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The Survival Kit Academy || Mastered

The Academy


a part of The Survival Kit Academy || Mastered, by Chikka.


Chikka holds sovereignty over The Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Academy is a part of The Survival Kit Academy || Mastered.

18 Characters Here

Ruzik R. [182] "Your heart, plus me, equals one very happy demon indeed."
Etelka Lantos [168] "Come on, let me teach you the true meaning of pain."
Kou Usagi [168] "Yes these ears are real, no you cannot touch them."
Laurence Snow [164] "I'm not your average mage I guess, am I Dark or White?"
Memphis [163] "Do I care? - No."
Muse [129] "Can't I just have a little taste of your blood?"
DĂșyĂš [126] "This whole Academy thing is cute really, suppose it's a nice change of pace though."
Cleo Gardenia [123] "Hey, mister mage, can we play a game? Oh please!"
Midora Kurayami [115] "So many changes had been made, but they're all just a part of the twist of fate..."
Liliane Auringer [108] Her piercing gaze holds only emptiness

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Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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"That wand will not hurt you unless you touch the sharp end, I will be glad if you use the sharp end on other people master," she responded to his doubts about the wand, probably breaking her stoic voice too much when she told him to stab others. The idea of the timid Lord Snow killing others with her wand brought her much ecstasy. Oh it had been to long. She wished to watch another bleed, listen to someone yell in pain, it would be so much sweeter if at the same time the Lord was showing more strength. The master gave her a nice genuine smile, to which she responded by forcing a small crooked one onto her face. Smiling was not natural to the girl unless it was triggered by arousal, but she was actually satisfied that the master was more at ease.

His Lordship then asked for information on her classmates, an unfortunate assumption by him. While she did have a day advantage on him she didn't even know most of their names, the previous day she spent with the cripple, the rabbit, and shark teeth. Etelka pulled herself up to sit on a desk top, taking a moment to ensure her dress was neat before starting. "I have little thoughts on Venom, you asked her to go all out against you and she did. I dislike her, but I dislike demons, I shall see how loyal she is to you and make my opinion then. If you find her annoying give me the order and I'll kill her." She maintained eye contact with the Lord, keeping her emotionless vestige. She wished to see how this Lord reacted to her willingness to kill for him, she was completely serious in the offer, however if he found such offers annoying she would stop making them.

Etelka began to ensure the status of her hair as she went on, "The rest of the class... I apologize my Lord I know only three of them. The rest I couldn't tell you the name of, I had but one day here and I spent it otherwise. I will tell you what I know of the three, firstly the rabbit girl that introduced herself to you earlier. She is Kou Usagi, she is extremely potent in combat with the ability to teleport, manipulate her blood, and conjure electricity of sorts. As far as I could tell from my first day her mind is dull, so fret not about that. Secondly is the sharp toothed Ruzik, with red hair, you probably saw him earlier. He is an 'incubus' with a favor for hearts and a hate for order, he likes to be in control, I know little of his combat ability. Avoid him, given the chance he would kill you, his words are honeyed at best, assume he is trying to deceive you." She rested her voice for a moment, ensuring her posture was correct and formal before continuing.

"The last demon I know is Hive, I did not see him in the class so I assume he is being rebellious. That is his attitude, he does not like mages or the system built around them. Hive should not be trusted, if he was willing to oppose Ervin for so long I doubt his attitude will change here, so he is one to be wary of. Not only that but the demon is quite literally a pile bugs, detestable in all ways. My deepest apologies Lord Snow that is everyone I know, I have little need to mingle with other mages or demons as I serve you and only you. I will say it now, you have my utter loyalty, I will die for you and undertake any order you issue, serve your any desire... any desire." She smiled at the master with a more genuine smile while she repeated her last words.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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#, as written by Ahri


Moments after Cleo pounced on Bugby it seemed he wasn't going to sit by, and he held nothing back. Grappling her before sending a painful looking kick into her stomach. Maybe pitting people who were suppose to be working as a team later, in a brawl was not such a good idea. Though Ichiro felt that his group should be fine after, or at least he hoped so. After having put her down he gazed into her face which was a bit odd mid battle, but he could do as he pleased.

Almost instantly after that he leaped with a burst of speed grabbing hold of the staff. The speed seemed way to close to Cleo's to be his own, which most likely meant that somehow Bugby had copied her abilities. If he had to observe it to gain a power it was clear Cleo's abilities were just natural so he should of been able to copy it before and avoid her bite. Or when he grappled her, physical contact may be the requirement. Ichiro watched Bugby's motions intently with a wide grin as Bugby taunted him into coming for the staff. "It's about time I had some fun at this school."

Ichiro knew without his magic he had no chance of fighting Bugby. With Cleo's speed and strength Ichiro would lose in the blink of an eye without his magic, but he couldn't activate Bugby's copying trigger. He would have to stall without taking more then two or three hits. Still Ichiro could bank on the fact that Bugby wouldn't know just how weak he was without his magic, without it increasing his reaction speed when Bugby took off at high speeds he appeared as only a blur to Ichiro who knew that he was only seeing after images. The hit was a surprising shock when Ichiro realized it wasn't a hit, but Bugby slamming full body into him. When he opened his eyes Bugby laid sitting on top of him gazing into his eyes. Bugby removed himself, but seemed in a lot of pain.

Watching him Ichiro wondered if the impact injured both of them. Ichiro had never actually fought without his armor bolstering every aspect of him so he didn't realize how fragile his normal body was, until just the impact from Bugby hit. The impact Ichiro assumed was equal to the force of a car slamming into him at at least 20mph. Slowly getting up he examined his injuries, it seemed he had probably broke a rib or two as Ichiro could taste some blood in his mouth. Still Bugby was a Demon so his body should be physically more resilient and the impact shouldn't have affected him. Ichiro pondered the questions as he slowly got up.

As golden puddles started to appear and blades emerged it was clear somehow Bugby had copied his power. Ichiro thought it over as he had never used any aspect of his powers which mean either through physical contact or maybe.... before he had time to assess the situation blades were flying at him. Without his armor he could actually die from just one decent hit, Ichiro knew this because if it was his own power he knew that the piercing of the blade only caused a part of the damage. Most of the real damage came from the force the blade was propelled at and if it was anything like his own a single hit without his armor would be deadly, the force and shock alone would kill him. Still Ichiro express only got odder as most would fear a one shot kill attack, it only inspired Ichiro as the thought of fighting someone with his own powers was exhilarating. It was clear that Bugby was out of control now though, but hay was it so bad to have a little fun while reeling him back in. As his mage it was Ichiro's duty to contain him, even more so now that Cleo was in danger as well.

"I'll get the staff don't worry. Bugby are you trying to kill me, well let me knock some sense back into you." He said with a wicked grin as he spit out a bit of blood. Cracking his fingers as golden particles spun around encasing him, as they formed into a suit of armor. Normally Ichiro would take a distant position and fire off blades, but against his own power that wasn't an option because it to was long ranged. Though Ichiro's magic didn't make it that strong, it is actually pretty basic with slight variations. What made it strong was the skill of the user when it came to it. The power came from predicting enemy movements to land deadly blows. As well being highly skilled at micromanaging as each blades were stronger when individually controlled.

In Bugby's normal state this would be a tough enough challenge, but how he was right now with the pain, no prediction involved they were firing in just a countless barrage. As well they were not being managed, he was just lobbing them in clusters one after another. Not to mention Ichiro trained for most of his life to master this skill as it takes a crazy amount of stamina to maintain, so blades can't be wasted. At Bugby's rate he would pass out in no time at all, though if not shut down soon he may hurt someone else near by or even himself with a stray blade. So their was no time to sit around and wait for him to be done, and plus that was not fun at all."Let me give you a little pay back for my ribs." Saying as he launched two blades, but instead of aiming at Bugby they flew right past him each catching one end of the staff sending it rolling away, a safe distance for Cleo to grab. "Take the staff I'll deal with our friend over here."

Completely ignoring Bugby's state, a fire grew in Ichiro's eyes as his face just lit up with excitement. "I hope your ok with me ending this. Let me teach you lesson one about my powers." Three puddles appeared slight above his head in front of him, but instead of blades forming three long kite shields dropped out of the pools forming a wall in front of him. They hovered in front as Ichiro dashed forwards closing the gap, between himself and Bugby. All incoming blades hit and reflected off the kite shields. "My power doesn't come from my magic, but how I use it." As he got within ten feet of Bugby a large golden pool about the size of a truck appeared above Bugby's head. Ichiro raised one hand in the air and dropped it as a massive, square Tower shield came straight down onto Bugby with the speed of his normal blades, which was fast. The impact alone sent shock waves leaving cracks in the ground below Bugby. At the time as the tower shield dropped, Ichiro had to have vision to make sure he pinpointed it's drop location so he had to make his kite shields move. So at the same time his Tower shield dropped his Kite shields dissipated into golden particles. Of course at that distance it was impossible to dodge all of the blades coming from Bugby, while Ichiro maneuvered around a few he couldn't dodge them all so he took the least damaging one of all the incoming blades, which drove straight into his right thigh.

It pierced straight through. Though the force left cracks around where it hit. Blood started to slide down his right leg. The tower shield had leveled Bugby, and spamming blades had hopefully exhausted him. Ichiro took a few steps back, blood forming small pools at his feet as he moved around wanting to fight more. While the teammate part of him hoped that one hit took him down and out so he wouldn't be in pain. Ichiro's base nature wanted more fighting more of a challenge. In most fights Ichiro enjoyed toying around with his opponent, but fights were he felt it was possible to lose he ended them quick though he hated short fights.

Standing there Ichiro watched Bugby with gleaming eyes waiting to see if he was down and out or ready for round 2. Seemingly unaware of the pain Bugby was in an using his armor's attribute changer to change his own pain limiters so that he could keep going with a cut right through his thigh. The blood sliding down from the wound it was clear that he was fairly injured. Ichiro always was prepared for injuries during fights though that's why he enjoyed the ability to change his pain attribute, though after his armor dissipates he can't continue the change and it all comes flooding back which is never fun without a doctor around. "Are you done?" Saying as his body started to settle down as he was unsure if it was over or not. Ichiro had an odd fighting style that contradicted its self. His body language and face, plus the way he spoke made it seem as if he was crazy and wild, but at the same time his movements and style of fighting were clearly tactical and well thought out. Which Ichiro really enjoys about fighting, he has fun and goes wild while at the same time not being careless and fighting smart.

Taking a glance over at Cleo to see if she got the staff since even if Bugby got up if she got the staff the game would be over which meant any more fighting would get either one of them in trouble.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Hive Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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#, as written by Chikka


Memphis stood and gave little response as the red-haired demon walked off, clearly seeing little else to converse with to the Headmaster. The other two had slinked off earlier, Etelka and Laurence, and now the other demon had too, which left the elder demon questioning his approach. Was he too hard on then? Maybe he lacked a sense of kindness towards them, or something like that. Not that he overly cared, he was their teacher and they would have to accept his ways. However. Having that girl just walk off as she did irked the man a little, not to mention the other two, though perhaps not through his expression he showed this, but the general temperature around him increased just a little. But it quickly died out a few minutes after.

With a shrug he brushed the thought off, puffing away at his cigarette as he turned and walked off towards were the two other demon sat. The horned-girl and late demon, who had caught his attention earlier. As he walked over the fire-demon kept what his own group had said to him deep in his mind, figuring perhaps there was some work that could be done to help improve the three as a team. Either way, Memphis wasn’t exactly experienced with this sort of thing, but if he needed to, he would bother the other teachers about it and hear their thoughts and advice later on, out of class.

Once over, the Headmaster sat up and behind the two younger demons. Peering down at them almost, he figured he ought to interrogate the boy who had been late. "You," He tapped the boys shoulder, expecting him to face him and continued. "Why were you late to class? Does it bore you that much, or were you unaware that there’s a new boss here." Leaning back, he casted a glance over the other students, before briefly looking to the horned-girl. He knew she wanted to participate, but she couldn’t. At least she didn’t seem like the whiny type and actually accepted his decision, somewhat. "It’s kind-of handy, since you two are in the same group. Perhaps you should take advantage of this, you know."

Cleo Gardenia


Cleo kept herself low to the ground as the blades soared overhead, but once seeing Ichiro knock the staff closer to her, the feline knew she had to get it and put an end to all of this! As, perhaps unlike her two teammates, the girl wished to end the fighting as clearly everyone had taken their fair share of pain. And Cleo didn’t enjoy seeing her friends so hurt, and whatever else. With a deep breath the girl sprang forward, weaving in and out of the last few blades that came her way before throwing herself over to beside the staff.

Slamming her hands onto it and curling her fingers round it tightly, the girl lay on her stomach against the ground before rolling onto her back and holding the staff up high into the air. ”I-I got it! Look, see! It’s over! OVER!” She called as loudly as she could, before forcing herself upright and gradually getting to her feet. Once steady and finally standing, the feline raised her arms up whilst still holding onto the staff – just to ensure their teacher saw it, and knew that they had won! A moment after, the girl turned and faced her teammates. ”Guys, it’s over. We don’t have to fight anymore!” Clearly content with this fact the girl dropped her arms to her sides, though still held the staff in one of her hands before the demon dropped to the ground and rested on her knees.

She was tired and exhausted, her gut aching from the kicking she had gotten earlier, and not to mention the assault of blades that she had narrowly escaped from. The exercise had certainly not what she had been expecting, and given how she felt at that moment Cleo wasn’t entirely fussed about how well or badly she had done on the assessment. She and Ichiro had won, that was the main thing! And, she had learned quite a bit from the exercise too in regards to her teammates – in a way she felt like she knew both of them better through it, which was also a good thing. ”Guys
 you both ok?” Whilst asking, the girl used what little strength she had left to propel herself up and off the ground as she staggered over to where Ichiro and Bugby were, standing herself between them. She didn’t want any more fighting from the pair, and given that the exercise was over, she didn’t expect it either. However, the way both demon and mage appeared, the girl couldn’t entirely say for sure if things were truly finished or not. ”Please don’t fight anymore, I don’t want us killing each other for no reason. So please, you know, let’s just go and relax now that it’s done with. Sound good?”


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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#, as written by Kapento
Bugby Marshall


Bugby couldn’t quite remember what had happened next, as he opened his eyes and found himself laying on the ground, propping himself up with his arms as he sat up. Ichiro had hit him with something hard, and he probably passed out as result. Although once aware of his surroundings the demon then noticed the golden pools around him were gone, and in their place unusual cracks that lay denting the ground beneath him. Running a hand through his hair the demon still felt a sense of pain from his head, as well as his arm, and generally his entire body hurt in some way. Bugby definitely hadn't expected things to turn out this way.

”I-I got it! Look, see! It’s over! OVER!” Snapping his head round, Bugby couldn’t believe what he had heard, as he just then he saw the girl holding the staff. He frowned, turning back around as he narrowed his eyes at the mage afterwards. ”I lost.” He sighed, though expecting such an outcome, the demon still felt it hard to acknowledge. Mostly because it seemed he had lost to Ichiro, a mage, which he didn’t like to imagine. With a good amount of effort, the demon pushed himself off the ground and shakily got to his feet, though still seemed a bit unsteady. By the time he had even taking a step forward the feline was already up and moving about as she stood herself between the mage and demon, holding the staff in her hand that the boy had tried to keep away from the pair, though ultimately failed at doing so.

”Please don’t fight anymore, I don’t want us killing each other for no reason. So please, you know, let’s just go and relax now that it’s done with. Sound good?” It was clear the girl wished peace between the group, and though visibly un-amused by losing the exercise, the demon merely gave a begrudged nod to ease the girl from further worry. However, he had to make one thing clear before doing so, as the demon walking over to the mage, rather uneasily as he took slow steps initially. Once close enough, the demon raised a hand and placed a clawed finger against the mage’s chest, ”Do not think this is over, I do not accept losing to a mage easily. I will be expecting a rematch, Ichiro.” He said in a rather matter-of-fact tone, before pulling his hand away. ”However, you did win, so I have some respect for you now, mage. Perhaps you aren’t as bad as the others.” Surprisingly, the demon then held out his hand towards Ichiro, offering it to the blonde boy to shake as a form of respect. After all, since Ichiro was his mage, and he won, it proved quite a lot to Bugby even if the demon still wished to beat the mage all the same. As he looked between Cleo and Ichiro, the demon had to admit he quite liked his group compared to the rest. Maybe he was lucky to have them. ”I guess
 we are friends now, yes? No hard feelings after all this?”

