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Micah Williams

"What the world really needs? More love, and less paperwork."

0 · 315 views · located in 2012

a character in “The Seven Deadly Sins: Lovely Markings”, as played by Grumpy-Converse


Name: "No, it isn't a boy's name." Micah Alexis Williams.
Age: "My birthday is April 7th." Seventeen.
Gender: "Say that again, and I am not kidding, I will punch you right in the fucking mouth." Female

Sin: "Yes, I have sinned - alot. But who hasn't?" Gluttony; Micah eats. Alot. Fortunately, she is one of those girls that never gets bigger, no matter how much she eats. And, y'know, she likes money, too. But who doesn't?
Demon: "What kind of a question is that?" Girl.

"I like, y'know.. stuff."
  • Salt & Vinegar Pringles
  • Strawberry Laces
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Money
  • Being Well-Liked
  • Being Well-Known
  • Sweets In General
  • Rain
  • Warm Days
  • Ice Cream
  • Romantic Moments
  • Sad Movies
  • Scary Movies
  • Funny Movies
  • Romantic Movies
  • Smiling
  • Most Fizzy Drinks
  • Converse
  • Chocolate Chip Muffins
  • Hollister

"Too many to list..."
  • Raisins
  • Tomatoes
  • Being Ignored
  • Leggings with Not-Long Tops
  • Hippopotamus's
  • Silent Movies
  • Silent Farts
  • Club Orange
  • Really Short Hair
  • Sun Burns
  • Cows
  • Bulls
  • Jazz Music
  • Brown
  • Tangerines
  • Frogs
  • Knees
  • Toes

"Erm, why would I tell you that?"
  • Toes; Not a fear, exactly. They just freak her out.
  • Knees; Same As Toes
  • The Unknown; Micah hates being left out of anything, because, to be honest, anything she doesn't know scares her.
  • Heights
  • Bugs
  • Cows
  • Frogs
  • Birds
"Isn't this the same as Dislikes?"
  • When People constantly ask, "What did you say?"
  • Being Ignored
  • Being Hated
  • Being teased about a guy
  • Her Fears

Time of Day: "I like to sleep in, when I can. It's a habit. A habit that I cherish." Probably Sunset, because it looks gorgeous, but in general, night time. Micah is not a morning person.

Piercings: "Not that much." Micah only has her ears pierced, and that's all she wants pierced, too.
Tattoos: "None... unfortunately." Micah has no tattoos -- though she certainly wants them. Her parents won't allow it.

Personality: "I'd say I'm... nice enough. Not mean anyway." Micah can be nice, when she tries. But, apart from that, she would probably be considered as... okay. Not that she complains, or ignores, or whispers behind peoples backs - though, to be honest, she probably does do these things. She just tends to insult people without realizing it, and then laugh at their reactions, or teasing someone about something playfully, to the point where it just gets annoying. But, we all have flaws, don't we?

Apart from that, Micah is a sweet girl. She tends to put others before herself - well, on most occasions, at least - and is always there to listen to your problems or give a helping hand. If someone is mean to her, she'll let it slide. But if someone is mean to her friend.. their dead. She is fair, too, and hates for people to be left out, or for someone to get more than another. Not to mention, if you be mean to her friends, you are dead. You have to get even, right? She can also be biased towards friends in some situations but... overall, she is a pretty fair person.

You do not want to go near this girl when she is in a bad-mood. Her... less nice side comes out to play. She is most likely to snap at anything you say, or just ignore you. You'll probably be called a variety of 'nicknames,' most of them meaning idiotic, or something along those lines, and prepare for some glares or eye rolls coming your way. Then there is her hyper mood, which is probably just as bad. She tends to laugh... alot. Like, I mean alot. As in... all the time, alot? As soon as someone says something mildly funny, she will be laughing for the rest of the day. Or, at least, until she calms down. She also tends to be more annoying, jumping around the place, singing, saying random stuff and asking random questions.

There are two things that Micah is absolutely terrible at - comforting and flirting. She's the person who, while everyone is saying, "Are you okay?" or "You'll be fine" or even "They're in a better place now," will be skulking around the back of the group, awkwardly. When it comes to heart-to-heart conversations, she is a great listener and great secret-keeper, but when it comes to comforting? A big no-no. And flirting is pretty much the same. To be honest, Micah isn't really sure what to do. How are you supposed to flirt? You can't just go up to someone and start fluttering your eyes, making you look like you have some sort of eyelid spasm! She is actually pretty good at talking to boys - yes, even cute ones - as she can act as if she isn't nervous, when she is dying inside. But flirting? Nope.

