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Hannah Love Shee

~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ~

0 · 443 views · located in Mystical Modern Earth

a character in “The Mystical Hunt”, as played by UltraVioleta


Full Name: Hannah Love Shee

Age: 17

Height: 5’ 3”

Weight: 112 lbs

Race: Angel


Appearance: Hannah is into crèmes/whites with pink, her outfits consisting of these colors more often than not. Typically she’ll wear a flowing shirt or small dress with white stocking/shorts/pants underneath. On warm days she’ll often wear a professional/modest dress consisting of her favorite colors. Hannah rarely puts her long, chocolate brown hair up, preferring to leave it down and flowing possibly with accessories (of her favorite colors of course). She loves it when her darker brown hair makes her lighter brown eyes stand out against her fair skin. She is also a big fan of gold jewelry and dresses that modestly emphasize her curves and make her average breasts look bigger.

Special Features: Her wings, when exposed, are pure white and when she usess her powers of healing they turn a soft pink. Also the size of her wings depends on how intensely she loves the things she is trying to protect, though she can change their size on will.

Power(s): Hannah has the power of healing and flight (with her wings). Her wings gain a faint pink tint when healing and fade back to the normal white when she stops.

Weapon(s): A spear; pointed at one end but dull on the other. The staff is pure white but the pointed tip is mytheral, a clear metal that's similar to a diamond, but harder and sharper than diamond.


Likes: crème colors, warmth, soft/plush things, chocolate covered bananas, heights, dresses and flowers, having her nails done, dressing up, gold

Dislikes: sharp or dark colors, negative emotions, the cold, darkness/shadows, blood, pain, sorrow and having enemies

Strengths: protective of the innocent, willing to forgive and be open minded, healing/defensive powers, willing to sacrifice or hurt herself for the sake of others

Weaknesses: too forgiving, can’t grasp the concept of a friend becoming an enemy, doesn’t have limits when it comes to helping or saving her friends (often gets injured because of this)

Fears: losing a friend, soul stealing and dinosaurs (they may be extinct but they're still terrifying!)

Personality: Hannah is extremely nice, her very name meaning “grace” and merciful". She is very quick to forgive and loves with abundance, though perhaps sometimes she need to to put a cap on her love. If put in a tight or awkward spot, Hannah’s mind will race to come with up an excuse to resolve the problem (even if temporarily). It is very rare Hannh will ever yell or get angry and she is an optimist so complaining isn’t like her. Hannah is very smart and enjoys math and numbers the most, wanting to be an accountant. She’s not very sporty, but will try pretty much anything with a little encouragement from her friends. Hannah is the most convented friend in existence, always kind and comforting wether you need a shoulder to cry on, a little nudge or someone who will just stand beside you. Even if you are not Hannah’s friend, or even all that nice of a person, Hannah will treat you like she’d like to be treated. Anyone would be lucky to have Hannah as a friend.

Oriantation: She is straight and of course there are some kids at her school who are interested in her, but Hannah is currently single and not crushing on anyone in particular. Hannah would need someone who could embrace her, protect her and even hold her back when she need be. Hannah will not naturally be inclided to romance so the special someone would have to be dominate and gently push her along in the relationship because she is very submissive and rarely would start anything herself. One thing is for sure: she will be the most supportive, faithful and loving girlfriend that lucky person has ever known.

Motto: "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude, it does not insist on its own way. It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Theme Song: "Your Guardian Angel"

Originally Hannah was a young angel who lived in heaven. She could see how badly the world needed Christ and she volunteered to go down to Earth in order to spread salvation in a very dim life. So Hannah was cast from her home and sent to earth. In doing so she forgot all memories of her true home and people, and basically became a human, though she still held the powers and personality of a typical angel.

Hannah was born to two average people William and May Shee; a young couple who were strong in their faith. Neither of her parents knew that Hannah had once been an angel who had been sent to the world so to help right a great wrong. Of course, there was really no solid way for them to tell as Hannah had no wings or special feature. So Hannah grew up completely oblivious to her origins but still in favor of the light and is very involved in the church. Reguardless of her unknowing, Hannah has always felt a strong connect to the church and to God. She let's him guild her through life and turns to him when confronted with a matter too big for her to handle. This angelic behavoir makes her parents very proud.

Hannah is a devout Christian girl who could be described as a ‘perfect child’. She does well in school, especially math, and has many friends. She is liked by most everyone simply because she is a pleasure to be around, but she's not what one might call "popular". Frankly she prefers it that way, not wanting to be in the spotlight and instead rathering to be the support on the sidelines. Hannah is very involved in school to as she's a part of the Recycling Commitee, the Christ Club, the Student Council, the Yearbook Staff, the Event Planners and other organizations. She is a good tutor and a prized student who already has some scholarships and even letters from certain colleges; though she is still a Junior.

