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Ashley Vincent

"Violent dragon in an innocent little girl."

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a character in “The Outcasters; Second Generation”, originally authored by Miss_Dreamer, as played by RolePlayGateway


Ashley Vincent




Face claim
Madison Pettis

?? she is a little girl

Control of earth



Parents: Thomas Vincent and Kristina Anderson

*Her older brother
*Her parents
*Using her ability.
*Writing in her diary

*Being Alone.
*Being Bored.

Ashley is an extraordinary girl with a typical personality. She has feelings and a temper like everyone else, but it is what she does that truly makes her different. She prefers to be in her happy place than in the real world. Her happy place consists of a flowing waterfall and silence. She can write endlessly without having to worry about problems of reality. She often thinks of this place when she feels this way. When she bored she tends to write in her diary. She will write poems about her past and she will write realistic stories about who she truly is or who she believes that she is. When she is sad she is completely shut off from the world. She locks herself in her room hosting her own pity party until she feels better. It sounds childish, but that is the best way she can cope with situation. When she gets angry she gets violent. She is ready to hurt anyone or anything. She has broken a few things and people in her lifetime. Fortunately she hasn't killed anyone, but then again she hasn't ever been angry enough to kill.

Although her emotions have her actions flying off the charts she is very intelligent for her age. She doesn’t brag about how smart she is, but it is well known. Unfortunately she has to deal with sleep. She has been diagnosed parasomnia. It keeps her from having a proper night rest. This is partially why she has a happy place and why she does what she does. The drugs to takes control most of her actions, but some of the things she does is on purpose.

Ashley is 4’10” and 78lbs. That is way too much information already. She has soft skin that she got from her father. She is half Black and half Caucasian. She has long silky hair that is naturally straight. Her eyes are pretty big if you thought about it. They are filled with a chocolate brown color that sometimes brightened in the sun. She never thought much about it though. She has a very toned body from all the running around that she does. She wears her hair down most of the time and hates when it's up.

Ashley has some aspects to her that help her use her charms for evil. She has a killer smile that is almost contagious. Her eyes almost turn black when she angry, which usually scare the hell out of people. And then she bats her eyelashes when she wants something to go her way and it usually works. But when she cries it is like watching a puppy pout. You just want to cave in.

So begins...

Ashley Vincent's Story


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Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Andrew was chewing on the sandwich as he watched Ashley twirling around in the living to a song that he had never heard of. He was being forced to watch. He attempted to move his feet, but the vines on his feet and legs got tighter. "Ash let me go." He complained taking another bite of his sandwich. "No." She said twirling some more. It was ballet routine that she had been working on since she started at the ballet academy. He has watched a different routine every week willingly, but the one time he doesn't want to watch she binds his legs to the chair when he is eating lunch.

Ashley bowed and Andrew clapped eagerly happy that he was being released. She ran up to him and sat on his lap. He finished his sandwich and he tried to move, but he was still stuck to the chair. "Ashley. Why am I still stuck to the chair?" He asked slowly pushing his little sister off his lap. "Because I am mad at you." She said grabbing an apple of the table and taking a giant bite out of it. Andrew rolled his eyes and felt the vines moving slowly off his legs. He got up and saw his phone blinking indicating messages. He grabbed it and saw it was from Slade. But he ignored it. Slade wasn't worth answering sometimes.

"No matter what you say Ashley you can't come to the party." He said leaving the living room and going to his room. His room was the master bedroom. He had a Queen Sized bed and his own bathroom. His room was fairly clean and very nice. His parents paid for the house they lived in since they could never visits. His mother Kristina was ruling over the dragon kingdom with uncle Cameron and their father Thomas. They were pretty rich. Ashley followed him. "Why not!" Ashley wanted to see the family at the party, but it was a teenage party that was serving alcohol and other crazy things she was not old enough to know about.

"Because I said so. But you are going to see mom and dad." He shut the door to the bathroom as Ashley sat outside of it pacing back and forth. Sometimes she would think that she is a teenager, but only because everyone is extremely nice to her. "But Lucy, Mike, Slade, and Sym would want to see me." She said in her innocent voice hoping he would cave. "Then you can see them tomorrow." He was in the shower and he heard a loud bang followed by tiny footsteps running out of the room.

