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PJ Salinger

"What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person."

0 · 1,188 views · located in The Paper Towns

a character in “The Paper Kids”, as played by youloveme?




“Did you know that for pretty much the entire history of the human species, the average life span was less than thirty years? You could count on ten years or so of real adulthood, right? There was no planning for retirement, There was no planning for a career. There was no planning. No time for plannning. No time for a future. But then the life spans started getting longer, and people started having more and more future. And now life has become the future. Every moment of your life is lived for the future--you go to high school so you can go to college so you can get a good job so you can get a nice house so you can afford to send your kids to college so they can get a good job so they can get a nice house so they can afford to send their kids to college.” - John Green


{Forever Young Alphaville || Super Massive Black Hole Muse || DecodeParamore || Just Like Heaven The Cure || Acoustic #3 The Goo Goo Dolls || Better Days The Goo Goo Dolls}


|F U L L N A M E|
Poppy Juliet Salinger

|N I C K N A M E|
PJ {By everyone don't call her differently} || Pops {Occasionally} || JP {Jokingly} || Salinger {Occasionally} || Poppy {Never}

|A G E|

|H O M E T O W N|
Upper East Side, New York City, New York USA



"I may die young, but at least I'll die smart." - John Green


|S T R E N G T H S|
•She once worked as a intern in her fathers firm, working with numbers, so her math is quite a strong suit for her. •For a girl that grew up in a very strict house and that didn't get to go out much she is pretty clever with her street smarts. •She was very athletic, in high school she was a star soccer player, but also was on the swim team and did a bit if gymnastics. • While her general house skills are not strong she is actually highly aware of how to invest properly in properties and how to fight her way up the business latter, not that it helps when your a paper kid. • She has a lot of bright and creative ideas always coming to mind. • She can't cook to save her life but she can make a mean cup of coffee due to her intern days. • She can recreate about any hair and make up style she sees, it's quite the talent. • She can speak three languages, Spanish, French, and English

|W E A K N E S S ES|
•She never really grew up doing the basic things that normal people do such as doing laundry and even just making her bed or cleaning so sometimes she is just well confused when it comes to those things. • She can often be insensitive to people's emotions and feelings. She doesn't try to be, it just happens. • She actually can't drive, she's from New York mind you • Her cooking skills do consist of burning toast • Doesn't get close to people. • She smokes, a lot • She has a tendency now to stay focused on one thing so a long time and if often changing her mind and getting bored of things and moving on to the next. • She is often reckless with the choices that she makes, often times putting not only herself but other people in danger. • She is self destructive and has never really cared much for herself

|S E C R E T S|
She doesn't like talking about her past
She's indescribably unhappy, but tries to hide it.
Some days she wants to go back home.



“It is so hard to leave—until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.” - John Green

Math Coffee, she prefers it black.70's and 80's music along with classical music. Documentaries Smoking Romance Movies but occasionally action movies, also Flowers, especially peonies Makeup Fashion Magazines, Vogue The colors purple and blue Cold Tea White Roses Cloudy Days The Summer Exotic Cities Hair Styles Yoga and gymnastics Soccer Lacrosse Sun Dresses Swimming Hair Braids Soccer Gymnastics Chinese Food Yoga Exercise Classical Novels Healthy Food Night Time Fruit, Especially any type of berries


“That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty. It's like picking your breakfeast cereals based on color instead of taste.” - John Green

Storms Winter Her family Cats Rap music and the modern pop music Shakespeare Drugs Bright colors Slow people Waiting Public Transportation Comic books Sleeping In Doctors Where she grew up Being told what to do Sweaters New York Lip gloss Not being able to work out. Failing Lazy people Broken dreams



[color=#804080]“It is easy to forget how full the world is of people, full to bursting, and each of them imaginable and consistently misimagined.” - John Green


|P E R S O N A L I T Y|
Pops is a mystery to most people. She's a mix of all these different personality traits, all combined to one person, them all acting on a force against each other. She's complicated and moody and just not understandable. PJ puts up the facade that acts like she knows who this is but the damn truth is not even she has a clue. The way she acts, the way she moves, the things she does just makes her more and more complicated. Often she meets people says some things and leaves, leaving them with this complete confusion of this girl who acts like a tornado with the sunny weather trying to push it away. She leaves people in this daze, wishing they knew more about her, wishing they knew less about her, leaving there opinions of her being two polar opposites fighting for control, just like the girl herself.

When you first meet Pops, she's as simple as it puts it, blunt. She's not the type to make friends just to make friends so more than likely if she's talking to you there is a reason, something more than just a chat. Often time at first meets she is aloof and cold yet thoughtful and lost in her own thoughts. She is found in the middle of conversations mumbling the off topic thoughts while the other person is talking. When asked what she's talking about, she tends to go cold again. When people ask her to many questions and focus the conversation away from themselves she tends to get frustrated and snappy. She hates the attention on herself.

