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Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace

"that was nothing........ I didn???t.... save..... your life?"

0 · 345 views · located in The New York Insitute

a character in “The Salient Decendants”, as played by Simon_Lewis


Finnigan/finn Maxwell Lovelace

Gender: Male
Race: Shadowhunter
Age: 17
Star Sign: Virgo

He has medium length black hair with a stylish side fringe that covers his right eye that he decides to dye blonde for attention seeking purposes that you will find out. he wares dark denim jeans with a dark blue/green zip up jacket.He takes a stele with him everywhere he goes.

Finn is a very out there person with no goals in life like no goals in life at all he just does what he wants when he wants when he wants.
He can be kind but he is mostly sarcastic and he is making completely inappropriate jokes basically all the time he is a total badass.

Killing evil shit
water crackers with butter

Yellow jelly
Savannah(my sister)
staying inside
The name Simone

My Backstory:
I couldent belive her she was doing it again urghh sometimes I just couldent stand her.
I look down and slam my head against the table life isent fair. I lift my head up to see everyone patting her on the back and congradulating her just because you kill 5 demons single handedly urgh what am I saying she is better than me. wait no I cant let her have alllll the attention I stand up stick my hoodie over my head and sneak out the door. none will evn know im gone.
"finn wait where are you going" she says, oh Celine of course Celine would notice im gone the queen of sneaking around great.
I hear her feet pitter patting across the ground and then they come to a stop I turn around to see her smiling face looking up at me
"out, im going out." I said
"where is out? can I come out?" she asks
she narrows her eyes "are you going where hazel goes because I don't think where allowed to go there"
I roll my eyes and turn around and keep walking to the door Celine follows
"what am I supposed to tell Uncle Simon or simon or dad whatever you call him"
"out tell him I went out"
I know she not following me anymore because I cant here the sound of her feet on the cold floor I feel bad for not telling her the truth but she will find out in time.
I open the door to see...
"oh hi magnus...."
"where are you going" he says
I hear feet running up the hall " OUT HE'S GOING OUT" shouted celine or what was a shout for celine

So begins...

Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace's Story

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Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace
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Celine watched as Hazel left the kitchen.
She knew she was being rude, not talking to Hazel but she was terrified of her. Celine had nothing against warlocks but Hazel was just... scary.
Celine knew that Hazel went out most nights doing Raziel knows what and came back at about two in the morning. Celine had watched her leave from one of the Institute storeroom windows. She'd been hiding from Finn who had jumped out from behind a door to scare her. Celine didn't mind Finn's company when he was being quiet but sometimes he could be just as obnoxious as Hazel.
Celine had squealed and ran to a storage cupboard on the top floor. She had watched Hazel from the stained glass window leave the Institute and head down the rainy street, black hoodie covering her from the rain. If she was braver, Celine might've followed Hazel but she wasn't. So she didn't.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace
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Celine headed out of the kitchen and towards the Institute greenhouse. She was hoping to be alone but as she walked through the glass doors, she saw a flicker of movement. There was someone else in here. Celine looked around and caught another glimpse of movement. She crouched down and crept into a nearby shrub, not making so much as a rustle. The other person in the greenhouse make a tiny sound as they crept closer. Suddenly Celine leapt out of the bushes and jumped onto the other person, pinning them to the ground.
"ARRRRRRGH" they screamed.
Celine pinned them to the ground and looked them dead in the eye. She grinned, "Hello Finn."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace
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As i walk into the sitting room searching for Celine i hear Magnus saying something rather i never really understand him or his daugther there kinda crazy
"Hey, ummm is everything ok" i say
"Finn!, no Hazel and Magnus are being kicked out of the institute " answers celine
i pause for a minute
"oh well shit"i say
Mum looks over at me with a strange face. is it what i said she has never cared when ive said shit before
"FINNIGAN MAXWELL LOVELACE, what in raziels name did you do to your hair" she yells
oh no it must be hanging out of my hoodie. Celine reaches up and pulles of my hoodie it takes her a while because shes really short.
"ooooh so that’s what you did when you went 'out' " i pull my hoodie back over my head and tuck my fringe back into it
"nothing" i say i turn around to head out the door to see magnus staring at it with glowing sparkling eyes
"darling i know this may not be the best time but i love what you’ve done with your hair its sooo blonde"he says
"thanks at least someone appreciates it"i say as i look mum in the eyes i go to head out the door and then i heard it...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Savannah Mayrse Lovelace
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Christopher had been training with Finn for only twenty minutes after his... meeting with Savannah when she burst in the doors calling his name.
"Christopher!" she called, her eyes brightening as she saw him. Savannah bounded over to Christopher and threw herself upon him, knocking him backwards again. She clearly had no idea what she was doing. Savannah kissed Christopher so ferociously that it hurt his mouth. He heard Finn drop his bow from the other side of the room.
Christopher shoved Savannah off him and she fell to the ground. "What in Raziel's name are you doing?"
She sat there, dazed.
"Savannah." Christopher explained, "I don't like you! And I never will. You're so weak to feel love like that. Get out."
Savannah slowly rose to her feet, hurt shining behind her green eyes. She walked out.
"Woah, man. That was harsh." Finn said from across the room
"You didn't see any of that. Clear?"
Finn said nothing but Christopher heard an arrow hit the target.
Christopher picked up a throwing knife and threw it at the target beside him. Bullseye.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Christopher had been sitting in his room, head buried in his blue pillow. He felt strange. Not guilty but just... strange. The only thing that made Christopher upset was not knowing himself inside and out, and this new...feeling had completely jumbled his thoughts.
There was a sudden knock at the door.
"Whoever it is, I don't want to talk." Christopher called. The door opened anyway.
Celine quietly walked in and stood uncomfortably in the doorway.
"I said go away." Moaned Christopher.
Celine slowly closed the door and walked toward Christopher's bed. She stood in front of him with her hands tucked behind her back, staring at the floor.
"What do you want?"
"I don't want anything." mumbled Celine.
"Well why are you here?"
"Finn told me what happened."
"He's such a fucking traitor." Christopher said into his pillow, "What did he say?"
There was a moment of silence.
"Well..." Celine began, "He said something about Savannah bursting into the training room and..."
"Okay yep he told you everything then."
Celine was silent.
Christopher looked at her, Celine's eyes were looking right back at him.
