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Waylon Tyger

"In this life there is only shades of grey."

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a character in “The Scavengers”, as played by CutUp


Ain't No Rest For The Wicked| Busy Earnin'| Short Change Hero| In One Ear| Come With Me Now| What Makes A Good Man| What It's Like
{Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength}
-Arnold Schwarzeneggar

{N A M E}
Waylon Tyger
{N I C K N A M E (S)}
Way, Cap'n
{A G E}
{G E N D E R}
{R O L E}
The Captain
{S E X U A L I T Y}

{The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.}
-Ernest Hemingway

{H E I G H T}
6'1 feet
{W E I G H T}
185 pounds
{H A I R C O L O R}
{E Y E C O L O R}
{A P P E A R A N C E}
Waylon is a rather intimidating figure, with his tan, and ridiculously muscular body that is littered with scars, the most prominent of which is above his left eye. He has long brown hair that is usually kept tied up in a pony tail, and a beard giving him a wild sort of look. Waylon generally wears dark clothing, a white dress shirt, dark trousers, black boots, and a black leather long coat that stops at his knees.

{It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.}
-William Shakespeare


{P E R S O N A L I T Y}
Waylon can be described as a protective(if not overly), kind, sarcastic, stubborn, brave, ill-tempered, and is somewhat a greedy man, and a glory-seeker. He is very loyal, and protective of his crew. No matter how long they've served on his ship, he is fiercely loyal to them, and is easily willing to kill, or even die for them if need be. If you trust your life in his hands, he becomes like a vicious attack dog to protect you. Despite his rather intimidating appearance, he is truly a softy. He is surprisingly kind, and considerate.

He can also be very sarcastic, and usually has a smart ass quip up his sleeve. He is very stubborn, and won't give up on anything, or admit he's wrong. This is both a blessing, and a curse. He is extremely brave, and is generally fearless, as he will not hesitate to jump head first into danger, and always speaks his mind. Despite his rather kind disposition, he has a temper, and when angered, he is not to be trifled with. If you thought he was a vicious attack dog when his crew is threatened, he becomes like a vicious tiger mixed with a gorilla when angered. So it's best to stay on his good side.

He is fairly greedy, and is infatuated with the idea of treasure, as well as fame, and glory it would bring him. Every since he could remember he has dreamed of finding that one big treasure that'd bring him all the infamy, and glory in the world, and too prove that he is better than he was born to be. This is his main driving force. He is also somewhat pessimistic.

{Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.}
-Christopher Reeve

{L I K E S}
Drinking. Treasure. His Ship. Smoking. Glory. Animals. Children. Fighting. His crew. Being respected. People following his orders. Working out. Weapons.
{D I S L I K E S}
Disloyalty. People threating his crew. Being told what to do. Being disrespected. His orders not being followed.
{F E A R S}
His crew dying. Losing his ship. Being forgotten.
{G O A L S}
To prove his worth. To find treasure. To have children. Killing the High Councilor.
{S K I L L S}
  • Combat- Waylon is extremely skilled in combat.
  • Strength- He is also very physically strong, and is able to at least lift twice his own weight.
  • Agility- He has great agility, and is naturally quick, and nimble(surprising given his size), and is able to perform parkour-like moves.
  • Marksmanship- He is a fairly good shot with most weapons, and is able to easily pick up any type of weapon, and quickly become familiar with it.
  • Swordsmanship- He is extremely skilled swordsman, and is able to wield even the most unbalanced of blades with expert ease.
{W E A P O N S}
  • Pistol Sword- This sword is rather unbalanced due to having a pistol built into it, but Waylon is able to wield it with relative ease. He typically uses it as a sword, and usually uses the pistol as a last resort, or a surprise attack.
  • Pistol- He carries this pistol on him at all times, and is deadly accurate with it.
  • Knife- He also carries at all times a knife with a brass knuckle handle, and a skull piece on the end of it.

{Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.}
-Khalil Gilbran

{H I S T O R Y}
Waylon has never known any sort of luxury. He was born, and raised in the slums of Ursitrova. His mother died giving birth, and his father was left to raise him by himself. At first, his father tried to stay on the straight, and narrow, a difficult thing for someone living in Ursitrova. But the bills began pilling up, and in a town like Ursitrova there are more unsavory opportunities then there are legitimate ones. So his father became a pirate. Despite the cutthroat lifestyle of piracy he did his best to raise Waylon right, and be a loving father, and hopefully keep him out of this life.

