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Asami Yokoda

'It's a pleasure to be in your presence.'

0 · 669 views · located in Scarlet Manor

a character in “The Scarlet Manor”, as played by TheTragicHeroine


Asami Yokoda

Gender: Female
Age: Seventeen
Race: Human
Love Interest: TBA
Ranking: New Maid

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Pink
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 98 lbs.

Asami has very long pink hair that falls past her waist. Her eyes are as blue and bright as the summer skies with a smile that's almost always on her face. She's got fairly pale skin. Soft, smooth like porcelain. At times when Asami is dazing off into her own world, she looks like a still-life doll. A fragile, life-like doll. Being raised with very strict and proper ways, her back tends to be very straight and rarely seen slouching.
She often wears her attire shown in the picture. On occasions, she'll dress up, but for the most part, she'll end up wearing a maid uniform due to her job.


Asami has two-sides depending on who you are to her. If she knows you well enough, she's often very childish and playful. Looking for fun and adventure. A smile on her face, always laughing and just enjoying the little things. But if you don't really know her, she comes off as very shy, timid, secluded and sometimes, even cold. She has a can-do attitude and will not stop till she's done something right. Not exactly a perfectionist, but she just wants to finish what she started. She loves to find the fun ways into doing everything. Though she might look silly at times, she doesn't really care what others would think of her. She thinks of it as their opinion and it's none of her business unless they start to hurt someone.

ImageWhenever someone needs help, Asami likes to lend a hand. Whether it be something little as moving a box, or getting down and dirty, she's up for a challenge. It might not seem like it, but Asami can handle herself. She's very strong-headed and is willing to put up a fight even if she knows she'll lose. Her optimistic ways often gets her to trouble, but fortunately nothing that had caused her too much. When things gets too overwhelming, she likes to be alone. She's not the one to talk about her feelings and just scream it to the world. No. She often just likes to be alone and have some time to think about what happened. The silence, or at times the music, helps her just reflect on things. She often finds simplicity is the key. Things doesn't need to be overly complicated or expensive to enjoy. The littlest things in life are often the most fun.

    â‚Ș Sugary, sweet stuff
    â‚Ș Dandelions
    â‚Ș Sleeping
    â‚Ș Rain
    â‚Ș Tea

    » Messy things/places
    » Loud and irritating noises
    » Bitter and sour stuff
    » Nightmares

    ◊ Dark [biggest fear]
    ◊ Heights
    ◊ Drowning

Asami is a very talented singer. She doesn't often share it with people, because it's of no importance to them. Her shy ways gets the best of her as well.


So begins...

Asami Yokoda's Story


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Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda
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Asami wasn't expecting to get accepted so quickly to such a high paying job. Though she was a maid, the salary was more than she could ever hold. It was such luck that she found this job. But it was a great opportunity for her and she wasn't going to pass it up for anything.

Her mother just recently died. It could've been preventable, but they didn't have the money to pay for the hospital bills. Asami was an only child and her father abandoned them when she was only three. Now, she was on her own. Living by each day, scraping through life. Something she never imagined as a kid. Money was always an issue with her family. Her father had gambling and drinking problems, so one day, he took all of their money and just ran. Never to be seen again. Her mother was always too ill to work, so whenever she did find a job, she was soon fired for all the days she missed. Asami wasn't very lucky with finding a job because she never even finished school. She knows very little, just the basics. Reading and writing, but she's not very good at them due to their lack of money. Just because she's poorly educated doesn't make her stupid. She's can be very smart and clever at times.

Packing up the things she had, which wasn't many, Asami left their home. She could no longer afford keeping it and the landlord was kicking her out for their debt. A taxi or a bus wasn't a choice either for she couldn't afford the fair, so Asami had to go by foot. She carried a backpack and a small luggage. Fortunately, they had wheels to roll on, so she just needed to pull it along behind her. It was going to be a long, long walk to the Scarlet Manor.

