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Isabella Sophia Gray WIP

"I asked, "Why are you afraid to go out with me?" He replied, " I don't want to be the one to break your heart."

0 · 842 views · located in The Paper Towns

a character in “The Paper Kids”, as played by Isabella Sophia Gray


"I asked, "Why are you afraid to go out with me?"
He replied, " I don't want to be the one to break your heart."

"Shy people notice everything but they don't get noticed."

Isabella Sophia Grace

Bella// Izzy// Sophie//


[Birth Date]
March 8th// Pieces


Heterosexual// Straight

Seattle, Washington

"Your mistakes do not define you."

[Face Claim]
Barbara Palvin

Isabella has porcelain skin, bright ocean blue eyes and long, healthy, elaborately styled light golden brown hair. She has a long face with friendly eyes, a small nose, defined cheek bones,and full pink lips. She has a small birthmark on her right shoulder blade.A very noticeable feature is her white, sparkly teeth. She is 5'3" and has a small muscular build.

[Hair Color]
Her hair falls in natural curls down her back. She rarely every straightens it and makes sure it is always perfectly styled. She has always cared about her appearance and what others think about her.

[Eye Color]
Some say her eyes are a bright alaskan ocean blue color. But they change frequently due to the lighting surrounding her. If you look closely there are golden specks surrounded by her captivating innocent eyes.

[Height & Weight]
Isabella has always been on the shorter side but now she is at a healthy height of Five-foot-Three// She has a small frame but she is very toned considering she is a dancer. She weights 119 Pounds.

"Beauty gets the attention. Personality gets the heat."

[Personality ]
Isabella is a rather unique individual. She has a lot of different sides, from meek and shy to rambunctious and cheerful. She appears optimistic and beautiful at first sight.

She is extremely shy at first, and will hardly speak to strangers. If forced to be introduced, she'd simply say hello, her name, all while smiling goofily and maybe blushing a little. She will dance in front of strangers, as she is a major dancer and has danced in front of them before, but she always has that slight discomfort towards people she hardly knows or people she's just met. She isn't that bashful when she opens up, though she can appear quite shy sometimes even if you do know her, and even if you know her well.
Following up on her opening up to people, she opens up quickly. From that point, she is extremely talkative, and will blab on about things other people might not care about but she has something to say, which can always be a good thing. It really depends on how you take your perspective on people who talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. She is one of those people, but she isn't annoying; she talks about things that are relevant at the right moment and thinks before she speaks, which is always a good thing as well.
Many people say "omg dancing is mah life ya rly yus". When Isabella says it (in a more intelligent way), she means it. When she's felt alone, she turned to music. When she feels heartbroken, music is the antidote to her sorrow and grief. Music can heal anything in life for this girl, and she can't help but obsess over it. If music was an addiction, she'd be on it all day, all night. She can't live without music, and if anyone were to criticize her choice in genres she would crush, kill, and destroy. She sings, dances, and plays several musical instruments, so she knows a lot about music, which helps contribute to her undying love for it.

Most girls hang out with girls, and guys hang out with guys. But she's different. She likes the company of guys more than girls. She enjoys hanging out with guys; it makes her laugh more than talking about lipstick and boys with girls. The guys just pull her attention more.

While she hangs out with all of these guys, she can be flirty at times. Though she isn't a huge player or a prep who walks around flirting with guys to make a living, she still flirts a little. Sometimes she fails at it, but she'll never admit it. Isabella isn't that flirty, to be honest. She doesn't flirt nonstop. It's usually rarely, with the guy she likes or one of her close guy friends.

If Isabella likes someone, she'll keep it secret at first. After that the word will spread to her close friends, and she will trust they will keep the secret from others, including the guy she likes. After that, if the word somehow extends to that guy, she'll go along with it, and then she'll end up admitting her love to him. Guys are unpredictable, so she's usually scared of what will happen... but she always hopes for the best and is rather afraid of rejection.

