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Hilda Vaulke

"The light of hope burns eternal."

0 · 700 views · located in Sandbox Fantasy World

a character in “The Valleys of War”, originally authored by Gamer_Templar, as played by RolePlayGateway


Hilda Vaulke

"Wherever my journey takes me, I shall not falter."
Ostara - Heidevolk


Full Name
Hilda Vaulke



One of the human-controlled Northern territories, distant enough to consider themselves relatively isolated from the war between the Alliance and Horde.





142 lbs

General Description
Hilda has many of the features common among humans from the Northlands; blonde hair, fair skin, and a robust constitution despite her lean build. She carries herself with the dignity of her noble heritage, taking care not to let her appearance become dishevelled and unkempt from the long marches on the open road.


Hilda holds true to the ideals of the heroes she strives to emulate; a strong will and a noble heart, ready to step in and lend aid to those who require it. However, idealistic she may be, she is far from naive. A couple of years on the road and being taught beforehand are more than enough education on the ample dangers of the wide world. Much like her kinsmen, she considers herself a neutral party in the conflict between the Alliance and Horde, though she would be inclined to lend aid to a fellow human as a matter of principle. Besides aspiring to become such a renowned fighter, Hilda has also garnered quite the fondness for travel and study, eagerly recording her experiences in a leather bound journal.

To see the world and chronicle her adventures, helping those she can along the way.



Hilda's a defensive fighter, relying on a nimble step and a good shield to dodge or block attacks before returning the favour when the opportunity presents itself. While her defences are pretty decent, a solid hit that bypasses them would throw her off balance, likely leaving her open to a successive attack.

Hilda's elemental affinity lies with the storms, in particular a mix of lightning and air magic. A sword wreathed in arcing electricity can do much to a heavily armoured opponent, and a small yet swift gust of wind can trip up one who relies more on their reflexes. Unlike the traditional mage, a Spellblade such as herself has very little in the way of ranged firepower besides the occasional lightning bolt.

Weapon Skills
The classic sword and round shield are Hilda's armaments of choice. She is also somewhat capable of using a dagger in combat, and perhaps able to hold her own in a bar room brawl if needed.

Protection Type
Hilda's armour, while including metal plates in those vital areas round the shoulders, torso and limbs, is more designed around manoeuvrability than taking direct hits. That's what the shield is for.


The Story so Far
Being the youngest child of three in the Vaulke family - a minor noble house situated in the North - Hilda was free from the pressures of being expected to inherit her family's title and lands. Thus, she was relatively free to choose which path in life she wanted. Growing up on tales of great adventurers told by a couple of the servants who took a shine to her, she was quick to express her desire to learn the way of the sword and study magical theory. Hilda's parents saw little reason to discourage their daughter who held so much passion, even if her motivation had sprung from a childish fantasy. They sent for an experienced Spellblade to tutor their daughter when she was old enough, to see if she had the will to see this dream of hers through.

Over the years, the rigorous training honed the bright-eyed little girl into an intelligent, disciplined young woman. Eager to put her skills to good use, Hilda spent her time aiding the local militia in keeping the peace and fighting off the occasional raiding party, which endeared her to the common folk. And yet she yearned for more. To see the world she had heard so many stories about with her own eyes. And so for the past two years, she has done just that, seeing the sights and aiding those in need along the way.

Bellemere - Hilda originally crossed paths with this curious woman during her travels, and the two of them ended up getting along quite well together. Funnily enough, Bellemere has proven to be a delightful source of conversation, when she's in the mood for it.

So begins...

