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Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

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a character in “The Savage Lands”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Shiro Ki Savage
Gender= Male
Race= Half Human Half Cat (Ka'Tri)
Age= Looks 19 but is far older than that
Sexuality/Preference= Ki is Bi.
Nickname= Ki or Shiro (ur choice)

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= In human form, Ki is 6' 6" with hip length tawny gold hair with silver streaks that is always in small braids with gems, bells, shells and beads periodically placed through out each braid, tied off with bits of fur. With all of his hair in braids, it is a sign that he is of the highest rank of a Warrior among his people. Both in human form and Ka'Tri form. He has silver blue eyes, which shift to slit gold when he is pissed or when he is running or tracking, cat ears (which he hides, allowing his human ears to be seen though they are pointed with tuft's of fur at the tips) and a cat tail that he wraps about his waist with a ball on the end. He has a diamond between his eyes, a tattoo of swirls and stars at the edge of his left eye and down under it and a red ruby embedded in his navel. He is lean and muscled built for speed and endurance. On the left side of his neck just below his ear he has a gold dolphin piercing. Earrings and a necklace with two pale sapphire and light jade gems on either side of two dolphins. His right wrists has a beaded bracelet that was given to him by someone he loved and on his left he has a thin silver bracelet with a hanging cross. In Ka'Tri form, or cat form he is 12'6" and is a mixture between a lion and a saber tooth tiger. His coloring is the same as his hair and he is a humanoid cat. The markings and tattoo's in human form also transfer to his Ka'Tri form.

PERSONALITY= Ki is a sweet fun loving kind of guy. He enjoys horsing around and having fun or playing pranks. It takes a while for him to loose his temper, but when he does you better either run or beg for forgiveness. He easy forgives but he can hold a grudge for a long time. Easy to get along, shy but bold and isn't subservient or the brash do as i say now type of guy. If it is needed he will take charge but tends to stick to the edge of a crowd. Being empathic, Ki has a hard time being among large crowds of people. His type of empathy is exstremely rare and quit taxing for him. But being who and what he is he has taken it in stride and keeps going.

WEAPONS= Ki is able to use his claws and tail as weapons, of course. He also has twin katana's that his mother, Cybra gave him. They are known as the Twin Toshiba Katana's. Both swords can be hooked together by locking the claws at the end of the hilts to form double blades. His tail, at the end has a ball and from with in this ball comes two sycle like blades that slice out. His tail can also split into ten more. Five going left and five going right. When fighting and he has no back up those eleven tails are his defense. He has three sets of claws. Normal for climbing. Second for gripping and skinning his kills, animals, and the third for complete and under slashing and rendering of body parts. When used all three are out with the third set curing over the other two. This only when he is fighting. He also has two bracers that protect his wrists and part way up his arms. On his left he has what looks like a snarling cat with its fangs embeded into his arm. On his right he has what looks like two wings that wrap round his arm.

POWERS & ABILITIES= Ki's powers are, telekinesis, fire bending, telepathy, kanetic, fetching, projection, telaportation, and empathic along with magic. He can also make clones of himself that comes in handy at times. He is a Blood Mage who uses' his own blood for the spells. Sadly though his empathy can be a hendrance if he isn't shielding himself. It is strong enough to not only be used as a weapon but also causes wounds to appear on his body that others aquire. He uses' it to find those in trouble and help them as well as healing them if its needed and a healer isn't around. He is also a Master of all elements, has stealth and camilian. Which allows him to be unseen and unheard when needed. He can fetch a human or object and teleport over long distances. Being the Chaos of Life means he is linked to each living thing he comes into contact with. He will feel new life being born and old dying and many many more things that are just unpleasent. Now being the Balancer of Magic, Ki is highly uniqie and exotic in his own way. His other abilitie is that he is a Breeder.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND= Ki was born of a human female and a male cat of the Ka'Tri people. His mom's blood woke a dormant gene in Cha'ko, who is Ki's father and gave him a gift of both his blood and Cy's blood. That gene allowed Cha'ko to consieve and give birth to Ki. Being a half blood as his people call him is a painful life. Hated and dispised by his father's people Ki grew to understand that though he wasn't full blood he was the best of both. Being half blood it took him a while to hold his true form for longer than minutes. But shifting set him even further apart from his people. For he was different from them again. The dorment gene that his mother's blood woke was from the Clan of SaberFang's who had been wiped out by humans years before Ki was born. Ka'Taria people are humanoid animal's. Take all of our animals and humanize them and that is what Ka'Taria has. All the males and females have a pouch where they carry the cub. Females can't carry over six months or both she and the cub dies. Thus the shaman must transplant the cub from the females pouch to the males pouch, where he finishes carrying the cub for the last six months. Now the SaberFang's were different. Females rarely survived to breeding age so the more submissive males became breeders, and they carried for the full year. Ki has that ability. Each Ka'Tri is born with an element. Ki's is fire. He is a Master of this element though he can also use the others. There is much to Ki's past that I could type but it would be to much to put down. Ki's life never was easy growing up but he never quit. Something he got from his mom. His right arm is no longer real. It is a cybernetic appendage that is sentaniat. His name is Key and he also has a ship name S'FADI that is linked to him. Ki believes that things happen for a reason and so he doesn't bitch and moan, much, about the life he has been given. The trials he has gone through, along with the hell he has suffered has made him a better person, or so he thinks. He will always put others first before himself. Which normally gets him into trouble. Once you have his trust he will back you and always be there for you. But if you betray him he will never trust you again. To him its a life giving lesson everyday and he takes it head on but yes he has his days where he is in the pits and feels like shith. It doesn't help that with his mother's blood he is hard to kill, his people found that out the hard way, unless you know how. His blood is also very...prized since it can be used for a cure all just as his mom's. Thus another reason to be carefull and always on alert. He is strong, determend and emotionally dedicated to what he believes in. He will fight beyond his limitations and when he falls he gets right back up and continues. Though he is stronger each time this happens. He is a Protector/Guardian as is his family.

