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Skyler Lucian Vicero

Brother you angered your prince...

0 · 588 views · located in New York

a character in “The Organization”, as played by blacksky


Name: Skyler Lucian Vicero
Nickname: Lightning Prince
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race/ Ethnicity: African-American

Powers/Ablilties: Lightning Breaking – He calls down the power of lightning through their will power shaping it into a form of elemental energy. Any lightning based attacks they can absorb and repel if it is not stronger than their body along with having a constant electrical charge flowing allowing them to fire bolts of lightning and so forth. Being able to gather pure electrical energy from power lines and nearly anything that can provide electrical energy, Skyler is able to turn this energy into fuel for his attacks as well as storing the energy for later use. Skyler can also use four of the six styles of Lightning breaking Blue, Red, White, Black, Chaotic, and Shadow *. Out of these styles Skyler can only use Blue, Red, White, and Black while only mastering Blue, Red and White.

(* Blue Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the weakest form of lightning breaking, using this style for its non lethal attacks and lesser healing capabilities.
Red Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the more destructive and powerful form of lightning breaking, trading the lesser healing and non lethal attacks, for much stronger attacks and self defensive healing.

White Lightning Breaker- Skyler calls upon the upgraded version of blue lightning breaking. He gains a much stronger healing capability, while obtaining a small amount of destructive power from red lightning breaking Skyler enters a balanced state. Given the power to call upon the wrath of the lightning god to strike down his foes, amping up is power and gaining wings created out of pure energy Skyler is given the use of abilities he cannot normally use.

Black Lightning Breaker- Skyler pushes his anger and hate into pure offensive power gaining attacks that are much much more powerful than before, trading the defensive healing for a thick coat of black lightning armor.

Chaotic Lighting Breaker- Skyler enters a berserker like trance killing and destroying anything in his way without reason, unable to tell apart friend from foe. This is his most powerful from of breaking and cannot be triggered by will only under certain circumstances can Skyler use this power)

Ice Breaking – Calling forth the power to create thick coats of ice out of the moisture that is apparent in the air. Skyler can form weapon’s defensive walls and other things by using his power to control ice, not as developed as the Lightning Breaking skill this ability is usually used as a back up when Skyler needs to recharge his power.

Eye Color: Sky blue
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5’11
Weight: 183 lbs
Species: Demi-God
Appearance: Standing at about 5'11 with tree bark brown hair down to his shoulders. Growing slight facial hairs around his chin, appearing like small whiskers. Skyler has light brown tannish skin, with a pretty tough body build since he focuses on his physical power to synergize with his fighting style utilizing his breaking powers to its fullest. From all his physical training his hands and feet became much more rough and stronger, giving him the look of a athletic climber. Skyler, dressing in his father’s old combat gear, a black silk tunic covered by dark leather body armor covering his chest, shoulders and stomach, along with Leather armor covering his legs.

Personality: Skyler is extremely gentleman like when approached by strangers or women, while with friends or enemies he is more sarcastic and funny. Even making fun of his opposition while in combat, even after the death of his father he held on to his fun loving and forgiving nature while staying serious. He is a relaxed and careful person as well making sure not to offend people he has just met, attempting to keep on good terms with anyone who seems descent in life and nature.

Family: Wolfe Vicero- Alive (Brother)
Lucian Vicero Dead- (Great grandfather: Lightning God)
Annie Vicero Alive (Mother)
Barron Vicero Dead (Father)

Brief Bio: Growing up under pressure, forced to fight against his eldest brother Wolfe in order to train him. Skyler grew tired of being used as a puppet for his father’s games, he thought it would be better to challenge his father himself to prove that he was stronger. Being bested by his father quickly, a dark energy build up inside of Skyler, calling out as he charged the chaotic lighting formed around him striking his father twice killing him upon the second blow. Shaken by his actions Skyler ran away from his home living alone until his eldest brother brought him to the organization to be used.

So begins...

