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Zaldir Kestal

"Do you want to hear a joke? No? okay fine."

0 · 699 views · located in Earth and The Sacred Realm

a character in “The Sacred Realm”, as played by Firewind


Name: Zaldir Kestal

Race/Role: Chosen Fair Elf

Gender: Male

Age: 87

Appearance: Image

Description: A fair Elf of white hair and green eyes at a young age. Standing at about five foot eleven inches tall. usually wears green clothes or armor he keeps in a traveling pack. He bears a hidden scar across his back from an attack long forgotten in his own memory.

Personality: He likes to sleep in the forest since he feels most comfortable amongst the plants and loves to gaze upon several rare beauties he never saw before. Often filled with a sense of humor and mischief, he loves to cause a bit of a joke now and again with many people. He doesn't have a care in the world about responsibility, having no one to teach him such things and only being treated harshly by everything around him, even the animals themselves.

History: Born Zaldir Kestal of the Kestal clan, The newborn child grew up in a peaceful family of healers, but he was born with the ability of communication with plants. His life took a turn for even more worry as an assault on the village his clan resided in came under attack by Dark elves when he was the age of ten, killing everyone but himself, who barely escaped by hiding amongst the plants he grew attached to. On searching for a refuge in a Fair Elven church, he was only looked after for a few days and was left to fend for himself. He grew up wandering the Forests and roads, never at all staying in one place and doing odd jobs and learn how to use a sword and bow to survive...

Views on other Races: Zaldir's view on most of the races, even his own kind, are filled with contempt. His family slaughtered by Dark Elves he despises them and any Fallen they serve most of all. He gives only a glare at people who want to help him, seeing that any person's help is only for the short time they're allowed. He feels that Werewolves and the Felinus need to accept their facts in life, and generally dislikes the Vampire's Way of Life of Drinking Blood. He has his reasons to dislike most people and just wishes to be left alone to wander the world until his death.

So begins...

Zaldir Kestal's Story

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Zaldir was walking along the road, feeling a bit on the hungry side yet not so much as to drop everything and go begging for food as he did in his youth. He stopped begging when he was near his twenties when he became good with his weapons. He shifted the heavy bow on his shoulders and gripped his blade sheathed on the left side of his hip. He gave a sigh and wandered along the road still.

On the side of the road he heard the sound of two laughing bandits who seemed to have made a good raid on a nearby village. He slowly turned his calm face into a hating, spiteful sneer. He walked ever closer to the bandit's camp area and he took his bow and slowly knocked an arrow into it. Aiming the way he was taught, he shot one in the face before going for another arrow and shooting the other one in the leg. He then put his bow away and pulled out his sword as he walked toward the suffering bandit.

"What the heck? You're an elf! We weren't on elf territory!" Shouted the still alive bandit as Zaldir slowly scoffed and pointed his sword at his neck. "I mean we wasn't many moons ago, but you know how it is."

"Do you know what I hate about humans? They always think they're better then the other races of this world. Sure they may have shorter ears then elves do but that doesn't make a difference does it?" Zaldir asked sarcastically. "Besides, if I wanted to kill you, I wouldn't have wanted to talk. It fills the gaps of my lonely existence as the last of my clan, which brings me to why I hate bandits and dark elves, and especially the Fallen ones."

Zaldir leaned real close to the bandit's face and gave the most frightening smile. "They all make me," He paused as he stabbed the bandit in the guts, "very sick." he finished his statement as he pulled the blade out and took the sack filled with riches and walked towards the village. "Not that the poor souls need this to carry out their existence, but I'm feeling a bit social today."

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Zaldir finally found the road after a few minutes of walking through the forests, and he could see the village in at least two miles. He smiled with relief. "Maybe the villagers will reward me and at least give me something to sleep on." He muttered. "If not, well least I tried." he muttered as he started to pick up the pace and started to jog. The jogging slowly turned to a full fledged sprinting as he ran to the village and stopped running as he slowed to a walk. He walked to the center of town and set the sack he collected from the bandits and sighed.

He sighed because he knew most of the people in this village were looking at his ears and hair. His hair was white, paler then the moon. His ears, typical of an elf, were pointed, however he wore a silver like covering on his left ear tip to hide one of his scars from the day he lost it all. The day his family and home were destroyed. He put on at least a happy face for the public now around him. "Well, this is a fantastic sight, you see one elf and everyone goes bonkers, you should thank me though." He said in a cheery mischievous tone. "I pinched this back from some bandits and I thought, well, these people badly need this to survive. So long story short here I am, here's the money I bid you good day." He walked along the streets to head for the nearest village Inn to try and use his own expenses to rest up. Hopefully people there would be more accommodating to elves passing by.