His father would be gone weeks at a time, and Waylon would have to stay at his neighbors until he returned. So from a young age Waylon had to learn to take care of himself. Despite not seeing his father a whole lot, they had a good relationship. He knew his father was doing his best, but still they were scraping just to get by. He would be forced to have a single loaf of bread to last him an entire week, sometimes even longer. But then came the job of a lifetime, a job that would set them for life, and all his father had to do was kill one person and they'd have the life they always wanted. The High Councilor himself hired his father to kill the Empress.

His father snuck onboard of the ship that was transporting her majesty back from Sararnini, and assassinated her. He barely managed to escape with his life. But when he went to collect his reward he was betrayed, the High Councilor had his father killed to tie up any loose ends, and thus left a fourteen year old Waylon an orphan. But the Councilor didn't know that he had a son, and that Waylon's father anticipated this, and made sure a message got to Waylon telling him what happened in case the worse came. When he found out, he was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

Alone, Waylon had to figure out a way to get by, so with no opinions left Waylon had to work for D'arcy Mullin. During this time, Waylon grew more, and more resentful of his hometown, and wanted nothing more to leave. Which he managed to do when he was seventeen, when he left Ursitrova firmly behind him. He moved to the capital. He expected this to be a better life for him, but he was wrong. He ended up in the Earth District, and not much changed, he just traded one slum for another. The thing that did change was that he was looked down upon because of where he was from, and ended up segregated among the segregated.

This sparked a fire inside him, he was gonna prove to everyone of his worth. He began working like a dog, odd jobs, and the occasional underground cage fight were the ways he earned enough money to buy his very own ship, and find the treasure he's always dreamed of. And he did it. It took years, but he made enough money to buy his own ship, the Anima Caeli. He eventually found him a crew, and is now setting his sights on treasure.

{I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.}
-Nelson Mandela

{C O L O R}

{F C}
Jason Momoa

{P O R T R A Y E D B Y}
Future God-Emperor CutUp

So begins...

Waylon Tyger's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf Character Portrait: Navi Callibross Character Portrait: Shepherd Allerton Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre
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Lenora awoken by the vigorous shaking her maidservant, Felicia, was giving her. She cracked open an eyelid and sleepily looked up the offending party. “Felicia, what are doing? Its only...” She glanced at the ancient grandfather clock standing in a corner of the room. “Six o'clock in the morning.” The look on her maidservant's face caused her stomach to drop like a stone. The girl's face was scrunched in worry and her eyes were alight with panic.

“You have to leave right now, Your Highness! Its the Council, they've decided they want to be rid of ya. They say you don't have what it takes to be Empress, and you should be disposed of.”

Lenora's chest clenched. Her first instinct was to believe Felicia was lying, but she'd known her for years, and knew she didn't have a dishonest bone in her body. She felt her own panic start to set in. “What about High Councilor Julius? Surely he would be against it. He's the most loyal person I know.”

Felicia looked on the Empress with sympathy. “He's the one leading the decision, Your Highness. He's going to be the one they put in power.”

Lenora felt her entire world come crashing down. She remembered how sick her father got out of nowhere, and began to question to the popular theory of it being a heart sickness. Anger seeped into her as she realized who was probably to blame.

“I must go in front of my people,” she said with determination. “I will tell the public what is transpiring, and they will back me up.”

Felicia shook her head in desperation. “The common folk don't care who's head where's the crown as long as food is in their bellies. You have to escape.” She grabbed an outfit that was on a nearby chair and flung it at Lenora. “Put this on. Its my sister's traveling clothes.”

“I can't just abandon my duty,” Lenora said, eying the brown corset short and black pants.

“Live to fight another day, miss,” Felicia said.

Lenora saw the wisdom in that, so she quietly got dressed while Felicia braided her hair. After she was finished, she asked Felicia, “But where do I go?”

The maidservant put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “There is a Scavenger group in the Airship District that is looking for a cook. Betty in the kitchens was going to take it, but she's agreed to let you have it.”

Lenora didn't know who Betty in the kitchens was, so the gesture warmed her heart all the more. “Tell her how extremely grateful I am. But I don't know how to cook, I've never cooked anything in my life.”

Felicia smiled and started directing her out the door. “Just make sure you add salt instead of rat poison and you'll do fine. Now let's hurry up and go.”