"So... What are you going to do?" She asked.
"Never leave this room ever again and if I do leave this room, I'm never talking to her ever again."
Celine nodded slowly, "When you're ready," she whispered slowly, "You should apologise."
Christopher began to protest but Celine put a hand over his mouth. "Shut up." She said bluntly, "I know that she should be the one apologising but you need to tell her how you feel." She took her hand away from Christopher's mouth and stood up.
"I'm going to leave. I'm ninety nine percent sure that Finn is listening outside the door." There was a sudden bang as someone outside the door made a run for it. Christopher felt the corners of his mouth twitch.
"Bye." Celine went to the door and left the room. As she left, Christopher could here her calling after Finn, "Finn! Come back here! I know you were listening."
Christopher smiled and sat up. Celine was right. He had to talk to Savannah.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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It has been really quiet around the institute lately probably because half the people in it aren’t talking to each other oh well at-least I have Celine
I stick on my dark blue jeans and my favourite light grey top its my favourite because it says...
Shadowhunters looking better in black than the widows of our enemy’s
its a bit faded but i still love it.
I open my bedroom door and what do you know no one is there and the insitute is dead silent
Where is everybody?
I wonder, i head towards the kitchen and grab a handful of what i think are cashews?Probaly Magnus's. Magnus has some weird food but it usually tastes good. speak of the Devil
"Hey Maguns where is everybody?"
"well I do believe Savannah is at a café with her Friend and........ oh yes Celine and Hazel.........Jace and possibly Clary are out fighting demons"
"thanks..... do you happen to know where they are fighting demons"
"no but you will find them.......oh and Finn"
"yes" I say
"don't touch my Brazil nuts"
"I won't"
I watch Magnus walk off down the corridor i go grab my seraph blades and my stele and head out the door it shouldn’t be to hard to find them me and Celine have always had a sense of knowing where each other are it's kinda strange now that I think about it never mind that though.
I walk round a few corners and eventually I can hear people fighting
ha i found them
I see Celine battling a demon gosh she's a good fighter possibly the best out of us. suddenly I hear something behind me i grab my seraph blades and stab it right through the centre it disintegrates I forgot how much fun this is. theres another I hear Celine scream she's surrounded by demons everyone else is busy in combat I run up and slice the heads of a couple of them Celine is on the ground she must be injured I kill the other few demons before I go to her side.
"Celine are you ok"
"yeah its just my ankle I’ll be fine......." there was a short pause before either of us said something
"hey Finn... thanks for saving my life back there" she says as she carves a healing rune into her skin
"that was nothing........ I didn’t.... save..... your life?"
she laughs "thanks Finn she stands up and kisses me on the cheek i look around and everyone else is gone.
"hey you want to head back now" I ask
"yeah" she says i notices she's blushing slightly
she puts her arm around my shoulder and I carry her back to the institute.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazel Bane Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine and Hazel were beating the shit out of the demons in the alley way but before she knew it, she was surrounded by demons. Celine swiped her seraph blade round wildly, slicing at the demons but one of them lashed out and tore at her ankle, her flesh ripping and bleeding. She screamed as the ichor and venom seeped into her wound and she fell to the ground, still clutching her blade. They surrounded her like she was a mouse in a circle of starving cats. Celine squeezed her eyes shut. She didn't want to see her own death. Suddenly there was a flash of light as two of the demons disintegrated and the rest scurried back, temporarily blinded by the flash. And there was Finn. He was holding a long seraph blade and the glow from it illuminated his blond hair and fierce eyes.
He looked like an angel.
Celine's vision blurred as Finn disposed of the other three or four demons. The venom was starting to effect her. She could almost feel it pulsing through her veins. Finn moved to Celine's side, ichor staining his blade, "Celine," he asked, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, it's just my ankle." Celine said, shaking the vision of 'angel-Finn' from her mind, "I'll be fine."
Celine got to her feet, pain searing through her ankle. She gritted her teeth and took her stele out from her back pocket. "Hey Finn...Thanks for saving my life back there." She drew an iratze into her forearm.
Finn looked flustered, "That was nothing...I didn' life?" He said, almost confused.
Celine chuckled, "Thanks Finn." she said and kissed him on the cheek.
Finn looked around, bright red exploding across his cheeks. Celine could feel her own blush creeping up her face.
"Do you want to head back now?" Finn asks suddenly
Celine put her arm around Finn's shoulder and he held her up, walking her back to the Institute.