Laurence Snow


"I have little thoughts on Venom, you asked her to go all out against you and she did. I dislike her, but I dislike demons, I shall see how loyal she is to you and make my opinion then. If you find her annoying give me the order and I'll kill her." Laurence was, as you would have expected, a little taking back by the demons words. And yet he could tell she was very serious in the offer, but the boy hadn’t expected himself to need such a thing, at least not within a good reason. ”I-I don’t really like to kill others, not without a valid reason at least. I mean
 I’ve never killed anyone before, and I never want to, unless I have to.” He didn’t outright reject the idea though neither did he embrace it, seemingly. He certainly didn’t want Venom dead! ”I’d appreciate it if you didn’t kill anyone, unless, well, they’re trying to kill me haha.” He added, trying to make light of the situation as he sheepishly ran a hand through his hair and laughed ever so slightly.

As the demon went on to explain the student that she did know, the boy eased himself and listened to her keenly as Laurence paid close attention. She had mentioned the rabbit demon first, who seemed very nice in his opinion, and the mage felt little worry in regards to that demon as he figured perhaps she wasn’t going to cause him trouble. But then Etelka mentioned another demon, known as Ruzik, who came across the exact opposite. ”Oh great, another demon set on deceiving others.” The boy sighed, knowing full well he’d probably be the redhead’s next victim if Laurence didn’t buck his ideas up a little.

Then there was the demon, Hive. A pile of bugs? Just the thought sent an uncomfortable feeling down the mage as, though liking bugs, he wasn’t exactly a big fan of the creepy crawlies either. However, Etelka seemed to know that demon quite well, so the boy knew to trust her on being wary of the fellow, at least for now. ”You don’t have to be sorry, you actually seem to know all the people who I should avoid, which is very useful. I now know to be aware of these Hive and Ruzik guys, so you should be pleased.” He said and offered the girl a friendly smile, showing his genuine appreciation for her insight. When the demon went onto claim he had her complete loyalty, and even state she would die for him, Laurence was a tad surprised, though he was slowly getting use to the girls seriousness towards ‘serving’ him. ”Alright, alright I believe you, haha. I know you take this serving-thing quite literally, so I do believe you, Etelka.” He assured the demon.

When she repeated the last little part of her sentence though, the mage couldn’t help but somewhat understand what she was implying, as he was a teenage boy after all! ”I-I don’t have any
 desires that need serving right now, thank-you.” He quietly mumbled, his face reddening in the passing moments as the boy quickly got to his feet and began to swing the black wand about. Like a child with a new toy, he was quite taken by it, and couldn’t resist swing it around and over his head as he spun it around in his hands. Although, when nearing the window the boy looked out briefly, noticing their red-haired demon was nowhere to be seen.

”Hey, Venom is gone.” He stated, looking over the area that the other students were fighting but couldn’t see her. Did she just leave? What about her group, didn’t she want to say goodbye before going? Maybe she didn’t like them enough yet, Laurence assumed as a slight frown formed on his face. As a thought suddenly hit him the mage turned round and looked to the demon, ”I never thought about it, but maybe she's not with us because I'm not a good mage, since I was pretty naive out there earlier. Even the Headmaster noticed it, too. Perhaps I'm so bad that one of my own demons doesn't think I'm good enough...”


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikari Akigawa Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Hive Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis
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#, as written by chrian.




As the two Dark Mages finished talking, Memphis turned to them and gained their attention. The demon then replied Midora's offer earlier, "True, I do not know much of this academy and its ways – an assistant would prove useful. If you’re up to the challenge then consider yourself promoted," He grinned a little towards the him before concluding. "It may take some time for me to refer to you by your first names. My master taught me to always address others by their surname – he guessed it would make me seem more polite. But anyway, Mr. Kurayami and Mr. Akigawa, that is another thing for another day.”

"Thanks, it's my pleasure. I will do my best." Midora nodded as he turned his attention back to the noisy class. Mikari poked his cheek, again, "Well, well, someone got promoted. That's a good sign, hmm?"

"It's for the Academy's sake, after all." Midora answered.

"But still, it was nice though. Wanna go out for some BBQ tonight to celebrate?" Mikari grinned. It's been a long while since the two of them ever had a chance to hang out with each other.

Midora kept silent and think for a while, then nodded, "Sure, why not?"

"Hehe, I'm looking forward to, it's been a while." Still with a light-hearted grin, Mikari cheerfully said to his friend. A moment later, Memphis began to made his announcement of the assignment that they're going to have that morning. The Demon spoke with confident, to which Midora was quite please. He believes that their new Headmaster should be able to take it in a right way. And Midora can try to devote some of his strength to help him.

"Right, onto your assessment for this morning." The Demon intrigued. "I’ve decided that this morning will be spent doing an exercise known as ‘Defend The Staff’. One student from each group will defend a staff whilst their teammates try to capture it by any means. It is a simple exercise though it means a great deal, oh - and you will be marked on your performance. Obviously whoever wins will get more marks, though there are a few things that will be taken into consideration; such as skill, precision, and how many injuries you sustain – if any."

Defend The Staff, huh? Midora moved his fingers to his chin and thought for a moment. This is just a simple game, but if the groups of students take this on highly, the Teachers should be able to make the correct judgement of their strength and how they pull out what they're good at in combat. A nice warm-up for the morning session, I must say. Midora thought as he glanced at the Demon for a few seconds. He remembers that their Sensei used to apply this kind of exercises for them in the past too so this isn't something that both of them are not familiar with. For now, their job is to sit back and observe their students.

After Memphis has finished with all the division for the groups and 'encouraged' the students with a few more word, he turned to the Teachers, "As I said you’re all expected to watch your students and judge them, take notes if needed, and once they’re all done I expect you to give them feedback and point out their downfalls and strengths. They’ll never improve if they don’t hear the truth – so be brutally honest to them, I demand you do that. Miss Rayne, you'll be joining Mr. Akigawa, as your students are together for this exercise. Once you’re ready meet me outside, and if you have any questions, well, you know where I am."

Midora nodded, "Understood."

Mikari grinned, "I'm ready. Let's get the show on the road."

As all the students began to make their ways, the Teachers also stood up and walked behind them. When they're outside at the training ground, they went to the observing seats near there and sat down. Midora crossed his legs and his arms as he observed Bugby went to defend the staff while Cleo and Ichiro was planning strategies against him. Midora's expression was as emotionless as ever, but he actually felt quite interested in what are going to happen next. He still hasn't forgot Ichiro's performance yesterday so he will have to keep his eyes on the Mage more.

The four of them were observing intentively on Group 1 and Group 3 performances, while Group 4 and Liliane were somehow delayed a bit, much to Mikari's annoyance. But it seemed that Group 1 has brought their fight into a swift end. After Memphis walked towards his own group, Hive arrived and standing next to the black-haired demon, seemingly unaware of what has happened so far. Midora shrugged, he knows the demon was definitely having a grudge for him because he didn't allow them to trespass his chamber. But that is none of his concern in the slightest.

It was quite a bloody fight, although it was just a session, Midora has to admit. It was nice to see them really devoted themselves into this. ”I-I got it! Look, see! It’s over! OVER!” Cleo called as loudly as she could, before forcing herself upright and gradually getting to her feet while waving the staff just for Midora to see. He sighed then stood up and walked towards where the three of them were.

"I must admit that you all have managed to carry out quite a bloody fight." He spoke up and gained their attention, "But I'm glad that you've tried your best. You two have achieved a victory worth to look up to. I've paid close attention on every movements of you two and I think you've done it well. So, congrats, I think." He paused a bit before turning his gaze to Cleo, "When first looking at you, I don't think that you're really a fighter at heart, but you set aside all of that. You has made good use of her strength and ability. Nice dodging all those blades, I think. And you've also taken up the more of a leading role between you and Ichiro. But still, you keep your head cool and did your job well. I hope that you can continue to improve."

Then he turned to Ichiro, "And you, it seemed that the 'Ichiro' when he is still in his mind and the 'Ichiro' of insanity was the polar opposite, hmm? Your movements, your plannings, the ways you make use of your abilities, etc are quite remarkable. Compare to your performance yesterday, it was a nice change. That ending attack was pretty impressive, I must say. Despite having Bugby copying your ability, you still managed to turn it into your advantage, although it was risky. So, from now on, just keep doing well like this and you will be stronger." Midora spoke with the usual monotonous voice, but his advice were genuine. Then he concluded in a rather sarcastic tone, "If you were as good yesterday then perhaps you could have given me a few scratches."

And finally, he looked at Bugby, "Then it comes to you. I know that you're on the more disadvantage side because you have to stood up by yourself against two of your teammates. It's true that you gave them quite a hard time while defending the staff, but with someone who has such ability like you, I had higher expectations than that. You should be more concern of your own limits and try to keep yourself sane no matter what the situations are. Losing control of ones' abilities are one of the top mistakes that you must never make in combat, bear that in mind. But still, you really did your best and make good uses of their abilities. However, don't let this failure discourage you. Next time, you can win if you really give it your all."

Midora crossed his arms as he concluded, "That's all I want to comment base on your performance. This exercise is just a small warm-up for some of the greater challenges in the future so I hope you all will keep improving day by day." He paused a bit before continued, "Okay, now you're free to take a break before the next assignment from the Headmaster. I suggest you should visit the nurse to take care of your injuries for now. If you need my presence, you know where to find me."

With that said, he gave them a graceful bow then turned his back and walked away. But just as he was walking, a small portal appeared from nowhere and a clip-board then fell from it. He swiftly caught it and gave it a quick glance. It was an mission from the Upper Department. Since he wasn't the Headmaster anymore, this is not something that he has the rights anymore so Midora figures that the one who will decide from now is their new Headmaster.

He then walked towards Memphis, who seemingly was speaking with Hive about the reasons for his absence. "Hey, boss." Midora spoke up to gain the Demon's attention as he walked to the man, "The Department has sent us a new mission. When you're finished with all the jobs here, we should talk in your Office. Since I'm going to be your new assistant, we should have the same workplace. There was an empty desk so I'm going to take my stuffs there. Hope that you don't mind. See you later."

Midora bowed to him and made his way back inside. He went to the Teacher's Office and gathered his stuffs then put them all in a medium-sized box. It's not like that he has a lot of things though. Carrying them to the Headmaster's Office, he arranged them neatly on the empty desk in the room. After everything has been done, he sighed contentedly as he sat down and began to look through the papers on the clip-board carefully.

Meanwhile, Mikari still sitting and waiting impatiently until his students really going to have some actions. He sighed depressingly but knows that there's nothing that he could do right now. If Midora was sitting next to him, at least he can still bother him so that he can kill this boredom. The more he waited, the more annoyed Mikari became. I hope they're going to do their absolutely best or I'll kick their asses for making me waiting like this just.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri


Ichiro could hear Cleo shouting, "It's over." In the distance, but Ichiro wasn't ready to back down if the Demon wanted to go for round two. Within seconds Cleo was between them trying with all her might to halt the fight, though time felt static as Ichiro waited to see what Bugby would do next because that decided if the fight would resume or not. It seemed as if his barrage of attacks had stopped when he went unconscious which was a nice things since they were getting annoying to dodge.

Watching as Bugby began to sit up. From his behavior and posture it seemed as if he was done and after he gave his verbal answer it was over. Ichiro took a deep breath to try and regain himself as he let his body relax back into his normal state. Looking at Bugby as he approached it was clear he was not happy with the outcome, Ichiro couldn't deny he hated losing more than anything in the world. He knew that feeling all to well from yesterday, though that was much worse because that came along with embarrassment and a lesson. Listening to Bugby making more of a point that he wanted a rematch instead of asking for one, it made Ichiro laugh a little after he praised him a bit. "Glad to see that I'm not as bad as the others. We can rematch anytime you want, I'm not going anywhere soon." Saying as he watched Bugby put out a hand. Ichiro accepted and they shook hands. "Of course no hard feelings, we are friends after all." He said with a smile.

Midora approached and Ichiro was a bit excited to hear his "assessment" of their team. As Midora finished up talking about his performance Ichiro interjected a bit at the end. "Thank you for the complements." Though as he brought up yesterday Ichiro's face twitched into a obviously annoyed smile. "We shouldn't talk about yesterday. And I could easily left a few scratches if I really..." Finishing his statement with what devolved into grumbling. It had seemed as if they all did pretty well in his eyes. While Midora had observed and picked out the strengths and weaknesses of the group, so had Ichiro during the fight. He had his own comments and concerns, but those he would keep to himself as the whole point of him assessing his own group was so that he could compare them to other groups.

Looking around Ichiro wanted to assess the other groups, but it seemed one of the groups had already, but the last fight was the one he was interested in. Looking down at his wounds it would be best to head to the nurses instead of watching it in person. With that Ichiro summoned a small mirror and placed it with a wide view of the training grounds. After he had that in placed he summoned another mirror and tapped the two together applying a linking attribute to them. Looking into the mirror in his hands he could see everything on the other side of the mirror. "Ouch my injuries look way worse from the outside, and with this I should be able to view their battle quite nicely." Saying as turned to his teammates. "It would be a great help if you of you could guide me to the nurses office as I seemed to have sustained some injuries that could be really hurting right now." Saying as he looked over himself. He had taken a nasty blow to the thigh which was pretty bad, Ichiro had summoned some clothe that he wrapped around it to keep it from shooting blood everywhere. On top of that he had most likely a few broken ribs from the impact as well. Checking his pulse for a second, as Ichiro had over the years charted out the rate of his pulse compared to his mana pool left so that he wouldn't ever be worried about it being lower then he assumed. He could tell at the pace it was going he had maybe quite a few hours left before his armor would dissipate. Though he wasn't to sure he could find the place in that time. As well the second his armor vanishes he would lose his pain inhibitors which mean that pain all comes flowing back, and he rather not be in some random corner of the school coughing up blood and limped around.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Hive Character Portrait: Memphis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

Before Hive and the mystery girl got to talk much, his attention was caught by Cleo. He nodded as encouragement as he mirrored her grin, but the smile quickly faded when Cleo turned around. She was adjusting so quickly, yet remained herself. Hive was glad she didn't see what kind of place the academy truly was... Or did she? Cleo's words from the day before rang into his head as she had begged of him not to cause trouble. For the better or worse, she was trying to protect him... Which meant that even though Cleo seemed so carefree, at some level she was aware of the danger looming over them.

Hive didn't get to catch the end of the match, as he felt someone tapping for his attention. “You're that new headmaster?” Hive looked over his shoulder, expecting to see some other pompous mage. The man behind him looked nothing of the sort. A headmaster with that posture? While smoking a cigarette? Was he joking? The guy was a complete contrast to every other teacher on the academy grounds. Hive didn't know whether to laugh or not. He couldn't tell if the man was pulling a fast one.

“Our last class was a murder simulation. It doesn't so much bore as it concerns us.” Hive replied boorishly, no longer facing Memphis. “We're observing, if that is what you're prying on. Even if we just missed the conclusion.” He continued, resisting the urge to add an accentuated headmaster at the end of his sentence. Hive had made Cleo a promise after all, even if the both of them likely knew that sooner or later the demon was going to break it.

A second man coming up from behind suddenly put Hive on his guard. It was Midora. Hive still had no idea what had happened the other day, outside of the previous headmaster being responsible for it. His body tensed up as he scowled, unable to hide his dislike and discomfort. However the strangest thing was that Midora called the man boss...

“So that wasn't a joke after all.” Hive mused, more to himself than Memphis, as Midora walked away.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kapento
Bugby Marshall


When their mage teacher approached the group Bugby begrudgingly listened to what the man had to say, knowing full well his own review would not be that great. And, though rarely right, the demon in fact was just that, as his expression shifted back into his commonly displeased or rather bored expression. By the time the mage had said his piece and left the students, the demon boy took note of one snippet of information he had said before looking to his teammates once they were left alone.

Ichiro mentioned the demons taking him to the nurses office, which was a wise idea as really the whole group could use a trip to the infirmary. However, Bugby had something he needed to do first, so he figured he’d meet them at the infirmary instead. ”I’m sure Cleo knows the way there, so she can guide you. I’ll meet you both there shortly.” He said, before taking a step away as he readied himself to leave. But the demon stopped soon after, facing the pair for a brief moment. ”Eh
 good match, I guess. It was fun.” With that, the boy quickly left his teammates and made his way into the classroom, seeing at least one mage and demon already there, before making his way out the classroom and off through the academy.

The teacher had said that if they needed his presence they could find him, which surely meant if one of his students had a question, they could inquire about it. Though, due to not knowing exactly where to find Midora it took a short while until the boy had found his location, after having asked various members of staff, and at last finally he found the correct room. Peering inside the demon saw the mage sitting at a desk looking through papers on a clip-board of some sort. With a deep breath, Bugby knocked on the door twice before entering the room slowly as he made his way over to the desk that the mage occupied.

”Mr. Kurayami,” He spoke up, shoving his hands into his pockets as he stood looking at the mage with a slight frown. ”About what you said earlier, to my group, well, to me more exactly,” The young demon said, awkwardly standing as he felt the mage looking at him. It was not a secret that Bugby didn’t like mages, though he was beginning to view his own differently, Ichiro at least. But Midora was not that nicely thought of by the demon. ”You said if we needed you we would know where to find you, so I wanted to talk to you
 if that’s not a problem.”