She is actually a pretty good actress. Not that she has been in many performances. No, when I say acting, I mean lying. She can get away with almost anything, by saying the right things. Though, it's usually her big mouth that has gotten her their in the first place... An example of this would be when she was thirteen, and her and her best friend were talking to a cute guy in their class who had liked their friend -- and I mean really liked, not just a small crush - for years, via text. They had told him that their friend liked him, which was true, and the two started going-out. The problem with this was... Micah had pretty much set up the guy she liked with another girl. And no, she did not just like him because he was cute - that was just a plus.

Not seen Without?: "Hmm... probably my phone." Yup, her phone. She's a teenage girl, for gods sake!

History: "Boringest subject ever. Wait - most boring, right? I've never been good at English, either." Micah was born to Elizabeth and Jared Williams on April 7. She was the youngest of the Williams, and to be honest, she was always the most spoilt. She had a pretty good life growing up, she will admit. She was the first and only daughter, as well as being the youngest, so for a while, as you could imagine, she was showered with love. She had two older brothers, too -- Edward, aged twenty-one, and Jacob, aged nineteen. They are those kind of brothers that will hekp you through everything. Well, Edward is, at least. Micah's relationship with Jacob is more of a good-natured teasing contest, and they pretty much annoy the shit out of each other on a regular basis.

As a child, Micah and Jacob's relationship was the same. Aged five and seven, the two were wrestling each other on the bouncy-castle at parties. Age fourteen and sixteen, the two were teasing each other about the opposite sex. And during all of this, Edward was standing at the sidelines, making sure it didn't get out of hand. Yes, unlike his hectic siblings, Edward was always responsible, and serious one.

Other: "Nope.. that's it." Just now realized I called the brothers Edward and Jacob... oh, the irony.

So begins...

Micah Williams's Story


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Her parents were fighting. Again.
They had been going on and off about different subjects to argue about all week, and to be honest, it was driving Micah up the wall. She didn't even know what they were fighting about. Probably spilt cereal, or a broken pencil.
Okay, their fights weren't that stupid. But they were petty pointless.

It was times like this when she felt envious of her older brothers, who by now had moved out of the house. One more year, she kept telling herself. She also thought it was pretty stupid that her parents wanted to wait until she was eighteen to move out.

And that was why Micah had found refuge in her room, lying flat out on her stomach on her bed, with the laptop in front of her. The song We Are Young by Fun. played on her ipod over the speakers, in an attempt to drown out her parents yelling.

Micah loved her room. It was quite big, and circular, and the floor was made of wood. The bed was a sinhgke bed with pink covers, and the walls were painted a vibrant red. There was a desk, a wardrobe, a mirror and a dressing table. All of a girl's essentials.

Her room was actually in the attic, meaning that if she wanted, she could step out of her window and onto the roof anytime she liked. That's what Jacob used to do, when he had this room. But Micah was too afraid of heights to go up.

She glanced out the window at the cloudless sky, as the stars twinkled from above. She wondered if the grass would still be wet, or would have dried by now. At sunset, a slight drizzle could be spotted outside, so light that from her bedroom window it looked more like thin lines falling across the sky. The sunset in the background made the whole area look warm, so it was an unusual sight to behold.

At least, to Micah. She had always enjoyed painting, and she had discovered a long time ago that artists saw the world differentky than others.
Or maye it wasn't artists. Maybe it was just her.


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Character Portrait: Ix Character Portrait: Micah Williams
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#, as written by Sonata
The imp had briefly passed out beneath a newspaper that hadn’t made it into the trash can. His stomach felt stretched thin, and his weakness had driven him into sleep. That was until a massive hoof stomped the ground inches from his face. Ix’s eyes snapped open and focused on the hoof before they traveled up the furry leg to a hulking demon holding a black trident.

“This is stupid,” the demon grunted.

“We’ll find him. He has to be hungry. Gluttons are always hungry,” the other demon said.

In his hand was an ebony bowl of demon meal, dripping like bloody oatmeal across the sidewalk. The demons hadn’t seen him beneath the newspaper and the sight of the red apple drops shattering upon the pavement was making his mouth water.

There is better food here than demon meal, but damn does that look good. No! I must resist. I need to get out of here! Ix thought desperately.

He turned beneath the paper and crawled on his hands and knees behind the trash can. He then rose on the balls of his feet and flexed his bat-like wings.

Okay, 3, 2, 1…

His belly uttered a loud gurgle that had the demons’ heads turning to regard the little, red imp behind the trash can. Ix grinned sheepishly at them as he thought, Tummy you betrayed me!

With a frightened yelp, the imp rocketed into the air and flapped as fast as his adrenaline fueled wings could.

