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Torus Nazo

"Impolite of you to keep those lovely legs shut to me!"

0 · 382 views · located in 2012

a character in “The Seven Deadly Sins: Lovely Markings”, as played by Gryazi


Name: Torus Nazo

Human name: Torge Nydal

Age: Appears in his late teens.

Gender:” *looks down*
Yep... stil got my love stick. Though I can see how the hair would confuse you, heh.”

Sin: “Lust my dear.”

Demon?: “*looks up*
Yep... still horny. Oh, you thought...? Well I am horny, but I mean that I have horns. They mean I’m a demon. Human slang is so strange.”

Likes: “I would like nothing more you.”
Hard liquor
Human skin and hair
Physical activity
Dressing in drag
Electronic music/the electronic music scene
Girls with brown eyes

Dislikes: “Not too many things to be honest. Although I really can’t stand...”
Livestock animals, remind him of “home”
Stubborn men
Wearing jewelry
Fish as a meat
The color yellow

Fears: “Everyone has them, I’m no exception.”
Returning to his “home”
Freezing to death

Hates: “Such a strong word. But I’m only huma- oh wait.”
Easy women, he takes his role as more of a hunt than a job

Time of Day: “The time of day when the sky looks like an oil painting and my food becomes common.”

Piercings: “Hurt like a bitch, but hey, can’t get much sexier than these pieces of metal.”
Surface piercings at the hips

Tattoos: “Also hurt like a bitch, but way too beautiful to pass.”
An old school sparrow, symbolizes his freedom. He has three blue bands about an inch thick on his forearm from when he was employed in the third circle. ... n-2011.jpg

Personality: “I’ve got lots of it.”
Despite representing a sin, Torus is actually quite virtuous aside from his sex based behavior. He tries to enjoy his life to the fullest. He’s a decently compassionate demon as far as demons go, caring only for mild teasing and manipulation. He derives more pleasure from the human world. He operates by a system of hedonism and leisure and kindness towards those who appease him.

Not seen Without?: “Why, just the bare necessities.”
A wallet forever bloated with stolen cash
A string of condoms
A handy little concealed knife
Pocket-size tube of K.Y.
Business cards of very “niche” trades
A smile made of seduction

History: “Strap yourself in...”
In the Second Circle, Torus worked as but a lowly grunt. In addition to being tormented by violent storms, the lusty suffered by perverse parodies of their sin. Torus was one of aforementioned parodies. Grotesque was a kindly adjective to label him. His purpose was to deter the want for human sex by forcing copulation.Although being if demon blood, be soon found himself sharing in his victim’s corruption. Even torn, bleeding, and defeated, he lusted after nothing more than humans and their world. By connections and deception, he was able to escape. He lived for a hundred years in civilization, learning culture, learning how to contort himself into beautiful human shapes. But now, signs have began to show that his time is reaching an end. Connections do go sour.

So currently, he’s a high school playboy. Also happens to be a Norweigan exchange student, accent included. But he's expending this effort to try to snag a pure girl who might rescue him from his inevitable return.

So begins...

Torus Nazo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long Character Portrait: Paige Campbell Character Portrait: Luke Cornfield.
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The house was silent and dark, the only light that was able to reach the dark house was that of the moonlight’s. Within the house, something seemed to be awake and alive; a small slither of light wavered across the floor, dripping down from the crack of the door. The large, open windows that highlighted a beautiful balcony spilled light in from the moon, filling the room with a pretty light.

Though, the room was not alone; a figure huddled onto the balcony, a small flashlight in her mouth. The light shined down onto the pages of the book, and it was obvious by the way her face was in the light, that a blush was formed on her face. Niah, the small girl who sat on the balcony in her long-sleeved night gown was simply reading an erotic book- one she took from the library that was nearly half way across town.

At each page she turned, her blush only grew deeper as her gasps from the naughty things she read became louder. Oh how dirty this book was! Her blue eyes traced down the page, feeling herself teeter in the chair she sat in; she wiggled her small toes as something exciting would happen, tightening and loosening them up when things got heated and unheated.

Niah couldn’t help it- especially after the long talk her friends had only days before; how they lost their virginity. They even described it to Niah in full detail; and here she was, a seventeen year old that hasn’t even had her first kiss! Niah couldn’t help but to feel a bit pathetic; her friends where moving on in life of becoming ‘women’ while she stayed back, dancing in her childhood still.