Though wishing to see their teacher, the demon couldn’t help but begin to think that perhaps going to the nurse’s office with his team would’ve been a good option, as he felt his arm and sides hurt a little as he stood. Though the demon tried not to show that it bothered him. But regardless, he was there now, and he’d say what he wanted to say whilst he could get the chance. ”It’s just I’d appreciate it if you didn’t place such high expectations on me. I mean, I did try my best to beat Ichiro and Cleo, but I still lost. You judged my ability from what you saw but I don't believe you really know the extent of my power, and thus are not fit to judge my ability. You're just a mage who happens to be in-charge of me, and if you really took an interest in your students then you'd know that whenever I attempt to mimic multiple abilities from different people things always go wrong, my concentration lapses. I mean, don't our profiles tell you anything that's relevant? But yeah, what I'm trying to say is that I didn't like how you judged me and that I don't really plan to live up to whatever you expect from me, Mr. Kurayami.” What the demon forget to mention was the fact he had refused to improve, or was rather just a lazy demon really when it came to his power. For his age, Bugby was perhaps considered slightly underdeveloped for his type of demon and what was worse was he had no interest in bettering himself. He either lacked a good teacher, concentration or was simply scared to advance his ability. Much to the frustration of his parents. Who, unlike most others, took an active interest in their child’s upbringing. As many of the other demons had likely no parental influence at all, and yet Bugby had two, a pair of high-ranking demons no less. All of which was probably stored away within his student profile somewhere.

”I’m not as remarkable as Ichiro, or as daring as Cleo. I don’t even know why I’m at the academy since I’m clearly not suitable here. My parents made a mistake sending me here,” Lowering his gaze the boy sighed a little, feeling slightly defeated at that moment, as well as a tad despising towards his mother and father. ”Anyway, that was it really. I just wanted to make things clear.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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0.00 INK


The master was opposed to killing, while at least opposed to hunting. It was a minor relief to know that the Lord would not be terribly upset if Etelka killed someone who threatened him. Lord Snow offered short praise to the demon after she finished her explanation of those she knew. She was asked to be pleased with what information she could provide so that was what she would do, if the master was satisfied then the servant would be as well. The boy became red in the face and seemingly embarrassed at the mere implication of sex, what a dull master this servant had been given. To deal with his flustered emotions he walked about the room spinning the wand around.

The demon wished the Lord would be more careful, as she had said one end of that wand was rather sharp. Flinging around weapons like toys is a good way to injure oneself, still it was probably good for him to make himself comfortable with it. The more comfortable the Lord became with the wand the more likely he was to keep it on him, and the more likely he would be to attack with it, piercing the flesh of another. He had wandered his way over to the window and pointed out with more angst that the red haired demon had departed, well did she have no reason to stay there. Still the young master brooded, once again blaming his own lack of skill, how tedious.

Etelka hoped off the table and walked over to the master, the demon was not an expert at improving moral. However she knew what he wanted him to become, and given he seemed to resent his failures it seemed he too wanted to be strong. Upon arriving in front of the master her left hand guided itself to the masters face, gently caressing against his cheek as her careless eyes looked into his lively ones. "Then become good enough, invoke the power you need to demand respect. That magic you seem so intent on holding back, that holds power. If you wish to command respect then you must be powerful, demons do not know their place until-" as she spoke her right hand slowly rose to her mouth, when she reached these words Etelka chomped down on her index finger. The bone audibly crushed underneath the weight of her jaw which filed with her own blood, "you break them, my gracious Lord." She pulled away from the master and returned to sitting on her desk across the room, blood from her finger leaving a small trail behind her. Licking the blood off her teeth she ignored her broken and bloodied finger entirely, only hoping that the master would get out of his pathetic mood.


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nurse Julie Character Portrait: Mikari Akigawa Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Hive Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chikka


When hearing a familiar voice summoning his attention Memphis looked and quickly saw Midora approaching him whilst holding a clipboard. ”The Department has sent us a new mission. When you're finished with all the jobs here, we should talk in your Office. Since I'm going to be your new assistant, we should have the same workplace. There was an empty desk so I'm going to take my stuffs there. Hope that you don't mind. See you later." The demon did not reject the idea of the pair sharing a workplace, as the mage had said it did make some sense, and thus Memphis gave a confirming nod to the other man. "Alright Mr. Kurayami, I will meet you there once I am done here. We will talk then," Watching the mage leave another voice caught the demon’s attention, as he turned and saw the younger demon in front of him had actually spoke, and promptly said, "I never joke, Hive."

He had heard what the demon had said before, and perhaps even agreed with him a little. Most demons would likely find the tasks somewhat murderous, but surely that was the fun of it? Memphis shrugged, he wasn’t that interested especially as he had played no hand in yesterdays events. However, the Headmaster could not fail to notice the evident displeasure Hive held for his mage colleague. "He displeases you?" The redhead quietly commented, though found it amusing all the same. He too had once held a slight disliking for mages, but that was a very long time ago and he was quite young at the time. "Well, you are entitled to feel as you wish. I cannot rip that away from you however, if you care to take note, mages are not all that bad. They are like us, demons, only without the hell. Some are good, some are bad, and the rest just don’t care." Standing up the demon stretched his hands into the air before glancing around the area. Another group had finished which only left one, which wasn’t so bad.

"Things should be coming to an end soon so why don’t you go and pester your friends, if you have any. Otherwise sit and wait." The Headmaster said half-amusingly to the two young demons before him, before turning and heading over to Mikari, as he stood near the mage teacher. "Your group likes to keep you in suspense, I see. Well, once they do finish things you can let them go for a break afterwards. I, however, have to go meet Mr. Kurayami in my office – or our office, I guess, now that he’s moving in." With that said the demon turned round and began to head off, giving a very brief wave of his hand as he left the area and entered the classroom - quickly recognizing the two figures there.

"Etelka, Laurence. I think you two should make yourselves busy and go take a break. The redhead left shortly before, and I think you two should get something to eat as well before our next class. Especially you young mage, you look like you need it." He said to the two youths, barley even taking a moment to look at them as the demon kept walking through the room and made his way through the Academy and to his office.

However, as he reached the door the redhead could hear an unfamiliar voice coming from within the room, and when sneaking a quick glance he saw a student with Midora. Memphis recognized the boy from their class, though his name escaped him. The Headmaster concluded it was an issue that was best sorted between a teacher and their student, and the redhead did not wish intrude just yet. Instead, he waited outside and leaned against the wall, though was very intrigued as he slightly overheard their conversation – a part of him interested to see how the mage dealt with such a young demon. Hopefully they hadn’t spotted him earlier, as they Headmaster tried to keep himself as quiet as he could.

Cleo Gardenia


Cleo listened to what Midora said, and though the man seemed quite pleased with her the feline wasn’t entirely sure how to take his words. The mage was right in that the girl perhaps didn’t look exactly like a fighter – then again she was a house-cat before so fighting wasn’t exactly a normality for the girl, but in her heart now was the beginnings of a true fighter – maybe! Smiling, the girl listened to the rest of his words before the teacher left. Quickly the feline looked to her teammates and gave them an even bigger smile.

”It’s kinda funny, that after all that, we’re actually better friends I think.” She laughed, noting especially how Bugby made an effort with their mage just earlier, which really made the girl truly happy. Just then Ichiro asked about the nurses office and how they out to guide him there, which presumably both demons would be happy to do. But Bugby had said something about meeting them there later, which Cleo just gave a nod too. ”Sure, I can get us there in no time! But you better meet us there Bugby, you need to see a nurse too – got it? Don’t make us have to drag you there.” She teased playfully before turning to Ichiro after the demon-boy had left.

”You look like you took a pretty bad hit, Ichi. But not to worry I’ll make sure to you get to the infirmary as quickly as I can,” The feline assured her mage, before taking one of his hands and holding it securely in one of her own in order to guide him better. After a moment she pulled him along, giggling afterwards, ”We best go now.”

Seemingly set with her priorities the girl lead the boy towards the classroom as expected, but then her attention was momentarily snatched away as she spied Hive again, and just as quickly let go of Ichiro’s hand and quickly dashed over to the familiar demon. ”Hive! Did you see, did you? We won, me and Ichiro! It was really cool.” She purred, resting her hands against his leg as she leaned on it a little and moved her face close to his with her ears flickering back and forth contently. Like some curious kitten that was exploring the world, the girl eyed the other demon carefully, inspecting him almost. ”Are you ok? You were really confused the other day, I didn’t get a chance to see you afterward. I hope you’re feeling better now, and you better be keeping out of trouble.”

Playfully warning her companion the demon then just remembered her mage. ”Oh, I’m just taking Ichiro to the infirmary since he got injured – why don’t you come with us? I haven’t spent any time with you really. Well, the offers there though I better hurry and make sure Ichiro gets to the nurse in time!” Hopping off Hive, the feline gave both her friend and the horned-girl a wave before skipping back over to her mage and resumed taking hold of his hand. Without even saying anything the girl just sprang forward, pulling the injured boy with her carelessly, as the cat tried to get him to the infirmary as quickly as she could.

Due to Cleo’s rushing around the pair reached the infirmary quite quickly, unsurprisingly. As they headed into the infirmary the girl walked straight over to one of the beds and pushed Ichiro onto one, before sitting herself up and onto the edge of the bed. ”The nurse should be here soon so just relax Ichi, and, well, you know – don’t die.” Though speaking so casually the cat was in-fact very concerned with the boys health - since she had gone through this before with her old mage. The old woman who raised her had died of old age, and though slightly different, the girl had experienced losing a mage before and didn’t want to lose Ichiro either.

With a sigh the girl lowered her ears and looked to the boy. ”I’m sorry I wasn’t much help during the exercise, I’m not exactly a fighter – I just run around and bite. Heh, house-cats aren’t really made to be fighters, but I promise I’ll get better and then I can protect you better, Ichi.” Though initially sounding a little down the girl quickly cheered up towards the end of her words, as she then rested her hands on either side of the boy before leaning over and nuzzling under his chin – just like a big cat would do, really. ”And I’m sorry for hissing at you earlier, I just get too protective of you. I don’t want some mage taking you away from us – but I guess I don’t have to worry about that now.”

Leaning away from the boy, the feline returned to her sitting position as the nurse then entered the room. It was Nurse Julie, a rather fun woman who all the students seemed to love. ”Wow, that looks nasty.” She commented, putting her hands to her hips and raising a brow towards the cat. ”You don’t look any better either. Well, looks like I better get to work then!” She softly giggled, before walking over and lightly pushing the blonde boy against the bed. ”You best take it easy, got it?”

Examining his leg more closely, the nurse let out another quiet giggle. ”If I’m going to heal that leg then I need a better look at it to see how bad it is – so you’re going to have to remove your trousers so that I can examine it. Oh, and don't worry about any blood! I can clean that up. But, if you’re real good about it, I may give you a lollipop.” Giving the students some privacy the woman went into the other room, probably to see about some lollipops in the meantime.

Cleo just looked to Ichiro rather casually, and teased, ”Well, on you go. Want me to leave you for a bit, you know, cause some guys are real shy about stuff like that around girls.”


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikari Akigawa Character Portrait: Kou Usagi Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Liliane Auringer Character Portrait: Sarah Rayne Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chikka


Just as Liliane was going to ask more about the talisman binding that was done to Muse the headmaster demanded everyone’s attention. He finally told the class of their assessment. They were to either defend or capture a staff from a classmate. Memphis stated that Muse would not be participating and addressed that Lili would be with group four. The girl didn’t know who each group consisted of but she was told it was with Kou and Kasumi. Kasumi was the mage that had to go to the infirmary yesterday. And Kou was the girl with the rabbit ears. Lili didn’t have an opinion of either person but Ruzik was the person in their group that would be defending.

Liliane once believed in fate and destiny. She believed that things happened for a reason. Her beliefs weren’t as strong now as they were then but this occurrence suggested that there had to be some truth. Although, Lili was disappointed that Memphis mentioned a rule that there was to be no killing. The mage would suffice at critically injuring the Incubus.

As soon Memphis finished his instructions students started heading out of the class and Ruzik made his way to Lili. He sat on top of her desk and brought his face close to hers. She didn’t budge. From this distance Lili could and would kill him if he tried anything. But he merely wanted to place a challenge.

”Looks like we’re going against each other mage – so let’s make it interesting. If I win I get to kiss you, and touch you ~” Liliane imagined that the Incubus that killed her mother used a similar approach at threatening her mother. ”And if you win well, that’s entirely up to you whatever you want.” Liliane wasn’t sure Ruzik knew how much of her hate for his kind was. Did he know he was gambling his life? And even if Lili lost, surely he didn’t think she’d just become a plaything for him. If he even, so much as, laid a finger on her in a sexual way he was a dead man. The school’s rules was the only reason he was still alive even at, this point. Ruzik hopped off of Lili’s desk with an expression that she’d be glad to change.

”Whenever you’re ready just come outside.” With that final comment the Incubus made his way out the door after addressing Kasumi. Lili realized she had a death grip on her mask. She didn’t need it during the exercise but it would still take a lot of control not to let her emotions cloud her judgment and take over her training.

After Ruzik left Liliane was left again with Ichiro and Muse. The demon seemed rather down by the fact she wouldn’t be able to participate. She mumbled something before heading out. Lili felt a ping of sympathy. Muse didn’t seem like most of the other demons. She wasn’t prideful or rebellious. That only raised more questions as to why she was in the academy. She said she had no memory so there was no use to jumping at conclusions. Lili stood to follow the others out of the class and she looked at Ichiro.

”Good luck. The demon’s in your group seem to have potential so just make sure there’s no more underestimating.” Lili walked out the door to join her group. Ruzik was getting ready and Kou seemed to be waiting impatiently. Kasumi wasn’t far behind as she walked up to Kou and Liliane.

"So... what is the plan?"

”I think it goes without saying we have an advantage in numbers. To overwhelm him seems the most direct course of action we should take. But first we should discuss our abilities. I think everyone knows what Kou’s are since we saw them in action yesterday. Mine are telekinesis and molecular combustion--I can make things explode with a wave of my hands. Or at the very least deliver a concussive blow.” Liliane waited to see what the others had to say.


Kasumi grinned. She seemed to be the only one with her powers in the dark. She couldn’t wait to show off her skills on the battlefield. ”My powers consist of Telekinesis as well- of a sort. I have fifteen knives, each with a different curse. Each can prove fatal, but I’ll try not to kill our group mate. I also have the power of Mediumship, and I have already set up an Outpost- the Enenra, Ceara, has agreed to lend her assistance.”

K smiled, somewhat creepily. She was aching to start, but was curious of her team mate’s powers as well. She’d certainly remember this. It may prove useful in the near future.



”In truth my abilities are much more complicated than what you saw yesterday, but since you seem content with knowing the basis I will leave it at that.” Kou said and leaned against her trident, working with the two of them was going to be much easier than she thought and she was beginning to realize that they might actually prove useful. Telekinesis certainly was an intriguing ability and there were so many varieties of it that Kou doubted the two could the same things.

The rabbit grinned, they had quite the advantage. ”Ruzik has an ability known as heart’s desire, he can basically conjure up anything within reason.” The other two abilities Kou was not going to explain as she didn’t understand them herself. She was aware of what Ruzik could do with them but there was no real way to warn the mages of the manipulation the Incubus could perform.

”As far as a plan goes I think we should use a switch attack pattern but each time we finish the formation we should change the order so he doesn’t know who will attack next. It will also help to stay out of each other’s way and make sure that no one gets hit by anyone else’s attacks.” Kou was convinced that this plan would work for them because one, they all seemed to need space to perform and two they would all get an equal amount of time to beat up the incubus which they all seemed to be thirsting for. Kou’s anxiousness for beating up the demon had to do with their past, not because of the whole picnic ending in disaster thing, but because the two had used to sparr all the time and Kou had a feeling that they would not get the chance to do that here.

She wasn’t sure of Lilane and Kasumi’s reasons, but Liliane had not reacted well to seeing the red headed incubus in class this morning and judging by the teasing Kou had a feeling that Liliane had a bone to pick with Ruzik. Kasumi’s expression was so neutral that it was hard to tell what the mage was thinking and it frustrated the rabbit a bit. Normally people were so easy to read but this human was not an open book, she was a cage chained shut with a padlock with a key that had been thrown into a river. Perhaps she would open up when they get to know her more? Kou could only hope.

”So, any objections?” She asked, cocking a hip. Her left ear flopped over her eyes and Kou quickly pushed it back up with the tip of her weapon, causing little sparks of electricity to fly.

”I’ll just follow the two of you. I have experience with working with others and following their attack pattern. Since it seems like Kou is the one that knows our opponent best then I think we should do what you think is best. Liliane turned to the other mage.

”That is unless Kasumi has a different idea how to go about this.

