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Tiānshì Imperial Palace is a part of Tiānshì City.

9 Characters Here

Huang Cai [23] ...
Suoh Kokuro [23] ...
Lian Wu [23] ...
Kenji Kokuro [23] ...
Ling Wu [23]
Emiko Kokuro [23] ...
Sanae Kochiya [0] Mountain-Dwelling Living God of Miracles

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Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
"Perhaps not the intention of the court, Matriarch," Casper admitted, "but I felt it important to explicitly delineate the TNG's stance on this alliance before getting too involved in the logistical and economic ramifications." He smiled. "But yes. I did have a few questions, if you can spare the time." He fell into stride alongside Avantia as they began their walk out into the palace grounds.

"To begin with," Casper started as they strode out into the courtyards, the cool, spacious night air a refreshing change from the crowded Losenji throne room, "I would like to know what the Volarians plan to do with its newfound AXIS support. The discussion today has been primarily focused on the Imperium, so I refrained from asking openly about the Matriarchy."

"Much as we have always done," Avantia replied. "I don't anticipate any great changes or political upheavals within Volaria from the AXIS. Over the years we have maintained our independence from the Taiyou Shogunate, and though their presence has proven a great economical asset over the years, as you can see there remains a strong division between our cultures."

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Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
"The AXIS delegates seem intent on establishing strong economic ties between the Andromedan industries and Shintenchi," Casper nodded, "I have no doubt of Volaria's ability to support itself... but it seem as if your new allies are eager to bolster your economic condition as much as they can. Do you expect foreign industry to take a larger role in the Matriarchy?"

"The Sato Shogunate in Shintenchi has proven a strong asset to Volarian economy in the years past," Avantia replied. "I imagine it will continue to do so, but much of that comes through trade. There are no Taiyou industries to be found within Volaria."

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Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
"Ah, I'm pleased to hear it," Casper nodded, "I know I said it earlier, but I'm mistrustful of AXIS' corporate capabilities. They have quite the monopoly over their own galaxy. I would hate to see the same thing happen to Terra." He pushed his glasses back up the narrow ridge of his nose. "...but about my earlier question... I'm afraid I must know the answer. WHY would you join AXIS? After years of isolation and seclusion, why is the first organization that you have chosen to definitively ally yourself with THIS one?"

"You are mistaken," Avantia replied. "Volaria first sought to reach out to the other lands of Terra, as did the Sato Shogunate, but we were met with hostility and aggression simply for our association with the Taiyou race, and there are those among your people who would see the Taiyou removed from Shintenchi. You have to understand that we have lived alongside these people for all of our lives. We call them friend, and for some, family."

She shook her head.

"The TNG may respect that, and even differentiate them from the Imperial Taiyou of the Andromeda Galaxy, but there are others among you who do not. These people, and these Invictus that you continue to speak well of have already sought to disband your government and instate one of their own. Furthermore they are unyielding and intolerant of anyone who does not stand with them. My decision for Volaria to join with the AXIS stems from the same reason that the Sato Shogunate rejoined with the Taiyou Empire."

"It is your belief that the threats to Terra have become pacified, that peace and reason can now rise from the ashes of war - but you are mistaken. Things are worse than ever, and what you see now is only the calm before the storm. And when that storm comes, should the TNG falter, who will be there to keep old promises. Should the TNG fall into civil war, and the people of Aslund and the Invictus turn their eyes to Shintenchi for the Taiyou who live here, it is with the AXIS that we will find friends."

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Character Portrait: Avantia Kumara Character Portrait: Casper Lessard
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#, as written by Tiko
"I understand your concerns," Casper nodded, "but I will maintain that the Invictus are, at the end of the day, soldiers. Romantics, even. Filled with high-minded ideals about how Terra SHOULD be but with only the barrel of a gun to make those dreams reality." His hands clasped behind his back as they walked. " be frank with you, Matriarch, they are useful to us. I wouldn't call them 'tools' but they are certainly a potent military ally in a world where chaos and disorder is the norm. Though I disagree with their rampant sense of nationalism, I am appreciative of the services they have rendered this planet. Without the Invictus, the TNG may very well have died off long ago. When we first re-assumed control of the greater Terran continents after the Imperial Wars, we were in the absolute weakest state in our history. It was the Invictus that gave us the means to keep order in our society when all other measures failed."

He cleared his throat. They were leaving the courtyards now and were atop one of the palace walls. The vast Losenji capital twinkled serenely beneath them.

"...but as I said, I understand your concerns," Casper continued, "and I assure you that the Invictus will be watched and given no exception in the matter of law and justice." He voice hardened. "...but for however mistrustful YOU are of the Invictus, Matriarch, let me assure you that I am TWICE as uncertain of these AXIS powers." He looked away. "It is poor etiquette to speak so frankly, but it's true. I do not believe they have Shintenchi's best interest at heart. I do not know what greater plans they have for those planet, but I do not suppose they are beneficial for our nations at large." He drew deep of the chilly night wind. "I fear for the future of Losenji. I fear for the future of Volaria."

