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The Seven Deadly Sins: Lovely Markings



a part of The Seven Deadly Sins: Lovely Markings, by Sullenkiller.


Sullenkiller holds sovereignty over 2012, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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2012 is a part of The Seven Deadly Sins: Lovely Markings.

14 Characters Here

Razhehah Tristitia [29] "Become better than me? Pssh, you wish."
Renevari "Ren" Lehsade [29] "I'm Ren... Don't mind me, please. I'm sure I'd just get in your way, anyhow. Sigh... I'm so tired..."
Micah Williams [20] "What the world really needs? More love, and less paperwork."
Ix [19] "Yum, yum, yum"
Cuspin Tarinex [10] "I do what I want! Well, it's not very much, but it's the priciple of the thing!"
Torus Nazo [10] "Impolite of you to keep those lovely legs shut to me!"
Niah Long [10] "I-I would never think of those things! I-It's..."
Bella Farris [9] I'm soo sleepy...
Luke Cornfield. [8] "I shall have you, no, I will take you."
Paige Campbell [8] "Can I borrow 40 bucks? "

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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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It took a while for Cuspin to realize that someone was trying to wake him up. It took an even longer time for him to manage to get his eyes open. He made a slight, annoyed sound, and one blind eye opened, followed by the other. He yawned. His back arched slightly as he tried to stretch. Then he realized that something had him by the head. He stiffened, then a little female voice spoke. Oh, not the hell guards. Cuspin untangled his limbs from each other and sat up, rubbing his eyes. Timothy...Timothy was him. And she wanted to know what he was doing here? Well, um...hmm. What was he doing here? No, why was he here. Not in a general sense, but why had he picked this house? He'd been looking for her, yes, because she had this air about her, but it had been completely random. He hadn't known which house belonged to her. So what to tell her?

"Well" He began, the precursor to a rather long story. "I was fleeing from some thugs, I don't know why in Hell they wanted me, or what for, but they were chasing me. Then one of them caught me from behind, so I whacked him with my cane." Cuspin reached out, searching for said instrument. "Where is my...?" He said vaguely. it wasn't around him, it had to be somewhere in the room. He couldn't lose the cane. That would be like losing an overly weaponized part of himself. Cusp wobbled to his feet, crossing the room until he stumbled over the object he was looking for. "Oh, there you are." he said to it, seizing the object and returning to the girl. He settled back down with a sigh, running his fingers over the many dents in the silver topper of the cane. "Anyway." He continued as if nothing had happened. I swung my cane around a bit, then continued running. I wasn't sure if they were still chasing me, so I climbed the first roof I can across. And I guess they gave up. Or at least, I hope they did." Cusp laughed uncomfortably. He wasn't going to tell her about all that daemon-y stuff, at least not yet. He wasn't entirely sure if he could trust her. She might just kick him out if she thought him a bat-case. And he didn't particularly want to get kicked out. The Hell guards, if they were still looking, would find him much easier if he was on the streets.

Cuspin ran a hand through his haired tiredly. He really didn't want to think anymore. he was hungry and tired, and he ached. "And that is my story." He said, his voice suddenly heavier with a note akin to that of defeat. He leaned back against the wall and yawned again, rubbing his eyes almost violently.


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Character Portrait: Razhehah Tristitia Character Portrait: Renevari "Ren" Lehsade
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"I never said I was 'happy.' I simply said I was contented. But, it doesn't really matter. I can tell this little discussion isn't going to go anywhere, anyway. I suppose you're right. I should really get some rest. And, perhaps, if it comes to the point where I have to change, I'll follow your advice," Ren said, sighing. "Come on. Let's head up to my room, then. Stay quiet, though. It would be awkward if someone heard us and came out to find me slipping up to my room at one in the morning along with some strange boy wearing some of my brother's clothes. I'd really rather not think about what impressions that would give them." Motioning for the stairs, Ren led the way this time, the bright red coat she habitually wore trailing out behind her as she turned and strode upward. Although it didn't appear to be much, it was a motion of trust. Really, by all rights, Ren should have been terrified. A trans-human being was currently occupying her house, and there wasn't exactly anything but his own guarantee that he wasn't going to pull anything when she let her guard down. On the other hand, though, if he had wanted to do something to her, wouldn't he have done it already? By following him into the basement, where nobody would have been able to hear her and she would have been helpless, at his mercy, she had given him the perfect opportunity, and he had not exploited it. He had even revealed his true nature to her right off the bat, but hadn't done anything to cow or intimidate her. He had simply stated facts, and even given her a few well-meant, if a bit harsh, words of advice. Even though his trustworthiness wasn't assured, Ren had a feeling that she could count on him to keep his promises, if only because he hadn't yet broken them.


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Character Portrait: Razhehah Tristitia Character Portrait: Renevari "Ren" Lehsade
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(Once again, sorry for the extremely belated reply!)

"Yeah yeah, I get it."