After a few hours of walking, Asami reached the brick wall that surrounded the Scarlet Manor. An old, rusty gate stood high before her. The manor itself wasn't visible from there. Trying to catch her breath from the long walk, she took deep breaths and tried to calm herself. She then hits the doorbell as it made an ominous, eery ring as she awaits for someone to open it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet
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Scarny heard the doorbell but thought someone else would answer it. When she heard the doorbell again she screamed. "What part of headache dose no one understand?!" She walked to the front door and clicked the button. "Who are you and what do you want?" She asked a harsh tone in her voice. She then remember once she saw the video feed who it was.

She unlocked the gate and pushed the button again. "Oh you are the new maid well come in!" She said cheery a more pleasant mood. Although she did still have a headache she barely noticed walking outside and down the long walk to the girl. It was quick and easy for her. She walked that walk all of the time. Once at the end she opened her arms to the girl. "Hello hello welcome to the family! Do come in!" She chided. She put her arm around her and started leading her up the house.

Once she had her at the door she walked in and shouted out. "The new maid is here everyone come welcome her." She walked her into the living room. "OK you should stand here and we will get you ready." She stood her facing the door. Then she slowly walked around her. "What size are you dear?" She asked considering the size for her outfit. She kept walking around her and examining her. "What is your shoe size as well?" She asked waiting for the others.

"Oh and once you meet the rest of the help then you will learn what you are supposed to do around her." She played with her hair a little bit then moved it from her neck and revealed the spot she wished to puncture. She could see the vein beating. She began to drool and her fangs shot out. She stood behind her willing herself to take just one drink. She thought no ne would know. Its been so long since I have had a drink of human blood.


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Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet
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"Who are you and what do you want?"

Asami jumped a bit from the loud woman on the speaker. Then her tone suddenly became more sweet, which confused Asami. Then the rusty gates opened, it took her a moment to take in the beauty of the Scarlet Manor. It was like an old European style castle. It stood high and proud, it was also surprisingly clean. Probably due to the many servants they had. Then a woman with long red hair comes towards her.

"Hello hello welcome to the family! Do come in!"

It took her a while to grasp on the moment, but she came to her senses and nodded as she followed the woman into the house. She never introduced herself and it left Asami clueless to who she was and what was she to the house. But judging by the looks of it, she seems to be one of the people who resides in the manor. She wasn't wearing the maid outfit and she seems to be more than comfortable into letting a stranger into their mansion.

"What size are you dear?" "What is your shoe size as well?"

Her eyes widen at how quick things were going. Her lips parted a bit as she tried to express and answer the woman, but she was still a little bit drawn back at the sudden events. Then she finally got the courage to speak.

"I'm Asami. I don't really know my size and I'm guessing my shoes are about 6" 1/2." she spoke in an angelic and quiet tone. Almost shy at the moment. But she wasn't lying about not knowing her dress size. It wasn't often that she got to go shopping for clothes and whenever she did get the chance, she'd pick up anything that was on sale whether it fitted her or not. She hasn't really gotten any new clothes, so she's completely clueless towards such matter. Plus, those things never really came to her mind. She was far too busy with other things to be thinking about something so little such as her dress size.

Asami bears a very petite body, yet it still has the curves of a lady. The woman began to push her hair to the side. This was a very unusual gesture and she didn't really know what she was doing. But Asami stood still and didn't bother to move for she might irritate her new masters. This was something she would never want to do. She's hoping to keep this job for as long as she could.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin
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Annabel was tucked away in a small library, cleaning an old dusty library. Alone.
She was often alone, although rarely one of the Scarlets would call her over to clean or mend something forvthem. She worked quickly and silently-the home was so large, there was always work to be done. When one of the Scarlets would converse with her, she was always kind and generous. She yearned for interaction.

When she heard the loud, deep sound of the doorbell, she froze. Where they expecting guests? Oh, yes, they did say that they where getting another maid. Smiling, she stood. Anna went hurried to the door and silently slipped out to greet the girl. There where only a few other maids and butlers, and she tried to talk with them as often as she could. But each of them had different duties. At least for a few days, she would be able to spend time with this newcomer, and show her the ropes.

