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Elanor Lannister

"Wanna play a game?"

0 · 943 views · located in Tibera

a character in “The Price of Blood”, originally authored by Caille, as played by RolePlayGateway


"If I say lets play a game, we're going to play a game, and lets make one thing clear. I always win."

The Basics

Full Name:Elanor May Lanister
Nicknames: Ella or Elle.
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Kingdom/Alliance: Seabel

What's on the Outside

Hair Color: Light brown to blonde. It changes shades sometimes depending on the season.
Eye Color: Deep brown eyes.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 123 lbs
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Ear-ring piercings that's it.
Scars: She has quite a few. Several on her fingers and a couple on her arms from sword play and archery.
Description: Ella is a very beautiful girl. She naturally comes by it, with her family line on the women side. Ella when she was born and growing up as an infant she had the traditional Lannister blonde hair but as she grew older it just naturally darkened a bit. At the current age that she is, Elle has light brown to golden hair and deep brown eyes, which isn't very similar to her siblings or parents, but they do carry down from her grandmother. She has a very defined jaw and she holds herself to much poise and elegance. She makes her appearance and she makes sure it's not a foolish one and just in general tends to carry herself well. Most people even family will remark her to look much like her grandmother rather than her immediate family.

She knows how to dress in all the fancy and formal dresses but truth be told, she hates wearing dresses, especially since she loves to explore and have adventure. You may see her sometimes in pants while she's out on an exploration. While at home she'll wear very simple dresses, she hates anything more than that, but if she needs to keep up a good appearance then she will dress up.

What's on the Inside


{Witty, Sarcastic, Adventurous, Charming}
Some people who know how she really is, may describe her as the devil. Although to the rest of the public and their views she's just a little outspoken but a very defined person. She never lets anyone know something or figure something out unless she wants them to. She's very intellectual that way and reading up on books since she was young, she is quite aware of being a step ahead, and she'll make you be quiet if need be. She'll give you an offer you can't refuse. Elle is very good at getting into the minds of other people, and with her incredible intellect and insightful ways, she is able to pin point and see right through a mask you may put on and she knows who you are. Whether she cares is just another question though.

Elle is very manipulative, and she plays games with people, only in good fun and the occasional time to get something out of. Hence why she is referred to as the devil here and there, but she puts on her on act and plays things up more than they are. She's very charming and elegant in her mannerisms around people of high rank and she knows how to get their sympathy and good judgement just like that. Elle gets very close to learn your darkest secrets and the moment you turn on her, you'll be playing her game. She doesn't pride herself on one ideal of torment, you have to go through the whole thing, and you have to play her game up to her standards, if you don't she has ways to ruin your reputation. This is almost why you might want her to be gone on her explorations.

Now that being said, she's not always the root of all evil. Other times when she's with people she genuinely likes, you can see her just being sarcastic, witty and overall enjoying herself. She will end up talking about her explorations a lot more and she will in general like to aid you in any way she can, but at the end of it she just likes to have fun.
Exploration - Archery - Sailing
Plays with loose threads on clothing - twirls her hair
-Addicted to wine, has one class every evening if not more-
  • Open seas
  • Swimming
  • Sailing
  • Exploring
  • Archery
  • Wine
  • Staying inside
  • Being tied down
  • Indoors
  • small spaces
  • Dresses
  • Heels

What's Done Is Done


Place Of Origin: Casterly Rock, Falor
History: Growing up in the Lannister family, was difficult most of the time, especially being the middle child, with a younger and older brother. Also being the only female was quite saddening. When Elanor was born, their mother already had a bit of problems with her birth and Elanor was barely alive, but they managed to save her. For awhile there was talks about Elle being the last born but eventually a surprise came about just after Elle was a year old, and her mother was pregnant again. Elanor remembers nothing about her mother, just briefly what she looked like but even that now as she has aged quite a bit is rather foggy. Soon after childbirth their mother died and Elanor and Alistair were left with a baby brother.

Growing up being the only female among three males was a bit of a challenge but she soon just grew to how they were and acted how they did. Although her father likely caught on and taught her a few things that were more lady like and gave her someone to take care of her for a bit. Having the first born son to be the pride and joy of their father and the golden child was already difficult enough. Then her younger brother became the second son, and just due to him being made fun of for his stout ways and such so all the attention was diverted to them. Although that left time for Elanor to find herself and find the things that she liked, which was archery and sailing. She'd spend multiple times by the water with any chance that she'd get.

Eventually though, after her brother started to try and go after higher titles she went on an exploration for quite some time. She explored many different places and learned as much as she could from the many different places she had seen. Her passion for exploration is one of the greatest things in her life that she holds very dear to her heart. She's led a few different soldiers and such and she's been in a few battles to say the least. She gets home from her exploration very soon.

Happiest Memory: Setting off on her explorations, and finding new things.
Saddest Memory: Realizing that she had no mother.

