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Maxwell Parks

0 · 252 views · located in Boston, Ma

a character in “The Santoro Family Mob”, originally authored by CharlotteV, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Maxwell Parks's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Jude King Character Portrait: Maxwell Parks
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Smoke twisted softly into the early morning sky, blending in with hues of blue and orange greeting the sun. The streets of Sixth Avenue were silent - most people either hadn't woken or were still passed out from last nights bender. Maxwell Parks wasn't most people. He was sitting on the edge of the crumbling sidewalk, elbows resting on raised knees, chuckling softly as he passed a cigarette to his right.

"What the fuck do you do this early?" Erica asked, pulling her own drag. Max smirked to himself, running a hand up through his hair. There were only a few of them out, five at most. Most of them, like Erica, we're coming home from being out all night.

Max, however, had been up since four. "Work," he answered, then almost immediately whined a complaint the moment she arched an eyebrow and held the cigarette away from him. He could see the accusation in her eyes...she didn't believe him.

"No one gets any work this early, punk."

Max smiled at her slowly, glancing over her shoulder down the street where a Mercedes Benz had just turned the corner. The car was moving slowly, questionably, trying to be inconspicuous and failing greatly. No one drove nice things like that around this part of town...and when they did, it was only for one reason.

He clicked the silver ball in his mouth against his teeth in a tsking manner, nodding his chin towards the vehicle. She caught his gaze and followed it, watching as the car slowly eased to a stop in front of them, the tinted window sliding down. The man in the passenger seat was older, in a suit more expensive than his car, not one piece of hair out of place.

Erica shot him a grin, dropping the cigarette and stomping it out with her heal before she stood up. Max's hand snapped out, wrapping around her wrist and keeping her there. He knew she looked back to glare at him, but his eyes stayed locked on the man in the car. There was a moment of silence, a battle of wills, but Max never let his smirk fall.


He grinned widely, jumping to his feet and pushing passed Erica as he bounced across the street before sliding onto smooth leather seats. Her shocked expression was the last thing he saw before the window went up, but he had just enough time to blow her a kiss.

Max hummed to himself as he hopped out onto the sidewalk in front of Santoro Inc. The building loomed in front of him, tall and intimidating, but his face only broke into a grin. It was still early, just before work should officially begin, and Max really wasn't supposed to be there. But when a client claimed he had to drop you off right then, you picked something familiar

He dug in his back pocket for a lollipop, unwrapping it and shoving strawberry goodness into his mouth, just about to bounce into the building when a voice called: "Hey kid!"

Confused, he twisted around on his heels, arching an eyebrow at the Mercedes as it inched up closer. The passenger window was down, the man giving him an unamused look as he held out a wad of white cotton. Max beamed - he was always losing his shirts - and pulled the candy out of his mouth as he leaned closer, grabbing the offered material. "Thanks, stud." He winked before turning away, popping his lollipop back in his mouth before shrugging his shirt on.

It didn't really help his appearance much. His short blonde hair was a mess, his shirt was thin, sleeveless, and showing the tattoo spread across his collar bone, and his pants were old, faded, ripped and hanging way too low off his hips. Anyone watching him walk into Santoro Inc would surely think he was lost.

He took the steps two at time, humming all the while, when a set of voices caught his attention. Max paused in front of the door, one hand reached out towards it, before he glanced over to his right. Two men were walking his way, seemingly talking about something either gratifying or exhausting depending on which man you chose to look at.

One had four or so inches on the other, a slender but lean frame under a red sweater, definitely more tired looking. He was gorgeous...all messy curls, attractive stubble, glasses. Max loved glasses....and curls...and stubble.

But it was the other male that caught his attention. He was the broader of the two, definitely physically fit, in a name brand suit, brown hair slicked back. He was...intriguing...all sharp features and gray eyes. But there was something about him...something Max knew others probably couldn't pick up on. Something he only knew because it was a job requirement.

“When did all the men get this fucking hot?” he muttered under his breath, glancing inside the building at the clock hanging on the wall. He had time, a good few minutes. He smirked around his lollipop, stepping down a few paces to slink himself across the railing.