Despite her wanting to get caught up in the moment with a man she loves, Niah knew that she’d never do it- at least not now; the whole ordeal about sex seemed, so terrifying! Her fidgeting got a bit worse, now working the chair left and right as she continued to read- her blush becoming a dark, crimson red as it spread across her cheeks.

As she turned the next page, Niah couldn’t but to release a slight giggle; one that signaled that she was embarrassed to even be reading such a book. Finally, the long awaited blood spewed from her nose; if it hadn’t been from it dripping down onto her mouth, Niah wouldn’t have noticed it. She licked her lips slowly, tasting the metallic taste of her own blood before she gasped slightly, shuffling out of the chair.

Her feet touched the cold concreted balcony floor, finding herself creeping back into her room. The red blood dripped into her hand, Niah so desperately trying not to get it on the carpet- remembering the last time she did, and remembering her father’s scolding. Her red hair fell against her shoulders as Niah’s head peered out of her door, the creaking of its hinges not helping her trying to stay quiet.

Niah’s small feet tip-toed their way across the hall way, towards her bathroom, where, she’d hopefully find some toilet paper and her medicine. Despite the time, she was much awake. Niah really didn’t like the dark and night, but it was a great reading environment; so she’d often read her little dirty books at night and hide them between her mattresses during the day.

Once she made it to the bathroom, Niah silently closed the door, her hands softening the creaks and slams of the door; the result of the house becoming its age. Niah spun on her heels, flipping on the light as she did so. Her hands grabbed onto the mirror, opening it to find her nose bleeding medicine; she grabbed the toilet paper as well, wiping the already dried blood off of her hand- pretty much staining her hands.

She wiped her nose before tilting her head back, pouring the medicine inside her nose- to her luck, it might even stop her nose from bleeding more into the night. Once she was done, she washed her hands and decided that it might be smart to bring a roll of toilet paper to her room; just in case. Niah turned off the lights, and crept back to her room, opening the door silently before stepping inside.


The air from Luke’s lungs completely escaped his mouth; leaving him entirely breathless. He panted violently as he kept running- refusing to give up. He had lost track of how long he has been running, but rounded it up to being about two or three hours- damn, how long where these damned hell guards going to chase him; all night? Already, Luke wanted their endurance; his greediness was the only thing that powered him now- there was no way in hell he was going to let them beat him.

Luke turned the corner, diving into a small neighborhood, his blue eyes looking back at him to see whether they were following him or not- which they still where. He cursed under his breath; he was truly irritated. Luke turned his body towards his right, just barely jumping over the fence- and to his luck, the damned people had dog! Great! Wasn’t everything just going peachy for him; being chased by the hell guards, now being barked at by those blasted creatures humans call dogs!

The black and tan dog jumped up at the sight of Luke, which only caused him to stare back before the dog nearly pounced on him; Luke just barely avoiding it as he jumped another fence, his body just barely twisting it to an angle where he was able to get over. He didn’t dare look back, but the yelps of the dog before silence only told him that the hell guards where still on his tale, and weren’t going to ease up.

He could feel the stinging pain in his hands from jumping over the fence- though he tried to ignore it, no matter how immense the pain was becoming. Luke jumped over another fence, then another; it wasn’t long before he reached a wooden fence, climbing against it before balancing himself before he nearly fell against the roof of the house. It didn’t matter though- he scrambled to his feet and pulled himself up towards the roof, not caring of how much noise he was making underneath him.

Luke climbed behind the arch of where the window was, hiding himself from the hell guards; his greed coming in place once again- the greed of wanting the power of the hell guards, the greed of wanting to be free. Damn it all! Luke then, cast a slight spell, Corena, that to his hope would make him invisible as well as the house. His blue eyes watched the hell guards search for him, he held his breath as he laid low, before he watched them take off, continuing to go forward.

A great deal of relief washed over him as he released a sigh, though, still becoming quiet as he watched them disappear into the darkness and distance; he’d stayed there for quite some time, before scrambled himself off of the roof, nearly sliding off of it and hitting the ground. His body ached all over, it pounded into his head as he rested in the backyard of some unknown persons’; trying to catch his breath.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Itzal Lolita Brito Ozuna Character Portrait: Azazel Lorē Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long
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#, as written by Gryazi
Itzal felt better than she had in a while.

She had been mostly clean this week, only passing out once. It was a good start, though she would be breaking it tonight. From out under the confines of her friend Abbey's eyes, tonight was party night. Itzal hated her own ornery nature and didn't care at all. Simultaneously. Her brain was always a catalyst for confusion, never a solution.

