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The Multiverse



A large continent with teeming wilds and many rivers snaking throughout it.
A great place for exploration, a great place to meet your maker.
Some of the rivers run rough, some of the rivers run gentle,
some of the rivers run north, some south, and some have bends
that seem to make no sense; fear not, for the waters takes care
to always seem to drop you exactly where you need to be.

  • There are likely large beasts here among the large foliage
  • You'll hear things scream, sometimes they sound human
  • The rivers are no safer in the dark of night than the land
  • A large cloud hovers above the ocean in the distance

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A large continent with teeming wilds and many rivers snaking throughout it. There are likely large beasts here among the large foliage


Xamoyos is a part of Bastion IV.

7 Places in Xamoyos:

5 Characters Here

Stripe [36] An allosaurus
Folios [36] A giant Apatosaurus, with oceans for eyes and graying sapphire skin. His tail is like a whip, and his scales sparkle in the sun.
Empyrean Norsemen [16] The Empyrean Norsemen serve King Halfdan Svensson of the Empyrean Norse Kingdom of Gaia.
Synri [6] Purple hair, green eyes, light brown skin, female

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Unlimited Ice Works



11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keith nexus Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Svegdir Staghelm Character Portrait: Folios Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala Character Portrait: Stripe Character Portrait: Markos Agathon
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0.25 INK

"I'm getting anomalies on the sensor sweeps.." One of the Bridge officers called out while Commander Agathon was drawing a path back into orbit, now that engines, and maneuvering systems were back online.

The Cruiser shuddered slightly, but was slowly increasing altitude, and pitching it's nose up slightly. "Set escape vectors." The Commander ordered, and the crew swiftly complied, manipulating their controls to guide the large cruiser back into the planet's exosphere, but that was before a contact was detected on course for the Aschen cruiser.

"Sir! We have additional contacts, looks like strike craft! One of them is CBDR, Zero Zero Nine carom zero one six!" The executive officer called out, pointing to the small pods on the holographic display. "They look like transports of some kind."

Agathon growled slightly. "Do we have comms yet!?" He called out, and the Executive officer shook his head. "Negative, sir, Engineering is working to restore them."

"Great." Agathon growled. "Set condition one, all hands report to your stations, I want Marine strike teams in position to repel boarders!"

The dull amber light shifted to a flashing red light, and alarms blared all through the ship, as Aschen Marines moved through the interior of the ship, kicking over crates, and taking position behind bulkheads, especially near the Hastati cruiser's four airlocks, and two hangar bays.

Outside, things didn't seem much different, other than the few windows that allowed one to see into the ship went from a bright white light to a flashing red light, before armored shutters closed over them, obscuring what few views inside the ship that were offered.

Back in the CIC, as the tactical officers were moving to key up the weapons systems, alarms began to blare, and one of the officers turned to Commander Agathon.

"Sir! Point defense systems are offline, EVE is re-keying the system to get it back, and I've got engineering teams moving to the primary computron arrays."

The Commander growled to himself, as he checked a display.

"All decks report ready to repel boarders!" The Tactical officer called out. Commander Agathon offered a nod, and then turned to his XO. "Evasive maneuvers, full military thrust, and see if we can get some strike craft into the void!"

The rear engines of the Hastati cruiser ignited, and the craft began to lurch forward, it seemed the Aschen ship was trying to escape.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Folios Character Portrait: Svegdir Staghelm Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala Character Portrait: Stripe
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0.25 INK

#, as written by sifsand

Once the boat had landed in the water, everything that was nearby scattered in sheer panic. The sounds of frightened whooping came from a flock of Xamatospondylus that came to the river to eat and drink. They were bipedal blue-scaled creatures that looked like reptilian ostriches. Cowardly creatures they were, especially from something so sudden as a crash landing in the river.