After his shower he dried off and shook the water out of his hair. He put on the clothes that he had set out for the party. He glanced down at the bathroom door and there was dent where you could see where she punched the door in anger. Ashley was strong, but she couldn't control it like he could. He left his bathroom, picked up his phone and sent out a text.

From: Andrew
To: Everyone
What time are we meeting for the party.

He put his phone in his pocket and went to his sisters room to deal with the tiny dragon. She was siting in the corner of her room in a tiny tree cocoon she created for herself. "Hey Ash. Do you wanna play video game?" He asked hoping she would get over the fact that he was leaving her in the care of their parents for the night. She opened a hole in the cocoon to reveal a smile. She got out and raced him to the living room where they played video games.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent Character Portrait: Michael Davenport
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As usual Andrew was letting Ashley win in Mario Kart. He kept getting third while she got first. Ashley didn't care she liked winning. "I win!" She exclaimed loudly. She got off the couch and did her winner dance. She cabbage patched and then plopped back down on the couch. "I am going to beat you Ashley." He said knowing that he was going to allow her to win. "Yea right." Ashley said. Andrew laughed and started up another round.

Mid way through the game he paused it when he received two texts. One from Mike and the other from Sym. "Cheater!" Ashley shouted. Andrew rolled his eyes.
To: Andrew
From: Mike
Sup dude, long time no see! We meet at 8! B)

From: Andrew
I know. We don't hang out enough.

Andrew sent the message and glanced over to the empty spot next to him. "Ash?" Looking around she was in the kitchen grabbing a juice box. "What? I got thirsty." She said walking back to the couch. He opened the next message from Sym.

To: Andrew
From: Sym
It's a 9! Ohh Tell Ashley her favorite cuz sayz Hi. We are totally going shopping this weekend. On second thought, I'm gonna come over before the party. Poor things probably bummed she can't go. :(

Andrew rolled his eyes at the text. Sym was always babying Sym, but she was pretty much the older sister Ashley couldn't ever have. As many times Andrew played dress up he could only pretend for so long. So now Sym and Lucy play with her. He will stick to being the big brother.

To: Sym
From: Andrew
Mike said 8. Ashley loves going shopping with you. And hurry up and get over here.

He sent the message and put the phone back into her pocket. He looked as Ashley and smile. "Sym is coming." Ashley's eyes got wide and she ran up the stairs. "I have to change!" She screamed while going up the staircase. Ashley was in pajamas earlier since she didn't need to change, but she liked dressing up for Sym. "ANDY! Come and brush my hair please!" Andrew turned off the Wii and jogged up the stairs to braid his sisters hair.

Ashley's room was bright pink and a bit smaller than Andrew's room. She has her own private bathroom as well which she insisted be painted the same color as her room. She has pictures of her and her brother on the wall along with a few pictures of their parents. A lot of them had their cousins in it. They were all very close and Ashley loved all of them even though sometimes she was annoying.

Ashley came out of the bathroom with blue skinny jeans and a purple top that Sym bought for her the last time. She gave a twirl and Andrew nodded in approval. Ashley handed him the brush and sat down on the floor. "Gently. Last time I thought you were going to take my head off." She playfully complained. "Okay." He said and then he brushed her hair up until their cousin comes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Andrew finished brushing her hair and Ashley she stood up and put the brush back inside the bathroom. "Andy are they here yet?" Andrew walked over to the window and looked outside. He knew they didn't see him, but he smiled. He rarely got company. Even though he knows they are only visiting for Ashley its nice to have people come over. "Go get them." Ashley jumped up and down with joy and ran out of her room and down the staircase. She loved her cousins. Especially Slade. She was Slade's favorite so she likes him the most. She loves Sym as well and loves doing sister things with her, but Slade seems to only be happy around Ashley.

Andrew walked down the stairs toward the living and cleaned up the mess they left in the living room. Ashley opened the door, ran out and hugged Slade tight. Andrew just sat on the couch. They weren't here to see him anyway. They would hang with Ashley and then they would go to the party. Checking the time he knew Lucy hated them right about now. They skipped set up and they are going to be late to the party, but she will quickly get over it.

