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Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

"Get yer creeper paws off'a me."

0 · 408 views · located in New York

a character in “The Organization”, originally authored by Forensic_Anthro, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

Age: Eighteen

Gender: Female

Race: Caucasian

Ethnicity: Scottish

Eye Color: Light blue

Hair Color: White

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 105 lbs.

Species: Super-Power

Powers/Abilities: Transference of wounds: she can basically heal someone by taking their wound upon herself.
Color alteration: she can temporarily edit the color of anything she sees. She can also use this to 'camouflage' herself by making herself match her surroundings.

Personality: Miko is a spunky, fun girl that loves music. However, when she gets mad she's as deadly as a rattlesnake. She can be the life of the party or the death of it. She gets very attached to her friends and tends to hover by them when in a crowd of people she doesn't know. However, she can be social when she wants to. When she's in a particularly good mood, she doesn't care who you are but she'll talk to you for as long as she can find something to converse about. If Miko were to have a motto, it would be "if it isn't fun and challenging, it isn't worth my time."

Family: Amane Fujitaka-Mac an Fhleisteir (mother), Ailig Mac an Fhleisteir (father), and Eòghann "Ewan" Mac an Fhleisteir (brother).

Brief Bio: Miko never had a particularly bad past- not as bad as most people's, at least. Sure, she grew up with her power and her parents always wondered why she came home scraped and bleeding while all the other kids went home with perfect skin, but since it never seemed to bother their little daughter they never asked. That delicate silence only lasted until Miko was approximately sixteen and her brother was badly hurt in a car crash and she tried to heal him. Imagine their surprise when suddenly it was Miko in the hospital! Of course, the hospital was being monitored by the Organization and they quickly noticed the strange phenomena. As soon as Miko was released from the hospital the Organization took her away and told her parents and brother that she had been found dead in a park late one night. Now, after two years in the Organization undergoing their tests, she was finally free. Well, freedom is a slight exaggeration. It's more of a slight vacation while being hunted like animals, one could say.

Other: Since Miko lived in Scotland until she was ten, she has a bit of a Scottish accent though she doesn't use the lingo so much anymore. Her accent definitely isn't as strong as it used to be.

So begins...

Miko Mac an Fhleisteir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Eòghann "Ewan" Mac an Fhleisteir

Eòghann peered over the side of the building, watching the commotion on the road below as a small group of people tried to free two others which were chained to an Organization car. He was gripping Miko's hand tightly in his as they watched, but after a moment reconsidered their position. The event had turned out to be a trap for the group and Ewan had no intention of going back to the facility. He saw that some of the group at least had the brains to run, except for one guy that actually started walking towards the lady that was obviously in charge of the ambush. Having let go of Miko's hand so that he could stand up, Ewan reached for his sister once more and clutched her hand tightly as they headed to the other end of the building.

Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

As soon as they were on the ground, Miko was running. Eòghann was keeping pace with her easily, and Miko silently cursed her slowness. It didn't take long for them to find Dorian, though.

"Looks like ye found yourself a rammy. Maybe this ace bam and I can help ye a wee bit?" she grinned, hoping that she wouldn't have to try and translate that so that they would understand better. Hopefully they'd get the general idea.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir Character Portrait: Malice St. James
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Eòghann "Ewan" Mac an Fhleisteir

Ewan frowned. The group that had been fighting had clearly ignored Miko's comment, much to her obvious dismay. Of course, they did tag along behind one of the boys they had tried to converse with previously. Soon they arrived at an apartment, in which there were more teenagers whom Ewan assumed also had powers.

Listening to Samuel's description of Malice, he raised an eyebrow. They'd obviously had a thing. "Well, isn't that all fine and dandy. Now, as Miko here tried to ask you on our way here- thanks for ignoring her, by the way- would you like our help or not?" he leaned against the wall and smiled charmingly as he awaited an answer.

Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

Miko grumbled several unkind words as she was ignored. Following the boys back to their apartment, she leaned against the wall beside Ewan as he spoke, asking the group if they wanted their help or not.

"Aye, ye better nae blether about it and decide quick, ye bairns." she ran a hand through her long white hair, obviously impatient for an answer.

((Translation of Miko's quote: "Yeah, you better not talk about it for a long time and decide quick, you little children."))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Samuel heard a ruckus outside the room he and Dorian were in. "Let's talk about this later, we've got important things to do. Like one, how about we take out the people who've taken over my mansion. I'm sure they've placed a higher up in that place who can provide us with info, besides they'll need someone strong to get me. I'm Samuel freaking Lark" Samuel said once again trying to lighten the mood with sarcasm.