"It is not simply a matter of concern for us," Avantia replied. "You forget that it was the Invictus who rejected us, not we them," she reminded him. "They are your allies, but not ours, and they have openly made their feelings known on the nations of Shintenchi. You say you fear for our nations, but support those that openly threaten it, those who not months ago sought to overthrow the TNG and instate a government of their own." She sighed. "It is not my intent to forsake diplomatic relations with the TNG, and it is in fact my hope that we might maintain peaceful relations with one another despite our respective allies, but I need to protect my people."

She shook her head. "My decision on this matter is already made. I can assure you though that I would be happy to address and discuss any concerns the TNG have for AXIS operations within Shintenchi. The nations of Shintenchi have been at peace for generations - surely the TNG has no thoughts that we have decided to change our minds on that matter. As long as the TNG continues to respect our borders, I assure you we have full intentions to do the same. Any concerns you might have that Shintenchi will become a spring board for AXIS movements is unfounded. The members of the AXIS are even more bound than the TNG in respecting our sovereignty, our laws, and our borders. The only AXIS you will find in Volaria, or Losenji, are those that we allow. The only military support you will find within Shintenchi is that which is required to protect our lands in the event that the TNG is mistaken in its faith in the Invictus. I imagine I need not remind you that though you name the Invictus as allies, they broadcasted their intentions of replacing the TNG with a new regime all over national television. I will say though that it is my belief that you would be unwise to think they have simply given up on their intentions."

"The Taiyou Empire was much the same," Casper replied, "they came closer than the Invictus ever did to conquoring the planet and overthrowing its governments. Yet here you are, joining an alliance in which they are a prime benefactor." He smiled. " would seem that befriending formerly hostile powers is a trait both our nations share."

"Still, I am pleased to know that relations between Volaria and the TNG can continue after this," Casper nodded, "and my confidence in Terra's future is strengthened now that I am aware of your intentions to limit AXIS' involvement in Shintenchi's military and economic capabilities."

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Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the palace grounds Shin'ichi was at work scrubbing down Tamotsu's thick hide with a thick bristled brush to dislodge the grit and sand from between his black scales. While the Losenyu prince could no doubt have had any number of palace servants tend to the care of Tamotsu, he had always preferred to do so himself.

He found it soothing, and it served as a distraction from the matter of politics that had found their way to Losenji.

Kaida would no doubt be looking for him after his abrupt departure during the meeting earlier, but she would likely have no difficulty locating him within small shrine that had been erected to house Tamotsu.

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Character Portrait: Kaida Kokuro Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Script
Indeed, it was only minutes after the meeting temporarily adjourned that the Empress found her way to Tamotsu's shrine. Her footsteps announced her presence before she spoke. She allowed a brief silence to pass as she simply observed the dragon for a time.

Finally, the Empress voiced herself. "I know that proceedings of court are not your preferred pastime, brother," she began, "But perhaps you might consider leaving Tamotsu outside in future, that you might make a slightly less attention-grabbing exit in the midst of discussions."

She walked across the shrine to seat herself on a chair. "What prompted your abrupt departure?" Evidently, Kaida had no intention of calling into question whether Shin'ichi should have left, at least not at present.

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Character Portrait: Kaida Kokuro Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
"Sometimes," Shin'ichi replied, "a simple act can speak more than words."

He sighed as he continued to scrub away at Tamato's scales. It had been well apparent to Shin'ichi that those gathered today had little interest in hearing one another's words anyways. He had expressed his disapproval of the situation in the only way that was likely to be noticed among the deaf.

Meanwhile Tamotsu rumbled in contentment as he sprawled out across the shrine floor seemingly unbothered by the discussion at hand.

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Character Portrait: Kaida Kokuro Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Script
"That is true enough," Kaida replied, "I am aware of your concerns regarding this alliance. I am more than aware of the hostility between the AXIS powers and the Terran National Government, even those members who have not shown that hostility in action in the past."

The Empress looked out of the shrine at the open gardens beyond. "But do you believe that by sitting at the sidelines we would avoid a conflict, should it come? Shintenchi is not isolated as it once was. If the AXIS have designs on Terra, I do not believe that we could avoid playing some part in what is to come even were we to bury our heads in the ground and pretend that it were not occurring."

The Empress shook her head. "Losenji will never sail to war against the rest of Terra while I am Empress, but there is no denying that we are vulnerable to the likes of the Invictus and other such volatile groups alone, merely by our association with the Taiyou Shogunate. Accepting this alliance keeps Shintenchi united in full, and grants us security."

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Character Portrait: Kaida Kokuro Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
Shin'ichi sighed again.

"Why are you here, Kaida," he asked.