PJ has self loathing tendencies. She just simply can't bring herself to love herself. She believes her thoughts are toxic and she is just the odd one out of the Paper Kids. That is actually why she took up smoking, it just somehow made her feel better about not being like the others. See the reason she feels this way is that everyone else somehow changed themselves to fit into the group naturally, but her she can't seem to shake her rich lifestyle and even finds herself missing it from time to time and she hates that, she hates the way she is.

Poppy is thoughtful and caring but mainly on the inside, she tends to not show it off to other people. She always has eighteen million thoughts rushing through her mind at all times, different ideas, different way to view life, really anything. She is also caring, and while she tries not to be as it makes her attached to people it happens anyways. She can't help it, people amaze her and she just wants to get closet to them because of that.

While nothing in Poppy's life has made her the way she is, she is still closed off and distant in fear of getting hurt. She doesn't know why as she this way as she never grew up feeling neglected or had a bad breakup or someone dying, she just is. Sometimes she wants to open up but can't bring herself to break down this wall she's build up. Sometimes she wonders what's wrong with her and why she can't bring herself to open up since nothing's ever happened to her and she looks at other people who have been through so much and yet still open up more that her and she just wonders why and how they do it while her this girl who was never broken can't.

A part of PJ just fears for herself to get caught. In her mind her family will find her and force her to come home. Because of this she never has really out her all into the Paper Kids. While she loves them all so dearly she can't help it, she just is reserved. If she develops deep relationships with this kids it will be so much harder to leave them. Therefore sometimes the Paper Kids don't always like her as they believe her being aloof is because she doesn't like them and thinks she's above them but in reality she is just scared of what is to come.



“What a treacherous thing to believe that a person is more than a person.” - John Green


|F A M I L Y T R E E|
Thomas Salinger || Father || 55 || Alive
Anna Salinger || Mother || 53 || Alive
Jackson Salinger || Brother || 15 || Alive

H I S T O R Y|
PJ grew up in Upper East Side, New York City. She lived in a pent house with her two parents, her little brother by four years, and her pet cat, Phoebe. Growing up in her life was easy. Her father not only owned one of the largest law firms in New York City, but also made some decent investments that now had him literally rolling in the dough. As for her mother she is your typical socialite, she came from old money and always bathed in the fame it brought with it.

They leaded a normal life, and well tack on having drivers, maids, and butlers that did all the home work for them. To put it simply, life was easy, all the family had to do was look nice. Naturally a nice twist to the story was, her parents weren't to caught up in money to ignore her. Instead they made sure her life panned out perfect. The most prestigious boarding school, internships at her fathers firm, personal trainers to make her the best at soccer, really the whole life.

The only issue with all this glamor? It was all so fake. You have to wear Gucci because it makes you look posh, you have to have etiquette lessons, you cannot do that unless your sure you'll be the absolute best. Her family put on a show and Poppy bought right into it and it wasn't until she got accepted to Harvard that everything changed.

One day the Harvard letter came in and that was when Poppy could see her future. The same boring thing her whole life. It just seemed so tedious. And that when she ran. She packed up her things and just disappeared off to Florida to find some guy that she fell in love with over the internet.

Now, 2 months later she realized he was nothing like she expected, and that just made it so much better, but she can't help but distance herself from the group. Maybe it's because she doesn't want to get hurt by getting close to them, maybe it's because apart of her wants the rich life she once had, PJ doesn't really know.



“As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story.” - John Green

Give me love like her,
'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,
Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,
Told you I'd let them go,

And that I'll fight my corner,
Maybe tonight I'll call ya,
After my blood turns into alcohol,
No, I just wanna hold ya.

Give a little time to me or burn this out,
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,
All I want is the taste that your lips allow,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,
My, my, my, my, give me love,

Give me love like never before,
'Cause lately I've been craving more,
And it's been a while but I still feel the same,
Maybe I should let you go,

You know I'll fight my corner,
And that tonight I'll call ya,
After my blood is drowning in alcohol,
No, I just wanna hold ya.

Give a little time to me or burn this out,
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,
All I want is the taste that your lips allow,
My, my, my, my, oh give me love,

Give a little time to me or burn this out,
We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,
All I want is the taste that your lips allow,



“At some point, you gotta stop looking up at the sky, or one of these days you'll look back down and see that you floated away, too.” - John Green

|O T H E R|
Her hair color is light blonde
She has a bird tramp stamp tattoo that she regrets

|F A C E C L A I M|
Isabel Lucas

|D I A L O G C O L O R|

So begins...