Skyler Lucian Vicero's Story


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Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Moving farther away as she jumped, attempting not to startle her anymore. She seemed so delved into the book she was reading even though it was created for children only. Skyler listened closely as she spoke, he found that even though it was a childrens book it reminded Lana of her mother, which is probably the reason for her reading it now. Smiling at her softly, "Why are you off by yourself?" Skyler asked putting his head against the book shelf. Images filled is mind of when his mother was close to the family, when she committed herself to the cause of the family....before the death of father. Skyler's eyes started to water, as the thoughts entered his head. "You were close to your mother right?" Skyler asked looking over to her, tears forming but his voice remaining unshaken.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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#, as written by A u t o
As Skyler asked her why she was there on her own, Lana flipped the book closed and put it back on the shelf. "I wanted to do a bit of research, look a few things up, but I guess I got a little sidetracked." She chuckled slightly, shaking her head. "What a dumb thing to get distracted by." She thought, shifting so her legs were stretched in front of her across the aisle, one crossed over the other. Lana nodded at the question, looking back over to Skyler. "When I was younger I was. She eventually got too busy with work, though." She sighed slightly. "Then I was lucky if I saw her once a month."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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After resting up a bit Samuel jumped back up to his feet on the bleachers. He walked down them and now that he was revitalized he could see the gym which was kind of shabby. HE knew he had just gotten there, but he was in a rush to rescue Malice.

Samuel stood in the center of the gym. "Hey everyone it's time to start the first training session. If no one opposes to the idea I'll be the instructor for today." Samuel blared out through the gym, he was loud enough, so that everyone could hear him. Samuel had been trained in his abilities quite well and he knew some training methods from previous experiences. "C'mon don't be shy, I won't kick all of your asses to hard" Samuel said to egg on some of the less willing participants.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"what type of thing did you come in here to research?" Skyler asked Lana, he was genuinely curious about what she was looking up. Out of all places a library, so what ever she came look for Lana knew she would find it here. Shaking of the tears that slightly ran down his cheek, "Yea sort of the same situation with me , she left after I was old enough" Skyler said before trying to change the subject. Samuel's voice was echoed down the hall and into the liberty, "training" Skyler said under his breath. Skyler was able to control his powers enough, training with those with weaker and less developed abilities wouldn't help anyone. Though Samuel thought of his power's to be much more advanced and developed, Dorian and Skyler himself could take Samuel down with relative ease due to their power. So Skyler thought, standing up and stretching "I guess we should start going towards the gym." Skyler said to Lana as he walked out yawning.

Entering the gym right as Samuel said "C'mon don't be shy, I won't kick all of your asses to hard" with a laugh Skyler looked dead at Samuel. "Don't make such claims, someone of higher skill can upstage you" Skyler said rubbing the back of his head and smiling broadly at Samuel. Skyler wasn't trying to embarrass Samuel, just to put him in his place when it comes to training of others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Miko Mac an Fhleisteir
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Katey jumped when she heard Samuals voice.She looked at him and stood up."Sure you Can sam."she said jokinkly then yawned.She walked over to were the boys were standing."Training huh?hm I guess"

((((((((((((((((sorry wicked short i wanted to postbefore i go to a poool party))))))))))))))))))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel looked at Dorian and Skyler smiling. "Skyler you don't have to worry about upstaging me, I'll always be the main event." Samuel gave an arrogant wink to Skyler. "Well you guys are sure confident in your abilities. It's funny because you both use electrical based attacks. Let me tell you something about lightning, it's visible. I'm not." Samuel said before dashing to the other side of the gym so fast that it made him seem like he teleported. Samuel turned his attention to Dorian. "You won't be sparring against me Dorian, so you'll have to wait some time before you can thank me for the masterpiece in your room, I think it would be good practice if you guys sparred against each other. After all how often do you get to face someone with similar abilities to yourself." Samuel said before turning to Katey.

"How bout we train after these guys finish sparring? I have a feeling they're about to tear this place down. We can have a front row seat on the bleachers." Samuel said quietly to Katey

"Alright five minutes of sparring between you two should be long enough before one of you gets serious, or killed. Afterwards we can move on to more strategical training, you guys fine with that?" Samuel asked heading over to the bleachers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel raised his eyebrow to Dorian. "If you insist Dorian, can't disobey the leader of the group" Samuel sarcastically said as he turned back to them. "Then let's make this sparring session every man..." Samuel turned to Katey " and woman for themselves. Everyone feel free to join in, this should be more exciting than Dorian's love life" Samuel jokingly said. "Let's move this outside though, I might torch out new home if we fight in here" Samuel said as he walked towards the exit.

