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Skyler Lucian Vicero

Brother you angered your prince...

0 · 589 views · located in New York

a character in “The Organization”, as played by blacksky


Name: Skyler Lucian Vicero
Nickname: Lightning Prince
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race/ Ethnicity: African-American

Powers/Ablilties: Lightning Breaking – He calls down the power of lightning through their will power shaping it into a form of elemental energy. Any lightning based attacks they can absorb and repel if it is not stronger than their body along with having a constant electrical charge flowing allowing them to fire bolts of lightning and so forth. Being able to gather pure electrical energy from power lines and nearly anything that can provide electrical energy, Skyler is able to turn this energy into fuel for his attacks as well as storing the energy for later use. Skyler can also use four of the six styles of Lightning breaking Blue, Red, White, Black, Chaotic, and Shadow *. Out of these styles Skyler can only use Blue, Red, White, and Black while only mastering Blue, Red and White.

(* Blue Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the weakest form of lightning breaking, using this style for its non lethal attacks and lesser healing capabilities.
Red Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the more destructive and powerful form of lightning breaking, trading the lesser healing and non lethal attacks, for much stronger attacks and self defensive healing.

White Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the upgraded version of blue lightning breaking. He gains a much stronger healing capability, while obtaining a small amount of destructive power from red lightning breaking Skyler enters a balanced state. Given the power to call upon the wrath of the lightning god to strike down his foes, amping up is power and gaining wings created out of pure energy Skyler is given the use of abilities he cannot normally use.

Black Lightning Breaker- Skyler pushes his anger and hate into pure offensive power gaining attacks that are much much more powerful than before, trading the defensive healing for a thick coat of black lightning armor.

Chaotic Lighting Breaker- Skyler enters a berserker like trance killing and destroying anything in his way without reason, unable to tell apart friend from foe. This is his most powerful from of breaking and cannot be triggered by will only under certain circumstances can Skyler use this power)

Ice Breaking – Calling forth the power to create thick coats of ice out of the moisture that is apparent in the air. Skyler can form weapon’s defensive walls and other things by using his power to control ice, not as developed as the Lightning Breaking skill this ability is usually used as a back up when Skyler needs to recharge his power.

Eye Color: Sky blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’11
Weight: 183 lbs
Species: Demi-God
Appearance: Standing at about 5'11 with tree bark brown hair down to his shoulders. Growing slight facial hairs around his chin, appearing like small whiskers. Skyler has light brown tannish skin, with a pretty tough body build since he focuses on his physical power to synergize with his fighting style utilizing his breaking powers to its fullest. From all his physical training his hands and feet became much more rough and stronger, giving him the look of a athletic climber. Skyler, dressing in his father’s old combat gear, a black silk tunic covered by dark leather body armor covering his chest, shoulders and stomach, along with Leather armor covering his legs.

Personality: Skyler is extremely gentleman like when approached by strangers or women, while with friends or enemies he is more sarcastic and funny. Even making fun of his opposition while in combat, even after the death of his father he held on to his fun loving and forgiving nature while staying serious. He is a relaxed and careful person as well making sure not to offend people he has just met, attempting to keep on good terms with anyone who seems descent in life and nature.

Family: Wolfe Vicero- Alive (Brother)
Lucian Vicero Dead- (Great grandfather: Lightning God)
Annie Vicero Alive (Mother)
Barron Vicero Dead (Father)

Brief Bio: Growing up under pressure, forced to fight against his eldest brother Wolfe in order to train him. Skyler grew tired of being used as a puppet for his father’s games, he thought it would be better to challenge his father himself to prove that he was stronger. Being bested by his father quickly, a dark energy build up inside of Skyler, calling out as he charged the chaotic lighting formed around him striking his father twice killing him upon the second blow. Shaken by his actions Skyler ran away from his home living alone until his eldest brother brought him to the organization to be used.

So begins...

Skyler Lucian Vicero's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel yawned a bit and looked at Katey who was still by his side and looked around to see that the sun was about to rise soon, it was about 5 a.m. "We're almost finished keeping guard" he said as he smiled to Katey.

Samuel turned to see that Skyler was behind him. "Hey what's up Skyler." Samuel greeted. Skyler wasn't his most favorite person in the group because of his overall demeanor. Samuel didn't hate him though of course. Hey if you don't mind me asking, what's up with all the lightning prince business. I've had some pretty weird nicknames in my day, but you've got to have some reputation to get that name." He inquired to Skyler who was sitting in a chair made of ice, he'd somehow managed to conjure up. "Okay so he's a lightning prince, but he controls ice, go figure" Samuel thought to himself.