He walked into an inn and ordered a room for the night from the Innkeeper, he then pulled out from a pocket several silver coins to pay the fee as he walked towards a table and settle down in it. He slowly looked around the area and then out the window. From out the window he noticed a woman along the road that he passed by, looking completely lost and bewildered. "Tch, not my problem." he thought in his head as a complimentary pint was set down near him, which he took to great thanks and started to drink from it.

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"Zaldir, don't turn around..." Came a voice from inside Zaldir's head. Suddenly from behind him came the cold steel of a knife pressed against his neck. Again, came the same voice. But this time he was able to get a better listen, and could understand the voice was of a child, no more than 15. The voice was soft, and soothing like a breeze, and it was clear that it must have been a powerful elf talking to him since he was using telekinesis.

"There are 2 Dark Elves behind you, one of them is directly behind you and the other is to the left with an ax. They are here to kill you, and their is no point in trying to run from them. They are expertly trained, and wont stop chasing until you have no where to go. Your only choice, Zaldir, is to kill them. They are strong, but you are stronger child. Once they are dead, you must come to the Garden of the Elders... We will talk there.

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"You turn me away for these many long years, and now you want my attention old man? You, are terribly mistaken priest." Zaldir thought in his head in annoyance as the Dark elf behind him held his knife to his neck. "Thank you for warning me of my dinner theater however." he thought sarcastically as he kicked the dark elf square in the groin and flipped him onto the table in a headlock. His face contorted to rage as he simply gave a good jerk of his arm, and he heard the satisfying cracking of the assailant's neck. The assailant with the axe ran at him with his axe ready for a decapitation if need be had Zaldir not drew his sword and blocked the vicious looking axe blade.

"Did I ever tell you how sick your kind and the fallen make me? Your kind did something very terrible to me." Zaldir said in a very deadly, slightly witty tone. The axe bearer just pushed the Fair elf into the wall in their struggling blade lock. However, that only made Zaldir smile a very deadly smile. He pushed the axe wielding dark elf away from him and then threw his sword at his unprotected neck. Blood spewed onto the snowy white leather of the attacker's armor and onto his friend. A spatter or two ended up on Zaldir's face, but he didn't mind. The blood of the race that killed his family, and caused his own race to make him fend for himself, made him very satisfied in the little struggle he had. "Seeker guide you, to the depths of the lasting inferno."

He walked up to the bartender and dropped two more silver coins into his hands before walking up to the room he rented. He only said one thing regarding the whole thing. "Beg your pardon on the mess." with that he walked into his room and sat onto the bed he rented for the night. "I'll worry about Ol' Priest-face later. Right now, I gotta figure out why those hooligans were after me in the first place, also if there's more for me to worry about." He pondered in thought upon the situation, and what he should do.

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Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Silk had been wandering along the road for quite a while now, when she approached a human village. She'd been told quite a bit about them from her elders before coming here, but all she really remembered was the mention of food. She was very eager to try that. Besides, she was pretty tired after her futile search for this elusive elf and wouldn't mind a rest.

She entered the town, faces of humans instantly staring at her. So much for not drawing attention to herself. "What? You never seen a Sacred One before?" she said, feeling insulted by all the staring and the total lack of respect. They were just staring. At least those pathetic light elves would be honoring her, not just looking at her with their jaws hanging open.

A small human child raced up to her and grabbed at her hand, which incited horrified looks from her. She didn't like children, the way they always wanted to touch things and the way they assumed she cared about what they had to say. Even Sacred One children were like that. It was very annoying. "Are you really an angel? Daddy says those stories aren't true, but the preacher says the angels are going to kill us all!" the child said.

Silk smirked a little at that. She'd heard most humans were doubtful about her species existence, but really? The Sacred Ones were being painted as killers of humanity? That was hilarious, but also very sad. Sure, just doubt the existence of the most beautiful race that ever existed or portray them as monsters. Screw logic.

She followed the direction the child was pointing in and her eyes locked upon the preacher man, screeching away. "You see? The end is nigh! There is one of them now, here to erase all of us unworthy! They are coming for us!" the man yabbered on, most people ignoring him but those that were listening now gazing upon Silk with fear.