She led the empress down the hall and through the Servant's Quarters. They got a few odd stares, but most people were too busy with their work to pay them any mind. Eventually they made it to the servant's exit that took them just outside the palace. Felicia pointed Lenora towards the main road. “Just follow it to the left and you'll come to the Airship District. Go to the Anima Caeli airship and request the job as the cook. And hope you don't get turned down.” She said that last part with a nervous smile.

Everything finally started to sink in for Lenora. She was no longer welcome in the only home she ever knew, and was about to leave everything she ever had behind. She latched onto Felicia and gave her tight, long hug, whispered a quiet 'thank you', then rushed off.

There was a lot of foot traffic on the road that day, so she blended right in with hardly any stares. She knew her way around the Sky District, so she was able to quickly make it to the Airship District. There is where she ran into problems, as she had never been there before. She got turned around several times, and had to ask a dockworker where the Anima Caeli was. She eventually found it, and saw a group of people standing in front of where it was docked. She straightened her back and walked over to them with her head held high, even though inside she was a bundle of nerves. When she spoke the speech she had been working on since the Sky District, she said it with a steady voice. “I hear your looking for a cook. My name Nora, I was a cook in royal kitchens and I would like to come work for you.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield Character Portrait: Bloom.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Juilii
The day was like any other. Restock, walk around, return to the ship, and do a final check that nothing had been forgotten. It was nigh impossible to forget anything that had to do with medical supplies, especially with Bloom literally reciting everything she needed in exact amounts. Jackson wasn't quite sure why Bloom questioned his abilities to memorize inventory, but he let it slide because he knew she wasn't aware of herself of times.

However, they were all waiting outside, not because there was something wrong with the ship or because they hadn't yet restocked the ship, but because they were finally getting a new cook. The last one had retired...underground some time ago, but while Bloom wasn't a bad cook, it was a bit...terrifying to wonder just what exactly she did, as she always barred the door when it was her turn. And she was the one with the most commendable cooking skills. Jackson almost always ended up charring whatever he made, so he blacklisted himself to prevent wasting food.

For some time, Jackson idly watched a woman wandering about the district, disappearing and reappearing among the crowd. He wouldn't have singled her out if it weren't for the fact she bore a striking resemblance to the Emperor's daughter.

A very striking resemblance, he thought to himself, as he watched her approach the group. She introduced herself as 'Nora'. Hm. Like Lenora. Without a 'Le'. All nobles are capable of creative aliases, apparently, He scoffed mentally, as all he had done was drop the second syllable in his names. I didn't know she could cook...maybe she learned in her off time?

Jackson glanced over at Bloom. Yep, that girl was pulling the 'I stare into your body and soul' gaze that was often quite unsettling to those who didn't know her or weren't used to her. However, she remained utterly silent, to which Jackson responded with a very soft sigh. The last thing they needed to happen was Bloom scaring off the cook."Bloom," He had said to her in the morning,"You don't say a word to the new cook until we are far from the ground. No words. No mask. We need the cook as much as we need peace of mind."

He wished he had brought up the stare issue. To that he face-palmed internally. He then glanced over at the Captain. 'Nora' looked really light, in fact, it looked like she had never done any cooking in her life (he could be wrong. He hoped he was right about her learning a thing or two) but he doubted that 'Nora' would readily turn down being an empress to instead be a cook-since it had always seemed she did everything she could to be empress- so there had to be a reason, and that reason was the only one that he himself was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

And he hoped that the Captain did as well.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Lyrik Character Portrait: Corvus  Heartly Character Portrait: Jackson Whitefield
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Juilii
Aand there went Lyrik, creeping up on 'Nora', quickly giving approval for pretty obvious reasons- her stomach was quite loud- and nearly knocked over the startled empress, before vanishing into the crowd and appearing next to the rest of the 'mangey lot'.

"She is kinda pretty, ya? For a cook, at least."

I really don't think beauty is directly affected by our jobs, Lyrik. Nonetheless he knew she didn't mean harm. She was pretty nice when she trusted the person- a bit too touchy at times, but otherwise pleasant. Hopefully 'Nora' took this positively.

After asking a random man there his own opinion, she had turned her attention to Corvus.

Ah, Corvus. He could be the most random of the group, and he quickly won the 'most over the top greeting one could muster' award, before attempting to offer a deep, winded, pseudo philosophical response to Lyrik's enquiry.

