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Kasumi Toshiko

"Strength is nothing more than how you deal with pain..."

0 · 1,313 views · located in The Academy

a character in “The Survival Kit Academy || Remaster”, as played by BurningDark




Nobody is perfect, and nobody deserves to be perfect...

Theme Song
Blank Space | Nightcore


Kasumi Toshiko

Goes by K, also known as Scarlet



Demon | Mage



Group | Teammates
Group Four- Hive and Akumu Yume

Ai Enma- Hell Girl


Who do you think I really am...?

Height | Weight
50 kg

Hair Colour
Abyssal Black

Eye Colour
Bloody Scarlet

Physical Description
Small and seemingly dainty, K has an ethereal complexion much like a doll's. She seems like a young child, but in reality is much older than most perceive her as. However, despite her fragile appearance, K is very lithe and slender- but her slim figure hides muscles and scars alike.


We suffer primarily not from our vices and weaknesses but our illusions...

Kind | Sympathetic | Shy | Untrusting | Cold

Night | Demons | Dreams | Stories | Art

Noise | Name-Calling | Betrayal | Physical Work | Gore

Writes/Draws/Paints when Upset | Avoids Others | Makes herself a Smaller Target in Public (crossing legs, arms, etc.)

Callous | Solemn | Cryptic

Abilties | Powers
Mediumship- Kasumi can communicate with dead and see ghosts. She has to focus or else she might become overwhelmed- don't worry, she's had lots of practice. The ghosts cannot stay long in this plane so she gets limited time to ask questions. She is very experienced in wording questions so she can get the most out of short time.
Demon Knives- Kasumi can summon and control up to fifteen knives at a time. She has next to no defense unless she uses the knives, and cannot kill anyone with the knives. It saps her energy as much as if she were fighting each opponent. However, she's invulnerable to any fatal wounds. The knives slowly sap the energy of the opponents and feed it to Kasumi. This is her most used power.
Longevity- Very simple, actually. Kasumi has extended natural life. She is able to be killed like normal. It's immortality in essence, but only for her age.


The quieter you become the more you can hear...

Romantic Interest
Yes... but it's my secret.

Character Opinions
I'm not comfortable controlling anyone. Others' opinions have enough of an impact on me already.


Kasumi has had a very turbulent life. She physically aged very quickly and her intelligence was vastly superior to most of the other children her age, mostly because she read a lot about magic. She discovered her magic early on, and often practiced out of sight. Her father was a White Mage and her mother was a doctor- magic-less, however. When they discovered she was a magic user, her father suspected she was a demon because of her sinister magic. He asked her mother and she denied, and he became very angry. Her father suspected that either she had cheated on him or was lying. They got in many fights and eventually Kasumi's mother left him and ran away. They learned shortly after that she had been slain by a demon and her father became very sullen and drank often. He abused her in his bouts of drunkenness and she eventually ran away as well.

She made a life for herself in a few cities north of her home, and many there viewed her as a demon as well. However, she got solitude and peace, and stayed there for around 800 years, bobbing in and out of disguises so nobody would suspect her real identity. After centuries, she eventually decided to move on and roamed the countryside. She built a small cottage and practiced the darker side of her magic. During her hermit lifestyle, she practiced all of her magical abilities and increased her magical knowledge by scrying through a ritual she discovered. She scryed a magical academy and watched the classes she was interested in.

After about 1,000 years she finally emerged from solitude to discover the world had changed. She was disappointed- no one she knew was alive anymore. In her misery she torched a few towns here and there. Fleetingly meeting a few demons, she discovered how much she had in common with the other race. She prefers the company of demons over humans. She ran around and caused enough trouble to be identified by the Survival Kit Academy and was taken in for misbehavior.

Now she wants to fit in but doesn't want to go back to being meek and helpless. Her demon partners are definitely in for a ride... (If Akumu can stay awake long enough...)


She is able to create temporary homes for ghosts out of obsidian which is moldable by summoned spirits. The ghosts bound to the bodies have around a week to stay mobile and 'alive'. Kasumi uses them for menial work... and now, possibly homework...

So begins...

Kasumi Toshiko's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami
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#, as written by chrian.


It is almost twilight now, when the horizon is covered with a deep orange color. Yet, a long day for everyone has almost passed and to Midora, the end of today marks the beginning of a new challenge tomorrow, not only for him, but for all the new transfer students and the new teachers that had been assigned to work here in the Academy. Being a Headmaster was something that he'd never thought that he'd do in his life, but asides from him, no one is willing to take the responsibility now, which is why he has to stepped up for the role.

Slowly made his way to the main classroom, where all the new transfer students were requested to gather and wait until the Headmaster arrived to induce them about their time at the Academy. They should have began the first day of training since yesterday, yet because of that incident, it has to be delayed, but now it can be started and actually Midora felt quite good about it, though he didn't admit. Standing before the closed door, Midora took a deep breath. He has never thought that he'd stepped into this position and what's more, he hasn't prepared properly for all of this just yet, but Midora knew that he has to do this.

I've overcomed a lot of hardship in my life, so this time, I definitely have to, for everyone's sakes. With that thought, he opened the door and stepped in, gaining everyone's attention. Midora then walked towards the teacher's desk at the front. First, he looked around to see if everyone is already there or not. It seems that two students are missing. He cleared his throat and then began to speak loudly. His facial expression is still calm, cold and stoic like usual.

"Greetings, students. My name is Midora Kurayami, the newly appointed Headmaster of this Academy. Because of the incident that has happened a few days ago, we have to transfered away most of the new batch of students along with their appointed teachers. At the same time, we also received new transfer students, which are 10 individuals sitting in front of me right now. As you all have known from the introduction papers that we've given you when you arrived, you'll be divided into 4 groups and each group will consist of 1 mage and 2 demons. The group that each of you'll be in has also included in the papers."

He paused a bit to let his word sink in, and then continue, "From tomorrow, the days of training at the Academy will begin. I hope that you all will try your best and achieve good results." Midora then looked at the clock on the wall, "For now, please make your way to your dorms, where you'll rest for the day. The supervising teachers for each group shall be introduced by the first lesson tomorrow. I suggest you all try to get acquaintance with each other and don't cause any troubles. Class dismisses. Have a nice evening, everyone."

With that said, Midora moved away from the desk to the door. "Oh, and one more thing," as Midora remembered something, he turned back to the students, "all of your belongings had been sent to your rooms. You've been informed which room you'll be staying at."

After saying that, Midora turned his back and closed the door behind his back then made his way to the teachers' room, where all the newly appointed teachers are waiting for him.



Sitting at the round table in the teachers' room along with his two new collegues, Mikari tapped his finger on the table as he waited his best buddy comeback after the induction with the students. He lazily gazed outside the windows and then looked up at the clock. It almost dark by now, hope that we can get this over with so I can get some rest before tomorrow.

Staring at the scenery outside, Mikari silently let out a sigh. Though at first he was quite optimistic about this whole teacher thingy, but he has never been a teacher before. So he is somewhat nervous about this, but not much. Midora has stated that he has what it takes, but can he managed to do it well? Mikari knows that he only needed to try his best.

He then turned to his fellow demon teachers, "Dora-chin will be here any moments after his greetings with the transfer students. Are you ladies ready to find out which groups we'll be taking care of?" He asked with a smile.

A short while later, Midora arrived at the teachers' room. He gently slided the door opened and greeted his fellow teachers, who are seemingly waiting for him. He walks in and then sat in the middle of them.

"Alright then," He spoke up to the two female demons, "Asides from Mikari here, I guess that you two don't really know me just yet. Let me introduce myself again. My name is Midora Kurayami and I'm a Dark Mage. I've just got appointed to be the new Headmaster of this Academy. Hope that we'll work well together."

"Hehe, there's nothing that my little Dora-chin can't do, eh?" Mikari said jokingly.

"Anyway, I've decided which groups that each of you will be handle," Midora said as he reached out for a drawer and took out the detailed profiles of the students and handed them to his collegues, "Mikari, you'll be taking charge of group 4, Ms. Embla will be taking charge of group 1, Ms. Sarah will be group 2 and I will take group 3. Please take a look at their profiles first and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. And it seems that there was one student that went missing in Ms. Embla's group and my group also missing one but we can keep carry on without them. Hopefully there'll be some new replacements soon." But just as Mikari was about to raised his arm and ask, Midora bluntly cut in, "Not you, Mikari."

