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The Seven Seals



a part of The Seven Seals, by LuvYouLuvingMe.


LuvYouLuvingMe holds sovereignty over Albaroth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Albaroth is a part of The Seven Seals.

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Amelia- Rose Ashbel [1] When Im queen thing will change
Alexander Zamani [1] Yes, my glory truly only deserves to be held among the stars.
Regere Imperuis [1] "Magic may be illegal now but when I become King of Algrovv that will change."
Demetrius Alberich [1] "The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder."
Damian Greys [0] "I've never seen so many different things in one place before"
Colette Silverwind [0] "Life is not all fun and games, despite what you might think."

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Albaroth's seven Kingdoms all live peacefully alongside each other. They have known harmony for centuries because of an act of bravery and sacrifice that took place one thousand years ago. As a token of appreciation, each King built a monument of their ancestor and declared a worldwide holiday would take place once a year. A celebration of life and the pleasures it brings. Every being within Albaroth was invited, regardless of shape or form. It was a merry time that was held at a different Kingdom every year. Music, foods of all kinds, games and much more were to be expected. This year, the Kingdom of Algrovv would be hosting the engagement. Preparations were already underway; three weeks before the holiday even started. The King wanted this year to be a memorable one, so he took no expense in his planning.

However, throughout the laughter and joy, one man felt an uneasy presence. He could not explain this feeling, and did not know from where it came. But it was familiar, far too familiar for him to merely ignore it. With haste, Sebastian, the royal visor of Algrovv, retreated to his quarters. He knew of a way to uncover this phenomenon, but no other could witness his doings. In a way, Sebastian was gifted with magic like his prince. But his power was very limited and hardly strong enough to cast a spell. What his magic could do though, was glimpse into the future. He could not control it, nor did he try to. It was not his place to take this power and use it willingly. Instead, Sebastian used his gift to aid the King and his family, which has been greatly beneficial. But today's sense was in no way helpful.

Casting off a curtain that hid a small door, Sebastian whispered a word or two and awaited for the door to slide open. Inside, a large mirror, larger than any other in Algrovv, rested on an old wooden wall. The visor stepped before it, peering into his own reflection as if he were looking for something. And that is when he saw his Kingdom's future. A fiery inferno, engulfing everything it touched. Bodies looting the ground, wars raging on, tearing the lands apart. It was chaos, and Sebastian had to look away for a moment. Yet he knew this scene was not over, so again he peered into the mirror. This second time, he witnessed a monster rising from its grave and reeking havoc on everyone and everything. "Morbek.." He whispered, a shutter running down his spine. He knew of the ancient being all too well, having studied the demon for many years as a precaution. But something was amiss in his vision. Sebastian stared hard at his enchanted mirror, afraid to believe what his eyes were seeing. Standing next to the monster, planning the world's demise, was....

With a quick jolt, the young prince sat up from his bed, the morning light blinding him for just a moment. He glanced around his large room, noticing how perfectly clean everything was. But that's what happens when your father hires the best servants in all of Albaroth. "Money wasted." He mumbled, pulling the sheets off of his figure. Damian slowly rolled out of bed, still half dazed from the sudden wake up call. He hadn't a clue as to who called him, he only hoped it wasn't his father. "Damian!!"
Again, the young prince jumped slightly. It was odd for someone to call another someone when they are hidden, unless they wanted to remain hidden. Growing slightly paranoid, he murmured a string of words and lifted his hand. A tiny ball of pure wind began to circulate within his palm, growing rapidly to the size of his hand. "Show yourself!" He barked, eyeing his room frantically. "My god Damian, your such a freak!" A sudden realization struck Damian as he dropped his hand, the ball of wind evaporating. "Ellie? Where are you?" A small giggle echoed throughout the room, bringing a mischievous grin to Damian's face. "Alright if you want to play that way, we can. Ready or not , here I come!" With a small fit of laughter, Damian attacked the curtains on his bed, then his closet. After no luck he dashed out of his room and down the halls, now determined to find his friend.