She turned to the small child. "Yes, I am really an angel and me and my friends are going to kill you all, haha!" she said, feeling accomplished as the child ran away with fear-glazed eyes to it's mother, looking as if he would burst into tears. His mother muttered something about how Silk was just dressed up for the preacher man, trying to scare people. She rolled her eyes and walked into the Inn. Yeah, this was all just a costume! Hah!

"Hey there, love, are you an actress?" the bartender asked as she approached him, looking at her with a look of amusement.

Silk decided she'd go with that one. "Yes, can I have some food? And a drink?". Excitement boiled in her blood as she anticipated what consuming earth goods would be like. Magical? Orgasmic?

The bartender seemed a little startled by her eyes, obviously unlike anything he had ever seen before. "Certainly, love. What would you like? What did you do to your eyes? How'd you get 'em like that? Never seen that kind of make-up before".

"It's... err... an actress's secret. Can't tell you. And I don't care what you give me, just make it fast" she said, aware of all the dumb humans leering at her through the windows as if she was some rarity they had never seen before. Yeah, they probably hadn't seen one of her kid before, but didn't they know it was rude to stare? She felt a little insecure.

The bartender smirked at her and placed a plate of food before her as well as some kind of liquid in a glass. Silk began devouring the plate eagerly, the grin she wore then possibly the largest she had ever had. "Oh Gods, this is incredible! Amazing!" she squealed with delight. She then began gulping down the liquid before her.

Now, Silk had never consumed alcohol before and being a creature of such purity, it's effects on her were instant and drastic. She suddenly felt dizzy and over-joyed, not to mention, completely nonchalant about all the faces staring at her. She watched in awe as some fair elf absolutely kicked the asses of two dark elves... and then realization hit her like a tidal wave. She'd done it! "Wait! Green eyes, white hair! Oh Gods... hiccup... I found the Elfie!" she said, standing up and knocking her glass over. "Oh, shiiiiit. I'm sorry Mister. Here, have some shinies!" she said, presenting the man with the circular silver stuff she was told to exchange earth-walker goods for.

She half-skipped in the direction she had watched the elf go and pounded on the door she had seen him enter, feeling overly accomplished and very cheerful, which was very much unlike her. "Elfie! Hey, hey! Elfie! I found you and...hiccup... I have to tell you some... hiccup... stuff about the world ending and blah blah... hiccup... open up, Elfie!" she said, acting as if the entire deal were suddenly just an ordinary thing.

((Sorry at the crapness of my posts, guys. xD I was kinda rushed))

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Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Zaldir pondered and pondered about what went on between him and the two Dark Elves. "One, how did the Old priest knew about it? Two, what is there for us to talk about? The only way I suppose to answer such questions is if I go to the garden of elders. But that'll take some traveling." he thought. Just as he was about to plan on the trip he was going to take to pay the High Priest a visit, there was a knock on his door. A rather drunken-like knock from what he could tell.

"What the fel?" He muttered as he opened the door to see the same woman he observed from the window, and seeing her up close shocked the fair elf off beyond belief. "Whoa, hello. You seemed to have had an encounter with some alcohol." He said inspecting her from her head to her bare feet. "Wait, you walked here with no shoes, if you had any to begin with. Seeker's breath. You're one of the Sacred Ones from the way you look. Only I never expected to meet one drunk."

Zaldir then gave large sigh. "Firstly, what do you want with me that is so important, and why you come to me?" He asked in both shock and almost utterly annoyed tone. "Have you come to send me off on some big adventure to save my people or something? The very same people who turned their backs on me when I was a small child? What else is new?" He sat back on his bed in utter thought. "This is momentous times then if that's the case."

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Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Silk barged into the elf's room, grinning from ear to ear with pride at her discovery. "You such a smart one, Silk", she muttered as she staggered inside. A small mob of humans were peering at her from down the hall, curiously. She slammed the door in their faces, annoyed.

"Stupid humans", she said as she attempted to follow the elf to the bed. Instead, she stumbled and fell. Picking herself up she said "I think they wanna...wanna take to me with...with pitchforks or somethin', I'unno..."

She made her way to the bed and slumped upon it. She raised her hands to the Elf's ears, giggling as she tugged at them. "You got such funny ears. If it weren't for that, you might be... might be pretty, you know!" The elves were meant to be beautiful, but she'd never really learned to get over the fact that their ears were just ridiculous. It was just that she felt that nobody really needed ears that HUGE. Was it really essential?