"Aw, not fair. Always so meanie." Mikari pouted then glance at the profiles of his group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko
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#, as written by Jedly

The boy leaned back in the crudely furnished seat of the cab, tipping the rim of a cup to usher a beverage down his throat. He savored every bitter drop of the drink, as if it was ambrosia, issued to him by the holy deities. Though his capabilities in the art of brewing may be on par with gods, it was only a mere cup of espresso. But it helped Shio get through the day, a minute source of energy which spurred his jovial persona. A caffeinated Shiore was a happy Shiore. But angered emotions have never taken form within his heart, as he always walks- or, more so, leaps and skips through life with a happy attitude. He was barely unable to bottle his own excitement, as one could only burst with exhilaration on the first day of school. The only rain on his parade of joy was the lack of caution governing the taxi’s driver. Somehow, the man behind the wheel had not ran over any innocent pedestrians, but the same could not be said for a few rodents making a break for the other side of the road. "What happens when the chicken tries to cross the road? This man happens!” He thought to himself as the cabin of the automobile shook again.

To pass the time and shut out this man’s massacre on animals, Shiore slipped on his pair of comfy headphones, bushy with foam. He cuffed his hand around a cellular device burrowed in his pocket, and brought it into eyesight. With a few flicks of a finger, the boy skimmed through the diverse amount of choices, finally settling on a number from an OST of a series he recently watched. A perfect piece to soothe his cheerful charisma, whilst keeping an upbeat tune. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he loosened his shoulders, finding refuge in the song. As the cab passed roadside views, which changed within the blink of an eye, Furawa began a practice he was very accustomed to at this point. Within an quick movement of his wrist, an enigma was created in the palm of his hand. His eyes gravitated towards the projection as it took form, flawlessly molding a ball of light into existence. Within a few moments, a downscaled model of a sun floated elegantly before him. It was a mimic of the father star of the very solar system he inhabited. But by no means did it emit the same amount of heat that the burning ball of gas. It wasn’t even made of hydrogen, just a simple projection he mentally presented, to himself, and if wished, to those around him. But he didn’t want to distract his driver from his murder spree, so he was left to solely bask in his creation’s glory.

A few deceased rodents later

Shio breathed out of respite when the cab finally pulled up to the academy. Still somewhat traumatized by the amount of bodies the cab driver had piled up on the way to their destination. To say the least, the man did not receive as gracious of a tip. ”All of those poor little guys
 They never saw what hit them.” He wallowed with remorse for a moment, before he was able to regain his composure, a group of bellhops instantly assessed the cab and popped the car’s trunk. Working as a monotonous cohort, they perfectly packed his belongings. They must be quite the adversaries in jenga. As they made their departure, most likely for his dorm, he decided to follow suit and proceed to the predestined meeting area. Which, not surprisingly, was their main classroom. Before he embarked on his great journey, he quickly sent a message to a friend of his. ”Oi, Yume-kun! Are you almost here? Better not be sleeping in the taxi!” And with that, he finally began his trek.

With a brochure holding his hand, like a parent guiding an innocent toddler, the student stumbled at every turn, and nearly fell into a trance with every gust of wind. The campus, in essence, was utterly captivating and beautiful, something cut out of a fantasy. It had been maintained with arduous precision, grime and dust had been relentlessly cleansed from every nook and cranny. His eyes darted vigorously from angle to angle, as his brain tried to intake every aspect the institution had to offer. His ebullience was flowing to the brim, almost bringing him to tip into a turmoil of uncontrollable joy. Shiore lead himself to the classroom, navigating through the halls of the seemingly complex academy. Though he isn’t a miracle worker, he managed to ascertain some luck and arrived at what he presumed was the correct room.

When he eased the door open, all which was presented to him was a scene void of life. But the lights were already illuminating the room, which meant that somebody had made their way through this area. He ran a hand through his cerulean hair, contemplating his next action. He ended up finding resolve with pulling out a seat, then fastened himself in it. Shiore leaned forward over the table, resting on his elbows as he hummed to the song blasting in his headphones. To pass the time, he chose to create something a little more extravagant than the basic projection from earlier. With a similar arm motion, he created the vast galaxy which was the Milky Way. Based around the aforementioned knowledge he gained from the endless amount of books he has read front to back, he was able to zoom into certain solar systems, and observe their contents. But the only completely detailed portions of the dioramas were the suns. The planets were just mere little dots of rock, as nothing about them except the amount of them per sun were known. The clicking of the door knob notified Shiore that more students had finally arrived. With a swift balling of his fist, the minescule projection imploded on itself, dissipating into nothing.

The boy perked up as his classmates began to file into the classroom. Though no words were exchanged, his eyes shined exuberantly, with brightness which would shroud any star. ”Which of them are my group mates? I hope they like coffee, or are relatively nice! Wonder if they are ok with hugs~?” A flood of queries flowed through his mind, but would have to be left unanswered until after their greeter’s speech. And who else was to give them the rundown but the headmaster himself? The man looked pretty young, uncommon in those who operate scholastic institutions. His words were succinct and brief, but were also somewhat vague at the same time. Shiore was left to imagine what pertained to his training, or what kind of exercises he would be put through. He loathed anything overly extraneous. And knowing his luck, there would be a good amount of such an activity. Upon his departure, he notified the students that they were left to their own devices. Though he wanted to catch up with Akumu, sorting through his belongings took priority. Besides, the demon would probably make a beeline for his room and crash in his bed instantly. With a single motion, he pushed himself away from the table and proceeded to his dorm room. Perhaps his assigned dormmates would strike up a conversation with the twig-like boy on the way there? He tightened the scarf around his neck, finding refuge in its comfortableness.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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Akumu Yume


Akumu sat in the taxi cab. as he was waiting for the taxi to get to his new school, he put on some music and started to sleep. after a while in the taxi Akumu woke up to the sound of his phone it was from his friend Shio he wasn't surprised that it was from him because he gets massages from him most of the time, it didn't really bother him and he was ok with it , Akumu texted back on his phone "I'm nearly there don't worry." Akumu tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't a great success because the taxi driver was listening to loud rock music. after a while he finally succeeded in sleeping with a smile on his face.

Akumu yawned loudly. as he started to wake up, he could hear voices in the room he was in"Where am I."Akumu was still have asleep so he didn't know what was going. he started going to sleep again till he hit the desk with his head "never mind I want to go back to sleep." Akumu tried to go back to sleep but the voices where to loud so he couldn't get back to sleep. so he decided to stay awake. he stared at people and sighed"Well I hope I can sleep here."he noticed Shio but the rest where complete strangers to him. after a while of the students talking, the headmaster walked in and started talking about some school stuff that Akumu never really listens too but this time he did. after the headmaster had finished his speech. Akumu decided to walk to the dorms to put his stuff there "I wonder who will be my dormmate." speaking to himself as he walked to the dorm


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall
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~| Kasumi Toshiko |~

(Edit: Sorry I didn't have a very good original post. I was rushed and wanted to get something in.)

Kasumi stepped out of the black car and pulled three bags out with her. The black car pulled away as K examined the front gates. She was awed briefly, but soon the felling passed and she entered the Academy.

She handed the bags to a waiting man at the front door and padded down the hall. Pulling out a crisp white note, she looked at the neat black writing. Akumu Yume and Hive were the two demons she was paired with, apparently. Hmm, Akumu. She'd heard the name before... Ah yes. The demon who trapped people in dreams. She remembered from her lessons via scrying.

Finally arriving in a classroom, she entered. Upon seeing other students sitting around, she assumed that this was the right rom and took a seat as far as she could get. No use in socializing quite yet.

"Greetings, students. My name is Midora Kurayami, the newly appointed Headmaster of this Academy."

The Headmaster's speech was short and to the point. Thankfully. K had no interest in idle chatter. She walked out with the rest of the students, not engaging in conversation or even eye contact. Sure, she'd been invited, but this school probably couldn't teach her much more. She'd learned a lot from the scryed school.

"Oh, and one more thing. All of your belongings have been sent to your rooms. You've been informed which room you'll be staying at."

She glanced at the small paper again and nodded. She hoped she wouldn't get lost. Wouldn't that be embarrassing...

She wondered briefly who her dorm-mates were, but pushed aside the thought as she entered a large dorm room. From the emptiness she assumed she was first to arrive. She took the center bunk and noticed her bags neatly near the door. She retrieved them and laid them on the soft, plain sheets.

Nothing to do but to wait, I assume... She said in her mind as she surveyed the room. Basic room, just a door off to the side that she assumed was a bathroom. She wondered when her dorm-mates would arrive. The Nightmare King and the Hive... Wouldn't this be exciting.

Who'd be taming who, she wasn't sure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami
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Etelka Lantos


She scanned her eyes across the classroom while waiting, most of the demons seemed oddly optimistic about this whole thing. It hadn't been a thing she had even considered until she was taken to the academy, demons who had never had a mage. The history of everyone was hardly any of her concern, she would wait for a teacher to assign a group to her and she would serve them, even if she did not respect them. Etelka wholeheartedly believed whatever mage was her knew master would be some sort of twig she would normally toy with before killing, but with the stronger mages around it was hardly a good idea to murder these students.