K shook her head. ”This seems an intriguing strategy. I will forward to this...” She didn’t have much of an opinion, really, but just wanted to get on with the exercise. Hopefully, this strategy would work

Her teammates seemed to have a bone to pick with the redhead, Ruzik. K was mostly just thirsting for the adrenaline of battle again, and her own little demon babies were growing restless and bloodthirsty. Hush
 Our time is coming
 And it will be glorious.

Ruzik R.


Ruzik watched the three girls talk between themselves though he couldn't really make out what exactly they were saying, only that it most assuredly involved bringing pain upon the demon. Grinning at the thought, he preoccupied himself for the next few minutes and went about inspecting the staff, though really he cared little for it - only that he must keep it away from the girls and that was about it. Not a hard task really, in fact Ruzik believed he was above the assessment and there was no doubt in his mind that he would be victorious.

”Come on, let’s go already!” Spitting out the finished lollipop he let the small stick drop to the ground before stepping on it and mashing it into the ground further. Looking to the females then afterwards, he narrowed his eyes a little as the incubus grew impatient. Although, what the demon initially believed to be his eagerness was really something else entirely. The heartbeats of those around him grew louder, gradually - though Ruzik paid close attention to the three girls and their hearts in particular, a dark smirk edging itself across his lips as he flashed his sharky-teeth.

He would get their hearts. His hunger would make sure of that – his best advantage over the three, actually! Although when it came to Kou it was the case of a ‘no-go area’ to the redhead, as Ruzik, for some unexplainable reason, could never harm the rabbit’s heart. It was untouchable, precious. His one weakness. Unfortunately. It almost pained him to think about it, especially as the girl knew it too. But no matter he would work around it, especially as the two mages were far more interesting, in that taking their hearts would be an absolute pleasure! Oh. But he wasn’t allowed to kill them – was he? Pity. What a shame the Headmaster actually believed he’d follow the rules!

”I best brace myself, I suppose.” He told himself, and then confidently brushed off the little worry that he had felt. After all, since they weren’t allowed to kill him, it basically meant he’d win – since they probably had no idea that the incubus felt no pain! Well, it was delayed at most, and for sure he would feel it twice as bad later, but that only meant he’d simply have to get the exercise over with quickly before his senses kicked in – or alternatively, just avoid getting hit.

”Quit gossiping already! Come on, come on, the sooner I beat you lot the quicker I get the goodies!” He snapped before hunching over suddenly, the redhead appeared rather uncomfortable for a split second, before slowly regaining his composure and returning to an upright position. With a huff, he ran his free hand through his red hair and even twirled a long strand around one of his fingers in a bid to relieve some boredom – but it didn’t work. He was restless – desperate to cut to the action!

Whilst he stood the claymore in his hand began to change, the demon seemingly unaware at first, as a dark aura began covering it completely before the weapon started to reform itself into something much different and more deadly. Tilting his head and glancing down at his hand, he noticed the sword was gone and in its place was a scythe. A long, slender and perfectly sculptured weapon of death! Certainly a sexy weapon most befitting for the incubus! Grinning like some giddy child the demon twirled the weapon in his hand before swinging it around and resting it against his shoulder.

With a murderous glint in his eye, Ruzik stepped forward, announcing his readiness to commence the exercise. Looking to the girls he gave a challenging glance, raising a brow as he awaited signs of movement between them. However, once a few minutes more had past the incubus tightened his grip on his scythe, deciding there and then that he would not be forced to wait. Donning a rather serious expression, the demon stepped forward once more, and then again, and again. Until Ruzik found himself quickly progressing towards the females, baring his scythe at his side as the redhead brought the challenge to the girls!

”Fight me already – unless you’re scared! In which case I suggest you all just roll over now.” He taunted, as for sure, he was confident – clearly so much so that he could afford to leave the staff so unprotected as he had. But the demon wasn’t worried, not at all!

K smiled at the demon, summoning her own Demon Knives. Five floated in a blood-coloured haze behind her, five random curses. Blindness, Agony, Amnesia [the severity depended on the wound], Comatose, and Slice. Kasumi would not be intimidated by this redhead; she was ready to beat the crap out of him. Even if this was just an exercise.

”Scared?” she taunted, her knives dancing in anticipation, ”You aren’t exactly all that terrifying...”

K hoped to get him riled up. She wouldn’t normally bait such a strong demon, but if her was unbalanced, he’d be easier to kill- injure. K quickly corrected the mistake, keeping her knives at bay. The were somewhat sentient, enough to be bloodthirsty and relentless, at least. And ready for battle. Ruzik seemed up for the challenge as well, swinging a scythe.

As they awaited the response from their third member Kou’s left ear twitched, as she then turned round and noticed the Incubus drawing nearer them with a scythe in his hand. However, a moment ago he had a claymore, so the demon must’ve changed his mind and opted for something else. Of course, it wasn’t surprising to see the redhead so impatient to begin things, and it seemed he was more than confident enough in winning as he approached them.

”I think our discussion will have to be cut short as here he comes.” She warned the other two, before holding her weapon forward and giving off the impression that she was raring to go. She was determined to win for her teammates, even if it meant beating Ruzik – though the demon was certainly up for the challenge, so it didn’t make the rabbit feel that bad when it came to fighting him. Kou knew what the incubus was like, their history together would lend itself to her advantage with any luck though the same could be said for Ruzik who knew her equally as well.

”Follow my lead.” She whispered to the two mages, though hadn’t even dared to take her eyes off the oncoming demon. Hopefully, if he hadn’t heard her, the girls could overcome the incubus and use his own cockiness against him. The staff was there for the taking, however, even if it look undefended Kou knew Ruzik wasn’t a demon who could be taken down easily – actually the demon quite enjoyed the challenge, and believed in his abilities so much that he was practically giving them an advantage as he came to them. ”I’ll go first and test him, once you see an opening I expect you to know what to do.” She said to Liliane and then Kasumi, figuring that they’d be able work that part out on their own after all. And, if she could keep the demon busy long enough he may not even see the mages coming, a workable tactic that could work, and once changing up their formations, Ruzik wouldn’t be any wiser about who would attack him next.

She’d show that sneaky Incubus! With a cool look of determination the rabbit twirled her trident in her hands before gripping it hard with one, and holding it to her side.”Don’t show him any weakness or cause to take advantage of you, because he will use it. Now, let’s do this.” Despite appearing so, the rabbit didn’t overly trust the two mages. But for the sake of winning this assessment and proving herself, she’d make it work no matter what. Plus, beating Ruzik was an added bonus as the incubus was not exactly use to losing to girls, or anyone really.

With a confirming nod the rabbit dashed off and quickly enclosed the small distance between them and the other demon, and soon enough she met the incubus straight on and both their scythe and trident collided with a loud clatter of noise.

As a few seconds passed neither side would give an inch as the rabbit and redhead stood, but Ruzik would quickly sort that out as he grinned wickedly. With his scythe wedged between the horns of her trident, the incubus then dragged his weapon to the side in one powerful motion and brought hers down with it, before forcing his hand over quickly and nabbing one of her long ears as he dragged the girls head down forcefully – an act which was quite surprising, but the redhead needed to win.

”Oh, so they send the bunny out first? You know I will take you down, rabbit. So stay out of the way you little animal, and then you won’t get hurt.” He warned, seemingly for her own good as the Incubus clearly had forgotten how strong the girl really was. Saying nothing, the rabbit-demon remained silent for a moment, perhaps giving the redhead a chance to rethink his actions, but evidently not.

”Ruzik.” Kou muttered, an unpleasant glare in her eyes as the rabbit tilted her gaze up to the incubus. In a split second she twisted her hand round and spun her trident forward, forcing it up past the other demon as she aimed for his head, or throat. But the sudden action caused the redhead to release his grip and step backwards, only his shoulder getting pierced by the last horn on the end of her trident. Just as quickly a bolt of lightning formed and charged through the weapon and into Ruzik – but the demon appeared otherwise unharmed for the time being, proven by the grin that was fixed to his features.

”Nice try.” Ruzik teased before swinging his scythe round – nearly taking the girls head off, but of course she ducked out of the way before leaping back a few paces – pulling the trident out of Ruzik in the process. In a cocky manner, the redhead ran at her and swung his scythe though only this time aimed it at the ground with a hard enough force, before forcing his weight upwards as he propelled himself over the rabbit-demon and landed to the other side of her.

Swinging the weapon round he tried to catch her side with the blades tip, but once spinning round, Kou met his scythe with her trident and forced the blade over her before releasing it and lunging forward, aiming her trident at the demons chest. Forced back, Ruzik tried to regain his balance as the rabbit leaped forward, the tip of her weapon just scraping past his side as he tumbled back a few paces before steadying himself. With a few cursed words uttered under his breath, the incubus hopped forward and swung his fist round, nabbing the girl in the stomach as he knocked her back suddenly. The rabbit-demon fell to the ground with a rather hard landing, hitting her head especially as the redhead noticed she hadn’t moved since falling.

”Kou?” Ruzik questioned, standing still as he looked to the girl who could have possibly been knocked out. With his attention on the rabbit the incubus paid little focus to the other two girls for the next few minutes.

Kasumi watched as Kou and Ruzik grappled. It was intense, and Kou seemed in a spot of a trouble a few times, but oddly enough, the mage felt no inclination to help. K needed to at least leave the rabbit her pride.

She stalked in, Agony flying ahead to stab right at Ruzik’s unprotected back. It might not hurt him, but at least he’d be distracted for the time being. She felt around for any ghosts, and in one exhalation of power, she revived about a score of ghosts- zombie-like corpses of monsters that students had killed. She set them on Ruzik, enjoying the combat.

She gazed around for the staff, spotting it lying near where Ruzik had waited. He seemed confident in his abilities, so she assumed he’d just left it there, more intent on fighting than winning.

She could feel her pulse as she ran towards the staff, unsure of which power pool was causing it. Hopefully, she wouldn’t have another Crimson Curse breakdown. That had been embarrassing.

The monsters seemed to almost be on their prey, and they’d do a well enough job. They were all quite large, and were very hard to kill- at least, until K’s energy ran out. Then
 well, they’d all be quick work for the Incubus.

Her knives had grown bored with K’s run to the staff and shifted to their wispy demonic forms. They reminded K of the Incubus- the same lithe build, sharp teeth, and reddish hair. Even if they did recognize Ruzik, they were too intent on bloodshed to not attack. Another thing they shared- a thirst for blood. Well, Ruzik liked hearts, but
 same thing.

She reached her staff, but then the pulse she’d felt grew stronger and she collapsed a few feet away from her prize. She almost screamed in frustration- and agony- but she couldn’t let her team down. Not now, not ever. She might not like them, but she was loyal to the death as soon as they proved themselves. And they had.

Though not painful in the slightest, Ruzik did feel a sharp stabbing to his back which caused the demon to redirect his attention from Kou and onto the little black-haired mage. Reaching behind him, he pulled the knife out from his back and merely tossed it aside with a somewhat amused expression. In the passing seconds the demon erupted into a gut-filled laughter and aimed it towards the girl. ”You actually thought that’d work?! That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen! Haha!”

His amusement was cut short when he witnessed the presence of monsters suddenly, presumably summoned by the mage in question – but Ruzik wouldn’t let that bother him. In truth, he was just enjoying the run-around that he was getting. As it was hardly surprising to know that the Incubus cared little for the assessment – he wasn’t trying to impress anyone let alone the teachers, including Mikari. In fact, when sparing a moment to glance that his beloved teacher, Ruzik could tell how impatient the man seemed just why watching him sit. It added to the demons entertainment, and he cared little for whatever consequence was given to him for his lack of doing his best.

As the horde of monsters approached him the demon simply sighed and bared his scythe. It was a hassle, but he’d deal with them nevertheless. Running at them Ruzik spun the weapon round in his hand, gripping it with both hands as he leaped into the air and in one swift motion brought the blade round and sliced at the first creature that came to him. However, the monsters were very well protected; or rather they showed little discomfort when stricken. But still, Ruzik weaved in and out through the group of beasts and sliced and diced all along their bodies repeatedly, hoping to gain some sort of reaction from them.

When he wasn’t paying attention one monster took advantage and rammed at the demon, knocking him back and shaking his balance, whilst another ran up to strike the redhead from behind. Ruzik felt something impale him in his lower back but was unbothered by this, as he hopped out the way and regained his bearings. Another creature leaped up soon after at the demon but felt the sting of his scythe as he aimed the blade directly down its throat, fatally injuring it he thought, but the beast sprang up and shook the redhead off forcefully. In the next passing seconds the monster charged at the incubus and hit him hard from the front, forcing the boy back some distance, but he quickly got back to his feet.

”Screw it then.” He huffed, clearly knowing that he could beat the monsters if he really tried, but ultimately had decided they weren’t worth his effort. Totally. This whole exercise wasn’t worth his effort, really. When it came down to it there was only ever one thing that the demon wanted – and he’d get it, just now. His whole exterior changed within an instant, the carefree, entertaining demon had morphed into a rather soulless devil, per say.

Noticing the same mage-girl fall some distance away from the staff, Ruzik averted his eyes from the monsters and onto her still body that lay on the ground. It was his chance. He didn’t care how close she was to the staff, only that she was seemingly down for the count from where he stood, and what little effort she put in to forcing herself to nab the staff was pointless. With a wicked smirk on his lips, he flashed his sharky-teeth and walked over to the girl. Of course, the monsters quickly noticed his absence and immediately headed directly for the redhead – but he then got another idea.

With a mere clap of his hands the incubus forced the beasts to drop to the ground suddenly, seemingly instantly. The monsters lay on the ground quite lifeless though really they were sleeping, as the demon put a spell of some sort onto them, or more technically, a status effect that caused such a reaction. Why hadn’t he thought of that before? Ruzik pondered briefly, mentally slapping himself for wasting his energy so foolishly. But, it was only a temporary solution - they’d awake soon if he didn't move fast! A moment later though he focused back onto the mage before him.

”I’m going to kill you now, alright?” An odd way to phrase it, but his intention was still the same as the incubus raised his hands back and held the scythe above him. Grinning giddily, he ran at the girl, paying little attention to the demonic figures surrounding her – even if they did seem oddly like himself, Ruzik knew it was only a coincidence. As he ran the demon seemed in his element as he was about to end the life of the girl-mage, and yet suddenly, for no reason he appeared to halt and dropped to his knees. ”N—Not now.” He muttered to himself, his grip on his scythe loosening before the weapon fell to his side and lay on the ground, all the while the incubus was almost paralyzed on the spot as he seemed to be in a degree of discomfort.

A few seconds later, the demon began to bleed from his wounds that he had taken on earlier. From his shoulder, back and stomach. He felt a sharp pain erupting from within him, gradually making its way up and through the rest of his body. Though not the full extent of the pain, which he knew he’d feel fully soon enough, the demon began to force himself back upright as he slowly got to his feet – grabbing the scythe in the process as he used it to lean against. Ruzik was insistent on doing what he was planning to do regardless, and refused to let his own biological downfall control him! However, he seemingly forgot about the second mage who apparently escaped his attention just then, as his greedy desires focused on the other, fallen mage.

Liliane wanted to step in but when Kasumi summoned her monsters it seemed that they would likely attack anyone in the vicinity. So, Lili merely observed the fight. It seemed Ruzik was being overwhelmed and Kasumi was going for the objective. Suddenly, she seemed to pass out just like she had done during the exercise the previous day. Lili thought that if passing out was to become a habit the small girl would have a hell of a time as a mage in combat and would become a liability.

When the girl fell it seemed like the strength of the smaller demonic beast wavered. Ruzik easily regained the upper hand he had lost on moments before and started to approached Lili’s fallen ally.

He’s going to harm her while she’s already down?

It was now that Lili began to move. She knew the Incubus was no longer in a position to stop her from the objective. She walked to the staff and picked it up. She was about to turn to the instructors to inform them of her team’s victory but, suddenly, something became more important. She remembered Ruzik’s challenge and wanted to make it clear who the victor was. As she approached Ruzik the Incubus seemed to also be suffering from his injuries. Liliane found it odd that his reaction was late but dismissed pondering the answers to ‘why’ for the time being. She stood before him as he barely stood, propped up against his scythe. The once arrogant demon now barely standing. If Lili could she would laugh in his face. Instead, she let her actions speak for her.

The mage knew that Ruzik probably planned to either further injure or maybe even kill Kasumi. Just the thought of it made Liliane’s despise for the demon grow. She kicked the scythe out from under him and immediately was on top of him as he fell. He didn’t have much strength in him and something in her mind told her she would be no better than he. But her body acted first as she raised her fist and smashed it against his face. She continued, each punch becoming easier than the last.

The objective no longer on her mind--replaced with thoughts of her mother. As assaulted the demon she could feel water drop from her eyes. She had only felt this way once before and that was the day she learned of her mother’s fate. Liliane stopped her flurry of punches and placed her hands to the side of his head.