Once the water had settled the denizens of the river soon swam toward the metal vessel. A few aquatic animals who were named Aquaxamos made their way under the boat, their rounded snouts prodding the metal object to see what this new and strange thing was. They were friendly creatures mind, only interested in eating crabs. Something had alerted them, causing them to jet away, a new threat was looming in the murky deep. A big creature stalked them from below, something with a big mouth and sharp teeth.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala Character Portrait: Markos Agathon
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0.00 INK

Outer space was full of optical illusions. Objects that appeared closer were often quite distant. Objects that appeared smaller were actually quite large. The sun, moon and stars almost seemed like you could reach out and touch them, yet they were actually hundreds of thousands of miles away. Furthermore, objects which appeared to be hovering in stillness were often moving at incredible speeds, sometimes even faster than the speed of light itself. Such was the vastness and mystery of the dark expanse of space as the Stjornhestr continued to sink from the outer orbit of Bastion IV closer to the exosphere, going down keel-first towards the planet.

Karvi-1 and Karvi-2 had also been deployed. Karvi-1, piloted by Svegdir Staghelm, had sank down away from the Stjornhestr slowly, turning and gaining speed as it shot far around the Conflagration before going down to Xamoyos and diving nose-first into the Grigori River at a 45-degree angle, causing a huge splash in the water. Karvi-2, piloted by Wolfgang Yorisson, also sank down away from the Stjornhestr's hull very slowly before turning and going nose-first towards the in-coming Hastiti Class cruiser, which was ascending from the thermosphere of Bastion IV and moving upwards into the exosphere towards the ship.

But as the small 25-foot convertiboat moved in closer to the Conflagration to investigate, strange things began to occur. Jarl Goffre could see through his telescope, just as Hanson Forstein and his co-pilot Rolegh the Young saw from the Stjornhestr's cockpit, the Conflagration was still active, and there were people onboard. Although they could not see the Aschen crew from outside the cruiser, the Norsemen did manage to get a glimpse of the red blinking distress lights aboard the cruiser before the window shields were activated and shut to conceal the crew within. Wolfgang Yorisson turned to look at Kelsey quietly, who was peering over his shoulder, before Yorisson steered the small silver almond-shaped craft towards the port side of the Aschen Conflagration.

But as Karvi-2 neared closer to the cruiser, Goffre Alvisson noticed something else very strange about the Aschen ship. It was pivoting away from the convertiboat and was beginning to slowly ascend away from it. Jarl Goffre watched silently from the captain's quarters, grimacing slightly with confusion at the mysterious vessel before him. It appeared that the Conflagration was trying to escape as its thrusters came back on and the Hastiti Class cruiser turned on a swivel, up and to the right of the convertiboat. Jarl Goffre picked up the telehorn again and spoke into it.

"Forstein, hold our position. Activate the shields, I want everyone at the control rooms ready in case something happens... It seems we have a live one here. There are life forms onboard that ship, and they might not want our company afterall," the jarl stated.

"Yes sir," Hanson Forstein nodded before setting the cow horn down and signalling to the karl at the gjallarhorn, this time holding up two fingers. The karl nodded and within seconds, two half-blasts from the gjallarhorn were sounded out. Once again, the loud noise from the 12-foot long curved horn echoed from one end of the Stjornhestr to the other, and soon there were several people at their halls and stations getting fitted for possible conflict with the passengers aboard the cruiser.

As the crew members in blue uniforms down in the weapon defense control rooms attached their small hand-held dark purple crystals to the control decks in front of them, suddenly the crystals began to glow with a pinkish hue, emitting light all around them. Soon, the edges of the large round saucer-like shields along the outside of the Stjornhestr began to glow neon blue as Rolegh the Young motioned his hand over the runic symbols in front of him, turning the wheels and levers on his control panel. The Stjornhestr slowly stopped descending and remained completely motionless, hovering with its keel and solar-powered oar fin sails now submerged within Bastion IV's exosphere, while the rest of the Empyrean Norse vessel remained in outer space just above it.

The large eyes on the golden horse-headed prow at the front of the Stjornhestr began to flicker and blink, sending a Norse code back to Karvi-2 as the five passengers aboard the tiny convertiboat decided what to do next. Wolfgang Yorisson, upon being informed about the blinking messages from the back of the convertiboat, quickly eased up and stopped his vessel from going any further towards the Aschen cruiser. It was an order to stand down, as the convertiboat came to a complete halt. Only once the Karvi-2 had stopped moving was Wolfgang Yorisson aware that the Conflagration was withdrawing away from him.