“There he is!” the demon with the trident alerted. He then raised his weapon in the air as red lightning began crackling up his arm and along the shaft of the trident. It then leapt in a rippling chain from its prongs to tag the imp in the rump.

With a flaming tail and behind, Ix went down like a plane as he screamed, “Geronimoooo~!”

A black trail of smoke flagged behind him as he fell towards a brightly, glowing window. The imp crashed through it to strike wooden floor and roll a few feet before he went still. His wings were sprawled to his left and right, his tail was still smoking, and glass was strewn about him.


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Micah let out a terrified shriek as something fell through the window. Glass flew around her like some sort of hurricane, and she winced slightly as a shard of glass hit her arm. Using her thumb and index finger, the petite girl carefully slipped the glass from her arm. "Gahaga," Micah said, a random, made-up word that she had created in her panic. The blood on the glass had startled her, and she quickly placed it on the bedside cabinet.

It was only then that Micah realized that something was smoking. She presumed that she had only now been aware due to the fact that she was used to smok. Both her parents smoked. Some of her friends smoked.
And whatever the red thing in the middle of the room was, it smoked too.

Luckily, though, the fire alarms didn't go off. She didn't have one in her room, and she supposed that being in the attic, the smoke hadn't wafted it's way down to the hall yet. But it was only a matter of minutes.

Whatever the creature was, it was tiny. It had wings on either side of it's body, and a long tail trailed along the floor.
"What the fuck are you?" she breathed. She hadn't really meant it as an actual question to the creature, more like a thought she had voiced aloud. She slipped off the bed and walked cautiously towards the creature.
Maybe it's dead, she thought. I hope it's dead.
Whatever it was, it scared the fuck out of her.


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#, as written by Sonata
The imp’s wings twitched and flapped a little as he pressed his hands against the floor and attempted to lift his head and shoulders. His arms trembled before he weakly collapsed upon the floor. His yellow eyes helplessly peered up at the girl that was towering over him.

“Help me,” he pleaded on a tired breath. “There are d…” He didn’t want to give away that he was a demon. Humans were taught to hate demons. Coughing, he continued, “bad monsters trying to catch me and eat me. Please, I’m a red fairy. I have great powers and will be in your debt if you help me regain my strength.”

“I need food, lots of foood~” he said theatrically. Humans were also suckers. They would believe anything. “Hurry before they storm into this very house!”


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Character Portrait: Ix Character Portrait: Micah Williams
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“Help me, there are d...” The tiny creature trailed off, as he let out a cough. “-bad monsters trying to catch me and eat me. Please, I’m a red fairy. I have great powers and will be in your debt if you help me regain my strength.”

A red fairy? What the hell? A fairy?
"Seriously?" she asked, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "A fairy?!"

“I need food, lots of foood~” he continued. “Hurry before they storm into this very house!”

Did he mean the 'bad monsters'? What the fuck...? "Okaaay..." she muttered, rolling her eyes. "I suppose, I could, um, get you food. Just stay here."

She jogged out of the room and ran down the stairs. Her parents had stopped arguing. She could see her father in the sitting room, and though she couldn't see her mother, she assumed she had left the house due to the missing car. She opened the cupboards, looking through them. What did 'lots of food' mean? What type of food? How much?

She decided just to grab a unch of random food from the frdge, but not efore grabbing a small salt and vinegar pringles pack for herself, eating it on the way back.

"Uh, back," she said as she entered the room, and dumped the food on her bed.


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Character Portrait: Ix Character Portrait: Micah Williams
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#, as written by Sonata
When Micah returned there were two demons standing in her room. The one holding the trident regarded her with sunken eyes that burned like hot coals. Large, black tusks protruded upwards from his lower jaw and black smoke left his wide nostrils on thin ribbons. He was holding Ix by his leathery wings; the little imp had been as limp as a rag doll in his grip from hunger pains and weakness. It was when he heard Micah’s, Uh, back that he raised his head to watch her dump an arm full of food on the bed. Surface food!

A slither of drool escaped the corner of his mouth as he spoke behind a starving grin, “About time!”

His tail swung upwards to crack like a whip against the trident demon’s hand. The demon released Ix with a yowl, and the little imp darted over to the bed. He slapped open a Styrofoam box of a half-eaten burger. Without hesitation, he bit into it and the burst of ketchup, mustard, smoked beef, onion rings, and bacon took him to another world. Tears sparkled at his eyelids, threatening to fall as he felt an overwhelming joy fill him from within. This must have been what Heaven tasted like.

So…beautiful… he mentally whimpered before his eyes flew open. His yellow irises were shrunk and his tiny mane flared out as he began tearing into the burger like a wild animal. Micah could hear his growls and lips smacking as the burger was devoured in seconds. He scampered over to the pizza box on all fours, he was like a red rat amongst a pile of delicious garbage.