"Hi Slade I missed you." She said into his shirt. She let go of him and saw Sym on the bike. She ran over to her and hugged her although she was still on the bike. "I missed you too Sym." She said into her shirt. She let go of her and walked toward the house. She stood right by the door she left wide open and waited for them to come up. She looked back at her brother who was sitting on the couch enjoying a can of soda. "Aren't you going to hug them Andy?" Andrew looked at her and laughed. "Too old to hug them Ash." He said honestly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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"You never set any perimeters, Simon." said Sym. Slade tensed, "don't call me that, Symone". He listened as she carried on being a smartass, without actually paying any real attention at all. He felt her pat his cheek, and Slade jokingly went to bite at her fingers. "Yeah, whatever, you still cheated".

Next thing he knew he'd had the wind knocked out of him by a little girl, crushing his stomache. "Hi Slade I missed you." said Ashley. Slade held in his breath so as not to look like he was in pain, and exhaled as deeply as he ever had when she let go and rushed over to Sym.

Slade trailed behind Ash as they walked towards the door to the house. He set his eyes on Andrew, one of the many cousins he wasn't so fond of.

"Aren't you going to hug them Andy?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, Andrew, where's my hug?" Slade repeated jokingly.

"Too old to hug them Ash." replied Andrew.

"You're never too old for a hug." Sym said.

Sym then became picky about Ashley's hair, so he figured it was at this point that he should clear out the cupboards. He hadn't eaten yet and he was starving. He opened the cupboards and laid eyes upon all the choices, "one of the advantages about having rich family; free food".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent Character Portrait: Michael Davenport
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"You're never too old for a hug." Sym said to him. Before Andrew could run away Sym grabbed hold of him. He hugged her back since she wasn't going to let go otherwise. "Yeah, Andrew, where's my hug?" Andrew raised an eyebrow at him and let go of Sym. He held his arms wide open towards him. "I always knew you loved me Slade." He walked over to Slade and hugged him before Slade could do anything about it. Once Andrew let go he ran towards Sym's side so that he would be safe. Ashley just smiled and stayed close to Slade.

With his eyes Andrew followed Slade into the kitchen. Obviously he was going to eat whatever pleased. "No. Help yourself Slade." Ashley skipped after Slade and hopped on the counter and sat on it. She heard Sym complain about Andrew brushing her hair. "What do you mean what did I do to it? I spent half and hour brushing." Andrew defended. He was used to Sym's jokes and pranks, but every time she complained it seemed real. It annoyed him.

He pulled out his phone when he felt it vibrate it was Mike. If it had been Lucy he knew that he would have been dead. He read the message and smiled. Just like Mike to say something like that. Andrew thought to himself.

To: Mike
From: Andrew
You're not all that Mike. btw I will be there soon.

He sent the message and slipped the phone back into his pocket. He didn't even bother checking the time knowing that is was past 9:30. They were all in trouble. "We are all in trouble when we get to Lucy's house." He said sitting down on the couch not even wanting to go since it would be a death sentence.

Ashley growled and bound everyone's legs to the floor with tree branches. She was more made at Andrew for wanting to leave still and she was made at her cousins for going with him. She looked at Slade who was the closet to her. "You aren't going to leave are you?" She didn't give them much of a choice at this point, but she would like to hear a no. Andrew leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. He went through this. It was someone else's turn.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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He was munching on some Oreos when suddenly he wasn't able to move. Looking down he saw roots and branches curling around his legs. He had to admitt that Ash was pretty good with her control over earth. She'd make a fine fighter one day. He felt her eyes on him, so he turned his head and stared back at her, his expression softer than it had been previously.

"You aren't going to leave are you?" asked Ash. Slade felt guilty now. He couldn't imagine what it was like for her to know such a large event was happening and she couldn't even go. After a moment of thought, Slade shook his head. "I'll stay here with you, if you'd like". His words were true, it really wasn't any trouble for him to stay and take care of Ash. He didn't even want to go to the party anyway. And as for protecting Sym he could easily text Dahvie to keep an eye on her. The two got a long well anyway.

