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Demetrius Alberich

"The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder."

0 · 208 views · located in Albaroth

a character in “The Seven Seals”, originally authored by Imbecile, as played by RolePlayGateway



Name: Demetrius Alberich (Demi for short.)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Element: Earth

Demetrius is a soft-spoken and gentle figure; he is most likely the least influential person within the group. He is a quiet child who doesn’t often place himself within a large crowd; he’s easygoing in a way where if you talk to him, he will reply and listen. It’s more one-on-one when it comes to him. Otherwise, he has the knack of blending into the background. The boy is usually out-spoken but it doesn’t bother him, he is aware that he isn’t the smartest within the team. He has the unique ability to easily fit in and adjust to new surroundings – without complaining.

Despite his reserved attitude, Demetrius is undeniably reliable and loyal. He hides no mysterious agendas and genuinely trusts those around him. His presence is oddly relaxing; Demetrius is exceptionally optimistic and always looks on the bright side of things – he is often seen with a gentle smile planted on his lips and his eyes crinkled with warmth. The boy has an incredibly short temper - it’s a rarity to ever see him angry or irritated. Demetrius can be helpful if asked upon and is always readily prepared for those who may need his guidance.

However, Demetrius can be extremely naive at times. He’s not as dumb to believe in the enemy, it’s just issues within their own circle that baffles him. It would not be a wise decision to place the boy on the frontline, as his magic is more orientated around defence. Demetrius may be light on his feet but his magical ability is slow and bulky. He mainly uses them as barriers because of the sheer weight and density. However, he can also do several offensive manoeuvres such as moulding giant wrecking balls made of rock and earth, or summoning massive spikes from the ground.

Demetrius was taught vigorously about magic throughout his youth. As a very small child, he had already begun to develop his newfound abilities. Although, because he was so young he would often fail to control his powers; he knew no knowledge of how to. The Humsmee Royalty grew terrified for the child; they also knew nothing about magic – only that their Ancestors, many moons ago, had similar abilities. Once Demetrius could read and write fluently, the King searched for a wizard, hoping he was prepared to teach his son. It was not hard to find one as they were scattered throughout the city. Besides, a few of their renowned statues were rumoured to have been sculptured using earthly magic. After a short discussion, the sorcerer agreed and travelled to the Castle alongside the king. This was all to be kept under hush-hush, the Nobles were fully aware of the zero-tolerance of magic within the kingdom. Fortunately, the citizens of Humsmee were good folk. They remained loyal to their King and did not utter a single word on the matter.

Demetrius was taught how to control his magic for several years, he was an avid learner and his skills quickly developed to the point where he could summon anything with a practised ease. The boy grew strong and healthy. His teacher was called Theodore; he was a wise elder who still maintained a boisterous attitude and a sense of humour throughout the years. Demetrius grew close to the sorcerer; it came to a point where he spent more time with him rather than his father. He enjoyed the time he spent with the old man; it was often filled with laughter. They had nurtured a bond that was as sturdy as a rock. The Humsmee community continued to have no problems with the boy’s teaching, in fact, they seemed to love him more because of it. Many still practised magic and it was a similarity they could share with another. Demetrius would use his spare time to journey into the darkest areas of the city and talk with the magicians who hid there.

One day, the King was sent a letter from the King of Algrovv. After reading it thoroughly he handed it to Demetrius. The delicate scrawl upon the parchment explained that the King had caught wind of his magic which piqued his interests. He wishes for Demetrius to travel to Algrovv where he can talk to him personally.

Demetrius stands at a towering 6”1 and weighs 173 lbs. He often wears baggy clothing that hides his figure; he is often mistaken as rather skinny. However, underneath the cloth, it hides a lean yet hard frame. Each individual limb is toned and buffed; both his biceps and calves have the potential to pack a dangerous amount of power. His abs are heavily accented, a six pack clearly identifiable. His shoulders are broad, his back is wide. However, he often wears large, oversized clothing befitting of a sorcerer and hardly exposes this flesh. Demetrius wears a large long-sleeved silken shirt with a stiff collar, extremely baggy trousers that then tighten around the ankles, leather sandals and then a large beige cloak that gathers on the floor. Each piece of clothing is some shade of brown, staying true to his origins. (Something like this, except slimmer.)