“The human has seen us!” the other demon exclaimed.

The trident demon snorted, lowering his hand from his mouth after he had given it enough soothing kisses.

“No worries. We will set a curse on this house. Spirits will haunt it and tear her family apart!” the trident demon declared.

Ix leapt into the air and soared over to perch on Micah’s shoulder.

“Yeah right! The girl is with me, and I think it’s about time you guys got the hell out!” Ix yelled as his hand unconsciously dug into her salt and vinegar potato chip bag to steal a handful of chips that he crammed into his face.

He then looked to Micah and warned with a devious, food speckled smirk. “Cover your ears doll face.”

The little demon inhaled deeply until his chest was the size of a baseball; and then upon opening his mouth, a loud belch that seemed impossible for his size exploded from him in powerful sound waves that slammed into the other demons. The trident demon pressed his hands to his ears, while the other demon clutched his burning nose to spare it from the stench. The sound waves shattered the glass of Micah’s window and the intensity blew the demons off their feet and outside like a great wind.

The rippling waves eventually faded as Ix’s belch fell to a quiet, drawn-out burp. Ix finished and fluttered off Micah’s shoulder to hover before her with a witty grin.

“How’s that for an exit?” he questioned playfully.

Little did he know that he not only damaged her bedroom window and made her room look like a tornado had passed through it, but her parents were just downstairs and must have heard the whole thing.


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“About time!”
Micah rolled her eyes and raised an eyebrow as the creature ran over to the bed. That was when she noticed the other demons.
"Uh...what the fuck is tha-" Micah started, before being interrupted by the deomon. “The human has seen us!” one demon said.
The other one gave a small snort, before saying; “No worries. We will set a curse on this house. Spirits will haunt it and tear her family apart!”
"Erm, sorry to interrupt but I don't-"

“Yeah right! The girl is with me, and I think it’s about time you guys got the hell out!” the 'red fairy' yelled, who by no Mich had relized wasn't exactly what he said he was. And she was interrupted. Again. She gave a small sigh of annoyance. The fairy looked at Micah, and gave her a smirk. “Cover your ears doll face.”

Micah knew better than to ignore the warning, and quickly placed her hands over her ears, just as the fiary let out a large belch. The force of it blew the demons out the window, to who-knows-where, while Micah ducked in an attempt to get away from the sound and stench.

“How’s that for an exit?”
Micah looked up from the round. Her room was a destroyed mess, and the other window had been damaged now. And the sound was pretty loud...
She heard footsteps on the stairs. "Shit," she cursed, sighing.

She turned o the fairy.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! Why did you do that?! And what the fuck are you?!" she yelled, just as the door swung open. She quickly kicked the fairy into the wall, turning to face her father.

"What just - Oh god, what is that smell?"
"Um, me," Micah lied, giving an embarrassed expression. "Sorry."
Yes, it was a shit excuse, but she was panicking.
Her father gave her a quizzical look. "I heard-"
She pulled her fatehr towards the door.


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#, as written by Sonata
Ix’s brows shot upwards when the dark-haired girl screamed in his face in her panic.

“I’m a red-”

He hadn’t expected the abrupt kick. Did the girl do martial arts or something because the next thing he knew, he was flying across the room to splat against the wall. The imp looked like a bug on a window shield, and fortunately her father hadn’t noticed the new decoration on her wall.

As Micah escorted her father out, Ix had returned to the food piled upon her bed. He slashed through a sheet of saran wrap over a bowl of potato salad and dunked his claw within its cold, creamy dressing.

“Aah, this feels good,” he said before climbing inside the bowl to sit in it amongst the chunks of potato and relish—the salad came up to his waist (while seated). He cupped handfuls of the salad and began rubbing it against his dry, scaly skin believing it to be a good moisturizer as well as a tasty meal.

“Ok, so, I’m not exactly a red fairy,” Ix finally decided to confess between mouthfuls. “I’m a demon like the ones that were just in your room. My name’s Ixrafael or Ix; I escaped Hell to come to the human world because I heard you had better chow. Now I’m here, and you’re my human. I can’t survive up here without a human, and you won’t be able to survive without my help. Those hellguards are going to keep coming after me and you too since you gave me food. But eeh~” He waved a claw dismissively. “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m pretty strong for being a low-level demon. ‘Don’t let my looks fool you. I’m just too weak to change into my demon form. But enough about me, what other food you got? Oh yeah, and what’s your name I guess?”