With a bright smile, she approuched Scarny and the other girl with pink hair. She stood off to the side a little, in the place of a humble maid. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Annabel Larkin, but you can call me Anna." her voice was gentle and lilting, with a light Enlish accent. she smiled, suddenly aware of her appearance. Her long blonde curls where held back with a thick, black ribbon with a few spare tendrils hanging beside her face and by her sky blue eyes. Her dress was mostly clean, with a couple wrinkles and a little dust.
The girl in front of her was a little taller then her, but she was used to being small. She was barely five feet tall and 100 lbs.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Scarny jumped once Annabel spoke up. "Oh Anne you musnt scare me like that." She chimed as she retracted her fangs. "Asami, Anne will be you mentor for as long as you need one. After that she will just be your partner in crime." She laughed litley. Then she moved back. "Well then none of my things will fit you but perhaps my ssiters will. Or I could make you cloths. Yes you will be my little doll. When you are not doing your duties you will be at my side. So as long as my brother dosnt take you for one of his. You will be mine though when I go out shopping and after you meet the rest of the crew that is what will happen. You need a uniform." She started wlaking towards the door. "Hello I said the new maid is ehre that means come down to meet her." She looked back and smiled at her. She couldnt help but keep staring at her neck. "You and me can be great companions." She smirked. Once she was out of her hays she put her hand to her head again. "Anne may I have something for my head please?" She asked the maid. "Oh and before my bother gets here make sure that her room is one that is closeest to mine. I want to make sure I can access her any time of day." She smiled thinking of biting deep into the girls neck in the middle of the night while she is asleep. This sent her mouth drooling agian. "Oh and it would be nice if I could have some . . . Err . . . Juice." She told the maid. Anne was always so silent and nice she loved her and made her the favorite. That could change though now that someone new was around. "Oh I am so sorry Asami. I am Scarny Scarlet. I am the second eldest of the Scarlets and the eldest girl. My older brother is Lucifer Scarlet. Have you heard of him?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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{OOC: Don't forget to tag characters ;)}
Asami gave Anna a smile and a light wave. She was really on the shy side and meeting this many people wasn't really something she was comfortable or used to doing. Her pale skin came in color as her cheeks turned pink from embarrassment. The whole scene got a bit confusing when Scarny began to claim Asami as hers. Which she didn't really understand for there's ought to be tons of maids in the manor for her to be fighting for Asami. But she didn't bother disagreeing, rather she kept herself quiet. She wouldn't mind playing doll for Scarny. In fact, she thought it would be such a privilege to be dressed up by someone as classy and high fashioned as Scarny.

Then her attention was moved to the man coming down the steps. That must be the one she was talking to on the phone when she called in for the ad. He was far more handsome than she could imagine. In fact, Scarny was very beautiful as well. They both looked like porcelain dolls who have come to life. Asami's heart began to race at the sight of Lucifer. Then she got all confused the moment the two began to argue about who gets her. This just made Asami completely clueless to what was going on. She was still trying to take in the fact that she was now living in a manor with very friendly people. It was such luck that she got here and she can't believe it. All of it seems too surreal, but she wasn't going to let this reality slip away from her grasp. Not now. Not after what she and her mother has been through. Asami lifted her hand and gripped on the small locket that was hanging from her neck. It was a necklace that her mother gave her and she was to protect it at any cost. This was something she valued more than anything.

Shaking her head a bit, she broke off from her daze and began to wonder what she was to do. They haven't really given her a uniform nor does she know where to settle in. But she was patient and awaited for anything else they had to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Annabel smiled sheepishly when she spooked Scarny. "I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
When Scarny told her she would like a drink she noded and started to turn but paused and smiled when she heard someone call Annie. Lucifer was the only one who called her that.