“Hey baby,” Max pulled the candy out of his mouth with a suggestive 'pop', licking his lips as he dropped his arms over the pole. “I have a good ten minutes if you wanna play...only fifty for a quickie.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Jaqueline Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Jude King Character Portrait: Maxwell Parks
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The black leather couch in front of the wide screen was strangely comfortable as Jaqueline sat or more like vegetated. The cigarette between her lips hung limply as The Count of Monte Cristo played on her TV. It was the version from 2002 versus 1934. True, the hero was much more aesthetically pleasing than Robert Donat, it was still her favorite. She chuckled as she thought of this. Old things and such. She made a face as the ash fell from her cigarette on to the grey leggings she wore. I should quit. These infernal things are disgusting. Truth be told she really didn't know how she picked up the little habit in the first place. She never even considered it until she got to America. Everyone with an issue seemed to be doing it so, here she was. She could probably drop it if she wanted to, but she really had no reason yet.
She stabbed it out into her ashtray and looked up at her high ceilings. There was to be a meeting today. It didn't take a genius to guess what it was going to be about and Jackie would be lying to say she wasn't a tad nervous. It would never matter now how much history or reputation she had with Don Carlos, she would have to almost start completely anew with his son if/when he came to be the head. It shouldn't be that difficult I suppose, it might even be interesting.
It was 4 a.m. now and that means time for sparring. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks and that sort of thing. It's hard to sleep knowing that people all around the world want you dead, even if they don't know it yet. Every morning since she was 6 was oatmeal and fruit, Tactical weapons for one our, target practice for two hours, biology, mathematics, physics, and then the gauntlet of training courses, even some dinner if she performed well. But no history. No, god forbid she would learn of opinion, of freedom, or revolution...
"Viva la France"
She could still remember how thin she was. It was more than likely better for her occupation to be stick thin from near starvation, but that does not mean it was the best choice or, at least, a choice in the first place. She's since filled out quite nicely. Due to her diet and healthy exercise she was able to actually look like a woman, which is something she is still trying to get used to. It's most definitely confusing to go from small boy to the stuff that men leer at. Jaqueline hadn't decided how she felt about that yet.
Quickly, she pushed it from her mind as she stood in her expansive livingroom with her rapier, thus being inspired by the count, and danced the dance of death around her furniture, killing the couch and end tables as she went. She made a note to remind herself for the trillionth time to find a place more appropriate for her sparring. Her headquarters was much too small and while she'd never be complainant, she had been discussing the though of expanding it with the Don.
It was 10:00 by the time she was done with the main tactical weapons in her personal home collection and she was drenched. Quickly she made some toast and eggs and ate like a marine. Table manners were still awful but certain friends have been attempting to force some decorum in her. She had to smile, Camille was the only real friend she had and was always teasing her about how clueless she was. It was surreal really, having a best friend, but Jaqueline enjoyed her company.
Soon it was time for her to take a shower to wash the homemade filth from her skin and it was welcome of course. One thing she didn't scrimp on when purchasing her apartment was the bathroom. She had a right to luxurious appliance and anyone be damned if she couldn't have them. The shower ran hot and from all directions as the spray wracked her ravaged body. In her case scars outnumbered smooth skin so she tried to cover up as much as she could, which of course was easier now that it was more chilly. People always ask questions they never really want to hear an answer to. One scar in particular never misses their attention, probably because it runs from the navel all the way up to her chin, tilting slightly to the right. Job gone wrong she says and leaves it at that.
So after her mint shampoo and bodywash its time to "put on her face" as well as her clothes for the meeting today. She decided to leave her long hair as loose, wavy and raven black as ever. It's not as if it ever minded in the first place. So before you could say repressed fashionista she was out of the door, keys in hand. While she lived reasonably close to Santoro Inc., she was sore from her early morning session and decided to take her baby for a spin. The choice in vehicle she mad was probably dramatic, which was strange for her. But things were different now and she was allowed to call a little attention to herself every once in a while. She couldn't imagine a more suitable fit.
In no time she was arriving to the the curb in front of Santoro Inc. and she walked slowly for she was still pretty early. Looking to her right, she saw 3 men talking close to the door and recognised them as the Don's translator Martin, the muscle, Jude, and a male prostitute, Max. She chuckled slightly at the sight and thought about joining the conversation but decided to head up the elevator anyway. As soon as she was up to the floor she heard the music and one of her brows shot up over her sunglasses on instinct as the doors slid open. She caught the slight wisp of blonde hair and her fingers shot straight up to the bridge of her nose. The daughter that Carlos once spoke of so longingly and with such confusion and hurt, was back and was of course making a spectacle of herself. She walked away from the elevator and slowly advanced onto the office, trying not to dampen the surprise she so craved. Quietly, she slipped into the door, nodding to the girl waiting outside waiting for her moment as well, and skimmed her body against the wall and propped herself up near the door. There were others in the room, but as of that moment, she'd let the girl take the reigns. She saved her greetings for her own moment.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Santoro Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Louis "Fast Louie" Coppola Sr. Character Portrait: Nico Kato Character Portrait: Jaqueline
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0.00 INK

Walking in a big city, while relatively cost effective and quite exciting for tourists, can be absolutely irritating for those who didn't quite appreciate the hustle and bustle of city life. Martin was one of those people. For all of the resentment and bitterness he held towards his former life, he did occasionally pine for his old surroundings, clutching onto the memories of tall mountains and plentiful greenery like a child's security blanket. These bursts of nostalgia were few and far between these days, too busy with work and too caged by tall buildings and water that you couldn't even pay him to go swimming in. However, walking down the streets of Boston, inhaling the fumes of cigarettes and the traffic-filled streets, stepping around litter and people too busy tapping away at their smartphones to notice that they were about to run into another human, the pang of homesickness hit. Well, that and annoyance.

