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Morien Morningstar

The Illegitimate son of a noble man and his maid. All around nice guy but harbors a complex about his upbringing.

0 · 742 views · located in Fiore

a character in “The New Mage Guild; Draco Edge”, originally authored by ZeroTolerance, as played by RolePlayGateway


Morien Morningstar: Lord Morningstar, 16 Male
Alias "Lord Bastard", Rank C Draco Edge Member

~ Physical Info ~

Morien stands at 5'10" and weighs around 152lbs, making him quite average in build. His eyes are a brilliant set of jade hue , his hair is the color of ebony with a luminance that only comes from healthy maintenance and grooming. Morien's preferred choice of clothing is the cloak and armor worn by knights.
His physique is of someone who regularly engages in intensive athletic training, despite the lack of outward muscle mass, he is quite agile while maintaining impressive strength feats such as regularly lifting twice his own weight or climbing large structures with the use of only one hand.

Morien's Draco Edge brand is located on a very boring if not practical location, his right wrist.

~ Mentality ~

Morien has felt like a bit of an outsider for much of his life , which has given him a unique perspective on the world. Morien is a reluctant but effective leader and a more than solid friend. Morien is always concerned about whether or not he's doing the right thing. Morien is able to overcome difficult situations due to his stoic resolve. Despite all the difficulties he's faced, he's retained a sense of humor and he seems to attract rather colorful characters. Morien is prone to feelings of guilt. Those who know him describe him as responsible, conflicted, and resilient.

{Likes} {Dislikes}
o Forrest Life Self-righteous attitudes x
o Journeying Being called "bastard"x
o Weapons & Armory Mob Mentality x
o The Piano Nobles x
o Money Money x
o Girls Dull things x

{Quirks} {Phobias}
% Gambling Habit Abandonment @
% Sleep walking Dying penniless @


~ Ability Statistics ~

~ Sword Magic ~ Re-Equip: The Swordsman - Telekinesis(inert) ~

{Spell List}
Mirror Magic, Meteor, Photon blast, Flame Slash, Thunder Reign, Water lock
Adamantine Armor,Swift Armor, Morning Star Armor, Fire Lord Armor, Lightning Emperor Armor,Aqua Emperor Armor,

Adamantine Armor: This is a defense oriented armor that Morien is able to equip through the use of Re-equip magic. While wearing it, Morien is able to withstand and tolerate a sheer exponent amount of punishment in exchange for mobility. This armor comes with a diamond sword that has the ability of reflecting magic attacks.
Weapon of choice: Sword and Shield combo

Swift Armor: This is a type of armor that specializes in boosting mobility in all its forms, while wearing the swift armor Morien has the ability to move fast enough to set after-images. It's signature weapon is the flash blade, a sword that has the ability to move at light speeds. Despite it's enhancements to the holder's speed, this armor doesn't seem to offer any sort of protection.
Weapon of choice: Chinese Straight sword

Morning Star Armor: A personal armor that Morien himself customly created through fusing various types of re-equip armors, it's a well rounded armor, suited for just about all forms of combat. It's signature ability is a non-elemental enchantment, and it comes standard with dual swords.
Weapon of choice: Dual Key-swords

Fire Lord Armor: This armor gives one the ability to use the element fire, and gains resistance against it. While in this armor ones speed is greatly enhanced as is their general athletic ability.
Weapon of choice: Katana

Lightning Emperor: This is an armor that lowers the attack damage of all lightning attacks aimed at the wearer while boosting the potency of lightning based magics.
Weapon of choice: Hammer

Aquatic Armor: This armor allows one to use the element water, and renders water attacks useless, while in this armor, one gains a natural grace within their movements, and is able to breathe under water.
Weapon of choice: Trident

{Signature Spell}

~Morning Star Armor~ -A personal armor that Morien himself customly created through fusing various types of re-equip armors, it's a well rounded armor, suited for just about all forms of combat. It's signature ability is a non-elemental enchantment, and it comes standard with dual swords.

{Non-magic Skills}
# Ambidexterity
# Acrobatics(limited)
# Empathetic Charm
# Self-taught/Faster than average learning capability
# Wilderness/ Survival Knowledge

~ Personal Background ~

How/Why did you join Draco Edge?: Morien came to join Draco Edge when he came across a powerful wizard from his days studying to be a knight in service to the kingdom. He was so impressed with the wizard he decided to abandon his original goal of becoming a knight captain to study the ways of the mage.

