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"Basically I'm a walkin' talkin' rabbit's foot."

0 · 485 views · located in The Safe Haven

a character in “The Safe Haven”, as played by Homesick Angel



"Come on, try your luck. Heads or tails?"
♫♫♫ Thick as Theives | Dashboard Confessional ♫♫♫

Name: Felix Alexander
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Build: Lanky

|Physical Stats|
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 140 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair: Brown

Rabbit has a lot in common with his namesake-- which is one of the reasons why he's called Rabbit. What a twist, right? He is a man lacking in muscle density, and density in general. Slender is the approprate word, skin-and-bones if you're feeling rude. What little muscle he does have is finely banded and corded throughout his body where it's needed, without a wasted sinew in sight. It's a runner's physique to be sure, combined with a bit of malnourishment and lucky bastard genes. Rabbit doesn't have the height to be called "lanky" per-se but when he walks he's a mess of elbows and knees threatening to erupt in flames if they got too close and started rubbing together. As mentioned, he's a thin man, sitting right under the average for a normal fellow of his height, not that he had much say in the matter

Rabbit has a fair skin-tone, an ordinary Caucasian male with a healthy bit of tanning on his neck and shoulders. The color comes from his hair, which is a deep color of brown, and dammit does he love his hair. He cuts it only once every couple of months, allowing to grow out and over his ears before taking the scissors to it. Once the scissors come out, the mop on his head is feathered and sits very neatly on his crown, pushed back and away from his forehead. The best way to describe it is that a big wind came and blew it back. On the other end of the scale, when a couple of months have passed, his hair falls down past his eyes and sits somewhere on his cheeks. He keeps it parted here so that he can actually see where he's going. He's also been known to grow a wisp of a beardling every now and then, when the fancy strikes him.

Bright green irises sit in his eyes, dancing around in his head like a rabbit's. Another reason for the moniker rabbit. His eyes are always moving in their sockets, looking, exploring, undressing, redressing, examining, they never stop. These eyes sit in a soft face-- he's no man's man, opting instead for svelte saviness. Soft features grace rounded cheekbones which is finished off by a narrow chin. When he can, he likes to wear nice clothing. There's nothing he'd rather be wearing than a suit jacket that fits with a matching vest. Unfortunately, Rabbit rarely has these chances.

Rabbit is no stranger to body art. Sitting on his right pectoral is a bright green clover with the word "For Luck" drawn over top of it. Around his left wrist is a tribal band, which is then connected to an image of a black and white rabbit's foot below his wrist. Along with those two, the third and final rests on top of his right foot. A compass always points north, reminding him to always keep walking forward.


ImageAt first glance, Rabbit does look a little bit like the creature he's named after, but it's not where most of his qualities lie. His personality is what will make you stop and go, "Oh yeah, definitely Rabbit, Definitely." Real name Felix Alexander, Rabbit is the sweetest man you'll ever want to meet this side of the Mississippi River. He's a kindly peaceful sort and speaks with a southern drawl, giving him an appearence of a southern gentleman, and he does nothing to dissuade that thought. He's thoughtful, cautious, and at times reserved. There are times where he can slow down and become deliberate and meticlousin his actions. He acts with an clear head and an open mind, and will take the time to calm down before he does something that he might regret. With this gentle nature, it isn't rare for him to be mistaken for timid and weak, and though he'll always try to avoid open conlict, he'll never turn tail and run. Underneath the Rabbit is a strong-willed individual who once starts something will make sure he finishes

Rabbit is also in possession of an artistic mind. While his drawing and writing skills are pale imitations of the real thing, his real focus lies in music. He loves any and all kinds of music. He loves to feel the rhythm and beat of the song and the experience and emotion in the voice. From classic orchestra, to modern rock, to metal, he enjoys all kind and types. However, his favorite type of music is-- and don't judge-- Indie Folk Revival. It might make him sound like a fedora away from a hipster, but there it is. He loves the honesty and the harmony between instrument and vocals. He feel's that it's real. Music aside, he likes a good book every now and then, and paintings can hold his interest for a time or so. But what he really loves doing is creating music. That's right, Rabbit is a musician.

Much like the creature that he's named after, Rabbit is a senstive soul, for better or for worse. He cannot take critism. When critised, he becomes dispondent and cold for a time. It's also hard for him to take advice to heart, rather wanting to do things his own way at his own pace. Even so, he's naive. He always believes in the best of the world, despite what he lived through. He firmly believes that people can get along, and that it should be easy. This is not to say that Rabbit is a stick in the ol' mud. The man is fun. He has a penchant for silly jokes and godawful puns. Often his lips are twisted into a crooked grin. He understands the difference between a good-natured jab, and an ill-natured one. And he's clever. All of his thoughtfulness and cautiousness lets him play people like a fiddle.

Otherwise, Rabbit is quite simply Rabbit. He is who he is.

When nothing occupies his mind and he starts to daydream, he slips into an internal beat and bangs along with the rhythm. This usually means he beats on the corner of a table with his fingers, drums his hands on his lap while tapping along with his feet, or simply nods along with his head. He also tends to mouth words to himself when he thinks no one's watching-- usually the words are lyrics to a song.


| Luck Manipulation | Rabbit has the ability to influence luck. The exact science of it is something unknown to him, all that he knows is that he can be luckier than a rabbit's foot wrapped in four leaf clovers hanging over a seven horseshoes. This is best displayed in small things, like guessing heads or tails, guessing a card in a deck, or hitting 21 in blackjack. It's the smaller things that are the easiest to to influence. That being said, he can feel it's potential if only he had a better control. He already saved on life, even if it was a fluke accident.



Born in the Big Easy, Rabbit's early life-- and life in general-- was the farthest thing imaginable from typical. While he was far too young to understand it at the time, age has given him a better insight on just how screwed up his young life was. His mother constantly brought home strange men, none of them the same. When she wasn't sleeping around, she was literally sleeping around. Pill and alcohol bottles surrounded her bed, leaving an outline in her shape whenever she got out. Well, maybe not, but joking about it is the only way he doesn't slip into depressive episode. He never knew his daddy, and he doubted his mother did either. Hell, he hardly knew his mother which helped when she just up and disappeared from his life when he was ten. For few years or so it was just him and an empty house in the Ninth Ward until somebody realized that, here, there's a kid in there.

It was a hard couple of months, but a learning experience all the same. During the time that he was well and truly on his own, he turned New Orleans into his own personal warrens. He came to understand the city, learn it inside and out. He worked on the streets as an unofficial guide to tourists. He showed them the sights, maybe dropped a couple of interesting facts every now and then. Lucky for him he was such an adorable kid with an adorable accent-- manufactured, of course. Tourists don't want to hear a simple southern drawl, they wanted to hear the "Authentic" N'Awleans french inspired crap they spout on TV. He managed to work it well enough that he always had enough to eat. He also managed to learn a truckload of random trivia about the city h called home.

That didn't mean it was always a reliable job. Some weeks he went hungrier than others. Some weeks he just flat out didn't eat. Those were the hardest weeks. But he squeeked by, and always lived to see the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. It was some time dragging tourists through the streets when he realized someting. Along with him, New Orleans had a lion's share of street performers, people who played music, artists, and even the odd gold painted man standing dead still. He incorporated these acts into his guides, carrying tourists through these streets.

It was in the tours that Rabbit cultivated an artistic soul. Rabbit come to love the arts these people did, but especially the music he heard. From the sax, to flutes, to trumpet, to the ol' standby guitar, the streets of New Orleans were bursting with it. The artists put their soul in the music, and Rabbit could hear it. He heard the rhythm, the beat, and the emotion staining every note. It was actually one of these artists who gave Rabbit his first Guitar. An old black man stopped him after one of his tours and gave it to him. It was a old beat up thing with chipped strings, but it sang better than any bird. Turns out, the old man was one of the artists Rabbit always included in his tours, tourists tipping him money every time Rabbit passed by. The guitar was thanks. Rabbit instantly set about learning the guitar. He taught himself from scratch with the aid of some of the other street performers, and soon he had another skill to help himself make a living.

Throughout his life he bounced around Foster Homes in New Orleans, but he never left the streets for long. He always ended up on a street corner, strumming his beat up old guitar and singing a song or two. It was harder to be an adorable tour guide when you out grow your adorableness. So instead of touring, Rabbit did other things instead. He learned card tricks, became decent enough in sleight-of-hand, added coin tricks to his repretoire, anything he could do with very little. It was these card tricks he learned of his incredible luck. When playing hands of blackjack, he scored 21 more often than not. Three card Monty was always in his favor, and even the simple act of flipping a coin was met with more success than was necessary. Basically, he was a walking, talking rabbit's foot-- something he milked for all it's worth.

However, it wasn't until sometime later that he realized that his luck was decidely unnatural. He was riding a street car to take him back to his current foster home, playing his guitar for the people riding along with him. Something happened. He never knew the specifics, but a woman had a seizure or something and fell off of the street car and rolled out into the street. Without hesistation, Rabbit jumped after her. He wrapped her in his arms and closed his eyes. When he opened them, realizing that he could open them, he found that they both were still alive without a scratch on them. Nearby a car stood parked, black skid marks trailing behind. He was told had he been a second too late, the car would've been too close to swerve and miss. Not only that, but the woman he saved was wealthy, and she insisted on rewarding him with two-hundred dollars.