(OOC: hope you guys don't mind me moving the time up, just let me know if it's a problem)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Yeah I'm warm and good ."she smiled back at him.Katey turned around and looked at the boy behind them."Hey nice to meet you too,I'm Katey "she eyed him closely and nodded at what he said."Yeah I don't really sleep well." she gave a faint smile and turned her head so that she was looking at the building across from them.She sighed and turned her head again to skyler."Lighting prince?Then what's up with the ice.?" she scooted an inch or two closer to Samual to feel the warmth that was coming off his body and looked up at skyler.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Skyler laughed and stood from his chair channeling the lightning deep inside of his core, throwing his right hand up calling down a bolt of pure lightning. " I am the Lightning Prince, desending from the Lightning God my father is the Lightning king, and my god forsaken brother the Fire Prince. I am half god half human" Skyler said throwing the bolt back into the sky. He sat back down smirking at the two of them trying not to seem arrogant "It's a common thing to present your title and full name when you introduce yourself." Laughing at Katey starting to anwser her question " The Ice Queen is the Lightning Gods wife, so I have some of her power as well, but mostly my power comes from lightning." Skyler had no problem talking about himself or his past, for it didn't bother him as much as it would others. The only person he didn't like talking about was Wolfe, a traitor and a killer shaking off the thoughts of the past Skyler looked up "what can you do?" Skyler asked smiling


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Ah,I see.Thats amazing." she said looking down at the ground.Katey instantly looked up when he asked "What can you do?"she gave an innocent smile.She wasen't going to tell him that her father was a vampire,and bit her to save her."Oh yea,I have like super strength and I can read people's minds as long as the thought is strong enough to channel to me." she shrugged and looked over her shoulder to the ground,then back at Skyler." So you come from a lightning god,that's cool." she said softly trying to change the subject so it wouldn't revolve around her so much.She listened to the birds beginning to chirp and imagined when she was with her family,before her mom left,outdoors spending quality time together and never having to worry about a single thing.But now it was all screwed up her mom was gone,her dad is always busy,her brother ignores her and now she's being chased by f'ed up people.She shook her head and pasted a fake smile on her face as she bit her lip,hopping that Skyler wouldn't ask anymore questions about her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel looked at Skyler a bit tired "Of course you're the son of a god, show off." He thought to himself. "So basically you're a demi-god...interesting" Samuel said although he couldn't believe it. He'd met many unique individuals, but he did not believe in gods, so he was skeptical.

When Skyler asked what he could do he decided to test the waters with this guy. "Well you see this's so awesome that everyone considered it supernatural, even the Organization. Yeah they tried to get the secret to my perfect hair and I didn't tell them, so they tortured me. After I escaped Dorian just saw my face and he had to have me on his team, he's a bit upset that I refuse to spoon with him, but what kind of girl would I be if I let him get to third base on the first day" Samuel said with a straight face. He turned to Katey to see if she was cracking up and noticed she'd gotten a bit closer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Fire", Skyler thought, as he watched Samuel flash away then flash back. To Skyler fire represented hate, anger,anguish and suffering, to Skyler fire was something that needed to be extinguished. But with a smile he clapped for Samuel and his demonstration of his power, but stopping quickly when he brought up Malice. Someone that symbolizing love for Samuel, but what seemed like hate for Dorian someone who would be trouble later on. Skyler hoped that Samuel wouldn't have a problem killing her once things took a toll for the worst, but not wanting to be the bringer of bad news he allowed the touching moment continue. Attempting to lighten up the mood Skyler spoke "Well at least you kissed a girl" with a light hearted laugh at the end of the sentience, rubbing the back of his head as he noticed how awkward what he said was. "Never got the chance I mean" Skyler said correcting himself and turning towards Samuel as he spoke again

"Do me a favor Dorian and get everyone ready to leave...right now. I've been feeling this pulse in the ground, but I haven't seen anything. It just doesn't feel right to me, so if we're going to this new hideout we need to" Skyler felt it too, the pulse was faint but if it bothered Samuel enough it must have been much more noticeable to him "I can warp us to were ever we need to go... its faster and much safer than running around the city " Skyler added


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel glared at Skyler when he said at least he had kissed a girl. Samuel was usually a guy who joked around a lot so, he wasn't offended at the joke, he was just offended that he'd brought up Malice in that way. Malice was someone important to him in the past and still was. He still had to play the nice guy for the time being, so he smiled when Skyler told him he had not kissed a girl.

Samuel hoped up from where he was sitting and headed downstairs. "You guys coming?" Samuel asked as he held the door open for them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel walked down the stairs just in time to hear that Dorian was going to stay while he torched the place. "Dorian, how bout I give you a life to the place. I can't go as fast as I normally would, but it beats walking and I'm environmentally friendly" Samuel said with a sly smile. Samuel genuinely wanted not to leave Dorian alone for two reasons. The first reason being is that it would be stupid to leave him in a burning building, the second was he didn't trust Dorian enough to leave him alone.