It took a lot to irritate Martin because, even on his worst day, he had more self control than the average man. Still, walking through Boston did put a damper on his day with the sheer noise and chaos that was the streets. Car horns, even this early, blared with an unpredictable staccato rhythm, car engines revved and roared, and the voices of the people pressed around him was a constant noise in the back of his mind. It was, therefore, excellent news that the streets leading up to Santoro Incorporated were far less crowded, like the building had enough power to glare down and intimidate anyone attempting to break the perfectly ordered chaos that it kept in check. Well, almost anyone.

"I'm just saying, Marty," Jude said amiably as they continued their walk, "If you're going to get a car, you might as well get something flashy, yeah?" It was easier to hear Jude now that the noise pollution had toned down, not that Jude was ever loud. No, he spoke in a certain way that demanded attention, like a primal awareness that listening to him just might save your life one day. "Not one of those Mercedes that you Americans like so well, or one of those hyper-cars; you need an Aston Martin."

It wasn't often that Jude spoke cars, but, on their walk to Santoro Incorporated, the flash of a red Koenigsegg Agera R rushing by had caught his attention like a kid in a candy store, changing the strain of conversation almost immediately from where they were going to get dinner that night to what cars tickled Jude's fancy. Martin bit back a sigh; they'd certainly had this conversation before and, just like before, he was prepared with his own line of dialogue in this casual repartee.

"You just want one because you want to feel like James Bond," Martin accused tiredly, bespectacled eyes glancing down at Jude who merely nodded, a smirk crawling its way onto his face.

"You know me so well, Marty. Of course I do. Although…" He paused, which, of course, meant nothing good was about to come out of his mouth, "I think that would make you my Bond girl, wouldn't it? Now, what sort of name would you have…"

Martin almost spluttered in indignation because he would at least be Q or Eve Moneypenny as they approached Santoro Incorporated when a voice cut into his exasperation and Jude's thoughts, catching both of their attentions for very different reasons.

“Hey baby. I have a good ten minutes if you wanna play...only fifty for a quickie.” The speaker was a boy in scruffy clothes, blonde hair messy in a way that even Martin could guess at the origin, a lollipop dangling in one hand as he licked his lips.

Both men froze. Martin's face twisted into one of pure horror. It wasn't the prostitution that bothered him, or even the boy's probable age; oh no. He was worried that he'd have to see this kid die in front of him, and all before a big meeting too. Jude's face, on the other hand, remained achingly pleasant, which, Martin knew as he tried to grab the smaller man, was the worst possible way for his face to look. However, he was too late.

As quick as a striking cobra and potentially twice as deadly, Jude's fist was flying through the air, connecting with the poor boy's smirking mouth with excessive force. The bare-knuckle hit didn't rattle him at all, hands too used to the bare-knuckled brawls he so enjoyed, and his second movement was a grab for the lollipop, which he plucked gracefully from the boy's hands.

"Let me show you where you can shove your lolly, you fucking poofter-" In contrast to Jude's amiable expression, his voice was pure malice hidden behind the tone of someone giving a helpful suggestion instead of a man willing and more than excited to shove a lollipop into someone's eye socket. It was then, of course, that Martin had enough time to move himself and quite knowingly save the boy's life.

"Jesus Christ, Jude!"

The translator grabbed the Irishman from behind, arms wrapped tight around him as he heaved him backwards. It wasn't much on the physical side of things- Martin had never been one for physical confrontation, but it was all it took for Jude to give in, allowing himself to be manhandled so that the candy in his possession was no longer a potential lethal weapon.

"We're done- no, no more. We have a meeting to go to and you can't just kill someone or maim them." Even in times of pure chaos, Martin's tongue hardly failed him. "It's not worth it, Jude. It's really not."

"Fine." It was like a switch had been flipped, the Irishman nodding before turning back to his very near victim. Instead of saying anything, instead of going for one more strike, he dropped the lollipop to the ground before grinding it to dust with his heel.

"Oh, not the sucker too," Martin mumbled as Jude turned away and headed up the steps to the building, stopping only at the door, holding it open expectantly. Martin bit back his second sigh of the day and briefly turned towards the prostitute.

"Right. Well." There wasn't much else to say, but he did fish around in his pocket for a white handkerchief, passing it over to the boy. "Here. You need it more than I do." And, with that, he jogged up the stairs after his psychopath, trying not to glance back.

As soon as the door closed behind them and they followed the familiar path to the elevator, Jude finally spoke.

"I'm thinking Gavin Goodhead. That would certainly be your Bond Girl name," He concluded sounding too entirely pleased with himself.