Goals: Establishing a name for himself outside of his birthright. He not so secretly harbors a complex about being discarded by his father and the noble family he belonged to. Ironically, he wants to become so powerful and wealthy that even the nobles can't help but acknowledge him. The idea of being independently wealthy without their making is what motivates Morien in all his endeavors. Or perhaps he wants to prove himself worthy to the princess who spared his life.

History: Morien is the illegitimate son born from a wealthy nobleman and one of his maids. Morien father found that his wife would not bear him a child and so decided he would allow Mist and his mother, the maid to live with him, thus he lived as a noble and heir for a brief portion of his childhood. However, While Morien was still young, his father did manage to have a son with his wife, naming the legitimate heir Hyde. His step-mother and his father's family never too fond at the thought of having Morien or his mother around, managed to convince the Lord to throw the maid and her son out, denouncing both from all titles and inheritances.

Morien and his mother were thrown out of the house with nowhere to go and nothing to their names. It was this more than anything else in his life that shaped his distrust and dislike of the nobility.

Not much later his mother died leaving him alone. Although, before then she managed scrounge up enough money to send him on a ferry to the country of fiore, where she hoped that he would find a life with much less struggle and uncertainty than the one he had lived back at his home. In Fiore, Morien began his life briefly as a street urchin, doing whatever he could to get by, mostly petty crimes like gambling and thievery. It was during this time that he staged a bold heist to steal from the royal family , however his plan did not work quite as intended and he was left at the mercy of the palace guards.

Fortunately for Morien, the princess had been watching and took pity on the pauper boy not much older than herself and officially decried against his imprisonment. Opting instead to have him serve at the Knight Academy for pages and knights in training. Morien studied and trained hard for years at the Knight Academy and became one of the top cadets of his class. It was from years at the knight academy where he learned of the mage guild, knights and mages regularly working together to complete missions. It was while he was studying as a knight that he met a particularly powerful wizard who had also been a knight, he was in awe of the synergistic talents of the mysterious stranger, faced with the realization that he could only take himself so far just studying the art of the sword. He came to the conclusion that by learning magic, he could take his sword play to even further levels.

So he decided he would pursue training as a wizard of Draco Edge to be more like the powerful Mage-knight he met. Despite not having been a member of the Draco Edge guild very long , he is a fairly quick study, combined with his strong work ethic and respectful personality, has garnered him a lot praise and popularity among the guild as a standout rookie.

Theme Song:


So begins...

Morien Morningstar's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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"Here in Fiore, in the small Oshibana Town, lies the Guild; Draco Edge."

Loritova; an exceedingly tall man, with muscular build and flaming red hair. His stark appearance is dwarfed by the pan around to room below, a large gathering hall where many people can be seen conversing, eating, and bickering. Loritova appears to be standing on a balcony that overlooks the massive hall below. His crimson brown eyes look down upon the people that he's so hastily recruited in the past three months. They carry the future of Draco Edge with them, the future of a Guild founded by the Magic Council itself. They were chosen, by Loritova, to become the new leaders of this aspiring guild and they will mold it's future.
The man finally speaks, only lending a voice loud enough to be heard by himself.

