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Abaddon Gizem

"Death can not destroy the flames of revenge"

0 · 429 views · located in Jump City

a character in “The New Teen Titans”, as played by JGamer502


Full Name: Abaddon Gizem
*Meaning: Abaddon means ruin and Gizem means mystery
*Nickname: "Ruin"
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 160 lbs
Appearance: Image
Distinguishing Features: He has many tattoos on his arms and legs if they are ever revealed out of his cloak.
*Costume/Equipment: Unknown, but he always wears that red cloak of his and hides his face.

Motto/Catch Phrase: "Death can not destroy the flames of revenge"
Personality: He is very mysterious with his own thoughts and likes to keep them hidden. He is very loyal to Slade, even after his death. He hates the Titans and feels that they are corrupt and should leave Jump City alone to a true leader, him. He is also very cruel and dose not take it likely if you deny him. He is the most loyal to Slade, even after his death.
Likes: Loyalty to him and Slade, destruction, power, and Slade.
Dislikes: The Titans, heroism, denial to his requests, and insults to Slade.
Weaknesses: Some can resist his powers if they are not all flesh and blood, some can also be tough enough to stand the pain, and he hates the light.
Fears: Trigon and Raven, Trigon is seen as 'the big boss' by Abaddon and Raven just creeps him out, for being the daughter of 'the big boss'.
Theme Song: n00born

*Species: Most likely a human

Pain Manifestation - He is able to cause pain to others with a blink of an eye, if they are flesh and blood that is.

Shadow Control - He is able to turn into a shadow being and create mini shadow minions of his own.

Shape Shifting - He is able to turn into other's, but not have their powers, only shape and appearance.

General Skills: He is a good acrobat. Also he has all of Slade's former equipment and base for his own use.
*Arch Nemesis: The Titans, all of them...

Family: Unknown but most likely, Slade is his father.
History: Unknown...
Other: N/A

"Titans GO!...I hate those Titans..." - Abaddon Gizem

So begins...

Abaddon Gizem's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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Abaddon was sitting in his base. He was inside Slade's base. A bit redecorating was done though. It looked more formal now, but the flames where still there. There was a large smooth floor with Slade's logo on it. A long and steel stair way was connected to the floor and lead all the way to Abaddon's throne. The throne was black and had spikes on the back of it, making it look very wicked. The flames from the boilers where still behind him as he sat on the throne and he was surrounded by computer screens held by skinny robotic arms. Abaddon was looking through all the security cameras to Jump City, as he hid in the shadows sitting on his throne. He watched as the newcomers arrived to the battle field between that ape and the girl. He was also very curious by this 'ape' thing. Fore it looked very strong, yet not intelligent at ALL. No sign of it in him, he was not even able to speak English. Abaddon looked at the screen rubbing his hands together. "Hmm, new heroes. They seem worthy as foes, but that 'ape' seems much more worthy then a mere foe. An ally, that is what he will be. Yet, I still want some fun with him." Says Abaddon to himself as he smiles under the darkness of his hood. He then reveals a button on his throne and presses on it. Lights then start turning on five by five, revealing a small army of Slade-like robots. The robots are then seen on Abaddon's screen, scattering across Jump City. They are looking for one thing, the new heroes and that ape.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Pulse Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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One of the drones then notices Melanie and the ape. It then looks out to the distance of the city and makes a loud alarm sound that your phone will make. More of the drones then stop searching and enter the area with this specific drone. The entire squad was now up and looked at the ape and the newcomers. One of them noticed Melanie speaking in a different tongue.

Abaddon watched through the eyes of the drone and was searching for a match to the ape's tongue in order to communicate with it. He finally finds one, one of a frost troll of sorts. Abaddon then sends the info of this new tongue to the drones with a wireless connection of sorts. The squad then stand up stiff as a green light flashes in their eyes. The green light fades away and the drones get back in their position. They then split up and surround the area involving the heroes as they charge at each of them, ready to attack.

Abaddon watched as the drones charged. One of the drones threw a little bead of sorts towards the ape's head. It then lightly lands in the ape's ear, stuck in it. Abaddon then puts his hand inside his own hood and speaks to the ape with his new 'walkie talkie'. "Hello my friend, I understand that this 'creature' will attack you. So just fight it! Don't hold back with your strength and fight the others too." says Abaddon in the ape's tongue. He had to pause a bit after every word in order to find the translation on his super-computer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Meliore Amura Hadaim Character Portrait: Sprouse Evans Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem Character Portrait: White Greatmountain
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“Well all you had to do is ask. I’m sure Macho Man over there would prefer playing rough with another boy, no? Question is; Conscious, or unconscious?” The man asked, still maintaining his cocky tone of voice. “Oh, and I’m Sprouse. But you can call me Livewire, if you want.”

"Livewire huh? Interesting nickname." Melanie mused for a moment before replying, "Alright Livewire, conscious is preferable but-" Melanie never got to finish her sentence as she was startled by a bellow of rage coming from the ape man. She turned around to see him charging towards her but just before he ran into he his dug his heels into the ground and raised his arms. Melanie tensed to fly up and out of range again but suddenly, aided by his momentum, he pitched foreward and rammed his head against her chest.

Melanie went soaring, and not of her own will.

Skidding around the ground Melanie was stunned by the brutal impact. Mel's body had designed to take lots of damage and work fine but that much power in one hit had knocked something loose inside of her. Melanie didn't know what it was yet but she knew it wasn't good, and to take another smashing like that could do more damage than she could repair. This really wasn't good. As she opened her gold eyes again she saw something that truely surprised her.

