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The Return of Mandalore

The Galaxy


a part of The Return of Mandalore, by TheRose202.

This is The Galaxy, home of the Humans, Mon Calamri, and all other sorts of life. Beware, it can be a dangerous place.

TheRose202 holds sovereignty over The Galaxy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

946 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The Galaxy is a sprawling interstellar metropolis, full of different races, cultures, factions, and permeated by the invisible binding energy known as The Force. Beware, it is a chaotic, ever-changing place, but holds great fortune for those strong enough to grasp it.
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The Galaxy

This is The Galaxy, home of the Humans, Mon Calamri, and all other sorts of life. Beware, it can be a dangerous place.


The Galaxy is a part of The Return of Mandalore.

8 Characters Here

Soran Tek [39] "I do not only see the force as it truly is, but I also perceive it in a way others can not."
Tel'Kar Namani [38] A Zeltron woman who's been hunted all her life, she tends to be slightly more emotional than your average Jedi
Mandalore the Rebuilder [21] The new Mandalore, an old man who's survived the best and worst of times
Pala t'racen [21] A young Twi'lek Mandalorian who is unsure about the coming conflict.
Kavis Mindar [12] 'If my 'services' are wanted there, I'll probably be there.'
Jolo Skyran [10] A Mando hunter with a loner streak, Jolo's good at what he does.
Jayden Hakito [2] A newly found Padawan that will be taken to be trained properly by the New Jedi Order.
Lerssk [1] A thrown aside Trandoshan,abandoned by his people.

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Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Soran Tek Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran Character Portrait: Lerssk
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(Sorry, everyone. Having a real difficult time IRL and I might not have the motivation to RP for a bit. x.x)


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Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran Character Portrait: Jayden Hakito
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(Okay, you two are good to go. But Bane, I expect you to continue to work on your bio. It's barely satisfactory. You need to expand on a few things, and I don't think anyone here is going to care about the character's sexuality. And even if they do, they can ask IC.)


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Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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#, as written by Lobos
Slinging on an approach vector, the profile of a GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat entered Mandalore's atmosphere, on a course for Keldabe, the capital. At the helm of the vessel, named the Silent Serpent by it's pilot, rested the armored warrior who owned the craft, steadily guiding it in. Jolo's helmeted face betrayed no expressions, his silence one of preference rather than necessity.

A warning on his HUD sounded, a flick of his eyes opening the notification and bringing a scowl to his lips behind that faceless facade as he noted some vessel crashing below him. "Di'kuutla aruetiise. Learn to fly your shabla ships."

Kicking off the autopilot with a turn and slap of a handle, the Mandalorian took control, banking the vessel in a low arc as he dropped towards the surface more quickly, deftly handling the fair sized ship as if it were a standard starfighter. Stored away in his meticulous fashion, not an ounce of cargo shifted more than a centimeter in their holds. Within a few minutes he had sight of the crash itself, twisting his scowl deeper.

"Chakaars. Better have the credits to make your hides worth it, cause this is not how I wanted to come back to Manda'yaim."

Wings rotating from their vertical to horizontal stage, the mercenary settled the vessel down. As he left the cockpit, slapping another button and muttering a passcode to lock out the controls, the man retrieved his twinned DE-10s and slinging them in their hip holsters. Opening the hatch and stalking off his ship, he began headed for the wreck, silently cursing the damned fools and hoping they had the means to make this detour worth his time.


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Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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#, as written by Zap
Kavis stumbled out of his downed fighter, and looked around. His wide-brimmed hat had been battered and his clothes were tattered and ripped. He had cut himself in different places and his whole body ached. Kolo hadn't survived the crash, having been impaled by a falling beam. Kavis stepped out and saw a starfighter fly past, and immediatly recognized the ship.
"Jolo Skyran..." Kavis sighed, before taking his pistol off of his belt and aiming around his ship, his lazer sight leading the way. He walked around the outside and saw the hull breach his onboard computer had somehow managed to mention. He walked inside and went straight for his cargo hold to check on his cargo.

When he arrived, he saw all the boxes had been broken and the contents all smashed or spilled. He cursed and wandered outside, before checking the electronic map that came with one of his uprgrades, before heading towards Keldabe, the closest place to his crash site.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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The Mandalore continues through the dense woodlands, noting the second ship breaking through the cloud cover overhead as he jumps into the swoop. "Hm. The vultures have already arrived." he notes flatly. As soon as Pala's on board, he closes the cockpit and puts the bike into full throttle, blasting through the trees at an extremely dangerous speed toward the billowing cloud of smoke that rises into the air.