"We could play games, just chill and stuff. Sounds fun, right?" he asked with an unusually large grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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(Posted twice, my apologies).


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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"I'll stay here with you, if you'd like" Ashley nodded. She would rather be with Slade than her uncle Cameron any day. She hated being in the dragon realm. "We could play games, just chill and stuff. Sounds fun, right?" Ashley hopped off the counter and hugged Slade. "Yay. Thanks Slade." She exclaimed. "But Peanut can you please get theses vines off my feet?" Ashley let go of Slade and removed the vines from everyone's feet.

Andrew stood up and walked away from the couch just in case Ashley pulled anymore tricks. "Andy, Lucy is gonna really wanna kill us. We really oughta get going." Andrew checked the time himself and nodded. "Yea I would like to live." Andrew wrapped his arm around Sym's shoulder and walked towards the door. "I keep her out of trouble Slade. Take care of Ashley." Andrew said walking by the kitchen. Ashley ran out of the kitchen and hugged Andrew from behind. Andrew bent down and kissed the top of Ashley's head. "Call uncle Cameron and tell him not to come." Ashley nodded and ran back to Slade.

"Come on Slade. Let's play Mario Kart." She said turning on the Wii and setting up the game. Andrew pushed Sym out the door so that they could hurry up and Andrew shut the door behind him. "We are not carpooling just in case you go home with someone else." He said unlocking the Mercedes door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Slade watched as Sym and Andrew left together, being partially distracted by Ashley's request to play Mario Kart. As the door shut, he heard Andrew's faint voice; "We are not carpooling just in case you go home with someone else". Slade's fingers curled into his palms and his face tensed. Like he was going to let that happen. "In a second, honey, I gotta go to the bathroom". He ruffled her long, brown hair and then exited into the hallway and up the stairs.

Finding the bathroom was no trouble at all, since he'd visited Ashley and Andrew many times in the past, seeing as their parents were close and often visited eachother. He closed the door behind him and locked it. "Right," he whispered in the quietest voice he could possible pull off, before sitting on the floor with his legs crossed. Coils of shadows curled around his body, then moved along the floor and stopping infront of him. Soon the shadows formed a figure, exactly the same as his own. Features like skin, eyes, hair, etc. all started to form.

He stood up, as did his clone. This was a little trick Alex had taught him during his early childhood, and it was something he had come to master over time. His clones were made to look, act, feel and have the same abilities as Slade. Their power was the same. It would take a real genius to figure out the differences between the two.

"Clone, you know what to do," he said, to which his replicate replied with a nod. "I sure do". The clone walked past Slade and left the bathroom, before taking a seat on the sofa downstairs. "Ready to play?" he asked Ashley.

The real Slade was already climbing out the bathroom window by this point, running along the rooftops in the direction of Lucy's party. It took him about 10-15 minutes to arrive at their door. He needn't knock, merely just walk in. He watched as drunk teenagers staggered around, holding cups of alcohol as they chatted with other drunk teenagers. There truely was nothing better than a weekend party...

He heard Andrew pull up in the car, and he figured that if he was to be seen then he'd have a hell of a lot of explaining to do, especially since it would appear that he'd simply just left a 9 year old alone in a large house. 'Should be fun,' he thought.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Andrew saw Sym but was dragged in side. He didn't understand until he saw Slade. "Dammit Slade." He said knowing his sister was probably home alone right about now. But Sym did enough yelling for the both of them. "You pulled that Clone Shadow Trick, Didn't you? Ugh, You are impossible!" Andrew agreed but kept quiet. "You just couldn't leave me be for a few hours and give Ashley your undivided attention?" Andrew wanted to calm her down, but Sym didn't have the best temper. "You'll regret this." Sym walked away and Andrew just stood there. "I wasn't going to let anything happen to her." He said as he ran a hand through his hair. Slade yelled at Sym and then disappeared. Andrew wanted to leave at the moment. He was angry at the fact that Slade just left Ashley, but clearly he was going back to her.