Afterward, he realized that he was able to actively influence luck. The draw of a card, the flip of a coin, the like. It's not perfect, considering he's never won the lottery despite trying like hell, but it makes for a neat parlor trick. He incorporated this into his act, and videos of him displaying amazing feat of luck leaked their way to the internet. Next thing he knew, boom, he was in Italy.


So begins...

Rabbit's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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” So let's go to bed before you say something real, let's go to bed before you say how you feel...” rang the lyrics of I Always Know by The Vaccines in Atheyas relentlessly processing mind. This was the hum she woke up to, and she was a little dazed and confused to why she had for a few moments, before she realized she had fallen asleep with her headphones on, and it was the song that was in fact playing. Groaning, she sat up and pushed her jumbled and snarled dark chocolate colored hair out of her eyes that was drained from her restless sleep that always seemed to take its toll on her in the early of the mornings, and slipped off the headphones, setting them on the side table beside her bed. Elongating her arms up into the air, she stretched them out, shaking the stiffness out that the five hour sleep she got caused.

She never really did ever get that much sleep, her psyche always seemed to be ticking and it was extremely hard to settle it down. She was constantly processing through her thoughts of every situation, whether it was happening in the present, happened in the past, or even a possible state for the future. It had always been this way for her, and she had gotten quite used to the idea that it would ceaselessly stay this way. She self diagnosed herself with Insomnia. Of course she couldn’t exactly go to the doctor to get it professional diagnosed. For one, she didn’t want to get pills prescribed because she highly doubted they would actually work, and then there would be the explanation of why she just couldn’t turn her mind off. She wasn’t exactly going to tell him she could mind link with others so it was always actively functioning at larger percentage than others.

Mind linking is her ability, yes. She can create a link between herself and with the minds of others. The metaphor she often uses to paint and image of it is like a signal from one phone, to another. Like an invisible wire connecting the two. With this link, she can do many things, but it hadn’t always been that way. She grew up in Hereford, England up until the age of five. Both her parents were doctors, her father a neurologist, her mother a paediatrics. It was simply put that the family was fairly healthily, but that was until the death of the two. All Atheya knew of the death was that the car simply ran off a bridge, she was never told were they were headed, or why they tipped over the bridge. It had always just been that way. Unfortunately, both sides of the family had no close relatives, only holding distant cousins and such. The family didn’t even have any close friends that could take her in, so she was shipped off to London by Child Services and placed into a lonesome and low budget orphanage. But this is where she discovered her ability. No child in the orphanage was happy and befriending. They were categorized into two groups, the shy, and the rampaging bullies. Atheya was one of the shy ones, so she was always targeted along with some others. But when she got targeted, she got mad or upset, and when that happened a mind link she couldn’t control would always form and then she would cause excruciating pain to whomever child tortured her during the day. Needless to say after awhile everyone left her alone, calling her freak, but at the same time being equally frightened by her.

When she reached the age of eleven, she had developed another branch off the mind link she had yet to understand. Now through a mind link, she could access others thoughts. But it was a good thing she learned also how to cover it up. Not very well, but she would do a decent enough job of it.

Not only did that happen when she was eleven, but she was also moved down to the USA when they transferred her through the foster system there. She would last around two months through foster homes before she freaked them out when she would accidentally reveal her power. But the last foster home she had been in was the one she lasted the longest in, two years. She was thirteen at the time, and was more careful than ever, always shy and quiet; tip toeing around people, seeming almost frightened most of the time. In this new foster home, the people where kind and she even had a foster brother! His name was Everest Siren. He was a year older then her, and moved into the home when he was fourteen. She was shy around him, until one day, about four months into living in the home, she made the mistake of answering a question he hadn’t actually asked yet. He found out, and she freaked out, going immediately depressed in thinking that he was going to rat her out and she would just be moved to a different home. But he didn’t, he accepted her, seeming like he understood. This was when Atheya opened up, and became close to the boy, inseparable.

One day, now around a year in, the two were at a local park playing with a basket ball, when it bounced into the street. Atheya ran into the street without thinking and suddenly a car hit her down and ran over her legs. That hurt almost as much as the hurting of her parents death had caused her. She blanked out for a while after that, but when she woke up, she was pulled onto the green grass, and was lying down. There was no longer the pain sensation in her legs, and they were completely healed. This was Everest gift that he revealed to her then. A year passed in which Atheya had been in a pure, comfortable bliss. Then it stopped when the foster parents didn’t want her or Everest anymore. Being told they would be separated was hard. And they reacted by simply running away, and traveling together at the young ages of fifteen and sixteen. One of the places in which they fell in love with on their many travels was Rome, Italy, and they stayed within an old building on top of a hill, and renovated it. This is where they have made their roots and stayed permanently. Yet it wasn’t only them, it was a group of people they found and protected, protected because they all also held abilities. They called the home the Safe Haven.

Swinging her legs off the edge of the bed, she slid out and her exposed feet touched the firm ground, and her sketch book slid off her chest and fell onto the ground. She had fallen asleep drawing late into the night. Putting on her outfit, she looked at herself in the elongated mirror that leaned against the way beside the large arched window that streamed in the light of the rising sun. Smoothing out her hair, she turned to move away, before she noticed the look of a grey smudged lead showed on the side of her face. Guess she had actually slept on her pencil. Running out of her room still barefoot and across the hall, she tried to be quiet as to not wake anyone up, as it was about five thirty in the early morning, and everyone was still sleeping. Running the cool tap water, she splashed her face and rubbed the grey smudge off her face. Convinced it had all vanished she ran down the steps and to the front door, where she slipped on her shoes and walked out the door, and down the ten minute walk down the steps. Entering into the quiet morning city, all the cafe’s and markets were just opening. Walking into one of her favorite cafe’s, she grabbed some croissants and other breakfast foods. Once picking out enough fro the whole group, getting a variety of things for their different tastes, she handed them to the person at the till, smiling brightly, saying “Ciao, io prendo questi per favore.” Which just meant I'll take these please in Italian. At that point Atheya tried to switch out her British accent for an Italian one she was still trying to pick up just to talk to the locals. Her Italian just sounded odd in her accent. When he weighed them, she payed him the correct amount of cash she owned him, grabbed the two doggy bags everything was placed in, and walked out the door, calling back “Arrivederci!”

The time now was about six in the morning, and she sat down on a bench near a fountain, and opened the bag to grab one of the sweet bread rolls she had bought. Chewing it slowly, she made sure to take her time. When she finished, she went on a small walk around, the city coming to its morning life by the minute. She noticed a lot of them where tourist who woke bright in the morning. She could just saw the wonder in all there eyes. When it reached Seven, she decided to head back.

Walking through the old oak doorway, she made her way into the kitchen that was just around the corner from the main stairway. Placing the two doggy bags on the island, she ran back up the stairs and into her room, where she grabbed her phone and head hones, and then made her way into Everests room. Setting an alarm for five minutes later, she made the ring a rap song that she new Everest particularity didn’t enjoy. She didn’t even know the song herself, but she was pretty sure it was by Kanye West or something. Placing her head phones gently on his ears, careful not to wake him up, she set her phone down, and wrote a quick note, placing it onto his chest. It simply read, “Come help with breakfast! ~ Atheya.” Walking out of his room, she went down the stairs and turned the coffee pot on, and boiled hot water for anyone who wanted tea. When it whistled sounding its finish, she pored a bit of the water into a cup and put in a peppermint tea bag, hoping that the making of Everest favorite tea will make up for the rap song.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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This isn't where he went to sleep, where was the bed?

Alex lifted his head up upon waking almost immediately, the back pain from sleeping on concrete probably had something to do with him not getting a good nights sleep.

"Where the hell...?" He looked around, trying to comprehend where he had been sleeping. It was painfully obvious he had teleported in his sleep, possibly because of a bad dream, but where on Earth was he?

Due to the fact of there not being any damage to the ground around him Alex knew he either wasn't far away from the house, or he was getting better at sleep-porting. Standing up in his PJs he turned his head in all directions and looked for the massive house he was staying in. Soon finding it resting upon a hill he sighed and focused his mind to where he wanted to be, the front door.

To anybody watching it would have looked like Alex had just been sucked into a mini black hole that appeared and disappeared, with the sound of a quick gust of wind taking him away. That sound was actually the air collapsing into the wormhole Alex had created and closed in a second.

Making the landing on his backside Alex only now realized he was cold, he had no idea how long he was sleeping on the street in pyjamas but it must have been a while.

Looking around once again he also realized he was not at the front door of the house, he was inside it. A mix of an over-calculation on his part and the fact he doesn't quite know how to fully control his ability yet.

Near tiptoeing Alex eyed the time on a clock nearby, it was seven in the morning.

Making his way to his room he got in a closed the door, mission impossible style. Going through his morning routine he cleaned and dressed. As he exited his room he felt his stomach plead for sustenance.

Hearing an extremely loud shout Alex lifted his head up and readied himself for the day ahead.

Walking around a few corners and down a set of stairs Alex came to the kitchen and immediately noticed Atheya clanking some pots around, making tea for everyone it seemed. Also he noticed Everest as he yawned and slumped against a counter.