Hilda Vaulke's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makana Valhai Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton
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The door went suddenly open and two tall figures walked in. As they went into the reach of the lights, it was revealed that these are two men, one wearing a mage's robe and a pretty silly hat, while the other one, a real mountain when it comes to height, was wearing an armor made out of some strange material no one in the room could recognize. Both took a seat at one of the free tables, contemplating the warmth and the cozy atmosphere the Jackall had to offer.
“Now that's some lovely place, don't you think so, brother?” asked the mage, smirking the whole time. “Perhaps I can make it even lovelier. Hey, bartender, tonight all drinks go on me!” he yelled, so everyone present could hear him. “Now that's how you attract their attention.” he said quiet towards his companion.
“Was it really necessary, brother?” the tall man made himself more comfortable on the table and took off his helmet.
“Well, if you want people to notice you, you have to first pique their interest. And that's what I did. You need a job and this place looks better like an orc's yurt, so stop complaining.” the mage also took off the silly hat.
“I can't say you didn't pique their interest. I just can't stand all those people looking at me like that.” the warrior noticed too many stares coming their way. This wasn't going to be a peaceful evening, for sure.
“Well, I only threw the bait, now I'm waiting for the catch.” the mage didn't see that bothered, smirking a lot. Oh, this evening will be interesting, for sure.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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The Spicy Jackal… a curious name for a tavern, but Hilda was not one to question it too much, particularly as said establishment offered a welcome reprieve from the open road for herself and her companion. A couple of drinks and a table far enough away from the general hubbub was all that they needed to enjoy themselves.

Yet even from where they were sat, the pair could all too easily hear a loud voice addressing all and sundry, promising free drinks for everyone. The swordswoman glanced in the direction of the speaker to see an armoured warrior and a robed wizard, both clad in quite possibly the most ridiculous-looking garb she had seen outside of circus performers.

“Must be some deep pockets they have, to make such an offer so readily,” Hilda wryly remarked before turning back to her friend. “What is it about these places that attracts such outlandish people?”

Outlandish certainly was the proper word for it. The woman beside the warrior shook her head.

Although truth be told, Bellemere had only duly noted the rowdy duo inviting everyone to buy a drink on their tab. Amusing, if somewhat inconspicuous given that strangers didn’t typically respond well to loud-mouths with money to spend. Not unless they could steal it, anyway. Similarly, the mute woman hadn’t given much thought entertaining the prospect of taking that offer and instead resumed scraping dirt from underneath her fingernails with the point of a dagger; as much a need as it was a way to disguise her spying habit.

She took some notes, like the obvious skeleton in the room (which certainly made her turn for a better look), the giant fellow in armour and its much smaller companion, but otherwise most people went without comment. All the same, Bellemere had her metaphorical guard up. Ears pricked and catching whispers so carelessly dropped.

She paused, looking at Hilda with something not unlike a smirk. The swordswoman caught that look, and flashing back a smile of her own she said, “Heard something interesting, I take it?”

Smirk pronounced, edging the shimmering of a grin at the bemusement. Still, it wasn't exactly high magic to tell from obvious signs. Bellemere, for all her training, never did master subtlety when it came to expressing joy anyway. She nodded, a finger jutted towards the growing mess of a group.

With months of petty payments and guard patrol duty for merchants that sold the equivalent of cow dung, well… Maybe taking a chance with the not so inconspicuous party had some more value.

Plus, free drinks.

Bellemere gestured her companion to follow, shifting behind the swordswoman as to adopt a more obedient and passive body language. She'd trust Hilda to get the hint. Made more sense that she'd take the lead anyway.

Although in their short time, typically, the mute woman jumped for the chance to make would-be friends. There was something about getting a clue from this rag-tag band of individuals who had all congregated around the jolly mage and his less enthusiastic brother.

Hilda took note of her companion’s excitement. It didn’t take long to weigh up the pros and cons of embarking on this venture. After all, if they felt that it wasn’t worth the money, they could always try their luck elsewhere. “I suppose it can’t hurt to see what they’re offering. Shall we?”

The swordswoman got up from her seat, making her way towards the motley group with Bellemere in tow. She gave them a polite greeting as she approached. Bellemere did much the same, nodding along with Hilda's more friendly and approachable introduction.

“Any room for two more?” she asked with a warm smile. “If this is for a job, my friend and I would certainly be interested in joining you.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton
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#, as written by Zaria
Wait? What the hell is going on here? First there's this another weirdo with a mask, then yet another masked weirdo steals him, and leads to a table with random patrons. And now... just as we're following, cause of course brothers had to move.
Well, fine, I would check it myself. Anyway, as we move, yet another two join in.