It was apparent to him that it wasn't his words she wished to hear. Shin'ichi had always been on relative good terms with his family - though perhaps somewhat of a disappointment to their parents when it became apparent that he had no aptitude for military strategy and warfare. Lately though he couldn't help but feel a sense of estrangement between himself and his elder sister, Kaida.

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Character Portrait: Kaida Kokuro Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Script
"Is concern for my brother's misgivings not enough reason?" Kaida questioned, "I had hoped that these meetings might reassure any doubts fostered amongst us. Regardless of your lack of strong inclination towards politics, I value your opinion as a family member."

She shook her head. "By my judgement, the favour of the ministry lies primarily with accepting the alliance. Emiko and Uncle Haruki too. Of course, Kenji hasn't the slightest care for the matter, if he even fully grasps it."

The unspoken 'but' hung in the air for several moment before Kaida went on. "This will be the most significant change to come to Losenji in generations. History will remember me for my decision here."

The Empress rose. "I must speak with the Terran National Government's delegate. But I believe that joining this alliance is the right decision. We cannot remain uninvolved with the concerns of the rest of the world forever."

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Character Portrait: Kaida Kokuro Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
Shin'ichi offered no further response as Kaida departed the small shrine.

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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As Kaida departed, another figure stepped into the chamber. It was the young face of Shimizu Takayama, alone and without any guards.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." He said, hands clasped in front of him. "Prime Minister Kayabuki mentioned you walking you, is something on your mind that you'd like to discuss with me? I know that this is a difficult time, and I am here to listen to any concerns you may have."

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
Shin'ichi looked up as Shimizu spoke, and for a time he seemed perplexed as to who was addressing him. It took a moment for recognition to dawn on him and he inclined his head in the slightest of nod of greeting.

"Prince Shimizu," he offered.

He continued to scrub the bristled brush rigorously against Tamotsu's hide. The dragon shifted its head around to keep an eye on Shimizu. He was unfamiliar with the Taiyou prince, and thus Shimizu served as a point of curiosity for the animal.

"I apologize for my abrupt departure and any offense it may have posed. I am afraid that matters of politics are better handled by my sister. I never did have a mind for such things."

Shin'ichi's Taiyou was fluent and well spoken. The man it would seem was well educated in the Taiyou tongue, a language that was less common in Losenji than it was in Volaria.

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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The Prince ran his hand along the wall as he approached. "You speak our language well, I see the Shogunate has been kind to your people." The Prince said.

He looked around the chamber, and then he offered the other man a soft and assuring smile. "My people have a saying." He said in Taiyou. Then he turned to the Dragon, and then back to Shin'ichi. "My people have a saying, well, my mother's people... 'Din două rele s-alegi pe cea mai mică.' It means... If you are forced to choose between two options, both of which are undesirable, all you can do is choose the one that is less undesirable than the other." He said.

"I understand you may have reservations about this Alliance, but certainly it is better than the alternative."

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
"The Taiyou Shogunate has had little to do with my people," Shin'ichi corrected. "It was my own decision to learn your tongue."

Though there had been no hostilities between the Losenyu and the Taiyou shogunate, neither were they as closely affiliated as the Volarians were.

"And what is that alternative?" Shin'ichi asked.

He couldn't help but wonder if Shimizu's words held a veiled threat.

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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"Your own decision to learn our tongue? I find Taiyou is a very complex and difficult language, I am not a native speaker myself." He said, clasping his hands behind his back.

"You see, I was raised on Langara, where I studied until I was old enough to take the duties of the Taiyou throne. My mother did not have much faith in Taiyou education." Shimizu explained.

"Sometimes there comes a time where one must make a choice." The Prince added. "Had you chose not to go with either the AXIS or the TNG, your nation would inevitably have to choose to align with one or the other, or a third party nation or face destruction. I assure you our proposition was... what was best for your nation."

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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#, as written by Tiko
"Will that be all?" Shin'ichi asked.

The Losenyu prince didn't much care for the Taiyou man, and something about him just rubbed Shin'ichi the wrong way. An instinctive unease that left him less than comfortable with Shimizu's presence here.

His unease didn't reach his voice though, and he seemed at ease despite the internal distrust. Working the brush over the dragon's scales was a good distraction behind which to maintain a facade of calm introvertedness.

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Character Portrait: Shimizu Takayama Character Portrait: Shin'ichi Kokuro
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Shimizu scowled. "I believe so... Oh and..."

He turned and started to walk away, before he paused to turn back to the other.

"Do be careful, Terra is a very dangerous place I hear." He inclined his head respectfully. "There are some things that reservations cannot stop, Change is one of them. If you have any concerns, Do not hesitate to contact me." The Prince said as he turned to leave, but something seemed different, the look one person gives another when they intend to kill them. The thousand yard stare, a gaze Shin'ichi would likely find painted on Shimizu's face before he turned to leave, stopping by one of his trusted advisors.

"Omoară-l, să-l discret."

Am înțeles, prințul meu. The Advisor responded, then gave Shin'ichi a similar look.