Samuel wouldn't be able to fight to his fullest abilities being that some of his gear was still at his mansion that was heavily guarded by The Organization. His old home would have to be a stop to consider before going to Malice, his gear made him significantly stronger than he was now, but that had to wait because his attention now had to be focused on Dorian, Skyler, and whoever else joined the fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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"Ha I'll allow you to take center stage, its always the men behind the curtan who control the show in the first place" Skyler said retaliating with a smile. "Sorry speedy your not very quiet, your right I can't see you but I sure as hell can feel you. Change the power of my electro pulse and I'll kill you pretty fast, also I could always frost up a room and feel for your heat signature." Skyler had already thought of many ways to kill Samuel, just in case he was to ever turn on the group. Just informing him of some of the capabilities of his power Skyler was making a clear difference in how much stronger his ability would be over Samuel's.
Listening to him ramble on about how it would be a good idea for Dorian to spar against Skyler, an ideal that set off a red flag in his mind. Although the power that Dorian had was similar to Skyler's ,their power was very very different from his point of view.

Speaking up looking towards Dorian "The two of us sparring is completely up to you Dorian, I wouldn't want to hurt you so I would combat you with a weaker form of lightning. No disrespect towards your ability" Skyler said bowing respectively, he honestly wanted to spar but Skyler still kept the shred of doubt that he can seriously hurt Dorian. "He's also correct about that Samuel, so don't get your hopes up. I didn't want to give you to much information about what I can do" Skyler already started to make his way outside shaking his head. "The a free for all it is"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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#, as written by A u t o
"I wanted to take a look at things relating to my powers. Crystals and all." Really, she mainly wanted to find out what kind of crystals it was that she could make. Maybe if she trained hard enough, she'd be able to create other types as well. Lana was a bit glad that Skyler could relate to her when it came to their mothers, but she couldn't the feeling of sympathy she got at seeing his tears. She stood and stretched as she heard Samuel's voice, really not wanting to start training already. As Skyler left, she quickly went over to where she thought she'd find the books she wanted. Low and behold, she found a few on mineralogy and crystallography, and plucked them from the shelf. She'd go ahead and gather a few so she wouldn't have to come back here too soon.
Lana took a deep breath as she entered the gym, not at all confident about training. She sat the nice-sized stack of books down on the end of the bleachers. "I'd give sparring a try, but I'm not sure what good it would be. I've never really used my powers against someone." She shrugged, giving a weak smile. Yesterday with the puppet was the first time she'd ever used her power for anything other than entertaining herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Skyler laughed at Dorian's request "No can do sir..." He looked around as he paused watching Dorian drop his jacket and hoodie, while he waited outside. "You see, I can't use "that" power normally and if I could, I would kill everything around me...I have no control in that form. But I can give you the next best thing I hope you can handle that" Skyler told Dorian as he stood there, removing this shirt and the armor under it. Skyler clenched his fists, as his eyes turned black gathering all of the electrical energy from within is body "Black Lightning Breaker" he thought to himself as a surge of black lightning shot down from the sky covering him in the dark electrical power forming the thick black lightning armor around his whole body.

It was sleek and slick, sticking to his body as if it was coated with metal. Snapping his fingers Skyler forms a black lightning spear about three feet long, completely black and forming as if the condensing energy actually gave it shape like the armor he wore. Spinning the spear between his fingers as he watched Dorian "Shall we start" Skyler's voice was much deeper, almost sounding evil as he spoke. Another side affect he though, composing the shape of the armor so that it fully fit his body


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Wrong approach Skyler thought, swinging the black lightning spear with two hands absorbing the larger lighting ball into the spear diving and rolling to the side swinging as he stood absorb the other two attacks as well. Dashing forward gripping the spear intensely, swinging it down blasting back the same attack Dorian used against him towards at Dorian with the added power of the Black Lightning. Following up that attack by throwing the lighting spear at Dorian missing purposely in order to set up his next attack. The only other lightning users he had ever fought against, was his brother and father both whom had similar abilities, but in fighting Dorian. Skyler would have to use different tactical movements to gain the upper hand in battle, while also knowing very little about the extent of Dorian's fighting power.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel leaned against the side of the building as he watched Skyler and Dorian fight. He let out a fake yawn "boooooorring!" Samuel shouted as he got up. Let's liven things up. Samuel ran around Skyler and Dorian, creating a wall of fire around them. Inside the circle it was harder to breathe since the fire began to burn away the oxygen inside of the area quickly. Samuel stood back a safe distance and waited for either Skylar or Dorian to respond. He was interested on how they would get out, there wouldn't be much time before the area was too unbearable for them to breathe in. "Is it hot out here or is it just me" Samuel said with a smile