“Any room for two more? If this is for a job, my friend and I would certainly be interested in joining you.”
Man, crowdy. - He thought, while Lich, and her friend slowly grew annoyed. Too much time is wasted here, in Lich's opinion.

"I guess there is... - Gaveth said -... we could get a bigger fish." Fish? Really? Man, they'll think I'm a fisherman, from a small village, which happens to be the truth, though that's a long, long... gone past.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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Not noticing any reaction from the mysterious person, Kerph decided to wave his hand in front of the weirdo, trying to get anything out of the person. Still seeing no reaction from behind the white mask, he looked at the other person, the one being dragged to the table in the first place. “So, I guess someone isn't gonna answer my question. But I have a different one for you, friend: you seemed interested in our little group, probably wanting to join. Is that assumption correct?” the mage took a long look at the second masked figure, this one wearing comfortable robes.
Meanwhile, Dranten looked over his shoulder to notice more people approaching their little squad. On one side, he didn't mind having an advantage in numbers, on the other though: the more people in, the less gold for everyone. Or, like the shabby guy said, they could go for a bigger fish. He saw two women, one of them dressed typically as the Norsemen and the other was dressed more like a lady, though something seemed unusual about her, like some crucial part of her body was probably cut out of her living flesh. The warrior knew there were some cults that cripple their own members, but he didn't see the point in such things.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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Lost and confused, the skeleton just realised he had been driven into the group by a stranger who also seemed interested in the party and who understood Skelly was trying to join it as well.

And it wasn't going to end soon. Two more figures were coming towards the party, and their intentions of joining weren't hidden.

As the two newcomers were approaching, the mage spoke to Skelly : "So, I guess someone isn't gonna answer my question. But I have a different one for you, friend: you seemed interested in our little group, probably wanting to join. Is that assumption correct ?". Skelly responded by a nod and a friendly thumb up with his gloved hand.

Though something felt odd. He had this strange feeling that someone discovered his actual condition. How would they notice ? Skelly could only think about some sort of magic to explain how he would have been found out. Has magic evolved that much since he was dead ? Nothing in his book told him about "Necromancing detection". Maybe some other forces could be the reason of how he was revealed. But for now, he doesn't know who uncovered him, or even if someone really did, it was just a bad feeling about all this.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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A slight nod and a thumb up was the only answer Kerph got from the weird masked man. “Not the most talkative one, I see. Almost like my brother.” he chuckled, looking over to Dranten, who was focused on those two women who joined the little group slowly growing in numbers. The mage couldn't help but read the minds of the people gathered around the notice board. Oh, he looks silly in the eyes of the Norsewoman? That's quite adorable coming from someone who's wearing pelts no matter the temperatures outside. The other woman, the one accompanying the swordswoman... She piqued his interest, as any roguish assassin-like person would. He needed to find out more. Just like he needed to find out more about the drow - the weird masked figure sitting at the table next to him. The other masked figure... He literally went into a completely hollow cranium, he could see the bones, completely lacking any sort of flesh to cover it, with thoughts swarming around, but never reaching the place where he was standing. He withdraw, not wanting to be affected too much with this view. Next person was the old soldier. Or a fisherman, huh. There was something interesting about this man though, a place inside his brain, covered in darkness, where Kerph couldn't walk into. Some demonic magic, obviously, denying him access. Well, he was never good in demonology, so he left, but still wanting to investigate further. Another brainless skull met him, as he tried to read the thoughts of the armored giant. He hated all those undead, or rather necromancers who totally fucked up their jobs with recreating a life form. And the last brain – he didn't even get an actual opportunity to try, as he literally was kicked out by the masked woman. The way she protected her privacy left him a bit dazed, but he quickly regained composure after he was poked by his own brother.
Dranten noticed how his brother was looking at all people. Mind reading, as always. He really was irritated by his bro sticking his nose into others lives, like this would be any of his business. He poke Kerph with an elbow, which je noticed was a good move, as his brother seemed to not feel that well after the mind reading, which was a bit disconcerting, for something like this rarely occurred.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Gaveth Character Portrait: Bellemere
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#, as written by Byte
She could feel the mage’s stare bore into her psyche. Didn’t even presume to be subtle about it, and Bellemere figured responding with a bright smile was all she could do to dissuade any further investigation in what was, essentially, a vault that only she had any right to enter. That is, unless the man had more sense than he let on. She could never be sure, but something about not spreading nasty rumours came to mind; Resounding with a stern, calculated tone in her thoughts. Bellemere made sure that if there was any mind-reading to be had, it wouldn’t be at her expense.