So begins...

Shiro Ki Savage's Story


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox nodded as she sighed and brushed several braids back over her shoulder her attention caught by the moans coming from the being bound to the cave wall and shuddered again. "I've never had my mind ripped before, but Ki has blasted it with a powerful kinetic blast several times." she said, grimacing at the memories that flickered through her mind, not bothering to keep her voice low, knowing that Ki would still hear it.

Silently Ki continued to sketch, all the details he had seen in the mirror at full focus in his mind, his ears twitching as he listened to the beings moans of pain and the soft words coming from Fox, a smile curved his lips as he recalled his words, softly he hummed as he continued to sketch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Don't go off into dreamland Fox. We still have a job to do if we ever want our pack to be able to live in peace again." Adion interrupted.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox shook her head as she looked back at Adion. "Oh trust me, I have no reason to drift off into dreamland, Adion." she stated as she looked back towards Ki. "Truthfully I have no idea how we are going to do this. Hell there is no idea of where this beings Master is!"


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Look for a tower. It keeps mages away from the forest and other life which 'interferes with there delicate experiments.' Or a church, and likely not one in a big city. It would be in a place that.... would have easy access to test subjects and a good amount of privacy. A place like a farming village not far off from a big city, likely with an over-sized church. That sounds like the best place for a zealot to be conducting their work." Adion said, beginning to pace again, thinking.

For a moment the Purifier seemed to come to, only to say "The Perfect only follow the teachings of the master. They do not believe in false gods."

To that statement, Adion only seemed to quicken his pace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox frowned slightly as she went over the mental map of her area that she had and shook her head. "Nothing in the Pack lands like that. Nor anywhere close to the Queen's lands either...nor by the Rogues...maybe somewhere close to Madagasca." she muttered, only to look at the being on the wall a brow arched. "You have been here longer than I, Adion. Would you know of such a place?" she asked turning to watch the male pace.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"We have the Mages of Sorrows to the east, but they hate humans. There are the ruins of Kiv'Ula to the north, but they are quite toxic." Adion said, continuing his pacing until something seemed to hit him.

Adion then suddenly burst out "Fox, there is an area to the west that I used to hunt in, but beyond that I have no memory of what is there. I could have sworn that only a year ago I knew the area like the back of my hand. If I had to say, that would be where I looked first, as it seems to have some sort of magic involved in the memories themselves."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Forget Me Not." came Ki's voice from across the room as he looked up from his sketching and looked between Fox and Adion. "It's a low level spell taught to children, but used wrongly can cause damage." he stated as he leaned back, bracing his weight against his left hand behind him as he held his sketch book in his right.

Fox sighed as she shook her head and shrugged. "Would the spell work on me, even with this stone?" she asked, tapping the pale green stone between her eyes as she looked from Adion to Ki.

Ki shrugged his right shoulder even as he spoke. "I have no idea, kea. There are several different ways for a spell to be used. Well it's by a Mage, Sage, Witch, Warlock, Blood Mage or even a Dark Mage. Truthfully I wouldn't be able to tell you unless I went there and looked around."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Mages don't do any other magic than spells, so whatever created the 'Purifiers' is not likely made by one. Dark Mages usually work through undead, not 'modified living.' Sages usually don't go far beyond alchemy and scrollcraft. That is most magic users right there. Of them all, warlock is the most publicly acceptable, and blood mage is the most likely." Adion said as he began his pacing again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Ki nodded as he listened to the pacing male, sending a look towards Fox letting her know he liked her Alpha Male, before looking back at the male. "True, in every part you have spoken of but there is also the tainted scent of science with in the beings blood that I do not like."