"In a second, honey, I gotta go to the bathroom". Ashley watched him disappear and she sat on the couch playing a few rounds of the game by herself. Then her cousin came back down the stairs. "Ready to play?" Ashley paused the game and eyed the shadow version of Slade and through the wii remote right at it. It didn't yelp or sense any pain. Now Ashley was angry. This was not Slade. She ran up the stairs to the bathroom and it was empty. Slade had left her with a shadow form of him. She felt insulted since he thought she was that dumb to fall for the shadow. She ran to her room and shut the door. She sat in the corner trying to contain her anger. She didn't want to destroy anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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Ashley had destroyed everything in her bedroom. "Andrew is going to be mad at me." She said while sitting in the corner. She had never been more angry than right now. She felt abandoned and unloved. Her brother and cousin left her for a party and then Slade left her a shadow to go to the party. She just wanted to be alone. The room was dark and her door was locked. She didn't want to destroy the house in her rage. She heard the door open and she stayed absolutely silent. Andrew always said if a stranger came in without notice to stay quiet. And if it was Slade she didn't want to hurt him. She still loved him. Ashley heard the sound of Sym's voice and stood up. She walked out of her room toward the stairs. She was with Dahvie. Ashley loved Dahvie. She ran down the stairs and hugged him. "Hi Dahvie."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Marcus Muller Character Portrait: Lucinda Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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“Sorry, Peanut.” Ashley let go Dahvie and faced Sym. She crossed her arms and nodded for her continue. “Slade can be a jerk sometimes but he loves okay, so don’t hate him.” Ashley shook her head. "No. I'm his favorite. He isn't suppose to be a jerk to me." She complained. She sat down on the floor right at Dahvie's feet. Ashley got her stubbornness from her father. Andrew was always easy going like his mother. But being stubborn and a little girl never mixed well together. She brought her knees up to her chest and put her chin on them. "I want Slade to apologize." She demanded. She wasn't mad at anyone else. She just wanted to hear an apology from Slade.


After Lucy kicked everyone out and the Mike got over the bet. Slade and Sym hashed it out except Dahvie was involved. It was getting to intense for his liking and his little sister was still in the house by herself. Finally Slade left bringing peace to the house. Sym and Dahvie went to go and see Ashley and Andrew decided to go to the store and get her apple pie as an apology. "Alright Mike and Marcus. I have an apology pie to buy. We can hang tomorrow." He walked around Brook and stood at the front door. "Bye Luc!" He shouted before leaving. He got into the his car and drove toward the grocery store to buy the pie. Hopefully Ashley would forgive. And from now on, Andrew wasn't allowing Slade to babysit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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Sym looked at her baby cousin. She could be very stubborn but who was in this family? “No, He’s not suppose to be a jerk to you...You’re too darn cute.” She said with a smile. “He owes me an apology too but that’ll never happen.” She said with a small laugh. “ But if he apologizes to anybody. It would definitely be you.” She said and kissed the top of her head. She looked up at Dahvie . As much as she needed to be with Ashley and kick the living shit out of Slade. She really wanted to get back to spending time with him. It wasn't long but it was a lot of fun. Slade typically ignored her riddles. Her cousin was confused by them and guys were too busy staring at her body in order to care or hear anything she said. She smiled at him briefly before turning her attention to Ashley. “But. Until then. What do you wanna do?” She asked her with a bright smile. “I believe, I have some hair ornaments in my bag? Wanna make over?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Ashley didn't ask why Slade owed her an apology, but she would probably force him to do that as well. She felt the kiss on top of her head and felt so much better. Sym always had a way of making Ashley feel better when she was angry. Then to make things better Sym was offering a make over. "Yes please!" She exclaimed. Ashley jumped up and grabbed Sym's hand. She dragged her cousin up the staircase to her bedroom where Ashley keeps all her beauty supplies, but she forgot that everything was destroyed. "Oh. Sym I forgot I messed up my room." Ashley said ashamed. Messed up was an understatement. Nothing in the room lasted in her rage.


Andrew bought the pie and he was on his way home. On the drive he didn't see Sym or Dahvie on the street which means that they are at the house already. "Please have the house be unbroken." He said to himself hoping that Ashley didn't mess anything up. His phone rang in his pocket and it was his mother. He didn't have time for her lecture about how Ashley didn't show up, but he picked it up anyway. "Hello?"

