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The Old Republic

Star Wars Universe


a part of The Old Republic, by Armonddangouleme.

Star Wars

Armonddangouleme holds sovereignty over Star Wars Universe, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Old Republic
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Star Wars Universe

Star Wars


Star Wars Universe is a part of The Old Republic.

18 Places in Star Wars Universe:

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Kayrani Sharr [0] A Jedi who prefers diplomacy over violence.
Jedrid D' Angouleme [0] Fear leads to anger

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In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

4 years after the Battle of Bothawui, the Empire changed tactics, and decided upon a new strategy...turn the Mandalorians against the Republic. The Sith had long since attempted to get third parties and other factions to join their side, but with little success. However, Imperial Intelligence came up with a plan to bring the Mandalorians onto their side of the war. Taking advantage of the fact that many Mandalorians fought as gladiators for money and glory, Imperial agents began infiltrating the most prominent arenas in the galaxy, posing as managers, sponsors, and sometimes even as gladiators themselves.

Imperial Intelligence singled out a young Mandalorian gladiator on Geonosis to be their pawn. Sith agents began rigging fights and drugging the competition to ensure that the young gladiator would be unstoppable. With his new Imperial allies, he was able to establish himself as the galaxy's most powerful warrior and claim a title that not been heard of for centuries...Mandalore.

After uniting the scattered Mandalorians, the new Mandalore encouraged his followers to make war upon the Republic and confront the greatest challenge of all...fighting the legendary Jedi Knights. Following orders from his Sith superiors, he ordered the Mandalorian fleet to blockade the Hydian Way, the Republic's most critical trade route. With that, the Core Worlds found themselves without raw goods or supplies. After several pleas from the Republic, the Jedi confronted the Mandalorians, and were soundly defeated.

The Mandalorians continued the blockade, denying the Republic raw goods and setting the Republic war effort back. Eventually, the blockade started riots on Coruscant and the Senate began to talk about surrendering to the Sith. The blockade, however, was broken by a combined Republic-Smuggler alliance led by Hylo Visz.

After the Mandalorian blockade was broken, the Sith's tactics in the war became far more aggressive and desperate.

Decades after the war started, the Dark Council gave the Republic a surprising offer: the chance to negotiate peace. The Republic could not afford to ignore this opportunity, and the Jedi Council agreed to it, seeing the war as unwinnable. Diplomats on both sides came to Alderaan and began discussing terms of peace. But the Sith had one last trick to play.

The Great Galactic Civil War that had started between the Sith and the Republic had been waging now for over 4 years. The year now BBY 3,677, and the Jedi had been doing everything that they could to help the Republic, but the situation looked very grim for the people of the Republic. Many Jedi, and Soldiers of the Republic have been wiped out, and the Sith are getting ever closer to wiping them from the galaxy. Deep within the core of Tython was a hidden Jedi Temple that was training as many Jedi as they could find in the galaxy, but with the rising Sith power the Jedi were starting to dwindle greatly. Among the great Jedi Masters that were helping in the training process of Master Jedrid D' Angouleme. He had the hardest part of teaching all the younglings until they were assigned a Jedi Knight as their master.

Jedrid was in a large chamber with about 45 youglings in his care. Most of them were getting ready to be assigned their own masters that day, and Jedrid was going to be in the process of hand picking his own to join in the war that was happening with the Sith. He was going to choose a group of his own Jedi that would follow him into battle, and hopefully all follow him out of battle. Jedrid is one of the great Jedi masters of his time, and with the passing demise of the war he was going to be needed on the front lines, not with the younglings.

A man came rushing into the classroom with an urgent holo message for Jedrid, "Master Jedrid there is an urgent message from Coruscant." Jedrid took the holo recording from the Padawan learner and pressed the button to activate it. There was an official on the screen that spoke to him in urgency. "Master Jedrid, we are in dire need of reinforcements in Coruscant. Please send as many Jedi, and Soldiers that the planet of Tython can spare. Please Jedrid we need them immediately." Jedrid let his arm fall to his side.