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As soon as Micah's father had left, the fairy went back to eating.
“Ok, so, I’m not exactly a red fairy,” the creature said finally, still cramming food into it's mouth.
"No?" Micah said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. She had sort of guessed that by now.
“I’m a demon like the ones that were just in your room. My name’s Ixrafael or Ix; I escaped Hell to come to the human world because I heard you had better chow. Now I’m here, and you’re my human. I can’t survive up here without a human, and you won’t be able to survive without my help. Those hellguards are going to keep coming after me and you too since you gave me food. But eeh. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m pretty strong for being a low-level demon. ‘Don’t let my looks fool you. I’m just too weak to change into my demon form. But enough about me, what other food you got? Oh yeah, and what’s your name I guess?”

Micah stopped for a second to let the information sink in. A demon. A demon. A demon. Her eyebrows raised slightly in alarm. A demon. Like those perverted things that had just been in her room a few seconds. No. Fuck no.

And, apparently, she couldn't kill the thing with a fly swat either, because it was the only thing keeping her alive. Just because she gave it food. Speaking of which...

"Do you ever stop eating?" she asked, slightly annoyed. The fact that the little being had already crammed most of the food she had brought up already was slightly distracting. "And my name is Micah. Surname - I don't know yours, so why you wanna' know mine?" She gave 'Ix' a suspicious glare. "So where are you going to stay then?" she asked, crossing her fingers behind her back. Please no... please no... please no...


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#, as written by Sonata
Ix had literally licked the potato salad bowl clean and he had even licked his body clean with the accuracy of a feline. He levitated out of the bowl and grinned at her as he found her first question to be amusing yet simple.

“I stop eating when I’m full,” he answered as though it was the most obvious answer in the world. “Surnames; no big deal.”

When Micah asked where was he going to stay, Ix looked about her bed and fluttered over to her pillow and plopped down upon it. He landed on his bottom with his legs stretched out and hands posted behind him.

“Here, of course. This bed is comfortable enough.” His red tail wagged in his pleasure before he looked at Micah with an arched brow. “And where do you sleep?”


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"I stop eating when I'm full," Ix concluded, as if she should have assumed that in the first place. Micah raised an eyebrow.
"And when, uh, is that?" she asked, as the demon licked the bowl clean, a grin plastered across his red face.

"Here, of course. This bed is comfortable enough," he continued, in response to her other question. He wagged his tail, reminding Micah of a dog. His expression changed, as he raised an eyebrow. [b]“And where do you sleep?”

"There, obviously!" she exclaimed, annoyed, as she gestured towards the bed. "And you're tiny! Why can't you sleep in, I don't know, a cot or something?!" As creepy as this demon might be, there was no way someone was going to take her bed. She crossed her arms, a slightly angry, slightly annoyed expression across her face.


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#, as written by Sonata
Ix ignored her question concerning when would he be full. She didn’t need to know. He was sure he would never hear the end of it if he told her. Already she didn’t seem too thrilled about him sleeping in a comfy bed. Where did she say for him to sleep? A cot or something? The red imp scowled at the girl and fluttered off the bed.

“Fine; I’ll go sleep somewhere else. When the hellguards return, don’t go crying and looking for me!”

Dramatically, Ix flew over to her bedroom door and shot a growl at her equal to a Pomeranian. He grasped the knob in both of his hands and pulled it open before he flew into the hallway and yanked it closed with his tail.


The red imp was gone. More like, free to roam her house for food. Ix was certain that he could evade Micah’s stupid parents. They had seemed to return to arguing, and this time, the subject was about Micah’s messy room and possible gas problem. Ix giggled. Poor Micah.

The little demon easily made it into the kitchen, crawling across the walls and ceiling like a gecko. Micah’s father was engrossed in the TV, watching a football game, while Micah’s mother was arguing with him from the kitchen, preparing a pot of water for dinner.

“Her room looked worse than my college dorm back in the day, and it smelt awful. I swear beneath that trash something was dead, but she said it was her. You need to change that girl’s diet,” said Jared.

Elizabeth frowned at the back of her husband’s head. “I need to change her diet? I cook only healthy meals. There hasn’t been one time I didn’t serve vegetables.”

She was shaving potatoes and she placed one naked spud into a ceramic bowl. Ix crawled along the side of the counter and reached in to the bowl to grab it. Popping it into his mouth, his cheeks billowed as he munched and eventually made a face at how raw it tasted. It was like eating grass, but he knew it had been the same thing he tasted in the salad he had some minutes ago.

“Blah,” Ix uttered as he spat a glob of eaten potato onto the floor. He then crawled on his way, dragging the back of his claw across his mouth.

Elizabeth placed another potato into the bowl and paused to stare at it. There should have been two potatoes now…or…she might have been imagining things. Shrugging her shoulders, she went back to shaving.