Whatever. All that mattered was tonight was her night. It was a school night too, but it was still hers. She knew clubs that still harbored her favorite types of filthy people even on the holy Sunday. Those would be where she ventured tonight. 

It was nearing close to eleven and her appearance was nearing completion. Hydrated, made-up, and curls carefully brushed. Clad in what might be called a dress and could certainly be called revealing. She felt good and ready. All that was left was her guitar and ID.

Itzal smiled. Tonight was hers. All hers. That was, until a knock extinguished the sleepy silence of Abbey's apartment. This better be a permitting face.

Itzal strode unsteadily to the door. She never knew why she continued to subject herself to damn red stilettos. With a quick furrow of thin brows, she opened the door to find... Azazel?

Though they were acquainted, becoming friends, and Itzal had a certain admiration for his ahem hotness, he wasn't exactly a regular visitor. At all.

Her lips formed around mute words. Searching again, she was able to grasp ones with sound.

"Uh, hey man. You need the English homework? Ah, I'm being rude, come in for a sec. Want a drink?"

Despite any circumstance, Itzal could never pry away her inner hostess. She liked people too much. Without an answer of any sort, she herded her guest inside and closed the door behind him. While the drink had bee offered to him, she didn't wait for an answer about that either. She plucked two beers from the fridge, set one under her armpit with a delicious shiver, and sent the other across the room to Azazel.


Torus liked to think that after 100 years of his human guise and human life, he could appear as pretty damn human.

This was not the case. The smallest slip up always ended in the scene he currently found himself reenacting. It was like a perverse cartoon in his head, himself a wiley character running from some relentless carnivore that craved to digest him.

And there they were, always at that unexpected turn.

"You do know that you're one of Hell's most wanted Torus! Every year that you run, your sentence grows. Submit you fool, end this game. You're only damning yourself!"

Torus noted the anger in the Hell Guards sounded even angrier than they had the last time. He was really starting to get on their nerves, wasn't he? He would have laughed so if his possible doom wasn't but a few paces behind him. 

His blue eyes scanned for an exit. He knew they were too close and that he wouldn't be able to fight them off. Heh, they had sent big guns this time. Big as in three times the size of his human form. Looks like it was online option then.

His eyes kept racing, fast as his legs. 

When suddenly, salvation. A dimly lit balcony, straight from the scene of a romance novel. His princess must be waiting, then. And there she was. All too blessedly, a cutie from his school. Had they talked before? Didn't matter now. A plan formulated in all of two seconds and suddenly, he had jumped onto the above roof. With their mass, the Hell Guards wouldn't be able to catch up yet. In a few more striding jumps, his face was but centimeters from the girl. 

"Okay look. Niah, right? It's Torge, from school. Well anyways I am going to pass out in a minute, and I trust cute girls like you. So just violate my unconscious body a bit and make sure you keep me safe in your lovely room for a few hours. Okay? Okay."

Torus never was one for words in times of crisis. He leapt backwards off the balcony to the stable floor. They were in range... now.

"Lickela grous uln!" he shouted, without a trace of stress.

The hulking forms disappeared in thin air, before the mortal behind him could see. He felt his energy fade. Then, there was ground. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long Character Portrait: Paige Campbell Character Portrait: Luke Cornfield.
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"Okay look. Niah, right? It's Torge, from school. Well anyways I am going to pass out in a minute, and I trust cute girls like you. So just violate my unconscious body a bit and make sure you keep me safe in your lovely room for a few hours. Okay? Okay."

Oh, it was there, once again; she could feel the blood drip down from her nose- what?! He wanted what?! Before Niah could even respond, Torge suddenly jumped off of her balcony and onto the grounds below- only making Niah run after him; her small hands gripped onto the balcony’s railings as her whole upper body nearly tipped over the railings, the wind prancing around causing what loose strands of hair to dance among her face.

No words could come from her mouth as she watched the still body- her first reaction was a simple reaction, as her lips parted and she quietly spoke, “H-He’s dead!” Her raspy voice came out, she was much more shocked than she should’ve been- too shock to scream. Niah spun against her heels, nearly falling forward as she ran towards her bedroom door; flinging it open and not really caring anymore whether her father heard or not.

She stumbled down the steps, holding her night gown as she did so. Once Niah had reached the kitchen that meshed with the stairwell, her hands nearly flung towards the living room; even though the door wasn’t quite reachable, her hands still swam through the air. Niah was practically having a heart attack- how could a boy she knew at school jump to the second story balcony- not to mention then, suddenly falling off of it! This man must be off of his nuts!