With the most angelic like voice Jedrid looked up to the classroom, "That concludes today's training younglings. May the force be with you, and have a wonderful night." Jedrid turned and headed out of the classroom in a hurry. He needed to meditate, and make his choices on who is going to take with him on this journey.

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Liam Kaiser

Liam sat in the chair, bent over slightly as his forearms rested on his knees and supported his weight. He was staring down at the ground. There was some kind of small, insect like creature that had been crawling around his feet and over his boots for the last few minutes. He watched it intently as it went about it’s business, not reacting to all of the noise and action that was occurring in the room around it. Liam had been following it’s movements for the past few moments, and to him it was a welcome reprieve from staring at the seemingly pointless actions of the cantina’s patrons. The bug moved about with drive, with purpose, ignoring everything around it. It was as though it could not be bothered with anything but its own business, like the rest of the cantina was beneath it. Liam was intrigued by the creature. Anything in the room could easily utterly destroy it, and yet it acted as though it was above them all. It simply went about it’s business. Yes, this thing was much more interesting than the rest of the cantina’s inhabitants. It had no power, yet it acted like it had more power than everyone. A thought entered Liam’s mind. Perhaps it did have power. Perhaps its attitude was justified and it could easily kill everyone in this room. Liam crushed the bug beneath his boot. Guess not.

Liam looked up at from the ground at the rest of the cantina. He sat away from the bar, the band, and most of the action, but the haze of iniquity could easily be felt from his position. He was once again glad for his helmet, it kept most of the strange odors out of his nose. The always seemed to get worse when the night-time crowd settled in. The chair he was sitting in was near the front entrance and there was a small sign that hung from the wall above his head which read “Bouncer”. Shortly after he had arrived on Tatooine, the owner had spotted him and his menacing attire. Taking special note to the seven light-sabers which hung from his belt. He figured that the man would make a perfect deterrent for anyone that might think of causing trouble for his cantina, so he graciously hired the man. Liam didn’t have much money, so he took the job as it was the first offer that had come to him.

So now he sat in the bar, stewing slightly in the fact that he hadn’t had any victories lately. Suddenly, two of the patrons began exchanging blows. Liam watched the fight from the chair. “Hey! Get over there and stop them! Do you’re job before they break something!” The bartender called over at Liam. Liam stared at the man for a moment. Then he got up and began walking over to the two who where drunkenly going at one another. As he got closer, he began to feel it. The anticipation, the rush, he was about to fight. About to kill. Liam grinned wide beneath his helmet.

As he got closer, he held up his hands. He could feel the force flowing through him as rage felt like it was pouring from his chest. I had been a while since his last fight. The two combat were forward and their bodies tumbled through the air, flailing. One of them went to the corner of a wall, their neck struck it and bent at a bad angle as their body spun around. It fell to the ground limp and obviously dead. The other one was not so lucky, his back struck the wall flatly. He fell down to his knees on the ground coughing as he tried to catch is breath. Liam approached, he felt the rage streaming steadily out now. As it always did. He wanted to kill his enemy, he needed to kill his enemy. To make them pay. The bartender was shouting in the background, the other patrons where yelling and fleeing in fear. Liam could not hear them, all he saw was the enemy before him. The one on his knees looked up at him, trying to say something. Liam brought his hand up swiftly as though he was throwing something upward. The brawler flew upwards and his head impacted against the stone ceiling with a sickening crack. The body fell to the ground.

Liam stood there for a moment, reveling in his victory. He could feel it, for an instant, he was free. Then it was gone, much more quickly than it had arrived. He wished they had been more of a challenge. He turned around. The bartender was yelling at him. Liam didn’t care. “Pay me.” He said in a flat tone. The bartender yelled some more. “Pay me now.” He moved his hand to the his chest, over his light saber. The bartender became silent. Then he motioned for Liam to follow.

Liam walked through the desert town, the stars above him shone brightly. The bartender had paid him for his work, but had told him not to come back. The cantina was where he had been staying, so now he was outside. He would have to sleep outside tonight, though Liam didn’t mind much. His suit kept him warm, and the stars reminded him of victory. He soon found a relatively closed off space, between two buildings. He sat down with his back against one of them and closed his eyes. Sleep came swiftly, just as it always did.