At that moment, a third small ship emerged from the Stjornhestr's hanger. Karvi-3, also carrying a crew of five passengers, was now heading away from Bastion IV in the opposite direction. At first it moved very slowly as it turned around to face the dark expansion of outer space. But then suddenly, without warning, it would shoot forward like a speeding missile, accelerating very rapidly as it disappeared from the area, leaving the solar system from which it had arrived. The Stjornhestr was now down to 7 convertiboats and only 485 passengers. Jarl Goffre had to consider his next orders very carefully.

Karvi-3 ascends towards Bastion IV.


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Folios Character Portrait: Birger Torvesson Character Portrait: Stjornhestr Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala Character Portrait: Stripe Character Portrait: Kelsey the Healer Character Portrait: Markos Agathon
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0.25 INK

The Commander of the Conflagration watched the displays silently as his ship lurched, and the superstructure groaned as the ship tried to put some distance between the convertiboat, and itself. It’s massive engines churning to life as the Hastati class cruiser began to slowly but surely pull away.

It continued to pitch upwards, simultaniously trying to escape the planet’s gravity, but also the Empyrean Norsemen. It seemed that for now, the ship was succeeding. Especially when the Convertiboat came to a stop, it was clear the Aschen vessel was slowly starting to pull away from them.

Watching the display, Agathon thumbed his chin in slight confusion for a moment, it seemed whoever these people were had opted not to give chase. The Aschen Commander breathed a brief sigh of relief, before he turned to his Tactical officer.

“Let me know the moment our FTL Drives are back online.” Agathon instructed.

The officer simply nodded.

“Aye, sir.” The officer immediately set to work.

Birger Torvesson descends into Dracos Valley.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Stjornhestr Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala Character Portrait: Kelsey the Healer Character Portrait: Markos Agathon
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0.00 INK

The Stjörnhestr's 8 shields were now activated, one by one, starting with the 2 larger frontal round shields and then the 6 smaller ones behind them as the thin outer rings around the large speaker-like shield plates started to glow in florescent neon blue, along with the two large eyes on the large protruding golden horse-headed prow towards the front of the space-faring 1000 ton longship as it hovered silently in space with its 6 rear fan-like solar powered oar-sails and keel descending just inside Bastion IV's exosphere. The 24 thinly visored slit-like rectangular mirror glass windows running along the sides of the Stjörnhestr also became illuminated with bright white lighting systems, but the white lights seemed to be coming from outside the ship rather than inside of it, allowing Jarl Goffre and his crew to see out, but still preventing outsiders from looking in.

Suddenly, the jarl and his pilots would notice another strange anomaly in their midst. As the Aschen Conflagration started to manuever slowly, swiveling upwards and to the right of the Karvi-2 convertiboat, the Hastiti Class cruiser's image and position started to change right before Goffre's eyes, reflecting a sort of transparent holographic double image. Unbeknownst to the Empyrean Norse pilots, the space above Bastion IV was full of invisible clouds made up of millions of tiny frozen ice particles. These ice clouds were literally riddled throughout the entire galaxy, and although they were non-threatening to such highly advanced ships, they sometimes reflected lights and images coming from planetary surfaces into outer space. This would pose a different sort of problem for the Empyrean Norsemen, for they had misjudged the military cruiser's position. The Conflagration wasn't in front of the Stjörnhestr, it was below it.

Jarl Goffre and his team were looking at the wrong ship, a mirage or holographic image, and by trying to sink below it, the Stjörnhestr was actually descending directly towards the actual vessel they had been trying to evade. Goffre Alvisson quickly picked up the telehorn again and yelled as loud as his voice could carry down to the pilots below.

"Pull back! Pull back! Go right! Go right! 60 degrees west, go right!" he barked loudly, causing Hansen and Rolegh to both scramble at their control panels simultaneously as they quickly set the Stjornhestr back in motion, causing the whole front end of the 300 foot long Nordic spaceship to swing to the right, away from the oncoming Aschen cruiser. Wolfgang Yorisson and his small band of rescuers watched with silent shock and disbelief as the Stjornhestr turned out of the way on the opposite side of the Conflagration, missing a front end collision course by merely a hundred feet as both ships grazed by each other, seemingly very slowly, but traveling much faster than either of them appeared to be moving.

