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Bella Farris

I'm soo sleepy...

0 · 323 views · located in 2012

a character in “The Seven Deadly Sins: Lovely Markings”, originally authored by PINKanime, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Bella Farris
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Sin: Sloth
Demon?: Girl

Likes: Drawing, Sleeping, Candy
Dislikes: Any kind of Physical or Mental work

Fears: Being left alone
Hates: Strangers

Time of Day: afternoon...perfect for napping

Piercings: none
Tattoos: none

Personality: Really nice, but also lazy. She won't do something unless it has to do with art and doesn't like to be bossed around. Bella is pretty smart, but doesn't use her brain that much because of all the effort needed. Because of this Bella doesn't go to school anymore and just lays around drawing.
Not seen Without?: a pencil

History: She never liked doing work. Ever since Bella was young she never liked work. There was no point of doing it. Her philosophy was that when you died everyone would go to the same place. No matter how hard you worked. What was the point of being successful then. To enjoy your life to the fullest is a mistake. The real saying should go live your life how you want to live it. At that point Bella decided to live her life how she wanted to.

So begins...

Bella Farris's Story


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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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Tired. Bella was really tired, but she knew she had to finish it. Leading her pencil against the paper she quickly put down a few more strokes. Then she picked up her colored pencils and began to color it in. When she finished her drawing she looked at it. It was a landscape drawing of a neighbor's yard. It was a present for her new neighbor to try and welcome them into the neighborhood. At least they wouldn't know at first that she was the lame drop-out. It wasn't her fault that she didn't do any of the school work. There was just no interest to do it.

Bella then got ready to go to bed. It wasn't too late, but she was really tired. For some reason drawing didn't seem to have an affect on her and make her tired, but just after finishing she felt a drowsy affect. Maybe she was weak, she thought. That thought has always occurred to her, but she never paid much attention to it.

Once she got her pajamas on Bella slipped into bed. As she glanced out the window she hoped to see the moon, but instead there seemed to be two legs dangling on the outside of her window. She quickly got up and ran over to the window almost tripping on the way. She then opened the window and looked up. It wasn't just two legs, but a whole body. She then said,"Umm... excuse me, but what are you doing on my roof?"


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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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Cusp made a grunting noise as he settled down, his muscles relaxing quickly, grateful for the rest. He decided that he wasn't going to move for a very, very long time. He kicked his legs back and forth a little, enjoying himself. Roof-tops were nice. He liked them. He could feel a gentle breeze on his face and the slight feeling of vertigo was pleasing. He knew he was high up, but he couldn't see it, so it sort of felt like he wasn't, and the conflict in his mind made the mass quit working fast. And when the daemon stopped thinking, sleep would soon follow.

Or maybe a voice? Wait what? Cuspin sat up. He was awake, and there was a voice. Oh yeah, he was on a human's roof. He analyzed the voice. Oh, it was Bella. He'd been looking for her, right? Yes. His girlie. He'd almost put that out of his mind. And since she was here, he'd guessed right, he should carry through with his idea, right? Righto. Ohh, and he should probably answer her question, that was a good idea. It took Cuspin's mind a few second to catch back up to reality's speed, but he managed it.

"I was taking a nap, couldn't you tell?" He said with a mock pout, leaning forward until his head was upside down, about half a foot from her nose. But he didn't know how close she was. he could vaguely pinpoint her from the sound of her breathing, but that wasn't very reliable. The dark haired boy grinned mischievously. "I got tired of flying, so I crashed on your roof." He said, then sat back upright again. In a swift motion he flipped himself over and settled his scuffed shoes on her window ledge, his fingers firmly clamped onto the edge of the roof as he hung, his feet providing balance and his arms providing strength.

"I'd be ever so pleased if you let me in. You know me, right? I'm Timothy Mathers. Eh?" He was pretty well-known at the school, transfer in the middle of the year, a blind kid who rarely ever had his eyes open in class. He couldn't quite remember if he'd ever talked to Bella before, but he did know that there was something appealing about her, the reason he'd noticed her in the first place. She had a sort of sleepy air around her, warm and sticky. Pleasant. he could feel it now. Mmm, he felt even more sleepy now.

Without waiting for an answer, Cuspin blindly pushed himself into the room, somehow not knocking Bella over. He wobbled slightly his hands out just in case he ran into something in this unfamiliar place. he shifted on his feet. The carpet was soft enough. "Well, look at that! I'm not on your roof anymore!" He said cheerily as he settled himself down on the carpet, laying his cane down next to him. He paused for a beat, then his tone grew more serious. "But really, some thugs have been hunting me down and I need somewhere to hide out for a little while 'cause I don't have a place of my own. DO you mind?" It was a little late for that question, but hey! better late than never.

