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The Scavengers

The Scavengers


Fearing for her life, an Empress joins a crew of Scavengers to hide from those who want her dead.

2,176 readers have visited The Scavengers since WildSky214 created it.


The World of Escaia


Five hundred years ago, Escaia was at its peak in technological advancement. Machines that could do your work for you, airships and trains, both above ground and aquatic took you anywhere in the world you wanted to go. Two-thirds of the world were covered in thriving cities filled with people. In fact, the world soon became so overpopulated that there was not enough land for houses to be built on, and soon, not enough animals for the people to eat. Escaia started to become desperate, for every day more and more people starved to death, and crime hit an all time high as people resorted to thieving and murder just to feed their families.

Then a scientist named Dr. Venour Auliffe tried to find a way to turn grass and minerals into food. He'd sit in his lab in Terrovana, an island that was the of Escaia at the time. No one knows what he did in there, but one day he let loose a gas that almost destroyed the world. It killed the entire population of Terrovana in three days, then it started in spread to the other cities. The surrounding flora and fauna were affected in a different way, instead of dying, they mutated, leaving giant carnivorous flowers, and crossed-species animals that bred at an alarming rate. Only four cities survived, as they had ways to avoid the gas. Danalion and Ursitrova had underground neighborhoods the population could hide in. Sararnini had an underwater area the people fled to, and a portion of Olvarnias was high enough to avoid the gas.

The few people who avoided the gas had enough food to live by, but just barely. This is how the people of Escaia lived for the next hundred years, isolated from each other, and surviving instead of living. Then a young man named Luther Kinealy from Olvarnias decided that he didn't want to live the rest of his life that way. So he fixed up an old airship, and left the only home he ever knew with a small group of friends. He discovered that the gas had dissipated, and the air was clean. He flew to all the remaining cities and convinced them that the air was safe, and opened up communication and trade between the cities. He returned to Olvarnias a hero, and was named Emperor, and created the Council as secondary ruling body, and appointed his friends as Councilors. He helped all four cities get back on their feet, and with the overpopulation of the animals, they soon flourished again, with Olvarnias as the new capitol.

The dead cities remained abandoned, and all travel was done by airship. Soon, brave people began to visit these cities full of dangerous plants and animals, and who knows what else, in hopes of finding technology and other useful items. These people became known as Scavengers, and though they helped the cities by recovering these items, they were snubbed at by the wealthier population and are considered no better than pirates. For some people, being a Scavenger is a calling to adventure, and for some, its the only thing that puts bread on the table.


Four hundred years after Emperor Luther Kinealy was crowned, Emperor Mordecai Kinealy passed away from a sudden illness. His only child and heir, Lenora Kinealy is set to have her official coronation in three days. Unbeknownst to her, High Councilor Julius Magan poisoned her father and caused his death, and now he wants to dispose of her so he can be Emperor. Since she is young and inexperienced in ruling a country, the High Councilor has swayed the council to his way of thinking, causing a conspiracy against the Empress.

It will start with Lenora's maidservant overhearing a conversation about this, then smuggling the Empress out of the palace in disguise. Lenora will wander into the Airship District where she runs into Scavengers, who owned the Anima Caeli Airship. who are going to the Terrovana ruins and are hiring a cook for their crew. She signs up, hoping that they'll find a piece of revolutionary technology that will convince the Council that she could be a good ruler.

Name: Empress Lenora Kinealy|| Age: 23|| Gender: Female|| Role: Cook|| FC: Bridget Regan|| WildSky214

Lenora joined the Anima Caeli crew under the name Nora as their cook, even though she has no experience in the culinary arts whatsoever.

Name: Julius Magan|| Age: 65|| Gender: Male|| Role: High Councilor|| FC: Charles Dance|| Taken by WildSky214

The High Councilor who wants the Empress dead.

Name: Waylon Tyger|| Age: 29|| Gender: Male|| Role: Captain of the Anima Caeli|| FC: Jason Momoa|| Taken by CutUp

Name: || Age: || Gender: Male|| Role: First Mate|| FC: Jonas Armstrong|| Taken by WildSky214

Name: || Age: || Gender: Male|| Role: Quartermaster|| FC: Tom Hopper|| Taken by Juilii

The estranged cousin to the Empress and Quartermaster of the Scavengers, he realizes who Lenora is immediately, but keeps her secret.