"If Skyler freezes me to death I can actually run at full speed without turning you to in to charcoal, so are you up for it?" Samuel asked


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Grabbing the map from Kayey and looking to the rest of the group gather around him, Studying the map quickly getting an idea on how far he would have take the group. "If we are going now all of you group up, and hold hands...DO NOT MOVE. I don't want to drop anyone" Torching the place, destroying everything that was left inside would be a reckless move if no one else was going to stay behind and take Dorian. He seemed trusted by the rest of the group well enough, Samuel could run there and back so it would be even less of a problem to get them there. Listening to Samuels idea, Skyler comments" If you can shake off the ice I'll do it, but I want to move them first." Walking back to the group gathering electrical energy, parting the clouds as he looked to the group White Lightning Breaker he said to himself as he energy reaches its highest point of containment. "Are you ready?" Skyler asked the group as he walked towards them readying himself for a lightning jump.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel reluctantly turned away and went back to the roof. He wanted to stay with Dorian just in case, but he had to set an example for the others and start following his orders. "Hold up wait for me, it seems that Dorian's gonna get his own ride there, he insisted. I'd run, but I'm feeling a bit tired to be honest." Samuel said as he ran back up to the group. He stood beside Katey and held her hand since she was the one who seemed to be the person least annoyed by his actions throughout the day, besides Miko of course. Samuel felt he would create tension between him and her brother if he did that though. "Uh hey Skyler you think we could make a stop on the way there and get some neon paint" Samuel said jokingly and then yawned. His eyes were a bit red from staying up all night.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Katey grabbed Samuals hand and then grabbed Baylee's hand."Yea let's get some neon paint." she said with a giggle or two.She stopped and put a seriouse face on."Okay I'm ready to get the hell out of here."she said to Skyler tiredly.She knew she should have gone o sleep but felt like staying up and keep watch instead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Embracing his energy and standing in the center of the group creating a electromagnetic field around himself and the group, seriously looking to the group "Don't let go". Shooting a current of white lightning into the sky, sending down a large bolt of lightning onto the group launching them into the heavens then back down in front of the school within a single second. Standing proudly as Skyler looked to the rest of the group with a slight smile on his face, "Well that's the first time I've taken more than a single person with me on a jump" Then looking to the school they would be using for training and planning when to strike on the Organization, it looked well off for now just needed some repairs. Disabling the white lightning and quickly draining more electrical energy from a power line before shooting a bolt into the school door flinging it open. "Let's get started" Skyler said making his way inside


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Wow that was pretty slow Skyler, next time I'll catch the bus" Samuel said jokingly with a smile on his face. He looked to the abandoned school, thinking back to his time in high school. "Anyone wanna reenact scenes from the breakfast club? no? just me? alright, too early i guess" Samuel said as he tried to hold up a tired smile.

"I didn't want to clean, but i guess I have no choice." Samuel said and shortly after he dashed into the school. He went into every room at high speed. but not high enough to leave a trail of fire. Throughout the school a cloud of dust and garbage followed him. Finally when Samuel had finished going through all of the rooms he headed outside of the school and stopped moving about 100 feet away, he made sure he didn't cross paths with the others. Soon after Samuel left the school a huge cloud of dirt followed him, Samuel ran away from the dirt slow enough to be visible and not be followed by the dirt, but fast enough to escape it.

"Alright well most of the work is done now, just got to deal with the fungus. I hope the rest of you have fun with that" Samuel said as he smiled proudly and motioned everyone to move inside of the building. "Oh and don't forget, I'm sleeping in the gym. I already called dibs guys, I'm not kidding" Samuel said with sincerity in his voice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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Darting a smile right back to Samuel "I have to make sure I don't kill anyone I move." Skyler stuck pit his tongue and watched as Samuel quickly cleared the trash up from the inside of the school, "Alright well most of the work is done now, just got to deal with the fungus. I hope the rest of you have fun with that" Samuel said as he made his way outside and to the rest of the group standing there. Shrugging and looking inside of the school, I could cleanse it pretty fast actually Skyler thought to himself as he followed suit and entered the school smiling as Katey congratulated the two on a job well done. Parting ways with Samuel and Katey allowing them to talk " I'll clear the rest of the building of fungus with one charge, you'll feel a tingle that's about it" Skyler told the both of them making his way into gym.

