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The Nightwing's Voyage

The Nightwing


a part of The Nightwing's Voyage, by HOLYCRAPAGHOST.


HOLYCRAPAGHOST holds sovereignty over The Nightwing, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Nightwing is a part of The Nightwing's Voyage.

17 Characters Here

Minerva (Minn) Darv [370] What? Did I leave flour on my face again?
Saein Vernig [337] Ms. Fix-it / "I have a tool for that. Somewhere..."
Eddie Ackers [330] "Is it really that hard to understand? I mean, Imagine a turd spinning around in a toilet; THAT'S what we're going to look like if I make even one mistake."
Regina (Reggie) Oris [299] It's time for humans to finally know their history.
Bond Mason [130] Is that what you think, then?
Delw Night [102] Hello My name is Dlew Night and I am a series 500 Android at your service.
Dr. Alexander Greenhaven [90] "Trust me, I'm a Doctor"
Thomas Steelbeam [79] "Just been dragged through hyperspace on the outside of your ship, but I'm ok."
Annarein (Ann) Vernig [54] "I'm fluent in many languages but have no words for this"
Rokunam [44] "The Human Race is is quite like ourselves, physically and mentally, thus, we must have the same goals."

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Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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Reggie couldn't help but feel the excitement coming off of Eddie. "'d you obtain such a fine vessel? She doesn't look like something you just buy, or at least not at any place I've seen recently."

Reggie laughed. "Definitely not. Remember that great grandfather that I told you about. The one that taught me to fly. This was his ship. He left it to me after he passed." She explained flying around the ship to give Eddie a better look. "I've fixed it up over the years, of course, making it a bit more advanced. Giving it updates. But she's been in my family for generations."

After circling the ship a few more times, and pointing out key features were. Like the cockpit, located on the center ring of the ship. Or where the crew's quarters were, and the captains quarters. Reggie decided to land the cruiser back on the small planet and head back to the Inn. She couldn't wait for tomorrow to arrive, and she could show the rest of the crew her ship.

She wished she could get to sleep and having the morning come quickly, but knew she wouldn't be able to fall asleep at all from excitement. They headed back to the inn, a comfortable silence falling over the two.

"I hope this undiscovered planet is Earth." Reggie said quietly as she stared up at the stars. "I want nothing more but to be able to say that I found our home. I discovered our last history. That's my great grandfather wanted, and his father before him, and his father before him. That's how the Nightwing became a part of our family. The Oris' have spent a better part of their lives searching for the lost human history."

"And I plan to be the one to find it. For my father, my grandfather, and my great grandfather. He would want it the most. He always wanted his ashes to be buried in the Earth's soil, y'know."

She smiled thinking about the old man, and his crazy stories. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I do that sometimes."


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Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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"Sorry, I'm rambling. I do that sometimes."

"Don't be," he said. "You've got your goal in life already in mind and a means to accomplish that. That's more than I personally could ever hope for," he smiled, taking in a deeper breath. "I am a pilot by heart. I know this as truth. However, being a pilot is only part of a goal. I have yet to fully realize what I want in life, and my young adulthood isn't going to be here forever,"

He looked straight up for a minute, not speaking or really reacting to anything. His head slowly returned to normal leve. "I actually envy that. I guess for now, I'll be helping you reach your goal. Hmm, maybe I'll find one while we do though..." he seemed a bit more 'distant' when he spoke. This was actually something he thought of a lot. It was a temporary goal; to figure out his real goal. Ironic, isn't it?

"That's actually my main reason for joining this. Action, drama and explosions are fun and all, but they take a backseat to purpose," he stopped for a minute and started again. "Now it seems like I am rambling..."


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Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik
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Reggie laughed. "It's alright." She said patting him on the back. "I hope I can assist you in finding your purpose. If not, than you'll just have to fly me around until we both croak."

She laughed. "We should head back. Big day tomorrow." She clapped her hands together with excitement. As they entered the inn, the conversations had continued to buzz, people were laughing, drinking.