Hilda’s response to the unwanted intrusion was to shield her mind and surface thoughts against the mage’s mind-reading. The only outward change in her expression was a brief furrowing of the brow. Despite not being a full mage herself, Hilda still knew enough of the art to make any further probing attempts a rather regrettable action.

The swordswoman turned to speak to the mage’s brother, eager to get down to business. “Well then, whether we are departing now or later, would you mind telling us the nature of this job? ”

Hilda typically had a good mindset for getting to the point as it were, and Bellemere was thankful for it. No need to dilly dally around the issue, they weren't exactly here to make lifetime friends. The unassuming mute had caught her partner by the wrist, brushing the northerner's hand towards the near-empty purse of gold hanging limply by her hip; Eyes caught an understanding glimpse before she left Hilda to making an appropriate deal.

“Ah yes, my companion and I would also like to know, how much would you intend to pay us for this job?”

Meanwhile, Bellemere had strutted over towards the job board that some of these would-be companions had flocked to, nodding politely as she approached before eyeing the work on offer.

Most requests were easily disregarded as mere peasant work, a particular farm-hand would suit just fine. Others included guarding caravans or helpless villagers requesting a safe journey by offering a meager reward (free meals at least, thankfully). Then her eyes stopped at a curious note, stuck with the remains of a knife to the wood behind it. Request in effort to help stop the bandit outbreak, the signature of the local guardsmen emblazoned on the lower right corner of the note.

The woman contemplated, briefly, then turned to look at the three individuals beside her. The old man in particular. A hand beckoned him to come take a closer look. Surely, a job from official sources would give a handsome reward...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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#, as written by Zaria
Today is the most confusing day of his life, war was better than a strange masked person, that steals away one of their possible companions, sits down, and... does nothing. Good thing is, that as one of the brothers spoke, and asked the other masked guy, that sat. Reply came, in a form of thumbs up. Always something, he didn't expect mute though.

"Well, feel free to tag along then, like the rest I guess" He said, and felt an odd presence in his mind, different then usual. Though it quickly... left, he still got to hear the thoughs of his usual companion.

Well, well, look at that, someone's bit too curious. Guess I'll break- He chose to neglect the rest, didn't want to listen to an old demon, and in a way... a friend.

In the meantime, Feiska took note of the mage invading minds of others. From her perspective...
Humans were simple, mages even simpler, but usually secretive when it comes to their actions. Still, not this one - mage clad in something so bad looking, that it is indescribable visibly began to visit the minds of others. He didn't even try to hide it, insolent fool.

Naturally it backfired in some cases, and just as he was about to reach into her mind... he took a step onto a slippery ice. - Kicked out he was, in a simple way, with a simple spell.
She didn't like him at all before, and now he's on a thin ice to being frozen, but his reaction, how dazed he was... is simply priceless.

“Well then, whether we are departing now or later, would you mind telling us the nature of this job? ” The swordsman, with magic whirling around her asked, and almost immedietly her friend gave her a sign, by grabbing her wrist. Exchanged glances could tell everything, to a keen viewer, witha good idea. - Pity the old man is too focused on the other mute, the one that smells like death, and sits with yet another... death touched fool. Otherwise he would've notice, hopefuly.

“Ah yes, my companion and I would also like to know, how much would you intend to pay us for this job?” The second, rogue added, as it would seem. Gaveth finally glanced at them.

"It all depends on what job we take, and it's more of a sharing the spoils kind of thing, just like the adventurers."
He said, and noticed how one of the women moved closer to the board, then not long after beckoned him.
Now I wonder what she found? Kitchen work? He thought, and chuckled, as he made his way towards the board once more. Leaving others near the table. Except for that darn woman, and the big guy still clad in armor. They follow him like damn dogs in need... of petting?