"Wouldn't that make me a Bond Boy technically?" Martin replied because two could play at the "let's never mention what just happened" game. Jude began to laugh in reply, a great howling sound, when he suddenly stopped, an look of confusion so out of place on his face appearing. Call it a sixth sense, call it a gift for finding the not quite right, but something seemed off in the building. It wasn't until both of them came upon the six beefy men apparently posing outside of the meeting room that it all began to make sense. Well, kind of- there were still six weird men, one with an honest-to-God trumpet and another with a basket full of flower petals, with the rest having assorted other items, like, for some odd reason, a boom box blaring AC/DC. In almost perfect unison, the two peered into the room and caught sight of a young beauty who looked like she'd stepped right out of a magazine, standing before the assorted collection of the Santoro Family Mob like a goddess returning to her people(well, she did. The others didn't seem nearly as impressed and/or pleased). Recognition was instantaneous.

"I think it's safe to say the meeting's cancelled. Come on, let's go," Martin said, spinning on his heel and nearly avoiding beefcake number four with his wind machine. It was far too early for this, although, to be fair, it would never be the right time for this in Martin's opinion. It had been years since he'd seen the eldest Santoro girl, but not nearly long enough for him to expect a pleasant meeting with her arrival.

Jude, on the other hand, was beaming and grabbed Martin by the wrist. Their thoughts went along the same strain, but rather than being tense about whatever insanity was to follow, Jude was more than pleased to see Eleonora returned. She, he was convinced, was going to make things even more interesting than the motley crew collected in the meeting room already would have.

"Now, now, Marty, this is a very important meeting. Can't just leave, now can we?" Martin wanted to reply that, yes, of course they could, but Jude was a force of nature making resistance futile as he dragged Martin into the room behind him.

"What a pity. I would have loved to see that entrance," Jude commented, skirting around the Santoro twins with a smile and a wink for the prodigal daughter returned before finding his way to the same seat he'd always sat in since the beginning of his employment with the Santoro Family. Martin managed a little half-smile, well aware that eyes would probably brush right over him and onto the more obvious and more than likely clinically insane people and things in the room as he slid into a seat next to Jude.

"Our apologies, Don Carlos. We didn't mean to keep you waiting," Martin offered up quietly, threading a hand through his tangled hair as he tried to tame his mess of curls. It was, as always, completely ineffectual.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Santoro Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Santoro Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Louis "Fast Louie" Coppola Sr. Character Portrait: Nico Kato
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Max had been hit in his life more times than he could count. He had the scars, bruises, and the occasional hospital records to prove it...He grew up on the streets, lived with a bunch of mobsters, and had a mouth on him that would cost him his teeth one day. Thing was, he always at least saw the first punch coming.

Not this one.

It all happened in the blink of an eye. One moment he was fine, the next there was a flash, and then pain was irrupting from the same damn area that always got him in trouble: his mouth. It fucking hurt. Knuckles slammed into lips, skin ripped from being forced between bone, his teeth rattled so damn hard he thought he might actually lose one or all of them.

Normally, Max even knew how to get hit – roll with the punches and it doesn't hurt as bad. This time the only reason he moved was because the hit literally took him off his goddamned feet. He smacked into concrete steps on his ass, new pain sliding up his spine, before he spit blood off to his left and glared up at the asscake that just messed up his face.

The other guy, Sexy McScruffy, was holding off said Asscake. He could hear words, though they bounced around in his head and didn't really make any sense whatsoever, but it was obvious Asscake was being talked down. Max felt his fists curling at his sides, blunt fingernails digging into his palms.

He didn't get up, though. Just stayed on the ground, eyes narrowed, willing his ears to stop ringing. It was really only then that he actually realized he no longer had his lollipop...Asscake stole it. And Dropped it. On the ground. Then stomped on it mother fucker.

“Fucking cockwad,” he grumbled under his breath, feeling skin break beneath his nails. He didn't get angry a lot...but what was he going to do? Jump up and get the ever loving shit beat out of him? Because Asscake was twice his size...and probably more than a little mentally unstable. He cursed again as the men moved passed him, going for the door, and it was only just before he rubbed his bloody palms down his pants that he realized Sexy McScruffy had turned back to him.

"Right. Well." the man was digging around for something, and Max arched an eyebrow as he finally raised one of his hands to cup under his jaw. He probably looked like shit, he could feel blood traveling down his chin and just didn't want it all over his shirt...a handkerchief. He was being handed a handkerchief. Both of Max's eyebrows were up now, but after a minute he slowly reached out with his free hand to take the offered cloth. He barely had it in his grip before both men were disappearing into the building.

He stayed there for a minute, blood filling up his mouth while he pretty much regretted every life decision he ever made, then he leaned to the left again to spit out another glob of red before finally climbing to his feet.