When the teacher came into the room she felt conflicted, the man of course commanded her absolute respect due to the sheer power he could feel from him, but that power was to the source of her confliction. The black haired headmaster gave her the same feeling of impending doom and soul crushing power her had felt from Ervin, yet it felt held back by, he felt stronger then and weaker then Ervin at the same time, this man interested her intensely. Etelka concluded to herself that would pursue her keen interest in the man as long as acceptable, but for now she had his orders to follow, go to her dorm.

Deciding now not being the time to mingle with random students Etelka made a straight course to her dorm, clearly arriving faster then her new companions. She made sure all of 'her' belongings had been taken to her new quarters, most hadn't unfortunately as many of them were trinkets that belonged to mages past their living days. Her two spare dresses and the pack of juice she had on her at the time wear neatly placed on the desk. Etelka slid out her desk chair and grabbed herself a drink, which she sat drinking in silence while staring at the door with her legs crossed and face straight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Shiore Furawa
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#, as written by Keen
Hanako Minami

Though the delay of the start of the academy was only a day in length it only made the wait and the anticipation more unbearable for the girl known as Hanako Minami. She was never the best with meeting new people and now she would thrust into entire school full of not just mages, but demons as well. Nervousness and excitement plagued the young woman's mind even as the day had finally dawned. Even the relatively short drive to the academy, to her new home for the next number of years, felt like an eternity.

Her eyes were glued to the windows as they drew closer and ever closer to the academy until they finally came to a gentle stop near its front gates. With a moment spent to close her eyes and inhale a deep breath in a futile attempt to calm her frayed nerves she turned herself to face the side door with her hands and awaited as her driver came around to open the door for her and help her out into her wheelchair. With a small but sincere smile of thanks she bid the man farewell and began to wheel herself passed the gates and towards the main building. With a quick search into her jacket pocket she retrieved a small piece of folded paper that contained her class designation and the names of her soon-to-be partners.

It didn't take long to find the class, and from the sound of all the chattering from within she was certainly not the first to arrive. She entered from the door towards the back of the classroom where a desk that lacked a chair was specifically prepared for her. From here she sat quietly and simply opted to observe for the time being, crowds made her uncomfortable and she was never quite the social butterfly. Some tens of minutes later the headmaster finally arrived to deliver a short introduction before urging the students to head out to find their dorms. His manner of speaking and the brevity of his introduction gave her the impression that this headmaster was a no nonsense man, a trait she thought befitting for such a position.

His words came as a bit of a relief to Hanako, the crowd of the classroom made her uneasy to begin with so she was more than happy to be free of it. Sparing no time she wheeled herself out of the class room before taking a look once more at the bit of paper from earlier to confirm her destination. A gentle tune emanated from the girls throat as she hummed and rolled through the halls of this new and unfamiliar place. It looked much like she thought it would, though she herself had never attended a normal school back home she had seen pictures. Her thoughts continued wandering aimlessly like this until she finally found herself before her dorm room door.

Hanako briefly took a second to smooth out her clothes and mentally prepare herself before reaching forward to open the door. A rather bland and uninteresting room opened up before her however the room was hardly the thing of most importance as her gaze settled upon the bored looking girl with a most peculiar shade of hair. The first thought that passed through her mind was that this girl, presumably a demon, was actually quite pretty. She quickly shook the thought away however with a blink and put on her most charming smile. "Hello there." She wasn't sure which one this girl was, as she understood it she was to have two demons in her group.

Her gaze shifted over to one of the beds in the room that had some familiar looking luggage atop it, apparently that was to be her bed. With her destination spotted she rolled herself over to the bed and with some small effort transferred herself on to the bed. She reached over to open up her luggage bag as she tried to figure out what to say next. "Um, my name's Hanako Minami, I'm the mage of our little group here. I hope we can get along and work together during our time here." It was about a normal introduction as one could imagine but, she really wasn't quite sure what else to say to the demon that sat not more than a few meters across the room from her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kapento
✼ Bugby Marshall✼


Bugby was calmly progressing towards the designated classroom as he solely strode through the hallways that all lead up to it eventually. With halfhearted eyes beamed forward and lazy steps dragged behind, the green-haired demon soon found himself stood in front of the door that offered access to the area he required. Opening it somewhat cautiously he stuck his head in first to case over the room, before sticking a boot forward and making his way further into the wide space of desks and idle students.

Quickly concluding that there was only a handful of students at best, and paying little attention to any of them at that, the demon kept to himself and walked further down the room towards a seat that was far distanced from any of the other students, or at least as far as he could manage without seeming entirely unsociable. Having settled somewhere Bugby didn’t really take the time to notice who exactly was in the room with him, preferring to stay somewhat anonymous for now until greetings were needed. However it did not take long before their headmaster soon made an appearance, of which Bugby was not so pleased about. So to say.

“Greetings, students. My name is Midora Kurayami, the newly appointed Headmaster of this Academy
” Bugby merely raised a brow in acknowledgement as the headmaster greeted the bundle of students that sat before him. His expression was bored at most as his eyes retained their ever-knowing dispirited look. Even as the teacher spoke the demon did not seem enlightened, but rather more begrudging at the mentioning of mages. As the dark-haired headmaster continued on, Bugby couldn’t help but feel an odd sense niggling away at him, something irking him ever so slightly, of which he could not set his finger on. Perhaps it was due to being stuck in a room with pesky mages and even more un-worthy demons that was getting to him just a tad, perhaps.

”For now, please make your way to your dorms, where you'll rest for the day. The supervising teachers for each group shall be introduced by the first lesson tomorrow. I suggest you all try to get acquaintance with each other and don't cause any troubles. Class dismisses. Have a nice evening, everyone.”

Bugby let out a despaired sigh as he got onto his feet shortly after. He considered much of the headmasters talk to be mere malarkey and not something he’d take overly seriously. However, the demon did accept that venturing to his dorm made some sense, and that was what exactly he would do. Turning on his heel Bugby made little effort to acquaint himself with any of his fellow peers as he side-stepped in and out of the few who got in his way. Clearly personal space was not a priority for some! Just as he was about to storm out the room the headmaster spoke yet again, catching the demons begrudged attention once more.

”Oh, and one more thing,” Bugby narrowed his stare slightly as he waited for the piece of information. ”
all of your belongings had been sent to your rooms. You've been informed which room you'll be staying at.”

With that he left the room, finally.

The demon knew soon enough he would cross paths with his fellow teammates, regardless of how much effort he’d put into not meeting them, it was inevitable all the same. Little time had seemed to pass as Bugby made his way to his dorm room, arriving soon after leaving the classroom, and immediately looking over what little belongings he had that were safely delivered to his room. As he stood beside the beds the demon could hardly care which he claimed as his own, though the top bunk was especially tempting, and with that the bored-seeming demon launched himself upwards onto the highest bed and lay against it with a heavy sigh.

All he had to do now was wait. To wait and see who would form the latter of his team. Oh joy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume
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0.00 INK

Akumu Yume


As Akumu went into the dorm room he was staying in. he saw a girl that looked ten years old or a number near that age, he just stared at her for five seconds with a calm face with no expression. after five seconds Akumu walked into the room. Akumu put his bags down. "Mind if I take the top of the bunk bed." regardless of what he just said Akumu climbs the bed and starts sleeping. when he slept he went to the portal dream door world which is a type of world where you access the other worlds, it was a world filled with doors containing the persons dream if someone was sleeping near Akumu he could access there dream world or just go into the dream worlds he created. as Akumu went down the hallway filled with doors, he saw the door he always goes in there was a door right in front of him with a sigh saying the peaceful dream, he liked that world much more than any other dream world he has created. as he entered the dream world there was a starry sky, a calm wind and there was a dark blue sky which was better than having the sun in your face. Akumu sat down on the grass and thought about what will happen in the academy.

After a few minutes in the peaceful dream world he went out and woke up again. he went down the bed and said to the girl which was still there
"hello I’m Akumu or some people call me the nightmare king and I’m happy to be at your service miss what should i call you." he said this in a calm tone which did not change from there first encounter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

“Tsch, mages. So conceited they would call their prisoners students.” Hive muttered under his breath, part of him wanting the headmaster to hear it, another part smart enough not to. The speech bothered him; once again he was stuck with cursed humans deciding his path. First they sealed his powers, then they forced him into servitude and now they taught they had the right to educate him. The species to control his life at every opportunity they got. Truly, if it weren't for those damned slavers patrolling the campus, Hive would have flown off already. Alas, there was no such thing as an easy escape from the academy.