"Good morning, good morning! We've danced the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you." Half singing half sleeping he rehearsed lines from Good Morning by Judy Garland. Noticing the bag filled with breakfast breads Alex moved over and opened it up, making sure to get the go ahead from Atheya first.

Grabbing a croissant he moved to the table and sat down, wondering how his YouTube channel was doing without him.

"So I teleported in my sleep again, ended up on the concrete somewhere in the city." He bit into the food and smiled, speaking again. "I'm surprised nobody stole my pyjamas, y'know, because they're amazing and everything."

Stroking the head of a dog that was nuzzling him he kept his breakfast far from it's mouth, he may not have been a mind reader but he knew what it was after.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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Gentle chords from a beat-up old guitar drifted out of the nearby open window. The house was quiet at this hour, with nothing but the breath of the uncountable number of animals and the few humans who resounded in the house. Rabbit liked the quiet. It was six o'clock, and the sun was just making it's way over the horizon. Rabbit met the sunrise with eager eyes and he rested his elbows on the window sill. Once the greeting was over with, he withdrew back into his room and picked up the guitar that sat at the foot of his bed. Leaning against the wall next to the window, he began to absent-mindedly strum along to a song in his head.

He liked the quiet, but what he loved the most was filling that quiet with the sounds he created himself. Next to his where he put his head down to sleep was a nightstand, and on top of that nightstand sat a notebook. The outside was blank and unadorned, if just as beat up and messy as his guitar was. But it was what was on the inside the count. Between those pages waited lyrics to songs waiting to be sung. He was no writer, Rabbit knew that. They were simple lines, sang from the heart of a simple man.

The lyrics were just words to put with the rhythm and beat. That was where the real music came from. Anything could become a good sound if paired with the right cadence and flow. He paused his strumming for a moment, listening in beyond his door. Nothing, no one was awake yet. He allowed the pause to continue for a bit longer until it completely filled the room, and it drowned out even the snoring of the animals. That's when he began again, this time tapping the heel of his palm on the guitar face. He felt the tempo echo out of the instrument and he began to hum along, "Hmm, hmm, hmmm, hm." He then resumed his strumming.

The simple strumming continued for a while longer, until he felt the urge to put words to the tune. He sang with a smooth southern accent, each word lilting into the other.
"Is it that the good life is the simple one...
Sittin' in the lawn... watchin' leaves go by...
Readin' good books and... playin' songs

The words weren't his creation, but rather from a song he'd heard not so long ago. It was hard to get a hold of a decent range of music on the streets of New Orleans, but he'd managed to make do with the radio. Rome certainly didn't have the music he was accustomed to. There were no blues, no soul, no rhythm and beat. But the music they had was something all their own. Even there, he could hear the feeling in the music.

He would have spent the whole day like that, simply strumming at the guitar in his hands. But life waited for him outside his bedroom door, and he was determined to meet it head-on. It didn't hurt that someone was yelling someone's name. The sudden start of sound other than his own surprised him, jerking his hand in response and creating a dreadful note. He grimaced at the regrettable sound, but a grin quickly found it's way back to his lips. It was lively, even here, miles away from his home warrens in the Big Easy.

Rabbit placed the guitar back where he found it at the foot of his bed and hopped off. He proceeded to don a pair of sweatpants, a plain white t-shirt, and a baseball cap. He took one last moment to pick up a coin (an Italian euro coin thing-- he still hadn't gotten used to the money they used) from his night table before leaving his room and meeting the rest of the people who he shared the house with. As he descended the stairs to the kitchen, he began flipping the coin offhandedly.

He entered into the kitchen just in time to hear the end of the conversation. "'Hmm. I know I want 'em. They are pretty amazin'," Rabbit said, plucking a bit at Alex's shoulder, before chuckling. "Y'know, could put a cowbell on you so we'll know when you 'poof'," Rabbit joked, displaying a wide toothy smile. "Mornin' Everyone," He greeted earnestly, nodding to the trio gathered in the kitchen. He then gave the coin one last good flip, angling it so it'd land in on the table. Without looking at it, he stared straight ahead and simply said, "Tails," Because as he put it, "Tails never fails." However, before he could find out if his luck held out or not, there was a knock at the door.

He listened at first, exchanging glances with those around him. With Atheya and Everest too busy cooking and Alex busy eating, Rabbit placed it on his own shoulders to answer the door. Shrugging, he stood up and crossed the kitchen, heading toward the knocking. He wondered who it could be at this hour? Not many people knocked on doors that early in the morning. The mystery would be solved soon enough, as Rabbit arrived and placed his hands on the cold door knob.

He opened the door wide and looked upon a man around his own age. The man's own blond hair and blue eyes contrasted with Rabbits own brown and green. And just like a rabbit, he greeted this curiosity with a tilt of his head. "Hello," He greeted as the gears in his head took a while to get churning, but once they did realization hit. This must have been the guy with the powers-- er, other powers. They all had powers, his were just different. Perhaps the gears were still rusty. Still, a moment passed and Rabbit became excruciatingly aware of how rude he was being.

"Oh hey, come on in. It's a bit chilly out there," He said, inviting the man in. Rabbit was nothing if not the polite gentleman, stranger or not, he had arrived on their doorstep, and he wasn't about to turn the man away. "Have breakfast with us? Mom and dad are cookin' this mornin'," He said with a grin, inviting him toward the kitchen. It might have been odd inviting a stranger in for breakfast (especially when the house wasn't his), but for Rabbit it'd be odder still to not.

"By the way, the name's Rabbit," He said, extending a hand in a warm greeting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Westly "Blink" Williams
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Westly awoke groggy and cold. The room was draped in darkness. He blinked and looked a the alarm clock. "12:00? That can't be right" Westly thought to himself. "I must've cut the power to the whatever" He mumbled to himself, still half asleep. Slowly he rolled out of bed and onto the floor. The sharp pain of hitting the floor jolted Westly's nervous system awake. "Fuuudge Nickels" Westly decided to self censor himself that time. He thought that the situation had not warranted a true explicative. He pushed him self up off the cold floor. As soon as he was able to focus he turned the lights back on. He may not be able to shoot bolts of lightning from his hands, but controlling electricity makes life so much easier.

He shuffled over to his closet. He opened the door to a small rack of clothes. He slipped on his jeans and grabbed a blue t-shirt. This was casual enough for morning breakfast. He walked outside his room. He looked to a grandfather clock in the hallway. "6:11,That's not to shabby." Westly sniffed the air. "Augh, Everest let the cats out." Westly absolutely hated Everest's cats and they hated him right back. The strange thing is Westly liked all animals, but these cats were an exception. He swore they spent half of their existence rolling around in their own feces and the other half annoying him.

Now disappointed by the prospect of a terrible breakfast, Westly trudged down the staircase and into the kitchen. "Good Morning, every-" His words were cut off by an expected hiss of a cat. Westly slumped his shoulders and walked over to the pantry. He looked around the desolate wasteland of choices. After a minute digging through spices and soups he found what he was looking for. He pulled out a box of Lucky Charms. He had always enjoyed sharing a bowl with Rabbit. Though, Westly had begun to suspect Rabbit just liked to eat it ironically.

He placed the box of cereal on the table and walked over to get a bowl. They were stored on top of the refrigerator. He grabbed on of the many bowls and opened the fridge. Inside, Westly browsed the many drinks. Deciding to make a controversial decision, He grabbed some chocolate milk. Hands now full, he walked back to the table. He plopped down in front of Alex. He poured the cereal into the bowl. Then poured the milk. A simple task, but difficult when your ankles are being scratched by little demons. Having enough, Westly let off a discharge that cause four of the cats to yelp and skittle their way out of the kitchen. Westly smiled with satisfaction.

After taking a few bites of cereal, he looked up and saw a bag of bread goods. "Atheya could you toss me a roll or something?" He asked politely. He liked playing a game with Atheya where she would whip breakfast items at him and he would see if he could catch them. This game had resulted in three spilt gallons of milk, four broken glasses, nine smashed croissants, and one trip to the emergency room. Westly waited in agonizing anticipation of the inevitable croissant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Whisper Sinclair Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller
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0.00 INK


Atheya scrambled hastily around the kitchen, grabbing out cups and tidying up from last night’s muddle of a dinner. She had prepared pasta, and sought out to try a new sauce. Regrettably for her, when she went to go add it to her homemade pasta, her firm seize of the handle vanished and she dropped the pot on the ground, where the sauce went all over the floor. The saddest part of the tale isn’t even the fact that they just had unadorned pasta that night, but that Everest kept throwing strands at her ,and at the wall, telling her how desiccated and insipid it was without the herb infused sauce, in his joking manner.

Once she went and poured herself a cup of cranberry tea after scraping the last remnants of pasta off the walls, she set it on the counter to cool for a second before she would begin sipping down the boiling, bitter-sweet liquid. She nearly dropped it however when she heard the yells of Everest who inexorably must have just woken up to the song. Turning around, she grabbed the peppermint tea she made, and smiled brightly at him as he walked into the room “Everest West in the hiz house, fo shizzle.” She said jokingly to him. She immediately heard herself out loud and her cheeks went red at how silly she just sounded, especially coming from her British accent. “I solemnly vow never to articulate anything like that again, because now I’m just simply mortified at myself.” She laughed, shaking her head. Handing him his tea, she took her phone from his hand, and placed it on the counter as she didn’t exactly have a pocket to put it in. She made a mental note to herself to see if she could alter the skirt she was wearing and add them in.