He still had a couple of minutes before he had to be anywhere, so he took the elevator up to the third floor, keeping his mouth covered and his head down as he slid into the cafeteria, lifting a bottle of water and a salt shaker then sliding down the hall and into the mens restroom.

The handkerchief was already stained red by the time he got to soak it under warm water, but he could still use it to wipe up the mess then swish a bit of saltwater to make the bleeding stop. It took a good five minutes or so, but then he could see the damage. It could have been a lot worse...His lips would probably swell, probably bruise, but he had all his teeth so that was good enough for him. His bottom lip was split wide open, and he kept having to fight the urge to suck it into his mouth or it'd start bleeding again.

With a sigh he shook his head, rung the water out of the ruined handkerchief before running it under a hand drier, and stuffed it in his back pocket as he jogged towards one of the elevators.

Giovanni lingered in the doorway for a moment after his sister addressed him. Nothing in his expression gave him away, it was only his hesitation that hinted what he was thinking about. The words used...the tone...the general way she regarded him made his heart tighten in his chest. He was glad, now, that he hadn’t hugged her like he so desperately wanted.

He didn't move until Jude and Martin were sliding in the room next to him, maneuvering their way around both twins. He stood up straight then, reaching behind him to take Aluara's hand again and pull her into the room, picking a spot to sit just in front of his parents. Though he stayed standing, hands resting on the back of his wives chair.

"Our apologies, Don Carlos. We didn't mean to keep you waiting.” The don sighed at Martin's words, shaking his head lightly and dismissing the comment with a wave of his hand. He knew that this meeting was going to be a there was just proof.

The generation was half filled with rambunctious young adults leveled out only with the few who knew what they were doing. Thankfully, with the entrance of Martin, Jude, and finally Leslie Rhodes after them made things a bit easier. He too apologized for being late, but Carlos was too exasperated to really care much.

It was then that the older man realized a new sense of heaviness weighing on the room. Elenora, seemingly for the first time, recognized Aluara Santoro was in the room. Gio was watching his sister, closely, hands lifting from the chair he was leaning on as if he might have to make some protective movement over his son or over her. Aryan, even, seemed closer to the small group than before.

Everything snapped back into place the moment Leo spoke, and Gio seemed to relax only a little, his hands falling gently onto his wives shoulders while he smiled softly down at Alphie in her arms. “He is,” he murmured. “More than you can imagine.”

Crisis adverted, Carlos deflated slightly, only really long enough to catch the look Lou shot him. He hesitated for a moment, going over his options, but this morning was too important...his eldest daughter too unpredictable, and he ended up shaking his head once.

Maxwell Parks slid into the room finally, his head ducked and one hand rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to inconspicuously make it to one of the chairs by the door. He didn't, of course, because he was a klutz and tripped at least twice before managing to sit down.

"How many cocks you think you have to suck before taking a job as a flower girl?” His bright blue eyes glanced up at Louie's comment, soon followed by an arched eyebrow as he glanced back at on of Eleonora's men who had just finished gathering petals off the ground. He let out a snort, covering his mouth when he did, and muttered a: “More than me. Fuck, that's a lot...”

Eleonora turned away from Alaura then, a very serious expression on her face as she pointed her gaze towards Fast Louie. “Fourty-two,” she answered, as if she was stating a fact as simple and unarguable as the color of the sky.

Max laughed, hard, grabbing his sides and shaking his head. “I stand corrected.”

Gio made a face, leaving the others to converse amongst themselves before he crossed the room. “What are you doing here?” he asked, and knew that something was wrong the moment Max just shrugged. The kid was much too verbal to just shrug. “Max~” he tried to lean down to the blonde's level, but when Max moved backwards, Gio shot out his hand to grab the kid by the chin.

Max squeaked, looking up finally, and Gio felt a rush of anger. “Who hit you?” he demanded, eyes glazing over the freshly split lip, light bruising appearing around the kid's mouth. Max jerked his head back, opening his mouth to pop off something he was certain Aluara needed to cover their sons ears for, but then he...froze.

Gio arched an expectant eyebrow, following Max's gaze to the opposite end of the room...landing on Jude King. Of all people. “Ohmygod, Maxwell!” He dropped his head, running a hand down his face as he groaned. “You were not soliciting sex in front of the building again...!”