It had been obvious throughout Hannah's entire life that Hannah’s heart went out to everyone. It ached for the ones hurting, and loved the unloved with no limits. Volunteering at events, organizing fundraisers, filling in for someone who couldn't do something (reguardless of what it was) and even little things like giving her spare change to a person on the street or senting handmade "Get Well Soon" cards to the sick. Hannah does all kind of things for others, big and small alike, has expressed unconditional love to any and all she’s come across. Once in a while, someone will tell her she's "an angel" or even that she "has wings on her back". Hannah will thank them warmthly and continued on.

One year, close to the holidays, Hannah went on a skiing trip with her family. After arriving at the airport, probably around one in the morning, the trio left to go to the hotel they were staying at for the week. But Hannah could not sleep and asked if she could get her book out of the rental car, hoping that reading would put her to sleep faster. As she was coming back from the car she saw a man drag a young lady behind the building. She ran over to help the woman and saw the man had a gun against her throat. Hannah yelled and the man turned, snarling. She ran towards him, tackling hiim to the ground, trying to wrestle the gun from his hands as the woman ran for help. Unfortunatly he was stronger than her and held fast to the gun, pressing it between her breasts and firing a hole through her heart. Then he shoved her off and ran.

Hannah was left to lay there and bleed to death, but something had changed and she knew this because of the white wings on her back. Hannah's blod was completely healed and the only indication that she'd ever been injuried was the few feather that had been stained with her blood. She went back inside, careful to avoid everyone, and found her parents, explaining everything to them. Because of their love for their daughter they decided to keep this incident a secret, even though this would be extremely risky. They moved to a cabin on some land in a remote area and home schooled Hannah, trying to keep her safe. Hannah leared how to shrink her wings until they could be hidden (though they never entirely go away) and lives life semi-normally, hiding her secret from the public. That was about a year ago and ever since she's been trying to teach herself how to use her powers, also in secret. Now that she is different, the world has set out to kill her and anything that is considered "supernatural" and only because of her family and friends who love her has she managed to survive so long.

Flaws: Hannah must help others, reguardless of who it is or what they may have done she is unable to simple let them alone to deal with the pain. Standing by when another in in trouble or in need will cause her to become sick and weak causing her to faint or go into a coma if done in excess. In contrast, when she helps others she grows stronger, and the more power she uses for another the stronger she can become (though she has a limit before she saps her own strength; this limit, if surpassed, will have the same effect on her as if she were not to help at all).

Other: Hannah’s name was inplanted into her parent's heads and is composed of the names of angels which support various traits. Hadraniel is the angel of Love and Shekinnah is the angel of Unity and Unconditional Love. From the beginning and end of these two names came the name: Hannah. These two angels are her real parents who agreed that their daughter could be sent to earth, but they had had no idea that she'd be put in this much danger.

So begins...

Hannah Love Shee's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikuo Character Portrait: Hannah Love Shee Character Portrait: Madeleine Zheng Character Portrait: Tikaius Character Portrait: Erika Character Portrait: Kari
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#, as written by Zenia
The Year is 2012, five years back humans had finally realized that they aren't the only ones, the forensic evidence had finally proven this...and a few of the "beings" stepped out to reveal what they are, relieved at last that they did not have to hide it anymore. It was broadcasted all over the world when a woman sprouted white wings and a circle of light shone brightly overhead, more reports of these Beings started to appear. Dragon sightings, demons flipping the cameras off, Vampires turning into bats, Feys removing their glamour, elves talking in true elfish, something they did once before for a man named Tolkien, and making trees and plants do their bidding growing beautiful flowers and making sculptures as they removed their prosthetic human ears with smiles. Most hoped to be accepted by the humans....

It would not be so. Humans grew terrified of the powers they possessed! News casted murders in a new light that they once thought were cult to be vampires or demons, protests were rampant and the houses of these Beings set ablaze as riots broke out. A bill was passed, these beings were intruders, they were not human and therefore had no rights.

Kill them all!

That was the cry throughout the world as the murder of these creatures became a rallying point. Some humans disagreed with this outcry. Most accepted it.

The Beings did not go down easily though, they fought back with magic and speed fighting for their lives and the right to be "human".

Eventually a group was formed known simply as "Hunters." These people were trained in the ways to kill these creatures. Their leader caught one, a young woman with gossamer hair and six wings, each wing shimmering a different color. From interrogating her and finally dissecting her they were able to artificial reproduce the magic the Beings wield.

The hunters brought the war to a statement and in fact now seem to be winning. But they had angered the Overlord of the beings, the one where the Beings origins are. The woman they killed was his younger sister. He rallied the young and old Beings forming resistance groups across the world.