PJ Salinger's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: PJ Salinger Character Portrait: Lucy Mooneyham Character Portrait: Isabella Sophia Gray WIP Character Portrait: Devon Mooneyham Character Portrait: Aidan Summers Character Portrait: Akira Harlock
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0.00 INK


Lucy had spent the night before partying at some college party she’d found out about, forty-five minutes from the subdivision they weren’t currently staying at. She knew it was stupid to not only leave without telling anyone where she was going, but to go to a party where she knew no one completely alone. She was addicted though to things she shouldn’t do. She woke up the next morning between a strange guy and a blond girl. She sighed as she got out of bed and got dressed.

She proceeded to steal the girls clothes adding them to her collection of clothes, before grabbing the guys Ray-Ban sunglasses that sat on his dresser. Once she got out of the house, she turned back to see it wasn’t a house it was more like a mansion. She rolled her eyes, rich people irritated her. She started walking down the street lined with huge beautiful houses, in a way it kind of resembled the houses that they were currently calling home.

She walked for a long time letting her thoughts drift to Dillion, why? She wasn’t entirely sure. He was a nice thought though a seemingly stable one, which was why she’d yet to acknowledge his advances. Stable wasn’t something she was good at, relationships was something she was even worse at. Never the less, she always seemed to let her thought go to him after she’d yet again degraded herself by doing way to many drugs and having more than likely unprotected with some asshole and some stupid bitch. She just couldn’t control herself, it numbed the pain of her past that she refused to face.

She managed to hitch hike back to the subdivision, by the time she’d gotten there it was late in the afternoon. She’d asked a few people where her brother was, but they hadn’t seen him all day. She decided then to go sit on the second story balcony of the house she’d claimed that was next door to her brothers. She’d smoked through an entire pack of cigarettes, waiting for Devon. Not that that was anything new. She knew she looked just about as shitty as she felt but she could careless.

She took one final drag off her cigarette before flicking it away just in time to see Devon slipping into his house. She made her way down stairs an over to his house wanting to get him alone before the others started filing in to see her brother. He was unloading groceries.

“You know Dev, your way too good at that disappearing shit.” She said helping herself to a the case of beer that was on the counter. She wondered how Devon managed to get the beer, then again they probably hadn’t even carded him, he looked well over nineteen.
“You too Lulu. Where were you last night?” he asked concern clear in his voice as she took a swig from the can of Budweiser. She rolled her eyes as she hopped onto the counter and crossed her legs Indian style.


Devon had spent most of his day alone. Most of The Paper Kids knew when to leave Devon alone. Not that he would get upset if they came to find him. It wasn’t like that, it was more of a silent knowing among them all that when Devon went off on his own it was better to let him go, because while it probably killed most of them trying to figure out what the hell he could be doing. In the end it came down to Devon doing Devon things.

At the current moment they were in a fairly newer abandoned subdivision. The houses were beautiful, or what was built of them seemed like they’d be incredible. The subdivision was located about an hour outside of Lafayette, Louisiana. The summer air was sticky and humid, yet it didn’t bother Devon one bit. They’d been at this particular subdivision longer than any other one. Everyone had claimed their own house and they all had kind of formed a comfortable home there. They were leaving next weekend though.

Devon already had there next place mapped out. A paper town known as Covert, Mississippi. Of course it wasn’t a real city, it was a paper town a made up city made by a map company to make sure no one else copied their maps. Devon had already scrapped up enough money for them all to get there. He was good at things like that. He’d spent the entire day smoothing out every single detail to make sure he had everything ready for them.

Now though the sun was setting as he walked down the sidewalks that might of seen a lot of activity had the neighborhood been finished. He had shopping bags full of soda, water, and food that didn’t need to be cooked; like stuff to make sandwiches, Nutri Grain Bars, and fruit. Once he got back to his house he unpacked the food on the chipped, tile counter. He knew any minuet his Paper kids would be coming to check to see if he was back. The night time was when they were all alive, when they had bon fires and just talked and enjoyed each other’s company.

”You know Dev, your way too good at that disappearing shit.” he glanced up to see his little sister smirking at him. She had sunglasses on which was a general knowledge when it came to Lucy, that she had a hangover.

“You too Lulu. Where were you last night?” he asked watching as she took a drink from the beer and he sighed wanting to stop her, he knew it would be hypocritical of him though. She answered with one simple word. out. That was how she always answered his questions to her whereabouts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: PJ Salinger Character Portrait: Lucy Mooneyham Character Portrait: Devon Mooneyham Character Portrait: Akira Harlock Character Portrait: Lestat Kidd
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0.00 INK



Journal Entry

Life, it's different. So different. I'm content,
yet restless. How does
someone deal with come thing like this?
Deal with this new life.
I've found I'm scared of this.
Of this life. And here I am under the stars
in this perfect moment,
yet it's tugging at the back of my head.
I don't fit in.mim different.
I'm not a free spirt like everyone else.