She smiled. She liked the people they hired. If anything, she had a couple new drinking buddies besides Colin. Speaking of which. Reggie said goodnight to Eddie and head over to Colin. "Well, my second in command, I am retiring for the evening." She stated leaning against the bar counter.

"I'll see you tomorrow," She said good night to the rest of the crew still in the inn and finally climbed up the stairs. She was in room 1B, which she found easily. Her pack of few clothes sat opened on her bed, with clothes tossed left and right. She peeled off her jack and kicked off her boots, before stepping into the bathroom and turning on the shower.

After cleaning herself, and massaging the sores out of her knee, Reggie climbed into the small hotel bed. The sheets were a bit scratchy, but she was more tired than she had thought, thinking that her excitement would take priority over her need for sleep. But she managed to slip into unconsciousness rather quickly.


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Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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"It's alright." She said patting him on the back. "I hope I can assist you in finding your purpose. If not, than you'll just have to fly me around until we both croak."
"I hope it doesn't come to that," he said. "But then again, I can't see myself dispising it either,"

He laughed and followed his captain into the Inn. As they parted ways, he couldn't really find something he wanted to do. Sure, he just found a job and should celebrate with a drink of four, but he actually felt tired. He figured he might as well hit the hay too.

Finding his room, 1E, he opened the door and again decided against getting on the floor and walking the dinosaur. Instead, he shut the door behind him, made sure all lights were off and then crashed on the bed. He didn't shower, as he preferred them in the morning to wake him up. His eyes closed and almost instantly dreams overtook reality.

He was out.


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Character Portrait: Bond Mason
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He bypassed the rest of the recruits, giving them a stoic nod to acknowledge them and let them know he would be part of them come morning, but he didn't feel the need to chit chat just then. A room awaited him at the end of the hall and he fell against the covers with a sigh, eyes on the ceiling.

Up in space again. Familiar faces and new gears to work with. He hoped this mission lasted a long time. He liked consistency, at least with his work. He grew tired of people quickly...

Regina wasn't too detailed with the mission, something about Earth yeah...humans...history...that kind of blah that passionate people tend to care about. Stretching his arms behind his head, Bond let out another sigh, wondering if his former classmate was biting off more than she could chew. Sure, the books had it wrong. The governments usually did that. They had control after all. Everything you learned about wars, allies, far-off planets, the Wretcheds, the Squealers...all had to be taken with a grain of salt.

Squealers for example. Government says they are an extinct species, an experiment was all, extinguished and failed.

More like they released them into the wild unknown parts of the galaxy to feed off of criminals and sky pirates. Bond remembered his first job on the O.O.C. Gateway. Great crew. Great pilot. Great everything...

Until the Squealers boarded the ship and let out a high-pitched screech, a scream...with his human mind, Bond blacked out after only a few moments, unable to find cover. Thankfully, only the pilot and captain were eaten and taken. The rest survived. Bond survived.

Trying to ignore the memories of his former crew mates crying out for help...Bond closed his eyes. That was one thing he would not tolerate. Being helpless against enemies threatening his crew. He would have to speak with the weapon specialist at some point, wield a proper blade.

Images of slicing through Squealers filled his mind. It was comforting.

With a deranged smile, he drifted to sleep.


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Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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He wasnt sure if he had imagined her or not. he certainly hadnt imagined the shots. They left him buzzing, not drunk, but not exactly 100% either. He smiled at the memory. She was probably married and just looking to screw around with some bar guy. Colin chuckled at himself quietly without lifting his head. An then the thunder came down.

Reg slammed her hand on the table. "Dammit Reg" he groaned. She announced to him that they were done. "Thank god" he smiled and sat up. She took her leave shortly after, followed by their new pilot. Colin was going to leave but was interrupted by one of the crew members he had yet to meet. She was very colorful. He racked his brain. He had een this species before but couldnt remember why he had flagged it.

