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Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)

A cursed Werewolf with a past and a problem.

0 · 214 views · located in Earth and The Sacred Realm

a character in “The Sacred Realm”, as played by Mr. Baneling Squishy



He is a bit short for his age, ESPECIALLY for his technical age. Other then that, the picture says it all....for his human form. His lycan form is three times his size, and his strength in both human and lycan is incredible. Connor also has all the other benefits from being a Werewolf. However, most people assume he is 11 or 10.


He feels regret for some of the things he has done, and only now has control over his wolf form. He is annoyed and angered at his curse, and at the wizard, but can not face him due to regret. He tries to not think about it, instead focusing on the future. Of course, having been cursed that reduced him to a child, this limits what he can do, which again irritates him.


Connor was always a bit unpredictable when he was younger. But when his wolf started surfacing, it only made him more unpredictable. However, he was completely incapable of stopping his rampage during his first transformation, he accidentally killed a Wizards family, who for revenge, made Connor unable to age, but also taking off a good portion of years, reducing him to a child to torture.

Ever since he gained control over his wolf, he has tried to stay away from his past. He does what he can to get by and keep his mind off things. From delivering messages, helping train apprentices with the Sword, and beating up the occasional mugger, as well as hunting. He is generally known as "The Kid", and is a slight, slight legend, for his work and prowess despite his apparent age, but does not see that much attention due to far more larger legends.

So begins...

Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)'s Story

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Character Portrait: Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)
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(Hurray! Also, i might make a bad guy later, still deciding to or not....anyways, time for a funny/action packed intro post!)

Connor hated his curse. It made things simply horrible. He could not do so much, and he was persecuted for his height and his age. Basically, it made life hard. However, being eternally young does have some advantages. And in this case, this was one of them. Baths. All of the men had their own time, and most of them bathed themselves. But women and children didn't get that "responsibility". And Connor, while he may appear to be a child, was technically much older, and therefore, had some older "opinions" still......such as his feelings towards certain attractive individuals. Although, he could only display his affections in a form of a childish crush, so it certainly wouldn't measure up to being his normal age, but he had to take what he could get.

Later that day, however, he was able to find a bit of fun again. A sword slashed right at him, but he just slid out of the way, wielding his sword with a certain grace.The wielder of the sword, a simple squire, though very much older then him, slashed and hacked with a great sword, but Connor was capable of dodging each and every one, and landing some blows of his own. "Your not focusing your power enough...." he pointed out. Several other squires, and the Head of the guard, simply watched, as Connor kept giving him tips while avoiding his blows. "You know, your not going to hit me at this rate....". And he was right. By the end of this fight, the squire was tired and out of breath, and could no longer fight.

"I swear, I think these recruits are getting less and less skilled...." he pointed out to the Captain of the Guard, who gave him some gold. "He thought he was good enough to take you. Well, I guess you made your points. You think he will listen?". "If he doesn't, I could always beat it into him....". "Fair enough. So, see you tomorrow...".

Connor began to head towards the woods. He could feel the full moon rising, though it seemed quicker this time around. He had to get to a safe distance, or risk attacking someone innocent. He could not risk that, not again....

(Not my best first post, but I think it speaks a good deal further......)

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Character Portrait: Gancan Agh Character Portrait: Dreya Sinrayen Character Portrait: Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)
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He had been walking for awhile, getting as much distance before the full moon hit, when he encounter a random trading caravan. He thought nothing of them, until they stopped right in front of him, and 10 men wearing all black jumped out. Thinking they were bandits, Connor quickly put on an act, fake crying and whimpering "Please don't hurt me! I am just a poor orphan!". He probably could take them actually, but he did not want to be delayed.

However, that's when one of them, probably the leader, said "Hah! We know who you are, wolf. Now..." he looked to his men, telling them calmly and coldly "Kill Him". They all charged in a very organized fashion, much to Connor's suprise. He quickly drew his sword, and fought them off. The leader took out a musket and fired at him mid fight, but he managed to avoid the shots. He managed to kill one, and get another to kill one of their own. However, then he had to run.

He ran through the forest, getting chased and shot at. That's when he tripped, rolled down a hill, and to the side of the lake, falling in the water. He quickly got out, noticing two others nearby, as well as charging.....whoever they were. They were making quite a bit of noise though, as at least two of them were firing Muskets. That's when it occurred to him it was now a full moon, and there were two possible innocent bystanders. He hoped they would run, as he felt himself start to transform. He yelled "Run!" as loud as possible, but when he yelled again, it was a howl.

At least he could focus on the people attacking him first.

(not my best work, but it will do. Sorry if it's sub-par)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gancan Agh Character Portrait: Dreya Sinrayen Character Portrait: Connor (He doesn't use his last name anymore)
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The eerie feel of the lake did not disperse as time passed. It was quiet, as if the whole area surrounding the lake was filled with death. No, not quite. It wasn't negative, just strange, and she wasn't sure it was her place. She didn't like the lack of animals; it made her feel alone.

Gancan was acting strange, almost as if he were hypnotized. She didn't understand what he was talking about, but an ominous feeling shrouded her when she noticed that he was right. There were no stars. It made the sky seem hollow and her sense of seperation sharply rose. This was unnatural.

"Gancan, what is this place? I don't feel..." she began but was cut short when something happened that outweighed all the other oddities. All in just moments, it was as if something had flown out of the lake itself. Startled, she had near toppled over in shock and ended up with Gan half on top of her. Her eyes were wide with disbelief. What magic was this? How had she never heard mention of this? It was far too shocking for her to take in. It had happened all too fast and unlike anything she had previously heard of.

The 'thing' had doused her in water, her clothes damp, though not as saturated as Gan. She wondered with awe how it was that he had settled down so suddenly and was managing to sleep being so wet. Was he not cold? She blamed all that Homebrew pumping through his veins for that absurdity.

"We cannot stay here", she spoke softly, trying to rouse Gan from his slumber. She didn't feel right here... couldn't digest what had happened. She wanted to leave immediately. If it weren't for the full moon, she may consider staying a while to explore, to find out what the hell had just transpired. However, there were so many reason she must abandon this place. "The wolves are about".

Just as she spoke, battle sounds surrounded her, the first sounds to penetrate the sacred stillness of this place for an immeasurable amount of time. The sounds drew closer and closer. Muskets?

Then there was a small figure in the water, and then a howl. A howl.She watched as the creature sprung upon the enemies pursuing it, and shook Gan violently. "Get up! The creatures are upon us! Look, one of them right before us!" she cried, drawing her twin daggers as she spoke.

She did not know who the wolf was currently engaging in battle with, but an enemy of the wolves was her ally. She charged at the creature, yelling in anger, her daggers begging to sink into the animal's filthy flesh.