Grabbing the frying pan like he had asked, she put it on top of the stove burner for him. She knew he was going to cook up some eggs, and she wasn’t predominantly elated about it. She never really liked eggs. Kneeling down the smaller counter, she looked inside trying to find a undersized pan, but her head peeked over to the kitchen entry as she heard a familiarly tired voice singing as brightly as anyone could in the first light "Good morning, good morning! We've danced the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you.”

Standing up, she said blissfully, “Buongiorno!” and made her way around to sit at the table, directly across from him. Tilting her head to the side a bit, she listened intently to him telling her about the sleep teleporting thing. “You know, I could possibly help with that. If I access your mind while you’re sleeping I could perhaps stumble upon the trigger, if there is a even a trigger causing it.”

Her eyes glanced over at the arched doorway yet again when someone else entered, this time it being Rabbit. Laughing a bit at his comment about the cow bell, she said “I’m not sure people necessarily want cow bells around their necks.” Sitting up from the chair, she went and grabbed two platter dishes, and set them on the granite island that the bags of bread was set on. Opening up the brown, crinkled bags, she began setting them out, separating some from others. The ones with nuts had been in a different bag and the ones with jams in the middle of the baked goods in another. She made sure they stayed apart simply because of the allergies Sienna and Whisper had. Sienna with nuts, and Whisper with some fruits the jams possessed. She even made sure to put a little sticky note labelling what was which in front of the dish just to make sure they didn’t take one that would end up in a trip to the emergency. Atheya all the while doing this, heard a knock at the door, but shrugged it off as Rabbit went to go answer.

At the sound of a hiss, she chuckled, knowing that Wes probably just walked into the room. Picking up the calico cat that took up a puffed out chest stance at him, she petted the furry guys head, calming him down and hearing the soft rumbling purrs that erupted from him.

“You know, maybe if you didn’t shock them, they would like you more, Westly. Cats are very smart, they can read people. ” She made a comment, giving a smile as she set the one cats in her arms down. Grabbing one of the plain croissants, she smiled widely. “I want to see how far I can go with this one.” She spoke as she walked out of the large opening that led out of the kitchen. Backing up a good distance, she yelled “Fore!” She didn’t know why, what she was doing wasn’t even near close to golf, but it didn’t matter. Winding her arm back, she went to go throw it, but mid way, she heard nearby Rabbits mom and dad comment, and hollered over “Mom and dad? Rabbit, need I remind you, you are in fact older than I am.”She got distracted and ended up not aiming very well with her bread throw, and when she looked back, she realized she knocked the box of lucky charms that was placed on the counter, and it dropped and the cereal pieces inside scattered across the floor. Ignoring that matter though, all she really cared about in the instant was asked in her next question, “Did you catch it?!” , she called to Wes like an excited child.

Still laughing a bit, she excused herself and moved over to the entrance way so see who Rabbit was talking to, she became within eye contact of a familiar face, “Aiden!” She exclaimed gleefully at his half expected appearance. “I’m glad you decided to come, how was the flight?” She asked, before all off a sudden spurting out more words in her excited nature. “Oh, Rabbit, this is Aiden. This was the guy me and Everest went to check out not long ago, the pyrokinetic, let’s go back into the kitchen and introduce everybody” She grinned vibrantly, making her way back into the lucky charm speckled kitchen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Whisper Sinclair Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller
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Turning his head to glance at Alex, the teleporter, he grinned at the boy. "Where to this time, kiddo?" He remembered the boys odd sleep-teleportation gimick, an odd side affect of an otherwise brilliant ability. As the boy patted a friendly german shepard dog, Birch he had named him, he felt happiness that the others here cared for the animals. Except Westley, who seemed to hate his cats, always muttering something in the way of 'Mangy beasts, always in my way' or some kind of jibe at the poor strays, which Westley seemed to agitate. Everest knew it was only because the tiny currents, that were projected by him unintentionally, that zapped the cats with a bolt of static. They hated it, and Everest knew it. They would hiss everytime Westley was near, anticipating another painful shock. So Everest took no offense, for both creatures could not help themselves in their hate of eachother. 

"Dear god Atheya, what the bloody hell was that? You should be ashamed. Make it a pinky swear that you'll never do that again, that way it'll be legitimate." He held her pinky in his for a moment before pressing his thumb to hers in a way of locking it, his eyes alight with laughter. He loved her silly jokes and the way she taunted him. He loved how comfortable Atheya made him feel. To him, she was like one of his strays, a new kitten, fluffy, sweet, clumsy and something to always be excited about. He simply adored her. 

Rabbit slipped down the stairs and joined the crew, and Everest waved to the other boy. "On the contrary to Atheya, I think a cowbell is great idea!" he beamed, placing his hands lightly around Alex's neck, teasing him. "MOO!"

He glanced around, sipping his tea daintily. Atheya was the only girl that was up, the other two were being lazy. He smiled to himself, confused as to how they could have slept through all the racket he made. The knocking on the door made Everest turn over his shoulder, only to see Rabbit, as well as a few dogs barking at the intruders and several lurking cats, head to answer it. All the while Atheya was causing quite the racket in the kitchen, playing games of catch. He laughed breathily as the charms made a noise similar to beads hitting the floor, causing the dogs who had followed Rabbit to scamper back excitedly to eat the sugary treat food, that normally, they wouldn't get. "I guess this cereal is lucky, for the dogs at least." He patted a small corgi, who eagerly licked his hand before going back to the sweet food spilt on the floor. 

"Aiden! I'm surprised you made it. You didn't seem too enticed when we first gave you the offer" Everest smiled cheekily, offering his hand to the boy shyly. He waved with his arms for the others to come meet the new pyrokinetic. He could tell Aiden was unsure, but he hoped that would change, that they could train him to feel more secure. Like he could belong in a place he could call home to the travellers weary feet. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks Character Portrait: Westly "Blink" Williams
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
Aiden didn't have to wait long before someone would come to answer, and that was apparent when he heard the distinct sound of dogs barking in reaction to his knocking on the door, only to hear them go quiet once more as the door swung open. He was greeted by a short, slender young man he pegged to be about his age, if not slightly older.

"Uh, hi..." Aiden replied, holding up a still wave of the hand. The strange guy standing in the doorway merely just stood there, silently tilting his head as he sort of studied Aiden, as if he'd never seen another human being before. Aiden stood there, equally quiet, darting his eyes to the left for a moment as he thought about how awkward this was suddenly becoming. Just as he was about to speak again, the man finally said something else and invited him in out of the cold, and to join him for breakfast with...his parents? "Oh, uh...sure, thanks." said Aiden, smiling in return. And that was when the man known as 'Rabbit' finally introduced himself while holding out his hand for Aiden to take. Aiden did, but gave a slight cock of the head as he took it, a bit taken aback by the unexpected name. "Oh... Nice to meet you, I'm--" began Aiden, only to be cut off by a familiar voice and face that came up beside Rabbit.

"Aiden!" said Atheya excitedly. Aiden moved his eyes onto her just after she appeared, and gave her a smile, glad that at least one of those two were here after all. "I'm glad you decided to come, how was the flight?" she asked, by which Aiden was about to reply, only to be cut off by her once more. She seemed rather giddy at the moment, and not anything like the air she gave off when she and Everest first met him. Atheya then introduced Aiden to Rabbit in his stead, although he was perfectly ready to do so himself, but he merely smiled at her happy demeanor. His smile dropped slightly upon hearing the word 'pyrokinetic'. He'd never considered he was one of those. He always just assumed that his 'power' was the unwilling ability to sometimes explode in a consuming, fiery rage whenever he managed to get just a little worked up over one thing or another. 'Pyrokinetic' implied that he somehow knew how to use such a thing. Then again, he was capable of turning his finger into a lighter, so maybe he did somewhat fit the a title, if only rather pathetically.

Aiden gave Atheya a nod, and followed her and Rabbit into the house, who closed the door behind him. He moved over to the side and turned back to Atheya, ready to answer her previous question.

"The flight was great, by the way." he said, readjusting the strap of his bag over his shoulder. "Thanks for the advice; it worked pretty well." Aiden was referring to the simple advice Atheya had given him shortly after they had met. When he stopped her and Everest from leaving by expressing his worries over putting someone as unstable as him on a plane -- which he had never been on before -- not being such a grand idea, Atheya chose to dish out some rather unconvincing advice. She told him that if he was ever beginning to panic, that he should try and think about that happened in his past which was harder to deal with than his current situation. By thinking about it like that, you could theoretically use mind over matter to tell yourself "This is nothing! I've been through worse!", allowing you to overcome any distress you might have towards a troubling predicament. While at first, Aiden couldn't relax, but after trying Atheya's little trick, he slowly managed to calm down. Given that he didn't bring down a plane full of people, he was truly grateful she had such a reliable method up her sleeve.

After stepping further into the house alongside his two escorts, Aiden met with another familiar face.

"Aiden!" exclaimed Everest, akin to how Atheya had greeted Aiden just a moment ago. "I'm surprised you made it. You didn't seem too enticed when we first gave you the offer." This was somewhat true. When Everest and Atheya approached Aiden with the idea of flying out to Rome at their expense, with the promise that he'd finally find what he might be looking for, he was naturally skeptical. Aiden tried to believe in humanity for the most part, as that's just how soft he was, but the fact that such a proposition had quite literally came out of nowhere, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. But that was then.