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Character Portrait: Regere Imperuis
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Regere was walking down a street leading to the market speaking to some of his friends. They were all quite wealthy, with the exception of some servants that followed to carry whatever they bought. As was the tradition that any noble, be Prince or squire in training, carry their things like a commoner. They stopped in front of an expensive shop to buy some pieces of cake. What it took to buy that could feed a family of five for an entire month, sad really. Once in the market place the group looked around at some of the clothing stores. "Here, here. Look at this cape. Is it not a fine silk?" Regere asked his friends aloud. It followed with comments such as "Surely, if I do say so myself." and "Marvaleos". He payed his silver up front to the merchant and handed it to his servant to carry while they departed to go back to the castle up hill.

When Regere was back at the castle he wandered to the coutyard where there were guards practising their blocking and fighting. He went on to prctising with the guards for he needed to practise his archery and the came hand in hand with blocking. He came down to the guards to grab a bow so he could start the practise.


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Character Portrait: Amelia- Rose Ashbel
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Amelia walked through the corridors of the castle and as she walked to the Courtyard she saw a servant drop laundry and she walked over to her and tried to help her. Amelia kneeled down on her knee and reached to help her when her mother showed up with her guards.

"Amelia what are you doing"
" Mother I was only trying to help her, you can not expect her to pick this all up herself."
"Yes Amelia, I do"
"How can you be so heartless"

With that Amelia walked away from her mother. She hated how her mother was now, years of grief has turned her bitter,twisted and ruthless. She also hated that she treats the servants like dirt. Amelia hated seeing that as she was raised by them, they were not servants to her, they were people, they were her friends. Amelia walked to her quarters which was the entire south wing of the castle.

When she got to her room her scularymaid was there with a message.

"Your majesty, you should be getting ready to leave the coach will be here soon"

Amelia sat on the bed, started to create a ball of fire in her hand and said

"Ysandrie, there is no need to be so formal, we are practically sisters after all. Worry not, the luggage is packed and ready to be loaded, all I do need is my cloak."

A knock came from Amelia's door,the fireball in Amelia's hand dispersed, it was the footman. Amelia got her cloak, put it on and walked to the coach.


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Character Portrait: Alexander Zamani
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Alexander stood atop the highest point in Tolbrid, intending to enjoy himself amongst the stars. Sadly, such plans had been ruined by the weather; rain poured from the heavens by the bucket load and lightning flashed across the sky. Normally this would irritate him to know end, but this was an opportunity to practice his magic and even the greatest of kings couldn't always have his way. " I will deal with you arrogance in due time," he addressed the weather like a person, "but at the moment I require your services and shall grant you amnesty." With that a bolt fell from the sky, appearing to strike him where he stood, despite being the mage of Thunder, his ability to generate power was incredibly poor and he can't control natural electricity like lightning without physically touching it. The common people watching their prince didn't know this bit of information.

As such when their eyes cleared and he still stood, lightning bolt in hand, there were various whispers and screams from the crowd. However, he ignored all this, it took all his concentration to continue from here. The bolt in his hand slowly began to dissolve into his body, and all the electric energy of the storm began to merge into the bolt in hand. His body began to glow, and eventually seemed to be made of light itself, at this point he felt himself bursting, the amount of power he'd absorbed was far less that what he was trying to channel and he felt the energy seeking an escape. To prevent everything from rebounding and killing himself, he began to compress what electricity he could into a spear in his hands. Even at his best, still not enough to harness this much power. He threw the spear to the next mountain over, since it was pure electricity, the feat was nothing and the bolt exploded on impact...the sound outdoing his power by far. In irritation at the fact, he lost control of the energy and his body became a ground for all the remaining energy. The glow and radiance of his lightning for subsided, leaving him normal but he had a natural reserve of electricity to use so his sub par generating ability was hidden for now.

"At least thunder shall not disturb my sleep this eve," he mumbled to himself as he walked towards the castle. On his way through the front entrance, a servant stopped him, "Prince Alexander, you need to gather with the rest of the royal families for the upcoming festival. Why are you not prepared?" Rather than responding immediately, Alexander let some of the lightning he'd absorbed crackle across his body.