"So you found something." Sounded more like a declaration, than a question, and he wanted it to be the latter.
He looked at her, the silent type as it would seem, and tried to follow her gaze, at least when it comes to the level.
He did, and he managed to find it, what she was looking at...
"Ahh, so kitchen work after all, hell, you don't need us to do that, right?" Maybe he missed it after all...

In the meantime, Feiska thought of a simple idea - a way to punish little mage for how insolent he was, and that idea is... to invade his mind with a trully malicious spell. One that will leave him pained, and dazed for a short while. - And so she did.
OOC - ^^

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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Dranten was caught off-guard, when the swordswoman addressed him with the question about payment and work. Lucky him, the old soldier interfered and took over the initiative, saving the poor warrior from answering a question he actually had no good answer to. He turned back to his brother, just in time to notice Kerph's face gnarled in pain. A shriek similar to that of a banshee escaped the mages lips, piercing into the ears of those standing nearby. Before the mage actually collapsed, the older brother grabbed him tightly and help him sit down on one of the benches near the table.
Kerph didn't notice it at first, but a sudden pain inside his head brought him to the realization that someone else was invading his mind at the very moment. And it was a truly brutal assault, like a stab of an assassin's blade, poisoning his mind like only a necromantic spell could. His screech surely caused pain to those standing nearby, but he couldn't care less at the moment, tormented by the one person he couldn't actually invade. He glanced in the eyes of the masked woman standing beside the metal giant, his fingers reaching claw-like for the woman. Thankfully, his brother caught him just in time, before he fell onto the floor.
Dranten saw, at whom his brother was pointing. He turned to the weird woman, at least he thought it was a woman, and asked politely: “Excuse me, my lady, could you please stop torturing my brother that much? I know all too well what an asshole he can be, but there is no need to resort to this kind of treatment, even in a case of him obviously intruding into your privacy.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Gaveth Character Portrait: Bellemere
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#, as written by Byte
Bellemere couldn’t help but grin at the misconception of “kitchen work”. Perhaps she misjudged and this old veteran look was nothing more than a facade. Although the way this man carried himself, weaponry and all? Didn’t seem like the type to play games with expectations. Honest to a fault and so Bellemere shook her head at the man’s remark, jutting a finger at the bandit job hanging just above the menial task mentioned earlier.

As she was about to mention the job to the rest of the group, making sure to tear the note down after the soldier had read it, a piercing scream filled the tavern; alerting not just the small band of adventurers, but the tavern as a whole. All manner of patrons looked up from their casual drinking, some holding their ears to dampen the noise cutting through the room, others looking up in shock or frustration (likely the latter were too drunk to take much note if it anyway). The flamboyant mage who had earlier given a staredown to several people nearly fell to the ground, clutching with a limp hand in something not unlike desperation for something.

Bellemere looked towards her companion for a moment, although didn’t think Hilda was capable of causing this. She didn’t know the exact extent of the spellsword’s abilities, but surely this was beyond her. Eyes calmly traced a path from the outstretched hand to the masked woman standing beside the giant, the pair hadn’t caught her attention much. There wasn’t much to be said besides the obvious, although she had to make a mental note that the purple mage probably wasn’t the only spellcaster. Judging was a moot point, however, and with an agreeable nod towards the masked woman Bellemere resumed her own order of business.

With a brisk pace she approached Hilda again, handing the piece of paper over with perhaps a little more force than she thought was necessary; thoughts swaying between opting to take the lead, or just leave these people to their own devices. She gave a quick sign, both hands pointing forward with index- and middle finger, waving them up and down in quick succession. She wanted Hilda to make it snappy. Not that she wasn’t keen to work with a larger group, but so far first impressions hadn’t exactly taken to positive results. The northerner she was familiar with, the others she could take or leave. Maybe bring along the soldier and his silent entourage, but the others were noted with increasing boredom.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth
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#, as written by Zaria
She stopped caring about the old man, about what was said. What mattered now was how enjoyable it was to punish the little mage for his mistake.
So... she couldn't help but grin underneath the old mask, grin until one man - the... warrior as it would seem decided to open his gaping hole, that others would see as a mouth, to speak.