OH YEAH! He visibly reacted to his memory. He hadmet a xylamar once before on a different ship. This Xylamar wouldnt let Colin absorb him, but had never explained why. Colin let it go after that. He decided not to push the thought on this one either. It may come off as insulting.

He smiled as she asked her questions. "Yes," he stood, a bit lazily. "My name is Colin Seartjik. And I'll be the second for this voyage and any others captain has in store." he raised an eyebrow. "That alright with you Cassandra?"


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Character Portrait: Arc Troiya
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Arc watched a few of her crew mates wander on up the stairs to the next level of the Inn. She waited around a little bit; socializing with a few of her new crew mates before following the other’s example. She excused herself and left to fill up one of the rooms her captain had courteously booked out for them. Arc entered the room; 2C, and gave it a quick scan, it was small, but defiantly luxurious compared to some of the places Arc had spent a night or two at. She immediately moved towards the window giving it a sharp tug open, enjoying the breeze and city noise that instantly flood through it. Arc ripped off her T-shirt throwing it on her bed and making her way to the shower, she was in desperate need of one. She hadn’t taken on a job for a while; nothing having caught her interest, which of course meant not having ‘official’ place to stay, This to Arc of course, only meant the minor con of no reliable running water. After her refreshing shower, though the temperature did struggle to stay constant, she took no time to lay down in her bed and drift off. She hadn’t closed her window though; the city noise and fresh air in some strange way made her feel at home, almost safe. She wondered what adventures and strange things awaited her tomorrow, the thought almost made her smile, almost.


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The newly hired crew slowly trickled up the stairs, one by one. The morning would bring excitement and adventure for them all.

It wasn't long after they had all gone to sleep, that the bright star that ruled over this galaxy, brought the morning.


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Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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Reggie tossed and turned trying to get her eyes away from the sunlight. The one thing she would enjoy most about being in space was the lack of light spilling into her window. Every now and then they would pass by a star, but the windows had coverings to keep all light out if needed. Which was definitely needed.

Finally, giving up, Reggie sighed. She was horrible at waking up in the morning, but she forced herself to sit up. She ran a hand through her wild locks and pushed herself out of bed. Her knee throbbed, but she ignored it as she limped to her bathroom.

Looking in the mirror, she realized that her hair was still wet from her shower last night, which also meant that it would not fall right. She ran a brush through it quickly, to find that she was right. A part of her hair would not stay down, and another part creased awkwardly. She sighed. She wished that her hair wasn't that big of a deal to her, but it was.

Not wanting to deal with it, she quickly pulled it up into a ponytail. She changed into her black pants and shirt and quickly pulled on her boots. She was hungry, and she could feel the start of a headache coming on. She was regretting that amount of alcohol she had drank.

She shoved her clothes in her bag, and carried it downstairs with her, setting it down at the table she and Colin had taken for interviews. She sat down at the bar, smiling at the barkeep.

"I need something greasy and unhealthy," She said rubbing her temples. "And some caffeinated."


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"My name is Colin Seartjik. And I'll be the second for this voyage and any others captain has in store." Others? Cassandra frowned slightly. The paper hadn't mentioned other voyages. "That alright with you Cassandra?" She looked at him strangely, before grinning again.

"I don't know, Colin. Am I going to have to call you Captain also?" Cassandra said, quite seriously but still joking. She hated calling Regina Captain, she didn't need to call him Captain too. She didn't wait for an answer, simply raising a hand in farewell and mounting the stairs. She found an empty room and locked the door behind herself, looking around the room. It was completed with a huge bed and a bathroom, along with a desk pushed against one wall. She walked over to it and opened the drawers, finding nothing but a menu for room service. She sighed and set the paper down, looking at the dark view that met her when she looked out the window one last time before crawling into bed.
When she woke up, she was a bit confused. The room that met her was much different than normal. But then last night flooded back to her, and she remembered it all. She quickly got ready, taking a shower and changing back into the still clean clothes from last night. She put on the worn sneakers and left the room, heading down the stairs and into the bar. It was empty, mostly. Besides a few people mingling around, among them was Regina.