Once outside of the room he saw two people were looking for help, but everyone seemed to distraught to pay attention. He extended his hand to Miko who seemed to be doing the most talking or demanding rather. "Hey, I'm Samuel. Do you need help with something?" he asked her


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Paxton Grey Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Baylee looked to Pax and gave him a half smiled "well next time ye becareful why dontcha okay?" she then looked to see a girl and boy just walk in talking about helping and such, and she couldn't help but laugh cus she actually understood what she was saying "more girls awesome" she goes over to her and puts out her hand "im Baylee but ye call me Bay, whats ye names?" she asked the girl and boy


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

Miko shook Samuel's hand, smiling brightly at him before she shook Baylee's hand as well.
"M'name's Miko Mac an Fhleisteir. This wee neap is my brother Eòghann, but ye might find it a wee bit easier t' call him Ewan." she was about to say more when Dorian spoke up.
"Stop yer blethering, ye wee loon. Ye already ken who we are. Yer havering about us nae checking t' see if we were followed t' yer flat, but we followed ye here!" she turned away from Dorian, slightly annoyed with his useless questions.

Smiling back at Samuel, she resumed answering his earlier question. "Ye think we came 'ere t' ask for yer help? We came 'ere t' help ye! We got abilities jus' like the lot of ye, so we came 'ere to join ye! If ye've an issue wit' that, ye'd best get in queue, 'cause Ewan doe'nt li'e it either."

((Translation of Miko: [first quote, introducing herself and Ewan] "My name's Miko Mac an Fhleisteir. This little idiot is my brother Eòghann, but you might find it a little bit easier to call him Ewan."
[second quote, talking to Dorian] "Stop your rambling, you little boy. You already know who we are. You're saying a load of rubbish about us not checking to see if we were followed to your apartment, but we followed you here!"
[third quote, talking to Samuel] "You think we came here to ask for your help? We came here to help you! We've got abilities just like the group of you, so we came here to join you. If you've got a problem with that, then you'd better get in line because Ewan doesn't like it either."))

Eòghann "Ewan" Mac an Fhleisteir

Ewan listened, amused, as Miko introduced them and then started ranting to one of the boys and basically called him an idiot child because they had followed him here. He could feel for the guy- Ewan didn't like the situation any more than Dorian did, but he knew he couldn't deter Miko from her goal of joining the group. Giving a nonchalant wave when he was mentioned, Ewan quietly studied the room, paying special attention to its inhabitants. They were an interesting group, that was for sure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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"Well that's just excellent" Samuel said. "Oh you've met our fearless leader Dorian? He so bravely lead us into retreat. Did you follow us long enough to see our glorious "victory"? Samuel asked with sarcasm directed towards Dorian because they barely made it out of there. He turned to Dorian and looked him right in the eyes. Samuel was not satisfied with the way Dorian conducted this team. He must've never been in charge of anything in his life, his leadership skills were novice at best.

"Anyways since you guys want to help, or at least one of you does, what are your powers? Mine's super speed with a little bit of heat dropped in there" Samuel said dashing from one end of the room to the other, so fast it looked like he hadn't moved, but he cause a bit of a hot breeze inside the apartment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Paxton Grey Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Baylee smiled at Miko and Ewan "Nice to meet you both" she then went and took a seat near Paxton and heard Samuel ask about Miko and Ewan's powers and tell them his own and decided she would let them know hers also and she spoke up looking to Miko and Ewan "I can know peoples fears and make them real to them, and create nightmares in their minds....Im not going to give an example though...don't want to terrify anyone" she then looked to Paxton and gave him a small smile waiting for him to answer her question.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Paxton Grey Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Samuel thought about his options meticulously as he often did everything. Samuel wasn't the smartest guy ever, but he looked at almost every aspect of a situation before making a decision. He thought about how Dorian couldn't manage the team properly, how they didn't know enough, how he had to restrict himself in combat because he had to look out for others, and finally he thought about Malice. Samuel clenched his locket once again. He thought about how'd she been different. He knew that The Organization had her under their control. Being on the team jeopardize Malice's safety even if she was calling the shots. If they some how found out that he and Malice had a connection, they'd use her against him. No matter what Samuel would never lay a hand on Malice and it was best that no one found out. The Organization was a big deal, but rescuing Malice had to be his top priority and he wasn't sure if Dorian would agree with that, so he decided to his own special way.