Name: Lyrik|| Age: 26|| Gender: Female|| Role: Weapons Master|| FC: Hudson Leick|| Taken by TheLittleWitch

She is in league with the High Councilor and sends him updates on the Empress.

Name: || Age: || Gender: Female|| Role: Boatswain|| FC: Jamie Chung|| Reserved

Name: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf|| Age: 24|| Gender: Male|| Role: Navigator|| FC: Donald Glover|| Taken by CutUp

Name: Corvus Heartly|| Age: ?|| Gender: Male|| Role: Scout|| FC: Zachary Quinto|| Taken by Vlad the werewolf

Name: Bloom|| Age: 28|| Gender: Female|| Role: Surgeon|| FC: Sibel Kekilli|| Taken by Juilii

Name: Navi Callibross|| Age: 20|| Gender: Female|| Role: Scholar/Engineer|| FC: Taylor Momsen|| Taken by BurningDark

The expert on old technology, mutated flora and fauna, and history of the cities. (Anything that's not mentioned, you can just make up or ask me)

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1. Rules of RPGateway. You know them.

2. No controlling other players or meta.

3. Keep it PG-13

4. Minimum of 300 words per post, minimum of 2 posts per week, and maximum of 2 posts per day.

5. I will hold your reservation for 24 hours. You can Submit WIPs, but I won't accept them until their complete. If you're interested in a role that's already filled or reserved, let me know, in case they drop out.

6. If you're dropping out, you don't even have to tell me, just abandon your character so I or someone else can adopt it.

7. I am open to changing FCs, just run it by me first.

8. I welcome plot ideas, and there are no stupid questions.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf Character Portrait: Navi Callibross Character Portrait: Shepherd Allerton Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre Character Portrait: Lyrik Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield Character Portrait: Bloom.
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Lenora awoken by the vigorous shaking her maidservant, Felicia, was giving her. She cracked open an eyelid and sleepily looked up the offending party. “Felicia, what are doing? Its only...” She glanced at the ancient grandfather clock standing in a corner of the room. “Six o'clock in the morning.” The look on her maidservant's face caused her stomach to drop like a stone. The girl's face was scrunched in worry and her eyes were alight with panic.

“You have to leave right now, Your Highness! Its the Council, they've decided they want to be rid of ya. They say you don't have what it takes to be Empress, and you should be disposed of.”

Lenora's chest clenched. Her first instinct was to believe Felicia was lying, but she'd known her for years, and knew she didn't have a dishonest bone in her body. She felt her own panic start to set in. “What about High Councilor Julius? Surely he would be against it. He's the most loyal person I know.”

Felicia looked on the Empress with sympathy. “He's the one leading the decision, Your Highness. He's going to be the one they put in power.”

Lenora felt her entire world come crashing down. She remembered how sick her father got out of nowhere, and began to question to the popular theory of it being a heart sickness. Anger seeped into her as she realized who was probably to blame.

“I must go in front of my people,” she said with determination. “I will tell the public what is transpiring, and they will back me up.”

Felicia shook her head in desperation. “The common folk don't care who's head where's the crown as long as food is in their bellies. You have to escape.” She grabbed an outfit that was on a nearby chair and flung it at Lenora. “Put this on. Its my sister's traveling clothes.”

“I can't just abandon my duty,” Lenora said, eying the brown corset short and black pants.

“Live to fight another day, miss,” Felicia said.

Lenora saw the wisdom in that, so she quietly got dressed while Felicia braided her hair. After she was finished, she asked Felicia, “But where do I go?”

The maidservant put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “There is a Scavenger group in the Airship District that is looking for a cook. Betty in the kitchens was going to take it, but she's agreed to let you have it.”

Lenora didn't know who Betty in the kitchens was, so the gesture warmed her heart all the more. “Tell her how extremely grateful I am. But I don't know how to cook, I've never cooked anything in my life.”

Felicia smiled and started directing her out the door. “Just make sure you add salt instead of rat poison and you'll do fine. Now let's hurry up and go.”