Face Claim: Keira Knightley

So begins...

Elanor Lannister's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celia Ulfricdottir Character Portrait: Ulfric Bjornson Character Portrait: Corianna Ulfricdottir Character Portrait: Loras Edwards Character Portrait: Rosalie Lannister Character Portrait: Ronan Ulfricson
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OOC: "Here ye here ye! Come one come all. The good ole' Royal family Lannister of Tibera has put forth their 4th annual Masquerade ball at dusk. So, ladies and gents grab your masks and prepare to see identities be revealed.."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celia Ulfricdottir Character Portrait: Corianna Ulfricdottir Character Portrait: Loras Edwards Character Portrait: Rosalie Lannister Character Portrait: Ronan Ulfricson Character Portrait: Priscilla Augusta Edwards
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The King's hand brushed lightly against the scar that still graced his left cheek -- a bitter-sweet reminder of how he had come to stand here beside Genevieve. His coronation, given the lack of spiritual leaders in the widely-diverse Ostwall, was headed by one of the eldest chieftains within the kingdom's borders, a man of a staggering seventy-seven years. Ronan's hair and beard had grown out to appear more like his people, from whom he required approval. The thick fur of a bear, draped about his shoulders, only helped further that image and reflect the symbol of his father. The pelts seemed to weigh him down greatly. They most certainly were the reason beads of sweat had begun to form on his brow. Or perhaps they came from the worry that, somehow, they'd trace the murder back to him.

The death of Ostwall's monarch had brought the festivities to a screeching halt. Ulfric's burial had been a ceremonious one, and the kingdom had grieved for months, meaning the current coronation had been unable to occur until now, two months later. In the mean time, Ronan suddenly found himself in the shoes of a man he had only, until then, dreamed of becoming. He played the part well, and Genevieve had as well. It was only when they were behind closed doors that she lost her air of nearly-constant mourning. Even then, he had not permitted her to be joyful in public until far after he had announced his plans to wed her.

Ronan moved his hand to brush at his brow then, and as he looked up at the chieftain before him, he noticed Celia just a bit off, holding Volundr. His son. He could never acknowledge the boy as his own, for the kingdom believed he had been the child of Ulfric and Genevieve, but Ronan told himself that the young prince should rightfully bear the surname of Ronanson. It pained him that it should be otherwise.

The chieftain stumbled over his words, causing Ronan to look back at him. Ostwall, unlike the other two kingdoms, had never truly adopted the more traditional concept of coronation until Ronan had insisted upon modernizing the nation. The chieftain had little idea as to what he was doing, and the words on the page made little sense given the fact that he was just barely literate. His stammering ended soon, thankfully, and he moved on to the crowning of the royals. The crown that was placed upon his head was nothing more than a thick band of iron with ornate patterns carved into it. The real beauty and power laid in the heavy chain that was placed about his neck, further weighing him down.

It was a relic dating back to times before even Falor had been unified when the clans of the North would give the chain to the strongest chieftain in the land. Over time, the simple chain had been added to in terms of links and precious stones until it hung heavy enough that it was only used for ceremonies. This, of course, was one of them.

As Genevieve went through a similar ceremony, receiving a less burdensome crown and chain that he had had created, for up until this point, the consort of the king of Ostwall had no political say. Though he had most certainly received the approval of the others in his kingdom, he knew they hardly approved of this action. Nevertheless, he turned around to great his people, hand reaching for Genevieve's as he did so. The chieftain cleared his voice once more before speaking in his thickly accented voice.

"I present to you King Ronan Bjorn Ulfricson, first of his name, and his queen, Genevieve Hansdottir of Falor, first of her name."

The proceeding festivities were a welcome change for all in Ostwall, having been in a period of nearly perpetual mourning for two months. A mixture of traditional and foreign instruments played, inspiring many to leave the banquet table in order to dance. Ronan, a bit too drunk by then to gracefully find his footing, resolved to stay at the table where he held the one month old Volundr in his arms. The King brushed a finger along the boy's cheek, laughing as the young prince gripped it and inspected the calloused finger with fascination.

"It's wonderful, is it not?" he remarked, looking out on the crowd of nobles, local and foreign, who occupied the hall. "It's ours now." Ronan continued to look about, meeting the gaze of a few nobles who watched the pair closely, with judgement visible in their eyes even from at the royals' place at the table. He knew they spoke about him and Genevieve quite often. It was most certainly scandalous for anyone to marry their widowed stepmother, let alone just months after her husband's death, but there were no laws regarding marriage in Ostwall.

Propping the small child up in his lap, Ronan gripped his tankard of ale and sipped from it for a moment, positioning it afterwards so that it attempted to block out the gossiping nobles. It hardly helped, however, and he simply turned back to Genevieve with his arm once more around Volundr.