"Good morning, Nauar. Sleep well?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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Reggie was busy shoving a forkful of hash browns, smothered in ketchup, to notice Cassandra sit down next to her. "Good morning, Nauar. Sleep well?"

The captain glanced over the alien life form and smiled before finally swallowing down the fried food. "Could have been better, but I can't argue with sleeping in a nice bed." She laughed. "How about yourself Cassandra?"

Reggie grabbed the ketchup bottle once more, squeezing out the red substance over her hash browns. They were absolutely bloody with the condiment, but Reggie found that she liked it better that way. She mixed the hash browns with her over easy eggs, letting the yolk stick everything together. By the look on Cassandra's face, she determined that her eating habits were less than par for the Xylamar.

Reggie didn't care. She got strange looks, even from her own race, when she was eating. She was born and raised on a space station, she hardly ever to got to eat food that wasn't synthetically grown on the station. Which was why she was so stubborn about having a good chef on the ship. None of that crappy synthetic, jelly type substance on her ship.

Not when real food was too damn good.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion Character Portrait: Arc Troiya
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Arc awoke lazily watching her ceiling her a few moments, she moved her hand up into the light that was beaming through her window watching in move in sunlight. She heard the early wakers start moving around outside her window she hadn’t closed last night. She knew it was early and it would be a little while before any of her other crew mates awoke. She rolled out of bed and pulled on her clothes looking out the window at all the early morning movement. She loved waking up to bright sunshine and movement, it was the one thing she hated disliked about living on a spaceship or space station. She had walked to the stairs to find the inn devoid of all lifeforms-okay, maybe there was a pot plant somewhere, but other than that,-as she had expected, she was an early riser, enjoying the feeling of having the world all to herself. She wandered outside taking a moment to stretch out the sleepiness her body still held before taking off at a medium paced run. She reveled in the way the wind swept her hair in all different directions and how it pulled her clothes in all different directions.

Arc arrived back at the inn some time later in the morning, she honestly had no concept of time, ever, she did what she wanted when she felt like doing it. She opened up the door to the Inn and took in the aroma of warm food the overwhelmed her. She took a first steps inside and noticed the Captain and Cassandra engaged in conversation. Arc made her way up to two and gave them a carefree smile. She looked down at the meal the Captain had ordered for herself, Arc suddenly felt her stomach growl hungrily but she ignored knowing she had no money in her pocket and soon she would be on a ship with a cook cooking for them. Not eating a few meals was no biggie. She scrutinized the Captains food choice, admittedly despite being human Arc didn’t have much experience with human food, so she wasn't too sure if that was actually a legitimate meal pairing. Her first human meals she had tried was when she was seven and the whole experience had endeared to the food.

Arc stopped her thoughts and looked back up at the two girls with a small smile. “I’m excited to this ship of your’s Captain.”


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Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Arc Troiya Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Adler
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#, as written by utahann
"OKAY,I'm getting up!,Cassiopeia said crankily,turning off the alarm on her I-scan.I need a new alarm tone... She looked out the window,this was the beginning of an exciting new adventure and barely had finished getting dressed when she heard her Zeno ring,"Hello...Yes,mom I am wearing clean underwear",she rolled her eyes."No dad,I'm not wearing red.Yes,I did tell people my name."She walked down stairs,"Don't worry I will eat a healthy breakfast and no,dad nobody has called me a "pointy-eared hobgoblin.No,mom I won't use my I-scan to look at that kind of stuff and Dad,that is in no way politically correct.Yes,I love you both,goodbye.",she ended the conversation.

As promised she grabbed a healthy breakfast before sitting down with the others.She was surprised at the quantity of ketchup the captain was using,not that it was any of her business,but the rest of the food seemed normal to her after having been raised with a human father."I'm glad to be on this ship too,and while I love my parents,I sincerely hope that was the last call for today.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion Character Portrait: Arc Troiya Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Adler
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"I'm excited to this ship of yours Captain."