The headmaster, the so-called Midora Kurayami, urged him and the other 'students' to not cause trouble, get good results and make their ways to their dorms. Three things Hive at the spot crossed off of his mental to-do list. After all, he'd already eaten the paper. Trouble was on the horizon, specifically because of the headmaster's request not to. Hive couldn't help but let out a cackle, when Midora referred to their belongings. as if he had any. “ Pretending to be a gracious host, he have to be kidding us.” Hive wiped his eye. No, he had nothing on him but the clothes he was wearing.

As the headmaster finished, Hive loosened himself from the small crowd. Very few of his fellow 'students' had a mind to stick around either way. Hive had no mind to visit his dorms however. For now the teachers were all in their room and that meant it was the perfect time to snoop around campus. It might seem counterproductive, to explore the place you're trying to escape, but Hive knew that the more he learned, the more likely he could muster it to his advantage... All he knew so far was that besides the obvious fences, a barrier had been erected around the academy. Not entirely unexpected, but had been a disappointing discovery nonetheless.

It hadn't even been a few minutes of wandering before Hive was stopped by a lanky young man with a blond bowl-cut. “Hello there, I haven't seen you around here before. You must be one of the transfer students, yes?” The boy spoke to Hive, adjusting his glasses as he studied the demon. “Are you lost, the dorms are the other way?”

“We're not looking for the dorms.” Hive replied, as he rolled his eyes. He strolled on, without entertaining the boy's attention. Or at least, he tried so.

“The bathroom, perhaps? If you'll follow me-” The boy started, but when he figured out Hive was just ignoring him, his frustration started to show. A vein popped on his forehead, as with held back anger he clearly spoke; “In case you did not know this is a facility that teaches demons to behave. If you continue to be this rude, my hand will be forced to-”

“Forced to do what?” Hive hissed lowly, turned around and morphed his right arm into a praying mantis' blade. “Suffocate on your own bile and blood as we cut out your tongue?”

“Don't threaten me.” The boy growled, as he took off his glasses and challenged Hive to a staredown. He took a wide stance, like a Mexican stand-off, and relaxed his shoulders. Hive showed his teeth, glaring straight back into the boy's eyes.

“Or what?” Hive asked, but he wouldn't need an answer. Magic protruded from his sight into his body. It was a crude, inelegant magic, but it certainly was effective. Hive's muscles tensed up, becoming stiff like sticks. He could feel his mantis arm being forced to reform... But Hive managed to disperse it into bugs from the wrist down. Without unlocking his gaze (even if he could), Hive directed the bugs away from the scene, just so they could circle this smug little mage and choke him as they'd get into his blind spot...

“Hey, Percy! Are you alright!” Hive suddenly heard a second voice. He inwardly cursed, causing the bugs to scatter instead of swarm. He couldn't deal with two mages in this state...

“Yes, I'm good, Harold.” The lanky young man replied. “They're always the most difficult the first few days.” He stated, matter of factly, as he put his glasses back on.

“Don't you tell me.” The other mage sighed. “I remember my demon's first weeks. Cute as a button, wild like a wolf.” Both Percy and Herald laughed. Hive on the other hand, would have bitten off his own tongue if his body wasn't completely paralysed.

“Well, let's get this one to his dorms.” Percy said when he came to. “See you later, Harold. As for you, freshman, start walking.” The mage commanded. A command Hive, of course, ignored. This to the annoyance of the mage, who locked eyes with Hive once more...

Like a marionette, Hive felt his legs beings set into motion. “You call this control, rookie?” He taunted, but Percy didn't listen to his provocations. As if his limbs were made of wood, Hive was puppeted forward. Walking clumsily and silently cursing the place he'd come to... Hive tried mocking the mage's skill further, even insulting him, but Percy willfully ignored him. Hive didn't even know if any of his words hit home... But he would get back at the mage... Somehow...

As they arrived at the dorms; Hive's arm was pulled up and reached for the doorknob much like a blind man. “We feel like you, when you are with a girl.” Hive mocked at Percy's iron, yet awkward grip. This flipped a switch, but not in Hive's favour. He was thrown against the door and it was smashed open with his own body. Moments later, he found himself on the dorm's floor, and Percy standing in the opening.

“Now behave, or I will report you to teachers, little imp.” The mage said, waiting a few seconds before releasing his control, “You are at the academy now, and you'd better get used to acting the part.” After which Percy closed the door.

“What a pest.” Hive muttered to himself, as he got himself together. His muscles still felt stiff from the spell, which was painfully obvious as he tried to stand up. Though his eyes met with two other figures, one seeming as if he was about to sleep and the other with eyes red as if she were a demon herself.

“Ugh.” Hive groaned, cracking his neck and stretching his back with a pained look on his face. “Fellow prisoner, ball and chain.” He nodded to the demon and mage respectively and he waved shortly, before making an awkward realisation. His right hand was still flying around campus. “Oh, wrong arm.” He added, dropping his sleeve over his right arm.

Hive sat down on the last free bed, or specifically; the one without any belongings on it and fell down on it. “We are Hive. Don't get used to our face, we won't be around for long.” He said nonchalantly, closing his eyes and focusing on the sights the free of his insects were experiencing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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0.00 INK

~| Kasumi Toshiko |~


After waiting a short time, a demon entered the dorm room. K studied her partner briefly- he had black hair and seemed about nineteen, however, it was hard to tell with demons.

"Mind if I take the top of the bunk bed?" K nodded, but the demon was already halfway up the ladder. She shrugged and wondered which of her partners he was. She supposed Akumu; he fulfilled the legends she'd heard about him. After a few moments, K heard the gentle breaths of someone asleep. Well, go figure. He controlled dreams, what better to do than sleep?

She unpacked her few belongings, most of it being magical or ritual items. She wondered how much she'd need for the year. Probably nothing. It seemed as though her peers didn't have much. Shrugging, K finished just as Akumu woke. He climbed down the ladder and introduced himself.

"Hello I’m Akumu or some people call me the Nightmare King and I’m happy to be at your service miss what should i call you."

She smiled briefly, her assumptions were correct.

"Nice to meet you, I suppose. I am Kasumi, call me whatever you like. I suppose that since we're somewhat prisoners here, we might as well not start on a bad note. I won't try to do anything overly humiliating. I don't enjoy control." As she finished up her short monologue, she nodded to the demon. "I know who you are. Don't assume I underestimate demons like the rest of the mages here."

With that slightly unnerving statement she turned one last time.

"Don't underestimate me either. I have almost two thousand years of everyone doing that. I don't need any more."

After a while the door smashed open and a demon was thrown into the room. Another student stood there, and in a commanding voice, snarled; “Now behave, or I will report you to teachers, little imp. You are at the academy now, and you'd better get used to acting the part.”

The door closed, leaving the three in a bit of an awkward situation. The new demon stood and stretched. Nodding to the other two in the dorm, he spoke his discomfort.

"Ugh. Fellow prisoner, ball and chain.” The new arrival waved with a handless arm, then realized that his hand was missing. “Oh, wrong arm.” He added, dropping his sleeve over his right arm. “We are Hive. Don't get used to our face, we won't be around for long.”

K nodded to the new demon. She could tell he thought she was weak. She'd seen it enough.

"Welcome to the team, Hive. I hope I don't have to stay long, so might as well not start on a bad foot." K said, relieved that her discomfort wasn't the only. "And as I told Akumu, I have no interest in control. Don't underestimate me, however. I've had almost two thousand years of that." She noted that Hive had his eyes closed but seemed to be watching something. Maybe... possibly he was Gluttony, the locust demon. They definitely seemed similar enough.

K was ready to start the year, even if she never got to finish. This would be one of her first encounters with demons, and she was liking them much more than the mages she'd met.