Moving upwards, Demetrius has a delicately shaped face. his eyes are an intense colour of emerald, speckled with gold, and are often filled with tentative swirls of fondness and delight. His mouth is usually seen twisted into a satisfied grin. The colour of the boy’s wavy hair can be compared to mahogany wood or hazelnut. Its many layers are ruffled, a few locks curl upwards – projecting this sense of freshness. Demetrius has a rather olive tan due to being constantly outside, whether it be from training or exploring.

So begins...

Demetrius Alberich's Story


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Demetrius Alberich

"Now, are you sure you have everything you need?" Muttered the king, doubt knitted in every word he said. His large, bulky frame leaned on the wooden door; his arms crossed over his chest and several lines etched into his forehead.
"Yes, Papa, of course. Why must you worry yourself every time I travel?" Demetrius replied, neatly folding a cotton shirt and placing it in a leather suitcase.
"Is it wrong for a father to be concerned for his son?" Mumbled the man under his breath before approaching the boy. He attempted to fold another item of clothing in a similar fashion to his son before giving up and slamming it onto the bed in anguish. "Blast!"
Demetrius gathered the rumpled shirt and chuckled lightly, "It's not hard." He said quietly, the prince slowly repeated the process in front of the king and carefully placed it on top.
"It always was your mother who taught you these things," King Alberich sighed, indicating his surrender, and walked towards the large window that occupied the majority of the east wall. His eyes crinkled with warmth as he gazed across the kingdom before him. His kingdom, although not for long.

"It's a large world out there." The man muttered, his eyes glazed and his shoulders hunched over.
"Algrovv is not remotely far from here, Papa, and I promise to return home soon." Demetrius said. Besides, it was only an invitation from King Imperius. The boy would stay for a day, or two, and then leave. It would be a simple visit to a nearby town. That was all that was too it, right?
His father inhaled deeply, still not persuaded otherwise but decided to avoid the subject. He turned towards the boy, a flare of the sun illuminating the side of his worn face and the tips of his ivory beard.
"Have you said goodbye to Theodore?" Asked the king.
"I did yesterday. He wishes me a safe journey." Their conversation had been short and uneventful, though it was obvious his teacher was just as concerned about the whole situation as his father was. Once he had placed his cloak in the suitcase, Demetrius locked it shut and wrapped a comfortable grasp around the handle. Truthfully, there was not that much to pack and it felt surprisingly light in his possession.
The man nodded in mutual agreement, "The carriage is waiting outside if you are now prepared. Your mother will also bid you farewell."

A few servants helped Demetrius with his luggage and made sure the boy was content with the seating. The arrangements were not difficult and little had to be altered. The king and queen of Humbree hovered around the opening of the carriage, his mother's face was also tainted with age and distress.
"Do enjoy yourself, dear." She whispered, although a quiver was evident on her lips, "There are many magicians in Algrovv."
"Yes, mother." He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.
Demetrius watched the two for a while, who were both attempting to twitch up a smile. He sighed.
"I know how to defend myself, afterall, I am - by far - the best sorcerer in all the land!" The boy grinned, although his statement had been weak.

Once all and any conversation had finished, the coachmen clicked his teeth together as a sign that they were ready to move. With the lash of a whip, the vehicle immediately started to shift. Demetrius pushed his head out of the opening and waved towards his parents who did likewise. He didn't stop until the pair had completely disappeared from his view and they were now travelling through the large entrance gates. It was early in the morning, but the town square was already thriving with activity. The crowd of Humbree folk smiled pleasantly at the Prince and greeted him when the carriage drove past. They, too, eventually evaporated into the horizon.

The Prince watched the sea on his left side while fiddling with his fingers. Secretly, Demetrius was nervous of what was to come. He was not familiar with the town of Algrovv, and was unsure of what to do once he got there. Did they have different customs and traditions to Humbree? Would their etiquette be different as well? What would the King expect from him? Fear manifested itself on the pit of his stomach and he suddenly understood why his father had been so worried.