"Ah. Today marks the day that Draco Edge becomes three months old. It's significance is to mark the day that Draco Edge is finally recognized as an official Guild of Fiore." Loritova pauses, takes a deep breath and continues. "These children, no, these selected few will carry this guild to its downfall or its greatness... hopefully the latter, obviously." He chuckles lightly as the group down below doesn't pay any mind to Loritova's existence. "Ah, this group is something!" He chuckles again. "Charlotte and Anachayla bickering as always; Seibi and Chowa trying their best to avoid getting dragged into the silly rivalry. Kacie always being the one who cleans up the mess they make, then there's Akumu and Fumiko who sit together munching on piles of sweets. The two young girls; Elysia and Haruka, are always running around, enjoying their lives... that always brings a smile to my face." He smiles the laughs abit. "Akio is always the one who tries to woo the women, usually taking his pick of Shae Ann or Eliza, although they always reject him." Loritova ruffles his beard a little before continuing. "Ah, I can't forget our little prodigy, Sotofu! He has a tendency to stay away from the loud noise and sit alone. There's also Theo, he's one you don't want to bother too often... he's just like Dimetre... well not really, Dimetre will at least socialize with the other members." He pauses to take another breath while taking a brief walk over to the window overlooking the Training Grounds. "The ever so gentle and kind Cassadin had a tendency to take care of the various plants found around the grounds, and Morien the valiant swordsman always diligently practicing his swordsmanship." He returns to his overlook of the main hall. "Ah yes, there is Draco Edge's newest member Kuroi Lightblade, although he hasn't quite settled in quite yet, he chooses to remain inside trying to be social, which is rather good... But of course we have our elite... Mordecai and Chayton, our own duo born from Mother Nature herself. Those two are arguably our strongest members, well at least Mordecai is, since he is our Guild Ace. Those two are definitely reliable mages, ones I put some of the deepest trust into... But... There is one other, Sandra. She is my most trusted fighter, although she is usually off doing the most dangerous and complicated of missions. Given that she's our top S-Rank Mage, she tends to be the one who watches over everyone, making sure all mischief is kept to a minimum. She is my most trusted Mage and she has deemed all my respect as a fine warrior." Loritova cracks his neck, then his fists, then takes a deep breath. "But enough of this! This is a day for celebration! We are now recognized throughout the Kingdom as a Magical Guild! Now, once Mordecai and Chayton return from their errand, our feast shall begin." Loritova hunches over the railing of the balcony again, looking down at his Guild, admiring the great growth that he has witnessed in the short three months.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Akumu Hoshimi Character Portrait: Fumiko Gato
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Morien; Bar adjacent to the Job Board

The mage known as Morien Morningstar would resign his presence along one of the outer walls which overlooked the bar, to his immediate northwest lied the library, an institution which he was personally acquainted with from his tenure as a new recruit which wasn't all too long ago, as an incoming freshman of Draco Edge he had been known for his recluse lifestyle , not by choice of course. He was pro-social and very much enjoyed the company of others, he was just a very iron-willed personality, some would call him a bit of a perfectionist. Morien himself didn't think of himself as such, his magical aptitude was so atrocious that he had no choice but to spend all his time studying. Not only that but he he had to compete with those who had been formerly taught magic all their lives. For someone who had never used a magic spell since setting foot on Oshibana, this had been quite a remarkable feat.

Even now he still stood unsure of his abilities, he over-relied on his physical abilities and his proficiency in elemental type magic left much room for improvement. Yet, he stood absorbed in his own thoughts. His expression seemed to mirror much of the discontent taking place in his soul. Then as he seemed to succumb to the abyss known as self doubt , he would come-to by the words Guild Master Loritova. His voice had a tendency to stir morale in those needing encouragement. Such power, he thought.

A careful glance panned throughout much of the bar which had been decorated by the presences of many Draco Edge's finest and would-be mages looking to carve out their legend in the annals as one of Fiore's finest. Although most of members of Draco Edge were stand outs in one way or another , a few stood out even amongst the others. One such had been a woman who had been nearly twice his age but invited a distracting fantasy on more than one occasion, Morien tended to keep his thoughts well guarded in her presence. Another was Sotofu Katsu, a mage who had entered the guild around the same time as he. Although many sought to pit the two as rivals , he never thought of him as such. Sotofu possessed a raw talent that he did not. They were too dissimilar to be compared. Then there were his teamates, Akumi Hoshimi and Fumiko Gato. He gave wave toward their direction.

" Akumi Hoshimi, Fumiko Gato. There is something I need to speak to you guys-er girls about. " How do you feel about the name X-Calibur? as the name for our team. Also...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Akumu Hoshimi Character Portrait: Fumiko Gato
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Morien Morningstar; Bar

His last word seemed to hang a bit longer than what was the typical response one might expect from him, as if the decision was something not all ready set in the rosetta stone of his minds workings. Making such "snap" judgements was something he was not particularly versed at and it showed. "... I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you on the Cat hunt mission. There's an important matter that I can't ignore. -Fingers tucking into themselves, forming a tightly nit ball, not in anger but solidarity. His expression seemed to become more focused- . " I trust that you two can handle the mission without my participation. I have faith in your ability as fellow Draco Edge mages. Although they hadn't worked as team for all that long. Morien understood his teamates enough to relax a bit of his authoritive guard around them. Nodding to both Akumu and Fumiko, before setting sights to Mordecai and Chayton who had just arrived bearing the food for the feast. He recognized Mordecai immediately by his use of antiquated speech. Taking a few steps in the direction of the Bar area, pausing before turning to posit his teamates "Oh and one more thing... Mission Impossible is tomorrow so make sure to get enough rest and practice between then."

