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The Salvation has risen!

The Salvation has risen!


They might have finally met their match, a Demon of unimaginable power. (( NEED MORE PEOPLE!! And I need someone to play Yisol!))

2,392 readers have visited The Salvation has risen! since NightBlaze created it.


The world of Olalaash, is not like any other world that has been discovered before. The civilians of this world, are not what they seem. Some can shift into Dragons, Wolves, Cats (large and small), reptiles, and any other animal or creature you could think of! These people, are known as the Salvation. They are called to battle creatures that come from Deamean Realms. The Deamean realms release Demons and deadly creatures into the lands of the humans and destroys everything. The Salvation is called through prayers and wishing for safety and help.

The Salvation has fought and protected the humans for thousands of years, and this generation is no different in their duties. Until, a demon...bigger than any one before it, and it's stronger, able to shift into creatures that it has killed and consumed. And among it's prey...was a Salvation, who could shape shift into a Dragon.

Now the Demon has gotten into Olalaash, looking for more. This could possibly be the fight of a lifetime for the Salvation. Will they claim victory?


Rules and Skeletons!


1. I am Goddess, what I say goes.

2. No godmodding

3. Swearing to a minimum

4. Romance is allowed, but not sex. That can go to a PM.

5.Killing of characters must be approved by me and user playing said character.

6. Play nice and fair.

7. Have fun

8. Must have an approved character.

9. Put a "FIGHT" somewhere, I don't care where, as long as I can see it, in your character profile so that i know what you read the rules.

10. Must be literate. 4 line sentences at the least.


Salvation! If you want to be a Salvation.











Animal/creature shift:


Demons: if you want to be a Demon.













I need someone to play Kyra's older brother Yisol.

You can have him look anyway you want, just read Kyra's background and kind of follow that please. And His shift is a white wolf! They are opposite of each other. He is trying to Kill Kyra and Kyra is trying to kill him. Any takers?

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Elsa Fox Character Portrait: Kasumi
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Kasumi stands staring at the creature above them. Whatever it is could be circling, looking for an opportunity to strike or it could be a spy for Yisol. Kasumi relaxes when Kyra squeals her excitement when the creature lands.
"Sorry." Kasumi blushes when she's introduced and realizes her nakedness has caught the girl a little dumb. "My... uhhhh... my clothes got... uhhh wet. Sorry." She laughs. The laughter is more from relief than anything being really funny. It's been a really long and tiring time for Kasumi and finding two Salvations is like a dream come true.
"We're multiplying." Kasumi mutters under her laughter. "At this rate there'll be a thousand of us before a week has past. Yisol will be no match foir us" Kaumi turns to check on her clothes, "I promise I'll be dressed when when that day comes too." Her clothes are pretty dry. She'd normally let them sit a while longer to get really dry. She hates wearing damp things, but she doesn't want to make her new friends any more uncomfortable than they are. Kasumi dresses quickly and grabs her things.
She's glad to have companions to travel and fight with. It's better that it's girls and not boys. She's run across boys in her travels and it usually ended badly; especially for them
"There. All ready."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Yisol
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0.75 INK

Yisol rises from the tub and grabs the towel Daiyu has waiting for him. She is confused; Yisol has been silent since he got into the tub and when he isn't silent, he says so very little. He's thinking about something. She's sure it's about his sister, except he seems more agitated than usual, something is up and she worries for him.

Yisol dries and dresses, saying nothing. His mannerisms and gait remain unchanged. "What is she up to?" he wonders.
Staring out the window the sensation is growing, he can feel a power rising in the distance. It's her power. "She's found someone else." he whispers. "If I could just get a bearing on where they are, I could find her and destroy them. She'd have to join me. She'd just have to." he tells himself.

"Lord Yisol." a male voice interrupts his muse. Yisol turns quickly. It's General Arwail, the Commander of his Shock Brigade.
"What is it?" he asks, more in irritation than in curiosity.
"Lord Yisol, the prisoners are ready."
"Good." Yisol says smiling. "Very good. Has the Crone been summoned?"
"She awaits your presence, Lord Yisol."
"Very good. Tell her I'll be there in a minute." Yisol watches him rise and waits until he reaches the door, "Oh and General? In the future I am to be referred to as King or Master. Make sure you spread the word."
"Yes, my lo... King Yisol."

Yisol watches the man exit. "He didn't even flinch." Yisol says half in astonishment and half in triumph to Daiyu. "That's true loyalty." He grabs Daiyu by the wrist and pulls her, "Come. Let's meet my guests. I don't believe you have ever met the Crone. Watch yourself, she's an ugly old thing. But she is quite powerful."