Once Niah’s hands reached the front door, she nearly tore it off the hinges while trying to open it; running out of the house and towards the still body that lied on the ground. Her hands trailed up towards his body, along his arms and finally to his neck, trying to find his pulse-and thank goodness she did! The next emotion that filled Niah’s chest was complete relief, before confusion; why would he jump off of her balcony, and what was the ‘nonsense’ he was spewing earlier?

Niah then lowered her head onto his, to make sure he was breathing properly- it was something she had learned in high school, CPR or something. A sigh released from her lips before she quickly got up, trying to figure out what she might do; Niah knew what her father might do if he had somehow found out that there was a boy in the house- let alone one that nearly killed himself.

Her hands gripped around his ankles, and with a loud grunt, she tried to pull him into her house; perhaps she could hide him under her bed until her father went to work? She knew- err, well, seen the guy around school and knew that abandoning him right now probably wasn’t the best thing to do. Another grunt released from her lips, still trying to drag him into her house- which wasn’t working out very much.

Finally, once she got him somewhat into the house, she collapsed, her butt hitting the ground causing his ankles to slam against her carpet. “Nah!” She squeaked. Damn her weakness! Niah crawled forward and wiping her nose clean as she did; she was in over her head, since she hadn’t known how to even get him up the steps. Her blue eyes watched him carefully before her finger dove into the side of his cheek, poking it pretty hard.

“Hey, Psst
 wake up
” She whispered, her hand hitting around his cheek lightly.


Holy shit was he exhausted! On top of that, he finally made it past those stupid hell guards; all he wanted now, was some money, a place to stay and something to drink. Luke couldn’t help but to snicker, rocking back and forth on his bottom in an almost arrogant and proud way. "Wh-who the hell are you?Tell me n-now or I will swing!"

His head nearly swung off of his shoulders as he looked at what was behind him; a girl- a pretty one at that fact. Though, it wasn’t long before Luke realized she had bat, and not much in the mood to get hit, he jumped to his feet, spinning on his heels and holding up his hands.

“Whoa! Calm it down slugger!” His voice was crude, as if Paige was some crazed woman that escaped from an insane asylum. Luke backed up a little bit, before watching her, his eyes scanning over her body, trying to determine whether he should run inside and lock her out, or simply stay and talk.

((Sorry for the long wait on the reply~ Won't happen again))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Itzal Lolita Brito Ozuna Character Portrait: Azazel Lorē Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long
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#, as written by Gryazi
The worry in his stance was palpable. Itzal learned why as he spoke. She took a swig to the tale, eyes a light and alert for the first part.

Her gaze took less than a second to fall to negative temperatures. 

"I really hope you're either bullshitting me or get drunk after a single gulp."

She believed him about the chase. People were cruel to each other, it was a reality. She wasn't even angry about the kink in her plans. She would have gladly toted him along if he had been willing.

No, she was angry because she believed him. Itzal had an odd relationship with the supernatural. She believed in it wholeheartedly and feared it more than anything.

She was the odd one among her friends who could watch horror involving the most brutal torture and laugh. But once a Spector of any sort appears, she could be sent into tears.

She couldn't explain why. Only that the unexplainable terrified her. Itzal struggled once again to find words for this boy.

"You can stay. But how in the hell will this damn plaster protect you from demons?"

Her hand found to opposite arm and began to quietly tear at the skin. She always hurt herself in one way or the other when she was nervous. Scratch scratch. She was able to let out a shallow breath when the pain gave way to blood. 


Without warning, the blackness behind his eyes gave way to the sensation of  a battered back and a jabbing finger. He realized that he had fallen. At least nothing seemed immediately broken.

His brows raised with play, mouth pulled straight in concentration. He had apparently gotten better at handling himself. Either that or he wasn't as tired as he had thought. Either way, the unconsciousness had lasted little more than a minute. But hello.

He turned his head, caught her eyes with his own. 

"Are you hurt? You smell, mm your blood smells so..."

Torus' previous state seemed to have never existed in the first place. He was full of movement, gaze fluttering every direction.

And then he was on top of her, knocking her to her back softly so she would feel no pain. 

"Don't scream please, rape isn't my style. I just want to propose an arrangement."

Torus enjoyed his current vantage much more. Arms straight, seated on the girl's hips. Damn he would enjoy this one.