“Excuse me, my lady, could you please stop torturing my brother that much? I know all too well what an asshole he can be, but there is no need to resort to this kind of treatment, even in a case of him obviously intruding into your privacy.”

Asshole? Certainly. Intrusion of her privacy? Not just hers, but all that he thought were interesting, she's sure of it.
What's worse is, that he lacks the right touch for these things - he's just utterly dumb, and blunt when reading minds of the others. - For that he should be punished. So...

"No, why would I do that? Better, what will you do now? Squirm, and beg me to stop? - She paused, and let out a light laugh - That would certainly amuse me. Hmm, best you start begging.

The woman certainly wanted to humiliate both brothers, Dranten knew such people all too well, always trying to hide how small they actually felt behind cruelty. Even though the warrior was a proud man, he knew only this could actually save his brother from further torment. He was ready to beg for his brother's life on his knees.
"DON'T YOU EVEN DARE GIVING THIS TO HER, BROTHER!" Kerph's angry voice filled the warrior's mind. The mage felt the pain, of course, but humiliation was way worse than that. Dranten stopped his movement. He looked at the woman once more.

"Causing him pain won't teach him an actual lesson. He surely will do the same thing again and again, just to annoy you." he said, sure she didn't expect this.

Baffled she stood still, with an open mouth beneath the mask, taking in air slowly, although needlessly... she began to laugh. - Loudly, and almost insanely.

"I could kill you both if I wanted, I could leave him in a state far worse than death, and yet he refuses to bow..." She smiled, mage looks like a buffon, but she likes his final attitude.

"Like a rock... - she muttered, then said louder - Fine." with the latter, spell was lifted.
erph sighed when the pain subsided. He looked at the woman with a smile. "I already saw and touched things that are more than death. This pain wasn't even close enough to the lowest levels of them. And it'll take much mire than that to kill any of us." The mage pointed at his chest, with blood slowly making his way from underneath his nose.
Dranten looked at his brother for a moment and said, hitting the mage's head with an open palm: "How many times did I told you to not rape brains during your mind scan? I thought your teacher told you doing this should be like having decent sex and not gang-banging people!"
Kerph took a hit with another smile. His brother was right. But he also liked to see reactions and being absolutely sneaky doesn't cause any of those. He didn't need to read minds to know more about people. He could invade their minds and their reactions to it would tell him more than any thought he might have fished out of it.

Strange words, strange look, weird way of treating each other. She didn't understand them at all.
"I don't get you two..."

It happened all while Gaveth noticed the grin, and quickly realized his mistake, with a bit of help in form of a finger.
Ohh - he reacted, then reached with one hand behind the back, to massage his neck. Not the kitchen work, but a bandit problem.
"Darn, that's embarrassing." He muttered, and almost immedietly heard the eerie voice once more.
Ohh, don't you give me that, we both kno- shut up, he quickly cut her off.
Then just as his new companion was about to take the note. Scream caught their attention.
Of course one of the brothers, and of course... one of the more stiff friends of his had a noteable play in this.
The masked girl... what the hell are you doing, with all these people staring at you. - he thought and silently watched. Not for long though. Lucky him.
Quickly the silent woman beside him returned to her... ideas? Well, what her goal is right now is something unknown to him. Kinda.
Bit of chaotic waving, signs here and there, bit of unhappy grimaces, and then the warrior woman and the rougue went into a thinking mode, or so it would seem.
Huh, wondering when to wash or what?

"So we all set? Up for the adventure stuff, and money earning?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth
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0.00 INK

Hilda’s hands shot up to cover her ears as she weathered the unexpected shrieking from the mage in purple. She did what she could to shut out the unearthly din, focusing on the mental barriers she had erected. When the screaming finally stopped, Hilda let out a sigh of relief before looking the mage over, trying to work out what it was that made him almost collapse. Her gaze settled on the masked woman, briefly smirking when she realised exactly what had happened. Served him right for poking around in places he shouldn’t.