A snap of something hard and plastic demanded the room's attention then, and silence feel as Giovanni looked up at his mother who had purposely dropped her binder against the desk. “I think that's enough,” she said clearly, running her fingers through her dark hair. “If everyone would, please, sit down and gather around, there are some important announcements that need to be made.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Santoro Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Santoro Character Portrait: Camille Rickards Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Louis "Fast Louie" Coppola Sr.
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Jaqueline pulled off her glasses and removed her dark red leather jacket as she sighed slightly. Well this probably didn't go as planned. You could cut the tension with the knife. With that thought she walked slowly from her leaning place against the door, to a seat near to the matriarch on the other side of Martin and Jude next to an empty seat. Hopefully Cami will be here soon to fill it. There was a silence now, especially after Adrianna's outburst.
Jaqueline slid into the leather office chair and placed her hands on the table and looked towards everyone, finally getting a chance to meet everyone face to face. And eyes to eyes. The family was first to grab her attention of course. The Don and his wife were the power couple to rival all power couples, but despite the violence and crime, their love was pure and unconditional and Jackie couldn't help but envy them. The same was for Giovanni and his wife, but Jackie was no fool. It took one not to see how unsure he was, not only up to this moment, but especially now that his sister had returned. But, like his parents, not even the apocalypse could tear them apart, a sister should hardly cause much of a stir. And yet...Jackie knew how powerful she was, and how far she was willing to go to get what she wanted. IT was an admirable trait on a general level, but Jackie would probably never take any chances to get to know her. With her reputation, it wasn't worth it, not yet anyway. The youngest Santoro, Alexandra, was never in any time of buisness with the crime syndicate so they had never met. But, Jackie could say she got all of her good looks from her mother of course.
Martin and Jude were connected at the hip, as always, but something told her they were more like brothers than friends, or even anything in the opposite direction. Jude was a killer, he knew how to do it and how to handle it. They definitely had more in common than he knew but he always seemed to almost take pleasure in it, whereas Jackie only numbs herself and forgets. No matter how you are raised, or taught, or who your parents are, it's hard for a woman to take a life. Martin was the opposite he was gentle, sympathetic. He was all of the things she had so desperately tried to reclaim after her retirement, but hasn't been easy. Both, of course, are attractive males with alot to offer a mate, something Jackie always appreciated. The lawyer, Leslie sat not too far from them and was someone almost everyone in the family was in aquaintence with, despite his handicap, he is a very powerful man in the courtroom and Jackie always respected that quality in him.
Jackie turned now to the girl she saw at the door and Dickie. She was a lady of the night and he ran the place, so it made sense that they would meet frequently. He always made Jackie laugh those rare times when she consumed alcohol and he always knew what to say, even if he had no idea what was really bothering her. Jackie's favorite part about him was that he never demanded her attention and that went a long way when they first met. The escort sat rather demurely and quietly, which both surprised her and pleased her. She was not in the business of "work is work" and everything else is separate, an admirable quality she would have to inquire about...after she learned her name. Lou sat two seats down and Jackie smiled ever so slightly at him. He was her favorite street man. He was witty and smart, two very different things, so when they all come in one mature and sarcastic package she couldn't help but be drawn. She though of him as the father she wished she had, but she wouldn't dare say it. Kato sat to his right and there honestly wasn't much she knew about him or his background, something she wished was untrue but wouldn't push. She knew what it was like to get a fresh start and most who attempt to ruin that meet a very untimely end.
She looked around now and finally spotted Giovanni and Alaura's bodyguard, Aryan. He was exotic, to say the least and always appeared to be at his strongest, which was a desirable trait in a bodyguard she supposed. Most of her dealings were with street men, so most of the guards of the family and the higher-ups who did little work outside of the corporation stayed unknown to her.
I should probably want to change that if I'm not interested in being kicked to the curb.
Behind Arayan, finally, was Max and he was a tad worse for wear. A bloody nose and a severely split lip marred his boyish face. With Jude as the culprit. She wanted t roll her eyes when she heard the reason, but she somehow managed to restrain herself for the time being. It was time for business.
So Jackie looked at everyone again. It had been so long since she had addressed that many strangers at one time so she tried her hardest to enunciate through her French.
" She is right. The sooner this meeting is over the sooner we can discuss other matters."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Santoro Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Richard (Dickie) Glenmore Character Portrait: Martin Ross Character Portrait: Jude King
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0.00 INK