Isabella is a kind girl who had a fondness for animals. Isabella is often seen with her nose in an book paying no mind to the outside world. Some might say she's low key very quiet. Most suspect an innocent like a fawn. But this girl pays them no heed. She has no interest in the real world and rather just shut in her home. Alone She's also very intelligent and smart ass. She's not one to take insults lightly and will take them to heart. She's been known to hold grudges for more than a couple a months a record breaking two years. Making a person's life h*ll before finally letting it go. Isabella is also a bit cold she gives off that icy cold glare and you know she's pissed and will kill anything that makes her eve more pissed. Otherwise Isabella is very shy and bookwormish.

"Sometimes following your heart means losing your mind."


+Isabella has been containing a secret that would eat anyone alive. She is pregnant and carrying Boy One's baby. She cannot tell him or anyone for that matter. She has always been good at keeping secrets.

Accident prone
☠ Skeptical
☠ Naive
☠ Stubborn
☠ Submissive

❅ Adventurous
❅ Clever
❅ Intelligent
❅ Logical
❅ Warm-hearted
❅ Skillful

☢ Isabella is terrified of losing people
☢ She is afraid of cars because she was in a horrific car accident and lost her father.
☢ Isabella is afraid of the dark. As a child her older brother Stephan would lock her in a closet while he had his friends over.

☼ Reading Novels
☼ Ballet; Dancing
☼ Singing
☼ Music
☼ The Paper Kids
☼ Being Alone
☼ Yoga
☼ Mornings
☼ Baths

✖ Guns
✖ Drinking
✖ Smoking
✖ Drugs
✖ Being Lied To
✖ Her Brother

"The past can hurt. But, you can either run from it, or learn from it ."

[Family Tree]

Lucas Gray|Biological Father|Age: 46| Deceased|
Elizabeth Gray| Biological Mother| Age 45| Alive|
Stephan Gray| Biological Brother| Age: 28| Alive|

[My Past]

Isabella was born and raised in rainy Seattle, Washington. Her parents, Lucas and Elizabeth had her brother Stephan at a young age. Since her parents were so young when they didn't have the money or support to raise him appropriately. Isabella on the other had was very fortunate by the time she was born. Her parents adored her more then ever because not only did they have support and financial assistance, they also always wanted a little girl.
Stephan always tormented his little sister because of the huge age difference. Having a brother who is 12 years older then you is very challenging. Stephan tormented Isabella since the age of 6. When their parents would go on their "Date Night" which was every Friday evening Stephan would have to watch Bella. Instead of watching his little sister he would put the dogs bed in the grocery closet and put her in there. Isabella would be left in the cold dark room for hours until her parents would get home. Isabella's parents never knew what her older brother would do to her.
Isabellas love for dancing and music occurred at the young age of three. Her mother was a beautiful ballet dance and she wanted Bella to follow in her footsteps.
One rainy day in December Isabella was in the car with her father on their way to dance class. Isabella had a cold and her mother told her not to come to class today. Isabella insisted and convinced her dad to drive her. At the time Isabella was thirteen. While on their way to the studio it started to pour. Isabella always found comfort in the rain. As she was looking out the window she started singing along to the radio her father looked over at her and turned the music up trying to cheer her up. As they started to sing louder her father looked over to her again, right at the moment a truck came barreling down the road. The driver was drunk and struck the car on her fathers side. He died on impact. Isabella had a couple of scratches and bruises but she was okay. Since the accident her mother and brother blamed her what occurred and the death of her father.
Isabellas mother now has chronic depression she would beat Isabella every time she drank to much which was every day.
Isabella was fed up with the way she was being treated and needed to find an escape so when she came across Devon's post on the internet she responded right away and made her way to where the Paper Kids were.
Since then she has gotten close to each member. She is like the baby of the group which is ironic for the situation she is in. She had a one night stand with Boy one and became pregnant with his baby. She hasn't told anyone yet and she is too afraid to tell him.

So begins...

Isabella Sophia Gray WIP's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: PJ Salinger Character Portrait: Lucy Mooneyham Character Portrait: Isabella Sophia Gray WIP Character Portrait: Devon Mooneyham Character Portrait: Aidan Summers Character Portrait: Akira Harlock
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Lucy had spent the night before partying at some college party she’d found out about, forty-five minutes from the subdivision they weren’t currently staying at. She knew it was stupid to not only leave without telling anyone where she was going, but to go to a party where she knew no one completely alone. She was addicted though to things she shouldn’t do. She woke up the next morning between a strange guy and a blond girl. She sighed as she got out of bed and got dressed.