"Ah, yeah..." replied Aiden with a chuckle, taking a step forward so as to better greet the black-haired boy. "I guess I came around, huh?" Taking the hand that was outstretched before him, he gave it a firm shake, all the more happy to find that both Atheya and Everest were in fact home. After the small reunion with the two he only ever met once before, Aiden glanced around the room, taking in the kitchen ahead, and the inhabitants by extension. There were two more guys, both as black-haired as Everest. They were eating breakfast, appearing as though they had only just got out of bed. Upon noticing them catch his gaze, he held up a hand in wave, followed by a friendly smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks Character Portrait: Westly "Blink" Williams
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Alex listened and watched as people flooded into the kitchen for breakfast, as all these events unfolded around him and people talked to him either about cowbells or sleep-porting he would respond with a lazy comment or a laugh.

He only snapped out of his hazy trance when the box of lucky charms was knocked onto the floor and dogs started flooding it like zombies for brains. He mindlessly chewed and swallowed his last bit of croissant and looked around the room. Somebody was here who he had never seen before...

"Newbie!" Instantly Westly jumped to shake his hand, a hand he had played before, pun intended. In a second Alex had jumped up onto his chair and was pointing at the new guy. "No no nononono, do not shake his hand! He's Sparky, the electric man, I know what he's trying to do." He eyed Westly and gave a playful wide-eyed smile, then dropped off the edge of his chair onto the floor, making sure not to land on the dog he had been petting.

Expecting Westly to turn his shocking ability onto him, pun intended, Alex readied himself to teleport one floor up to avoid the wrath. He had felt Westly's shock before and it was not a lovely experience.

Turning to Atheya Alex raised the conversation about dream hopping. "That would actually be a good idea, maybe you can stop me from whizzing around town for one night. Scratching an eyebrow before continuing Alex raised another point. "And maybe we could have a nice tea party in my dream, that'd be the epitome of amazing." He got lost in his own head for a second as he thought about literally conversing with another real person in a dream and got obsessed with that thought, but how would he know it was actually a person and not just a dreamed person? He wouldn't.

"Oh my dear god. It's like inception..."

As he took a step back to his chair Alex stepped on and crunched a bunch of the lucky charms that were all over the floor. With his foot he slid the ones he had just crunched up to the mouth of a dog that was munching around, hoovering them up.

"So is there anything we actually have to do today, anything on that jolly to-do list? Or is it another lazy day?" He asked to nobody in particular.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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0.00 INK


It is not the sound of the whistling coming from the kitchen that drags Sienna into full wakefulness. Despite her being one of the closest to the kitchen, that only has her wanting to bury herself further beneath her blanket.

It is not even the hustle-and-bustle of the pedestrians outside in the beautiful city.

Sienna barely escaped the hypnogogic state she was in, the more dominant part of her brain still asleep and the weaker one taking complete precedence over her decision=making skills. And the decisions she came up with revolved around rolling onto her left side, curling her body up and falling back into the blissful slumber that called her some time last night when she was emptying her camera's memory card. No, what truly woke Sienna up was when she opened her eyes and saw that the dresser nearest to the closet was levitating in the air.

Wait, what?

Sienna shot up in bed, staring at that one lone piece of furniture before noticing that the nightstand, the desk and the chair in front it were all levitating a few feet off of the ground, close to the ceiling. She groaned in response, wiping the sleep away from her eyes. This wasn't the first morning that she awoke to this. The last time, her bed had been shaking; at the time, her mind had been trying to lift the bed, but she couldn't do it so it set to shaking. Atheya had to wake her up.

Pressing her lips into a thin line, Sienna sighed and concentrated directly on that one dresser. While it wasn't always her control over the object that ended up being Sienna's issue, the effort to perfect at the usage of her powers seemed to not make not the situation seem so daunting and depressing. Slowly, but surely, the dresser finally settled itself on the ground and after a few moments with each object, the room was back to normal. Sienna almost plopped back down, but the tantalizing smell of coffee wafted into the room and Sienna could not resist. And if the coffee was ready, that also meant that Atheya might have gotten pastries.


Taking the quickest shower she could, Sienna quickly ran a brush through her silky dark locks, satisfied with her simple outfit. She didn't really have to impress anyone. Plus, she liked the way the shirt seemed to look almost over-sized compared to the skinniness of the jeans. Satisfied, Sienna hung her camera around her neck and headed towards the kitchen to see the others.

"Morning," Sienna greeted as she entered. While she wasn't the cheeriest of people, she wasn't rude and she made an effort to be nice to the others. They were living together. There was no need for her to get all antsy, dark, and distrusting. She grabbed a mug and poured in some coffee. "Everyone slept alright, right? Kinda woke up to levitating objects...again." Sienna luckily found some vanilla creamery, poured that in along with sugar, and set to stirring the contents of her mug to listen to the morning chatter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Whisper Sinclair Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller
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Atheya gave a relived smile, glad that his flight ended up going well. She wasn’t unerringly worried to start with, but you never really know how things will turn out when the instance comes. "Well that's brilliant," She exclaimed. "I remember my first flight, I wasn't particularly composed. But, I was an eleven year old leaving Britain to go to a country I wasn’t exactly cultured about, so I guess it was a tad logical." She shrugged off. Grabbing her tea off the counter, she took the most minuscule sip as she was half afraid the still slightly scolding water would burn the top of her lip, and sat back down at her unofficial designated spot at the table.

Thinking about it now, she did love planes. She would always beg and fight Everest for the window seats on their travels, and on the pickups and meetings of the new people. She positively adored looking out at the multicolored skies or the push and flurry she could see high above of the busy cities. She especially enjoyed going over the serene oceans, and the peaceful farms they so seldom saw. Snapping out of her own thoughts, she chuckled a bit as she caught the sound of someone else’s, Aidens, as he thought about how unconvincing her advice seemed at the time. ”Unconvincing advice is often the best, you would never have tried it before and never heard little doubts from others who have.” She spoke telepathically to him, all the while simply staring down into her star trek themed tea mug, filled with the pinky red liquid.

Atheya often zoned out a lot, focusing on her scattered thoughts. Right now she had at least five things on her mind, the wonder of how everyone would react to a new person in the house, what she would do for the day, what she would draw later in the night, what art exhibit to check out during the week, and finally why did she just find a small cat hair within her tea. She decided to focus on that for a moment. “Everest,” She groaned, pocking her finger into the warm liquid, the white hair sticking to the top of her finger. “One morning, I really do wish I could finish a single tea without having the suck down one of the cats DNA strands.” Sitting up, she went over and poured the cranberry flavored tea down the drain, but ended up losing her grip and dropping the cup with a calmer into the steel sink from the sudden sounds of No’s erupting from Alex behind her. Turing around, she smirked a bit, and said “I like that nickname, Sparky!” She said it jokingly of course; convinced Westly would probably himself not like being called it. “But, he was named Westly, so we’ll have to stick with that,” she added in.

Leaning her back against the counter, she let out a tiny yawn, covering her mouth as she did. Her eyes widened just a bit at Alex’s other commentary, and laughed. “I wonder if I could do inception!” She explained rather elatedly,
“Then again, I wish I could be Leonardo DiCaprio as well. Dude deserves an Emmy, I swear.” She spoke, shaking her head as she did, trailing off into her own thoughts, like she so often did.

Opening her mouth to tell the group the plan she had thought up for the day, she stopped before a word could come out. She could feel some activity coming from Siennas room. She could always tell when she was using her telepathy as the brain signals of hers went untamed, and for another person who used psyche power, it was tremendously hard not to pick up.
“Sienna is up.” She stated, now waiting for her to enter the room.

As she did, she gave her usually friendly smile, and said “Mornin’ Sienna.” Like often, she saw she went straight for her coffee, and Atheya couldn’t help but give a little laugh. “Sienna, by the way, someone new is joining us.” Seeing as she didn’t notice the new face in the becomingly crowded kitchen. “Speaking of,” She thought out loud, turning towards Aiden again. “We should probably show you around a bit. It’s rather large around here, not hard to get lost. There are empty bedrooms all around, you can decide whatever one you want, put up whatever you want in there as well.” Many of Everests animals inhabited the personless rooms, but there was plenty more for them to move around to. Each bedroom just came with the simple stuff, a desk, night stand, dressers, and of course a bed. There wasn’t ever anything decorated in them. Atheya kept hers that way, apart from the literal hundreds and hundreds of drawing plastered up on the walls. They where all detailed sketches, often consisting of drawings of the corridors in the building, old architecture around Rome, and quite a lot of portraits she drew of the people in the group itself. Some of them she had to force to let her draw.