”The world is better off without your kind.” Suddenly, Liliane was grabbed from behind and pulled away.

”That’s enough, Liliane.” It was Ms. Rayne’s voice. Even so Lili struggled against the teachers grip. Her goal was still unfinished. Ruzik was not dead but the teacher was stronger than she looked and her hold never wavered. ”I don’t know what happened between you two but I clearly remember the rule of no killing!” Sarah stated when she pulled Lili back far enough and sat the girl on the benches. It was then that Sarah noticed the tear streaks on Liliane’s cheeks. She let out a breath and looked towards Mikari.

”I can’t do anything more since they are primarily your group for the day so I’ll let you take action and decide what should be done.” Sarah turned back to Lili but the mage seemed extremely lost in thought. The once emotionless face now showed nothing but hurt. Sarah wanted to comfort Liliane but such an action might not be viewed well at the time being by everyone. So she stepped back to let Mikari deal with his students.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nurse Julie Character Portrait: Kou Usagi Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Liliane Auringer Character Portrait: Hive Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko
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Blood glistened on the pavement, a pool of crimson staining the rabbit's blue hair purple. Her body lay at an odd angle on the ground, Kou's trident discarded to the side. She was out, a bad hit to the head having put the demon out of comission for the remainder of the battle. She had not been braced for Ruzik's hit to her stomach, she hadn't expected such a dirty trick and underestimating the incubus had been the rabbit's downfall. Clearly she would have to work harder if she was to best him, but for now she would just... sleep...

"Look at the fluffy animal mommy! What is it?" A boy chased the animal across the field, his silver hair glistening in the low light of earth.

"That is a rabbit my son, they are nothing more then game for the larger species and food for the humans." The child was upset by this answer and he stopped. Curious as to why he had stopped chasing it, the rabbit poked its head out of the hole it had jumped into and looked over at the boy. "See son? They are much too curious for their own good."

"I want it." He grabbed the little animal by its cotton ball tail and dragged it onto his lap. The woman sighed, clearly upset by this news.

"Tsukuyomi you musn't take such a thing back to the moon with you, if you do it will be sad because you've separated it from it's family."



"The rabbit is a she."

"Fine, say you did bring this creature home. What would you name her?"


Kou's eyes opened a bit as she peeked out from the slits to see Lili beating up Ruzik. "Good, he deserves it." The female uttered and closed her eyes once more, drifting back into blackness. One of the demons watching in the stands noticed and ran to get to the nurse, having nothing else to do and knowing she couldn't finish the animal off going to find the woman who treated their wounds was the only option.

"There's something wrong with my pet!" Tsukuyomi brought the little animal to his mother, Izanagi. She was laying sideways in his hands, her eyes closed and normally perky ears flopped over. "I told you this would happen Tsu, the poor thing misses her family."

"But I am her family now!" Izanagi pursed her lips and took the rabbit from Tsukuyomi. She stroked its head and murmured something, but the rabbit did not move. Sighing, Izanagi handed the rabbit back to Tsukuyomi. "There is nothing I can do my son." The boy stormed out of the room, clutching the animal to his chest.

"I'll fix you, don't worry."

Kou awoke in the infirmary, her entire body aching. With a shaky hand she reached up to feel her head which had been wrapped with a bandage. Her clothes were folded neatly on the table beside the mattress and Kou was wearing nothing but her underclothes and bandages. "Don't try to move, that incubus did a number on you." Kou winced, clutching her skull as the bubbly voice of nurse Julie invaded her head. "Stop talking," she mumbled and turned onto her side. "Too loud."

The nurse walked over and moved Kou so that she was laying on her back, causing the girl to scream in pain. "I told you not to move," Julie shook her head. "I have to go treat someone else. Stay still." The way Julie said it meant that the woman was serious and Kou could do nothing but stare as the woman left the curtained area.



Muse was watching the battles, bored out of her mind when a man approached her. He seemed to recognize her, but Muse had never seen this demon before in her life. She blinked in confusion and watched the headmaster approach and speak to the boy in a rather brisk tone. Muse tilted her head to the side, attempting to eavesedrop but something else caught her attention. One of the battles was nearly finished and there was a blue haired girl laying on the ground, her head bleeding. Bloodlust instantly came over her and Muse was ready to pounce when she remembered herself and leaned back, taking a deep breath and instead running to get someone who could take care of the wounds as she doubted anyone would be happy if she finished the rabbit off and took her tail as a prize.

[color=#6EC232]"Someone-is injured and-needs help,"
Muse gasped in the doorway of the infirmary; the nurse looked up from her work with a startled expression and grabbed a bag, telling Muse to lead the way. The demon did just that and watched as the nurse knelt beside the demon and took out a white talisman, writing a word on it and placing it on the ground beside the rabbit. Muse stared in awe as the ground around the demon glowed and the nurse nodded her head. "I'll be right back, make sure she doesn't bleed anymore." Muse nodded her head, unsure of how she would do this and watched as the woman hustled away and returned shortly with some sort of portable bed. "Can you support her head while I lift her?" Muse nodded her head once more and held the rabbit's head up as the nurse lifted the girl's body easily onto the bed on wheels. "Thanks... Wait don't do that!" Muse was licking the blood off of her fingers. She hissed when Julie slapped them away from her face and lunged, but the nurse jumped out of the way and Muse rolled. "Don't tell me what to do!" The woman rolled her eyes and began pushing the bed away. Intruiged, Muse followed and watched the woman work to bandage the girl up inside the infirmary. She heard voices and poked her head out of the curtained area to see three from the classroom this morning. One of them had a particularly bad leg wound and was laying on an open bed. Muse stepped out in full and walked over to them, looking at the injury. "The nurse is busy, but she'll be out n a second." The horned demon said and shifted her weight from one leg to the other as she waited for Julie. Soon a scream came from behind the curtain and Julie popped out, asking Ichiro to remove his trousers so she could heal him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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#, as written by Kapento
Laurence Snow


Laurence froze a little as the demon caressed his face briefly, though he listened to her words very carefully and looked the girl directly in the eyes. Before he could say anything in response Etelka then raised her other hand and bit down on one of her fingers. He heard the crushing noise and visibly flinched upon witnessing it. Shortly after the demon left and sat back down at her desk, and whilst she did so Laurence refrained from saying anything for the next few minutes as he pondered quietly to himself.

”Ah!” He suddenly smiled, hopping over and making his way beside the demon whilst minding to avoid the little trail of blood on the floor. ”You’re right Etelka, you’re very right! What you said, it made sense,” Twirling the wand round in his hand he then rested the end of it against his shoulder, making sure the tip was just above and avoiding his face and shoulder, as the thing appeared pretty sharp and the mage didn’t wish injure himself. Though whether he’d manage to was debatable. ”I’m going to become the best mage here and get everyone’s respect! I’m not going to lose ever again, I swear that! And... and... when I do that, I can keep you safe too. You wouldn't have to ever fight, Etelka!”

A moment later, the boy leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the demon in the form of a hug. Clearly he was out of his brief mood, and the mage appeared rather happier before quickly releasing the demon soon after. ”Etelka, Laurence. I think you two should make yourselves busy and go take a break. The redhead left shortly before, and I think you two should get something to eat as well before our next class. Especially you young mage, you look like you need it." A voice suddenly spoke, causing the boy to look and see their Headmaster hurrying through the classroom suddenly. It took a minute or so for the boy to grasp what the man had said, and once he had Laurence looked to Etelka just then.

”He’s right we should go. I’m pretty hungry now that I think about it, I only just arrived this morning so I haven’t had a chance to really get something to eat,” Turning round the boy took a few steps forward, bringing the wand round as he held it carefully in front of him. So far, he’d gotten quite use to the weapon, and if it pleased his demon then the mage would keep it with him for now. ”Let’s go, Etelka.” He smiled, looking to the girl momentarily before heading for the door. ”I'll lead the way and we'll get there in no time!”

Though not exactly knowing where the cafeteria was, the boy could follow the signs that were placed on the walls and used them to guide himself. It didn’t take long to get there, and perhaps he was just eager to find the place so he could settle his hunger. However, soon after arriving the mage noticed a familiar redhead at a table, causing the boy to duck a little and creep over behind her. Once there, he hoped he had crept over undetected, before peering over the girls shoulder somewhat curiously as he looked at her.

 Venom! What you doing?” He asked with a grin. ”Miss us? Bet you did!” Shortly after he plopped himself down on the seat next to the demon, waiting for Etelka to join them as the mage rested his arms on the table and gazed at Venom with an amused expression. ”You know, I’m still waiting on that rematch. ‘Cause you know, I’m not going to lose ever again, and I don't mean protecting some staff neither. I mean a real match.” He said confidently with another grin, twirling the wand in his fingers as he sat it on the table.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nurse Julie Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri


"It was a good match." He said reassuringly to Bugby. "Oddly it does seem to have brought us closer, maybe the headmaster wasn't so crazy with this idea." Saying as Cleo took hold of his hand. His face turning a little red as she lead him away. Pausing as they passed the classroom waiting as Cleo disappeared into it to talk to Hive for a second before returning and continue to drag him along. Before long they had arrived at the infirmary, taking a look around the infirmary it seemed oddly normal. Though a lot of the school seemed creepily normal for a school that had Mages and Demons and students having their leg pierced by a sword.

They moved over to one of the beds and Ichiro felt a shove as he fell onto the bed. Watching as Cleo took up position on the edge of the bed. "Ya i'll try to not...die." Saying as he listened to her, it was obvious she was concerned. "Don't worry about that fight we all work best in different situations. Hey, it's my job to protect you and Bugby I can take the hits, but if ever either of you were seriously injured their would be hell to pay." Normally he would jump when a girl would lean in as close as Cleo did, but as she nuzzled under his chin reminded him of his child hood, as he closed his eyes. When Ichiro was younger his parents brought a Lion back from one of their trips as a pet, a strange pet indeed, but it was hurt and they helped it so it just followed them back. Ichiro grew really close to it and the two were inseparable. Though the Lion was old before they even brought it back so it wasn't long before he passed on, but in the nine years they were together Ichiro and the Lion had made countless memories. As Cleo nuzzled him it felt the same as back then, so nostalgic. Quietly listening to Cleo as she apologized for earlier, Ichiro could only slightly laugh under his breath as he knew it was his fault. "Of course you don't have to worry about that even if a mage tried I would never let anyone take either of you away from me. Both Bugby and you are family to me." As he finished up, Cleo leaned away just as the Nurse came in.

He had never met her before and as he looked at the Nurse he noticed right off the bat her attire definitely wasn't school appropriate as his face took on a red tint. Eyes widening as she asked for him to remove his trousers. "Uh.. ya, uh of course." Saying as he clasped his hands together in a nervous fashion. When Cleo asked if she should leave every bit of of him screamed, "yes" But that prideful part of him just couldn't say it. "Psssh, of course I'm not shy about that stuff, come on who do you think I am. Didn't I say were practically family." he said with a hesitant laugh.

For a second he had also thought he heard Muse off on the other side of the curtain. He only hoped it was a figment of his imagination because if it wasn't he couldn't imagine having Muse catch him without pants, as Cleo was bad enough having Muse who he just met, see him without pants was way to embarrassing. With just a thought command his pants burst into a cloud of golden particles, just as fast as they appeared they disappeared almost just as quick. The nice thing about creating your own clothes you could take them off instantly and put them on just as fast which he was just dying to. Still as they vanished, and sitting there in only his underwear his face became flush with a red coloring as he stuttered to talk. "Sss-see doesn't bother me a bit. Though it's a bit chilly in here so I wonder if the Nurse could hurry back" Saying as he looked around quickly hoping the Nurse would rush back. "Oh Nurse I'm ready...uh, you know whenever." Yelling over the curtain, as he just hoped no one else would see him. Seeing girls in their underwear before had given him such bloody noses he passed out, so for them to see him in his was unbelievably embarrassing for him, though he tried as hard as he could not to show it. "Don't worry about it, guys like me aren't embarrassed by this kind of stuff at all." Saying to Cleo trying to reassure her he didn't mind, but really he was just trying to reassure himself more.


13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nurse Julie Character Portrait: Mikari Akigawa Character Portrait: Kou Usagi Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Liliane Auringer Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Sarah Rayne

...and 1 others.

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#, as written by chrian.


As Midora read through the pages carefully, he thought about the mission that the Department has given them. So a Window is open and they wanted us to take care of it huh? This is not a very difficult task but it is not easy either. Midora figured that he could challenge the students by given them this task as an exercise, but he has to discuss with Memphis first, the red-head Demon was the one who is in charge of all this, although Midora can suggest ways to solve this problem. He began to thought which ones he should advise to send since most of them are probably drained after this morning task.

Suddenly, he heard that there were some knocks on the Office's door. "Please come in." Midora said as the door was opened and came in someone he hasn't expected - Bugby. The Demon walked in with his usual "don't-mess-with-me" style, he greeted Midora as he gave him a frown. ”About what you said earlier, to my group, well, to me more exactly,” The young demon said, but Midora can clearly read from Bugby that he was somewhat not very pleased in Midora's presence. ”You said if we needed you we would know where to find you, so I wanted to talk to you
 if that’s not a problem.”

"Of course." Midora put down the clip-board, clasped his hands and rest his chin on them them, "Is there anything you would like to say?"

”It’s just I’d appreciate it if you didn’t place such high expectations on me. I mean, I did try my best to beat Ichiro and Cleo, but I still lost. You judged my ability from what you saw but I don't believe you really know the extent of my power, and thus are not fit to judge my ability. You're just a mage who happens to be in-charge of me, and if you really took an interest in your students then you'd know that whenever I attempt to mimic multiple abilities from different people things always go wrong, my concentration lapses. I mean, don't our profiles tell you anything that's relevant? But yeah, what I'm trying to say is that I didn't like how you judged me and that I don't really plan to live up to whatever you expect from me, Mr. Kurayami.” The demon spoke up his mind and Midora was rather surprise to see a young, troublesome Demon being able to be so genuine with him. That's a good sign. But what the Demon was saying next aren't pleasant to hear in the slightest.

”I’m not as remarkable as Ichiro, or as daring as Cleo. I don’t even know why I’m at the Academy since I’m clearly not suitable here. My parents made a mistake sending me here,” Lowering his gaze the boy sighed a little. ”Anyway, that was it really. I just wanted to make things clear.”

It irritates him. It always does. He hates it when people keep admitting to themselves that they were weak, that they aren't worth to meet everyone's else expects. It just like they're making up excuses so that they don't have to moving forward. Thoughts like that are the very reason why there are just a certain people who have to keep their heads down for their whole lives. Midora considered it as the worst of disgrace. Looking up to the Demon, he retains his usual calm expression, but on the inside, he knows that it will take some while for them to understand, but he just couldn't stand anyone, especially his students having such thoughts. However, he is still sane enough to knows the person who is talking to him right now and he decided it'd be the best to let him have a chance to improve.

"First, I want to praise you for having courage to speak up your mind like that. I understand that my judgement was made solely on my point of view during your session. I didn't have any power that resembles you nor if I'd ever worked with someone with your ability so I may have not made a 100% correct judgement. However, I believe that what I've said earlier isn't wrong. The reason why I gave you those comments is that I trust you, as your teacher." Midora replied with the usual monotonous tone, but of course, every words that he has said were genuine.

Then he continued, "I think that it might because you didn't really understand the way I work. Of course, I've read your profiles carefully and I know your strengths and your weaknesses, though I need to watch you more from now on so that I can have better views of what you're truly capable. It's true that people sometimes, or even often, make mistakes. I think the reason why you've failed not because that you're weak, it just you didn't fully understand your own limits. Trying your best doesn't mean that you have to harassing yourself and pushing it too much. It is either that you don't want yourself to improve, or just that you don't have anyone to help you to. But you are here, aren't you? We can definitely work on that." Midora paused a bit to let his words sink in, "Even I, when I was young as you, I couldn't control my power properly either and I didn't remember a time that I went back from school without destroying something or even injured someone. But I tried, and eventually I became who I am right now. That is why I had my expectations on you because I know sooner or later, you CAN change. Whether worse or better is a different story."

Midora leaned further to Bugby, "And one more thing, I didn't really know what your parents had done to you go during your time staying with them. But at least, they realized your ability, they want you to be better. I won't defend them for whatever horrors they made you went through, but once they've sent you to this Academy, they've given you a chance to earn something that even they didn't know - freedom." As Midora spoke about this, he closed his eyes for a few moments as memories from the past began to pouring back to him. He was abandoned by the people who has brought him to this life. They humiliated him as if he is worse than the worst of scumbags, as if he was never their child, just because he was different. It was painful for him anytime he recalls it. But it didn't totally bad either. It was then, although he was full of grief that he has destroyed the very place where he was born, that he realized that he has the chance to follow whatever his heart desires, to be himself.