She proceeded to steal the girls clothes adding them to her collection of clothes, before grabbing the guys Ray-Ban sunglasses that sat on his dresser. Once she got out of the house, she turned back to see it wasn’t a house it was more like a mansion. She rolled her eyes, rich people irritated her. She started walking down the street lined with huge beautiful houses, in a way it kind of resembled the houses that they were currently calling home.

She walked for a long time letting her thoughts drift to Dillion, why? She wasn’t entirely sure. He was a nice thought though a seemingly stable one, which was why she’d yet to acknowledge his advances. Stable wasn’t something she was good at, relationships was something she was even worse at. Never the less, she always seemed to let her thought go to him after she’d yet again degraded herself by doing way to many drugs and having more than likely unprotected with some asshole and some stupid bitch. She just couldn’t control herself, it numbed the pain of her past that she refused to face.

She managed to hitch hike back to the subdivision, by the time she’d gotten there it was late in the afternoon. She’d asked a few people where her brother was, but they hadn’t seen him all day. She decided then to go sit on the second story balcony of the house she’d claimed that was next door to her brothers. She’d smoked through an entire pack of cigarettes, waiting for Devon. Not that that was anything new. She knew she looked just about as shitty as she felt but she could careless.

She took one final drag off her cigarette before flicking it away just in time to see Devon slipping into his house. She made her way down stairs an over to his house wanting to get him alone before the others started filing in to see her brother. He was unloading groceries.

“You know Dev, your way too good at that disappearing shit.” She said helping herself to a the case of beer that was on the counter. She wondered how Devon managed to get the beer, then again they probably hadn’t even carded him, he looked well over nineteen.
“You too Lulu. Where were you last night?” he asked concern clear in his voice as she took a swig from the can of Budweiser. She rolled her eyes as she hopped onto the counter and crossed her legs Indian style.


Devon had spent most of his day alone. Most of The Paper Kids knew when to leave Devon alone. Not that he would get upset if they came to find him. It wasn’t like that, it was more of a silent knowing among them all that when Devon went off on his own it was better to let him go, because while it probably killed most of them trying to figure out what the hell he could be doing. In the end it came down to Devon doing Devon things.

At the current moment they were in a fairly newer abandoned subdivision. The houses were beautiful, or what was built of them seemed like they’d be incredible. The subdivision was located about an hour outside of Lafayette, Louisiana. The summer air was sticky and humid, yet it didn’t bother Devon one bit. They’d been at this particular subdivision longer than any other one. Everyone had claimed their own house and they all had kind of formed a comfortable home there. They were leaving next weekend though.

Devon already had there next place mapped out. A paper town known as Covert, Mississippi. Of course it wasn’t a real city, it was a paper town a made up city made by a map company to make sure no one else copied their maps. Devon had already scrapped up enough money for them all to get there. He was good at things like that. He’d spent the entire day smoothing out every single detail to make sure he had everything ready for them.

Now though the sun was setting as he walked down the sidewalks that might of seen a lot of activity had the neighborhood been finished. He had shopping bags full of soda, water, and food that didn’t need to be cooked; like stuff to make sandwiches, Nutri Grain Bars, and fruit. Once he got back to his house he unpacked the food on the chipped, tile counter. He knew any minuet his Paper kids would be coming to check to see if he was back. The night time was when they were all alive, when they had bon fires and just talked and enjoyed each other’s company.

”You know Dev, your way too good at that disappearing shit.” he glanced up to see his little sister smirking at him. She had sunglasses on which was a general knowledge when it came to Lucy, that she had a hangover.

“You too Lulu. Where were you last night?” he asked watching as she took a drink from the beer and he sighed wanting to stop her, he knew it would be hypocritical of him though. She answered with one simple word. out. That was how she always answered his questions to her whereabouts.