"Andrew! Where is Ashley?" His mother, Kristina yelled through the other end. She was angry.

"At home. I am buying pie for her. She is safe." Andrew reassured her.

"Like hell she is. She was left alone Andrew! How could you let that happen." She yelled.

"I didn't do it on purpose mom. Slade was supposed to watch her." Andrew retaliated. There was some muffling on then a new voice popped onto the other end.

"Andy. Is Ashley okay?" It was his father, Tommy.

"Yes. She is with Symone." It was weird using Sym's whole name, but they don't know her any other way.

"Good. I will convince your mother not to come to the house. Take care." The phone died before Andrew said goodbye. But it's not like he cared. There was a reason why he kept Ashley away from them. Andrew put the phone back into his pocket and pulled into his driveway.

He got out of the car and walked inside the house. Dahvie was in the living room while his cousin and baby sister were no where in sight. "Sym! Ashley! I bought pie!" That usually worked when he wanted Ashley to come down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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"We won't let them." Andrew nodded feeling reassurance in her words. "How did they know anyway?" He thought about it for a moment. "Well there are two ways." He opened the pie box and cut a slice for Ashley for whenever she showed up. "Through dragon mind link, Ash could have accidentally told mom or Uncle Cameron told mom that he never came to babysit." He said. He closed the box and set Ashley's plate and fork on top on the box. He wasn't one for pie, but he was in the need of food. He hadn't eaten at the party because of all the crap that happened. He let out a sigh and crossed his arms. All the cousins were aware of the fact that Ashley wasn't suppose to be with Andrew. But Andrew insisted, so his parents could take her whenever they wanted. It was hard to explain to anyone outside of the family, but anyone that knew his mother understood. He realized that Ashley was taking too long to come down and Sym didn't say anything about her when she came down. Those sneaks "Is Ashley cleaning her room?" He asked finally catching on.

Ashley tidied up as much as possible. She always has back up things just in case something like this would happen. She set up everything like it was while Sym stalled. Being extra strong was great on her part. When she deemed the room perfect she left the room and skipped down the stairs. "Hi Andy." She said. She walked up to him and hugged him. She saw the slice of pie on the counter and took it. "I forgive you Andy." She says with a mouthful of pie. Andrew always bought her buy when he was apologizing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Slade's jaw and body tightened. He hated when Erieda called him 'child'. It didn't feel like she recognised him as her baby boy, rather some kid she picked up along her journeys. What made him feel a little bit better was she would also call Sym that, not just him. Then again, Sym and Erieda had never been very close.

"You've clearly had a fight with your sister." she stated. Slowly, Slade stood up from the seat he'd taken before and made his way out of the kitchen. "Don't bother cooking for me. I'm too tired to eat". He waved to his mom momentarily, then disappeared from view. He darted up the stairs and into his room, and much like a stroppy toddler he slammed the door behind him.

Dahvie's grin became as wide as ever when Ashley raced down the stairs and hugged him. "Well, hi there, pumpkin" he replied, ruffling her beautifully long, brown hair. He always admired Ashley, she just always seemed so huggable. Dahvie could spend endless hours playing with Ashley. When Sym suggested a make over, he squinted slightly. Having fun with a kid was all well and good, unless he was in a house full of women.

He cleared his throat. "You too can go do ya' girly things, I'm'a stay down 'ere an' be all manly an' stuff". Sym apologized as she was dragged up the stairs and towards Ashley's room. He could perfectly hear them from downstairs; not by their talking, but by their thoughts. He was receiving a mental image of Ash's room, and it did not look pretty. He was getting all of his information from Sym though. For some reason, Ash's thoughts were always muffled and hard to make out. She kept her mind clean, and he figured she must've been very reserved when it came to her thoughts. Such a talent was rare on a child.

Dahvie also mastered something like that, but it took him many years of training. His thoughts were nothing to another person with telepathy, they couldn't hear him. The only downside was, he couldn't hear anyone with telepathy either. Perhaps Ash got some of her telepathic powers from her mother without even realising. It was a fact that dragons were able to communicate with eachother by thought, but maybe that was not the full extent of their abilities.