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The Jedi Temple was being attacked by Sith. Her fellow Jedi needed her assistance, the Sith were slowly but surely gaining the upper hand, but her master Instructed her otherwise. "The Sith will slaughter anyone they can. Kayrani You must get to the younglings at once and escort them out!".

Kayrani did not object. She saw reason in this and so she went off as fast as she could go. The clashing of sabers was now muffled by the long hallways and so was the Blaster Fire but Kayrani being a Miraluka, she could feel the epic battle raging as if as she were in it. Great power was colliding against one another and anyone would be able to sense this, had they been properly disciplined, but Miraluka were more sensitive to this. The Children were still in there classes awaiting their masters (whom probably told them to wait for only a moment) or still being taught.

At first she taught of just barging in the rooms and telling them of the attack but then she recalled that these were youngsters. She shouldn't worry them so much with this. Instead she should tell them what is going on but keep her cool so they don't think it's a big deal.

"I apologize for the interruption...". She stated, nodding to their teacher. "The Temple is under attack. I have been instructed to escort all the students to safety.". Their instructor nodded and addressed the class. Kayrani took this time to go to the other classes and tell them of what was going on.

Kayrani was on her way to the other wing when she sensed danger. She drew her saber and assumed a defensive stance. "I know your here! Show yourself!".


"As you wish...". The intruder hissed and appeared out of thin air. "But I thought you'd rather die quickly, so you would not have to witness the death of those poor children.".

Kayrani's eyes fixed on her opponent and prepared herself for the upcoming fight. The Blaster fire became louder, the fight was spreading. The Younglings would soon be in grave danger if she did not make haste. She knew it was futile but still she attempted to persuade him to leave. "So bold of you to venture deep into the Temple Alone...".

Kayrani focused deeply, for she was attempting to create an illusion. Such things were possible with the Force but it took alot of focus and much practice to create effective and long lasting illusions. Though when one truly mastered the art it became very useful, especially in her line of work, so she made it her best to master this ability. She however had not practiced this before on someone who surely had the willpower to do see through it. "Bold...and foolish...Vangaurds! Dispose of him."

Kayrani addressed Soldiers that were not present and she turned around and walked in the direction she came from. Sweat poured down from her face. If she failed, the battle would be long and she was bluffing earlier. She could see just how connected to the Dark-Side her opponent was, it radiated from him and manifested it self like a shadow. Unfortunately she had to wait for his reaction.

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“What do you want?”

"I just tripped over thats all and I thought should be polite; nothing more really", Tesla said in a friendly tone; that was one thing she had been taught by her parents and her master. To be polite even if the person looked frightening or menacing, it's when you show fear that things get out of hand. She heard the mans stomach growl and she smiled, "Well someone sounds like they haven't eaten in a while; come with me and I'll get you a meal no reason for someone to sleep in an alley and starve", she said as she tossed the the trash in the bin. "My name is Tesla by the way", she walked back to the door to the shop, "Hey it's a free meal, and if your sleeping in the alley it's obvious that you don't have much money", she said to the man.

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She smiled when he decided to follow her, when they came in to the shop her father's eyes went wide. "Uh Tesla dear, um who is this", said her father in a worried tone of voice, by the looks of this guy he wasn't nice. "It's alright father he's a traveler in need of a meal and you always taught me to help those in need right father", she said with a smile at her father and then at the armored man. He knew Tesla was a well trained Jedi and wouldn't put herself in a position that she didn't think she couldn't get out of. "Very well", he said as he watched the man follow his daughter into the house. He breathed a sigh when the man was out of the shop and shook his head.

The house was well kept and organized you could tell that Tesla worked hard to keep the shop separate from their home. "Have a seat", she said to them man and motioned him to sit at the center island that was in the kitchen. She went into the kitchen and started to gather the food to prepare the meal, vegetables fruits, all native to Tatooine. "So may I ask you name", she asked with a smile as she started to chop things. She didn't know why but she could sense that the force was strong with this man, "There is just something that I'm sensing about him and it's not the fact that he was a Sith or once was a Sith", she thought to herself. She didn't agree with Jedi and she didn't agree with the Sith but she believed in the force. And that sometimes it lead you in a direction you weren't expecting; "Maybe there was a reason I tripped over him", she thought.