She led the empress down the hall and through the Servant's Quarters. They got a few odd stares, but most people were too busy with their work to pay them any mind. Eventually they made it to the servant's exit that took them just outside the palace. Felicia pointed Lenora towards the main road. “Just follow it to the left and you'll come to the Airship District. Go to the Anima Caeli airship and request the job as the cook. And hope you don't get turned down.” She said that last part with a nervous smile.

Everything finally started to sink in for Lenora. She was no longer welcome in the only home she ever knew, and was about to leave everything she ever had behind. She latched onto Felicia and gave her tight, long hug, whispered a quiet 'thank you', then rushed off.

There was a lot of foot traffic on the road that day, so she blended right in with hardly any stares. She knew her way around the Sky District, so she was able to quickly make it to the Airship District. There is where she ran into problems, as she had never been there before. She got turned around several times, and had to ask a dockworker where the Anima Caeli was. She eventually found it, and saw a group of people standing in front of where it was docked. She straightened her back and walked over to them with her head held high, even though inside she was a bundle of nerves. When she spoke the speech she had been working on since the Sky District, she said it with a steady voice. “I hear your looking for a cook. My name Nora, I was a cook in royal kitchens and I would like to come work for you.”


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Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield Character Portrait: Bloom.
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#, as written by Juilii
The day was like any other. Restock, walk around, return to the ship, and do a final check that nothing had been forgotten. It was nigh impossible to forget anything that had to do with medical supplies, especially with Bloom literally reciting everything she needed in exact amounts. Jackson wasn't quite sure why Bloom questioned his abilities to memorize inventory, but he let it slide because he knew she wasn't aware of herself of times.

However, they were all waiting outside, not because there was something wrong with the ship or because they hadn't yet restocked the ship, but because they were finally getting a new cook. The last one had retired...underground some time ago, but while Bloom wasn't a bad cook, it was a bit...terrifying to wonder just what exactly she did, as she always barred the door when it was her turn. And she was the one with the most commendable cooking skills. Jackson almost always ended up charring whatever he made, so he blacklisted himself to prevent wasting food.

For some time, Jackson idly watched a woman wandering about the district, disappearing and reappearing among the crowd. He wouldn't have singled her out if it weren't for the fact she bore a striking resemblance to the Emperor's daughter.

A very striking resemblance, he thought to himself, as he watched her approach the group. She introduced herself as 'Nora'. Hm. Like Lenora. Without a 'Le'. All nobles are capable of creative aliases, apparently, He scoffed mentally, as all he had done was drop the second syllable in his names. I didn't know she could cook...maybe she learned in her off time?

Jackson glanced over at Bloom. Yep, that girl was pulling the 'I stare into your body and soul' gaze that was often quite unsettling to those who didn't know her or weren't used to her. However, she remained utterly silent, to which Jackson responded with a very soft sigh. The last thing they needed to happen was Bloom scaring off the cook."Bloom," He had said to her in the morning,"You don't say a word to the new cook until we are far from the ground. No words. No mask. We need the cook as much as we need peace of mind."

He wished he had brought up the stare issue. To that he face-palmed internally. He then glanced over at the Captain. 'Nora' looked really light, in fact, it looked like she had never done any cooking in her life (he could be wrong. He hoped he was right about her learning a thing or two) but he doubted that 'Nora' would readily turn down being an empress to instead be a cook-since it had always seemed she did everything she could to be empress- so there had to be a reason, and that reason was the only one that he himself was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

And he hoped that the Captain did as well.