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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While watching Dorian skid backwards, Skyler thought it would be a good point to finish the fight off as quick as possible. Before he could make another move Samuel thought it would be fun to try and spice up the fight by starting a large fire around the two. Like a flame gauntlet you would see in a movie, flashes of lightning shot Dorian into the sky as he made his escape. Annoyed by his interference, Skyler slammed his fists together concentrating his cold energy pulling upon the mousture in the air. Then opening his palms and whispering "Freeze", an arctic frost expelled from around him hyper cooling the air and ground putting an end to the flames while creating a thick coat of ice on the floor. Cracking his neck and collecting a large amount of Black Lightning in both hands, pushing his palms together than pulling apart creating two lightning spears of about 4x4 feet in size. cocking back and launching the spear at Dorian, then charging up the power in the next one. "Why did you have to get involved?" Skyler asked Samuel, his voice was much deeper going from evil sounding to demonic.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Baylee watched the spar quietly, watching Sammuel run around putting the fire around Dorian and Skyler and heard him say "Is it hot out here or is it just me"she smirked as Skyler then froze the fire, she actually felt the coolness in the aire "Sam I think Skyler just cooled you down a few degrees" she grinned and leaned back against the wall watching the three boys spar, the most entertainment she had for awhile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel took the brunt of Dorian's kick, flipping backwards and landing on his feet. He saw that Skylar had cooled down his flames and Baylee commenting on it knocked his ego down a peg. Samuel felt like he needed to redeem himself so he decided to bring the fight to Skylar. Samuel ran towards Dorian, jumped on his head and pushed himself off to launch himself upwards. "Sorry" Samuel said as he moved away from Dorian.

Samuel rolled into a ball while in air and began to do somersaults at high speeds, the air around him got hot, and when Samuel released the ball he headed foot first towards Skylar with his feet steaming red. "Freeze this" Samuel said as he came hurdling down to Skylar in a dropkick position.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Watching as Samuel get knocked back by Dorian, but then Samuel returning the attack by launching himself directly at Skyler at high speeds. "Get hit or that option, hmmm I don't need the armor this time", Skyler thought to himself peering at Samuel with a slight smile. The energy that formed the armor started to go haywire shooting off sparks and lightning bolts, opening his arms for Samuel to hit him dead in the chest. Containing the energy for only a few seconds "Stupid, why would you attack me head on with no protection against me? You can not move faster than light my good boy,checkmate..." Skyler said. With that Skyler destroyed the protective armor to unleash a powerful Black Lightning pulse firing out all of the energy that formed his armor with it. Skyler toned down the actual blast radius in an attempt to prevent anyone but Samuel to be harmed, in condencing the radius the electrical energy that was fired was dense and powerful destroying some of the ground around Skyler already. The blast wouldn't kill Samuel, just hurt him a ton if he was hit taking him out of the fight easily. With out the black lightning armor, Skyler would have to end the sparing session or switch styles before the black lightning can do harm to his body.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Samuel saw the black lightening heading towards him. Samuel's reaction time was lengthy since moving at such a high speed requires it. The bolt seemed to move faster than Skylar's previous attacks and Samuel didn't want to test out how strong this one was. Samuel had no choice, but to go full speed in order to dodge it which meant he would catch fire even with his suit on, which seemed like the best option since he didn't know the strength of the blast, luckily the blast radius seemed just enough for Samuel to make it out.

Samuel quickly made his body make short speedy movements that would allow him to change direction in mid air. The air that surrounded him had absolutely no oxygen as it began to catch fire. To advanced eyes like Samuel's, Skylar's, and Dorian's you could see this taking place as Samuel seemingly, slowly moved out of the way of the blast just barely as his left foot was caught in the blast. Samuel's suit began to catch fire at the top where he had moved his body at high speeds since his legs were uncontrollable at the moment. To regular eyes it seemed like a fireball shot out where Samuel was and landed on the ground.

Samuel quickly ripped the top part of his suit from the bottom which was now engulfed in fire. The foot that had been caught in the blast was smoking as Samuel took off the shoe that was smoldering hot. Samuel now looked torn up as the top half of his suit now laid on the ground burning and the part of the suit that was around the foot was burned off.