Down several flights of long winding stairs Yisol pulls Daiyu towards the room where the prisoners and the Crone await. Daiyu has never met the Crone, but she has heard stories. The Crone is a beastly, old hag, ancient and decrepit. No one is quite certain just how old she is, but the stories and legends span eons. The stories and descriptions change as often as the seasons, but the one similarity between all of them are - she's always an evil, horrid creature in every story.
Down a long, dank hallway the two move rapidly. It's hard to see in the torchlit catacombs. The twists and turns, the multiple directions you can turn are mind numbing. The tombs have been designed to disorient those who are unlucky enough to wind up down in them without prior knowledge of their design. Daiyu now understands what the Hedge-maze labyrinth that housed the minotaur must have been like and what poor Theseus must have felt as he wandered through the vines and bushes. Each time she thinks she understands where they're going, they turn a corner or come to a crossroads and the flickering torches confuse her.

They don't confuse Yisol. Finally they arrive at a large, dark black, thick wooden door. On the door are carved various demonic looking creatures. The faces on the door vary from a cackling demon with razor sharp teeth, to a man with a hideously deformed face, looking in anguish. Another is of a creature with long, pointy features; his nose, chin, ears all come to sharp points. The last is of some foul creature with a human head in it's mouth, a look of victorious satisfaction on its face.

Daiyu's grip on his hand tells Yisol that the figures unnerve her. "Pay these things no never mind. This area is thousands of years old. The door is hundreds of years. I don't know who put them on it." Yisol never turns to look at her as he explains. He's lying and Daiyu can often read his lies on his face. The door means more than what's there -- much more.

Yisol pushes on a large ring knocker and the door slowly opens. The room is quite warm and brightly lit from a large fire pit in the middle of the room. Six men all kneel when Yisol enters. Hanging from cages chained to the ceiling are five men, a woman and a girl, no more than seven. They are all dirty and thin, not just thin but malnourished. They look like they've been in prison for weeks, if not months. They look pathetic and defeated, waiting for the cold hand of death to take them.
As disturbing as the sight is, Daiyu sees something more disturbing, a short, human form wearing a cloak with it's back to them, slowly turns. It's a woman, she thinks. She's only certain because of her hair and clothes. Her face looks like a withered sharpee dog. Her eyes barely visible under all the wrinkles and layers of flesh that cover her face. The only other two features that protrude from the old weathered skin are her nose and lower lip. Her hair looks like straw, bleach white straw. It hangs down to her shoulder blades, plentiful, hiding her ears and most of her neck from view.
The woman slowly walks toward them. Her bony, lich-like fingers grasping a walking staff, the sleeves from her cloak hiding her arms and legs. Daiyu can't figure out why the woman wields the staff; she moves quite spryly for a man or woman of any age. The staff seems unnecessary.

"Yisol." the woman says once she is within inches of the two of them. The stench from her breath is over powering. Daiyu almost passes out, while Yisol merely turns away.
"Crone." he greets trying to brush away the stench. "And it's King Yisol." Yisol speaks to the woman as if she were his inferior. An odd behavior as the old woman is reputed to be a very powerful witch.
"Of course, Yisol." the woman replies dismissively, turning and walking away. "What is it you want?"
"I want information and I know these things have it." he says gesturing his hand towards the people in the cages.
"I see, It may not be an easy thing you realize?"
"Understood. That's why we have built this fire. I hope it is hot enough for you."
The crone waves her hand into the fire and nods, "It's more than hot enough."
Daiyu is struck dumb at how the old woman can place her hand into the raging fire and not feel anything. "What is she going to do?" Daiyu whispers.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." Yisol whispers back, trying to reassure her.
"Why lie to the girl?" the Crone scolds. "I'm going to get information from them and I'm going to use this fire, this staff and those pointy metal rods to help persuade them to talk."
"Ev...ev..even the little girl?" Daiyu asks shocked
"Yes, including her. I play no favorites" the Crone cries.
"No. You can't. She's just a little girl." Daiyu whispers to Yisol.
"It's for the best. These are evil beings. Not even human." Yisol lies.
"Not human. How can you be certain?"
"If they were human, they'd be crying for help wouldn't they? See... nothing." Yisol leads her toward the door. "Do what is necessary Crone. I'll be back later."
"Oh, Yisol." the Crone calls out, "This may take more than a day. My magic is powerful, but it has its limits."
"Of course. Whatever." As Yisol's attention is turned toward the old woman, Daiyu grabs a handful of charcoal powder. As the exit the catacombs, Daiyu pulls them as close to the wall as she can, rubbing her fingers on the wall as they walk.


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Kyra smiled at her friends now. She was very glad that she was building a bigger army. Suddenly, a strange feeling overwhelmed her. Her breath got shallow and she sat down...Yisol was doing something...something terrible. She closed her eyes as she could feel the pressure on her. Yisol and Kyra had an innate sense of what each other was doing. It was never actually clear, but they could tell if it was good or bad. Kyra remembers this feeling all to well.