The dark haired boy had adopted an earnest expression, his misty eyes aiding his attempt to look innocent and helpless. Such things always worked with the ladies, didn't they. Of course, he looked rather ruffled and messy, and the wound on the side of his nose from where his nose stud had been pulled out was particularly red tonight. It made him look worse for the wear. Hopefully it would work though, because Cusp really, really wanted to go to sleep and stop moving around so much. it was way too much work.


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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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The boy said,"I was taking a nap, couldn't you tell? I got tired of flying, so I crashed on your roof.I'd be ever so pleased if you let me in. You know me, right? I'm Timothy Mathers. Eh?" Bella looked up. She wasn't so sure people could fly much less get on her roof, but she was so sleepy she didn't really care. Lets see Timothy..., she thought. She had heard that name before and probably knew him, that would be before she dropped out of school. Now she hardly knew any of the kids.

He quickly jumped into her room and said,"Well, look at that! I'm not on your roof anymore! But really, some thugs have been hunting me down and I need somewhere to hide out for a little while 'cause I don't have a place of my own. DO you mind?" Only a few words registered for Bella as she was dozing off. Roof, thugs, hunting, and hide. It took her a while, but she was finally able to realize what he was saying. he needed help to hide, but he was a stranger. Bella shook her head. She needed to stay awake to make this decision.

Bella quickly scanned him over. He looked like a nice kid. He was also blind which surprised her seeing he was just recently on her roof. He looked a little older than her which seemed to make sense seeing he would have been in the same grade as her. At the moment she wasn't that sure what to make of him, but he did look a little lost. She yawned. It would be to hard to get him to leave she decided so she might as well let him stay the night. If he was really a bad person then she would probably be dead by now.

"Okay," Bella said," You can stay for this one night. I'm just so sleepy i can't think straight so I'll sort it out in the morning. Good night" And with those final words she hopped into her bed and drifted off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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Her voice was sodden with tiredness. It was very calming, actually. It made Cuspin's body droop slightly with the pleasant numbness of sleep. he could probably flourish forever in this lethargy, if she was always like this. She swallowed his tale well enough, it seemed, either that or she just wasn't listening, too sleepy to care. That was fine with him. Sleepiness was a good asset in his eyes. It left a body so easy Cuspin blinked. He'd been tired before, but rare was it that he was so tired that he lost his train of though, Oh well. He'd find it later... maybe.

Her feet padded across the room, he could hear, and the squeal of her bed as she flopped back into it was very appealing. He lay back on the carpet, which embraced him warmly, but his back refused to let him sleep. It was sore, as was most of the rest of his body, but his spine dug into the floor uncomfortably. The carpet wasn't that soft. He needed a better place to sleep. Leaving his cane on the floor, the sleepy boy stood and stumbled to one side, his hands out in front of him. Oh, there was the door, don't want to go that way. Cusp turned around and stumbled the other way. He ran into a couple things, but thankfully he didn't knock anything over. he didn't, however, find another acceptable place to sleep. His muscles were complaining loudly now, and he was about ready to collapse on the ground. But he had his mind set on something, and he really wanted to achieve his goal.

The dark haired fellow ran into the window again, which was still open. he stuck his head out into the cool night air for a moment, shaking his head slightly, then pulled away, shutting the window again and stumbling off in a new direction. He could hear the girl breathing, so he stumbled in that direction. Aww, fuck it, he thought, and felt out the end of her bed. Why not? He curled up at the end, his head lolling off the edge. It was much more comfortable than the floor. The boy was asleep before he could even blink.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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Bella woke up in the middle of the night, which was rare for her seeing as she was a hard sleeper. She just had the strangest dream that a boy came in through her window wanting protection from something. She looked at the end of her bed and saw the sleeping boy. Bella rubbed her eyes. The dream couldn't be real could it? She lightly poked him. Yup, he was real. She looked at him. He was sort of cute sleeping, but he was on her bed. She narrowed her eyes. How was she suppose to get a good night sleep if there was a boy on her bed. She quickly shook him to wake him up. She was getting really sleepy now and wanted to go back to bed. Lets see what was his name again. Oh yeah, it was Timothy. She quietly said," Um... Timothy i don't really mind you here, but can you get off my bed i want to go back to sleep."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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"Wassamatter?" Cuspin had just settled fully into sleep, and now he was being shaken up. At first he thought it was the Hell guards, and his body, which was still prone, tensed. A female voice was began to speak, talking about someone named Timothy. who was... ooh, right, he was Timothy. He didn't quite catch what she said, he was still waking up. His body didn't particularly want to start working again, however, and he couldn't sit up. His back was sore as anything, and he was too lazy to fight against gravity. He profiled exactly what had happened through the sludge in his mind, and he slowly managed to put two and two together. She wanted him to get off her bed. Well, duh. Cuspin rebuked himself vaguely, green eyes opening again, and frowned slightly.