"Look, you're hot, I'm hot, I need a place to stay, a healthy young woman like yourself needs a boyfriend and sex. What do you say? My services for your lodgings?"

His voice had returned to it's normal cadence. Slow, content, desiring. His eyes met hers once again and his finger met her sternum. It sojourned down, down until it rested just between her breasts. His sin stewed in his stomach. A smile promised on his face. 


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long Character Portrait: Paige Campbell Character Portrait: Luke Cornfield.
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Niah sat there, continuing to poke his face; she started to wonder whether it would be a good idea to tell her father now- if the boy wasn’t going to wake up, wouldn’t it be smart to tell a trusted adult? Though, before she could do anything, the boy’s eyes flung open and she found herself underneath him, his eyes where so vibrant and beautiful against the moonlight, that she couldn’t tear her eyes away.

"Look, you're hot, I'm hot, I need a place to stay, a healthy young woman like yourself needs a boyfriend and sex. What do you say? My services for your lodgings?"
The words ‘sex’ instantly brought her back from her thoughts; she practically ignored all the other words he had said before. Niah stared at him dumbfounded for a minute, until she felt his finger trace from her chest towards her breast; her eyes widen slightly before she lightly jerked, her body moving left and right.

” She tried to find words, but no words could describe her situation at the moment. Niah’s breaths became slightly heavy as her nerves became more and more uneasy; her breathing was shown in her chest, making it go up and then back down. “Y-You could stay here for free.” She stuttered with a nervous smile; though, this situation didn’t help her nose bleed.

Sex!? What kind of deal was that!? What happened to the good old fashion money? Also, why was this guy from her school asking her for such a deal? Though, no matter how much she wanted to, her eyes did not stray away from his; which slightly annoyed her. Once again, she tried to twist her body free as her lips parted slightly to speak, “I do believe that your, uh, request or deal is a bit too much; though, if you’d like, you can stay here for free
” She repeated, her eyes now parting from his.

“You see
” She started once again, knowing that since she looked away, Niah couldn’t possibly look back; afraid that his eyes might seduce her. “I really don’t need sex
” Her voice grew more nervous as she tried to contradict herself. Only minutes before she was reading an entire book about, one that had a scene just like this one- well, minus all of the odds and end that Torus had made; like jumping off the balcony and suddenly awoken.

If she remembered correctly, it was the scene in the book where the man-instantly, her memory stampeded back into her head as she felt the blood drip from her nose down the side of her flustered cheeks.


His eyebrows rose at the woman, who now dropped the bat. Luke’s face was now stained with a smile, one that mean he was up to no good. He glided towards her, his smile did not cease as he gotten close to her, and because she was also walking near him, it didn’t take only but a matter of seconds for him to reach her, and when he did, he placed his hands on her shoulder.

Luke looked into her eyes as he smiled, one that was bittersweet and different from his eyes; his eyes being more devious than a bittersweet. “Ah, I can smell the greed on you; it extrudes such a wonderful scent.” His voice was smoothing, almost hypnotizing as he finally let go of her shoulders.

“Well, if you do have some time on your hands; I am being chased by some really fucked up people. Of course, I won’t get you involve, but it would be greatly appreciated if you allowed me to stay.” He said, his hands reaching out in front of him as if he was checking the dirt in his nails. “Of course, it will not be for free.” His eyes peered up at her, almost examining her. “I will pay


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Itzal Lolita Brito Ozuna Character Portrait: Azazel Lorē Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long
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#, as written by Gryazi
"We all have our vices. Indulging in rage can't really be that different from indulging in booze and drugs," she laughed with a shrug.

"Well, in that case, let's go. I'm sure there will be enough bar fights and angst teens like myself to satisfy you. Oh, should explain. I play gigs with my guitar in bars and clubs. Well, I'm planning on partying more than playing tonight but, you get the gist. And although you're from hell, I'd watch out. Some of the people in these places are pretty damn weird."

She gave a full gut laugh that was all her own, slinging the instrument to her back and the rest of the beer down her throat, she strode over to Azazel and took his arm.

"Our subway tickets are on you my little fugitive."


"A free room? For serious?Oh my Satan yes! Thanks Niah. You're the best. And since you didn't succumb so easily, I'll be able to play with you!"

Torus leapt up like a small child, bringing her to her feet as suddenly as her had taken her off of them. His hands slinked around Niah' curves to trap her in a tight hug. But then there was that awful, gorgeous aroma again. As he held her, the trickle of blood sent him into a beastly arousal. 