Great. If they kept this up, they would end up scaring away 'Nora' before the Captain greenlit her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf Character Portrait: Navi Callibross Character Portrait: Shepherd Allerton Character Portrait: Ula Cotovatre
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp

Captain Waylon in all his glory woke up in a sweaty, boozy mess(as per usual). He groaned like waking up was a trail in of itself. Hangovers are so annoying. Though at this point he's pretty much used to it, and it's more of a minor annoyance then anything. It's nothing he can't hand. As he sat up on his king sized bed he reached over to his nightstand, and grabbed a bottle of liquor sitting on it. He brought the bottle up to his lips for a much needed swig of his go-juice, but it was empty. The day's onto a bang up start already.

Waylon held the bottle up to peek inside, and held it upside down. "Ugh, must be Thursday." He groaned as he laid the empty bottle aside, and got up from his bed. He quickly threw on his shirt, and the ever important captain's jacket, and started his day of work. Waylon left his captain's quarters, and went to Weg's cabin, who was still sound asleep. While Waylon usually doesn't personally wake the crew up(he usually uses a ship wide announcement or something in the like), he always makes a special exception for Weg. He does enjoy annoying him.

Waylon entered the cabin all stealthy, and ninja like, making sure not to make a sound. Once Waylon was close enough he gave Weg a powerful kick to his side that knocked him out of his slumber, and off his bed. "What?! What's going on?!" Weg asked in confusion, despite the fact Waylon wakes him up like this everyday. "Dude, do you need to ask?" Waylon questioned. "I...I just woke up! Shut up you big....jerk." Weg said as he rubbed his eyes. "Shut up? Big jerk? It's quick thinking like that, that makes you the greatest mind of our generation." Waylon sarcastically replied. "Come on, we've got work to do."

Now, with everyone up and about, and outside the ship's dock the day was finally starting. Waylon was expecting the applicants for the cook position today. Finally, if he has to sit through another one of Weg's beef surprise, it's not going to be pretty. It wasn't too long until the first prospect arrived. Some girl who introduced herself as Nora. She looked somewhat familiar to Waylon, but his ever growing migraine kept him from thinking too much about it.

Then the crew started to give their two cents about the girl. "Yes, yes she's very cute. We're all adorable, I couldn't be anymore proud." Waylon sarcastically replied to Lyrik's observations as he took out his skull shaped tobacco pipe. He lite the pipe, and began smoking. "Ah shucks, you're gonna make me blush Cap'n." Weg chimed in. Waylon walked over to Nora, towering over her, making the single foot of height he has on her seem like fifty. He shifted the pipe in his mouth, and blew smoke out of the side towards her. It took everything in Weg's power not to start cracking up at Waylon's tough guy act. Sure, Waylon is a tough guy, a very tough guy, but really he's just a big softie at heart. It always makes him laugh when he acts like a monster of a man.

"Name's Waylon, Waylon Tyger." He introduced himself, his voice becoming very deep, and thunder-like. "A royal cook? Why would you leave such a cushy gig like that to slum with a bunch of scavs like us? No offense scavs." Waylon asked. "Did you get tired of all the snooty royal types?" Yeah, Waylon has no love for the supposed 'higher ups'. Selfish idiots if you ask him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Empress Lenora Kinealy Character Portrait: Waylon Tyger Character Portrait: Hogan 'Weg' Wegleaf Character Portrait: Lyrik Character Portrait: Bloom
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#, as written by Juilii
Bloom looked at Nora again. It is quite clear that she lived an otherwise sedentary lifestyle. Weg has more combat skill in comparison. But she isn't an imbecile, she seems like one who can make up skill with effort. On that note, Bloom also returned to the ship- if they didn't end up hiring Nora, she would have to get the equipment ready to properly prepare that creature she had in a cage in her lab, whom she had affectionately dubbed as 32, since it was a fairly new species she hadn't really told anyone about and it hadn't been registered. She wanted to keep performing the experiments, but lunch was more important.

Bloom truly did not understand why the others felt so uneasy when it was her turn to cook, everything she made was perfectly safe and tasted fine. So what if it still twitched ocasionally? It was dead, it just...did that. More often than normal creatures.

Not her fault the more exotic creatures did that, though maybe that was a small reason why they weren't widely marketed for food.

It wasnt like she didn't cook chicken or other popular foods, just that whenever they went anywhere, those creatures happened to be there. Just like some of the plants. Some were quite nutritional, while others simply served as medicine, weapons, or aesthetic design in her lab or for The Doctor to sell to the much more vain crowd up in the Sky district.

The Terrybitter would probably go well with 32....