Anna turned and gave him a bright smile. "Of corse. I will be back in just a moment."
She hurried off, to the kitchen. She came back a few minutes later, with two glasses full of a red liquid. She handed one to Lucifer, and the other to Scarny.
She was closest to Lucifer and Ryder, but she spend a lot of time around Scarny aswell. When she noticed Asami seeming a little nervous about Scarny and Lucifer fighting over her, she walked over to her and gave her a comforting smile. "Dont worry. All of this will make sense soon."
This girl, Asami, was human like her. Her blood would be hard for the vampires to resist.

Anna looked back to the other two. "My uniform may be a little too small for her, but for now would you like me to show her around, and to her room?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Scarny growled as her brother explained his rule again. She just watch as Anna left then came back with her wine glass of blood. She tasted it and instantly knew it had been part of there supply of human blood they kept in the cellar. She winked at Anna. "You are such a mother to us Anna. I just haven't had this . . . err . . . wine in a long time. Thank you." She looked over at the humans as Anna whispered to the girl. She smiled. She was already being a mother to her. "Not right now. I will take her shopping to get her uniform as soon as possible. That is if my brother will let me." She let out another sort of growl before taking a sip from her glass. "Or would you like to tell her how it is first. Incas e she decides she doesn't understand what we for lack of a better word do." She hinted. "Oh and Anna if you need anything you can come with us."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Lucifer took the glass with his left hand, Annie was used to his behavior of switching hands on a daily basis. He took some time to savor the aroma when Annie offered to show Asami around the house. This suited him because he was thinking about leaving anyways, however he still wanted a word with his little sister. Besides Scarny had better eyes than him when it came to details he wanted her assessment of the new girl as well. "Sure, but if you don't mind Scarny and I will accompany you as far of my study."

He turned to face Scarny and quickly add,"that is if you're free of course, you're far better at catching details than me and I'd like your input on a new...piece I've acquired." He also wanted to get her a gift, maybe even get her to do one of her old dance parties, it'd been a while since she had held one and we wanted to see his sister smile again. He didn't even bother trying to keep the concern for her out of his eyes, he knew his face and eyes were expressive, he had been told that a lot.

She was also old enough where he should begin to confide in her and rely on her own judgement, she had long demonstrated good tastes in her dances perhaps it extended to other matters as well. For that matter he should check in on his other siblings as well he had been neglectful of them lately. He finished running through the list of concerns in his head with a long slow drink of his glass, both to savor the flavor and extend the sensation of fullness.

"Sorry about making you wait a bit for your fun sis, but i guarantee it won't take long. Besides," he begins to tease," Wouldn't it be great if we siblings got along for a while mom gets the new child settled in? I also intend to get my precious little sister a present and want to make sure i get what she wants."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Ryder Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Ryder was in his little world as he floated idly in the backyard pool. He had entered the pool since early morning and spent the entire time making laps until his arms tired, now he simply floated staring up at the light blue clear sky for the past hour or two. The sound of a butler's footsteps heading his way caused him to close his eyes attempting to imagine himself far off, unreachable from these irritating people. Of course he didn't mean it, but in these special moments he preferred to be alone or simply spend time with someone that wasn't so... annoying.

"Sir, the maid has arrived and Ms. Scarlet would like everyone to give her a warm welcome," Those damn butler's words pierced his happy place. Sighing at the word 'Ms. Scarlet' Ryder began his short swim to the steps of the pool. He really hated when the idiot used their last names, did he not realize every blasted person he served was a Scarlet? Regardless, he knew which sister he spoke of... Scarny.

"Well, I suppose I best make my way over there," That was Ryder's way of dismissing the butler as he exited the pool. "Violet."

The maid that stood guard of his clothing and nursed a towel made her way towards him. This being one of the rare moments Ryder revealed more skin than usual, the maid could not help but to observe the scars that seemed to decorate his body. The scars were not excess nor ugly, must have been a vampire thing a clean healing, but they did not help give him an innocent demeanor. The only truly scar was the one that jaggedly traveled from the bottom of his left eye, across the bridge of his nose, and all the way down to his jugular. She did not realize he watched her examine his body until her eyes actually met his and when they did she could see deep in those eyes a hint of anger and she knew why, she was looking at him like a specimen under a lens... seeing the flaws.