Forgetting his promise and her protest, he pressed her closer to feel the outline of her breasts. One arm stayed at her waist, the other became lost in her tresses.

He was himself right now, the demon self that he hated and loved. Torus eye her with diapers pupils. His nearly white blonde hair fell onto her face as he neared in. Closer. There was his prize. A small lap of a quick tongue and he had tasted the blood, then her lips. He deepened the shallow touch to a kiss, but only forma teasing moment.

 "Like I said, I'm not into rape, but it's a different story when you're asking for it."

His body serrated from hers. His causal tall stance told that his words were true, and the eagerness he had showed moments before was not quenched.

"So my gracious host, where will I be staying? I'm not picky, a closet will do if you need me out of the way and the parents."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long Character Portrait: Paige Campbell Character Portrait: Luke Cornfield.
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Niah couldn’t help but to smile a small smile; perhaps he wasn’t so bad after all? He seemed quite excited to be staying here for free, and more than grateful at that. She just watched him in silence, the oblivious and goofy smile still on her face; though, when he had wrapped his hands around, she became slightly startled.

It didn’t help her when he wouldn’t let go, only bringing her closer towards him; was it just her or did it feel like that her breasts were getting awfully squished against his body? And what the hell did he mean by he could play with her?!

Suddenly, Niah felt his tongue against her skin; her heart started to pound in her chest and ring in her ears. She was completely dumbfounded at the whole scene; the only thing that filled her entire body was the sound of her heartbeat, while the butterflies flew from her stomach to her chest- then it happened.

Their lips touched, but only for what seemed like a pure second before he deepened it; random thoughts started to appear in her head- she wondered whether or not if he could hear her heart beat, or whether he could even taste it, how her blood tasted, or whether this was a dream or actual life.

As if time had just stood still and then resumed once more, the kiss was over; Niah’s first reaction was her hands shooting to her lips, her face now almost as red as her blood itself. Holy shit! Did he really just steal her first kiss? Sure, Niah was oblivious to many of the rumors and gossip that went around school, but she knew at least enough to know about Torus- the playboy, the heartbreaker, etc.

She listened to his words about rape; like hell! How was she asking for it? Niah’s head suddenly started to spin, and the confusion in her eyes became completely noticeable; her head even spun a little on her shoulders. Then, his next words cut her from her confusion, "So my gracious host, where will I be staying? I'm not picky, a closet will do if you need me out of the way and the parents."

Niah looked at him, her thoughts now catching up to her. “H-Hey!” She squeaked, trying to untangle her words, “I don’t really appreciate you s-stealing my f-first kiss...” This time, she practically whispered, almost embarrassed that the playboy of her school stole her first kiss- especially when most of the girls he went for where pretty experienced, unlike Niah.

She straightened herself up, as if she was trying to make herself bigger- even standing on her tippy-toes; she puffed out her chest and threw back her shoulders. Niah’s small face distorted into a scowl, as if she was trying to scold him for his wrong doings, “I-I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t a-advance on me; if you p-promise me this, then you can s-stay where you’d like!” Her nervousness started to cause her to stutter a bit.

Once she ‘scolded’ him, she released her breath, falling back onto her toes; man, was this guy making her nervous or what? Well, he did just randomly show up and even went as far as to kiss her; perhaps that was it? “You can pick a spot in my room to sleep, but please make yourself unnoticeable when my father leaves for work- which is around 5AM, but don’t worry, he doesn’t come back from work ‘till 9PM.”

Niah looked at him, now wondering if it would be a good idea to let him in her house; oh great, now she was thinking- what was the worst that could happen? He did say rape wasn’t his forte, and she doubt he’d steal anything from her; counting that nearly all of the stuff she had would be useless to him. Though, her second thought was her underwear drawer, though it quickly faded as her attention now settled onto Torus.

“Uh, well; why don’t we go upstairs and get you settled in before my father awakens.” A weak smile was on her face as she pointed to the steps, somewhat stepping near him so she could try to pass him to get up the steps first- it would be bad if he so happened to go upstairs first and found her dad outside her door.


He smiled at her, knowing that he hadn’t any money at the moment. This was his lucky break! Luke trotted behind her like a pup as they walked through the door. He listened to her speak before he plunged into the couch; popping off his sneakers and resting his hands behind his head.