Reggie smiled and said hello to Arc as she sat down next to her. She stared at her food with an intrigued look, but didn't seem to keen on her food choices. "All in due time Arc. All in due time."

She shoved another forkful of food into her mouth, washing it down with her drink. She jumped at the sound of another person joining them. She looked over at Cassiopeia who had voiced her own excitement about being on the ship, and then made a remark about her parents.

Reggie smiled, but couldn't help but feel a spark of jealousy towards the young girl. "You say that now," She said. "But you'll realize how much you enjoyed those calls. Especially once they're gone."

Her parents were the same. Always calling her, making sure she was okay, especially when she was in the Academy. Her mom always sent her a care package during her time in the Defense. They were very caring parents, and Reggie was always annoyed when she got the long phone calls that always seemed to be her answering their questions.

But, now they were gone. And she never got those calls anymore. She never got those care packages anymore. And she missed them terribly.

Realized she had brought the mood down, Reggie cracked a joke to lighten the mood back up.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion Character Portrait: Arc Troiya Character Portrait: Cassiopeia Adler
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Colin smiled while the woman left. he answered her qustion. "No, you dont have to call me captain." He gigged a bit. He might be drunker than he thought he was. He shrugged and tapped the bar. "Have a good night barkeep." He sloppily turned around and made his way to the rooms they had rented out.


His eyes opened slowly. "Ugh"

He was hung over. Dammit. He threw the lumpy inn blanket off of him with a growl. Time to get up. He slid off the bed and nearly rolled across the floor to where he'd hung his Morphsuit. He slipped it on. Th spandex-like material hugged his skin tightly. He was still in his human form, but his hair was unruly and he had a bit of body odor. He changed into his true form, and then quickly changed back. Reseting the human to his clean, combed state. He smiled and left the room.


He arrived back in the bar. the crew was already seated at the bar. Reg, Cassandra, Casseopiea, and Arc. He took a seat next to Reg. The amount of ketchup the woman used was unholy, but he was starving. He snatchd a bite of her hashbrowns before she was able to finish them. "Ready to set sail cap?"


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Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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"Could have been better, but I can't argue with sleeping in a nice bed." A quick laugh escaped Regina's lips, but then she continued on to ask the Xylamar a question. "How about yourself, Cassandra?"

"It was alright, I suppose. I haven't slept in a while, so it was nice, Nauar." Cassandra answered, before they were soon joined by a group of the other staff members. She drifted out of the conversation, looking at all of them as they continued to talk. And talk.

"Ready to set sail cap?" She looked back at Colin as he approached them and couldn't help but smile. She recalled the night before, and how drunk the Second in Command had been, and shook her head. But then again, she also was a bit excited for setting sail.

"Yes, are we?"


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Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris Character Portrait: Colin Seartjik Character Portrait: Cassandra Lassion
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"Ready to set sail cap?"

Colin tried to hide, but Reggie had seen it. He had totally just taken the last of her hashbrowns! She glared at him, about ready to kill him. He smiled at her, but she saw past the human disguise. She knew what his real form was. She had seen it a while back, when they both had gotten drunk off their asses. She pictured that form as she glared daggers into him.

"Yes, are we?"

Breathing out, Reggie turned to Cassandra, trying to mask her hatred for her second in command. "All in due time," She repeated. "We have to wait for the rest of the crew. They all should be getting wake up calls in about 10 minutes." She explained.

"Barkeep," She said holding her empty plate up. "Can I please get another order of hashbrowns." She said the last word through gritted teeth as she glared at Colin. The barkeep gladly took her plate and walked through a doorway towards the kitchen.

"Everyone eat. I suggest getting a good breakfast before setting sail. I want us to have full bellies before reaching my ship."