Then Andy walked through the door, causing Sym to have to come down and distract him. Dahvie took a seat on the couch, watching as Sym made conversation with her cousin over Ashley's well-being. He'd been long gone from the conversation for a while now, so silence was his only choice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent
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Dahvie smiled as Sym leaned on him, her scent lingering around his nose. "I have another riddle," she said, their eyes meeting briefly, "I never was but always will be. What am I?". Dahvie's expression turned to a frown, "the future" he said, although it was more of a question. It shouldn't have gotten him, since he was supposed to be good at riddling, but it did, and that confused him to a large extent. He just hoped to God that he hadn't gotten it wrong, to save himself from looking like a complete and utter moron infront of Sym.

"Jus' a question, wha's with all the riddles t'night? You testin' me or something? And if so, did I pass?".

It was useless for Erieda to talk to Slade. He'd taken off as soon as he got into his room, his exit being the window. Hopefully Erieda hadn't sensed his disappearance. He needed to get as much of a head start as possible. With as fast a speed as his legs would allow him to travel, he made his way to Ash and Andrew's house.

When he was about a meter away from the front door, he sensed Sym, Dahvie, Ashley and Andrew's power levels. They were all in the house together. That wouldn't end well for him, since he'd most likely end up fighting with all of them. Despite this, he entered anyway. "Don't mind me, just clearing out your fridge and shit" he greeted, walking straight past them. He payed no attention to Sym and Dahvie, or Andy and Ash. And straight into the kitchen he went.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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Ashley was on the bed in her room. She was staring at the ceiling trying not to summon her parents by accident. She has done that once in a time in need and it was not fun. After a while she heard a knock at the door followed by Slade's voice. He wanted to come in. "Is it really you or a shadow?" She replied with sarcasm. Ashley knew it was him, but she was annoyed. She sat up and scooted back the bed until her back was on the wall. She stared at the door and let out a sigh. "Come in Slade." Ashley brought her knees up to her chest and rested her chin onto them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Slade Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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Ashley heard Slade apologize and Ashley smiled at him. All she wanted was him to say. She understood about that Sym was his top priority. Andrew tells Ashley all the time how important she is to him. Ashley hugged Slade and squeezed him tight. "I forgive you." She said into his chest. She couldn't stay mad at anyone for long. It wasn't in her nature. "But next time you could just tell me you were going to leave." She said while letting go. She laid back down on the bed and turned to look at slade. "I love you Simon." She knew that he didn't like when people called him Sinon, but whenever Ashley said she loved someone she used their full name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Symone 'Sym' Davenport Character Portrait: Brooklyn West Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Andrew Vincent Character Portrait: Thomas 'Tommy' Vincent Jr
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A low rumble of a car pulled up in front of Andrew’s house. Out of the car rose a dark skinned man with his left shoulder adorned with gold armor. He walked up to the house and knocked lightly. It was a strange feeling, knocking on his son’s front door. He wasn’t expecting him but of course he wasn’t. His mother had a thorough fit when Ashley was left alone. If he didn’t come, she would have. That probably would not have been good. “ Andy. It’s your Dad. Open up. It’s cool.” He said, through the door. It was just like Tommy to joke. Andy was not gonna be happy he was here but it was better than the alternative.

“Who’s the pretty girl, Alex?” said a voice from the shadows. He heard the whole conversation but Andres liked to get under Alex’s skin. It was like a hobby of his. Symone clung to her father, startled by the voice. “Daddy?” She asked softly. Andres stepped into the light, with his hands up feigning surrender. “Before you get all raging.” Andres said waving his hands back and forth. “ I was told to keep an eye on you. You know how the Elders can be.” He said and looked up and down Sym’s body. “ She’s your kid?” He said. “You’re wife must be-” He didn’t get the chance to finished as in a puff of smoke, Symone had him by the throat and on the floor. Her skin completely black. “ Tell me when Daddy, and I’ll rip his throat out.” She said, her voice was a raspy growl. “ Whoa, She is your kid.” Andres said from underneath her. “ I must say, If I could die, This would be a great way to go.”