This would definitely be interesting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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0.00 INK

Akumu Yume


as Akumu said his introduction. the mage replied and said "Nice to meet you, I suppose. I am Kasumi, call me whatever you like. I suppose that since we're somewhat prisoners here, we might as well not start on a bad note. I won't try to do anything overly humiliating. I don't enjoy control."as Akumu listened the girl nodded "I know who you are. Don't assume I underestimate demons like the rest of the mages here." she spoke again saying "Don't underestimate me either. I have almost two thousand years of everyone doing that. I don't need any more."to her words Akumu replied and said "I’m not really underestimating you, you do look like a child much but some demons i have encountered look like children but are really vicious so I don’t judge people because of there looks." as he said this he could hear some people coming as the door opened a mage came in with a demon. it looked like he was using his commanding power on the demon but soon after he left. the demon free from the mages powers said "Ugh. Fellow prisoner, ball and chain.” Akumu thought whats with everyone hear thinking there imprisoned. i mean they are kind of in prison but i have been in loads of wars which is kind of being in prison but for a thousand years, nevermind. the demon that had just arrived noticed that his hand was missing “Oh, wrong arm.”He added, dropping his sleeve over his right arm.“We are Hive. Don't get used to our face, we won't be around for long.” as the demon spoke his introduction he seemed to look at kasumi like she was a weakling. Akumu noticed but did not say anything but he would try to protect kasumi even if she stated that she was not to be underestimated "well I’m going to read a book or somthing." Akumu climbed back up the bunk bed and opened a small bag containing magic books and books about myths and legends, the magic book was so he could find mages weaknesses and the other was to entertain himself.

as Akumu started reading he found the books entertaining and thought that the magic book might come in handy if they do group vs group or something like that Akumu did not need it that much since hes an expert at military combat and swordplay but he might need it for demon or mages with enhanced strength or something like that. as he was reading he could hear the other people unpacking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

“What business does a mage have here if she has no interest in playing puppet master?” Hive asked, though his intonation made it clear he didn't quite take the girl's word for it. The academy had only two purposes, after all, and it couldn't be... “Or do mages around these parts treat their kin the way they treat their dogs?” He mused, mildly entertained by the idea of a two-thousand year old mage being sent off to a school that taught her how to behave. If she had lived to see two centuries at all, that was.

Hive snickered, he didn't know what the girl was trying at. The other demon simply stated he was going to read a book, which in Hive's book was a-okay. If this Akumu wasn't going to bother with him, it meant he'd be all the safer. At the very least in this dorm room. Hive welcomed the disinterest. It was the girl he didn't trust.

“A two-thousand year old human with the face of a fledgling, who has no interest in the whip.” Hive sighed. “A tall tale for us to believe, coming from a girl who's not even given us her name.” He said, opening one of his eyes to look at the mage. Hive wanted to see her face when she'd answer. The demon was not the best judge of character, but he had enough experience with lies and trickery that he thought he'd be able to recognise a colleague of the trade. If she were one. Though as he studied the girl's face, there was something about her that stood out to Hive, and it immediately grabbed his attention. With half a smile, he slyly said;

“You have such interesting eyes for a human...”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Mikari Akigawa Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.


Midora let out a quiet sigh. It seems that not only him, the other folks seemed not very happy with the job they're doing right now though. No one is totally ready for what is ahead of them. Even Midora, someone who always stay calm and untroubled all the time shows a little bit of worry on his expression. But he encourages himself in silent. This is nothing compared to what I've been through, everything will work out. If it is not I who stay calm right now, then who will?

With that thought, Midora turned to look at his group profiles. Well, there was only two because one of the demons has went missing and he knows clearly the reason why, but further than that is none of his concern because it was out of his authority. He just have to wait for the replacement to arrive. For now, Midora just has to see which kinds of students he is going to deal with. Ichiro Ogura and Bugby Marshall, eh?

As he flips the pages of the profiles, he glanced quickly to catch the basic infos about them. Ichigo has the power of conjuration and weapon materialization. A potential magic knight, huh? Though when he looks through the Mage's history, Midora frowns a bit. Seems like someone I can work out with. Then he turned to the other profile. This Bugby kid is different, his attitudes are nothing new to me, but his power... interesting indeed, though I'm pretty doubt that he can do much with it. Let's see how this would turned out.

As he was concentrating on his papers, Sarah raised her arm and asked, "I see that all the students, majorly, come from different backgrounds. Do they speak our language or will we be needing translators?"

Midora shook his head, "Of course we don't. Because you aren't familiar with our school history yet so I'm not surprise that you don't know. When this school was first founded, the first generation of teachers casted a special field around the Academy's wall. Not only it works as a barrier to protect the school from outer forces, but also when all beings, whether mages, demons or humans, no matter where they're from or what their backgrounds are, let's say that they'll just "initialized" with the fields." Midora paused a bit then continued, "Which means, we will be able to communicate in the same language, regardless what languages we spoke. So communication will not be a problem. Hope that help."

He then turns to Embla, but the woman just stated that she don't have anything to ask. He nodded and returned his attention to the profiles. But just as he was reading, his phone suddenly ringing. "Excuse me for a moment." He said as he picked up his phone from his robe and answered it, "Hello, this is Midora... Yes... Okay, I understand, please teleport their profiles for me. Thank you."

Midora then turned off the call and just right after that, a vortex appeared and another two profiles of two students fell on Midora's hand. "Looks like our replacements had been chosen and they'll arrived here soon." He took one profile and passed it to Embla, "Here's the profile of the last member of your group."

With that said, he flips the pages of the new profile that just has been sent to him. He looks at the name. Cleo Gardenia... The demon has the ability of transformation, though it seems that she can only transforms into a small cat. Hmm? She looks like a fox-demon to me, though, let's see how it works. As he glanced through the picture of the demon, he raised an eyebrow. Another mischivious trouble-maker to take care.

After he has finished checking all the profiles, he tapped them onto the table to neats them and stood up from his chair. "Well then, if no one else has any more questions, I will take that as you all are ready. Please take your time and rest for the day now, we have much work to do tomorrow. And please remember to be here at 7:15 AM tomorrow and we'll all go to the classroom so that I can introduce you to your groups." Midora spoke before slowly made his way out of the office and went to his own room. Putting the profiles on his desk, he landed his back on the bed. As he felt the soft cotton against his skin, he let out a small sigh.



Looks like I got to dealt with the hardest group. Even the Mage of this group seems shady to him. But he won't let his pride down that easily because of them, he just have to step it up and there's nothing that he can't fix, even some spoiled demons or some lack of experience Mages. Mikari just have to tame them.

Mikari glances at their names on their profiles to memorized them. Akumu Yume, Hive and Kasumi Toshiko, huh?As for the first one, Mikari remembered to had heard about him sometimes before. Some villages have rumors about a demon who entered dreams and cause people to go insane. They were so scared of him that they've named him with some nicknames like, Nightmare King? And also some nonsense like if he was killed then the waking world and the dream world will collide causing an evil, creepy monster to be set free and destroy everything, stuffs like that.

Though this kind of rumors somewhat caught Mikari's interests at first, he didn't really bother it. If this what-so-called the most powerful Demon broke out, then of course, the who-also-called the most powerful and wicked Mage in the legend will also act. Bah, this isn't worth bothering, knowledges need to be exact, unlike some stupid rumors that can only uses to scare kids. Another thing about Akumu is that he seems to be a sleeping-bag, which is why Mikari decided that he should carry some Awakening Dust with him from tomorrow.

Then Mikari moved to the second one. This one is somewhat of a high-class demon too, but nothing too buggy about him except that he is a wild one, like some rogue demons he used to deal with back at the Guild. Other than that, he can handle him. And that leaves the Mage of the group, the girl Kasumi is somewhat, well, dull. The gaze in her eyes seemed hollow and it didn't seem that she'd trust anyone easily. Moreover, the girl also more fond towards the Demons, as it seemed.

After studying them carefully, he put them in order neatly then put them on the table and leaned on his chair. He looks out the windows and sees that it has almost got dark by now. A moment later, he saw Midora stood up and spoke to them, which gains his attention and went out of the office. Seeing that, Mikari decided that both of them need to talk, to see if each of them is ready or not. He straighthen himself and then stood up, "Well, I guess that's it for today. Please have a nice evening." Mikari smiles to the two ladies before bowed to them and made his way out of the office, towards Midora's room.

Standing in front of his brother's room, Mikari knocked on the door. When he is allowed to get in, he gently opened the door, walks in and closed them behind his back. He saw that his best buddy, now is also his collegue, is laying on the bed.

"Hey there, seems like something are troubling my little Dora-chin, eh? Not very usual." Mikari slightly teases as he walks up to Midora then sat on the bed.

"I'm not troubled," Midora denied, "it's just that... I'm not sure if I can manage to do this whole thing or not."

"Aw, don't deny. I can see it written all over your face." Mikari grinned as he poked Midora's cheek.

"Yeah, I guess it did trouble me a bit. Like back when I found out that I was a Dark Mage."

"Come on, we've been through a lot more worse than this. I'm sure we'll be okay, somehow." Mikari cheered his friend up while a smile popped up on his mouth, "Being a teacher here really did change you. On the more positive way, I think."

Midora kept silent. Yeah, he couldn't deny that. Being able to teach all kinds of student, works with many kinds of collegue after all those years really did change him. He finally learns how to treasure the value of life and manages to tame the demon inside him. Those are the only purposes of his life, what more could he asked.