"I do not have time to change so I'll need my clothing," Ryder simply said once he claimed his towel and began drying his body.

"What about your hair?" The maid asked as she quickly made her way back to the chair to gather his clothing and back to him waiting patiently but averting her eyes.

Stripping into his undergarments he began dressing in his darkened jeans, black muscle shirt, and dark grey jacket that had furs on the cuffs. "I will have to go as I am," Was his only answer as he put on his face mask then socks and shoes.

The maid stared at his long undone hair as it clung to his skin and clothing. Whenever wet his hair always made him resemble a girl and today was not an exception. Even though he hated the fact they did not have much time and all she could say was, "Yes sir."

Even though Ryder made it seem like he was in a hurry the trip from the pool to the room the new maid was located was a rather slow one and the maid couldn't help but to smile at the sight of Ryder's hair flowing behind him. As they neared the room Ryder's steps slowed and only when did the others began speaking did he silently enter the room. As he made his way from the door to a far off wall to lean on he kept his eyes closed and head low and only opened them when he was leaned comfortably against the wall and even then he lazily opened them.

"Leave me," At those words the maid hurried off. As the maid made her exit Ryder examined the new maid from his position taking in her frame, height, estimated weight, stance, hair, and everything else that could be seen from his location. He allowed his siblings to finish their little conversation that was meaningless to him, only when he was certain that they were done did he speak, "Ryder Scarlet the third child of the Scarlet family, as of today your fate is sealed... I hope you deal with the devil was worth it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Izual MorzÀn Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Ryder Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Like a shadow watching them, Mr. Black walked down the staircase from the second floor, no noise made from any of his movements. As silent as a dead night, he crept down each step, the only giveaway of the head butler being present was his tall frame being seen, if anybody had actually looked up the stairs.

He was halfway down, maintaining the dreadful silence produced from each footstep. Noticing that the new girl has arrived and is in well being, he had stopped his staircase descent, and placed both hands behind his back, maintaining a strong, demanding posture.

"Well, it seems that the new replacement has made it here in one piece. Now, you don't need an introduction from me, as we have already spoken, Miss Yokoda. But, it wouldn't be a bad idea to give you a reminder of who I am. I am Mr. Black, Head Butler at your service. Welcome to the wonderful manor of the Scarlet Family," he called out towards the crowd, waving his hands from behind his back to an almost-Y position, both arms spread out wide enough to seem as if he was attached to an imaginary cross.

He was well groomed, wearing an expensive black suit, a blend of elements from both a business suit and a tuxedo, white gloves covering his hands. The only portion of his skin was his face, soft, porcelain skin complemented with a pair of orange eyes that seem to be able to pierce one's very soul just by looking into them. A silver chain flowed in the front, a pocketwatch connected to a button on the lowest row on his coat.

Returning his hands back to their proper location behind his back, he continued speaking in a soft voice, "Oh, before I forget, Master Lucifer, dinner will be ready at 19:00. Also Miss Yokoda, as well as you Miss Larkin, I ask to speak with you after dinner, so if you have anything that needs to be accomplished, any time before dinner would be best," looking towards Lucifer's general direction. "I hope to see you soon, and don't worry about your bags and luggage. Miss Larkin will help you with them, won't you little one? Pardon me, but I have to return to my office as soon as possible." Mr. Black concluded, ending with a slight smile upon his face and climbed back up the stairs.

Now, it wasn't much of a long walk to his main office. Opening the solid oak door, he ventured into his domain, the one room where the law of his word is above everything else, even those of the young Scarlet siblings. This was a promise that their father had given him, and the same with their father's father, and so on. He didn't have to worry about subordinates from wandering into the room, as it was locked most of the time, and the only time one would be invited in was if Mr. Black, or Izual MorzÀn by what his real name requires, wanted to speak with them in private.