"I'll team up with you, despite your terrible leadership, your random group of people you barely know, and the terrible eyesore this apartment is. I mean seriously, can we get some color in this place. Yes, despite all this my dearest friend Dorian I will join you. Yes, possibly the fastest man on the planet and the sexiest man in this room..." Samuel takes a moment to wink at all the ladies in the room. "...will join you...under one condition." Samuel looks Dorian in his eyes to let him know that this part is serious. "When I join this team, our first priority before anything else is to find Malice and save her. Do we have a deal?" Samuel dashed over to Dorian, he was now face to face with him with his hand extended waiting for Dorian to shake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Samuel was happy that Dorian accepted his terms and he agreed to listen to Dorian by saying "I'm all ears boss".

When Dorian whispered in Samuel's ears he was subjective to his request. Samuel still didn't completely trust Dorian, for all he knew he could have been insurgent sent to round them up and turn them in, which would explain his terrible leadership skills. He had little choice at this point, he could find Malice on his own, but it'd take time. He also needed time to talk to her once they found her and these group of misfits would be the perfect distraction.

"Will talk about that later, first let's get you some backup" Samuel whispered and turned away from Dorian. "Okay guys it's settled, I'm on board. Now you guys have a choice to make, you can join The Cool Kids Club..." Samuel began to say. "That's the name of the team right?" Samuel turned his head to Dorian and loudly whispered so everyone could hear, then quickly turned back around. "...or you can wander around on the street by yourselves, fight or run, either way The Organization will catch you, they already did once." Samuel said with a more serious look. "We'll also get a better place than this as our base. There's a lot of us here and I hate to disappoint you Dorian, but I'm not spooning with you. Did I also mention the lack of color in here?" Samuel said trying to lighten the mood again, but he was actually serious about this one. This apartment was not the best place for all of them...did he also mention the lack of color.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Kathy cracked a small smile and then put on a seriouse look on her face.She stood up and folded her arms ."I'm in.Who else is?"she knew that was a stupid question but still asked it.She looked at Samuel and Dorian and smiled.She walked over to where they were and stood next to them."Totaly in."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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"That's four of us already, we're not doing so bad, ay Dorian" Samuel said with a smile turning back to him. "C'mon how about the rest of you." Samuel said as he looked around at everyone, he felt that he had to be enthusiastic because Dorian was more of a serious kind of guy. If he acted like this some folks might feel get a feeling of a more friendlier welcome. He was hoping everyone would join, it would help his chances with saving Malice, he didn't care to much about afterwards.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

Miko grinned as they asked if everyone would join the 'Cool Kids Club,' as Samuel put it. "Aye, we'll join ye." waiting for a pause in the conversation, she shrugged at Dorian's comment that the Organization checkpoint would be the hardest part.
"Ye ken, th' Organization checkpoints shan't be a problem so long as ye've got me. Di' I mention that I can camouflage blokes and rubbish like that?" she grinned. "An' if ye get hurt I can heal ye." she smiled cheerfully.

((Translation: [first quote] "Yeah, we'll join you."
[second quote] "You know, the Organization checkpoints won't be a problem so long as you've got me. Did I mention that I can camouflage people and stuff like that? And if you get hurt I can heal you."))

Eòghann "Ewan" Mac an Fhleisteir

Ewan listened to everyone patiently and waited until Miko had said her piece. "Well, I suppose that I ought to look after this lunatic," he gestured towards Miko, "so I guess that I'm tagging along as well. Also, once we get there I can fix the place up. My power is to "learn by example," I suppose. Play me a movie or a cartoon or video game and show me something that is humanly possible and I will be able to do it. I can't copy a super power or anything, but I may be able to try and fix up a little of the school if there's internet or a construction channel on the telly-" he paused to correct himself, "I mean, the television, then it shouldn't be too hard." he shrugged and smiled. "Anything I can do to help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Samuel jokingly dashed out of the apartment when Dorian mentioned cleaning, leaving the room in a bit of silence. He returned thirty seconds later with a box of pizza and one slice already in hand. "Yeah about that...I'm actually a girl, my real name is Samuella, and my boobies are really small that's why I get confused as a man sometimes. But seriously Dorian you don't expect me to clean, c'mon I've had butlers and maids for the past year. I'm not even joking about this one, butlers!" Samuel said as he took a bite of his pizza.