The knightly teen setting aside a stool to seat himself onto. His arms relaxing about his sides as his body gave into the effects of his early morning training that had carried on to the late eve , eyes now folding solidly shut. He was one of the few people capable of sleeping on just about anythng however the problem was in staying asleep. Of course, his sleep walking habit would take over and he was so good at it that it was like he had never went to sleep at all, while sleep walking much of his co-ordindination, reasoning and communication ability remained. He was known to hold a conversation and even completed a quest or two while under the effects of the "trance". To those who hadn't know him, it looked staged, although what did change was his overall personality. In his "trance" it can be argued that the ego portion of his consciousness surfaced making him do and say things he otherwise wouldn't out of decency and common sense. However, there was no sort of filter to keep in check his judgemental thoughts in check. Sort of like being inebriated.

"Hey you, you with all the stupid chains and zippers " -Raising a finger to Roady Domene-. "You think your hot stuff because you're the new guy and you're receiving attention from S-ranked mages like Shae who I've never seen with a man but that's besides the point, but guess what? No one cares, What matters is your ability to produce results for the guild. I hope you don't end up on my team. I have enough weight I'm carrying"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Anachayla Kaylorn Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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#, as written by Fallen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Mordecai Cezaero Character Portrait: Sandra R. Lecarde Character Portrait: Loritova
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Roady Domene

Roady continued his voyage through the front yard of the guild, until suddenly, a woman, who seemed fairly older than him walked up to him.
"Hi! My name is Shae, and I am a member here at Draco Edge, may I assist you with something? Sorry if it's a little loud in there, just a little bit of...festivities I suppose." She said to him. Roady gave her a blank look, completely drained of expression, and merely blinked in responce to her. He then noticed the woman, as it appeared that she began taking a closer analysis of him. He felt a tinge of irritation as she looked upon his hair with a strange look in her eyes. He felt like yelling at her. He didn't have to pay attention to notice her reaction to his chains. Especially since she mentioned them aloud.
"If you don't mind my asking, what kind of magic is requiring you to use those?" The woman asked him with a hint of inerest in her voice.

Roady opened his mouth to respond, but suddenly a man came out through the already opened guild doors. Roady didn't notice how much the noise intensified when they were open until now. The man appeared to be just slightly younger than Roady, probably around the same age, and clad in armor. He had a slightly darker skin-tone than Roady was used to seeing. 'He's been out in the sun too long.' Was his internal thought.
"Hey you, you with all the stupid chains and zippers. You think your hot stuff because you're the new guy and you're receiving attention from S-ranked mages like Shae who I've never seen with a man but that's besides the point, but guess what? No one cares, What matters is your ability to produce results for the guild. I hope you don't end up on my team. I have enough weight I'm carrying." The man all of a sudden started ranting at him. Roady maintained his deadpan expression, as not to give away any signs of weakness. He began walking up to the man, almost threateningly, but decided he didn't want to cause any trouble before joining the guild. He left the woman to deal with her own issues, taking the man's appearence as an excuse to evade her question about his chains. He took some interest in her. As for the man, he would have to deal with him first.
He walked into the guild, intentionally bumping Morien as he went. "As if I could care in the least if a high ranking member acknowledged me. I was actually going to ask if she was the guildmaster, seeing her power." He then took Morien's arm in a swift motion, staring intensly at the outline of it. "You're not nearly as strong as she is. I could see her magical power outlining her body without even looking closeup. Your's is pretty thin compared to her's. You're nothing but a waste of my time. And join your team? You don't have to worry about that. I work on my own, anyway. I couldn't care the least for the guild's funds. All I'm here for is making my own living off of solving other people's magical problems. If I get some useless item as a reward, I could definately donate(sell) it to the guild. See you around, "bastard." Roady gave him a michevious grin, as he finished walking into the guild.