He looked up to Bugby, "I understand that most of you think this is just some sort of punishment, a prison no less, for those who are considered as misfits such as you. But not many think of this as a chance for them to renew their lives. No matter whatever purposes you came here for, willfully or forcefully, we Teachers want you to better yourself, even if you have no interests in doing so. You know why? Because once you've enough strength, once you've been held highly, no one can stop you from spreading your own wings, even your parents. It is the 'freedom' that personally I want you all to achieve one day. Have you understand?"

Then, he placed both of his arms casually on the table, "Bugby, your two teammates aren't as perfect as you thought they were. They also had their own flaws, you know. If you saw what Ichiro did yesterday, you will think different. Cleo also, but I hadn't told her about it yet. Which is why I don't want you to keep saying as if you are good for nothing like that. YOU are strong, ALL of you are strong, it just you need someone to help you realize that. Whether I was having an interest for you or not, my duty is to guide you, to teach you what is right, and I always keeping an eye open on you, you just didn't realize it, keep that in mind."

Midora came into his conclusion as he held the clip-board and tapped it onto his desk, "I know that you don't really like me, the reasons why are not my concern. But these are the sincerest advice from your supervisor. Whether you take them or not..." He said as he tilted his head with a light smile, " your choice."

With that said, Midora turned to the door, "Now, if you'd excuse us. The Headmaster and I have some problems to discuss, I suggest you should go to the infirmary to treat whatever problems you had, you'll need it." Then, Midora cleared his throat and raised his voice so that the person who is standing outside can hear, "Please come in, boss."



As the students finally are going to make some moves, Mikari couldn't felt more relieved. He crossed his legs as he felt somewhat excited for the fight. Mikari expects it to be bloody and intense as he always love to watch others sparring. Finally. Mikari's lips formed into a smirk as he saw Ruzik defended the staff while the other three girls are going to steal it from him. What the red-head Demon didn't realize that the Dark Mage knew about him more than he thought. For now, his job is to pay close attention to him and interrupted before Ruzik could has a chance for whatever schemes he had. Don't underestimate me. Mikari can be easy-going, but once he had had his eyes on someone, not a single movement of that person will escape his eyes.

As the fight went on, Mikari kept observing and realized the strategies that the other three girls used in order to go against the Incubus. But Ruzik was actually better than Mikari has thought before as he saw him up against the other three at the same time without much efforts. He sighed, looks like he got to push the Demon a bit more. However, at the first moment, he could immediately realized that something was going to be wrong when the battle's intensity got higher.

Mikari had felt that something has gone wrong when he felt the sense of bloodlust from them. The ones who remained standing, which are Liliane and Ruzik, emitted a very intense desire for killing. It's not like that he has never felt something like that before - Midora's bloodlust at his full power were a lot more intimidating than the two could ever compare, but if things keep going like this, one of them might really lose their lives.

Right at the moment Liliane placed his hand onto Ruzik's head, Mikari swiftly stood up and yelled as he approached them, "This fight is over! Stop!" But it seemed she ignored his order. Luckily, Ms. Sarah has stopped Liliane and pinned her against the bench where they were sitting. He went to checked on Ruzik. The Demon's energy is completely drained and his heartbeats are slower than usual, but fortunately that it wasn't really life-threatening yet. The Demon has lost his consciousness. Mikari sighed. He wouldn't be surprised if his beloved student is going to receive severe punishment for not being unable to control his killing intents, and the same would also goes to Liliane.

He looked up and saw that Muse has already go and get some help for Kou so he better worried for Ruzik and Kasumi for now. He stood up and reached for his bag of powder and blew a kind of levitating dust to the two. Kasumi floated on air and flew to Mikari. Until the dust wear off, the two of them will floated mid-air and follow Mikari wherever he goes. He then turned his back and went to the bench. Ms. Sarah, after comforting Liliane a bit, stood up and looked at Mikari. ”I can’t do anything more since they are primarily your group for the day so I’ll let you take action and decide what should be done.” She said as he stepped back.

Mikari could only sighed as he stood in front of the Mage and looked at her with a disappointed look, "I had expected better from the two of you and now you let your own hatred for each other to blind you from sanity." Mikari said depressingly to with another sigh then turned to Ms. Sarah, "According to the rules, whenever a student's killing intents got too high, which leads to them losing control of their own bloodlust, no matter intently or accidentally, resulting them in doing any actions or attempts that are life-threatening for the other students, the Teachers have the rights to temporarily seal that student's powers. But further decisions and punishments will be made by the Headmaster himself. Things have went out of control so I won't be able to make any judgement, which is the purpose of this exercise. For now, I will do what I have to."

With that said, Mikari raised his arm toward Liliane as a dark circle appeared and black chains sprung out from it, circling around the Mage before they merged into her, leaving countless marks with the shape of chains on her body. "Until the Headmaster decide what to do, you will be banned from using your power. I will take you to the detention room. Sorted out whatever problems you had with your Teacher when you get there, I can't do anything otherwise." Mikari said then turned to the Demon Teacher, "Please come with me, Ms. Sarah."

With that said, Mikari helped Liliane to stood up and made her walked by his side as he took them out of the practice's ground. He then took her to the detention room. When he reached there, he asked Ms. Sarah, "I will take these two to the infirmary and inform the Headmaster. Please look after Liliane until the Headmaster come." He said then turned his back and walked towards the infirmary's direction. Upon arriving there, he saw that Julie the Nurse are already busying with the other students from Midora's group. He sighed, "I'm sorry, Julie." He cleared his throat in order to gain her attention, "Looks like you already having a busy morning today, but can you take care of these two too? I'd be grateful."

He said with a light-hearted smile then waved his arm and two students were gently laid on two empty beds in the Office. "Oh, and before I forget." Mikari said as he took out a power-sealing talisman from his robe, "Please place this talisman on that red-head when he has recovered a bit. Let just say that things have went out of control a bit and the Headmaster will decide what to do. Thanks and see you later." He smiled before headed out and walked towards the Headmaster's Office. He sighed as he thought about what has happened today. Well, just hope that things won't go any worse today.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko
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#, as written by Kapento
Bugby Marshall


Bugby was a little, or rather very surprised as the teacher spoke to him. He had expected the mage to tell him off, have a go at him and generally just punish the demon in some shape or form. But instead Midora was oddly comforting and reassuring, and clearly didn’t wish anything bad on the demon, but rather the opposite. As the boy stood and listened he awkwardly fiddled with his hands and sleeves, clawing the ends of his coat as he twisted a small piece of it between his fingers.

The demon didn’t really known how to respond as the man spoke to him, opting to just occasionally look at him before glancing elsewhere and trying to keep his composure. From what Bugby could understand Midora seemed to agree with him, but also pointed out relevant little aspects that clearly the demon hadn’t even thought of. Even still, the mage stood by his earlier judgment and told Bugby that the cause for his failure was not down to him being weak, but instead his own understanding of his ability, which wasn’t entirely wrong. The man even mentioned how he was similar to the demon during his youth, that his control over his powers was not as great as it is now, as he is older. The boy couldn’t help but wonder how he’d be as he grew older, would he be as good as Midora? He doubted it.

Once the topic of his parents was brought up the demon quickly looked to the mage as he leaned closer to the demon. He kept his silence still, though his expression instinctively changed into a more gloomier look, even more down that he is usually. His parents were not exactly an evil couple, and they only wished for their son to become a better demon like them, though their methods to do so were perhaps a tad extreme as some would say. Sighing quietly, the boy listened to the rest of what Midora had to say before throwing his hands back into his pockets as he finally addressed the teacher. ”I
 think I understand, Mr. Kurayami,” He began, dropping the angsty demon act as the boy gradually realized that the teacher before him was not some evil control-obsessed mage set on ruling over him as the demon had been use to before coming to the academy. But rather he was quite different from the demons initial thoughts.

”You want us to be better, to reform us and work out whatever issues we have, I get it. We’re all problematic students, no one is perfect, and all that stuff. I think I understand what you're trying to say, but as I am it is hardly surprising to find me somewhat apprehensive towards your words. But still
 thanks Mr. Kurayami.” There was probably a bunch of things the demon could have said, but he was still in a sense of surprise over how
 kind the man seemed, and Bugby was a smart enough demon to know when someone was speaking sense, so he’d accept that for now. Just then Midora titled his head and offered the demon a smile. Bugby hunched his shoulders and quickly looked away, saying nothing in response as the demon was unsure of how he felt, really. Midora then informed the youth that he had a few things to discuss with the Headmaster, who by then he’d figured was outside. Not really wishing to be annoyance the boy just gave a slow nod before turning and taking his leave out the door. ”Right, bye, Mr. Kurayami. Our chat was interesting.”

Passing the Headmaster the young demon merely kept his head down and hurried past, before continuing down the hallway and quickly heading onward. He took the mage’s advice and made his way to the infirmary where his teammates also ought to be. Once there, the demon was surprised again, as he saw quite a few familiar faces at the infirmary. Clearly this morning’s class had gone a little too far for some of the other students, never mind his own group. Regardless, Bugby looked around for his own group and soon found himself joining Cleo and Ichiro where the pair were within the infirmary.

”Found you, eh
 why is Ichiro not properly dressed?” The demon couldn’t help but point out the obvious, noticing their mage laying on the bed and unable to not blatantly stare at him. Then again, it wasn’t like he could help it. Ichiro was just there, it was hard to ignore him and so Bugby just forced himself to deal with it. Crossing his arms the boy sighed a little. ”Why is it wherever Ichiro is there is always a bunch of girls near him, like seriously.” Well, Cleo was there. He had also noticed the horned-girl there too, but Bugby wasn’t jealous at all, not a bit!

It was then that the boy noticed Ruzik and another girl from their class in some of the other beds within the infirmary. Really, Bugby was surprised to see the redhead there, as he would have thought that the demon could handle himself enough that he’d not end up here, like the rest of them. Someone must’ve done a number on him by the looks of the incubus, but then so did everyone, as his eyes returned back onto Ichiro, or more especially his wounded leg. Although the demon tried not to, a visible blush formed against his face and just as quickly the demon looked away. ”Hopefully we can get this over quick, I don’t fancy hanging around this place longer than I ought to.” He muttered mostly to himself, seemingly ignoring his own injury as he sat on the end of the bed.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nurse Julie Character Portrait: Mikari Akigawa Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Chikka


Memphis heard Midora summoning him inside, and once watching the demon-boy quickly taking his leave and heading off, the Headmaster walked into the office and sat across from the mage-teacher. "I didn’t wish to intrude so I thought it best I let you talk with your student first, and I am quite impressed by how you dealt with that – not that I was eavesdropping, entirely." Leaning back in his seat the demon crossed one leg over the other and rested his hands against his lap. "Anyway, you mentioned that the Department had sent a new mission and you wanted to talk? That’s why I’m here."

The demon noticed that the mage had seemed to have settled nicely into the office, perhaps it wouldn’t be that bad having a mage near him most of the time. Not that he disliked them, not at all. It just almost felt like having his master next to him – an odd feeling that at most, and he tried to ignore it for the time being. "It won’t be surprising to know that I haven’t had any experience with the missions that the Department give out – I’m still new here, and though approving me as Headmaster I can’t help but imagine that quite a few of the higher-ups are still not too thrilled about me just yet." He grinned whilst speaking, clearly finding a sense of amusement from the thought of irking the officials. "Nevertheless, my master did inform of them, so I have a rough idea of how things go around here."

Memphis didn’t want to appear too clueless, though given his only just recent arrival to the academy it wasn’t such an easy thing to manage. If anything the demon just tried to remember what his master had told him – and that old guy had told him a tone of stuff to keep in mind. With a sigh he puffed on his cigarette, though keeping the smoke to a minimum whilst he sat within a close area with his colleague. "So, care to enlighten me on what the mission is? I imagine that is what you wanted to talk about, and whatever else happens to come into your mind."

Ruzik R.


Ruzik awoke from the bed he had been placed on within the infirmary. Apparently he had lost conciseness not long after, if not during the point that the mage had been beating down on him. Just the thought caused a burning hatred for the girl, whatever her name was - he cared little for it. Although what did catch his attention was what she had said, though he could only recollect it vaguely, the demon believed the girl had said, “The world is better off without your kind.” His eyes opened widely as the words echoed within his mind, before slowly returning to their half-open state as the incubus felt his entire body ache.

Gritting his teeth Ruzik forced himself upright as he attempted to sit up, though once slumping over just a little he felt the sudden presence of another, and before he knew it he felt a foreign item placed upon him – though the demon was slow to fully acknowledge what had just happened, and it took a little while before he glanced down and noticed some sort of talisman on him. It was a round object attached to a chain that went around his neck however when he tried to remove it the thing simply would not budge – as if it was immune to the demon in every sense!

”Nabbed you like a baby, heh. Well, that’s one task done.” The nurse said with evident pride as she stood next to the incubus who was clearly confused. Feeling a little sorry for him she leaned in a little closer to the demon, resting her hands on the side of the bed. ”Your teacher asked me to put that on you once you were a little better, apparently things got a bit out of control and l think you’re suppose to wear that until the Headmaster decides what to do with you next.” It wasn’t really any of her business, but since the infirmary was filling up with students the nurse couldn’t help but be a little curious.

Clearly annoyed the demon attempted a few more times to get the talisman off him, but to little avail. The thing was determined to stay around his neck much to his displeasure. ”Why won’t it come off?!” He snapped and narrowed his eyes towards the nurse.

The nurse pushed herself off the bed and returned to her upright stance, crossing her hands over whilst raising a brow. ”Well, I can’t say for sure, but I’m guessing that whoever that talisman belongs to is the one who can remove it – which would be your teacher, most logically. As to what it does I don’t know, you’ll have to have that fun yourself.” With a shrug the woman gave the demon the once over, and despite the wounds he had the demon was otherwise fine – well, his attitude was in perfect condition. Whenever the woman got close to him to check his injuries the incubus pushed her away, at times quite forcefully, and Julie decided that she could leave him for awhile and attend her other patients. After all, the place was busier than usual and the woman was needed elsewhere, so it would be alright for now.

After she had left Ruzik sat silently for a few minutes, still feeling pretty rough however that wasn’t his main focus at that moment. The bleeding from his wounds had stopped, but they weren’t healed and really the incubus cared little for taking care of himself. With great effort, the demon moved himself off from the bed and got to his feet – although initially he fell to the ground and dropped to his knees, and it took several minutes until he managed to pull himself back upright.

Clearly exhausted, Ruzik took a few steps forward, albeit slowly and somewhat painfully, and checked to see if anyone noticed him. Although not having a clear idea of what the talisman was doing to him the demon could feel his strength decreasing slightly, causing his body to be gradually uneasy as he proceeded to make his way to the exit. Slipping out unnoticed, mainly due to the large amounts of students, Ruzik headed down the hallway and tried to distance himself from the infirmary.

His upper body leaned to the side and slid along the wall as he took each step, all the while he mentally tried to summon forth some form of weapon to vent out his anger – but he couldn’t. Unenthusiastically, he wasn’t surprised and yet still couldn’t believe it. ”Those
 why do they
 punish me? I was the
 one who
” It was true, that mage-girl had attacked him! So why was he being punished also? Was it due to what he was going to do to Kasumi? How pathetic. ”Why would
 do that to
 Don’t I matter
 to him?” His breaths were short and slow, long gaps forming between each of his words as the incubus came to a gradual halt and sat himself down one the lower steps of a staircase.

That bitch. How dare that girl attack him! What was worse was that she succeeded in practically knocking Ruzik out, which was a slightly scary thought. Did she hate him that much? Why. He hadn’t done anything to her, though he’d quickly correct that fact soon enough. She would be dead. Everyone would be. All those mages, teachers
 demons. Feeling a sharp pain in his gut the redhead cried out in pain, though it seemed nobody heard him. The pain kept building and attacking his insides, causing the redhead to continually cry as result. His hunger was erupting furiously as his own anger and desire to kill grew, but having lost his powers the demon couldn’t fulfill it.

Ruzik didn’t know what to do just then. He was in pain and temporarily lost his powers, he couldn’t aid himself in any way and so far nearly everyone was against him! With a weak shrug, the redhead rested his head in his hands as he felt a strong headache coming on - all the while his energy was weakening and his all-round general mood was dropping.

Cleo Gardenia


Cleo found Ichiro to be quite adorable as he acted cool about the whole thing. She couldn’t quite tell whether it was completely true or not, though of course, the slight blush she noticed was definitely a motivation for causing a little mischief with the boy. ”Wow, you’re so cool Ichiro, most guys would’ve totally freaked out by now.” She said a little teasingly, as she placed a finger against one of his legs and lightly ran it across his skin in a playful manner. ”After all, we’ve seen you in your underwear but you haven’t seen us in ours, it’s a bit unfair for you,” The girl purred with a slight grin, as she dragged her finger all the way up his leg and then poked his hip. ”I’ll have to make it up to you later, Ichi.”