Jared then entered the kitchen and went over to the food cabinet to grab a bag of Tortillas.

“Don’t ruin your appetite. I’m fixing dinner,” Elizabeth scolded.

Jared grabbed a jar of salsa and glanced to his wife at the counter as though he was mentally calculating how long it would be until dinner was ready.

“I’m not going to eat them all. I just want something to munch on during the game,” he told her.

“See? And you were saying it was my cooking when she gets it from you. You eat everything.”

“Hey,” Jared spread his arms, showing off his thin frame. “And guess who’s still in shape? I know how to eat, and so does Micah. Sheesh, I didn’t say anything about you when you were pregnant with her and the boys. I have never seen someone gobble a tub of Cookie Dough ice cream so fast.”

Ix scurried behind Micah’s father into the agape food closet.

“I was pregnant!”

“So? That doesn’t give you an excuse to change your diet to cookies and cakes. Your ass got so big, I didn’t know who I was married to anymore.”



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“Fine; I’ll go sleep somewhere else. When the hellguards return, don’t go crying and looking for me!”
Ix slammed the door shut, and Micah let out a sigh of relief. Finally, peace. Then she realized something.
He was heading to the kitchen. Where her parents were.

She sprinted out of the room, and approached the kitchen door, peering in, so as not to be seen.
"Jared!" her mother yelled angrily. She was preparing dinner. Bleh.

That's when Micah spotted the red demon behind her father, staring longingly at the food cabinet.

She walked into the kitchen, and both her parents glanced over at her.
"Oh, hi, Micah," her father said awkwardly, looking sort of guilty. "Can I help you...?"
Her mother rolled her eyes icily, not saying a word, while chopping the vegetables. "No, I'm, uh, fine," Micah said, cautiously walking towards where the demon stood. He couldn't weigh that much, right?

She attempted to lift Ix up behind her back.


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#, as written by Sonata
Ix noticed a shadow cast over him and looked up to see it was Micah. His nose wrinkled and he saw her hands reaching out to try and grab him. Leaping up to the first shelf and out of her reach, he climbed a few more shelves with the dexterity of a squirrel and grabbed a bag of double-stuffed oreo cookies. He placed it in her hands, and then placed on top a bag of chocolate chip cookies, a box of Cheez its, and a box of granola bars.

“I hope you’re not planning to spoil your appetite like your father, I’m cooking dinner. It’ll be ready in a few minutes,” said Micah’s mother.

Micah’s father tilted his head to gaze at the stack of snacks behind his daughter’s back.

“I think she’s making her own dinner,” Jared said.

Elizabeth whirled around to gaze at Micah. “Micah! Put all of that back and go find something to do until dinner’s finished please!”

From behind soup cans, Ix giggled wickedly and whispered, “Yeah Meeka, be a good girl and piss off!”


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Something was placed in Micah's hands, and she immediately knew it wasn't the demon. Food, she thought, exasperated.

“I hope you’re not planning to spoil your appetite like your father, I’m cooking dinner. It’ll be ready in a few minutes,” her mother piped up. Before she could respond, her father added, “I think she’s making her own dinner.”

Her mother turned to look at her, and gave her an annoyed glare. “Micah! Put all of that back and go find something to do until dinner’s finished please!”
Micah rolled her eyes. "But-"

She cut herself off mid-sentence. What was she supposed to say? A hungry demon gave her food, because it wanted to eat it later? Oh, and yeah, it jumped in her window and sort of saved her life. And if it leaves, some other demons will come and hunt her down.

“Yeah Meeka, be a good girl and piss off!” Ix whispered excitedly. Micah glared at the soup cans angrily. "Shut up," she said to them, before turning back to her parents, who looked annoyed. "Micah!" her mother gasped. "Don't use that lan-"

Whatever," Micah replied. She was in no mood to listen to one of her mother's lectures. That stupid demon could come up when it was ready.

"Don't eat my parents!" she yelled as she walkedout of the room and up the stairs, leaving her parents looking annoyed and bewildered.


Characters Present

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#, as written by Sonata
Ix continued to grin darkly at Micah as she walked away. Victory! Jared closed the food closet and Ix happily went to work on its contents now that he didn’t have to worry about being seen. Micah’s father ran his fingers back through his hair in mild confusion and worry.

“Uh…do you think she may have an eating problem?” he asked Elizabeth.

“If she had an eating problem, she would be on one of those TLC programs making me look like a bad mother. My baby does not have a problem.”

“How do you explain the food she was trying to sneak?”

“Jared, we are not having this conversation.”

Micah’s father rolled his eyes. “Whatever. ‘Game’s on any way.”

Jared returned to the couch.

