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Luana Kaul

"....Sorry what did you say again?"

0 · 461 views · located in Silhouette Institution

a character in “The Silhouette Institution”, as played by XDcakeXD



Age: 15
Gender: Female
Role: New Blood
Ability: Levitation: The ability to use the mind to move objects or organisms around. She can lift several small objects at one time however she needs absolute concentration to lift a large thing, like a truck which tends to be a problem as concentration isn't her strong point.

Hair: Bleach blonde almost white
Eye Colour: Grey
Height: 5'0
Weight: 104lbs
Description: Small and short, Luana is a smooth limbed girl who has no muscles and struggles through physical activity. Her big round eyes tend to set people off in the wrong direction and tend to be deemed "creepy" or "weird". She has wavy long blonde hair that goes down to her collar bone. Her usual attire is a white blouse and a grey or purple skirt. Her colours are usually lavender purple or white.

Personality: Luana is a drifter or an airhead. She daydreams a lot and likes to be in her own little world. When people talk about things she has no interests in she tends to zone out giving off a blank stare. She has troubles listening to others. Although she doesn't talk much to others she isn't considered shy, she just doesn't know what to say to the other person. Luana tends to talk to herself and often finds herself unconsciously putting her thoughts into words.
Likes: Creampuffs, Candy, Reading horror novels, Cats, Silence, Quiet places
Dislikes: Loud and noisy people, Arguments, Licorice, Cold places, Winter

So begins...

Luana Kaul's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kayla Marks Character Portrait: Abraham Kingston Character Portrait: Luana Kaul Character Portrait: Cambria Valentina Character Portrait: Jackson Michealson Character Portrait: Jess McCall
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"Good Morning, and welcome to the New Blood students that have come and joined us this year! Please take this time to explore this facility and to enjoy the beauty and history that runs through the halls! If you have any questions, please find a faculty member or one of the Superlative students. Enjoy, and be merry!"

The scratchy and overplayed announcement over the speakers rang through Cambria’s head, and she groaned a bit as she stood up from the chair in her dorm room. They played that every year, the same recording of the shrilled woman speaking of greetings that had been there longer then she had. It was the beginning of a new year. Unlike every regular school, they didn’t have breaks and vacations, due to the fact that they were not exactly trusted to go outside the Institutions doors with their untrained powers. Well, they were allowed outside, but only into the city and when accompanied by a teacher or a superlative student. Lucky for her, she was a superlative and could leave by herself, but it took her awhile to reach that point of rank. In the years back students were free to leave at their own will, but ever since one of last year’s younger students was taken and murdered by the rebel group that found out about the secret of the Institution, they bumped up the protection just a bit.

Grabbing a sweater off one of the hangers in her closet, she threw it on over her tank top. Looking at her outfit, it was mostly black, just like it was most days. Slinging her book bag across her shoulder, she rummaged through it making everything she needed was inside, her sheet music, her sketching book, pencils and whatever. Making the mental checklist, she mumbled under her breath. “I’m missing my psychology book. Must have left it in the music room.” She was originally planning to head over to meet Ben to talk about the New Bloods and discuss what they were going to inform them of about the institute and the hierarchy and everything, but she would have to make a stop now first.

Walking out of her sketch filled, and a bit messy dorm room, she made her way down the long hallway. The walls were plastered with stain glass windows and ornate walls that you could easily tell have been there for a long while. French writing and inscriptions laced the walls as well. Going down the large, chestnut wood stair case, she wandered into the main hall. She noticed a few old faces she knew, and a couple of new ones. There were around forty-five students this year, and many of them New bloods. Giving a nod of her head in greeting to some of the people she passed by, she went down a corridor not many went down. The old church was almost practically a maze, filled with rooms many have yet to discover. Reaching the end of the cool stone hall, she opened up the last door on the right, and walked in, shutting it behind her.

The room was dark, the only light being let through was the sky light on the very high ceiling, made of stain glass. It reflected colors all around the room, and it was pretty calming. Walking up to the old piano right in the middle of the room, she grabbed the book she had left on the bench the night before. The only reason she had the psychology book, was to understand the mind and how everything affects it. It was useful when it came to understanding her own power. Slipping it into her bag, she turned to leave, but stopped mid way. She had new sheet music with her, and decided while she was here she could at least try and play one. ”What the hell.” She shrugged with a small smile tugging at the edge of her lips. Grabbing the music, she set it down as she sat at the piano, and began playing.

The soft music filled the small room, and it echoed and bounced off the walls. It wasn’t a very long piece, and she sat there for a minute after it was done, contemplating whether or not to leave and go deal with the ruckus of a new year, or stay alone in the quiet, where she liked it.

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Character Portrait: Luana Kaul
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"Oh. That's weird. I thought it would be this turn." Luana looked around as light blew in through the windows of the hallway. In the young girl's hands was wrinkled piece of paper. Lines and arrows were drawn all over it leading to words and places. However no matter how many times the girl turned the map and no matter how many times she squinted at the map she had no idea where she was.