Not long after Bugby appeared and quickly pointed out that Ichiro was not properly dressed. The feline giggled, stepping back from the mage as she faced the demon. ”Yeah, the nurse needed to get a better look at his leg before she could heal it, that’s all.” The girl explained and walked over to the demon-boy and rested her hands onto his crossed-over arms. ”Buggie, you jealous of Ichi and his girls, eh?” She leaned up and whispered in his ear, most undoubtedly causing some form of a reaction. Pulling away soon after the girl continued, ”We’re glad you made it back, I’m surprised you didn’t wander off again – which reminds me, your arm needs attending to, as well.”

Looking away briefly Cleo noticed the horned-girl and took a few steps over towards her. ”Hey, you’re the girl from before – I saw you with Hive, and Ichiro earlier. My names Cleo, you look a bit lost and I didn’t see you here yesterday, so I’m guessing you just arrived today? Ha! Well, you’re in luck, you just met a good bunch of demons and mages,” She smiled to the other demon before quickly adding, ”You already know Ichiro – the guy on the bed there, and that’s Bugby next to him. It’s nice to speak with you.”

Just then the nurse returned and stood beside Ichiro, though she quickly noticed the other demon that had arrived shortly before and let out a sigh. ”Not another one,” She playfully said when seeing Bugby’s injured arm. ”Right, you’re next mister after I deal with this one.” Turning her attention back onto Ichiro the woman leaned in closely and examined the wound on his leg. ”Looks nasty, but I should be able to fix that right up.”

About ten minutes later the woman was done and had healed the boy’s wound, his leg looking better than ever as not even a scar was left! Wiping her hands, Julie was clearly pleased with herself, though feeling a little tired, before she looked to the students though more especially Bugby. ”Now you.” Leaning over the nurse grabbed hold of the green-haired demon and pulled him around before sitting him down on the side of the bed. ”You kids seem to do more damage than us adults, you know. But I don’t think that should be much hassle either, it’s not too deep – thankfully!” Making sure his arm was bare, the nurse then held it securely with one hand before resting the other over the wound. She made sure the boy was ready before doing anything, and once he seemed settled she began.

Roughly five minutes after the wound was near enough gone, and the woman soon released the demon soon after. ”With the major injuries taking care of I think you can suffer the little scratches at least.” She laughed, before seeing her presence was needed elsewhere and quickly the woman hurried off. But stopping for a moment, the nurse dug into one of her pockets before bringing out a handful of lollipops and threw them onto the bed. ”Help yourselves!”

Once the woman was gone Cleo walked over and picked up one of the lollipops and unwrapped it before sticking it into her mouth. ”I hope you guys feel better, and maybe we should make a promise to not end up back in here too soon – ‘cause I’d rather not spent my days here nursing you two.” Turning round, the feline picked up another lollipop before walking over and holding it out to the horned girl. ”Here, want one?”


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen

Finally, for the first time in days, DĂșyĂš felt comfortable. Being crowded by mages as she was ushered away from her home and onto a plane, then arriving here and immediately being stuck with two others in a class full of people, DĂșyĂš hadn't had a moment to herself in far too long. With her instant noodles now finished she set the wooden, disposable chopsticks across the top of the bowl and exhaled deeply. She leaned forward onto her elbow, her chin planted in the palm of her hand as she head turned towards the window, her gaze lazily watching the distant clouds inch ever so slowly across the sky. Given this moment of peace her thoughts began to wander to the larger scope of things and the reality of her new, current position. She still didn't really understand what her purpose here was. If this was an academy then certainly its purpose was to educate, so far though she hadn't learned a thing.

A slight look of annoyance washed over her features as she stared absent-mindedly out the window, the sounds of approaching footsteps intruding upon her isolation and thoughts. When she spent a moment to listen more closely it seemed to be two sets of footsteps in fact, one of them making efforts to go unnoticed. She had an idea of who it was but didn't care enough to look, only glancing at Laurence as he peered over her shoulder. Recoiling slightly from the close proximity of the boy she cast a none-too-pleased look and an arched brow in his direction. His questions were annoying and just plain stupid to the girl, certainly it was -obvious- what she was doing sitting in a cafeteria in front of an empty bowl and a cup of tea. Not only that but the notion she would miss the mage was utterly laughable, so much so that it wasn't even funny, just annoying.

Despite her clear annoyance with the boy's line of questioning, the mage continued on, once again bringing up the contest that he had lost and the silly notion of a rematch. Under different circumstances DĂșyĂš would have acted on her desire to shut the boy up with the use of force, given where she found herself however such actions would certainly cause more trouble than they would alleviate. Gritting her teeth for a moment and balling her hands into fists she spoke in reply, "Well you're going to be waiting a -damn- long time then kid, I don't give a damn about a staff or beating you again. And in fact I'd be more than delighted if you never lost again since that headmaster saw fit to put us on a team, that would mean you won't be dragging me down in the future." She shakes her head, red hair swaying from side to side with the motion as she reaches for her cup of tea and downs the rest of it in one go. "So how 'bout you stop being a pest about it and worry more about kicking ass in our next challenge."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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0.00 INK


A few minutes of silence passed by, Etelka looking at her now broken finger for most of the time. Now why had she gone and broken the right one, it would make the rest of the day a tad more annoying. At least her words had the desired effect, the master suddenly broke into a smile and began to speak. He acknowledged the girl was right, claiming he would never lose again and keep his servant safe. He was still naive obviously but he had his mind in the right place, the Lord would become stronger and dominate those who opposed him. His Lordship would not have to protect his servant, if anything it was her part to at least avoid being a liability to him. Then the master threw his arms around her, it was a sudden and shocking gesture that the girl had little response to, so she sat still until he finished his embrace.

The 'headmaster' entered the room for a short moment, Etelka wondered if he had actually cared to put any thought into her words. Perhaps finally they would stop expecting to engage in battle, however that was much to expect from fools who ruled this establishment. The older demon mentioned going to eat, which the young master was aptly prepared to do. He called his servant to follow him and she gladly did so, the blood had stopped dripping at this point so unless someone cared to analyze her hand the broken appendage should go unnoticed.

Etelka followed close behind the now excited boy, he did not know the way but was clever enough to follow signs and deduce its location. Already at the cafeteria was the groups prestigious victor, whom Lord Snow went about talking to. Etelka maintained her ambivalence to the girl, seating herself across from the other two silently. Venom told the Lord she had no intense wish to fight him any more, appreciated, and that her primary desire was winning the cross group competitions. This was a good enough mentality for the demon Etelka had to work alongside, she would be no detriment to the mage. Etelka sat with her eyes closed but mumbled to Venom, "My prior offer for intimacy still stands, Ms. Venom."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nurse Julie Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri


As Cleo started to tease him, Ichiro's face took on a even greater shade of red. "Ya, most would freak out, but not me of course." Saying as his eyes followed Cleo's finger as it ran across his leg. His body tensing up as she began to speak again. "Wait what, nah, nah, no, nope, don't think you really need to make it up to me I'm fine, just fine." He said with a stammer. Jumping a little as he got poked in the hip. Trying to escape Cleo's teasing by backing up, but he had nowhere to go. Looking around for anyone who could help him, just as hope was seemingly lost Bugby arrive. With the arrival of Bugby, Cleo seemed to step back which freed Ichiro from the teasing allowing him a sigh of relief.

Cleo took the lead answering Bugby's questions, which was perfectly fine by Ichiro as he was still trying to recover from the torturing Cleo was giving him just seconds ago. Though the embarrassment quickly returned in full force as Cleo went out of her way to point out Ichiro to Muse. Now both Cleo and Muse had seen him in his underwear, Ichiro's face exploded into a fury of red coloring. "Thanks a lot Cleo, might as well take a picture it lasts longer." Ichiro mumbled to himself.

The Nurse had finally returned and it was all Ichiro had hoped for. It took about ten minutes, but it was finally all healed up still the ten minutes of sitting around with all eyes on him in this state, was not his idea of fun for the day. Looking at his leg Ichiro was quite shocked, her work was excellent, not even a scar was left from such a nasty wound. "Thank you for the healing." Ichiro said as he quickly re-summoned his pants, as they formed from golden particles that appeared out of no where. The Nurse turned to helping Bugby and Ichiro could only assume he would come out just as fine with no scratches if she could do such fine work on his own leg.

Ichiro took one of the lollipops and shoved it into his mouth as his face started to return to its normal color. "Of course we won't be in here again, we only got hurt because we are that strong and they pitted us against each other. As a team we are unbeatable, for sure." He said with a smirk. Getting off the bed as he stood up, taking a nice long stretch, grabbing his leg a little bit as it still felt a little weird almost like a tingle feeling, but that was expected when you take a wound like that and get it patched up so quickly. Looking over at Muse, it seemed in the end she never was able to participate in the challenge the headmaster had assigned. Watching as Cleo offered Muse one of the lollipops that the Nurse had left, Ichiro was still interested in knowing her powers. He had seen Hive's the first day and knew the basic's of his team, and the other teams as he watched the last fight through his mirror a bit. The only people he missed out on was the first team to fight, because it ended in a matter of seconds. And the only other person was Muse, though he didn't get to see Liliane's powers either he definitely saw her hatred for the red haired Demon. "So Muse, are you going to be able participate in the next game the class does. Or does the headmaster intend to keep you a mystery from the rest of us forever." Ichiro said with a smile as he sat back on the bed looking over at Muse.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Liliane Auringer Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Sarah Rayne Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko
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0.00 INK





Sarah let the Headmaster get a good distance away from the detention room before she opened her mouth.

"Liliane, what has gotten into you. Of all the students you were the last person on my mind to act up. I didn't know what to think at first when I saw you going towards Ruzik. He was already worn down. But when you put your hand on his head that's when I had to intervene. I know what you were going to do. Liliane looked up at Sarah from the desk she was sitting in.

"How did you know? I've never told anyone about that ability."

"We know about your past. The experimentation. The artificial ability. Your training to become an organic weapon. We know who primarily funded your program and that you were subject zero in receiving an artificial ability. Which was the one you were going to use on the Incubus." Liliane was at a loss for words. What was there to say? Sarah seemed to know everything about the girl already. And she wasn't going to make an excuse for her attempt at the demon's life. At this point she'd still do it if she had the chance. As far as she was concerned Ruzik was another target to kill and the job wasn't finished yet.

"Look, your past is hardly an issue here at the academy. It's no worse than what the demons have gone through. It's probably worse because you are one of the few that is a victim. You were the one experimented on and your mind is the one that was twisted. We can try to change and mend it but it will take time. But first I must know why Ruzik? Did you have a quarrel with him? Or maybe you needed to vent your anger and he was the most convenient one?" Lili shook her head. The mere thought of the Incubus made her anger return."

"That Incubus and all of its kind are disgusting creatures. The mere sight of him makes me sick. His kind is the ultimate reason for me being this way. An Incubus manipulated my mother. Tried to make her kill me when I was an infant. Then He killed her when he found out she only abandoned me instead. My mother was dead either way but at least she spared me. It was by chance that the military picked me up. They scouted for a mage that suited their program and were looking for orphans to use as subjects. I seemed to fit every prerequisite and they immediately adopted me into their facility to train. From there I became proficient in hand-to-hand combat, melee weapons, fire arms, explosives, and magic. I know a lot about standard magic and how to deal with the basics of each element. I am the best organic weapon in Europe and have proved it through a variety of test. Unfortunately, my primary source of income into the military project became deceased and thus all forwards movement on the training ceased. And then I was picked up by this academy." Sarah nodded her head. At least she had a motive for her attempted murder. And the reason for Sarah seeing a hint of emotion on Lili's face afterwards was explained as well. To Liliane the attack was personal. There was reason for her racism and Sarah had to try and see if she could put a stop to it.

"Look, Liliane, I can't possibly understand your feelings or try to imagine what you've been through for most of your life. But what I do know is that this place is where everyone is to get a fresh start. Whatever happened in the past was left at the door you walked through before orientation. Yes, Ruzik is of the same race that murdered your mother but that's no reason to take it out on him." At this Lili suddenly stood up and looked Sarah in the eyes. They resembled the same as a dolls. Emotionless and without life.

"That thing challenged me. He had the intent to kill Kasumi and I merely returned it. He dared to threaten me with his disgusting ways of what his kind does. I don't do threats. I was trained to kill in combat situations. If I would have killed him then I'd only be doing the world a favor. One less Incubus on the planet is one less to worry about. If he ever threatens me again then I will kill him. Powers or not. I have been taught to dispatch my enemies either way. It's how I am." Sarah backed off. She knew Lili wasn't threatening the teacher directly but the intensity from Lili's natural aura was still intimidating. Liliane then sat back down and the two sat in silence to wait for the Headmaster to arrive.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Memphis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


After Midora called for the Headmaster, Bugby quickly took his leave. Midora just smiled quietly as he looked on at the young Demon's back as he left. He knows that it will take times for him to be able to help his student realize what is important in their lives, to help them find their purposes, which are what will make them able to find a direction in their lives. Whether they realized it or not, it is the true meaning of why they were sent to this Academy in the first place. Midora was able to achieved his own freedom. He wants the others to have a chance to spread their own wings too, that might be the real reason why he has chosen to follow this path. However, there are no paths that always so straight. If they want to achieve it, it is hardships that they shall face.

Midora turned his attention back to the clip-board and read the last few pages that he hasn't read yet. Upon reading the last page, he raised an eyebrow as it gave him an interesting information. Looks like I'm going to meet them again, it's been a while. As the door opened again, Memphis walked in. "I didn't wish to intrude so I thought it best I let you talk with your student first, and I am quite impressed by how you dealt with that – not that I was eavesdropping, entirely." Leaning back in his seat the demon crossed one leg over the other and rested his hands against his lap.

"It's okay though, I don't really mind. But thanks for the compliment, this is my job so you can say that I've got used to dealing with students like this. In my point of view, I think that it's not a problem to gave them any kinds of punishment that are justifiable when they made mistakes, but you should be sensitive and put yourself in their positions when they needed your guiding." Midora replied as he flipped through the pages one more time before put it down again and turned to Memphis, "Just a little advice. I think you should be fine doing it, eventually."

"Anyway, you mentioned that the Department had sent a new mission and you wanted to talk? That’s why I’m here. It won’t be surprising to know that I haven’t had any experience with the missions that the Department give out – I’m still new here, and though approving me as Headmaster I can’t help but imagine that quite a few of the higher-ups are still not too thrilled about me just yet. Nevertheless, my master did inform of them, so I have a rough idea of how things go around here." The Demon spoke with a grin. Midora could only wonder what was on his mind then, but that is not his concern. It's true that although the Department somehow has agreed to his Sensei's offers to let a Demon becoming a Headmaster, some of them might not taking it lightly. Midora guessed that because his Sensei was, after all, someone who receives high respects, not only from Midora himself but also the higher-ups of the Department. The old Mage's words seemed to really have weighs with their consideration. Midora wasn't very thrilled of having a Demon Headmaster at first, but he figures that it doesn't hurt to give it a chance. Sometimes changes are necessary, but whether for the better or for the worse is a different aspect that could only be judged after some while.

"Don't worry, boss. For the time coming, should you needed any helps, I'm here for you. Out of the Teachers' facility. I'm one of the people who has stayed here the longest. That might be the reason why they kept me teaching here rather than to transfer me elsewhere." Midora said with his usual calm voice, "You just need to set it on the correct directions and everything will be alright."

"So, care to enlighten me on what the mission is? I imagine that is what you wanted to talk about, and whatever else happens to come into your mind." Memphis said as he puffed on his cigarette, but he certainly was polite enough to keep the smoke at a minimum amount. Sensei really did whip him into shapes, huh? Midora thought a bit then began to intrigue about the mission. He knows that it's going to be long so he will try to be as specific as he could.

"Okay, before that, I have something to explain first. I believe Sensei has already told you a little about this but I figure that I should talk about it again just in case." Midora said as he placed his arms casually on his desk, "As you may have known, our universe isn't the only one that exists. Besides this very dimension that we live in lies many other dimensions that exist in a parallel way with the universe that we know it. People might think that the dimensions exist individually without any real connections with the others. But that not always the case. A long time ago, people have discovered an "medial" dimension that acts as a sort of connector between the dimensions. They called it the Celestial Nexus."

He stopped a bit to let his words sink in before continued, "It was called that way because the ones who found out about it were some of the most powerful Celestial Mages of all times and so far, only Mages with the affinity with Celestial Magic can access to the Nexus by opening large-sized portals with the shape of a vortex known as the Windows, but doing that will cost them a large amount of mana and not always can they successfully manage to open one. However, the dimension is not always stable. Occasionally, the Ether flows were somehow disrupted and the Nexus will open a Window by itself. We can't predict when or where will a Window might be opened but that is not the most troubling part. If a Window is opened by the Nexus itself, not by a Celestial Mage, monsters and hostile unearthly creatures from another dimensions will travel through it and enter our worlds. They can cause a damages on a wide scale and causing a lot of casualties for the people around that area. That is why it is very important for the governments to quickly send their forces to the place where a Window is opened to seal it and destroy every monsters that still creeping the area. And this is the mission that the Department has entrusted us to accomplish."