Before long, they've arrived at the scene of the crash, the bike slowing to a stop in a matter of seconds. The sensation of having one's face almost pulled off by inertia, the Mandalore decides, is not a fun one. Putting that aside, he opens the cockpit and steps out of the swoop, rifle to his shoulder almost immediately as he calls out to the dazed-looking man, "You there! Stop where you are."


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Character Portrait: Tel'Kar Namani Character Portrait: Soran Tek
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"It sounds like a plan to me, if a not very well structured one." says Tel'Kar as she gives him a look at the horribly covered 'when you fail' comment. "Anyway. Ready? One...two...three." She throws open the door and puts on her best smile as she speaks in a booming voice, "Evening gents! Now, you know, many of your friends are outside right now and have lost the ability to breathe. I would strongly suggest you drop your weaponry and hand yourself over to the authorities peacefully, else we'll have to spill just a touch of blood."

It goes over just about as well as she had actually expected. After a long pause and several incredulous stares, someone in the large group of armed gangsters yells, "What're you waiting for? Shoot!" and the entire room alights with blaster fire. "Huh. Why do they never listen to reason?" asks Tel'Kar with a small smirk as she dives back out the door and leans against the wall, red, yellow, and green blaster bolts following her out. "Well, I suppose we'll have to use your considerably less kind approach, Soran. I'll wait for your signal."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Tel'Kar Namani Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Soran Tek
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#, as written by Zap
Kavis looks at the man who was aiming his rifle at him, and frowned. He wore heavily modified Crusader model armour, and Kavis could tell that he was an important figure in Mandalorian society. Kavis stumbled forwards and drew Rocky out of it's holster, aiming at this figure.

"My name is Kavis Mindar." Kavis said as he slowly stumbled forwards, not taking his eyes off of the figure. "I was pursued by Bounty Hunters and was shot down. I need food, supplies and a fresh change of clothes, please, if you have any decency."

Kavis drops Rocky and waits for an answer from the figure.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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#, as written by Lobos
Keeping his hands well away from his blasters, Jolo strode towards the assembling group, tilting his head as he looked on. Just another Mando in armor, he was distinguishable by his loping stride, a common occurrence among those who've spent much time in space, or a full-blooded spacer. With his heavier plated armor and the signature pistols made famous by the Deathwatch, he recognized belatedly that coming out into the open could have been a mistake. Ignoring the fact, kama brushing his legs as he approached, the bounty hunter really didn't care too much.

"Vode." Inclining his helmet slightly at his fellow Mando's, the hunter waited, for the moment.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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Pala stayed off to the side to not attract attention to herself. Having just sparred with the Mandalore, she had no doubt that he could handle himself. However, even he wasn't immune to a well placed shot. The Mandalorian Twi'lek kept her eyes peeled for any unseen threats, her blasters ready to fire if fired upon. She wasn't oblivious to what was going on just a few feet from her.

Pala turned to briefly examine the other person who approached the Mandalore. She gave him a quick look over with her eyes and then spoke. "Keep your hands away from the blasters and we'll keep our fingers off our triggers.".


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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Seeing that the madman was clearly not a threat after he raised and then dropped his blaster, the Mandalore lowered his own rifle with a slightly perplexed look, hidden by his helmet but quite present in his tone. "What happened here?" he asks as he gestures to the wreckage. Before he can be answered, however, a new player enters, and while the Mandalore certainly notes his presence, he doesn't raise his blaster rifle. Yet.

"Su cuy'gar." he says as he inclines his head to the newcomer, a phrase that means hello but literally translates to something along the lines of "you're still alive". He studies Jolo intently, sweeping his gaze over the other Mandalorian's dress and weaponry, able to pick out even the hidden ones due to slight irregularities in the armour. "I see you've returned to Mandalore, vod. Because of my summons, I hope." It's a statement, but it certainly has a questioning, almost criticising tone to it.


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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#, as written by Lobos
"I think you, vod, are a layari chakaar, but we'll see." Jolo gave a mocking salute, the expressionless face of his visor shrouding the hard eyes he settled on this man who called himself the Mandalore. "Ni dinu..."