A smile curved Fox's lips when she caught Ki's look and tipped her head slightly excepting his silent remark, only to frown at what he said next. " think a Blood Mage or Warlock is working with a Scientist?" she asked, watching Ki with slightly widened eyes, as memories of another such being flittered through her mind and a shudder rippled through her that caused her braids to ring with fear, dread and past pain.

Ki sighed as he set his sketch book down and rain his hand through his hair. "Either that or the Scientist is also a Blood Mage or a Warlock." his voice was bland as his eyes clouded with his own memories of pain, fear and dread.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"No. A scientist would be working with metal or plants. We are looking at someone who knows there stuff, but isn't afraid to show it off. Maybe an inventor, or a artificer. I would put my meat on an artificer, as they tend to like to see what happens when the physical and the magic meet and blur the lines. To create artifacts, both living and not. And, from what I have gained from the 'purifier's' little speeches, it is likely one person." Adion said as he stopped to stare at the wall is if it held all the secrets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Ki nodded as he stood and gripped his wrists behind his back as he watched the male. "In part you are right, but there is magic in that being sealed to the wall. Artificer's use science to it's purest end, but they can't merge it with magic because they don't Believe in magic. To them it is nothing but wishful dreams and brainless optimism." he stated as he shrugged. "The magic with that being is from a Blood Mage, but magic can't alter what was done to a human body as this 'purifier's' been through. Thus Science was also used, and odd...combination if you ask me, but a deadly one as well."

Fox sighed as she shook her head and sighed, her face indicating that she didn't quit follow all of what Ki spoke of and sighed as she watched, listened and waited.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Have you ever met the Artificers' Guild, as they would tell you that everything you have said is an accurate description of a blind inventor. No, I have been to the Artificers' Guild, only once on good terms, and they like to blur the lines of magic and science by making them one and another, and then using both. However, few have what it takes to do that kind of work, so if we are working with what I think we are working with, then they will be no fool." Adion said drawing a map of the lands in the dust of the wall using his finger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Moving forward Ki stood beside Adion and watched as he drew in the dust. "Each world is different, I have found that out the hard way. Magic and Science is never the same on all the worlds." he stated as he filed what he was seeing. "I'm just stating what I know personally since Magic is more of a forced thing on me that I didn't want. I mean, who in there right mind would want to be the Balancer of Magic!" he stated as he turned his head enough to look at Adion even as Fox stood silently behind them listening to them. "I am already the Chaos of Life, but now..." he shrugged and sighed. "I had to learn how to use magic when I was forced to be come the Balancer of Magic as well."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"And I never willed to be the alpha of my pack. All I did was accept a challenge and win, then suddenly I am alpha. I was plenty pleased with the role of warrior, hunter, or guardsman. Their are parts of our lives, good and bad, that we cannot change. I will not pretend to know the extent of the negative parts of existence that you have seen first had, but I do have a grasp of many of them." Adion responded, thinking slightly on what it would be like if he had never become alpha.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Sighing Ki stepped back slightly and watched the male. "I know what that is like in more ways than one, Adion." he said softly and looked over at the wall where the 'purifier' was attached to his eyes narrowing slightly. "Sometimes we have to do what must be done even when we don't really want to. And your right, bout the parts of our lives that are good and bad, that we cannot change. And yet we try so hard to do so."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"We try so hard not because we are fools, but because we can barely distinguish the parts of our lives that we can change, and that we cannot." Adion said in reply.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Ki chuckled softly as he turned to look back at Adion his silver blues aglow. "That is far more true than what most people believe." he stated softly as he cocked his head. "But sometimes we also try to change the outcome, not to suit us, but those around us, ignoring our own wish's and dreams."

Fox stood silently, her red eyes watching as she listened a slightly smile curving her lips. ''''Seems like Ki likes Adion. That is good.'''' she thought sighing softly as she looked away. ''''At least he has someone that understands better than me.''''


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Selfishness and selflessness take up the same part of the heart. When one is drawn upon, the other is often involved. Sometimes only the most selfish acts are selfless." Adion stated in reply.


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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The smile that curved Ki's lips seemed sad as he looked away and shrugged. "More times than not, I save or help those who need it. Ignoring what I want or crave." he said softly with a shrug and sighed before he ran both hands through his hair. "Out of my whole life, I have only done five things for myself...the last was to leave the Family to raise my daughter...I never regretted that."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Your selfishness is that you crave to aid others far more than you crave to aid yourself. We do everything by our own will, but it is what we want that guides our every decision. And it is always the strongest want, the most selfish, that is behind our every move. Some selfishly aid others without asking for anything because they crave helping for whatever reason. That is their greatest want. For some, it is the other way. They only want to help themselves, and may never aid another in their lives." Adion said with a wisdom that seemed contradictory to his physical appearance.