Two robots stood over her, reaching for her, probably thinking to subdue her. 'Just what I need,' Melanie thought, a small smirk playing across her face, 'A little energy boost!' Grabbing the heads of the two droids who began to struggle, apparently surprised at how strong this 'human girl' was, but it did little good. Digging her fingers into their heads, through the metal and into the circits, Melanie quickly overpowered them. A moment later they stood motionless before Melanie let go and they collapsed. Her eyes were glowing, but only ever so slightly. She shruged slightly, then turned to face the beast, a little wiser than moments before.

These droids had been sent by someone they called Leader to attack her and anyone who got in the way. Additionally, they weere to bring the beast back to a location that had not yet been defined. As it turned out, he was some type of frost troll (what ever that was). It held little more information than this and it's plan of attack, but what it did having installed was a translator to the Frost Troll's native tongue. This was precisely what Melanie had needed.

Once again facing her enraged opponent she switched her speakers and opened her mouth, calling out in the Frost Troll's language (diction and dialect perfected, though it was rough on her mechanical voice).

"STOP! I DO NOT WANT TO FIGHT YOU!" Melanie shouted, her voice now sounding very similar to his, only with a slightly higher voice (she couldn't help she was a female). "I DO NOT WANT TO HURT YOU! I WANT TO HELP! STOP!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Vasquez Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem
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Abaddon watched as these young heroes destroyed his drones. He then bangs on his throne as he looks at the multiple computer screens. He watched from every security camera in the city and from the drone's eyes. "These young heroes are strong, and the ape is poisoned by them. He wants to be king of the metal city hmm? This might be a bit of fun. If he wants to be king, he will be king..." said Abaddon. He then looked at one of the many rooms in his new lair. In the room a window was on the door which, if looked through closely, revealed a woman inside a statis tank of sorts. He then stares at this door to the statis tank from his throne. "But first, these corruptions must be dealt with...".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Vasquez Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem
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hidden behind a door was the darkest secret Slade had ever kept from the Titans had they known everything would have been different to some degree. Deep inside Abaddons home a single room has remained untouched by his redecorating of his old mentor’s base, this room held a secret.

The room was dim only lighted by the soft glow of the liquid that kept its prisoner from ever waking or so Slade had hoped. In the center of this room was a large circular tank, it was held together in the middle by the same substance its base was made up of, titanium. Every now and then a bubble would form but then pop before it ever reaches the surface, the liquid inside the stasis tank was of a bluish color, runes were placed around the glass to keep her from breaking out but they were 10 years too old.

The main attraction was the person within the cell but you could only tell it was a woman by her scarred body or what skin you could see. She wore a body suit just like before when she had been awake, her hair had grown considerably over the ten years but she didn’t look like she aged past 18 at all. The expression on her face was calm and one would have thought she was merely sleeping. if they had been paying better attention they would have noticed the shadows were going haywire within the room but ten years have passed since the accident they were almost done with the healing process almost but not quite maybe a day or two possible tonight would be the day she woke up.

Suddenly in ten years she moved, it was a simple twitch of the finger, and then an arm moved then both. Her palms were pressed against the glass making the runes glow, but she didn’t open her eyes. She was only responding to what her shadows felt from afar someone disturbed them after ten years of her being asleep. Then her lips moved creating more bubbles but she was fine, her ability to breathe underwater gave her the edge in underwater fights and such.

But anyone would have been quite curious as to what she said a name perhaps or could it have just been gibberish. No one would ever know because at that moment her eyes slowly opened revealing an eye that was completely black save for its yellow iris the other was perfectly fine, a green hue. But that wouldn’t matter for Alice had finally begun to stir and it was time Abaddon woke her up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryan O'Connell "Krótos" Character Portrait: Alice Vasquez Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem
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Abbadon walked into the room with Alice. He then walks to a control panel and presses a button. The button was bright red and by Abbadon's finger, it glowed. The statis chamber then opens as Alice falls on the dry ground covered in water. He then starts pacing around Alice's body on the ground. "Hello, Alice, I am your master, Abbadon. You may be confused, I might be able to summarize what is going on. You are Alice, there are these heroes named "The Teen Titans". But, they hated you. They looked down on you, thought you where not a hero. So, they left you to DIE and rot in garbage. But...I saved the little weakling of you". He picked up Alice's face by her chin with his fingers. "So, you where going to die because of these 'heroes' and I saved you. I made you stronger in that chamber, healed you. But now, you owe a little favor to me..." he says as a computer screen comes forth from the ceiling. It shows the actions of Krotos keeping the judge hostage. "See that man, I want YOU to take him to me. He seems useful, might give you the revenge you need on those heroes. Did i mention, they are there too? Maybe give them a little come back..." says Abbadon. He then smiles under his cloak and walks towards the exit of this room. "Meet me at my throne for more information, but for now, get geared up" says Abbadon as he finally exits and sits on his throne. Another room then opens in this chamber room, a room with many clothes and gear for a villain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Vasquez Character Portrait: Abaddon Gizem
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still dazed Alice frowned at the man as he talked to her like she was weak, and snarled when he did call her a weakling of a fool. but Alice knew very well who the Titans were, they did leave her to die and this man, Abaddon it seems had saved her made her stronger. at least thats what he thought.

Alice was already a strong individual before this but now he made her stronger. she sneered at the entrance that he left from, "you need to try better than that you old fool" standing up Alice wrung the water from her hair, then held it away from her in disgust. "ugh i never liked long hair to much of a hassle." so reaching into her shadow Alice produced a shadowy knife and cut her hair as she saw fit, a long bob though it was a bit ragged. but that didnt matter Alice then slowly slid out of her body suit, walking over to adjacent room naked. she chose clothes similar to what she had worn before all this had happened and a smile formed on Alice's face.

she held the cloak in one arm, a mask in her hand and walked gracefully over to Abaddons throne. "so tell me why should i even bother to help you whats in it for me hmm?" a look of boredom settled on her features.