Shaking her head trying to get her thoughts back on track, she continued on. “We’ve got also a music room with a piano and some other instruments, a garden and green house in the back, oh, and also, at the side of here there’s a small cottage that used to be used for storage. It’s only made of stone put together with concrete, held up my steel beams, but it’s nothing that will burn. I have my punching bag in there, but I was going to see how you would feel about training in there?” It would really be a good plan. She would of course stock it up with old crates and things that will burn for him to practice with, but at least the structure itself would stay intact. “But today is not going to be a lazy day, We need to train today, Me an Everest can help anyone with whatever, whether you want to work on your abilities, or physical training, or you can go off and do your own things.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
After greeting Everest, Aiden felt a thought enter his head; one that wasn't his own. ”Unconvincing advice is often the best, you would never have tried it before and never heard little doubts from others who have.” communicated Atehya with her fascinating ability. This made Aiden smile in her direction, still trying to get used to the fact that he wasn't the only one with 'powers'. Atheya moving over to the sink, the guy who was sitting across from the other black-haired boy walked toward Aiden and offered up his hand while introducing himself in a friendly manner. Westly, was his name. Smiling back, Aiden made to shake his hand respectfully.

"Aiden." he said, just as his hand grasped Westly's. "It's nice to meet you too." Apparently, however, Westly's mind was more interested in jello at the moment, and so he missed Aiden's introduction. Giving out a laugh, he repeated himself. "I'm Aiden. Nice to meet you." Just as he was shaking the man's hand, the guy behind him jumped onto his chair, frantically giving him late warnings over not shaking his friend's hand. Strangely enough, just after Aiden had made contact with Westly's hand, he felt the heat rise in his own, which seemed to gradually spread throughout his body. Noticing this, Aiden blinked, confused. Letting go of Westly's hand, he checked over his own, wondering what the hell just happened. His core felt slightly disrupted, which left him feeling somewhat uneasy. Keeping his thoughts to himself, however, he merely eyed Westly and raised an eyebrow.

"Sparky, huh...?" he asked, humorously. Judging from the nickname and title, 'electric man', that followed it, Aiden figured that this guy's ability revolved around electricity. Atehya laughed about it herself, but politely mentioned that they use his real name instead. Aiden had no qualms about that, so he just chuckled wryly. "You're not gonna shock me, though, right?" he asked, jokingly. Friendly demeanor he may have been using, Aiden wasn't too fond of the idea of being randomly electrocuted, as he didn't know what that might do to his body, and so he tried his best to convey that without getting detailed in why he was against it. At that point, however, another girl walked into the kitchen to join the rest of the small group. Apparently, her name was Sienna, as mentioned by Atheya before the girl had even arrived.

Apparently, this girl wasn't too aware of her surroundings, as she made no effort to taking notice of Aiden until his existence was pointed out by Atheya. Giving her the same friendly smile and wave he had given the others, Aiden's attention was then redirected to the house's living conditions. Atehya explained to him that there were plenty of empty rooms for him to choose from, and he was allowed to fill it with whatever he taste he liked. Nodding along to show he understood, he continued listening as she moved on to telling him about a concrete building he could use for...

"Uh... Training...?" asked Aiden, albeit rather quietly. He hunched his back and raised his eyebrows as he leaned forward slightly at the girl as she continued talking, his concern seeming to blow right over her head for the time being. When she was finally finished talking about what she expected of everyone today, Aiden spoke up more clearly. "I, uh... I don't know about that." He gave a wry chuckle, nervous at the thought of even trying to use his unfriendly ability at will. Concrete building or no concrete building, Atehya had no idea how dangerous the fire inside him was... "I'll probably just...take a look around the place for today, if that's all right..." He gave Atheya a nervous glance, wondering if she was constantly listening to everyone's thoughts. If that were the case, his true reason for not wanting to train today would be made apparent to her; as he had no intention of training any day... At that, he decided he should try thinking about something else, just in case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks Character Portrait: Westly "Blink" Williams
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0.00 INK


"Least you woke up in your room," Rabbit told Sienna, taking himself a couple of cursory glances at Alex before ending in a smile. He found himself wondering what it felt like to wake up and realize your powers were going haywire. The worse thing that ever happened to him during the night is waking up and finding that a coin or two was sitting on their edges on his nightstand. Of course, there was that one time where he woke up to find a five euro note staring at him in the face-- though he didn't know what to do with the currency at the time. The funny money here was a lot different than it was in the US.

Otherwise, during the introductions, Rabbit kept relatively quiet and pulled away from the rest of the group. He'd let the others go first and introduce themselves to Aidan before he spoke again. He did manage to save a particularly dirty look for Westly, for trying to shock their new guest. You just don't go around shocking new people, that wasn't how friends were made. Rabbit didn't miss how Aidan reacted with the handshake, which might have contributed to the look he gave. He let the look linger for a second before breaking into a nodding smile. He couldn't stay made at the man.

Rabbit then went about finding his own breakfast while everyone was enamored with the new guest. He slid some toast into the toaster and left to get the jam from the fridge. He then withdrew two plates from the the cupboard and quietly waited for the toast to toast. And when it had, it was expelled from the toaster with uncommon force, sending the toast airborne. Skill and a little bit of luck saw to it that Rabbit caught both pieces of either plate. He paused for moment, looking around the kitchen to see if anyone saw that and chuckled to him.

He then jammed both pieces, but instead of stuffing his face with both, he put the first plate in front of Sienna with a wink. "Soundin' like the beginnin' of a busy day," Rabbit said in reference to Atheya's itinerary. He stuck his own piece of toast in his mouth, but miscalculated and missed. The toast was juggled between his face and his hands for a moment before it slipped free and began flipping toward the counter. Fortunately, the toast landed jam side up. Fortunately. He stared at the toast for a moment before shrugging it off. He supposed his power had it's quirks too.

He picked the toast back up and this time made sure it made it to his mouth. "I'll give 'em the tour," Rabbit spoke up, piece of toast lodged between his teeth. He'd noted Aidan's reluctance to train and could see the nervousness playing underneath the surface. Bless her heart, for all the mind reading Atheya could do, she didn't read people near as well. That's why they had him, the friendly ol' neighborhood Rabbit who'd rather give you the shirt on his back than see you cold. "It's a big place," Rabbit said, making a wide motion with his hands indicating it's size, "We don't want to lose you on the first day."

While the place was a big maze even to Rabbit, the gift of his ability would see that they would find their way through it on a few lucky turns. If looking from a certain point of view, navigating the labyrinth would be like training his powers. "Hey, and maybe along the way, we can do a couple card tricks," Rabbit said, a deck of cards appearing in his hand. That trick was less supernatural than it was mundane. Simply put, the pants he put on already had the cards in the pocket. A little sleight of hand put them right into his palm. The tug at the corner's of Rabbit's lips revealed that this was a joke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks Character Portrait: Westly "Blink" Williams
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The one thing that people should notice about Sienna was that her first need in the morning was never to talk and if it was, it was only to be at least somewhat polite. So, when she entered the kitchen, coffee was the only thing on her mind. Well, it was until Atheya pointed out her miscalculation of all in attendance in the kitchen.

"Oh, sorry about that. Welcome," she exclaimed and went back to sipping on her drink. While not being the sweetest of people - especially in the moning - Sienna wasn't always rude and she offered a small smile at Aiden's wave. She left the friendliness and hospitability to Atheya. She was much better at that than Sienna anyway. Sienna laughed at Rabbit commenting about even waking up in her room, which was a blessing when he sometimes didn't.

"Oooooh, sorry," she said with a wince.

After a few mere moments of Atheya telling the new guy about the place, which Sienna was still getting used to now that she thought about it, Atheya brought up training. Sienna thought long and hard about that. She didn't want to think about her telekinesis at the moment. However, physical training sounded appealing. She had not gone on a real run in a minute and she could use a little hand-to-hand combat training.

"I'm down for physical training. Being a dancer doesn't exactly make me the world's greatest fighter," Sienna lamented before polishing off her mug.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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Atheya stood silently watching as the others figured out what they where to do for the daytime. It was effortless for her to be silent at a time like this when so many thoughts processed at the same time. With what she could hear from everyone’s thoughts, and what they were saying out loud, everything got jumbled up a bit. Between Aidens not wanting to train, Westly ‘s crush, and Everest sadness that always caused her twinges of pain, it was all too many large thoughts to grasp as it flooded her head.

Yes, she could hear everyone’s thoughts if they were in a decent proximity of her. The others didn’t know that although, and she did want to keep it that way. It had only been this way for about a year, after she kept branching off and strengthening her abilities. Before that, she’d either have accidentally stumbled on strong thoughts people had who were very close in proximity, or if she was physically touching them; it would even turn on and off on her at random times. But now, it just kept going. She was scarily good at putting up faces, and there was absolutely no tell-tale that she caught every thought. This was a flaw that weighed down on her shoulders constantly, and the most likely cause to her Insomnia and distracted state. People shouldn’t tell their thoughts and secrets to those whose faith and silence they have not already tested, and hers had been unintentionally tested to many times. The only good thing that came out of it was this was that she simply just didn’t judge anyone by what they thought because she just purely understood. Not only this, but she also learned that A man’s true secrets are more secret to himself than they are to others. This was her secret. She was afraid if people found out they just wouldn’t want to be around her, or they would just tip toe around her like many did when she was a young child and didn’t know how to control it or cover it up. She was trying to learn how to shut it off, but the closest she has gotten to it was when she was focused, and even then it was never truly off, it was just simply blocked out to the back of her mind.

Silence was a thing that was rare to find, and that Atheya cherished.