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lyrik
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Lyrik had been scouring a nearby weapons shop when she saw the girl approach the crew. She quickly dropped the knives she had been looking at and made her way through the crowd of people. She crept up behind the girl as she spoke and just stood there listening, closely.
She wants to be our new cool huh? Doesn't look like she's done a days work in her life....
Lyrik thought as she crossed her arms. Just about to voice her opinion, Lyrik's stomach growled loudly, giving her away and quickly changing her mind.
We haven't had a meal that we all weren't suspicious of in weeks...
Lyrik sighed and threw her arm over the girls shoulders roughly.
"If you can cook enough for this mangey lot then you are alright with me!"
She said, a slight chuckle in her voice as the girl jumped.
Before anything else could be said Lyrik disappeared into a passing crowd and then popped up again, this time standing next to one of her shipmates.
"She is kinda pretty, ya? For a cook at least."
She said to the man standing next to her. When the man gave Lyrik a sideways look, almost of disgust, Lyrik shrugged and put up her hands.
"Come on! Don't tell me you weren't thinkin it too?!"
She exclaimed, trying her best to keep from laughing.
Lyrik looked at the rest of her shipmates and tried her best to read them.
Bloom was... Well impossible...
Lyrik had to admit, even she got creeped out by Bloom at times. But she wasn't all bad, every time Lyrik, or any other member of the crew had gotten their asses handed to them, or didn't handle the weapons properly! Bloom was always right there to patch them up!
Lyrik smiled a little at the thought of always having someone that had their backs.
Slowly her gaze shifted to Weg. Lyrik rolled her eyes as she thought about all the trouble that idiot got himself into. Sure he was a great navigator but he could at least learn how to fight!
She looked at the captain and almost instantly bit her lower lip. Lyrik was almost 200% positive that everyone on this ship had a thing for him. How could they not?
She shrugged at this thought and laughed a little before she shifted her gaze to Jack, the quartermaster. Another fine specimen! She chuckled and scratched her head, feeling very lucky to be working with such lovely people!
Then there was Navi. It floored Lyrik sometimes how smart that girl was! She could take something apart and then put it back together so that it ran smoother and longer and she would still have parts left over! Hell she had even made a few gadgets for Lyrik.
Lyrik's eyes finally rested on her crazy friends. Who, to be fair, was probably just as crazy as her.
"Corvus. What ya think? She cute or what?"
Lyrik whispered trying to get some sort of rise out of him.
She loved her ship mates, this was her family, and she'd do anything to keep them safe.


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Now Corvus is what people call as anti highly function able sciocopathic person and this way something he was not sad about it made his life easy but to the naked eye he seemed nice caring and a good guy some times that's true ten there's when he us on a job no

so much he walked up to Nora and simply and gentlemanly bowed to the miss and said "a pleasure" his usaul wicked grin on then he did a show offish back flip to where he was now next to lyrik and put on a top hat he had liberated from a small clothing shop not far away

"Tea she is but get anyone's pretty except when there not but yes I say she is why do you ask L?"

He said plainly not giving her the reaction she wanted.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Lyrik Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield
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#, as written by Juilii
Aand there went Lyrik, creeping up on 'Nora', quickly giving approval for pretty obvious reasons- her stomach was quite loud- and nearly knocked over the startled empress, before vanishing into the crowd and appearing next to the rest of the 'mangey lot'.

"She is kinda pretty, ya? For a cook, at least."

I really don't think beauty is directly affected by our jobs, Lyrik. Nonetheless he knew she didn't mean harm. She was pretty nice when she trusted the person- a bit too touchy at times, but otherwise pleasant. Hopefully 'Nora' took this positively.

After asking a random man there his own opinion, she had turned her attention to Corvus.

Ah, Corvus. He could be the most random of the group, and he quickly won the 'most over the top greeting one could muster' award, before attempting to offer a deep, winded, pseudo philosophical response to Lyrik's enquiry.

Great. If they kept this up, they would end up scaring away 'Nora' before the Captain greenlit her.


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10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf Character Portrait: Navi Callibross Character Portrait: Shepherd Allerton Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre Character Portrait: Lyrik Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield Character Portrait: Bloom.
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#, as written by CutUp

Captain Waylon in all his glory woke up in a sweaty, boozy mess(as per usual). He groaned like waking up was a trail in of itself. Hangovers are so annoying. Though at this point he's pretty much used to it, and it's more of a minor annoyance then anything. It's nothing he can't hand. As he sat up on his king sized bed he reached over to his nightstand, and grabbed a bottle of liquor sitting on it. He brought the bottle up to his lips for a much needed swig of his go-juice, but it was empty. The day's onto a bang up start already.

Waylon held the bottle up to peek inside, and held it upside down. "Ugh, must be Thursday." He groaned as he laid the empty bottle aside, and got up from his bed. He quickly threw on his shirt, and the ever important captain's jacket, and started his day of work. Waylon left his captain's quarters, and went to Weg's cabin, who was still sound asleep. While Waylon usually doesn't personally wake the crew up(he usually uses a ship wide announcement or something in the like), he always makes a special exception for Weg. He does enjoy annoying him.