When they were little, when Yisol showed bad behavior, Kyra knew it. She never told on him, for fear of something worse happen to hear for being a tattle-tail. But this time there was no one really to tell, except Kasumi and Elsa.

"Yisol is up to something now. I can feel it. We need to move out of this area...possibly find more Salvation. If not, then it's up to us." She looked at them and hoped that they agreed. If they couldn't find anymore... then it was up to them.

((Should we all double up on character, except for rpannier since he/she is already playing multiple?))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyra Sala Character Portrait: Kasumi
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Kasumi had heard of Yisol and the things hse has always heard weren't good things. He was someone bound for greatness, but could never accept Sanctuary. The stories she heard always said he was impatient, ill-tempered, evil... but the evil was not always there. He just never understood the glory of goodness, of seeing people and nature as something more than a means-to-an-end.
When Kyra says she senses Yisol, it gives her the creeps. Goosebumps rise and her body tingles -- a cold clammy tingle. She looks around, making sure no one or nothing else is around them. She has spent a considerable amount of time afraid in the past months and her senses sometimes play tricks on her. "Do you think he can sese us?" she asks Kyra.


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Kyra shrugged. "He may be able to sense me...which would then in turn but you two in danger." She said bluntly. "But we are Salvation members. We live to fight the danger. We have to bring Yisol down."

She looked at them and hoped that they weren't getting cold fee right then and there. That would be terrible and set her back from her goal of tearing her brother's rein. She wasn't about to let him win. She fought to hard for it.

"If we work together everything will go fine."


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Yisol walks back through the cavernous underground. "Don't get too far from me." Yisol says menacingly. "T'would be a shame if you got separated and lost down here. It's not an easy find. Even with your, ahem, special vision."
Daiyu keeps within eyesight of her lord. Keeping just far enough that he doesn't see her marking the wall -- she hopes. Yisol is quite smart, and observant.
She is startled by his words. They sound almost threatening, like he knows what she is doing. If he does, he is not being obvious.
"Yes, my King." she replies to his words. "I will keep up. Don't worry about me."
"It's not worry Daiyu. Just caution. It's hard to find good help. I'd hate ton start over with a new servant-familiar."

******** short post in case someone from the story is still at rpg and wants to play again *******************


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Character Portrait: Yisol
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Finally, they reached the stairs and were out of the underground. Yisol smiles as his eyes adjust to the light.
Yisol inspects himself. He's filthy. The underground has so much dirt it's hard not to be caked in the muck, dust, and slime. As Yisol washes and changes, a smile suddenly curls his lips. "It's funny you know?" he shouts "When one goes to meet something detestably evil, it's always someplace underground."
Daiyu is about to answer when he cuts her off. "Why do you think that is?" Yisol points around his room. "Look at the beauty and splendour of this place. Clean. Organized. Bright. No darkness. No gloom." Yisol jumps into his seat. "When I am officially King and I am rid of those Salvations I will have to make changes about that."

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Character Portrait: Kyra Sala
26 sightings Kyra Sala played by NightBlaze
I am as tall as you ever will be!

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Karau Nyx
Character Portrait: Caire
Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
Character Portrait: Yisol
Character Portrait: Kasumi


Character Portrait: Kasumi

Being good does not mean being weak

Character Portrait: Yisol

Disciplined, well-planned destruction is a thing of beauty

Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
Elsa Fox

The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever, too.

Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
Alastair Crowley

"Everyone sins once in a while. I'm just here to help out."

Character Portrait: Caire

"This is my forest! Get out!"

Character Portrait: Karau Nyx
Karau Nyx

"Hooray! I found a new - I'll rip you to pieces!"


Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
Elsa Fox

The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever, too.

Character Portrait: Yisol

Disciplined, well-planned destruction is a thing of beauty

Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
Alastair Crowley

"Everyone sins once in a while. I'm just here to help out."

Character Portrait: Kasumi

Being good does not mean being weak

Character Portrait: Karau Nyx
Karau Nyx

"Hooray! I found a new - I'll rip you to pieces!"

Character Portrait: Caire

"This is my forest! Get out!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Yisol

Disciplined, well-planned destruction is a thing of beauty

Character Portrait: Kasumi

Being good does not mean being weak

Character Portrait: Elsa Fox
Elsa Fox

The wicked are always suprised to find that the good can be clever, too.

Character Portrait: Karau Nyx
Karau Nyx

"Hooray! I found a new - I'll rip you to pieces!"

Character Portrait: Alastair Crowley
Alastair Crowley

"Everyone sins once in a while. I'm just here to help out."

Character Portrait: Caire

"This is my forest! Get out!"

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