As her feet clicked down the halls a fuzzy noise coughed out from out of nowhere.Flinching the girl straightened as a squeaky voice blended with electronic fuzz echoed through the hallways. "Couldn't they at least afford maybe a better speaker? Although I might just be really close to a speaker." she said out loud to herself. Rather than focusing on the greeting sent through an intercom the girl shrugged and focused more on where in the world she was.

The halls seemed empty and endless with large windows. Luana felt that she had been walking for a very long time. She maybe shouldn't have left her room. With a small sigh she tucked strands of fallen blonde hair in her face to the back of her ear as her marble eyes moved from the map to the treacherous walk down the hallway to the window that depicted a rainbow garden sparkling from the morning dew. That's when she realized the scenery that lay past intricate glass.

Drawn away from her exploration of the school and the confusing map in her hands she shuffled her feet towards the window. Her eyes shone towards the garden and her face lifted into a smile. "So pretty." Confusion lifted, she forgot that she was lost in the halls as she found herself lost in the refreshing site.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luana Kaul Character Portrait: Jackson Michealson
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"Good Morning, and welcome to the New Blood students that have come and joined us this year! Please take this time to explore this facility and to enjoy the beauty and history that runs through the halls! If you have any questions, please find a faculty member or one of the Superlative students. Enjoy, and be merry!"

Jackson was already wide awake before the morning announcement. He was dressed in one of the first of his outfits that had been unpacked; A bluish grey, long sleeved shirt made of a soft comfy material , with three buttons running down the center and sleeves rolled up just above his elbows. A pair of slim fitting jeans, suspenders, brown boots that had been darkened in some areas by constant exposer to moister. The most peculiar feature of his person was the patches of blue, violet color that circumference his eye sockets.

He had been basking in the plainness of his dorm. His old room with his parents had been decorate head to toe drawings of many different species of birds, and oddly enough perfectly preserved specimens of the many different bug species he had managed to collect over the years while travelling with his parents, who were researchers of some small renown. It was their dream to make the next groundbreaking discovery, but he was never interested enough in their work to inquire about it on his own initiative. When he found out he would be leaving his old life behind, he decided to leave all of it, bug collection at all. He decided to begin a whole new collection from scratch for his new home and life.

When the scratchy announcement played over the intercom he took a deep breath while running a hand through his wavy brown, and a feeling of rebirth washed over him. It was a good feeling. Jackson was ready and excited to learn about and gain control of his strange new power, and even more eager to start his first official day at The Silhouette Institution. However, just as he was about to head out to explore his new home as instructed, he began to feel a familiar and almost impossible feeling to describe. It was happening already. The world around him became a disorienting blur as time seemed to slow down, and speed up to hundred times than normal all in the same moment accompanied by a feeling of extreme seasickness. The only way to put an end to it was to shut his eyes tight, prepare, and let the jump happen. It was like a brief moment of weightlessness and he would suddenly be across the room. This time something odd happened. When he closed his eyes, that moment of weightlessness lasted longer than usual, and when he opened his eyes he was facing the ceiling. The very second he realized what was happening his body collided with ground, hard. He had appeared in mid air this time, but he had no idea how far he had fallen or how bad he was hurt. When he tried to lift his head, he groaned and gave up on the simple task that took more out of him than it should. It made him dizzy and he saw stars.

He couldn't yet make out his surroundings as the disorienting after affects of shadow-stepping made it nearly impossible. However he could make out the shape of small blond girl, another student. <font color=533CBE>"Well...this is a bit awkward "</font> He spoke to the girl in an accent that was, even while slurred by his current condition, recognizably British.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Luana Kaul Character Portrait: Jackson Michealson
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"Well. No one would miss me if I went outside I'm sure." Luana said turning away from the window she began to skip a little down the hall. Sooner or later she would find the exit and then she would be outside in the nice gardens.

The only sound she heard were the sounds of her own footsteps however something felt amiss. Spinning around she felt some sort of tension. Her eyes scanned around the hall but she saw nothing. Then she looked upwards. Her grey eyes dilated and she felt her hands instinctively cover her mouth.

Above her was a floating a person. Or what she thought was floating person,who was actually falling. Unconsciously her feet stepped backwards as the person crashed down against the floor. Her body froze a bit. Was he okay? "Oh my gosh!What do I do? Is he dead?" she panicked quietly to herself completely forgetting about her trip outside to the gardens.

Hearing the noise of a living person coming from the body, she felt herself relax a little. Her hands came down to her side as the male raised his head. Luana stared at the man curiously, he looked around her age and had a dark shading around his eyes. Looking from him to the ceiling, she questioned how in the world had he fallen on to the ground in front of her,she then focused back to the man who spoke.

"Well.... this is a bit awkward"

Her eyes shifted left and right. There was no one else here so the only person he could commune with was her.

"Not really...It's only awkward if you make it awkward. I think..." she tugged at her silvery gold strands hesitantly.

"A-Are there a lot of hidden trap doors in this place or something? You just appeared out of nowhere.It was..." placing a finger on her chin she contemplated a bit trying to find the best word.

"Uhh...Strange? No, no Luana that's bad. You shouldn't call people strange." she rambled hitting the palm of her hand on her forehead.

"I'm sorry."