Samuel turned to Dorian when Miko and Ewan announced they'd be joining. "Now look at that, we're a legit justice league now. Dorian you should totally order some capes...and please don't get them the same color as this apartment." He turned to Miko and Ewan "Glad to have you guys on board" Samuel smiled and pushed forward the box of pizza to them. "'s hot and fresh from Chicago" Samuel teased them a bit as he offered them some. "None for you Dorian, leaders have to stay in shape" Samuel turned his head to Dorian and teased him. Teasing Dorian had actually become enjoyable to Samuel, he was already loving this team.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Baylee listened to the conversation "I may a girl but I do not mind cleaning and helping pick up the place....and Samuella when ye pass Katey a piece of pizza may I have a piece too?" she then laughed about the cape thing "oh oh if we have capes we also have to have special names ye know?" she said saracastically and jokingly. She was really starting to like the group, and was feeling more at ease not having to be running alone anymore. She then started to think of something "Ye know I wont be able to practice using my power...I wish I could learn to focus it on a group of people but able to disclude people if they are around..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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#, as written by A u t o
Lana's smile softened a bit when Dorian spoke to her. It was reassuring knowing that they'd all be working together like this. Back home with her aunt, she was hardly ever allowed to hang out with friends except at school. She propped her arms up on her knees, resting her head in her hands as she listened toe everyone. Once Samuel brought in the pizza, she got a bit excited, remembering her lack of money earlier when she wanted something. "Oh, pass me a slice, too!" She didn't add to the cleaning topic at all. For her whole life she had someone else clean up after her and, frankly, she was sort of glad that Dorian had volunteered the guys for cleaning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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"Alright then it's settled, let the girls clean only if they want" Samuel said not wanting to start discussion over petty things. He then turned to Baylee. "Hey you can practice your powers on me, you're going to have to get stronger, so I have no problem taking one for the team." Samuel said smiling knowing that his fear was present, it was always present, so if he exposed himself to it maybe he'd gain confidence. "Hey if you guys want more food just let me know and I'll go rob a bank and get it for you" Samuel said this in a joking way, but he was not joking at all, he was flat broke since The Organization kidnapped him. He couldn't access his bank accounts or even go to his mansion that he found had been turned into an Organization base shortly after escaping.

Samuel handed over a slice to Swetlana who asked for one. He could see that she had not eaten in a while in her expression. "Enjoy" Samuel said as he smiled over at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Baylee took the piece of pizza from Katey and smiled "thanks Katey" she then looked to Samuel when he said "Alright then it's settled, let the girls clean only if they want" she laughed a little as she said "well we gotta make sure it gets done right" she then looked to the other girls "right girls? Im not sure if these boys 'know' hows to clean" she laughed then looked back to Samuel when he said "Hey you can practice your powers on me, you're going to have to get stronger, so I have no problem taking one for the team." she smiled "that is really taking one for the team...cause my ability can really freak people out.." she then started eating the piece of pizza, havent had pizza in forever she was really enjoying this.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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((double post -.-))

The setting changes from New York to Dorian's Sublevel Appointment

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Reentering Dorian's apartment Skyler watched the rest of the group huddled around eating pizza, smiling at the large gathering he thought it would be a nice time to introduce himself to the rest of the group. Clearing his lungs and kinda stopping on the floor to grab the attention of everyone in the room, "Well hello everyone..." Skyler spoke with a smile bowing before the ladies in the room. "My name is Skyler Lucian Vicero, also known as the lightning prince" He finished off his sentience surging a small electrical current through out his body and making a lightning spear. Looking to Dorian then walking towards him trying to relax, "Sorry for earlier, I was dealing with a large issue...I can still be of use just give me the word" With that statement Skyler Plopped down onto the sofa gazing around the room everything felt so peaceful and it seemed that the others were getting along pretty well. Kinda like a loose nit family, laughing to himself he wondered what would happen next and how would he deal with his brother in the future.

The setting changes from Dorian's Sublevel Appointment to New York


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel looked over at Dorian after he called him an ugly female. "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful" Samuel jokingly said to him and he swung his hair. Samuel then looked at Dorian seriously. "Neon..paint, that's final" Samuel said with a stern look on his face, he was joking of course.

He watched as Skyler walked in, he didn't know how to feel about this guy, as he was bold enough to call himself the lightening prince. "C'mon Dory boy do you really need to ask, he just said he'd like to help." Samuel said while offering Skyler a slice. Another thing bothered him, Skyler just casually walked into the apartment. He made it seem so easy too, easy enough for The Organization to do the same. "Hey Dorian, I'm going to keep a lookout outside the apartment, just in case." Samuel said as he put down the pizza and walked outside.