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Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv
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She had been awake for about an hour, panicking and twisting her wooden spoon in her hands. She was going to be on a ship, in space, without escape. She was still listing off the negatives. After seeing her hurried expression and wild hair in the mirror she sighed and set to work adjusting her pinkish red locks into a nice waterfall of waves, then she checked her buckles, pulled on some boots and made sure all of her possessions were on her person.

Downstairs, a few of the new recruits had joined the captain and second at the bar. Glancing down herself and wondering if choosing to only bring shirts that revealed pretty much all of her torso except her breasts was a good idea. Then again, she didn't have anything else.

She took a seat at the bar, smiling to everyone and hoping they were taking off soon. She wasn't hungry. She just needed to get this over with so that her nerves would stop jumping around.


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Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv
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Off in the distance, an explosion can be heard, followed by the immediate chatter between all the people in the ship. The ship itself rumbles, and the right side of the ship has a breach in its hole from the explosion. For a minute, there is only distorted sounds as the vacuum of space sucks out not only air, but people as well. The co-pilot of the ship watches in horror as many of the people he had worked for in the past year, including his friend and pilot, die.

The last word he hears before his friend gets sucked out into the nothingness is "Guess you're the pilot now..."


Eddie awoke rather violently, his body shooting up and his eyes darting around the room. It was just a dream, nothing more... he wished. No, it was a memory, one that he'd rather not relive, but was forced to every now and then. But, it was the price he had to pay for being involved with a IDF. Casualties weren't unheard of, especially when dealing with aggressive criminals and whatnot.

Pushing the thoughts aside, he got up, got showered and got dressed. This was routine for him, and really only took about seven minutes, which was actually long for him. Once he was glad with how he looked, he set off back downstairs and to the bar. The thoughts managed to slip back into the front of his mind, and when he finally recovered, he noticed he was staring at someone's exposed stomach. He looked up, noticing he had been looking at Minn while he was spaced out, and quickly averted his eyes before promptly taking a seat next to her, and strained a smile.

"Hello all,"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv Character Portrait: Bond Mason Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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"Hello Mr. Pilot," Minn greeted once she noticed him sit down beside her. She had been watching the captain eat her hash browns, smiling at the girl's interest in food. Eddie's appearance didn't look so good though. "Did you sleep okay?" she asked, pointing to the area beneath her own eyes to indicate the slight circles under his. She had been around enough ladies who tried to use makeup to hide bruises or who put on a happy face to distract from fatigue. Minn could tell. "You look kinda beat."

She hoped she wasn't being rude, asking such a thing. They were crew mates now and she felt she should care about his well-being, especially since he was the one flying them everywhere. Waiting for a response, she tuned out the others and faced him full on, trying to sit up completely straight again to look professional. Keeping on a concerned smile, she tilted her head slightly.


Morning streamed in through the window. A bright morning. Bond sat up after staring at the ceiling for the past two hours. He hadn't been able to stay unconscious very long. It always happened nowadays, especially before going back into space. He shrugged it off though, freshened up a bit and left the room satisfied with the service.

Downstairs, the crew was gathering at the bar. He noted the Shar he hadn't seen last night. She was rather nice to look at. Then he noticed Reggie, stuffing her face. What a captain they had here this morning.

Bond sat a few seats away from the Shar and a supposedly human young man. He could somewhat hear them, but didn't much care to listen. He ordered a caffeinated drink and an omelet, playing with a screwdriver in his free hand. He glanced to the Shar and her rosy skin. Seriously not bad at all...


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Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv
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"Did you sleep okay?......You look kinda beat,"

Eddie froze for a minute, and thought about a response. "Oh, it was nothing. I just didn't have a good dream is all," he shrugged as if to play it off, though his face couldn't really go along with it. He followed her example and adjusted himself to be facing her as well. However, his back wasn't straight, and he didn't try to adjust himself to match her in that regard. "Maybe it's because I'm excited to try your food," he said with a smile that actually turned out to be genuine.