She soon learned who the woman was, but found herself only slightly in awe. She wasn't necessarily close with the family, although they all knew her moderately. She knew their names, their voices, their roles, and their presence as familiar ideas, but none of them she was very close and personal with. Then again, she wasn't very close with anyone. Funny how when you occasionally sleep with people for a living - a task usually for those wanting to be closer - you find yourself even more disconnected. She hardly minded, she could count her number of friends on both of her hands, mostly other working girls at the club and a few other members of the mob. Because Roxanne was their most acclaimed escort, she was invited to this meeting. Not to say that her fate could alter the lives of everyone in the mob, but generally she was useful when the time came.
She glanced at Dickie, who seemed generally annoyed at the pale women with the extravagant entrance. She couldn't help but agree, only because the Don seemed unpleased that the actual meeting had yet to start. From everyone else's reaction she gathered that this so called "Leo" was unexpected.
Dickie was occasionally the bartender at the club she danced at, and you could say he was maybe the closest things she had to a friend. Really he was the owner, and had more importance in the mob, but she mostly only saw him mixing drinks. They often joked together, and he knew her regular drinks she had almost every night. In general, it wasn't hard to befriend Dickie. He always seemed interested in whatever you had to say, which was maybe the nicest thing about him. They were similar in the idea that they adjusted to whatever situation they were in. He could talk about anything and everything with a stranger, and she could fill the role they wanted her to.
Although she wasn't listening to Leo and Gio's conversation, she could feel the tension when she glanced back to them. In truth she found herself not paying attention enough to what was going on often. Unless her attention was required or asked for, she sometimes lost focus. Either way the gorgeously tall girl had everyone's eyes glued to her. That was the point, Roxy supposed. Once the reuniting started, with the woman talking to Gio's wife and son, she looked away. Glanced around until her eyes found Martin, probably the most mysterious man alive to her.
They had had a few odd encounters, and it seemed every time she'd seen him after they glanced at each other, occasionally giving eye contact for just a little too long. He confused her to say the least, as well as his situation with Jude. But she liked his presence, and his messy hair. He was smart, thoughtful, and sometimes seemed out of place here. But calm and collected, usually polite, she always wondered about him.
It was Louie's comment that then grabbed her attention, a slight smile creeping onto her lips. She almost laughed when she heard Max's response, as well as seeing him burst into laughter, but then Gio turned matters more serious, interrogating Max. It was almost awkward to watch, but suddenly a smack of a binder silenced the room, drawing all eyes to the Don and his wife. She turned her full attention to them - realizing their was obviously a more important reason than Leo's homecoming for the meeting. She remained poised, her expression not interested or bored. She was neutral mostly, though she was unaware she really played both sides..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexandra Santoro Character Portrait: Roxanne Fox Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Santoro Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Louis "Fast Louie" Coppola Sr. Character Portrait: Nico Kato
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0.00 INK

Within the interior of the meeting room was a thick, cloying tension, an additional heaviness in the air that weighed down on anyone observant enough to notice the situation. This was not singularly abnormal, however, when it came to meetings with the Santoro mob. Granted the addition of the eldest daughter giving out false platitudes towards her brother's family- Martin would rather not ruminate on what exactly was going on there, thanks very much- was an oddity, but this was around what Martin had expected. If you place enough big egos into one room, they're sure to clash, battling for dominance, and everything was just a hair's breadth away from total chaos, only the few societal norms that the mob actually clung to keeping it from devolving into hysteria. It was, Martin decided as he sank further into his chair, way too early for this.

While Jude watched on as the last members of their motley gathering filtered into the room, Martin pushed up his glasses, rubbing tired eyes with one hand. It had only been a few hours ago that he'd been in this very building, sequestered in his office like the good little worker he was, working until the time shifted from late to early on an account from a new business partner in Saudi Arabia. He was running on little sleep and even the caffeine boost from the tea Jude had broken into his apartment to fix for him(which was still vaguely kind in a psychotic sort of way) had begun to fade from his system. Maybe, when he had these early morning meetings, he should at least try coffee again…? Or maybe a coffee drink filled with so much sugar and chocolate that the coffee was just hinted at?

Jude, on the other hand, was as awake as anyone could claim to be this early in the morning, sharp eyes surveying the room. There was this delightful tension in the room, thick enough to cut with a knife- something that he'd be tempted to attempt for boredom's sake but refrained from doing so because half of the people in the room would not react well to seeing an open knife, no matter who's holding the blade. However, quite unfortunately, everything had come to a standstill, only the deliciously fake trivialities passed between the blood members of the Santoro family(Eleonora, he was quite sure, was far too like himself for him to fall for her innocent sister act) and the caustic wit of one Fast Louie doing anything to break the tedium. That is, until the distinct sound of stumbling caught his attention. It couldn't be- his grin grew to levels that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame. Oh, oh this was fantastic, wasn't it?

Martin was woken from his sleep-deprived stupor by a finger being pressed incessantly into his side. There was only one person he knew that invaded his personal space with such ease and eagerness. He slid his glasses back into place and noticed two things. One, Giovanni Santoro was fretting over someone in the middle of the meeting room with, which, considering it wasn't anyone Martin instantly recognized, was a bit odd. And, two, Jude was beaming at him, eyes glittering with barely contained mirth, which either meant that he'd thought of something hilarious or was about to do something socially unacceptable, or, more likely than not, a combination between the two.

"What…?" Then it clicked. Oh. Oh, Lord. The boy currently being fawned over by the Don's son was the boy from earlier, lip split open but the blood already starting to congeal. And here was Jude, beaming and still poking him incessantly, like a child showing off a homework assignment to his parent that he'd gotten a smiley face on. 'See, Marty?' Jude's expression eagerly conveyed, 'Didn't I do good? That is a bloody fantastic split lip.' Martin groaned quietly, pinching the bridge of his nose. What were the odds? Fantastic. Fan-freaking-tastic. It was far too early for this.