"Kay." He mumbled, his voice thick with muddiness. It took a slight motion from his legs to send him sliding backwards, head first towards the floor. Impact was slightly more painful than he had anticipated, but not enough to wake him up properly. His lower half bent forward, over his floor-bound head in some sort of lack-luster somersault. His knees met the floor and he rested that way for a moment, folded up like a box. His spine, however, did not like that arrangement, and like a slinky, the boy unfolded himself in an upright position and stood up slowly. Standing up, however, was a bad idea for two reasons. The first was that he experienced an extreme vertigo because of the (sort of) sudden change of his center of balance. The second was because he had no clue where he was going.

A prime example as to why no one should ever, ever allow Cusp to do anything or go anywhere, entailed. He walked straight into the wall across from her bed. That startled him immensely, and he held a hand over the impact point, his nose wrinkling. He mumbled an apology to the wall and sort of sank down, leaning against it. His hand dropped from his forehead to the ground as he dropped back into sleep, his jaw going slack and his body slumping forward, sliding against the wall, until his face was flush with the carpet. It was a wonder that he could breath at all in that position, half bent over, arms and legs sprawled in an almost macabre fashion. But he was already so far gone into his precious sleep world that even his spine didn't protest the painful arrangement.

Sleep, the natural opiate.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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Bella woke up around ten in the morning. She was still really sleepy though. As she lifted herself from the bed she stretched, she could tell it would be a long day. Bella then got dressed. It seemed to take her longer than usual because her body didn't want to move. After she got dressed she sat back down at her desk.What did she need to do today. Oh yeah, she thought, I needed to deliver the picture to the new neighbors. She sighed this would take more energy out of her then she wanted. Bella then decided that she could wait. It's not like they are expecting a welcoming gift anyway.

Bella looked around her room. She knew she was forgetting something, but her memory seemed to be as tired as she was. Maybe if I got some fresh air I would remember, she thought. Bella then trudged over to her window, yet before she reached it she felt something by her foot. She looked down and saw a boy on the ground. Now she remembered what she forgot. Timothy was sleeping here. She didn't really remember why though. She thought that he might get caught by her parents though; then she remembered that they were on a trip.

With Bella's mind finally clearing up she looked him over again. He seemed to be sleeping in some weird position. She wondered if it was suppose to be therapeutic or something. She knelt down beside his head. She slowly woke him up to consciousness. When he awoke she said," Oh your up Timothy. I was just going to ask why you decided to come to my house seeing as I hardly know you."


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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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It took a while for Cuspin to realize that someone was trying to wake him up. It took an even longer time for him to manage to get his eyes open. He made a slight, annoyed sound, and one blind eye opened, followed by the other. He yawned. His back arched slightly as he tried to stretch. Then he realized that something had him by the head. He stiffened, then a little female voice spoke. Oh, not the hell guards. Cuspin untangled his limbs from each other and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Timothy...Timothy was him. And she wanted to know what he was doing here? Well, um...hmm. What was he doing here? No, why was he here. Not in a general sense, but why had he picked this house? He'd been looking for her, yes, because she had this air about her, but it had been completely random. He hadn't known which house belonged to her. So what to tell her?

"Well" He began, the precursor to a rather long story. "I was fleeing from some thugs, I don't know why in Hell they wanted me, or what for, but they were chasing me. Then one of them caught me from behind, so I whacked him with my cane." Cuspin reached out, searching for said instrument. "Where is my...?" He said vaguely. it wasn't around him, it had to be somewhere in the room. He couldn't lose the cane. That would be like losing an overly weaponized part of himself. Cusp wobbled to his feet, crossing the room until he stumbled over the object he was looking for. "Oh, there you are." he said to it, seizing the object and returning to the girl. He settled back down with a sigh, running his fingers over the many dents in the silver topper of the cane. "Anyway." He continued as if nothing had happened. I swung my cane around a bit, then continued running. I wasn't sure if they were still chasing me, so I climbed the first roof I can across. And I guess they gave up. Or at least, I hope they did." Cusp laughed uncomfortably. He wasn't going to tell her about all that daemon-y stuff, at least not yet. He wasn't entirely sure if he could trust her. She might just kick him out if she thought him a bat-case. And he didn't particularly want to get kicked out. The Hell guards, if they were still looking, would find him much easier if he was on the streets.

Cuspin ran a hand through his haired tiredly. He really didn't want to think anymore. he was hungry and tired, and he ached. "And that is my story." He said, his voice suddenly heavier with a note akin to that of defeat. He leaned back against the wall and yawned again, rubbing his eyes almost violently.


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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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(sorry for the short post, i just had to post something though -o-)
As Bella listened to the story she started to get sleepy again. It wasn't the story, just something about Timothy's voice.When is was over she said, "Oh I see. That seems to make a lot of sense. Well you don't need to worry about my parents being here because they are away on a trip right now, so it's just you and me." She didn't mean for it to sound that awkward, but there seemed to be a long silence after she said that.

"Well anyway," she continued, " I guess your really hungry and I was just going to go out to eat, since it's a lot easier than cooking something. Do you want to come? I'll treat."