"Anyways, you don't have to do that," he referred to her posture. "The captain seems very laidback compared to any of the others I've met, and I highly doubt she wants you wasting any effort on something as useless as posture,"

"Anyways, so how are you this fine morning? Were you able to sleep well? If so, then I'll be happy knowing that someone did,"


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Character Portrait: Arc Troiya
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Arc allowed her mind to wander into a daydream. She did that a lot, long fluff conversation seemed to just trigger her daydream senses. She acknowledge the presence of new voices and bodies but didn’t take too much notice. Arc’s attention was already taken up with her daydream. It was a nice daydream. She was swimming in a glistening, sky blue lake, the sun was reflecting off the surface of the water. She could feel the warm, calming essence off the sunshine envelope her. At the bottom of the lake were millions of dazzling pearls in all different colors and patterns. Arc dove into the water causing the water to ripple out around her, she swam to the bottom of the lake, holding her breath. She held out her hand feeling the bumps and all the pearls sticking out of the lake's bottom.

Arc sighed at the beautiful scene she had painted in her mind when she was suddenly pulled back to reality by the incoming floor. Shocked, Arc laid on the ground for a few beats before jumping up and shaking off the jarring she felt up her back from her fall. She slowed down her movements and looked longingly at the door; she hated these kind of gatherings filled with empty conversations. Arc wanted to excuse herself and go for a walk but knowing that she had already been running this morning she didn’t. She didn’t really want to seem weird, there was only so much fresh air and movement people needed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv
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Minn hesitantly slouched a bit, but hardly anything noticeable. She was used to sitting up straight, chest out, tummy in, chin up and put a smile on Ladies...She shook out of memories.

"I did sleep well actually," she said happily. "But I woke up rather early. Too nervous I guess." Giggling a bit, she pushed some of her pink red hair behind her ear. "But once I get to the kitchen, I'll feel much better. Something about waiting for water to boil or the oven to heat up...calms me down." To display such nerves, her fingers were fidgeting in her lap, playing with the beads strung up on her pants in designs here and there, or just stumbling over one another.

"So, since you're the first one to receive my masterful meals, what did you have in mind?"


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Regina (Reggie) Oris
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Reggie was all too excited to receive a full plate of hashbrowns. She squirted, maybe too much, ketchup over them and stirred it all together turning the fried deliciousness into a bloody mass. She ate it happily, not caring about the strange looks she was giving.

She saw more people come down and sit at the bar, bu they were still missing a few people. Like Dr. Weiss, Val Salah, and Inqueta. She sighed, checking the watch on her wrist. It was time for their wake up call, so they should be coming down within the hour.

If not, she smiled, then her and her crew would have to go upstairs and help them out. Ideally she wouldn't have to go up there and wake them. If they couldn't get up on their own, how could she rely on them to do anything on her ship at all.

"We'll give the others an hour. They should be getting their wake up call right now. Let's give them time to wake up and shower if needed." Reggie explained. "If they're not down here by time the hour passes, we may take it upon ourselves to get them ready."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eddie Ackers Character Portrait: Minerva (Minn) Darv
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Eddie opened his eyes completely as he tried to get his eyelashes to stop catching on one another. It was really just one side that did this, and he wasn't even sure why. All he knew is that it annoyed him to no end and it happened right when he woke up. Remembering that he was in the presence of another person, he stopped and responded with a bit nicer tone than before.

"Then I'm glad that you at least got good sleep, regardless of how much," he smiled. "And if you're that excited about waiting to make food, then all the better. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday's breakfast, so I'll be a bit more needy than usual," he ran hand across his head as if to make sure his hair was still in the right place.

"So, since you're the first one to receive my masterful meals, what did you have in mind?"

Ackers thought for a minute. "Hmm.... I don't know.... It depends on what the ship has in stock, really. However, I can tell you that I have a fondness for anything with meat in it," he said. "Surprise me, I guess," he shifted his weight in the seat and then spoke again. "So, you nervous? I mean, for all you know, I could be some crazy guy who stole someone's documents and doesn't know how to fly a ship in the least,"