The room could have doubled as a small private study for the family of vampires, but the mahogany desk laying almost in the middle of the room says otherwise. Perched on top of the desk is a computer of a fairly large size, multiple screens taking under half the desk space, whereas several small folders and stacks of paperwork covered the other other half. He had a luxurious chair sitting behind the desk, as it was his for personal use. He had guided himself to the chair, crashing into it before sneaking a look on the the monitors.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Izual MorzÀn Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Ryder Scarlet Character Portrait: Koti Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin
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Lucifer was in a word, embarrassed but he didn't let it show. He cared deeply for his little brother, he was truly concerned about Ryder but the two of them always had some kind of wall between them and he blamed himself for it. But Ryder had, being himself gone right and put the situation right on the table in a more negative tone than necessary. As for Izual, well Lucifer already knew that the guy could scare people without really meaning to and try as he might to get the man to light up all he'd get was a lecture on how the head of family ought to act.

He looked to the nearest camera on the wall, they covered the entire property and knowing Izual for every camera you could see there were nine more you couldn't even find if you tried. He addressed Izual through the camera, "Hey Jii-san, could you check where Koti is and get her down here if she's not overly busy? Besides, you know i don't like being called Master Lucifer, lighten up a little."

With that he turned to address Ryder," Come on bro, she just got here no need to try to scare her, at least try to act nice to her- as a favor for me?" He didn't even bother trying to disguise the open appeal to his brother at the end.

Finally he turned to Asami and Annie, "Sorry to waste a bit more of your time, but would you mind sticking around for a little bit more so we can introduce our baby sister? Then you'll have met all of us, I'm sure the rest of the staff will gladly greet you at their own pace." He continued, "As for the big guy, he may big strict but deep down he's a nice guy and all around incredible, you wouldn't believe the stuff the guy can do."

Lastly he addressed Skarny,"Since you'll be helping Asami with her uniform before dinner, is it all right if we reign check until after dinner?" He didn't even wait for her to reply, if Skarny showed up good and if not she was grown enough to make her own decisions, though he really would like her expertise for what he had planned.

Realizing he forgot something he turned back to Annie and Asami,"Oh yes i forgot...Annie, after Skarny and i finish our discussion could you and Asami report to my study? I'd like a word with the two of you, and I'm sure that Asami has questions for you and myself as well."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Izual MorzÀn Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Ryder Scarlet Character Portrait: Koti Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin
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Koti was in her room putting on a new costume when she heard Scarny's voice. It was something about greeting a new maid. Of course Koti wanted to be one of the first people to say hello to the new maid, but she was tangled up in the outfit. Debating over changing in her regular clothes or keeping on the outfit she decided to just finish putting on the costume. It was a black frilly dress with an apron and a cute little head dress thing. A maid outfit- which would seem to be ironic at the moment.

Koti finally finished putting on the outfit when she could sense that the rest of her family already made it to the front door. I better hurry up, she thought. Picking up the bottom of her dress so she wouldn't step on the hem Koti slowly made it to the stairs. When she was about to go downstairs she remembered that she forgot to put on shoes. Rushing back to her room she opened her closet. Inside were a bunch of different outfits and some other doors. Picking the door labeled shoes she quickly looked around trying to find a pair that matched. Eventually Koti settled on some black flats. Remembering that she had to get downstairs she ran towards the staircase and hoped she wasn't too late.

When Koti made it to the staircase she could see the rest of her siblings and Annabel were just waiting around. She didn't really know where Izual was, but she decided that he already came and left. She sighed. It seemed to be that she was really late. She carefully went down the stairs, so she wouldn't trip. However, she forgot to pick up the dress so she wouldn't step on the hem. She was fine going down most of the stairs, but on the last few steps Koti got excited and started to pick up the pace. This caused her to trip and she landed face first on the floor.