She was fine really if it was her one on one with someone, even two others, but when it came to a group setting, she got terrible headaches and she then found it hard to hide the stress that weighed her down. That situation was now blossoming to the surface as almost everyone was in the kitchen.

“Well, if you all are alright, I think I’m going to go off into the cottage and hang out with my punching bag for awhile. If you need me, find me there.” She smiled, leaving the kitchen, before turning back around suddenly and popping her head back in. “And if you all plan of doing some physically stuff, Stretch first. Everest, why don’t you go help them a bit? I taught you my stretch routine.” She smiled kindly at her friend. She wanted him to do something, feel important. Well actually, not just feel important, but realize that he truly was important. Hell, she wouldn’t be walking now literally if it wasn’t for him.

Walking up the stairs, she turned to her sharp left and walked into her room, closing the door gently. Sitting on her bed, she let out a long breath of air, before simply falling down, her head hitting down on the soft mattress, her hazel eyes simply just staring at the ceiling, letting her just sit and be still. She was happy Rabbit had taken Aiden on the tour; Rabbit was a likable guy and could almost relate and make anyone feel comfortable around him.

Standing up, she went over to her dresser and pulled out her regular workout outfit, and put in on, a smart exchange for the skirt she had been wearing. This consisted of just some black work out tights, black sneakers, and tight black t-shirt that was placed underneath her Black sweatshirt that read ”Teenage runaway. She bought it simply just because of the Irony. Walking back out of her sketched filled room, she left the door wide open, which she ever really does. She just seemed like she was in such a rush to get to the old storage house.

Walking down the stairs, she ran quickly back into the kitchen to grab her phone and water bottle, and ran out calling back “You can call me on my cell as well.” To those who were still in the kitchen. Slipping out of the house doors and to the cottage that was placed a good couple of meters away from the home, she opened up the door and stepped into the stone area. It really just looked like a very large, empty room. The only things placed in there was the punching bag hanging from a very strong hook, A small table with slightly padded boxing gloves, and a set of speakers. Walking over to that small table, she set down the water, and plugged in her phone to the rather large set of speakers that took her about half an hour to haul down the house steps, through the hard, and into here. She refused to accept help, because she was stubborn. Considering the weight of the speakers, half an hour wasn’t a bad time at all really. Scrolling through her music playlists, she pressed the one that simply read out “Workout.” It consisted of music that carried a heavy, heart pumping tone, one that would bring out the frustrating and aggravated side of Atheya she needed to get in a decent workout. Metallica, Def leopard, some Bring Me The Horizon, some of her more edgier hard indie rock, and anything like the type was what consisted of the playlist.

At this point Atheya went through her regular routine of stretches, that took her about fifteen minutes to execute. She stretched her arms, did some neck rolls, core stretches, and some lunges so her legs muscles wouldn’t get pulled, and she was all good. Grabbing from the table her black gloves, she strapped them on, and moved over to the heavy duty black bag. She gave a small smile as she took in a deep breath. This was one of the two things that she could focus on, and was something she enjoyed to do. The other thing was her drawing. When she was a kid, she was always in the MMA clubs or art clubs in whatever school she went to before she hopped foster parents. It was a weird mix, but both helped her. This just let her get her frustrations out that she held in. It wasn’t frustration against the group of course, but on her own self and of her past that she never really let anyone know.

After getting into the mental state she needed to be in, she put herself in her proper stance, and began hitting, and kicking the bag, gradually warming up to it more and more, hitting harder every time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Sienna Mercer Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Everest Siren Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
"I'll give 'em the tour," said Rabbit, munching on his toast like a...well, a rabbit. Aiden couldn't help but smile a little at the guy's carefree attitude. He wondered if he was like this all the time. "It's a big place; we don't want to lost you on the first day." This was certainly true. The house was indeed big, Aiden could see that much from where he was standing half a mile away from the place. Getting lost on the first day would be rather embarrassing, if not a little natural, but he was thankful that he had someone so willing to show him around.

"Appreciate it." said Aiden with a nod in Rabbit's direction. "After you?" Letting Rabbit take the lead as he mentioned something about card tricks, brandishing a deck that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. This made Aiden breathe out an amused scoff, interested in what kind of magic Rabbit could perform. They soon began walking down the first hall, which was where the girl Sienna had come from. Aiden figured the stairs to the left must lead up to the bedrooms, but there were many other doorways he could see further down the hall. Might take them quite a while to finish each hall and floor, if that's what Rabbit had planned for their little adventure into the depths of the house. As they made their way down the hall, Aiden glanced over his shoulder in time to see Atheya jog up the stairs they had just passed. Turning his head back to Rabbit, he thought he might try striking some conversation with the funny guy.

"So..." began Aiden, not sure how to ask the question on his mind any other way than to simply ask it. "What can you do, if you don't mind me asking?" So far, Aiden knew of only 3 people's abilities: Atheya and her mind linking; Everest and his rather reassuring healing powers; and Westly's apparent electrokinesis, which was never actually confirmed by the man in question... He had no clue as to what the others were capable of, which lead him to the next thought on his mind. How many others besides the people he saw in the kitchen were there...? Would it be just the 7 of them? Or was there more this house had to offer in terms of possible relations? As nervous as Aiden naturally was, he also couldn't help but feel a little excited. There were others like him... Like him! Maybe not entirely the same, but it made him feel slightly less alone. It was a feeling similar to how he felt when he was around Judith. It was still too early to tell whether or not they could accept him and his unstable "ability", but it definitely looked a sight better than anywhere else he'd been since the ranch...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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0.00 INK


Rabbit took the lead and took the hallway past the staircase, intending to give the tour of the bottom level first. This wasn't the first time Rabbit had been an impromptu tour guide, though it was the first in this particular building. He still needed a bit of time to commit everything to memory, but what he forgot, luck made sure to keep him on the right track-- barring a setback or two. It was no French Quarter, but the experience would serve either way as Rabbit began to walk backward as he spoke.

"Simply? Luck," Rabbit said, smiling. As he spoke, he began shuffling the deck in hands vigorously though his eyes never dropped down to cards once. It was a trick he did when he was a tour guide. Something he did to entertain the two or three tourists between stops. They always loved it, but he never told them the trick had a supernatural element about it. Rabbit laughed at his own poor explanation. "It's nothin' like 'Theya's mind readin' or Alex's teleportin', He tried to clarify as he stopped shuffling the deck.

He then picked a card at random from the center of the deck and showed it to Aiden. He made a show of not looking at the card himself as he returned the card back into the deck. "First couple... dozen times I didn't figure anythin' was up. Sure, I gotten lucky a couple of times, but hey-- I figured that was karma payin' me back. Maybe it still is," Rabbit said, shrugging. He was dealt a terrible hand in life, and he was trying his best to play the cards he was given. Maybe his power was someway of life trying to make it up for him. Who knew? he didn't linger on those thoughts.

"But whenever chance is involved, it always turns out in my favor more often than not," Rabbit finished, drawing another card from within the deck. Except the card he drawn was the card he had shown Aiden, an Eight of Spades. Rabbit took a look at the card and then back to Aiden, a grin at his lips. With his magic trick done, Rabbit slipped the card back into the deck and put the deck back in his pocket.

"I can do the small things. Y'know, coin flips, card tricks, stuff like that. Bigger things are difficult, and only come on their own. I like to think that 'Theya and Ever'st findin' me was one of the good things, y'know," He said, pensively. "Maybe a with a lil' time and luck," Rabbit's grin came back, "I can get a bit of control in it, control my own luck." With that, he shrugged.

"And yourself?" Rabbit asked, "You don't have to tell me 'bout your powers if you don't want to. Just, y'know, the simple stuff. Where you're from and such."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Alex Miller Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
Aiden followed alongside Rabbit as he began filling him in about his powers. Luck seemed to be a strange 'ability', but if he could make it work for him, it could also be one of the most useful that Aiden could think of. As he spoke, Rabbit took a card out of the deck he was holding and showed it to Aiden. The eight of spades. Amused, Aiden watched carefully as Rabbit chose not to look at the card as he placed it back into the deck. Giving the cards a good shuffle without so much as glancing down at them, he pulled out the same card and showed it to his one-man audience, reflecting the smile that was on Aiden's face.

"Haha, neat." said Aiden, a grin still on his face. The show now over, Aiden thought back a few seconds about what Rabbit was telling him. Alex, the boy Aiden hadn't gotten the chance to properly greet as he had done with the others in the kitchen, apparently had the ability to teleport. He gave a raise of his eyebrows as he thought about how cool an ability like that must be. Unlike his own...

Rabbit seemed like an all around nice guy, just from the short interaction Aiden had with him so far. He was funny, entertaining, and he had an air about him that kinda made you feel as though everything would be all right. Maybe that was his luck factoring in? Aiden thought about this as they continued down the long hall. Rabbit seemed rather grateful that Atheya and Everest found him when they did, which made Aiden figure that maybe this was the right place after all. Of course, he'd only just got there himself, so the jury was still out on that one. But that isn't to say that he wasn't already beginning to enjoy the company of others like him.

Shortly after Rabbit was finished with his explanation of his rather handy ability, he asked Aiden a little about himself in return just as he stopped by window, which he used to look out into the large grounds.