(OOC Note: As I was describing in my 1st post, Roady's master Raith uses the word "donate" actually meaning sell. This is another habbit of his, that Roady has picked up in his lifestyle. Good influences, right? I will also edit Roady's profile to make it to where Raith taught him how to see other mage's magical power. Oh. And Roady called Morien a bastard, because as you should be able to tell by now, he tends to curse at the end of alot of his sentences. Not because of Morien's past. But it'll be fun to see how Morien reacts to being called that. Oh! And his reaction to Shae looking at his hair, is because she stated that it looked cute in her post, and Roady could sense it somehow. xD)

He looked around, noticing many strange, and weird residents occupying it. He saw the woman from earlier who now seemed to be tending to her own business in the guild. He decided to look for the strongest magic outline, and ask if they were the guild leader. He saw a variety of different outlines. Some were on pair with his, and even slightly more powerful. Others he had to get a closer look to make out. He even took notice of a small brunette girl, who seemed to be acting fairly mature for her appearence. Her magic power was very close to Shae's, as Roady remembered. He then looked through a window that must have led to the kitchen, notcining a well-built man. He was particularly impressive. As soon as he was about to enter the kitchen, something almost horrifyingly amazing caught his perithrial vision. He quickly turned his head to a large man, who seemed to be about as muscular as the one in the kitchen. But there was a kind of finesse that practically just screamed, "I'm the boss!!!!!!!" about him. Roady almost began shaking at the intense magical flow immeating from the man. Not only was it huge, but it actually seemed to continue spreading throughout the guild. It gave off a pressure, that was almost suffocating. 'How can these people stand this?! Are they somehow immune to his magic?! Just how powerful is this man?!' Roady thought, his eyes wide with surprise, and a small bit of fear. He quickly came to his senses, and shook his head. He took a deep breath and began walking towards the man, strolling cautiously. Once he finally made it to him, he spoke up.
"My name is Roady Domene. I am a former apprentice of the Caliber Mage and fugitive, Raith Kaleheister. I wish to join your guild and make a living for myself!" Roady yelled the last part out. He had been gradually getting louder as he spoke to the man. He was trully afraid of him. Roady had only witnessed power such as his from the dragon 2 years earlier. He had never thought to find it in a human.

(OOC Note#2!: I'm just making it to where Raith is somewhat wellknown, being a rogue mage and all that.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Akumu Hoshimi Character Portrait: Fumiko Gato
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Fumiko glanced at Akumu. As she waited for a response she turned around. Someone seemed to be calling her. As she looked she saw Morien. He was waving at her, so she quickly got up and pulled Akumu over, who seemed to be in a trance of some sort. Must be the cookie, she thought. As she walked over he seemed to say something that she couldn't really hear what he was saying. All of a sudden he started to talk again. "... I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you on the Cat hunt mission. There's an important matter that I can't ignore," he said.

Oh, she thought, I wonder what that is... I guess it could be a solo mission. Then Morien said, " I trust that you two can handle the mission without my participation. I have faith in your ability as fellow Draco Edge mages. Hmm... I guess we are taking a mission with just the two of us then. Fumiko glanced at Akumu again who now seemed to be asleep.

Finally Morien said,"Oh and one more thing... Mission Impossible is tomorrow so make sure to get enough rest and practice between then." Fumiko slapped her head. She knew she had been forgetting something. She decided that she could maybe practice with Akumu, but she wasn't sure when she would wake up. As she was thinking about this she saw Morien sit town. He then got into an argument with some new guy. Fumiko silently laughed to herself. This was going to be an interesting tun of events.

Then the guy started to talk back to Morien. As she watched this she noticed that he was wearing a bunch of chains. She couldn't decide if it was suppose to be a weird fashion statement or something fore his magic. She then shook Akumu to wake her up. Then Fumiko asked, "So would you like to practice for tomorrow then?" As she waited for a response she went to go and get another lollypop. This time it was a sweet strawberry one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte Leiss Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Chowa Kyoku Character Portrait: Roady Domene Character Portrait: Cassadin Kayleth Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine
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#, as written by Byte
Draco Edge: Bar

Today was the day. The day he had been preparing for all month, which was short considering it was only the 9th of October. But yes, today would be a rather special event. The old man was fond of such things, especially the ones that involved every member to run around like a dull sheep such as this one. “Mission Impossible.” The thrill of excitement crawled through his whole being as he muttered them.

It was an event that would test the skills of the little monkeys that were gathering underneath the balcony. Well, sort of. It was mostly an event for the guild master's own amusement. Watching his followers squirm as they tried to complete an almost impossible task. He scratched the red hairs that held onto his chin while anxiously waiting for every member to gather in the bar.

When the last monkey had gathered with the rest of the guild members, Loritova rose his muscular arms above him announcing with a deep and loud voice: “Welcome everyone!” He paused, walking closer to the steel railing that was part of the balcony. “Today, is the day. No doubt you have all heard of 'Mission Impossible', and are most likely eager to hear what I have planned for it.”