Waylon entered the cabin all stealthy, and ninja like, making sure not to make a sound. Once Waylon was close enough he gave Weg a powerful kick to his side that knocked him out of his slumber, and off his bed. "What?! What's going on?!" Weg asked in confusion, despite the fact Waylon wakes him up like this everyday. "Dude, do you need to ask?" Waylon questioned. "I...I just woke up! Shut up you big....jerk." Weg said as he rubbed his eyes. "Shut up? Big jerk? It's quick thinking like that, that makes you the greatest mind of our generation." Waylon sarcastically replied. "Come on, we've got work to do."

Now, with everyone up and about, and outside the ship's dock the day was finally starting. Waylon was expecting the applicants for the cook position today. Finally, if he has to sit through another one of Weg's beef surprise, it's not going to be pretty. It wasn't too long until the first prospect arrived. Some girl who introduced herself as Nora. She looked somewhat familiar to Waylon, but his ever growing migraine kept him from thinking too much about it.

Then the crew started to give their two cents about the girl. "Yes, yes she's very cute. We're all adorable, I couldn't be anymore proud." Waylon sarcastically replied to Lyrik's observations as he took out his skull shaped tobacco pipe. He lite the pipe, and began smoking. "Ah shucks, you're gonna make me blush Cap'n." Weg chimed in. Waylon walked over to Nora, towering over her, making the single foot of height he has on her seem like fifty. He shifted the pipe in his mouth, and blew smoke out of the side towards her. It took everything in Weg's power not to start cracking up at Waylon's tough guy act. Sure, Waylon is a tough guy, a very tough guy, but really he's just a big softie at heart. It always makes him laugh when he acts like a monster of a man.

"Name's Waylon, Waylon Tyger." He introduced himself, his voice becoming very deep, and thunder-like. "A royal cook? Why would you leave such a cushy gig like that to slum with a bunch of scavs like us? No offense scavs." Waylon asked. "Did you get tired of all the snooty royal types?" Yeah, Waylon has no love for the supposed 'higher ups'. Selfish idiots if you ask him.


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#, as written by Juilii
Despite the Captains show of intimidation, Jackson couldn't resist the urge to smile. Yep, most of them are total rich pricks. The other small minority are just pricks by nature. Whether or not that changes depends on where they are...sometimes, He thought, putting himself in the latter category. "She might've. Anyone would, you can't ever please royals. Maybe she thinks it be easier to please us," his stomach growled. At this point, I'd just take her and hope for the best. "Well, I'll be right back, forgot something," he looked at 'Nora', shifting his weight between leaving and standing long enough to semi-properly introduce himself. "I'm Jack, quartermaster. Creeper over there is Bloom." he motioned over to her, before holding his finger up to his lips and left.

Bloom, for the first time up to that point, shifted her attention to Jackson, her expression changing to one of puzzlement. We don't need anything. What would he want then? A book? Food? Oh well. This Nora girl has very clean lungs.


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Character Portrait: Lyrik
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by this time corvus had gone into the bowels of ship to a little hude away only him, the cap (since its his ship) and no one else as to his knowledge knew of this little hide away where he kept his more personal or dark dangerous and or sensitive things including his past uniform and garb along with "medals" or thats what you call things you get for killing innocents or other types

corvus broke down once safe inside this was normal this was the only place no one could hear bother or see him and it was a pace he was able to show him the real him

"i miss my loved ones he will pay for this and what he made me do so help me if i ever get in range of that royal psycho ill kill him
he is why i wake up crying at night why i see the dead i call my vics and why i cant be me anymore i will one day find my family my wife and my son and i will be with them in peace.....*starts to cry again* i i i will i wil---"

after a good few mintues of this cry he dry his eyes and started to sharpen his knives hoping no one would either find out his past or that they would see the real him even though he thinks of them as family he still is not what they know in their minds he's a talented scout not a assassin not the assassin the royal blood (a term for him after he killed a ambassador prince and half the court)

after all the scavengers are not know for there liking of royals so much and or there dogs....