I don't miss my old life. Not even a little. But is this really making me happy?
I guess I'm conflicted. I can't seem to write
in a journal my exact feelings.
Maybe I need help. Maybe something's wrong with me.
Maybe I'm just not extraordinary enough for this.
Maybe I'm too average for the Paper Kids.

I know my issues are tiny compared to the issues in this world,
and that I should be grateful my life hasn't been hard,
and the Paper kids have taken me in with willing hearts
but I just can't help it. I'm conflicted.

With love.

PJ' s nights had mainly consisted of trying to figure
out constellations in the stars.
She could spend hours gazing at them,
trying to figure them out. It was almost as if she did
they would give her answers, answers to her questions on life.

She sat outside in the lawn in front of the house
smoking cigarettes. Every couple of seconds she would
inhale the smoke then let it roll off her tongue.

She didn't like to find parties or get herself into trouble,
she just liked the calm peacefulness of the dead
of that night in a paper town.
She liked hearing her breath.
The way the cool night breeze hit her face. It didn't matter where they were, the stars were always the same.
Some New York to Florida to Louisiana. That calmed her in a way. A way that let her hold onto her old life but live her new one.

Sighing the young girl stood up, dusted off her
legs and walking into the house and up to her room
there she wrote in her journal before the young girl dozed off into sleep.

A young girl, PJ, is sound a sleep on a bed foreign to her, in a life foreign to her. She is curled up in a ball, no blankets over her, an oversized Rolling Stones tee shirt used as pajamas bunched up at her hips. Her long, thin legs on full view. Her body was covered in a thin layer of sweat as the scorching Louisiana sun came beating down on her body. Since she left New York as dark tan has set in on her body.

Small snores came from the girls mouth as she slept well into the morning. Her face, even in sleep was twisted into a firm serious expression, it was almost like there was never a point when she really relaxed.

Eventually the sun hit her eyes just right and Pl stirred, shifting slightly in the bed and covering her face with her arms. Groaning she sat up pulling her shirt down and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Mornings were never her strong suit and she could already feel the bed calling her back but the girl forced herself to swing one leg after the other over the side of the bed and finally stand up.

PJ's white blonde hair stuck to her face due the sweat and her eyes had dark bags under them. There is a cracked mirror in her little room that she looked through. Internally the girl cringed. For years her mother beat into her head the importance of always looking her best, and here she was looking homeless.

Quickly PJ shakes her thoughts off. This was a new life. Paper Kids didn't have to worry about the way they looked, the way they acted, the way they dressed, they could just be free. That's what the girl was working on, being free. Letting herself, let go. Not always focusing her attention on the materialist things in life. Although she often found this hard, the other Paper Kids let themselves go so easily and yet PJ held on. It wasn't that PJ hadn't changed since the move, she wasn't the same girl she once was, she couldn't be. It was that sometimes she wanted the old girl back. This life wasn't for everyone, and frequently PJ finds herself believing that it may not be for her.

Sighing, she focuses her attention back on the task at hand; getting ready. PJ hastily slips on white jean shorts and leaves on her black over sized short sleeved tee shirt that she slept in. For her hair she left it down in its glory of a rats nest of waves. Makeup was never even an option around here and even if it was she wouldn't use it.

Looking in the cracked mirror again, PJ states at it for a second before adverting her gaze to her feet. It was almost shameful for her to look in the mirror at herself and see her diminished, tarnished face staring back at her.

Spinning on her heels PJ makes a bee-line for the door, felling cramped in the seemingly shrinking room. Gingerly the girl creeps her way out of her room, sneaks down the stairs.

The house was huge and well, empty. But yet the house was oddly comforting. She liked the big emptiness, it left her alone with her thoughts. But as the sun sunk in through the curtains, the house felt oddly alone. And for a second she was over whelmed.

She padded over to the door and laid on the grass outside, the sun steeped through her skin and soon enough she was in a sweat from the warm weather, then out of the corner of
her eye she saw Aki and Lestat with bags creeping into a different house.

Gingerly she followed them to the house and let herself in. She had just gotten in the building in time to see Aki run out. Although her attention was turned back to the table where food was sprawled out.

Gingerly she grabbed some food, just as her stomach growled. PJ wasn't a big eater and would often go a day or two without food. Although once she hot her hands on some she would down it in a matter of seconds.

"I hate this weather," she stated rather bodly for her personality jut as she swiped a bead of sweat off her forehead.