Twenty minutes later, Jacob came inside from playing basketball in the driveway. He entered the kitchen to see his mother cooking dinner.

“Hey,” he greeted plainly before he went straight for the fridge.

Upon opening it, he stared at the missing pizza box and frowned. “Who ate my pizza? Those last two slices were mine.”

“I don’t know dear,” was Elizabeth’s response. She didn’t want to antagonize any of her children.

“It was probably Micah,” said Jared.

“What?” Jacob angrily exclaimed.

“Jared! We don’t know who it was sweety. I’m making dinner so if you’re hungry wait until then.”

Jacob closed the fridge. It had to be his stupid sister. She ate everything. He went to the food closet and his eyes widened upon seeing so many turned over boxes, balled up wrappers, tipped over cans of what used to be soup, beans, and fruit.

What the hell? he thought.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed something big, red, and waddling along the floor. His brown eyes lowered to it and his mouth fell open in speechless awe. What the hell was it? Ix turned a yellow eye over his shoulder and tensed in startle when he saw the teenager staring at him. He tried to waddle away faster but was soon stopped when Jacob took his basketball and dropped it on him.

Jacob caught the ball as it bounced back into his hands and overheard his mother scold without turning her head, “Don’t dribble the ball in the house.”

Poking the floored imp with his foot, Jacob muttered, “Sorry.”

He then stooped down to pick up the creature by the wings and was no longer frightened but fascinated by it.

I got to show Edward and Micah! he thought.

Without wasting any more time, he raced up the stairs and tossed his basketball recklessly into his room. The first door he saw open was Micah’s and so he entered her room and checked the hall behind him for his parents just in case.

“Micah, look what I found in the food closet,” Jacob said.

He then held up the fat demon that was angrily flailing around trying to claw him. Ix eventually gave up as he grew tired from the work and slumped back in the boy’s grasp, panting. Jacob giggled at his attempts.

“He’s been trying to claw me but his arms are too short. I think it’s a closet monster or something. I know I read about them somewhere, but dude, you should go look at the food closet, he ate everything! Mom and Dad are going to be pissed. I’m going to keep him and name him Spike because he has horns on his head. He’s going to be the coolest pet ever!”

Ix glared up at the boy, and then glanced to Micah with desperate eyes. Last thing he wanted to reveal to her brother was that he could talk. The imp attempted to fly out of his hands. Compared to his girth, his wings were miniscule in size. He flapped them as hard as he could and Jacob glanced down when he felt a small breeze against his face.

“Dude, he flies. Go Spike, go!” the teenager cheered in his excitement.

He parted his hands as Ix ascended a few inches into the air. Flying was taking so much energy. He had to be burning 1,000 calories per second. He could feel the sweat building on his face, and after awhile, he could no longer stand it. His demonic kidneys were screaming for him to stop. Cramp!

Ix stopped and he fell toward the floor only to be caught by Jacob. The teenager was in a fit of laughter.

“Nice try, Boy. You’ll be able to fly soon. I just have to put you on a diet.”

It was then Jacob noticed the empty pizza box on Micah’s bed and narrowed his eyes. “Is that my pizza?”


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“Micah, look what I found in the food closet.”
Micah looked up to see Jacob enter the room, holding Ix in his hand.

“He’s been trying to claw me but his arms are too short. I think it’s a closet monster or something. I know I read about them somewhere, but dude, you should go look at the food closet, he ate everything! Mom and Dad are going to be pissed. I’m going to keep him and name him Spike because he has horns on his head. He’s going to be the coolest pet ever!”

Ix looked over at Micah, but she gave him a helpless look in response. What was she supposed to do?

“Dude, he flies. Go Spike, go!”

"Jacob, leave him alone," she said as Ix flew for a few seconds before falling back into Jacob's hands, who burst into laughter.
“Nice try, Boy. You’ll be able to fly soon. I just have to put you on a diet.”

Jacob's eyes narrowed as he looked at the empty pizza box sitting beside Micah. "Is that my pizza?" she said angrily. Micah looked at her brother, startled. "Wha-" she noticed the box beside her. "Oh."

"Micah! I-"
"It wasn't me! It was, uh..." she turned red, before glaring at the demon. "Just leav the red thing alone!" she said, standing up.
"Don't change the subject!" Jacob yelled, as he held Ix up out of reach. Micah tried to pull his arm down, with little success. "Hey!"

It was then Jacob noticed the empty pizza box on Micah’s bed and narrowed his eyes. “Is that my pizza?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ix Character Portrait: Micah Williams
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#, as written by Sonata
Edward had been in his room trying to study for a college exam when he heard the commotion in the hallway. It was Jacob and Micah again. Sighing, he set down his pencil and slid back in his chair away from his desk. Standing, Edward exited his room and saw his little brother and sister fighting as he predicted and it seemed over some sort of toy or ball.