*flash back*

not long ago well long but not like centuries or something

he can still remember the orders he received from Lenora uncle the kings brother (that is how it works .... it think???)

"this must be a joke you want me to poison the king in his sleep kill the king am i getting this right???"
Corvus asked slamming the paper down on the desk of the evil man
of course the conversation soon turned sour and Corvus was made to do this most gruesome task.

later that week while the king slept Corvus injected him with a poison that would mimic a unknown sickness and unlike others he was not enjoying this time this mission was the last straw after he was threw he pulled a vanishing act and now he is here a scavenger and a man with more skeletons in his closet then most....

*end flash*

i will get my life back and i will repay my debut and i will



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Lyrik smiled and gently shoved Weg,
"Ya gonna spar with me later?"
She asked, laughing at the expression on his face at her question.
Out of the corner of her eye Lyrik saw Corvus sneaking away onto the ship. She quickly ran after him but lost him before she could ask him where he was off to.
Where'd he go?...
She asked herself, shrugging she turned and looked over the side of the ship at everyone still talking amongst each other. The caption was still talking to Nora, Lyrik sighed and leaned against the side of the ship and waited until she could interrupt. Finally her chance came and she shouted,
"Oi! Capin? When are we shippin out? Do I got time to get a few more things? And are we takin her? I gotta know!"
She smiled widely at the look he gave her.
She needed a few more sharpening stones and if they were bringing on this Nora woman then Lyrik wanted to get some armor for her. She didn't look like much of a fighter, and with no way to protect herself she would not last very long.
Lyrik eyed Nora for a moment as she thought, then spoke up,
"You know how to fight at all?"
Lyrik asked, placing her chin in her palm as she watched Nora, waiting for her answer.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf Character Portrait: Lyrik Character Portrait: Bloom
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#, as written by Juilii
Bloom looked at Nora again. It is quite clear that she lived an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. Weg has more combat skill in comparison. But she isn't an imbecile, she seems like one who can make up skill with effort. On that note, Bloom also returned to the ship- if they didn't end up hiring Nora, she would have to get the equipment ready to properly prepare that creature she had in a cage in her lab, whom she had affectionately dubbed as 32, since it was a fairly new species she hadn't really told anyone about and it hadn't been registered. She wanted to keep performing the experiments, but lunch was more important.

Bloom truly did not understand why the others felt so uneasy when it was her turn to cook, everything she made was perfectly safe and tasted fine. So what if it still twitched ocasionally? It was dead, it just...did that. More often than normal creatures.

Not her fault the more exotic creatures did that, though maybe that was a small reason why they weren't widely marketed for food.

It wasnt like she didn't cook chicken or other popular foods, just that whenever they went anywhere, those creatures happened to be there. Just like some of the plants. Some were quite nutritional, while others simply served as medicine, weapons, or aesthetic design in her lab or for The Doctor to sell to the much more vain crowd up in the Sky district.

The Terrybitter would probably go well with 32....

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Escaia by WildSky214


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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy
Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger
Character Portrait: Navi Callibross
Character Portrait: Bloom.
Character Portrait: Lyrik
Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly
Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf
Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield
Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre
Character Portrait: Shepherd Allerton


Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre
Ula Cotovatre

"You win or you die. It all depends on the way the bullet flies and if you're smart enough to move."

Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield
Jackson Whitefield

"Dont worry, if you have at least half a brain you'll live."

Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf
Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf

"Look, I just fly the boat. If I go out there, there's going to be a lot of crying, bleeding, and fear pee."

Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly
Corvus Heartly

Just shut up and let me do what I do then will talk about the fact that I worked for a deranged man who's a royal bastard...

Character Portrait: Lyrik

Go to hell for heaven's sake!

Character Portrait: Bloom.

"...You, uh, need...some...thing?..."

Character Portrait: Navi Callibross
Navi Callibross

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."

Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger
Waylon Tyger

"In this life there is only shades of grey."

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy
Empress Lenora Kinealy

"It is my duty to the people to reclaim my throne."


Character Portrait: Lyrik

Go to hell for heaven's sake!

Character Portrait: Navi Callibross
Navi Callibross

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."

Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger
Waylon Tyger

"In this life there is only shades of grey."

Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf
Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf

"Look, I just fly the boat. If I go out there, there's going to be a lot of crying, bleeding, and fear pee."