"Dora-chin." Mikari spoke up again, still with his gentle smile, "I know that your life has been hellish. But that is in the past and this is the present. You've been a teacher for long and you have much more experiences than me. You're the only person that will never give up, no matter what life throws at you. But, if you're worry, then it's okay. It's natural." He said as he puts his hand on Midora's, "No matter how powerful you can be, you're still a human. The pressure and all the problems that you have to fixed has made you forgot how human you are. Which is why you felt anxious because you're facing something that you've never faced before. But trust me, you said that I'm suitable for this job, so I can confidently say that you're suitable for this position too, okay?" Mikari grinned

"Mikari..." Midora felt a lot better after hearing all those words from his best friend. He sat up as a light smile appeared on his face. "Arigato, Mii."

Mikari was quite surprised when he heard that. It has been a long time since the last time he heard Midora calls him that. And it has been a while since the last time he smiled too. Mikari giggled then patted his friend's shoulder, "Anytime, Dora-chin. Besides, you should try to smile more. You looked cute like that."

"Shut up." Midora punched Mikari lightly on the arm as he looked up to the clock on the wall then stood up, "it's almost curfew by now. I'm going to informs the whole school now. Coming?"

"Yeah, I wanna hear you playing flute again. It's been so long." Mikari said excitedly as he stood up and they both went to the garden.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Bugby Marshall Character Portrait: Midora Kurayami Character Portrait: Shiore Furawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ahri


The sidewalk was fairly busy, but he was close enough to the Academy that it would be too easy to take a cab. With one hand he held onto the strap of his satchel slung over his shoulder while letting his other arm dangle lousily at his side. It was a fantastic day out and Ichiro was ready for the Academy. Being stuck at home for so long caused him to have an excessive amount of energy bottled up that he got out on his way here. Though he left a fair share of damages in the wake of his trail, raising his free hand he snapped and small bit's of golden particles quickly formed together to produce a small red gem. With a swift pinch it dissolved and another snap produced a golden coin.Only if their eyes were quick enough to notice my particles they wouldn't have been cheated. Thinking while he flipped the coin the air.

Finally he had arrived at the school. After a little searching he had found the classroom that he was suppose to be in. Normally he would stroll in the room fully plated out in his golden armor so that everyone would remember him, but he decided not to intimidate anyone away at first sight. It seemed as if everyone was already here, making Ichiro either the last or one of the last to arrive. After looking around the room a grin crept across his face as it seemed a lot of the other students were the reserved or laid back type. You could assume by looking at peoples body language, it's not full proof, but when someone sits keeping to them self and nervous like or head down asleep on the desk, the clues are there. Almost instantly as he sat down the headmaster came in and right away Ichiro could feel the power emanating from the man. Midora Kurayami. What a fantastic challenge you would pose in a fight, though as of now death would be assured for myself. The thought though of such a challenge is revitalizing, school may just be fun after all. With a slow grin growing on his face. Just as quickly as the headmaster came he left.

It seemed everyone was going to head to their rooms. The satchel was the only thing he had brought with him so unpacking would be simple meaning he was in no rush to get to the room. After making a few stops to check out bits of the school he had finally arrived at his groups dorm in no rush. What kind of people could be in my group I wonder, maybe if I'm lucky I will get two book smart people who I could transform into party loving brawlers. Or maybe two intense thug style characters, oh the entertainment that would provide could be endless.

After entering the room he looked left....than right.....than left again. It seemed that both his demons were already here before him. One lay on the top bunk though Ichiro couldn't get a good look at whoever it was. The other was a girl and she seemed to be talking with the person on the top bunk. "You two having fun up there. I don't know the bedding situation, but I'm taking the bottom bunk." He said without giving them a second look, throwing his satchel on the lowest bed he felt as if he was forgetting something. He took a step back and looked up again an noticed something that had slipped his mind. "Oh she has cat ears...... wait CAT EARS!" Saying the first part to himself the second half slipped out without him realizing. He stood stunned for a moment, he expected demons to come in all different looks, but it slipped his mind they could look as simple as a cat though she seemed to only have the ears from his angle. Normally he wouldn't have cared an inch how they looked, but since he was a kid Ichiro had loved Lions above all else, the golden mane, power, and title of King all made Lions the greatest creatures in his eyes and it turned into an infatuation with lions that has only gotten worse with age. Though Ichiro won't claim to be the brightest and in his eyes cat's are just mini lions so hes always had a thing for cats just on a smaller scale. His eyes were glued to her ears. Please be a lion, I would forever be in your favor oh master of the fate. He couldn't think of anything else while crossing his fingers. Ichiro had to know if she was a lion and in his mind she had to be why wouldn't you be a lion and have cat ears, that's how his mind was working, and if she was he was dead set on having her be his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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0.00 INK

Akumu Yume


While some people where asleep. Akumu went down from his bed and looked into his bag. he knew this was the perfect time to enter peoples dreams but that's not what he was after. he took out a violin case and opened it. inside there was a small violin it had some cobwebs but it was still it good shape and so was the bow. Akumu opened the windows and started playing the violin, it played a wonderful and beautiful tune. notes flew across the sky only Akumu can see this one of his many hallucinations that he doesn't mention to anybody. he had only played this song to his teacher, his first friend,while playing Akumu smiled but also cried.

after a while of playing his music. he finally stopped"better get some sleep I have school tomorrow which I may be late to." he climbed back up his bed and started sleeping. while he was sleeping he appeared in the dream world the doors had appeared again but there where much more because it was the middle of the night as he entered the peaceful dream world he sat down on the grass and listened to the wind.

after that he decided to check the jail the dream world that held a hundred demons and the prisoner the guards that are just created by Akumu are on Duty. Akumu decided to leave it was really noisy and he didn't like it and Akumu woke up again so he decided to read some books


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

For someone trying to sound so intent on being equals, Kasumi sure turned to threats quickly. 'Don't underestimate me. I'm so powerful. I can do this, I can do that' Mages... Always the same. Hive thought. Yet, for as menacing as Kasumi tried to glare at him, she hadn't even considered that all three of them could simply kill each other in their sleep. It was not relevant how strong they were, it was stupid not to want to be underestimated and it was hypocritical to try and make friends while spewing threats. For a two-thousand year old, she apparently knew nothing about survival.

“Your mind is as young as your face, K.” Hive waved Kasumi goodbye (with his present hand, this time). Not that he himself was much older, but her arrogance was bothersome. “Threats and lies you spin, at our first meeting no less. Highly unbecoming of those supposed to tame the wicked.”

It seemed neither Kasumi nor Akumu were interested in holding any sort of further conversation. Kasumi left the room and Akumu remained lost in his book. Hive simply closed his eyes again to scan the campus through the eyes of his detached hand. A few other bugs loosened their selves from his skin and crawled into various corners of the room. After all, all three dorm-mates could easily kill each other in their sleep. Hive didn't think either of them stupid enough to lay a finger on him, but his gut feeling had been wrong before. Hive would sleep easier if he was keeping an eye on himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Kou A. Usagi Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.




Midora still sleeping peacefully with his arm rested on his forehead and his breaths are quite monotonous. Nothing seems to had troubled him as he slept. As the first lights of dawn rises along with the sun, they peeked through the frames of the windows and brighten up the whole room. The rays then shone of the bed, dancing on Midora's face as they woke him up.

Midora then sat up on his bed and stretched his arms. He scratches his slightly messed hair a bit and then looked at the clock on the wall. It's already 6:00 AM, still early, but he has to get prepare because he knows which day today is, and he also well-awared that it's going to be a long day for him, his collegues and the new transfer students. "I should get prepare." Midora said to himself as he pulled the blanket away from his lap downward then stood up and folded it nicely on the bottom of his bed.

After that, he made his way to his bathroom. He turned on the faucet and adjusted it to the right temperature and strips off his pants before immerse himself under the water streams (Well yeah, he slept half-naked, mind you). Midora closed his eyes as he felt his muscles relaxed under the heat of the bathroom before grabbed the shampoo lotion nearby and washes his hair with a small amount of the liquid.

Meanwhile, in the room next to Midora's, Mikari has just also woke up from his slumber and now he's changing into a more suitable clothes. After finished changing, he went into his bathroom while humming a melody. Somehow, he felt optimistic about all of this and was kinda excited. He then brushed his teeth then fixed his hair a bit. Great, I'm ready. Everyone better aware, cause it's time for Mikari to shine. He smirked to himself in front of the mirror and went out of his room.

With just a few steps, Mikari stood in front of his best friend's room and knocked the door. "Hey Dora-chin, rise and shine. Have you woke up yet? Can I come in?" He asked. "The door wasn't locked." Midora replied from the inside. Mikari then opened the door and stepped in. But just as he stepped in...

Mikari wouldn't have thought that he'd got an eyeful early in the morning like this. He was pretty surprised when he saw that Midora has just got out from the bathroom without wearing anything to cover his torso. Midora's hair is still wet as some drops of water streamed down on his naked skin. And another thing is that the Mage in front of Mikari right now only covered the part from his waist down by a towel hanging around his waists.

