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Shiro Ki Savage

Strong. Brave. Kind. Honest and very Loyal to his family and those he considers friends.

0 · 701 views · located in VI'NICA

a character in “The Savage Lands”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Shiro Ki Savage
Gender= Male
Race= Half Human Half Cat (Ka'Tri)
Age= Looks 19 but is far older than that
Sexuality/Preference= Ki is Bi.
Nickname= Ki or Shiro (ur choice)

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= In human form, Ki is 6' 6" with hip length tawny gold hair with silver streaks that is always in small braids with gems, bells, shells and beads periodically placed through out each braid, tied off with bits of fur. With all of his hair in braids, it is a sign that he is of the highest rank of a Warrior among his people. Both in human form and Ka'Tri form. He has silver blue eyes, which shift to slit gold when he is pissed or when he is running or tracking, cat ears (which he hides, allowing his human ears to be seen though they are pointed with tuft's of fur at the tips) and a cat tail that he wraps about his waist with a ball on the end. He has a diamond between his eyes, a tattoo of swirls and stars at the edge of his left eye and down under it and a red ruby embedded in his navel. He is lean and muscled built for speed and endurance. On the left side of his neck just below his ear he has a gold dolphin piercing. Earrings and a necklace with two pale sapphire and light jade gems on either side of two dolphins. His right wrists has a beaded bracelet that was given to him by someone he loved and on his left he has a thin silver bracelet with a hanging cross. In Ka'Tri form, or cat form he is 12'6" and is a mixture between a lion and a saber tooth tiger. His coloring is the same as his hair and he is a humanoid cat. The markings and tattoo's in human form also transfer to his Ka'Tri form.

PERSONALITY= Ki is a sweet fun loving kind of guy. He enjoys horsing around and having fun or playing pranks. It takes a while for him to loose his temper, but when he does you better either run or beg for forgiveness. He easy forgives but he can hold a grudge for a long time. Easy to get along, shy but bold and isn't subservient or the brash do as i say now type of guy. If it is needed he will take charge but tends to stick to the edge of a crowd. Being empathic, Ki has a hard time being among large crowds of people. His type of empathy is exstremely rare and quit taxing for him. But being who and what he is he has taken it in stride and keeps going.

WEAPONS= Ki is able to use his claws and tail as weapons, of course. He also has twin katana's that his mother, Cybra gave him. They are known as the Twin Toshiba Katana's. Both swords can be hooked together by locking the claws at the end of the hilts to form double blades. His tail, at the end has a ball and from with in this ball comes two sycle like blades that slice out. His tail can also split into ten more. Five going left and five going right. When fighting and he has no back up those eleven tails are his defense. He has three sets of claws. Normal for climbing. Second for gripping and skinning his kills, animals, and the third for complete and under slashing and rendering of body parts. When used all three are out with the third set curing over the other two. This only when he is fighting. He also has two bracers that protect his wrists and part way up his arms. On his left he has what looks like a snarling cat with its fangs embeded into his arm. On his right he has what looks like two wings that wrap round his arm.

POWERS & ABILITIES= Ki's powers are, telekinesis, fire bending, telepathy, kanetic, fetching, projection, telaportation, and empathic along with magic. He can also make clones of himself that comes in handy at times. He is a Blood Mage who uses' his own blood for the spells. Sadly though his empathy can be a hendrance if he isn't shielding himself. It is strong enough to not only be used as a weapon but also causes wounds to appear on his body that others aquire. He uses' it to find those in trouble and help them as well as healing them if its needed and a healer isn't around. He is also a Master of all elements, has stealth and camilian. Which allows him to be unseen and unheard when needed. He can fetch a human or object and teleport over long distances. Being the Chaos of Life means he is linked to each living thing he comes into contact with. He will feel new life being born and old dying and many many more things that are just unpleasent. Now being the Balancer of Magic, Ki is highly uniqie and exotic in his own way. His other abilitie is that he is a Breeder.

HISTORICAL BACKGROUND= Ki was born of a human female and a male cat of the Ka'Tri people. His mom's blood woke a dormant gene in Cha'ko, who is Ki's father and gave him a gift of both his blood and Cy's blood. That gene allowed Cha'ko to consieve and give birth to Ki. Being a half blood as his people call him is a painful life. Hated and dispised by his father's people Ki grew to understand that though he wasn't full blood he was the best of both. Being half blood it took him a while to hold his true form for longer than minutes. But shifting set him even further apart from his people. For he was different from them again. The dorment gene that his mother's blood woke was from the Clan of SaberFang's who had been wiped out by humans years before Ki was born. Ka'Taria people are humanoid animal's. Take all of our animals and humanize them and that is what Ka'Taria has. All the males and females have a pouch where they carry the cub. Females can't carry over six months or both she and the cub dies. Thus the shaman must transplant the cub from the females pouch to the males pouch, where he finishes carrying the cub for the last six months. Now the SaberFang's were different. Females rarely survived to breeding age so the more submissive males became breeders, and they carried for the full year. Ki has that ability. Each Ka'Tri is born with an element. Ki's is fire. He is a Master of this element though he can also use the others. There is much to Ki's past that I could type but it would be to much to put down. Ki's life never was easy growing up but he never quit. Something he got from his mom. His right arm is no longer real. It is a cybernetic appendage that is sentaniat. His name is Key and he also has a ship name S'FADI that is linked to him. Ki believes that things happen for a reason and so he doesn't bitch and moan, much, about the life he has been given. The trials he has gone through, along with the hell he has suffered has made him a better person, or so he thinks. He will always put others first before himself. Which normally gets him into trouble. Once you have his trust he will back you and always be there for you. But if you betray him he will never trust you again. To him its a life giving lesson everyday and he takes it head on but yes he has his days where he is in the pits and feels like shith. It doesn't help that with his mother's blood he is hard to kill, his people found that out the hard way, unless you know how. His blood is also very...prized since it can be used for a cure all just as his mom's. Thus another reason to be carefull and always on alert. He is strong, determend and emotionally dedicated to what he believes in. He will fight beyond his limitations and when he falls he gets right back up and continues. Though he is stronger each time this happens. He is a Protector/Guardian as is his family.