“I am Luke; and as for who I am- well, let’s just say you shouldn’t worry about it sweet heart.” His relaxed tone only seemed to be a silent message that said, ‘leave it alone’. “Anyways, I have some assholes following me, and I’d appreciate it if you allow me to stay, only for a short while; I promise I won’t be a bother.” Luke said, now picking his teeth with his pinky finger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Itzal Lolita Brito Ozuna Character Portrait: Azazel Lorē Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long
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#, as written by Gryazi
((Sorry for the delay.))

The girl was a good deal smaller than him, her demeanor was further diminished her stature. He stepped a good ways back, let his eyes take hers in. Conversationally, this time. He tilted his head a bit.

He spoke lightly, “Oh
 I’m sorry. I figured that you had already been kissed. Not to sound like a smothering Aunt but I’d expect that boys would be lining up at the door. I know that stuff like that is special for you humans. Are you
 are virgin then as well?”

He licked him lips. If that was the case, he would have to feed more often than he thought. But the thrill of the chase still lingered in his nerves, he wasn’t upset.

“Promise. Don’t want to steal any other firsts from you. That is
 until you want it.”

He sent her back a smile. It lingered as the illustrated the house rules. This was truly a sweet deal. He had nearly free reign under the presiding of a timid and lovely overseer.

“I’ll be asleep, so I should probably be out of sight. And 9? Hmm, looks like I‘ll have to get good at sneaking in.”

Torus padded in quietly as was instructed. Damn. Nice place. When dad was out of town, it was safe to say that he would be throwing some ragers. That was, with Niah blessing. He could smell the traces of her blood; they led him to the stairs. Before continuing, he put a hand upon the bannister, turned his head back to face her.

“Not trying to sound un-greatful, but you’re a bit odd, ya know? In the good way, the kind way. Not many girls would let a random guy into their house like that for free. I think we’ll get along fine my dear.”


Itzal boarded the train a bit on edge. Thinking back, the stilts and skimpy slip hadn’t been the best idea for her this commute. And as the old saying went, the freaks came out at night. She thanked whatever higher power that her guitar guarded her rear from wandering hands.

“Forget about it silly. We’re not going anyways. Just deal with the grief once you’ve slept off the party,” Itzal snorted.

She settled into a seat, patting the one beside her for Azazel. She watched the concrete walls sprint by with glassy eyes. Her peace was soon and she craved it.

“Well, I’m kind of a wanderer in need myself, so I’m not one to turn down those looking for a room. And
 I believe in most everything. When my mother found the time, she was a great storyteller. But not for amusement, for warning. I’ve held a great respect and fear for things that aren’t human or animal since I was small. I can’t explain it, but I know that they’re around always. I’m probably the crazy one, huh?”

She laughed and ran a hand through her hair. It pooled around her and onto her lap in a golden puddle. Itzal hadn’t cut it in years and liked it that way. The immense strands were a part of her somehow, just as her mother’s lore that refused to leave her


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long Character Portrait: Paige Campbell Character Portrait: Luke Cornfield.
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 I’m sorry. I figured that you had already been kissed. Not to sound like a smothering Aunt but I’d expect that boys would be lining up at the door. I know that stuff like that is special for you humans. Are you
 are virgin then as well?”
Niah’s eyes peered up at him; before another, blood-red blush appeared on her face. “Of-Of course!” She said, propping her hands up in front of her chest; it looked as if she was trying to show him that she was promising him that she was.

She listened to him speak for a while, though, she had thoughts of her own as well. Was it bad to be a virgin at this age? Also, what did he mean by ‘special for you humans’? By the time she snapped out of her thoughts, he was already heading up the steps. She gave a slight whimper before quickly following him up; luckily, her father had been sleeping the entire time and hasn’t awoken.

“Not trying to sound un-greatful, but you’re a bit odd, ya know? In the good way, the kind way. Not many girls would let a random guy into their house like that for free. I think we’ll get along fine my dear.”
Niah looked up at him, once again, another blush stained her cheeks. “Oh, well, it’s not like you’re a random guy
 you go to my school and all the girls talks about you like your amazing; so I wouldn’t call you random.” She said, twirling her fingers together as she looked at him, her blue eyes not leaving him for another second.

Niah went ahead of him once he had finished talking, entering her own room before turning back at him again. “Also, would you mind explaining a few things for me?” She asked, walking backwards to her bed. “Like, what did you mean by ‘special for you humans? Aren’t you a human too?” She asked, looking at him a bit more carefully.

She crossed her legs, leaning against her arms on her bed; Niah couldn’t help but to wonder where he might sleep- perhaps the closet; balcony; or maybe under the bed?