It must have all seemed like slow motion to both crews onboard the multi-personnel space vessels as they evaded one another with tight precision, avoiding a catastrophe which would have likely been worsened at such slow rate of speed. The Conflagration absolutely dwarfed the tiny Stjörnhestr as it started to drift by like the Titanic when it grazed the iceberg. Of course, the Stjornhestr was a remarkably tough longship designed to withstand collisions with other ships. But the Conflagration was over 5200 feet long, while the Stjornhestr was only 300 feet long, a mere fraction of that size, and at this speed, the cruiser would have just plowed through on its voyage, pushing the smaller longship out of its way. The Stjornhestr wouldn't be phased, but the 485 passengers onboard would have likely been thrown about inside the hull of their ship, almost certainly sustaining heavy injuries and possibly even many casualties. Not to mention the livestock and other animals aboard the Stjornhestr, most of which having no way to strap down or be fastened in.

Hanson Forstein and Rolegh the Young would watch quietly as the Conflagration drifted by their cockpit windows before turning to one another in their seats with a sigh of relief. Jarl Goffre Alvisson was just standing up while gazing at the passing cruiser with a straight expression, nodding his head silently to congratulate himself on a job well done. Meanwhile, the Karvi-2 convertiboat had started to return back to the hanger from which it had descended as Wolfgang Yorisson and Kelsey the Healer hooted and laughed with excitement, having witnessed the whole daring feat by Jarl Goffre and his pilots from outside their windshield. This would make quite a story.


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Classis IV Sector Cosmora Character Portrait: Empyrean Norsemen Character Portrait: Goffre Alvisson Character Portrait: Synri Character Portrait: Wolfgang Yorisson Character Portrait: Folios Character Portrait: Stjornhestr Character Portrait: Irirani Syliala Character Portrait: Stripe Character Portrait: Kelsey the Healer Character Portrait: Markos Agathon
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0.25 INK

Everything seemed to be going smoothly for the crew of the Imperial Aschen Warship Conflagration, until the moment they weren't.

Two audible beeps signalled the new sensor readings for the Stjornhestr's position, and they seemed to be on a collision course for the Aschen warship. Alarms began to blare all throughout the ship as the Commander grabbed the console and called out. "Frak me!" He shouted. "Adjust angle, thirty degrees, yaw twenty nine degrees port repeat hard to port! Evasive maneuvers, full military thrust!"

The massive million ton warship was not nearly as nimble as the much smaller magical viking longship, but it gave it's efforts to evade the collision as armored doors retracted near the nose of the ship, brilliant plumes of flame shooting out hundreds of feet as the ship struggled to turn left, and away from the Stjornhestr. It's shields flickered, and shimmered, and at these distances, the Stjornhestr's hull would impact the Conflagration's shields, which was a sensation not unlike suddenly hitting a wall of water, which likely aided in the ship's deflection away from the Conflagration. Milky white eddies of shimmering light erupted all around the Stjornhester's hull, harmlessly moving about like curtains of light, almost like a milky white, faded aurora borealis, the ribbons of light danced, and shimmered around the Viking longship until it had cleared the field.

At these distances, the finer details of the Conflagration could be made out, massive gun batteries, along with smaller gun batteries riddled the interlocking armored plates. At these distances, the naked eye could see each weld, each rivet in the hull of the massive Aschen cruiser, and even some of the crew pressed against the ship's windows.

If one could get a glance inside the Aschen warship they would see humans, in dark grey, and blue uniforms, hands splayed on the glass as they watched the events unfold in front of them.

However, the Conflagration managed to successfully turn away, plotting a course away from the Stjornhestr, and deeper into the void of space.

Stjornhestr descends into Dracos Valley.
Goffre Alvisson descends into Dracos Valley.
Kelsey the Healer descends into Dracos Valley.
Wolfgang Yorisson descends into Dracos Valley.
Lucius Lamech ascends towards Bastion IV.
Lucius Lamech has arrived, coming from Bastion IV.
Lucius Lamech has left the area, heading down towards Pagourano Spaceport.
Hayden Addler has left the area, heading down towards Pagourano Spaceport.
Mike Wolf has arrived, coming from Bastion IV.
Mike Wolf has left the area, heading down towards Pagourano Spaceport.
Belle LeTroix has arrived, coming from Pagourano Spaceport.
Belle LeTroix has left the area, heading up towards Bastion IV.