She didn't need to keep reminding him of the fact that her family was upstairs and were prone to waking up at any minute to find a strange boy tagging along with their only daughter. He got it. Besides, how much noise did she think a demon could make anyway? If anything, he could glide up the stairs more silently than she ever could. Maybe he needed to show her that he was skilled enough at sneaking around so she would shut up with all these warnings. They were really starting to bug him. He wiggled past her and began climbing the staircase quietly. As his feet pressed against the wood, he realized that she still didn't seem to trust him fully. Her movements were a lot less suspicious now, but she still seemed edgy and her eyes still had a weary light to them. He suppressed the urge to sigh. Honestly, what could he possibly do to her? Kill her? Like that would benefit him at all.

He turned back around so Ren wouldn't see that he was rolling his eyes. As he ascended to the top of the staircase, he looked around before asking quietly.

"Where do your parents and brother sleep? I'll try to be extra quiet when I pass their rooms."

Not that he was making any noise in the first place.


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Azazel followed Itzal into the bar, as she made her way up onto the stage Azazel sat back one of the stools. He turned his attention to Itzal as she began to play. The rhythm of her music made him… mellow. That's never happened before.… The naughtiness of the place brought his attention to his main goal at this moment. His stomach made a slight rumbling noise, if you could call it a stomach. 

Azazel scanned the area, nothing of interest caught his eye. Another glance around Azazel spotted a man, slightly tipsy by his posture, having a horrible fail at a flirty smile standing in front of a girl. Maybe in her younger twenties who did not seem to enjoy the mans company as much as he was enjoying hers. Azazel made his way to the two, being able to catch a few sentences of there conversation. 

Man: "Let's g-get out of here."
Woman: "Uh-"
Man: "Don't you "uh" me, I got a really nice car."
Woman: "Just leave me alone."

Perfect way to get fed. Oh how I love drunkards! A smile played to Azazel's lips as he deliberately cut off the man, and whisperd into the girl's ear; "". She looked up at him, the spell obviously taking effect. She brought her lips to his and they kissed for a moment until the rage coming off the drunky were like waves of energy. It's like a buffet! "What the fuck man?!" The drunk slightly, shoved Azazel backwards after breaking away from the woman. 

Rage burned at Azazel's gut as his little fury came into play.  "Fucking touch me again, see what happens." A normal man saying to another man would've caused a full out fight, but when a wrath demon says it to a human something makes the human stop and think. No matter how drunk. "Fuck man, you can have the whore!" And with that the man stumbled away. Azazel's rage slightly went from aflame to a light simmer. Completely forgetting about the woman, who now seemed a bit dazed, Azazel went back to the bar. Ordering a few shots with a fake I.D Azazel listened to the music that Itzal created. 


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(Sorry! I kept forgetting to post here. X.X)

"Hallway on the second floor. There are two doors off the sides leading to their rooms. Generally, though, we should be okay. They're heavy sleepers, which means that they probably won't notice us. All we have to do is slip through the hall and head up to my room," Ren explained in a quiet voice, quickly following the demon as he stormed past her - apparently, her paranoid warnings had served to annoy him. Really, all she wanted was to make sure they didn't get caught. It was for his own good, so what was the use in being angry? Oh well, she thought. This was why she didn't talk to people much. She could never go very long without making some little slip up and being a pain.

Once they made it to the main floor, Ren quickly came up alongside the demon and made her way down a small hallway toward a set of stairs, gesturing for him to follow. Creeping up them as silent as a cat sneaking up on a mouse, she made her way upstairs. She just hoped her family wasn't still awake, because if they were that could be rather... awkward.


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Character Portrait: Cuspin Tarinex Character Portrait: Bella Farris
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(sorry for the short post, i just had to post something though -o-)
As Bella listened to the story she started to get sleepy again. It wasn't the story, just something about Timothy's voice.When is was over she said, "Oh I see. That seems to make a lot of sense. Well you don't need to worry about my parents being here because they are away on a trip right now, so it's just you and me." She didn't mean for it to sound that awkward, but there seemed to be a long silence after she said that.

"Well anyway," she continued, " I guess your really hungry and I was just going to go out to eat, since it's a lot easier than cooking something. Do you want to come? I'll treat."


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Character Portrait: Itzal Lolita Brito Ozuna Character Portrait: Azazel Lorē
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#, as written by Gryazi
Do you mind if I skip ahead an hour or so? That way Itzal can finish her set, Azazel can omnomnom and they can share some dialogue ^_^))


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((I don't mind at all! ^^))


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#, as written by Gryazi
"Jack and Coke please."

Itzal made her presence known to Azazel with the order. She slipped into the backed stool at his side, gazed at the alignment of bottles before them.

"Better than spending a night alone at home studying, huh?" she laughed. The bartender was back but moments later. Her presented an amber filled glass. She took a gulp.

"Haaaah. Burns soo good."

She tilted her head, placed it on her righted forearm. Her wave of curls spilled onto the bar and a lock rebelled to the center of her glass. Itzal laughed and fished it out with her free hand.

"So, what's your story aside from what you've told me? Why are you at school? Why am I your new foster parent? Azazel has a crush?" she cooed.


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Aubrey bit her lip while she sat on the couch waiting for her father tol talk to her,since he called her downstairs."What did I do this time father?"she mumbled.He looked at her confused"Why arn't you dressed?"he asked Harshly."Why would I get dressed up ."She snapped.Aubrey's father came close and put his fingers on his temple,obivously frustrated with her."The

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