"Mandalore." Despite his mocking tone, Jolo was deadly serious when it came to the proposal of his people rising again. For some, the separation had been hard, to others, they thrived. But unifying again was a gamble of such a large scale, he wondered if this man had any idea just how large the stakes were.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Pala t'racen Character Portrait: Mandalore the Rebuilder Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar Character Portrait: Jolo Skyran
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The Mandalpre reacts to the accusations with simply a raised brow. Killing him now would do no good. "You would do well to watch your tongue around me, boy." responds the Mandalore. This one could prove to be a danger to his station, and in the ressurgence's infant stage, any danger was a great one. An eye must be kept on him. However, there are greater concerns at the moment. Like the madman whose ship had recently been turned into a pile of slag and scrap.

"Why did you crash?" Asks the Mandalore somewhat suspiciously, "And what were you doing in this sector anyway? Your ship appears to be outfitted for combat purposes."


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Character Portrait: Jayden Hakito
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( Alright, Rose. I'll work on the bio every now and then. My brain is just fried and it's hard for me to think of more stuff to had for her bio. But I will add more, I promise, for the mean time, I'll make a little post just so I don't feel like too much of a failure).

Jayden and her new friend were now in the haul of the ship, going to the Jedi Temple. She looked at the older Jedi and smirked and sat down. The Jedi looked at her and said, '' Stay here, and try to meditate on the force. It will help you build your saber. Once we get to the Temple, you'll have a proper saber, from the crystal you choose for yourself. But for the mean time, this crystal will have to do.'' Jayden looked at him and said, ''If I'll be getting a saber at the Temple, why do I need to have one now? I mean, it's not like we'll be ambushed or anything, right? And if we were, wouldn't you be able to protect me yourself?'' The older Jedi looked at her as he was halfway through the cockpit's door and said, '' Yes, but you need to practice with the force, but for now, I mainly need you not to break anything.'' After he said that he walked into the cockpit, sat in the captain's chair, and sent a message to the Jedi Temple, saying that he found a new Padawan and was bringing her in.
Jayden sighed, sat on the floor, crossed her legs, closed her eyes and started to try and clear her mind so she could meditate like her Jedi friend told her to.

It was about what seemed like five minutes later, when Jayden felt like what seemed like an earthquake, but in space. She quickly jumped to her feet, ran to the cockpit and said, '' What in the hell is going on? Did we get hit?''
The Jedi looked at her and said, ''Sit down and buckle up! We got hit and may need to make an emergency landing.''
Jayden sat down in the seat next to him and buckled up. She looked at all the monitors and screens. Jayden looked at him and said, '' I don't see any enemy ships, unless they're cloaked or some shit, we can't get any eyes on them. What should we do if they come on the ship? Fight, or just hide like cowards?''

The Jedi looked at her and said, ''We do not fight unless it's necessary, we're peace keepers, not soldiers.''
Jayden smirked and said, '' Yeah, keep telling yourself that. If you really are only Peace Keepers, then why are you involved in almost every war that goes on? And why aren't there more of you, ya know Jedi? Shouldn't there be hundreds of Jedi everywhere? Keeping the Peace, and not starting almost every war? Since it seems like that's what's happening.....''

( I know this post sucks, but I'll make a better one when I have the time. I do have my lap top back, so I can post a lot more, and possibly edit this one in a bit).


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(It's not terrible. You just need to tag your character and correct some grammar.)


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Character Portrait: Tel'Kar Namani Character Portrait: Soran Tek
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"It's not my signal you should be waiting for, it's theirs'," he assured his master as his lightsaber lit up with a bright blue flash and the Miralukan span out into the fray with his blade in the position needed to send some bolts back at the shooters. "And they already gave it."

He span his saber behind his back and raised his free hand. A second later, a speeder bike was pulled into the air by the force and then thrown up towards the blaster turret being fired from a balcony in front of them. It wasn't a direct hit, crashing just below the target and bouncing off, but it sure as hell freaked out the shooter, who not only stopped firing for a few seconds in order to dive away, but never quite got his aim back when he was forced to return to shooting by his superior.

Soran pushed left, cutting his way through a couple of low-lives and ducking behind a few conveniently placed crates. Whatever they were shifting hopefully wasn't too explosive, because the Jedi was now using it as a shield to avoid getting shot.

"We need to push towards the bridge!" He called out. "That's where all their men came from!"