Sitting down on the dusty floor closing his eyes and focusing red lightning energy around him, condensing it and firing it out in small weak pulses before discharging one huge furious electric pulse from his core. Concentrating the wavelength and frequency of the electric wave to focus on the small biological wavelengths the fungus spread to kill them and them alone. Smiling at himself at a job well done as he felt the dissipation of the fungus. Making his way out of the gym Skyler searched for the computers room of the school, an area where tons of electrical power would be used.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Paxton Grey
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"Yeah it's no problem Kate" Sam said as he was about to lead the way to the gym, when Skyler created an electrical pulse that seemed to get rid of all the fungus in the building. "Well it looks you won't be having to share the gym with me after all" Samuel said smiling as he held the back of his neck. "I guess...I'll catch you some other time then" Samuel said as he began to walk to gym again.

When he arrived he saw an unconscious Dorian lying on the gym floor. "Aww c'mon Dorian I already called dibs!....Dorian?" Samuel said as he shook him on the shoulder. Samuel casually walked outside of the gym to the others. "Hey everyone Dorian's in the gym unconscious, just thought you guys like to know that." Samuel casually walked back to the gym and sat back on the bleachers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Hey everyone Dorian's in the gym unconscious, just thought you guys like to know that." Skyler listened to Samuel call out , being not to far from the gym Skyler turned on his heels and jogged over to the gym. Watching Samuel as he woke Dorian, walking towards the two Skyler examined Dorian's body, dropping down to his knees "blue lightning release" the words echoed through his head as he layed his palms upon Dorians chest. Pushing a warm healing like electricity through his body to recharge him, while also slightly healing his body. After a few minutes of healing Dorian, Skyler stood up reaching out to him "You should be fine now, or at least much better. I noticed you use lightning as well, not as strong as my powers but still kind of the same thing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Miko Mac an Fhleisteir

Miko had been quiet throughout everything, not wanting to further intrude upon the group. Of course, she didn't mind when Dorian mentioned sleeping. Wanting to give everyone more room, she fell asleep on the floor, curled up against the wall. Suffice to say, the tired Scottish girl did not enjoy being woken up later, but she groggily followed everyone to the roof and pulled Ewan along behind her. The lightning scared her, but the feeling of teleporting terrified her more. She was happy when they arrived at the school and the dizziness went away.

She mostly just stood there daydreaming until Samuel yelled that Dorian was in the gym unconscious. She took off running, but it looked like the lightning boy, Skylar, had gotten there first. However, Dorian still looked very shaky and dizzy. Hurrying over to him, she lightly grabbed one of his outstretched hands, closed her eyes, and concentrated. A moment later, Dorian would feel his body return to its usual state as Miko finished the healing that Skylar has begun. Releasing Dorian's hand, Miko hovered shakily for a moment before dropping into a sitting position.
Smiling up at Dorian, Miko tried to steady herself as she spoke. "That shoul' be a wee bit better, mate. Cheers."

((Translation of quote: "That should be a bit better, friend. You're welcome."))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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"That's great ." said Katey to Samual when he said the wouldn't have to bunk together.She walked into the gym when Samual said Dorion was there and was unconciouse and watched the whole thing with the group trying to help him."Okay listen,I think we should just let him sit down now." she said leaning against a padded wall.She felt like the walls were closing in so she hurried out of the gym "Hope you feel better Dorion." she said quickly as she made her way out.Katey got to the hallway and sat down at the lockers,pressing her hands against her cheeks."Damn" she thought "I must be that deprived of sleep" she brought her Knees up to her chin and rested her cheek on them,shortly falling to sleep after.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"You never told me what you could do, I just assumed that we had smiler powers. I can feel the electrical energy inside of you." Skyler told Dorian while, Miko healed him. She looked drained after she healed Dorian, she plopped down and spoke to him in a Scottish accent telling Dorian he should be good to go. Miko was strange to Skyler, she yanked about another boy where ever she went and looked completely different. Attempting to get some quiet he wanted earlier, Skyler make his way off again "If you need me I will be in the electrical room." with that Skyler waved and made his way out as Samuel dashed passed him. Shaking his head, as he continued to search for the electrical room stopping right before the open liberty doors. who the hell came here already... Skyler thought to himself as he walked through the door way. Spotting Lana sitting on the other side of the room reading a children's book, with a smile he walked over taking a seat next to her about three feet away. "What are you reading?" Skyler said trying to make her comfortable.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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#, as written by A u t o
Lana jumped at the sound of Skyler's voice, having been too distracted by reading to notice him come in. Looking over to him for a moment, she quickly cast her gaze back down to the book in her lap. "It's just an old book of fables and rhymes and such." She paused for a second before going on. "When I was little, my mother would always read me one before I went to bed. I haven't even seen most of these since then." She smiled a bit as she turned the page, fondly thinking back to when her family was closer knit together.