"Oww that hurt," Koti said. Then she quickly picked herself up and dusted herself off. Then she saw the new maid and walked over to her being more careful this time. She said," Hi! My name is Koti Scarlet and I am the youngest sister of the Scarlet family. I hope we can be great friends!" She smiled. Koti knew she probably looked odd with her outfit and gave a bad first impression by tripping, but she hoped that wouldn't matter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Izual MorzÀn Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Ryder Scarlet Character Portrait: Koti Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin
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Scarny growled at Mr. Black. "Lucifer you know I hate him treating Anna that way." She was half tempted to follow him but decided not to and instead turned to her brother. "Ryder that is very inappropriate. I wish to hear no more of that and as your elder it is that you follow that." Then she turned to her sister. "Oh Koti isn't she just wonderful. She is about your size. Now we have that doll we were always denied."She thought back to her childhood. Then she snapped out of it and looked at her again. "Anyway, If I am wrong correct me Lucifer but from what I understand I am wanted to throw another of my parties. This would be your first you are aloud at and I wish that you and Asami to help me with this one." She told the girls. "Of course I still need your help Anna you give me the themes." She told the woman. "So are you guys going to help me?" She asked them. She couldn't believe she was going to be having another ball. She hadn't had one for quite a while. She smiled at them. "Oh and we still need to go shopping who is going with me and Asami out shopping?" She asked them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Koti Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Lucifer was astounded by his sister's ability to read his mind, as always. What's more, he was actually able to attend this time, Scarny usually went out of her way to make sure he couldn't show up.

"You got me sis, I was about to suggest you throw another party to celebrate the addition to the family." This is where things got a bit awkward though, while he always wished to attend his sister's parties he never learned what was expected of him at the event and of course there was the biggest problem. "I'd love to help you Scarny, but isn't Koti better suited for planning a party with you than me, she's actually attended a couple of them." His face turned sour when he dredged up the last issue, "Besides, I can't dance everyone in the house knows that."

There... he'd said it, let his sisters, Annie and Asami have their fun, it was quite the joke around the house that he could play music with the best of them but had never learned to dance. What's more, since his sisters do something new every time he was never sure what to learn and would likely end up with the wrong dance; that or he'd have two left feet, as the saying went musicians can't dance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Izual MorzÀn Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Ryder Scarlet Character Portrait: Koti Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin
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{OOC: as much as I'd love my character to respond to everyone's it would be such a struggle so I'll sum it up and keep the story going.}

Asami was very glad to meet everyone. She felt comfortable here in the Scarlt Manor, but at the same time she felt that something was off. It was probably just the old house creeping up one her, it did send her chills up her sine, but for now this wasn't something to worry about. The Scarlet and it's residents we're very friendly and kind to her.

"Will there be anything for me to do today? And will my attire be appropriate for that?" she asked, looking at Lucifer and then Scarny wondering if it's appropriate for her to do anything in it. She wore a very loose long-sleeves shirt with a skirt and some torn shoes. It wasnt much, but enough. It was for certain that this wasn't good for cleaning up and doing chores in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Asami Yokoda Character Portrait: Izual MorzÀn Character Portrait: Scarny Lee Scarlet Character Portrait: Koti Scarlet Character Portrait: Annabel Larkin Character Portrait: Lucifer Scarlet
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Lucifer turned to address Asami, he'd just realized that she and Annie were still there, until now only Annie and Izual could ever truly sneak up on him. Seems that this one is going to be interesting to have around, he thought to himself.

"In terms of actual work don't worry yet, Black will point anything he wants done out and for today you seem clear until dinner. So in the mean time Annie and if you wish,myself as well can show you around the house." He turned to his sisters, pretty sure they were on the same train of thought he was.

"As for the clothes I'm pretty sure my sisters would love to help you with that, visit them whenever and the two of them will work their magic." He couldn't help but give a light chuckle," In fact knowing them, you could wind up with more outfits than you'd ever need within the week." Deciding to make himself useful he moved to help her with her luggage, no use to have the girls do the heavy lifting when he offered to stick around.

"So do you wish to handle clothes before or after the tour?"