Character Portrait: Bloom.

"...You, uh, need...some...thing?..."

Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield
Jackson Whitefield

"Dont worry, if you have at least half a brain you'll live."

Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly
Corvus Heartly

Just shut up and let me do what I do then will talk about the fact that I worked for a deranged man who's a royal bastard...

Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre
Ula Cotovatre

"You win or you die. It all depends on the way the bullet flies and if you're smart enough to move."

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy
Empress Lenora Kinealy

"It is my duty to the people to reclaim my throne."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Bloom.

"...You, uh, need...some...thing?..."

Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger
Waylon Tyger

"In this life there is only shades of grey."

Character Portrait: Navi Callibross
Navi Callibross

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it."

Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre
Ula Cotovatre

"You win or you die. It all depends on the way the bullet flies and if you're smart enough to move."

Character Portrait: Lyrik

Go to hell for heaven's sake!

Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly
Corvus Heartly

Just shut up and let me do what I do then will talk about the fact that I worked for a deranged man who's a royal bastard...

Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield
Jackson Whitefield

"Dont worry, if you have at least half a brain you'll live."

Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf
Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf

"Look, I just fly the boat. If I go out there, there's going to be a lot of crying, bleeding, and fear pee."

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy
Empress Lenora Kinealy

"It is my duty to the people to reclaim my throne."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » The Scavengers: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in The Scavengers

Re: The Scavengers

I'm sorry guys, but something happened and I really cannot get my head into this, so I'm probably not going to be posting anymore. But I give y'all full permission to do whatever you want.

Re: The Scavengers

Sorry, something came up. Hopefully I can post tonight or tomorrow.

Re: The Scavengers

First of all, hi again.

I'm so sorry for delaying everyone. I have been without wifi for the past week, and hopefully now that everything's back to normal (mostly) I can get into the swing of things without too much trouble. Again, I apologize and hope that you can understand.

Have a great day!


Re: The Scavengers

hi all first im from North Carolina and like the farm boy to city boy i wish to do the same i swear i turn a corner and a hick (i can say that cause i actually have said word in the town) polishing a shotgun its sickening i swarthe town could combine brain cells and they would still only have 10 thats over 100 + people and im way more intelligent then any person here im not kidding its sad.

second o posted just now nad i decide to show off the tormented side of corvus and i also put a little jucie secret in the post towards the end or at the end ...
please note i did get permisson from or amaxing gm and creator WildSky214

and i also would apprecatie it if you find out my secret honestly you can but you must consult me cause is for story and drama perpouses so if someone was to jst post and they randomly found out some random waythat would screw it up


Re: The Scavengers

I was trying to give BurningDark a chance to post, but they haven't responded to me. So on Monday I'm going to continue the RP. (Weekends are iffy for me)

Re: The Scavengers

Well, if the weather was consistent, it's very likely you were in the middle. The weather is boring, but I'm pretty pathetic at temperatures that are pretty high or low.

Re: The Scavengers

Middle I think, I was pretty young.

Re: The Scavengers

Which part, south, north, middle?
cause my favorite part is middle (obvious bias)

Re: The Scavengers

Nothin wrong with that, I lived there for a little while.
(Gypsy blood runnin through these vains)

Re: The Scavengers

...Now I feel like the odd one out...I was born and raised in California...

Re: The Scavengers

Born in Tennessee y'all but bread in Alaska.

Re: The Scavengers

I to am a Southerner! Farm boy, born and raised. And happily away from there, and enjoying the city life! God I hated it.

Re: The Scavengers


Bless your hearts.
~ from legit southern girl.

Re: The Scavengers


Hope it's ok! Had some fun with Waylon. He's such a sassy ass. Would have done this earlier, but my computer's been a punk ass bitch, and barely working.

Re: The Scavengers

Alright, lets wait for CutUp and BurningDark to catch up.

Re: The Scavengers

Made sense to me!:)

Re: The Scavengers

I do make sense right? Because if I don't, I can fix it.

Re: The Scavengers

My post is on it's way don't worry, I'm just perfecting it.

Re: The Scavengers


Thx for letting me know.

Everyone seemed so excited, but Juilii is the only one who's posted.