Mikari blushed as his face got a bit reddened. This wasn't the first time he saw his best friend half-naked and they're both guys so it wasn't such a big deal. It's not that he has any kinds of feeling towards Midora, but he couldn't figure out why anytime he caught this scene from any of his male friends, which included Midora, he felt quite awkward as his heartbeats got quicken.

"Hey, you're okay over there?" Midora called and pulled Mikari back to reality. "Y-Yeah, I'm good..." He bit his lips and gave a smile. Midora just leaned his head, wondering what was his friend was thinking. After putting his usual Dark Mage's uniform on, he walks towards Mikari. "Want to go and breathe some fresh air first?" Midora asked, feeling quite comfortable, but he still keeps his usual calm posture like everyday.

"Yeah, that'd be great." Mikari grinned like a child. Midora just silently shook his head as he puts on his boots and both of them made their ways towards the garden. Stepped out into the open air, Mikari sniffs and took a deep breath. The air was fresh with the atmosphere still a bit cool. The morning sunshine is still quite gentle. Today's gonna be a perfect day.

"Ah... feels good. Usually I would go jogging around town by now." Mikari said with his smile, "Hey, we can go and have some exercises when there are free times. I missed working out with you."

Midora nodded, "Sure, that's a good idea." Mikari giggled. After that, Midora walked to the rock and sat down in meditation form and Mikari also sat down on the grass. Both of them meditated for about 15 minutes and gather their thoughts. When they're done, they decided to go and have breakfast.

"Say," Mikari spoke up as they walked, "could the students wake up by themselves or there are some sort of... well, alarm clocks to wake them up?"

"Yeah, to avoid class tardiness, I've placed an alarming spell around the walls of the students' room. At the exact time, the spell will "goes off" and sent supersonic waves straight to the brains of the ones staying in those students' rooms. Because it only in their heads, it didn't make any noise to the outsiders of the room, but to them, it's going to be REAL loud."

"So, I guess that the sounds will only disappeared once they have woke up, correct?"

"Yes. Most of the newbies complained about this at first, but they'll got used to it." Midora coldly assured.

"Hehe, you're such an little wicked wizard, you know?" Mikari grinned mischiviously.

When they went through the students' quarters, Midora then abruptly stopped then looked at the time on his phone, it was 6:59 AM. "Wait for it..." he said as the clock ticked 7:00 AM. Right after that, Mikari could hear the sounds of students falling off their beds and even some yelling came out from the rooms. It was kinda hilarious to hear those sounds and he has to resist the urge of laughing out loud. "This Academy sure is fun, I don't know what else is waiting for me but I can't wait."

"Just wait and see." Midora said as put his phone back to his robe and both of them continued to walk.

After having their breakfast, Midora and Mikari went to the teachers' office and took the other two demon teachers with them. Together, four of them went to direction the classroom. Standing in front of the door, Midora turned his head and spoke to his collegues, "Remember, teach them with all of your dedication, but if they make mistake, never go easy on them and help them fix it." Then he turned back and opened the door.

With that, the four of them walked in, interrupting all the talking between the students as the room filled with complete silent. Midora stood in front of the desk and began to talked loudly.

"Good morning, all students. I believe that all of us have rested and ready for this morning. And now, I officially announce that the days of training of this year in Survival Kit Academy begin. As you all have known, within your course, you'll learn how to make yourselves better individuals. I believe that, 12 persons sitting in front of us right now will try their very best, passing your own limits and learn from your mistakes."

Midora paused then turned his head to the teachers who are standing in a horizon line, "Allow me to introduce your supervising teachers, who will be the ones to oversee and advise you. I, Midora Kurayami, Headmaster and also a Mage Teacher, will look after group 3. Standing next to me is Mikari Akigawa, a Mage Teacher and the supervising teacher of group 4. The shorter lady here is Embla Brodersson, a Demon Teacher and supervisor of group 1. And last but not least, Sarah Rayne, the Demon Teacher in charge of group 2. I hope that during your time at the Academy, you will listen and follow every advices we give, strictly follow our instructions so that you can better yourself."

After introduction, Midora paused a bit before going on with the first lesson, "As for the first day, we will have different sessions for both Mages and Demons. Four Mages of four group, please follow me and Mikari-sensei to the training room. The rest of the Demon students will learn their introduction lecture with two ladies here. Let our first day begin."

With that said, both Midora and Mikari made their ways out of the classroom. When they're outside, they waited at the other exit for the Mage Students before they head for the training room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasumi Toshiko Character Portrait: Akumu Yume Character Portrait: Hive
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| Kasumi Toshiko |

“Your mind is as young as your face, K.” Hive waved Kasumi goodbye (with his present hand, this time). Not that he himself was much older, but her arrogance was bothersome. “Threats and lies you spin, at our first meeting no less. Highly unbecoming of those supposed to tame the wicked.”

She'd woken up after a few fitful moments of sleep.

K thought on Hive's words. She had no experience with the world except through grieving eyes, and wished she knew more. How should she interact with incredibly dangerous demons that she was supposed to work with for five years? Stab them in the back in the middle of a conversation? She shrugged, sitting on her bed. She had no bedclothes, mostly just books and ritual items.

Laying back, she considered the second half. Threats and lies... all vague truths, and no threats. Just promises. And taming the wicked? She was barely any better. She'd try and keep her distance. Stay quiet, prove herself to the demon she was supposed to tame.


The next morning she was up very early, gathering a few ink pens and her wits. As she changed into an everyday black outfit, she suddenly heard a screech in her mind. Almost crumpling, she clutched her head. She grimaced and stepped out into the hall, making her way to the classroom before. To her relief, it was the right place. She took a seat and got ready for the first day of school.

After a bit, the Headmaster welcomed them to school. Yay.

"Good morning, all students. I believe that all of us have rested and ready for this morning. And now, I officially announce that the days of training of this year in Survival Kit Academy begin. As you all have known, within your course, you'll learn how to make yourselves better individuals. I believe that, 12 persons sitting in front of us right now will try their very best, passing your own limits and learn from your mistakes."

As he spoke, K started to add her own mental commentary. She really hoped that none of them could read minds.
Better individuals? Sure...

"Allow me to introduce your supervising teachers, who will be the ones to oversee and advise you. I, Midora Kurayami, Headmaster and also a Mage Teacher, will look after group 3. Standing next to me is Mikari Akigawa, a Mage Teacher and the supervising teacher of group 4. The shorter lady here is Embla Brodersson, a Demon Teacher and supervisor of group 1. And last but not least, Sarah Rayne, the Demon Teacher in charge of group 2. I hope that during your time at the Academy, you will listen and follow every advices we give, strictly follow our instructions so that you can better yourself."

She tried to remember which was which, noting that Sarah Rayne looked a lot like an angel- if those even existed. And for her mentor; a mage? Hive was sure to complain.

After introduction, Midora paused a bit before going on with the first lesson, "As for the first day, we will have different sessions for both Mages and Demons. Four Mages of four group, please follow me and Mikari-sensei to the training room. The rest of the Demon students will learn their introduction lecture with two ladies here. Let our first day begin."

As the Headmaster finished, K caught herself drawing runes on her arm, a new habit she'd picked up recently. She read protect, shield, reflect, and flame. All protection spells, except for flame. Really nervous, apparently. She didn't know where the heck the flame came from, however.

She shrugged and rolled her eyes, following her teachers to the training room. She could handle whatever they threw at her.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Kou A. Usagi Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance
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Kou had risen with the sun, the warm rays alerting her to presence of morning. She turned over in bed slowly and stretched, her fuzzy rabbit ears picking up the sounds the still snoozing Etelka and Hanako. The rabbit demon slid out from underneath the covers, going over to the closet and pulling out an outfit she deemed good for the first day. Kou then made her way over to the bathroom and turned on the shower, discovering that her hair was still pink from last night's encounter with Etelka. It was weird to think that someone could possibly like her, especially since Kou had never found herself especially attractive.

The rabbit shook her head to get the thought out. Today was about focusing on becoming better! She pumped her first in the air in order to psych herself and stepped under the steady stream of hot water, scrubbing until her hair turned blue once more and her fingertips were a bit wrinkled. "It feels so nice to be clean," Kou purred as she dried herself off and pulled on her clothing. When she finally went back into the room the sound of screaming and people falling echoed through the walls, surprising Kou and causing her to jump a few feet in the air. "What the-!" Kou cursed and flung open the door to their room in order to see what could possibly be causing so much excitement, but her ears weren't picking up any sound aside from the pained cries of students.