Loritova rested both his arms on the railing, eyeing each member with a content expression. “First, let me explain the basic rules. Each of you is split in teams of two, whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest.” Another pause followed, the old man was now slowly walking along the steel railing, eventually meeting with his followers downstairs, at the bar.

“Anything goes in this event. Should a teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish.” The red-haired man paused again, slowly walking towards a basket made out of straw that contained the names of Draco Edge's members. “You will each pick a piece of paper. One this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name.” Magical appearing words, yay!

As he continued speaking, Loritova approached each member to let them grab a piece of paper. “Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest.” He paused, tossing the straw basket onto the counter. “At precisely 12 O'clock, you will all be transported to a path assigned to your team. There, your task will be revealed.”

“That will be all. Good luck, and I will see you all when you return here.” The guild master went back to his usual place, and patiently waited for every member to be transported to their assigned path.

It was time, one by one, every Draco Edge member was transported to their starting position. It had begun, Mission Impossible...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Morien Morningstar Character Portrait: Shae Anne Ramine Character Portrait: Loritova
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#, as written by Fallen
Shae Anne Ramine

Today was the day. Shae stood in the middle of the room, awaiting the information of Mission Impossible. All she knew, was it was a team event, for some almost impossible, or even impossible mission. While she had made up the idea, she was not allowed to make up or know the details, she was just happy she could participate. Shae was wearing one of her usual quest outfits, one of the most minimal she had, but it allowed for quicker movement due to the way it hugged her body. She had holsters however, for her swords, which she just had to bring. She was versed in swords, daggers, and bows - however she couldn't see herself shooting an actual arrow at her guild members, and daggers would fair good against those whom weren't accustomed to weapons though she would rather have a sword against another sword bearing user. Shae was often underestimated, and undervalued in terms of the higher ranked mages. At times, she liked that people thought less of her, though at other times it got on her nerves. But those moments, those sweet moments when she could prove someone wrong and throw it in their face, when she could surprise them - she lived for those moments.

The day before, she had taken a new mage, Roady on an A ranked mission with her and Eliza. She had the impression the whole time that he didn't want to be there, or at least with them. She figured he was one of those I would rather do it alone and I don't need you type of people. Either way, she saw that Roady was a very powerful mage to say the least, perhaps he didn't need her there or Eliza. She did enjoy herself though, something about being around the water, something she had so much control over, the sea bastard wouldn't have stood a chance either way. They completed their mission successfully and Eliza got her half, and she forced Roady to take hers. The three of them made it back in decent time, enough to sleep well for the impossible mission of sorts. Shae looked up and saw Roady make his way down, smiling to herself, it looked like he'd been woken up and he didn't look too happy. She wondered to herself if he was a night person, or if he just preferred the quiet.

"First, let me explain the basic rules." Loritova announced. The biggest grin appeared on Shae's face, she was getting impatient, she just couldn't wait. “Each of you is split in teams of two. Whatever team completes the task first is the winner, and will receive a special reward that I will announce after the contest." Loritova announced before walking down to where everyone else was. “Anything goes in this event. Should the teams cross paths, they are allowed to disable one another in combat. Whoever loses the battle will forfeit the contest, and is to return to the guild-house and wait for the others to finish... You will each pick a piece of paper. On this paper you'll find two names. One is your own, the other will be your partner's name. Do not, under any circumstance, reveal your paper while still in this house. Failure to do so, will automatically mean you forfeit the contest."
Shae was curious who she would get, there were several people in the guild she would rather end up with, a few she didn't want anything to do with, and maybe several she knew absolutely nothing about. She hoped, for her team to bes sake that they were strong, and that they could adapt to having a teammate thrown at them that they had never fought along side before, assuming that was the case.

She watched Roady pick his piece of paper, and smiled at him as he walked back - but she didn't think he saw her. She then made her way up to grab her piece of paper, and immediately looked upon it, seeing that Morien was her partner. He was the one that had barked at Roady the other day, she didn't know too much about him personally, just him regarding his abilities and similar. The teams were to be transported at twelve o-clock, and it was to be twelve soon. One thing about Shae that many of the mages didn't know about was her possession of lost magic - this was because she usually only used it on S ranked missions. The only people that had knowledge of this would have been the only other S ranked mage, and her lone teammate. She closed her eyes and pondered to herself what she would have to do for this mission, eventually, Shae was then transported.