They'd only just stumbled through the doors of the Institute when Celine fell to the ground.
"Celine!" yelled Finn in alarm, kneeling on the ground beside her.
Celine coughed and she felt the tang of metallic blood in her mouth.
"By the Angel....Clary! Jace! Someone!" Finn called desperately.
No one came.
"Celine! Celine look at me!"
Celine's eyes rolled to Finn, he was blurry and wavering but it was still Finn.
"Finn..." Celine choked out, "Demon-Demon venom..."
"Oh god no." His voice sounded like he was underwater, "Magnus! Magnus please, come here!"
Celine tried to move but pain shot up her leg from her ankle. She screamed and choked again, tears streaming from her eyes. Finn's face fell in and out of focus but she couldn't hear him anymore, there was just a constant buzzing in her ears.
There was a faint thud as someone entered the room.
And then nothing. Black. No noise. No colour.
No Finn.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Magnus Bane Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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I could hear my heart beat in my ears just a thumping sound tears were streaming down my face and they wouldn’t stop she had to be ok she just had to.
"Magnus! Magnus please,come here!"
i hear Magnus belting down the hallway he's going as fast as he can but i wish he could go faster
"Celine, wake up come on push through you can make it"
"Magnus?" i say through the tears
"is she going to be ok"
"Finn..." he says
" i think you should go wait with your mother"
"NO.. I NEED TO BE BY HER SIDE" i don't know where that came from but i could feel hands dragging me away i didn't want to go. Tears woulden't stop i never felt anything like this before i was chocking on my breath
"Celinee" i cry
i must have passed out because the next few miunutes... hours were black nothingness. but i remember the light when Magnus came out and said she was ok i felt like screaming so i did. i gave Magnus the biggest Hug
"thank you so much Magnus i don't know what i'd do without you" Magnus smiled at me and said Celine needed more rest and she would be fine in the Morning. so iI waited and Waited by her side eventually it was morning.
"Celine" i say as i shake her side
"uhhh....." she mumbles
"Celine your ok? Magnus got out the venom you will be fine"
"Finn?" she asks very confused
"yes it's me Finn"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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All Celine could remember was Finn. Not Finn before she passed out, but during her dreams. Finn with a blade through his chest, Finn with an arrow through his head, Finn being sawed in half with a serrated knife. And Celine could do nothing because she was the one doing it to him. She saw his body lying limp on the ground, the hurt in his eyes and she drove the knife into him. And the pain it caused her was unbearable. To see Finn like that was killing her.
And then there he was. In front of her again.
"Finn?" Celine asked warily.
"Yes, it's me." He said softly, "Finn."
"Finn, get back." Celine warned, holding her hands out. "I'm going to hurt you again, Finn." Her body shuddered and her hands shook, "This dream is different, Finn." She cried, tears streaming from her eyes, " No one is dying. I can speak. What is this?"
"Celine. This isn't a dream. I'm here."
Celine tilted her head, blonde hair falling everywhere. She reached out a shaking hand to Finn's face and gingerly ran her fingers along his cheek.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine reached up and ran her hand across my cheek I look down into her shining green eyes, so pretty.
I run my fingers through her shiny blonde hair it feels soft and calming I put my arms around her waist and press my lips gently against hers this feels right love this girl and I don't know what I'd do without her. she pulls of me gently and looks up at me she has gone a light pink colour she grabs my hands and leans her head against my chest.
"Finn" she says breaking the silence
"yes" I answer
"I love you and I don't know what I would do without you" she says softly I lean down and kiss the top of her head I can feel my heart beating
"I love you to Celine Herondale"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Finn ran his slender fingers gently though Celine's hair. Celine looked into Finn's shining eyes, his mouth was open slightly and before she knew what was happening, Finn had his arms around her waist and was kissing her. Celine tensed for a split second but then closed her eyes and relaxed. The kiss didn't feel awkward or strange, in fact, it felt... right
Celine pulled back slowly and clasped Finn's calloused hand. She leaned into Finn's chest and whispered to him.
"Yes?" He answers.
"I love you and I don't know what I would do without you." Celine whispered. She felt Finn softly kiss her head.
He mumbled into her hair. "I love you too, Celine Herondale."
Celine buried her head into Finn's chest and suddenly started crying.
"Celine?" Finn asked, ducking down to see her face, "Celine what's wrong?"
"Finn," Celine sobbed, "In my dreams you died. And now you're here and what if it is just a dream and any minute now, a knife is going to slice through your head."
"Hey, hey, hey..." Finn said soothingly, "I'm not going anywhere."
Celine hugged Finn tightly with her shaking arms, tears staining his t-shirt.
Finn held her to him, "Celine, I'm not going anywhere." he repeated, "I promise."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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After a while Clary and Jace had walked in to check on Celine she said she was fine and then she said she was fine and just needed some rest and then she left. after they left Celine burst into to tears.
"hey hey.. it's ok" I say patting her shoulder
"do you want to do something fun?" I ask she looks up and rubes her eyes and nose
"what kind of fun?" she asks curiously
"well I have a plan to..." but she stops me before I can finish
"NO FINN" she yells in her kind of yell
"don't worry this one has a good kick to it"
"no Finn I don't want any part of it"
"you get to lock your brother in a room"
Celine looked thoughtful
"ok..... I'm listening"
"YES! this will be great you wont regret it" I say as I pump my fist in the air
"ok......" says Celine clearly trying not to laugh her head off
"the plan is......." I say as I whisper in her ear she looks up her grin going ear to ear
"let's do this"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Lucian Stephen Herondale Character Portrait: Finnigan Maxwell Lovelace Character Portrait: Celine Jocelyn Madeline Herondale
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Celine and Finn headed to the only room in the Institute with two doorways - the sitting room. There was one that lead from the kitchen and one from the main entrance hall.
"Ready?" Finn asked.
"Ready." Celine answered.
They split up, Celine went to Christopher's room and Finn to Savannah's.
Celine didn't bother to knock , she just burst in Christopher's door looking as frightened as possible.
"Christopher!" She cried, "Christopher there are geese in the living room!"
"What?" He looked startled.
"Get rid of them!!!!"
Christopher stormed out of his room mumbling something about 'ridiculous fears'
Celine followed behind, still pretending to cry.
They heard an ear piercing scream from downstairs. Finn's part of the plan must be working then.
Christopher ignored it and kept walking. They made it to the doors of the living room and he walked in.
"Hey, there are no-"
Celine slammed the doors closed and locked them before he could finish.
Finn came racing around the corner and grinned at Celine.
"Now what?" She asked
"Now, we wait."