He watched her as he went to her room- perfect. Despite this chick having some serious attitude problem, he was staying here for free, plus, Luke guaranteed that if he snooped around enough, he’d find something worth having; for example, money. Once he was sure that she wouldn’t awaken, Luke hopped upwards before he started to snoop around.

He cracked the door slightly to her room, knowing that she had to have money in there. It wasn’t long before Luke tipped toed his way through the room. Sure, she was going to school- but there was no way in hell that he’d go there again. Luke hated school; thought it was a waste.

Sure, they taught you how to survive in society but not in the real world. The only classes he ever showed up in or took and actually passed was science; the only subject Luke thought was the useful one. Sure, perhaps gym was alright, and once in a while, he might show up, but that was it.

Though, without knowing, he also had something growing within him- he wanted power; over who? Power of Paige; it was still undetected by him at the moment, though, so perhaps it wasn’t as big of a threat


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Itzal Lolita Brito Ozuna Character Portrait: Azazel Lorē Character Portrait: Torus Nazo Character Portrait: Niah Long
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gryazi
((To my lovely partners:
I won’t be posting as much in the next 8 days. I’ll be out of town with some friends.))


He felt more devilish than usual with his vague happy quip. This girl was too much fun to tease. He entered her room, took a position opposite to hers against the door.

“Well, it’s nice to hear that I’m crafting a good reputation. Well, good fort his circumstance at least. For your trouble, I’ll make sure you’re the envy of the entire female student body,” Torus answered.

He pulled a piece of gum from his pocket and mawed it quietly while listening to her inquiry. He relocated the wad to his back left molars to answer.

“No problem.”

Torus struggled to quell another devious smile. This was the actual trial of whether or not she would kick him out of the house. A rare flock of nervous butterflies beat his stomach walls. He inhaled quickly and exhaled answers.

“Well, no use trying to hide it. Whether or not you choose to believe me is up to you, same with whether or not I’m allowed to stay after what I tell you. I won’t blame you and I’ll be on my way. I’m
 Well, I’m a demon. I’ve lived on earth for the past century or so after escaping the Second Circle where I worked. I have to feed off human lust to survive. And I’m constantly chased by demons trying to drag me back to hell. Attaching myself to a human like you, especially since you’re a virgin, helps keep me out of reach.”

He spoke slowly, trying to get her to understand the importance of his tale. He slouched against her door, features smooth. He had been rejected from sanctuary before, but it was better to avoid the risk. He had pulled it to close tonight. And besides his own safety, Torus wanted this girl Niah.

To be around, her inside her, with her. She was his now, decidedly. Her blood smelled too good and her demeanor was too alluring.


Itzal snorted at the retort. At least he was honest. He’d be entertaining to keep around.

She saw him grow tense first then heard his words. At east these hell guards had decent timing. They were only a few blocks off from one of her stops.

“This is going to be exciting, I can tell.”

There was no malice in her tone, but a dose of sarcasm nonetheless. Itzal pulled him along as he had done to her. A few minutes later, she was leading him down a grime caked staircase. Just these few minutes away from her relatively suburban residence was its shameless urban cousin.
There were two sides to this city, the beautiful and the grotesque. Itzal tended to indulge in the opposites depending on the day. Indulging herself in the pretty people and delicious food by the sun’s hours, it’s freaks and dirt by the moon’s.

She put a careless hand upon the railing, leading them down three flights until the neon lights were gone behind them.

The bar’s moniker was not on display, only the outline of an apple, lit in green fluorescent bulbs.

“Welcome to Granny Smith’s Azazel!” Itzal happily proclaimed. She let go of his arm, not realizing her prior grip, and bid him to follow with her body.

The interior was as secretive as the exterior promised. All black, chairs, floors, bar stage. Scant bulbs fluttered scant light overhead. A few people greeted Itzal on her way in, with hugs, crude words and questions of a boyfriend she just laughed and made her way up to the stage.

“Hey all, good to see some of the regular patrons!”

7 feet of 30 year old goth, about three martinis deep called back, “Good to see you too sweetheart!”

“Stop it Marshall, sit down!” she laughed.

“Anyways, I’ll be playing a fair amount of stuff for tonight. Some Spanish guitar, some metal covers, some jazz. So just enjoy. Throw tomatoes if you don’t like it, but expect some retaliation from yours truly!”

That elicited a laugh, echoed by her first few chords. The bar settled back to its loud and raunchy rhythm as Itzal’s fingers ran across the strings.