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“You are confusing.” he stated absentmindedly while he watched. “You seem to be weak, but you show no fear, as though you have power.” He continued to stare at the food she was chopping. “Perhaps you are naïve. Perhaps you do not see that I am Sith.”

"Liam do I have a reason to be afraid of you, I know nothing of your deeds before now. I indeed saw that you are a Sith, but I can sense that you are a man of honor and would gain nothing from killing... well as you said a weak woman. In my opinion showing fear would definitely make me weak", she said as she put the ingredients in some broth she had boiling on the stove. "Someone once told me fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering; none of those things appeal to me Liam", she added some spices to the soup.

"What do you think now, am I still so weak to you now that you what I am or was I should say. I have closed that chapter in my life and chose a path that the Jedi told me that will lead me to the path that you have followed Liam", she ladled the soup in a bowl and set it in front of him. "I do not fear you Liam cause I see no just cause in it", she sat down across from him and smiled.

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Liam Kaiser

Liam watched Tesla smile once again as she told him to follow. Picked up his helmet and carried it under his shoulder as he followed her. She explained that they had a extra room that he could stay in for free. Then she laughed a little. He supposed that he was lucky he would not have to pay for his housing for a while. He had not liked working at that cantina. Liam continued to follow her as they walked through the house. They came to a door and Tesla opened it then went inside. The room seemed dark and a little musty, but Liam was unfazed by it’s state. He followed inside and looked around the room while Tesla opened the curtains. It was a small room, yet efficient in it’s facilities with only the necessities present. Liam was pleased, it was just as he liked it.

Liam watched as Tesla retrieved some sheets from the closet and made the bed. After a few moments the room seemed a little lest musty, and the bed was made. Liam stood an watched as she finished. He was unsure of what to do now. She had not asked for anything in return for her food or board, so decided there was not much else to do than take a nap. “It is adequate. I will stay.” He said to Tesla. He walked over to the old workbench and set his helmet down on it. He then unattached the armor plates that were on his shoulders and torso and sat them on the bench also. As he removed his gear, he moved with calm and efficiency.

Liam pushed all of his light saber trophies to one side of his belt then removed it along with the long strips of tattered synthetic material that hung from it. He coiled the belt around the mass of light sabers and wrapped it in the synthetic material and sat the bundle on the bench also. For a moment he stopped and put his hand on the bundle. He took the short moment to remember the past victories they represented. Then he removed his hand and continued. He removed his gauntlets that housed the fibro-blade claws he used in battle and set them next to his helmet. Finally he removed his light saber from the strap on his chest and set it atop the bundle that contained his belt.

He was left in his body suit and boots, which was adequate for casual attire. Finished, he walked over to the newly made bed and sat down on it. He tilted his head down to scratch the back of his neck, then let out a small yawn. He looked up at Tesla. “You did not want anything in return?” He checked one last time to be sure.

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As Liam removed the armor it intrigued Tesla as to why the Sith thought they needed so much stuff to be powerful, "It's nice to see that your actually a man under there and not some droid", she said jokingly.

“You did not want anything in return?”

Tesla chuckled again, "No you don't have to do a thing; unless you want to", she said; "I need to go assist, my father you are free to come and go as you please Liam", she said as she made her way out of the room.

She walked back into the shop, "Father, we have a guest in the house, he needed a place to stay until he can get back on his feet again, his name is Liam", she said as she stacked some boxes in the corner.

Her father stood there wide eyed, "Your letting hims stay with us...", he never understood it Tesla was so like her mother. Her mother would do anything for anyone if she thought there was any potential for good in them. But this man with so many light sabers on his belt, presumably to him, trophies from his victims. But his daughter had such a big heart that all she saw was a man down on his luck that had nowhere else to turn. "Alright dear I trust you but please be careful, he's a dangerous man", he said.