Samuel clenched his fist realizing that he would not be able to save Malice now, without his full suit he couldn't use his powers without catching fire. Since all his other flame proof gear was at his mansion that'd been taken over by The Organization, he couldn't just get another suit, these were specially made by a friend who he hadn't seen in years. Samuel made his way back into the school, hoping on one foot without saying a word to the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Skyler Vicero

Taking the full blow from Dorian, absorbing the electrical energy and storing it. His body was beat although Skyler wasn't hit as much, the use of Black Lightning was already reckless enough but to break the armor stopping him from being injured by is own ability was cocky and down right stupid. Skyler's vision started to fade in and out as he stood up shaking the wave of dissyness off, looking around trying to find Samuel watching Katey chase after him. Skyler slowly dropped back down to his knees before regaining the will power to stand back up, his hands were shaky and the whole world around him felt like a blur. Stumbling over to a power line draining enough electristy to power two homes from the lines before feeling normal again. Clenching and releasing his fists Skyler felt restored and renewed, refocusing on getting back to Samuel.

Skyler jogged over to where Samuel and Katey stood, two marks from where Dorian hit him with a open shot were not as visible since he healed himself. "Samuel, no point in acting stronger than you are currently. Allow me to heal you" Skyler said in kind of a concerned tone speaking aloud, but Samuel made a getaway before he could even close the distance. Walking inside of the building looking to Baylee and Dorian starting their training on the bleachers, leaning against the wall shirtless looking at the huge dent in the bleachers. The sight made Skyler laugh slightly, but from the sparring his body was beat sleep would be amazing but not a viable option right now. Continuing to watch Dorian and Baylee, walking over to her as she began to freak out to pulling upon Dorian's fear "Relax remained focused." Skyler said to her patting her on the shoulder with a smile

Wolfe Vicero
"Sir we have reports of a hostile at yesterdays little confrontation" After being told the situation, Wolfe rose from his chair fixing his red velvet tie and making his way outside. Using the same teleportaion method that Skyler used as earlier to arrive at the seen being shot down to the ground in a bolt of lightning. Looking to the crippled man, laughing lightly at the situation "What do you want now? and who are you giving information on, I am Wolfe Vicero, talk and you will walk away alive... nice to meet you." Wolfe asked picking at his nails mocking the man slightly. Wolfe had no problem killing this person right now, but something about him was different he felt a energy he hasn't felt in a long long time...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Baylee Holmes Character Portrait: Katey Arnold Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero
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Baylee was trying to pull away from Dorian's fear, trying to make it stop, she didn't want it to hurt him. But then she heard someone say relax and a hand on her shoulder, she wasn't sure who it was, she was trying to only focus on Dorian. She knew if she lost focused everyone that was around her would start having their fears in front of them. "Keep going, You're doing fine." she heard Dorian but she saw the man, he looked like Dorian, and the guy started choking Dorian. She tried to focus harder, trying to push into Dorians mind once more but more for the desires. C'mon Baylee you can do itshe thought to herself.

Baylee finally connected to a desire of Dorians, his strongest desire, once connected she pulled it out. Her eyes suddenly opened, but she was still connected to Dorian, her eyes where just white, there was no pupil, just all white. Still pulling at Dorian's desire, she tried to push out Dorian's fear and make the desire take its spot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dorian Marco Character Portrait: Samuel Lark Character Portrait: Svetlana "Lana" Azarov Character Portrait: Skyler Lucian Vicero Character Portrait: Paxton Grey Character Portrait: Malice St. James
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Wolfe Vicero
"Go ahead, I don't care you are still being watched. Trust isn't just handed over on a silver platter" Pausing to laugh at Samuel's joke, "I'll be spooning with Malice so it isn't a problem." Wolfe childishly stuck is tongue out at Samuel while he slightly rubbed Malice's shoulders . Taunting Samuel was fun for Wolfe to do, he seemed so intent on making smart and witty come backs to refrain looking stupid or to serious. It was to obvious that he was trying hard. "But this information you have, I would like to know where my brother and is allies are... or do you need your suit first." Wolfe smiled an sat back down. Malice went after Samuel pretty fast digging her nails into wound pushing and forcing more pain into the man. He wouldn't retaliate instead he just took the pain and insulted Malice a little more trying to poke at the strange relationship Malice and Wolfe had.

Skyler Vicero

Watching Baylee pull upon Dorian's fear seamlessly, when it felt like she was able to separate the fear from the desire. However she was different, her eyes contained no pupil but it seemed like she was still focused in on the desire. "It seems like you almost got it Baylee keep pushing for it" Skyler shot out a few more words of encouragement as he stood there waiting for their training to finish. After a few seconds Dorian congratulates her for pulling out the desire, patting her on the shoulder and nodding to Dorian Skyler smiled