The alcohol had made her suddenly feel dreary, and her eyelids kept falling over her purple star-filled galaxy eyes. She lay down, her body feeling rather heavy. "Anyway... The Old Gods wanna make the Earth go boom 'cause... 'cause you dumb earth-walkers fight too much and stuff. So they said that I gots'ta... gotta help the elfie make peace or some shit... So you gotta... er... get over all those abandonment issues and stuff.... gotta stop the war or... or yeah, we all die and stuff". She yawned tiredly, curling her small frame up into a ball and closing her eyes. She felt satisfied with accomplishing the first part of her mission and now she was exhausted.

Was it rude to just sleep on someone's bed? Probably but... she was a Sacred One, so she should be treated with respect, right? Most boot-licking elves would be honored to be in her presence! Besides... she was too tired to over-think courtesy and all that. "If the humans come to get me... tell 'em... tell 'em... tell them that I..." she couldn't even finish her sentence before she fell asleep.

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Character Portrait: Zaldir Kestal Character Portrait: Silk
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Zaldir could hardly tell if she was telling the truth or was just being silly about the whole thing. One thing he did realize however was she was a Sacred One. The stars in her eyes proved that much. The old gods wanting to destroy earth for forgetting them? Well he only kept acknowledging the Seeker, but he supposed that counted for something.

But then the woman fell onto his bed in a drunken stupor. "Seeker's breath." he muttered. "We'll talk when your sober then you crazy woman, but it's gonna take more then that to make me feel like I need to help save everyone in this blinking world. No one cares at all for me. Least of all my own people." as he said those words he rubbed his slightly sore ears. At least she did not tug off the silver covering on his left eartip, which hid his scar from the destruction of his clan, in her drunken antics.

"Maybe if I go to the Garden of Elders, things will make sense there. But do I have to drag her along with me to there?" He muttered to himself as he heard knocking on the door as it felt like a mob of humans were gathered outside his door. He simply did the one thing he knew best when faced with this dilemma. He bolted his door up tight and sat down. "I'll just wait till she wakes up then shall I?"

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Silk awoke, rubbing her eyes as she did. Her body felt heavy and wrong, a rather unusual feeling for someone of her kind to experience. She momentarily forgot where she was before she laid her eyes on the elf again and memories came back to her.

Holy shit. She must have embarrassed herself. People willingly drank that stuff, rendered themselves into such a state voluntarily? It had robbed her of all intellect, dignity and balance. The hell would people want to act like that? Oh well. She'd found the damn elf and that was at least something. She'd been beginning to feel as if it were an impossible task.

"Ah... good" she spoke, unsure how much time had passed since she'd passed out in the alcohol's reign on her body. Though, even after she had finished speaking, her body felt returned to it's natural state and she no longer felt like she'd been hit in the head by a large, blunt object. That's what you get for being one of the Sacred One's, awesome healing capabilities and shit.

" yeah, about saving the world before the Old God's completely destroy it" she said, before remembering that the elf had not seemed too keen on the idea of making peace when she had mentioned it to him. She pulled a face, scowling hard. "You think I feel great about this, man? I wanted to be a priestess, hell if I wanted to come hang out with some dumbass, boot-licking elf, but noooo, you think I had a choice in the matter?" she said, crossing her arms across her chest, remembering how much this duty sucked. She really didn't care if the stupid earth-walkers completely annihilated each other; why the hell did the Old God's care so much? The whole thing was ridiculous. "So, if you want everything to just... you know... end, just like that, then cool, man. I'll just walk away. I didn't want this stupid job anyway".

What did she care if the Old Gods destroyed the planet? It wouldn't effect her much at all. Sure, it might seriously ruin her chances of becoming a high priestess if she failed this mention but...wait, it might completely destroy all chance of becoming a high priestess if she failed. Hell would she let some dumbass elf ruin her dreams.

"Gods be damned... Actually, no. I won't just walk away". She stood up, standing over the elf, looking down on him, deliberately trying to show herself off to be greater then him. "All right, pointy-ears. I'm a Sacred One and you're just a stupid elf, so you're gonna do what I say... or... or... Yeah. So what the hell's your problem? Why are you so bitter? And what's all the warring about, huh? Upset the Dark Elves don't wanna kiss our asses along side you lot, is that it?"

She wasn't even roughly sure how she was even supposed to go about this task... She supposed after she had some answers, she would have to seek out this elf's leader... if he even had one. That's only if she could convince the stupid elf in the first place.