Tesla looked back at her father, "I know but I just get this feeling from him that deep down there's good in him", she said lost in thought. Customers came into the shop and her father went to dealing with them. Tesla knew she was treading in dangerous waters; but something was drawing her to Liam and she didn't know why.

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"Father I'm going to go start dinner can you finish everything here?", Tesla asked her father. He nodded, "Yeah, sure dear go ahead". It was almost time to close and Tesla knew she needed to start cooking especially with an extra person to feed. She hadn't heard anything from Liam for several hours so she assumed he had fallen to sleep and was getting some needed rest. She came into the house washed the grease off her hands and then began to prepare the evening meal.

Two men came into the shop, as he was putting some last things away, "Can I help you gentlemen?", he asked. The men pulled blasters on him, "You know why we're here right", one of the gun men said. He shook his head they found him he'd tried to elude them but they found him. "You owe the Hutts allot of credits Mr. Jivanti", said the other gun men who pointed the blaster right at his head. "Please I..I.. have daughter, and she doesn't deserve this I'll pay the money I promise; I just need time my wife died you see and...", he was cut off by blaster fire.

Tesla heard blaster fire come from the junk shop it made her jump and she dropped the clay pot in her hand and it crashed to the floor. Thats when her Jedi instincts kicked in, Tesla reached into one of the drawers in the kitchen where she kept one of her light sabers. She grasped the hilt in her hand, it was almost a comforting feeling like wrapping yourself in a blanket when your cold. With a spark and a hiss the saber came to life, glowing a brilliant green glow, she slowly made her way to the door trying to remain quiet, so that what ever was going on in there would be taken by surprise. With a swift movement she jumped into the room force pushed one of the bounty hunters against the wall, and slicing off the other hand that was holding a blaster at the wrist. The hand lay on the floor still clutching the warm blaster, "I advise you to leave now if you intend on leaving with your lives, and tell you boss that he need not try to collect on Mr. Jivanti or he might find himself dieing in a cesspool somewhere", said Tesla.

The one that was screaming and cradling his hand looked wide eyed at Tesla, to him it seemed like the Jedi of Sith he couldn't tell at the moment all he knew is that he was loosing his constitution right on the floor of the shop. The one that hat knocked against the wall finally stood up, "The boss didn't say a damn thing about Jedi lets get the hell out of here", he said and then swiftly ran out the shop door. The other that had wet himself, stood up grabbed his severed hand and then joined his companion in fleeing the scene.

Tesla then turned her attention to her father, her eyes went wide he was bleeding profusely and if she didn't do something now he was going to die. "Father!", she cried and went to his side, "I need to get you into the house". She went running back into the house tears begging to stream down her face, when she got to Liam's door she knocked loud, "Please Liam wake up I need your help Please!!", she pleaded through the door.

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"Please... my father I need your... he's.. been injured", she said trying to gain her composure she wasn't doing any good becoming emotional and crying. She stood up, "Could you help me move him into the house and out of the shop", her breathing began to calm and her voice was less shaky. She led Liam back into the shop, "Some bounty hunters came and tried to collect, they're lucky I was being nice and left with their lives. She looked at the trail of blood and urine left by the one that had lost his hand, "I should have taken the other hand that I severed and sent it back to the Hutts as a gift, if something happens to my father those two might find them selves going back in pieces", she said.

" don't..", she ran over to her father and "Shh.. father don't talk you need your energy", she said brushing her hand against his forehead gently moving a piece of gray hair aside. She began to channel the force out of her body and into her father, trying to stabilize him long enough to move him somewhere she could properly treat his wounds. "Please Liam he's all I have, I've already lost my mother"; she stood up and turned to Liam," he's stabilized enough now to move him, just bring him to his for me he's to big for me to carry. If I wasn't so frightened right now I would just use the force but,...", she trailed off again she could feel the tears sting her eyes again. Her father was in bad shape and she didn't know how much she could do for him.