He leaned on his back and crossed his arms, "Most monsters that went through the portals are mainly ranked from the lowest F-class to B-class. The quantities of them will depend on whether the Windows are closed fast enough or not, but still, they're fairly easy to deal with. However, anytime a Window is sealed, it will emit a shockwave strong enough to summon a high-class monster which will be a lot harder to defeat. So, this is my suggestion." Midora leaned closer to Memphis as he spoke, "We can consider this as an exercise and we will send our students to deal with it. But sending too many students to deal with the task might not be a good idea since it will be a bit too crowded. A group consists of five students are enough to deal with this problem. From what I've observed this morning, it seemed that your group hasn't a chance to showed much of their strengths and there were two other students that couldn't participate in this morning's session so we should send them for this task. At first, I was thinking of sending the Mages only but Mikari has just informed me via telepathy that most of them were injured or exhausted from their fights so it is better to let them recover for another assignment. He said that he will be here to give a full report about what has happened soon, but we should concentrate on the task at hand first."

"From what the Department has informed, they've sent their forces to deal with the monsters around the town already. But they wanted us to deal with the area at the location where the Window situated because there is still a considerably amount of monsters there before more monsters emerge from beyond the portal. Luckily that the people have been evacuated so we don't have to worry about that. And the best time to act is tonight. A few more important things to add is that the Windows can only be seal by a White, Dark or Celestial Mage through a spell. Fortunately, that Laurence kid in your group is capable of doing this since he was both White and Dark. But I will have to 'recondition' him a bit and teach him the spell so I will have a personal meeting with him after we have assigned the students with the task, maybe this afternoon. The two of us will personally lead the students to the Window, observe their progress and deal with the high-class monster, since that creature would be too much of a challenge for the kids. But the Department also said that one of the Seven Elemental Sages might arrive in time to assist us in defeating it so there is a chance that we don't really have to destroy it ourselves." Midora concluded before tapping the clip-board on his table before handing it to Memphis, "You can read more information about the mission here. Everything that I has just listed is just my suggestion. The person who has the rights to decide what should be done is you. But I think that my plan would be the best option."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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#, as written by Kapento
Bugby Marshall


Bugby watched as the nurse tended to Ichiro first and treated his wound, and really the demon was quite surprised by how efficient the woman was at healing. Then again it was her job, so it was hardly that surprising, but still. Once she was done with the mage the woman turned to the demon, moving him round to sit on the bed before focusing on his arm. Taking hold of it, the nurse didn’t take long to fix his injury and before he knew it his arm was nearly as good as new.

”Uh, thanks.” He mumbled, before covering his arm back up and got to his feet. Though healed his arm felt a little odd, though the demon concluded that it was just the quick healing taking effect. Soon the woman hurried off to tend to some other students, most likely, though she dropped a a handful of lollipops onto the bed for them all to enjoy. Picking one up, he bit down on it before sliding the stick to the side of his mouth before shoving his hands into his pockets. His teammates were busy with another demon, some girl with horns who he had guessed was a demon by appearance alone. She must’ve been new since he hadn’t noticed her yesterday, and Cleo and Ichiro seemed to like her so she must’ve not been that bad, but then again looks could be deceiving. Cleo had already introduced him, and to be polite the boy gave a brief wave and somewhat smile, though Bugby was still quite awkward.

”Yeah, eh
 hello there.” He said softly and quickly looked away, before stepping back and sitting on the bed next to Ichiro. The demon was still slightly tired and his head hurt just a tad, mainly from his little lapse earlier during the exercise. As he sat Ichiro went on to question the horned-demon, though Bugby just rolled his eyes and relaxed his shoulders. Dropping backwards, he lay his back down against the bed before moving his hands behind his head. He would’ve went to sleep but the boy felt uncomfortable doing so, especially with so many people around.

Laurence Snow


Laurence frowned a little towards Venom, though it quickly faded all the same as the boy bared a smile and sighed a little. ”As you wish then Venom,” He said, not really feeling a need to force the topic though he’d still be secretly eager to face the demon again, but for now he could wait. ”Whenever you feel like it then you’ll know where to find me.” Looking at the two demons the mage just sat quietly for a few minutes, drumming his fingers against the table whilst he thought to himself.

”Oh, uh, I’m going to go see what there is to eat, won’t be long.” Laurence spoke up and got to his feet, leaving the demons to themselves as the boy headed off to another area of the cafeteria and looked over what there was on offer. Since it wasn’t exactly lunchtime there wasn’t really anything truly fulfilling on display, but the boy contently opted to swipe up a bunch of snacks to munch on in the meantime. Grabbing packs of crisps, juice, and chocolate. The boy was relatively happy, after all who didn’t like junk food? After grabbing as much as he could hold the young mage soon returned to his table some minutes later, before dumping the snacks onto the table and quickly taking his seat.

Ignoring the girls for a moment or so, the boy began to eat some bits of the chocolate he had brought as well as gulp down his juice. He was perhaps a bit hungrier that he had thought, but Laurence wasn’t fussed. A minute later, he stopped and looked to the demons. ”Hey, I was wondering
 but like, what are you two here for? Were you both bad demons?” He asked, becoming more curious about the demons all of a sudden. ”Did your parents send you here? Do either of you even have parents? I do, and they sent me here, so I was curious


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Muse Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Memphis Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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#, as written by Chikka


Memphis listened as the mage began to talk though the demon didn’t give much away as his expression seemed to rarely alter the entire time. "My aren’t you helpful." He quietly remarked as Midora offered to help the demon, though not completely meaning it in any disrespectful way, it was just weird having so many helpful people around him. However once the mage began to explain the whole Celestial Nexus Memphis did try to remain focused on the man, and yet, the overflow of information dulled the demons interest roughly halfway through. The demon wasn’t sure what exactly he was personally thinking about throughout the mages explanation, but once monsters were mentioned, the redhead quickly snapped back into reality – offering a few nods here and there and trying to seem interested. After all it wouldn’t be the first time the demon would’ve had to go against a monster of any kind – his master had made sure of that. Training a demon wasn’t easy, especially with Memphis, but the demon vividly remembered such moments and couldn’t help but grin as Midora continued to speak.

His focuse was lifted when his colleague gave him the clipboard, which Memphis took and glanced over briefly before addressing the mage. Though his face may not have given it away so quickly, the demon was not exactly thrilled with the newfound responsibility that had been given to him. As a frown gradually formed on his lips, and the added fidgeting with his cigarette, the redhead sat the clipboard against his lap. After all, it was his master who was suppose to take the job – it was him who the higher-ups wanted, not his demon. But Memphis was not one to disobey his master and he would only try to adjust to things as quickly as he could. When about to speak the demon silenced himself for a moment, a thought just entering his mind just then as the Headmaster rethought his words carefully.

"Well, since it is my choice, I don’t really see any issue with your plans so I will not reject them – however, I will not send the girl, Etelka, to participate in this. I have my reasons and will not be challenged over this choice, especially as she is under my supervision," His voice was slightly stern, clearly the demon meant what he said and Memphis was not one to be challenged without good reason. "The other two I will send, the mage and demon, and yes, those other two can be involved with it. Though instead of Etelka I suggest we send someone else." Though not making his mind up right away the demon pondered a little over who else to send, but he’d give it further thought before confessing his choice.

"Seven Elemental sages?" Such a thing didn’t seem familiar to the demon, or rather he just opted to pay little interest in it. Resisting the urge to chuckle the red head leaned forward from his seat, "Whether this mighty sage comes or not is of little interest to me, as I know I am perfectly capable of taking down any monster I see fit. And, as I am Headmaster of this academy, I believe it is I who has the right to do as such." Perhaps the demon would bend the rules to his liking, just a little. This new power he held could be somewhat amusing to abuse – though his master would likely give him a rollicking later, but that was another matter. He wasn’t here, so his demon had the free-will to do things as he saw rightly. Even if it meant he was a little disobedient, he'd make up for it.

"But anyway, do as you wish with Laurence if you believe it will work. This afternoon should be fine, I don’t see any issues." He said, before raising up from his seat as the demon took a few steps away from the mage and walked around a little. Just the thought of fighting monsters already had the demon a little excited – it had been a while since he had any exercise of that sort, and being stuck in the Academy all day was really dulling the demon down a bit. As he stood for a moment, down at his boots, small flames began to grow up from the ground as his thoughts turned towards the monsters and fighting. But once noticing this the demon quickly stomped them out before anything came of them. "
Sure, tonight will be alright. We will inform the students beforehand and get them prepared."

With a sigh the redhead walked over to his own desk before he sat himself down on top of it, exhaling a puff of smoke as the Headmaster glanced out of the window. "I’ll let you know who my choice is later, I’d rather not discuss it right now. Anyway, you said Mr. Akigawa is coming? He’d best not take long." With a huff, the man silenced himself and crossed his arms. It was best not to keep the Headmaster waiting.

Ruzik R.


Some time had passed as Ruzik now found himself standing upright, albeit using the wall as added support as he walked down another hallway. Really he had no clue where he was going, somewhat wandering around aimlessly as he tried to avoid all figures of authority as much as he could. After all, they had stripped him of his powers and given that it was supposedly up to the Headmaster of what his punishment should be, the redhead was hardly going to sit around and wait for it, was he? If anything, he’d earn the punishment! If he had the strength.

Coming to a halt, the incubus used what energy he had and pushed a door open, finding himself at the cafeteria though thankfully not many people were around. With a sigh of relief, he staggered in, though naturally tried to laugh off his moments of uneasiness. As expected he looked hellish, given what he had gone through the demon was stubbornly persistent to not rest! And, once spotting a trio at a table, a wicked grin filled his features near immediately. Quickly sorting himself out a little the redhead tried to ignore the discomfort he felt from his injuries, using all his willpower to not drop to the ground – which was quite a desirable thing at that moment.

As he walked over the demon placed a hand onto the shoulder of the young mage, giving the boy a gentle squeeze as Ruzik teasingly leaned against the youth a little. ”Hello there.” The incubus said and flashed a sharky-grin, before pushing off the boy and walking round to make his way beside Etelka. Once there, the incubus leaned down and wrapped his arms around the demon-girl’s shoulders in the form of a tight embrace, as he perched his face quite closely to hers and whispered in her ear, ”I want you, badly.” Despite his pain the demon would never deny himself pleasure, regardless of how uncomfortable it may be given his state – but what would you expect?

Refocusing his gaze, the redhead looked over to the other red-haired demon. Quite, he truly loved those who bore the same colour as himself, or any alternative such as pink. ”You must be new here too – I’m Ruzik, you may or may not have heard of me. But, whatever any of those prats say, I’m totally not like whatever they say I am like.” Trying to play the cool, confident guy, the demon wasn’t even sure if his inner pain was obvious or not. He hoped not, as it would completely ruin any chance of fun for him. Forcing a smile the incubus returned his attention back to Etelka, putting his mouth to her ear as he whispered, ”Don’t forget we had a deal – you owe me,” Shooting a glance towards the mage-boy, the demon smirked before edging a little more closer to Etelka, and whispered again, ”Unless you want your little mage to feel the true cruelty of the world.”

Pulling away like nothing had happened the demon laughed quietly before moving away from the girl, before eagerly jumping over to beside the red-haired girl, and swung an arm round her. ”You know, you look like a girl I could hang with, so if you’re every not busy we could
 get to know each other,” Rather smugly, Ruzik never even thought of the concept of someone rejecting him. With his undeniably charm, why would anyone refuse the demon? ”Maybe if you kissed me you’d find out what kind of guy I’m like, and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.” Sticking his tongue out and shifting his face closer to hers, the incubus looked to the other demon with incomparable confidence, as he waited to hear Etelka's response. It was mainly an attempt to rid his mind of the horrible fact that his powers were unusable for the moment – not that he’d share that fact, even if the talisman was so obvious to see.

Cleo Gardenia


Regardless of whether the girl took the lollipop or not, quickly after Cleo spotted Bugby against the bed – and like any animal took that as an invitation to pounce onto others. Giggling, the feline hopped over and leaped onto the unsuspecting demon as she rested her knees on either side of his waist, before peering over down at him. ”You know you shouldn’t lie on your back when there’s a cat about!” She told him in an amusing tone, before placing her hands to his stomach and lowering her face until it was just inches from his own. ”You know, you ought to be more sociable with others or else how you gonna make friends?”

Quickly poking his chest, the feline sat up and threw her hair over her shoulder. Although, a though suddenly hit her, and the girl promptly looked back down at the boy. ”Say Buggie, where did you go? You went somewhere, but you didn’t say where you went to. I’m curious – tell me, tell me!” She purred, smiling at the demon-boy as her ears flickered. ”Is it a secret? Where’d you go? You’ve not got some others friends that you’re ditching us for, have yah? Ooh, maybe it’s a girl. Tell me!” Nosily, the girl tried to interrogate her teammate into confession. Sliding down a little, the girl lay herself against his stomach as she stared down at the, most likely, uncomfortable demon. Purring loudly she gave him a cheeky wink, before running a finger down the side of his arm.”So, you gonna tell me? Or do I need to get Ichiro to try and persuade you. Or maybe even Muse!”


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: DĂșyĂš Character Portrait: Ruzik R. Character Portrait: Laurence Snow
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#, as written by Keen

Just as her frustration with the boy began to mount Etelka spoke from across the table in a low mumble, but DĂșyĂš certainly did miss her words. As if by the flick of a switch her look of annoyance had shifted to that of a grin as she cast her gaze at the teal-haired demon, the mage-boy next to her all but disappearing into the background as her focus directed itself at the more appealing prospect of the two. The boy said something but, DĂșyĂš couldn't be bothered to pay him any mind as she leaned forward across the table some distance to speak quietly in return to Etelka, "Oh, I'm quite glad to hear that. Perhaps we can act on that offer later this evening?" The demon was pretty to be certain but she lacked that certain quality DĂșyĂš found irresistible, regardless however she was more than happy to have a bit of fun with the woman.

Once she finally bothered to look away from Etelka it seemed their mage had already gone off on his own to get food she supposed. Her line of thought was confirmed as she returned a moment later, arms full of junk food. She grimaced slightly at the sight, quite sick of that kind of food after eating solely such things for a few days now. Despite that, a particular wrapper caught her eye, chocolate sounded alright. Unceremoniously ignoring the clearly defined sections of chocolate intended to be broken into pieces, she simply takes a large bite of the sweet, milk chocolate. The boy had been unusually quiet as he ate but finally spoke up with a seemingly random curiosity that popped into his head. As DĂșyĂš chewed the chocolate slowly she considered the question and shrugged. "All the demons here are here 'cause they did something bad. Well, I guess except the teachers maybe. So no matter what someone tells you, I wouldn't trust'em." She didn't seem intent on actually answering any of his questions about her past or her parentage and instead continued to mercilessly devour her chocolate.

Just as she consumed her last bite of chocolate and began to crush and ball up the wrapper in her fist, an unknown demon approached their table. Her movements and chewing slowed as her body tensed up, wary eyes tracking every last movement of the other red-head. She was certain she twitched when the man touched Laurence, who was this creep and where did he get off waltzing on over here and getting all up in -her- group's business, acting all friendly and buddy-buddy. The demon oozed sleaze and the more he spoke, the more convinced she was that she rather disliked this man. Finally he saw fit to acknowledge DĂșyĂš's presence and introduced himself as Ruzik. Not a moment after that he was spewing some nonsense about how he wasn't how people said he was. Certainly there wasn't a more suspicious thing he could've mentioned in an introduction.

As if the situation couldn't have been worse, he saw fit now to move sit -next- to her. DĂșyĂš sighed as she reluctantly diverted her gaze towards the other red-haired demon, an eye twitching as she feels the man's arm drape over her shoulder. His words that followed might have almost been funny was it not for the vile mixture of disgust, annoyance, and anger that boiled up inside her. She paused in thought, wondering how exactly she wanted to hurt this man and how to get him to leave. Perhaps a punch to the gut, or maybe she'd take a bite out of the pretty little tongue he seemed so intent to wag in her direction. Her sour expression finally turned to a smirk as she decided upon the latter. Without a word she turned her head and leaned closer to the man in hopes of giving the impression that she was interested in taking up his offer.

As she would any recipient of her true affections, she locks into a deep kiss with Ruzik but instead of going any further she suddenly glares into his eyes as she bites down hard on his tongue. She quickly pushes away from the demon and stands, wiping some blood from her lips with her coat sleeve as she speaks, "Not in a million years." She raises an arm and points to the cafeteria door, "Now get out of here, I don't want to see you coming near my group again or you'll end up with something much more precious to you bitten off." She stood tall and continued to glare the red-haired demon down, ready fight if he wanted to push his luck any farther.