"Tomorrow." With that single word, he moved past the servant and went to his quarters, if need be he'd simply drain some power and move far faster than the carriage and arrive nearly instantly. Doing something like that was incredibly draining, so he wouldn't unless he absolutely had to, as he drifted into sleep he dreamed of being able to generate the power he'd felt within the storm himself, no...more, then he'd truly be worthy of claiming himself as king.


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Character Portrait: Demetrius Alberich
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Demetrius Alberich

"Now, are you sure you have everything you need?" Muttered the king, doubt knitted in every word he said. His large, bulky frame leaned on the wooden door; his arms crossed over his chest and several lines etched into his forehead.
"Yes, Papa, of course. Why must you worry yourself every time I travel?" Demetrius replied, neatly folding a cotton shirt and placing it in a leather suitcase.
"Is it wrong for a father to be concerned for his son?" Mumbled the man under his breath before approaching the boy. He attempted to fold another item of clothing in a similar fashion to his son before giving up and slamming it onto the bed in anguish. "Blast!"
Demetrius gathered the rumpled shirt and chuckled lightly, "It's not hard." He said quietly, the prince slowly repeated the process in front of the king and carefully placed it on top.
"It always was your mother who taught you these things," King Alberich sighed, indicating his surrender, and walked towards the large window that occupied the majority of the east wall. His eyes crinkled with warmth as he gazed across the kingdom before him. His kingdom, although not for long.

"It's a large world out there." The man muttered, his eyes glazed and his shoulders hunched over.
"Algrovv is not remotely far from here, Papa, and I promise to return home soon." Demetrius said. Besides, it was only an invitation from King Imperius. The boy would stay for a day, or two, and then leave. It would be a simple visit to a nearby town. That was all that was too it, right?
His father inhaled deeply, still not persuaded otherwise but decided to avoid the subject. He turned towards the boy, a flare of the sun illuminating the side of his worn face and the tips of his ivory beard.
"Have you said goodbye to Theodore?" Asked the king.
"I did yesterday. He wishes me a safe journey." Their conversation had been short and uneventful, though it was obvious his teacher was just as concerned about the whole situation as his father was. Once he had placed his cloak in the suitcase, Demetrius locked it shut and wrapped a comfortable grasp around the handle. Truthfully, there was not that much to pack and it felt surprisingly light in his possession.
The man nodded in mutual agreement, "The carriage is waiting outside if you are now prepared. Your mother will also bid you farewell."

A few servants helped Demetrius with his luggage and made sure the boy was content with the seating. The arrangements were not difficult and little had to be altered. The king and queen of Humbree hovered around the opening of the carriage, his mother's face was also tainted with age and distress.
"Do enjoy yourself, dear." She whispered, although a quiver was evident on her lips, "There are many magicians in Algrovv."
"Yes, mother." He leaned over to kiss her on the forehead.
Demetrius watched the two for a while, who were both attempting to twitch up a smile. He sighed.
"I know how to defend myself, afterall, I am - by far - the best sorcerer in all the land!" The boy grinned, although his statement had been weak.

Once all and any conversation had finished, the coachmen clicked his teeth together as a sign that they were ready to move. With the lash of a whip, the vehicle immediately started to shift. Demetrius pushed his head out of the opening and waved towards his parents who did likewise. He didn't stop until the pair had completely disappeared from his view and they were now travelling through the large entrance gates. It was early in the morning, but the town square was already thriving with activity. The crowd of Humbree folk smiled pleasantly at the Prince and greeted him when the carriage drove past. They, too, eventually evaporated into the horizon.

The Prince watched the sea on his left side while fiddling with his fingers. Secretly, Demetrius was nervous of what was to come. He was not familiar with the town of Algrovv, and was unsure of what to do once he got there. Did they have different customs and traditions to Humbree? Would their etiquette be different as well? What would the King expect from him? Fear manifested itself on the pit of his stomach and he suddenly understood why his father had been so worried.