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Liam Kaiser

Liam watched as Tesla tried to speak through the tears and short breaths. He heard something about her father. Liam understood, something bad had happened to her father. Before Liam could ask what had happened to him, she seemed to stand up straighter and she calmed her voice down. Speaking clearly, she asked Liam if he could help mover her father into the house. Liam gave a slight nod. She turned around and stared leading him through the house. While they walked, Tesla spoke. She said conveyed that bounty hunters had tried to collect money from her father, she had spared their lives. Liam felt the deep pulse of soft anger increase slightly within him. If ever saw them, they would die. Liam followed Tesla’s gaze as she glanced at a trial of blood. He heard her mention that she had severed one of the assailants hands. She joked that she should have kept it to send to the huts as a gift.

Then Liam heard a hoarse sounding voice call out, but he couldn’t make out the words. He looked in the direction of the sound and caught a glimpse of Tesla’s father laying on the ground. Tesla dashed over to him. She whispered something. When Liam got close he could see the mans condition more clearly. There was a lot of blood, it did not look good. Liam watched as Tesla laid her hands on the man, and his condition seemed to improve slightly. Liam had never seen such a thing and was surprised for a moment, but he quickly sobered up as Tesla said something. She was begging him, saying that he was all she had. He did not know what to do, he could do nothing for the man. Liam backed up as Tesla stood up and turned around to face him. She asked him carry her father to his room, saying that he was to heavy for her. Liam nodded. Tesla said something about using the force, then she stopped and he saw her tear up again.

He moved quietly past Tesla and picked up her father, trying to be as gentle as he could. He was not used to carrying injured people so he was a little rough, but nothing that would harm the man. He carried the man through the house swiftly and efficiently. When they reached the man’s bed, he laid him down and backed up. He looked at the man. Liam was unsure if he would die or not, he knew nothing about saving people. Only about killing them. He stepped away, moving out of her way so that she could reach her father. He thought briefly about searching for the bounty hunters, to slaughter them and whoever hired them.

A flash of a memory went through his mind, some of the nice faces from the facility. He wondered how many times he had gone through what Tesla was going through right now. When he was at the facility he had lost count. How often had they put him through the cycle? Every month? Every Week? He knew what she was feeling right now. He knew what she might feel soon. He no longer cared what they had done to him, for it had made him strong. But when he thought about Tesla going through it, he knew he did not like it. He decided to stay, he did not want to leave Tesla alone. “What do you need?” He asked, stepping forward a bit.

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Tesla watched as Liam took her father to his room and laid him on the bed, her father was in bad shape. "Thank you Liam", she said as she knelt down next to her fathers bed. "Father?", she said she could sense his life energy waning, Tesla's fathers eyes opened and he looked at her.

"I'm sorry", he winced with pain; " fault... I... b...b...borrowed m...oney when your m...m...mother was ill", he said in a strained voice. Tears streamed down Tesla's face; if she had been here when her mother died she could have helped. "Father don't strain yourself you need all of your energy", she said placing her hand on his.

"D..don't let t..this co...r..upt you, e..ven if I..I..I die, d..o..n't seek... re...venge", he took a long exhale and then nothing.

"Father...FATHER!", she cried out frantically, but she couldn't sense his life force any lounger he was gone. She laid her head on the bed and sobbed into her father hand.

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Tesla sat there for a moment crying then her feelings of sadness turned into rage, she could feel it like a burning ember that had just turned into a blazing fire, and it began to consume her very heart. She hadn't noticed, Liam leave the room in fact she didn't notice much of anything, she went straight to her room, she threw open the doors of her closet. There tucked in the corner was the box with her gear in it, the light armor, the robe, her other light saber; quickly she dressed and hung the saber to her right, and the the other to her left. Then she grabbed a cloak that would conceal all of her clothes to people that she didn't want to know there was a Jedi on a mission. She stood there for a moment, "No I'm no Jedi... a Jedi wouldn't do what I'm about to do", she said to herself as she hesitated before exiting her room. Then another thought crossed her mind would she have guts to do what she planned to do.