“Can you guys take your arguing somewhere else? I’m trynna study for an exam…” He continued to stare at the object his brother was holding suspiciously. “What are you fighting over any way? What is that?”

Jacob kept the imp raised out of Micah’s reach as he kept an eye on her, while glancing to Edward every few seconds.

“It’s my new pet. Micah’s trying to steal him from me. I found him first!”

Edward’s brows shot upwards. “That’s a pet? Seriously, Jake, what the hell is that?”

“His name’s Spike. I found him in the food closet downstairs. Ed, he ate everything.” He then held Ix out to him so he could get a better look. “Look at him man, he’s awesome!”

Edward looked at Ix’s horns, evil-looking eyes, claws, and tail; and was starting to get a bad feeling…

“Jake…” he said slowly in his uncertainty.

Jacob flipped Ix around to show him his wings. “He has wings and can fly. Go on Spike, show him boy.”

The bat-like wings confirmed it. Edward’s face paled before he tried to snatch the creature from him. Jacob quickly yanked Ix out of his reach and stared at his big brother in shock. “Dude, what the hell?”

“That’s a demon Jake! I don’t know how you found it, but you need to send it back.”

“You actually believe in that crap?”

“I do after seeing that. Look at it! It’s fat and ugly!”

Ix frowned deeply at the insult. That was it! No one called him fat and ugly and got away with it!

“Micah, go into your room and shut the door,” Ix warned. His eyes were still irritably narrowed.

If she had learned from the first time, she could have guessed he was going to do something naughty.

Jacob stared in fright at the imp in his hands. “He talks!”

Ix grinned wickedly. “I’ve been holding this one in forever! Nighty night!”

Ix clenched his eyes shut and tensed up. Then suddenly, Micah’s door shook as what sounded like a loud trumpet blast filled the hall.

Jared dropped a salsa-covered Tortilla on his shirt in startle as he sat up abruptly on the couch and turned to gaze at his stunned wife.

“What…” Jared didn’t even know what to say.

Elizabeth called in concern, “Micah, boys, are you okay?”

There was a black smokescreen in the hallway and both Jacob and Edward were sprawled across the floor unconscious. Ix took the time to sneak into Micah’s room, being careful not to let the gas in.

“Whew!” the imp exclaimed fanning a claw behind his bum. “I knew I had to do it, but I didn’t know it was going to be that big. No worries; I gave them a whiff of knock out gas. They won’t remember a thing. Just be thankful I wasn’t near a flame. Ever seen a demon nuke?”

The red imp waddled over to Micah’s bed to reclaim his throne upon her pillow. He grasped the covers in his claws and grunted and kicked as he began his strenuous climb.

“Some help you were,” he grunted.


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“Micah, go into your room and shut the door.”
Micah narrowed her eyes at the demon. "No way! They're my brothers!"

Ix ignored her. “I’ve been holding this one in forever! Nighty night!”
Micah quickly did what the demon had asked her to do in the first place. Her door shook violently, and Micah cringed.

“Micah, boys, are you okay?”
Micah didn't dare open the door, though.

The door opened slightly, and the little demon squirmed in.
“Whew!” Ix exclaimed dramatically.[b] “I knew I had to do it, but I didn’t know it was going to be that big. No worries; I gave them a whiff of knock out gas. They won’t remember a thing. Just be thankful I wasn’t near a flame. Ever seen a demon nuke?”

He hopped up onto her bed, clawing his way under the covers. “Some help you were,” he grunted.
Micah gaped at him. "Some hel- What the hell! They were my brothers, not some killer demons!" she yelled. She glared furiously at the imp.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ix Character Portrait: Micah Williams
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#, as written by Sonata
Some hel- What the hell! They were my brothers, not some killer demons!

“’Could have fooled me,” Ix muttered.

He looked like a big, round lump travelling beneath her blankets. He emerged at her pillow where he had sat previously and opened his mouth to expel a large yawn that flaunted the vicious, spiny rows of his teeth. A few tears welled at the corners of his eyes in response to the intensity of his yawn and with the back of his clawed finger, he wiped them away.

“I’m going to sleep,” he informed as he scratched one of the protruding rolls at his side. Slumping back against her pillow, he wiggled his way down deep beneath the covers before he rolled over and turned his back to Micah. “When you go down for dinner, bring me back something please.”

It might have been surprising to hear that he still had an appetite after nearly eating her out of house and home. Not to mention the size his last binge had made him. Well, he was a gluttony demon. The best there is!