"Well, I'm afraid that my story isn't all too exciting, but..." began Aiden, eying the grass and tress, as well as the clear sky above, finally turning back to Rabbit. "I lived in Colorado for most of my childhood, until I had to get out of there... Moved back to Kansas, the state I was born, and lived in the country for a few years." He paused, turning halfway back to the window. "After that, I was on my own, backpacking across the East Coast until Atheya and Everest found me in Boston. And here I am now." said Aiden, giving Rabbit a smile. Then came the more troubling part... Rabbit had mentioned that Aiden didn't have to tell him about his powers, but he felt somewhat obligated to give the guy at least some information after he had willingly talked about his own. It was just a touchy topic for him-- especially now, since he was still getting used to the fact that his curse was actually supposed to be some sort of "ability"...

"As for my powers, well..." he began, resting his arm on the windowsill as he peered out at the grounds, scowling out of curiosity as he spotted Atheya shouting up at the sky before running off. "I..." he started, only to exclaim as he caught sight of what could only be a body falling from the rooftop. "HOLY--" Pressing his hands against the glass as his bag slipped off of his shoulder and hooked over his arm, he eyed the spot on the ground he could have sworn would be the final resting place of whoever had just jumped; watching the body suddenly disappear into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a distorted impression in the grass and dirt... Aiden felt his heart beat through his chest as his temperature began to rise slightly. His eyes darted around in search of whatever it was that just fell, but was only met with the empty grounds. He knew he hadn't imagined it, as Atheya's appearance outside seemed to coincide with what he had just witnessed. And then he reminded himself that there was someone in the house with the ability to teleport. Still somewhat unbelieving of it all, he turned back to Rabbit; his shock ever clear in his tone of voice and expression. "Did you just see that...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper Sinclair Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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"Yeah... I did," Rabbit said, peering out of the window behind Aiden. "That's Alex, and his teleportin' I was talkin' about-- though not the smartest thing to do, jumpin' off the buildin' like that," he said, gently swaying his head from side to side. Then he held up a finger to tell Aiden to be quiet and listen. Just as he thought, he could hear the echoes of heavy footfall even from far down the hall. He had to admit, the old house had great acoustics. "Someone's upset," Rabbit offered.

As if in answer, Westly's voice reached even them on the ground floor. Harsh words were said, and then a crunching crash followed, indicating something very fragile, and most likely very expensive was broken. Rabbit could do nothing by heave an audible sigh. There was quick pause, and then more thumps followed, trailing off. He was quiet for a bit longer, doing nothing but pinching the bridge of his nose before he spoke again. "Wonder if that woke Whisper up," he said, grinning beneath he hands.

Turning, he continued with the tour, motioning with his hands for Aiden to follow. " 'Theya and Ever'st are probably with 'em now, talkin' to 'em both. Mom and dad, right?" Rabbit said, calling back to the first time he called them that in front of Aiden. Rabbit had every intention to talk to them himself as well-- only later, when they were cooled off and could think clearer. If he showed up now, they'd just be crowding them, smothering them with feelings. He'd do more harm than good. That and he didn't want to get a jolt of electricity or get "poofed" away from.

Rabbit's grin soon turned into a thoughtful frown as he shook his head from side-to-side. "Most of us have been alone for most of our lives," He said, turning back to Aiden. "Almost forget that we're still kids," he said with a cold chuckle. "I was born in New Orleans myself. Cajun through an' through, real name Felix Alexander. Was on my own 'til I was like a teenager. Never went far from the city and learned it like the back of my hands. Gave tours too," he paused for a moment and then bit his lip, "Mardi Gras was insane," he said, putting emphasis on the last word.

By that time, they'd managed to loop around somehow, something Rabbit acknowledged with a toothy grin and a wink. "An' that was the bottom floor. The top floor tour'll come later-- when it cools down up there," Rabbit said, glancing up just in time to see Whisper ascend the stairs. Nosy girl, Rabbit thought to himself before pointing at her, "That's our Darlin' Whisper," He said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisper Sinclair Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Savader
Aiden turned away from the window as Rabbit explained a bit of what just happened. So it was the teleporter, Alex. Aiden could have sworn he saw him make contact with the ground before disappearing, but judging by the excitement going on upstairs, he figured the guy must be alright. Giving the imprint in the grass another look before continuing on the tour with Rabbit, he wondered if Alex was the only member of this household that liked giving people a scare every now and then...

As the tour went on, Aiden couldn't help but smile a little in regards to Rabbit's "mom and dad" comment. It definitely had the atmosphere of your average family, now that Aiden thought about it. Atheya didn't really come off as the "motherly type" to him, more like an older sister if anything, but he didn't know much about her or Everest, so for all he knew they could have quite the overbearing hint of authority. Although, the only person who seemed to be truly angry at what Alex had done was Westly. Aiden was sure his voice carried throughout the entire house, not that the man in question likely gave a damn.

Rabbit turned around whilst walking again, giving Aiden more information on himself. He nodded along, taking in every word as it was spoken, wanting to learn as much as he could about the people who were kind enough to take him in like this. In a sense, Rabbit lived a similar lifestyle to that of Aiden, with only a few differences: Aiden stayed on the move most of his life, changing from state to state, while Rabbit appeared to have stayed in one place, but still ultimately just as alone... No matter how you diced it, people like them didn't seem to live very happy lives, full of loved ones, and that thought pained Aiden, making him wonder just how the others truly felt deep down. Were they all as lonely as he was? Or did living together take care of that emptiness? Whatever the case, Aiden would likely find out for himself first hand just what being around his own kind of people would do for him. Already he was enjoying it more than most moments in his life.

"I see..." said Aiden, softly. He furrowed his brows a bit, but didn't say anymore after Rabbit was done. Diving into someone's past after just meeting them felt rather invasive to him, so he was content with knowing at least as much as Rabbit was willing to share for now. 'Felix, huh?' he thought to himself, a smile returning to his face. He made note to remember that, although the guy obviously preferred his other handle, so he chose to continue calling him that.

Before he knew it, the two of them had finally returned to the spot the tour started at. Now back at the bottom of the stairs again, Aiden was able to catch a glimpse of the person Rabbit had mentioned in passing a few moments ago. Aiden watched her hair float slightly as she bobbed up the stairs and out of sight just as Rabbit explained who she was.

"Whisper?" parroted Aiden, raising an eyebrow slightly as he looked at Rabbit. Did everyone here have a unique nickname? Or was it just these two? He smiled at that thought, wondering what he'd end up using for himself, if that were the case. Then again, the only two he'd heard so far were the two closest to him now. Three, if you count Alex's earlier mentioning of "Sparky", although Aiden got the feeling that this was more of a joke played on by the others, rather than the guy's own personal choice of title. Still, Aiden thought it was amusing if nothing else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atheya Fi Rosa Character Portrait: Whisper Sinclair Character Portrait: Rabbit Character Portrait: Aiden Hendricks Character Portrait: Westly "Blink" Williams
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Atheya glanced at the boy, her face showing signs of her empathetic side. “Wes...” She mumbled, resting a hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him a bit. “You don’t have to apologize to me. You did nothing to me,” She said in an almost quiet voice. Moving her hand away from his shoulder, she moved it to grab both of his hands, and looked him in the eyes, her eyes completely serious. “I won’t let anyone do anything drastic, to any of us. I promise. I would do anything for you guys, alright? I’m the one who brought you all here; I am the one who will protect you from any asshole who tries doing anything, alright?” It was true. Atheya would have no problem fighting or even given her life to protect the bunch here. She cared way more about others than herself, and it showed so clearly in her personality. Everest often gets mad at her a lot because of it. Every time she seemed to get sick with a fever or something, she would never actually notice it, and often had to be forced to take action with it because she would just not care, no matter how terrible she felt.

Letting go of his hands, she winced a bit, looking down. Forgetting that they where bleeding just slightly because of the punching bag. “Ah... sorry.” She mumbled, standing up. “I know you didn’t mean to Wes. I’ve known you for so long. You just don’t want anything to happen and it’s understandable.” She gave kinda a half smile to him, not knowing what else much to say, except “Alex is also a sweet kid. Give it time, alright?” With that, she left, trailing back down the stairs.

Looking down at the ground as she walked, she felt distracted. She felt tired. She really didn’t know why, maybe because so much happened already today, and she felt bad that it was happening with Aiden was here as well. Really makes him want to stay here, huh? She thought to herself, letting a small laugh to herself. Looking back up as she was about to go down the steps to the first floor, she stopped abruptly, almost running into Whisper. “Oh, morning.” She smiled at the girl. “I’m not sure we’re doing much today, so uh...” She stated, kind of trailing off quietly in the end, not sure what to early tell her. Going back to her distracted state in her head, she continued down the stairs and slipped past Aiden and Rabbit, walking over to one of the bathrooms and pulling out a small medical kit.

She pulled out a couple things, cotton balls, some medical tape, and hydrogen peroxide.

Twisting off the lid of the bottle, she soaked one of the cotton balls, and then pressed it against some of the small splits on her hand, trying to focus off of the slight sting she felt. After she cleaned it up a bit, she wrapped them up in the tape, and then packed back up everything, putting the kit she found she so often used, back in its place. The whole house knew that this just meant she got fed up with the gloves she used, the most angry usually about it being Everest.

Making her way to the living area, she plopped down on one of the couches, and lied down, looking over and staring at the blank TV, almost going into a nap, but refused to let herself.