She walked out of her room and made her way into the work shop, she noticed Liam leaving out the door; she had wanted to follow the murderer that had lost his hand, blood trail. She stepped out onto the street, and caught up with Liam, putting her hand on his shoulder, "Liam, where are you going?", she asked. That was a stupid question why would he want to stick around somewhere, where a man was just murdered. She stopped for a moment, "I'm sorry you got caught up in this, Liam. I had meant for you to have a nice place to stay and actually feel like you had ... dammit I don't know what the hell I was thinking", she said.

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#, as written by Sanick

Kolyet had been walking towards the local Junk shop when he had heard blaster fire. In the Slums of Tatooine, it was a common occurence so he paid no mind.
As he walked towards the Junk shop entrance, he noticed 5 heavily armed men moving towards him

As he walked past them one of them stop. "Hey, Hey are you Kolyet?"

"Ya thats me why do you ask?" Kolyet asked with his hand on his lightsaber.

The men pointed their blasters at him. "Blarra The Hutt has put a bounty out for you. Supposedly you own him alot of money for a starship." one of them said. The man had recent blood on his armor, They had been busy.

"Look boys, You dont want trouble with me, I dont want trouble with you." Koylet said, trying to remain calm. His anger rising already.

"Hey Kal. Wasn't Kolyet's bounty dead?" Said one of the men in the back of the group.

"Ya Balin, i think it was"

The men Looked down their sights but before they would fire, Kolyet sent a force push and knocked all the men back about 15 feet. He drew his Extended LightSaber, and let out a low growl. He Force sprinted into the Mosh of men, and took one low swing, decapitating one man. He Lashed out in a ferocious handhand swing, cutting another man in half. One of the Bounty Hunters shot a rocket at Kolyet. He Dodge out of the way, and by that time the reaming 3 men had regained their footing. They began to open fire on him, which he began to deflect back to them.

Kolyet Began to run forward and cut another man who held his ground too long. He took both his hands off and then shoved his Lightsaber through his chest. He turned to see both men readying their rifles. Kolyet turned to them and held up his hand. Both men began to levitate and they dropped their rifles, clawing at their necks."

"You fools should do a little research before you attempt to track your prey!" Kolyet screamed at them as he force pushed them to a nearby wall.

As Kolyet began to move back towards the Junk Shop, he saw 3 more men go running by him towards Blarra's palace. One man was missing his hand and was bleeding pretty bad.

Well Blarra, you wanna put a bounty on me? I think i am gonna come pay you a visit. He slowly began to follow the blood trail.

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The waiting had come to an end, and Jedrid couldn't wait any longer for any one else to show. The assault on the Jedi Temple had been wrong, and Jedrid was going to try and make things right. He and about twenty fellow Jedi headed in the direction of the temple. He needed to be strong for the fact that the Jedi knew very little of what was going on. The men stood in a small formation that wasn't going to broken very easily by any enemy of the Jedi. They were in a reverse pyramid shape that had Jedrid at the front center, and the healers in the back half.

When the Jedi arrived at the temple the battle was still ensuing with many men and women on both sides of the playing field laying dead. Jedrid called out to the rest of the Jedi, "Your reinforcements have arrived men. Fight with the force and drive the enemy back. We will take back the temple that rightfully belongs to the Jedi!" Jedrid ended his words with both of his sabers floating to his hands, and rushing into the fray headfirst with the rest of the Jedi.

Jedrid started heading down the hall where he heard that the younglings were being taken to safety. With a moments pause he waited and opened his mind for force sight. He didn't notice anything at first, other than a dead Sith laying there on the ground. He had felt the strong presence of the force before, but he didn't remember who's it was. Jedrid kept following the paths that led to the secret exit out of the temple, and came across a youngling that had gotten left behind, "Little one what are you doing here?" The youngling looked up to the Twi' Lek Jedi master and just leaped for his arms. Jedrid caught the little girl without hesitation, and starting heading in the direction that his guts, and the force told him to go.

The little one was sobbing a little while the Jedi Master carried her, "Thank you master, you saved me...sniff...sniff." Jedrid just chuckled a little, and spoke to the child with a tone that could calm any child, a tone that was like that of father to any of the younglings, "Of course I came to save you little one, and I am going to make sure that nothing happens to you or the other children for that matter." Jedrid stopped talking and came around a corner to find the others...