"Who hit you?" The question rang in the duo's ears as Martin sank lower in his chair and Jude straightened up, hands clasped in front of him, smile shrinking from a beaming grin to a content smile, an artist waiting humbly for appropriate acknowledgement for his work. He wasn't disappointed as anger flashed to realization to shock to rage on the Santoro boy's face, rounding on the poof with all of disbelief he could muster. Martin, who would have preferred never to meet their little friend ever again, just sighed for the third time that day.

The sound of plastic clattering across the meeting table drew both of their attentions and an immediate shift overtook the two men. Martin rose in his chair, back straightening out until he was once more seated like a normal human being, not like a teenager who was particularly embarrassed by whoever they were with. His tired eyes gained focus, leveling on the Don and Donna of the Santoro family with all of the attention a meeting like this required. Jude, on the other hand, swiveled in his seat to face Don Carlos and his wife, elbows pressed against the table as he leaned towards them, all of his attention now solely on them.

The announcement wasn't a complete surprise- the rumor had made its way around the office gossip mill several times by now and it seemed, if not optimal, then inevitable that it would be Giovanni Santoro who would be named as the new Don when his father officially retired from the business. Still, to hear it spoken by the man himself was enough to bring its own shock with it. As the assignments were administered, Jude's smile completely faded away, lips pressed into a thin line as his eyes darted over to the boy who had the gaul to think he could become the Santoro's family next Don after the shit he tried to pull only a few years back. He was weak and had yet to earn respect from the consummate professionals in the room, which made him seem terribly inadequate.

Eleonora fled first, her excuse about parking meters hollow and as obvious a lie as any, and Jude was sorely tempted to join her, to leave the room and jump ship before it could officially sink with this wrong choice when a hand caught his wrist in a tight grip. Martin wasn't looking at him, was instead staring ahead as he had before, posture upright and head bobbing in an understanding nod. Jude sat back as Martin relinquished his grip, his initial ire quelled as reality set in as dictated by Martin's simple gesture.

Martin, in comparison to everyone else in the room, was in a unique position. He hadn't grown up fighting the man from the bottom of society, had never known the need or environment that drove men and women to break laws with little care. He hadn't grown up in a wealthy family either, hadn't known what it was like to be in power over others. No, for the entirety of his life he had been somewhere in the middle, a subservient sort of role. It made him realize something that perhaps no one else in the room had; leaving wasn't an option. It was just a pretty phrase meant to calm and cajole, but he knew, he knew that none of them ever really had the option to say so long and waltz out those doors for good. Not here, not now.

"I take it that we're going to begin immediately," He said dryly as he made steady eye contact with her, voice calm despite the situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alaura Dawn Santoro Character Portrait: Eleonora Santoro Character Portrait: Jaqueline Character Portrait: Richard (Dickie) Glenmore Character Portrait: Jude King Character Portrait: Giovanni Santoro
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The tension in this room was like smog. Dickie sat back in his chair quietly. To stay quiet is to stay alive in a business like this. Even though Dickie was a member of the upper echelon, and no one would dare hurt him lest they desire the wrath of the Don, He preferred to keep quiet during times like these. To Dickie, self-protection was everything. The only sure fire way to get you and everyone you loved killed, was to paint a target on your back. And even though Miss Leo was bat-shit, she was still probably the most dangerous person in the room. Be that as it may, he voiced his opinions silently across the table to those he trusted.

The spectacle of one Eleonora was distracted for a quick beat with the entrance of Max, the man-whore... or should it be boy-whore? He smiled at his own wit and watched the exchange between Gio and Max with curiosity. Maxwell Parks was without a doubt the least familiar member of the crew to Dickie, and this was no mistake. Max and Dickie weren't exactly on good terms, as the kid tends to get a little too touchy in his club, and has a talent for creating problems were none need to be had. Dickie had... numerous times, thrown the boy from the front doors of Black Violets. He held no ill will towards the boy, but no one screws with his club.

He had to cover his mouth to hide his smile upon seeing Max's busted lip. Some quick eyesight detective work showed who the culprit was. No surprise. It was Jude, who looked far past pleased with his actions. Dickie raised an eyebrow and flashed a smile of approval at the man.

More Eleonora nonsense was spewed, and Dickie decided it wasn't worth his time to listen, but when Uncle Carlos spoke up he turned his ears back on. He dropped the news finally, officially. Gio was the main man now. Dick wasn't thrilled to answer to Gio. They'd grown up together, and they were always on equal footing. Now he was in charge... Hopefully it wouldn't go to his head. The crew was offered an out. Dickie shook his said quietly. As if he had anywhere else to go. There was no leaving for him.

Leo woman left the building just as abruptly as she'd arrived. Dickie, doubting she'd return, nodded a farewell to her flower-girls and waved them goodbye.