So begins...

Shiro Ki Savage's Story


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Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Now if only we could find what makes their kind so prissy about every little thing." Adion said with almost a comical laugh.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox blinked as she puzzled over what he said.

Ki chuckled as he shook his head. "We have been doing the samething for years."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"And to think, all the sensible creatures were made from them. Are they just the stepping stone of creation? It would make sense." Adion said, with the last sentence almost being to himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox shrugged as she picked up their plates and moved towards the back area to place them in a woven basket and moved back to the preparing table grabbed the other plate moved to where Ki had sat down and smiled as she handed him the plate before returning to the preparing table, her thoughts turned inward.

Ki smiled his thanks to Fox when she handed him the plate and looked towards Adion and shrugged. "Humans are the most complicating lifeforms ever created." he stated in such a way that it indicated he had for more information on that tidbit of info.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Complicated and simple. Advanced, but predictable. Insane and orginized. Foolish, but deadly. Humans are many things. Few can name all of them." Adion stated in return.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Ki sighed as he nodded, a frown twisting his features slight. "In more was than one, Adion. Seems you can never full understand them, even if your part of them." he said as he chewed a carrot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Unpredictability and constant change are the only reason that they have survived this long. Unfortunately, they have begun to change for the worse. They also like to live in such uncomfortably large about packs, which I do not understand." Adion said.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox and Ki both looked at each other and chuckled as they looked at Adion. "Oh trust me when I say that Madagasca is nothing compared to some of the cities and countries we've seen." replied Fox smiling as Ki snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Please, what about some of the worlds we've been on that were nothing but Humans." he stated arching a brow, a smirk curling his lips. "They breed like cockroaches. Not to mention you kill one, hundreds of more pop up." he said smiling as Fox choked on the water she had taken a drink of.

"You did that on purpose." she growled as she wiped her mouth glowering at Ki, though laughter was in her eyes.

Ki shrugged as he looked from Fox to Adion, grinning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"At least we can keep them at bay here. The first step to this would be stopping whoever is working on the 'Perfects.' That would at least give us a small amount of time before we need to strike. If we do manage to strike that blow, then I believe that the others might be willing to join in our cause." Adion said, wiping off the little bit of Fox's spit water.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Fox's cheeks flushed at seeing Adion wipe at the water she had spit up cause of Ki. "Sorry Adion, I didn't mean to."

A snort slipped from Ki as he looked at Fox but said nothing. Well out loud anyway, as Fox paled than flushed brightly and leaped to her feet.

"Damn you Ki, we ain't that close!!" she shouted, embarrassment evident on her face as she moved back towards the chopping table grumbling under her breath.

Sighing Ki shook his head before looking at Adion. "That's true. Once we take out this creator of the 'Perfects' and what ever else he has been creating, we can deal with the rest. People like that shouldn't have any type of power at all. Not only are our lives in danger but so are the humans who live here."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"The few who live out here." Adion said responding to Ki, taking note of Fox's reaction. He figured that she, as usual, would handle the problem herself. Adion then began to start drawing a map of the forests that he knew in the sand, in extreme detail. Without noticing it, Adion drew a detailed, updated map of the area he could not remember. As he contenued to draw, he seemed like he was in a slow, trance like state.

Once he finished the map, Adion looked around unsure of his sorroundings. Once everything regestered, Adion looked down at the map. "By Brother Fate!" He said to himself in surprise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Ki nodded as he listened to Adion, only to move closer to when he started to draw in the sand, his eyes following and tracing each movement of his, memorizing the details until he finished and looked up at Adion. "You seemed as if in a trance Adion. Does this happen often?" he asked, puzzled by his reaction and surprise.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Adion took a moment to look at the room around him. Nothing was destroyed, everyone was ok, there was no fire, and all seemed calm. "Not this peacefully." Adion stated. This was unusual in the extreme. His fit was not provoked, voilent, or destructive. These simple facts bothered him more than anything. He didn't like it. "Maybe it was triggered by magics interacting?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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He cocked his head as he looked from Adion to the design he drew and shook his head. "Not sure, but there may be other reasons behind it as well. Plus there was alot of blood and death at the same time, so that may part of it." he stated as he leaned back, noting his actions.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"It looks like we have something to work with on our next stage." Adion said staring at the map. The area, now clear in his mind, had long been forest and rivers, but now the map contained a large cleared area around a meeting of three rivers, spliting into two that had buildings, most looking to be round towers. Around those looked to be either a wall or hills.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Mhmm, so it seems." replied Ki as he mapped out the drawing. "I don't know where this is but with your help I think we can scout the place out. Fox can as well from underground." he said as looked over at Fox who nodded as she leaned back against the cooking table, before he looked at Adion. "Anything we need to know bout this area?" he asked tapping the drawn map.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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"Nothing dangerous in those woods. Nice calm place. Never liked hunting there, it was just too easy and none of the meat tasted quite right. That is all I remember of it, I have never seen this fortification before." Adion stated. He was now sure, in his own head, that something cancelled out the memory blocking spell, causing an inverted flow of knowledge, that then balanced itself out. That was the only logical explination.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Black Fox Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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Reaching Ki scratched Adion between his ears and smiled softly. "When the time is right, the mind does wonders kea. Sometimes what is happening to cause a mind block." he said softly as he scratched his ears before pulling his hand back. "So the fortification is new or has been there for a while since last time you were there?"