated place for her to work. Somewhere with a few more resources. Somewhere she can put her work to use."


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A deep hum resonated through the air, causing all the many metallic critters to suddenly scurry off back into their holes. Not long after, the door to the mechanic shop swung open, and a tall figure, roughly eight and a half feet, ducked out of the door. They were garbed in a very large robe that concealed every part of the beings internal workings. A hood covered what was the head and held a soft, purple, glow that was just noticeable to the pair. As the mysterious creature stepped towards them, the ground trembled with each metallic step, and a hiss of steam jutted from underneath as weight transferred to either leg.

"What makes you think Laluna would accept an offer like this. How will she know you are not Supremacy spies, here to take her away." The synthetic voice boomed forth from the towering figure.


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"Oh, well..." said Josai nervously, elbowing Mabon in the ribs. "Well? Show them. Show them that we're not Supremacy spies!"

Mabon grunted, reaching a hand into his coat. He pulled out a small badge. Upon it was printed the orange and blue symbol of the Callandaline, the rebellion's symbol of freedom. A catlike animal with a tail longer than its body.

"We are with the Trashtown Rebellion. This should be proof enough."


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The behemoth stomped forth, cracking the stone beneath its metal, claw like, feet, which in turn released a rather loud hiss of steam.
"Metal trinkets are meaningless, metal man. Forgery of such little things is an easy task."

The metal monster now circled the duo, scrutinizing and sizing the pair. One could never be too careful in times of war.
"If you seek Laluna, someone must have sent you. Someone Laluna knows, or the Supremacy seeking to imprison her."

The machine stopped and faced the pair. What happened next determined just how the rest of this encounter would play out. "What is Laluna's most treasured gift?"


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Josai and Mabon exchanged glances before the spy gave the behemoth her eyes.

"...a second wind."

Mabon sighed in relief. At least one of them had remembered it. "This old brain isn't working as well as it used to, Jo." he said to the spy. She closed her eyes briefly and laughed.

"It's alright. That brain's worked a lot longer than it's supposed to."

Then, both rebellion members looked toward the machine expectantly. "That was the right one, yes?" said the spy.


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The mechanical menace was hesitant of accepting the answer, though they were correct. A hiss of steam rushed forth as the being began to shrink, a metallic clank echoing once it had finished its recession in size. From under the robe, a pare of small robotic hands reached within the hood before retreating with what appeared to be a circlet of sorts.

"Well, you found me." A now soft and young feminine voice now spoke, a free robotic hand peeling back the hood to reveal the half mechanical head of you young lass. A pair of antennae in the shape of pointed jackal ears raising above her head.

"Sorry for the scare, can never be too careful these days."