It was only about an hour later and with a full stomach that Kou sat at one of the desks in the back of the classroom. She noticed she was not the only animal demon in attendance and was actually a bit relieved although Kou couldn't tell if the demon was a kitsune or a nekomura, but figured that she would discover which soon enough. It was then that the Head Master began to speak, a man with dark hair and eyes that matched who carried himself with confidence; Kou instantly hated him.

"Good morning all students. I believe that we are all rested and ready for this morning. And now I officially announce that our training days here at the Survival Kit Academy have begun. As you all know, within your course you'll learn how to make yourselves better individuals; I believe that, the 12 persons sitting in front of us right now will each try their very best, surpassing their own limits and learning from their mistakes."

Kou listened with an expression of determination; yes the rabbit was attending the academy by force just like many other demons but that didn't mean she wasn't prepared to learn how to better herself and properly use her abilities. Kou was attempting to keep a positive attitude about it all, but it was hard when you were working with the species that devoured your family. Her attention was drawn back to Midora once more as he began to announce who would be teaching them all. Their group, Group 1, was assigned to a short but pretty instructor named Embla Brodersson. The woman was clearly a demon herself and Kou wondered how she could have possibly ended up in this position.

"As far as how the first day will work; we will have different training sessions for both Mages and Demons. The four Mages of the four groups, please follow me and Mikari-Sensei to the training room. The rest of the Demon students will receive their introductory lecture with the two ladies here. Let our first day begin!"

Kou watched as Hanako left along with the other three Mages. Her heart rate picked up a beat in excitement as she turned to face the two demon instructors, the real fun was finally about to begin!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cleo Gardenia Character Portrait: Kou A. Usagi Character Portrait: Ichiro Ogura Character Portrait: Hanako Minami Character Portrait: Etelka Lantos Character Portrait: Acacia Lance
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#, as written by Jedly


Shiore sat upright in the hospital bed, humming to a playful tune he had heard a few days prior. He glanced beneath the cut out of cloth covering him, there were a few straps of gauze wrapped around his frail chest. ”Owwwww, why was that cat so high up in that tree?” Yes, out of an act of valor and bravery, the boy had attempted to become the hero in a generic scenario, where a cat was stuck in the tree. It happened when he and a few of his classmates were on their way home from school. They were in the middle of chatting about which idol was their favorite, until they waltzed into the scene. Nobody in the general vicinity was tall enough to reach the lowest branch, nor were they versed in climbing up tree trunks. Shiore, being the opportunist, seized the chance to shine. Although his friends were fully aware of his demonic origins, the boy was able to play the role of a human very well. To the extent where he was always perceived as a human of pure bloodline.

He attempted to propel himself up to the first branch, then continue to ascend the tree, save the feline damsel, and save the day. It was foolproof, well, in his mind at least. When he surged towards his target, he accidentally overshot and flew a few meters higher, where there was nothing to grab onto. His descent wasn’t too pleasant. When he awoke, belly-up, he noticed a puff of fur resting on his chest. From what his friends said, he shook the tree so much that the cat lost its balance. But, since cats always land on their feet, it managed to find a soft cushion to break its fall. Sure, he may have received a few fractured ribs, but at least he saved the cat, and had a good laugh with his schoolmates. And that was how he wound up here, examining his own wounds. When Shiore glanced up from the collar of his gown, a middle-aged woman in a nun’s attire was standing before him. Who knew death was so stealthy? ”Idiot boy!” The woman shrieked, tugging tightly on his cheek.

”I’m sorry Aunt Reeeeeeeen. But it was a kitty~” Ren exhaled and shook her head, then squeezed him closer, ”I don’t care if it was a cat, a dog, even the prime minister! You still might be partially human, and even though you are mostly a demon, you are by no means invincible! Who do you think is paying for the bill? You’re lucky you do a lot of good deeds around the town, otherwise you wouldn’t have any donors!” The woman was speaking at a frantic pace, though she couldn’t find a point to truly prove the boy wrong. He wasn’t harmed too much, and the bills were completely covered. The only downside was the amount of school days he was bound to miss. Which, at the most, was roughly two or three. ”Is this how you’ll live your last year of highschool? You know you’re going to that institution next term, right?” What’s it called
” The woman stared at the ceiling fan, tapping her chin as he tried to scrounge around for the name. It was obvious where Shiore had gotten the habit from. Survival Kit Academy. That’s it. Your enrollment has been fully covered, but are you sure you’re ready for dorming? This will be the first time you’re away from the orphanage.” The nun looked at Shiore with a worried expression, dubious thoughts floated in her eyes as they focused on the boy. Furawa was staring blankly out the window, his whitened grin wasn’t present on his face. ”We’ll see, Aunt Ren.”

Back to Reality:

Shiore woke up with a start, the book which had been resting on his chest flew onto his mattress. Yet another glimpse of his past, something here rarely referenced. He had always been a futurist, a person who moved forward and lived for tomorrow. The complete opposite of the stars he was allured by. Ren wasn’t really his aunt, just a nun who ran the orphanage. Though Shiore rarely partook in her sermons, it was nice to pop into them from time to time. The boy had lived a pretty normal life. He had his share of highschool interactions. Friendships made, bonds formed, late night and eleventh hour assignments, he was even confessed to a few times. His playful persona was desirable by some, it seemed. But of course, he had to turn people down, even though it was very uncharacteristic of him. His mind slowly departed from his dream state.

The frequency of his sharp breaths began to slow down, as air began to circulate through his lungs. The room was still dark, and the morning light hadn’t pierced the panes of glass as of yet. Rather than climbing down the bed and potentially waking up his groupmates, who were still fast asleep, he slowly eased him over the edge. With feet first and the weight of a feather, he landed without a sound or a thump. Shiore glanced back at the two, who were still immersed in their dreams. He tiptoed over to his desk and picked up his phone. His blurred vision finally focused on the screen, and he acknowledged the time in his internal clock, ”6:15 AM? Maybe the cafeteria is open?” The rummaged through his bags and produced another set of his attire, the usual black uniform which buttoned across. After a quick wash, change of apparel and the tightening of a tie and scarf, the boy was ready for class. Before he left at thirty ‘til, he stealthily made a cup of espresso, slipped a pair of magnifying glasses onto the nape of his uniform and pocketed his cellphone.

”Rise and shine should be at seven, I think? Might as well go for a walk, then treat myself to something at the cafeteria.” It was a quick trek to the cafeteria, he had some time before it was seven. And when that time finally came around, Shiore could hear screaming from the dormitory, even though he was a ways’ away. ”Wonder what’s happening? I hope Cia-Cia and Liliane aren’t having a celebratory party without me!” He pouted for a few moments, though such an occasion would seem unlikely. If anything, he would be the one to hold such an event. Instead, here he was, sipping from a travel cup and nibbling on a grilled cheese sandwich by his lonesome self. ”Never had one of these. Doesn’t seem very
 Japanese.” He recalled the academy being an international school, so cultures were mixed in all cases. Shiore was listening to an electronic song, a number by an English producer. ”Anyways, I should go to class soon. This song is pretty catchy~ Cia-Cia’s homeland has some nice music.” He rose from his seat, discarded his plate and proceeded to the same classroom. Shiore could see the lights of the dorm rooms in the distance, and a few silhouettes moving frenetically. ”Jeeze, did the whole dorm throw a party? Maybe they’re happy about their new comrades?” Little did he know, that they were all in the midst of suffering and despair.

As his classmates strolled into the classroom, some appeared exhausted and shocked. The boy was sitting forward, his mouth buried into the black scarf. ”Woah. Seriously, what happened?” He sat forward in his seat when he saw Akumu finally walk in, ”Sup A-ku-mu-kun~! How’s it going, old man?” The demon sulked with what Shiore presumed were his groupmates. One was a petite young girl, with blood red retinas and a displeased expression. The other looked like he could kill a person with a lock of hair, he seemed more feral than human in complexion. Soon enough, his own teammates entered the room and took their seats. The headmaster began with his speech, which Shiore listened intently to. Still with a covered mouth, he leaned back in his seat and lowered his headphones to his neck. The man was sporting the same dignified expression from yesterday, a man of boldness and pride. When he referenced group two to their teacher, Shiore recalled the description he was given by Liliane yesterday. ”Definitely looks angelic. That’s interesting. Must be pretty fluffy~. And they don’t look fake either. Can’t think of a person who would go to such lengths to craft such genuine extensions.” After the headmaster beckoned for all of the mages and made his departure with Mikari. Shiore glanced over to Acacia, then back to their teachers. Not a lectuuuuuuuuuure.” He thought to himself in denial. The boy wasn’t too fond of lectures or prolonged speeches.

”And, class is in session. Shiore nodded, with a determined look of cheerfulness on his face.