The swordswoman was then rather suddenly approached by Bellemere, armed with one of the notes taken from the job board. Hilda gently took it from her companion’s hand, reading the details of the job, nodding thoughtfully…

“This certainly looks like the payoff would be well worth it, Bellemere, though perhaps we should see if the others…” Hilda looked back to the rest of the group just in time to witness the two brothers having a… a discussion of sorts on the ethics of mind-reading. She grimaced. This did not look promising in her eyes.

She looked back to Bellemere. “…On second thought, perhaps it would be best not to trouble them when they are so preoccupied.”

To Hilda’s surprise, one of the others present decided to take matters into his own hands and pose the question of whether everyone was ready to depart. She glanced once more at the arguing brothers and replied, “I would be, though the sight of those apparently in charge squabbling like children does little to inspire confidence.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
Arguing with his brother was one thing, but Kerph was also really aware of other things happening around him. And the strange behaviour of the notherner, with the suggestions that the team should leave the two brothers behind, was just too much of an annoyance. He turned to the woman with a very serious look on his face, totally different from his usual smile. "Excuse me, lady, but neither me, my brother nor Gaveth have actually asked you for assistance. You also aren't in charge here, no matter how high rank you were in that tiny village of yours. Where we come from, people know that you can be as funny as you want when out of danger, but the real skill that is required in combat CAN only be shown in combat. And you never saw any of us fighting, yet you still seem to doubt in my skills or those of my brother. Any idiot can tell you're merely a spellsword in training by analysing your aura, and you still judge someone who has devoted his entire life to only ONE path. Also, I'd ask for the refund on the runes on the hilt of your sword, if I were you. They look like a 3-years-old wrote them, while still being half asleep."
Dranten, to support his brother's words, stood right next to him, looking down on the woman from his enormous height, his eyes cold. And as his brother said, the girl had to be a spellsword, her Chi divided, not comparable to any real swordsman nor mage he ever met. Using both swordplay and magic might have advantages, but to master those both disciplines would take way more time than the girl had trained for now. He then turned to Gaveth. "You suggested doing a job in the first place, so I guess you should be the leader, especially as the oldest of us all, the most experienced. It's up to you to decide how the team will be build."

Hearing all Gaveth covered his eyes briefly, and sighed. Wondering how is he supposed to deal with these recruits... then he realized he's still thinking in wrong terms, and chuckled at his own thoughts. - Quickly he stopped though, and with stern look said:

"Enough... - he started, as he stared at the brothers, but slowly focused on one of them, the mage -... bitching around."
Then his glance slowly went over cold companions, and the duo - rogue, and warrior.
"We've got a job, so let's get going, unless someone wants to whine more."
Well, first they will need to get to the guy that requires their services, the guardsman, was it?
Words from note flashed through his eyes, demon being helpful as always by digging through his memories. - He still didn't say thank you.

The mage smiled again at the part where he was mentioned and nodded his head, when the old soldier spoke of getting the job done. He already started liking Gaveth, like he actually liked every officer or veteran that wasn't treating his companions like shit, but was going straight to business.
Kerph also noticed Gaveth didn't mention one of the people that were actually ready to join them. He slightly poked the old soldier, then pointed at the poor masked guy who has been dragged away. "He probably wants to go with us."

"Oh, right, I forgot. - Gaveth reached for yet another weirdo, and pat the sitting guy on the shoulder - Feel free to tag along."

In the meantime Feiska observed it all with slight mildly annoyed, partially at how long it takes for them to move, and partially for having nothing interesting to do in this tavern. Besides watching stupidity, which is fun, but not for long. So she stood with crossed arms, while her guardian, the armored man poked her arm lightly.

"What?" She asked him telepathically.
"Maybe they will warm you up." Old warrior had the audacity to say that, better, it's been a while since he said anything, even when it comes to telepathic communication.
"Shut up." She said, slightly blushing under the mask, due to understanding it in two ways.
Luckily for her, she at least still could feel some things. But not the taste of food... sadly, terribly in her opinion.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth
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0.00 INK

While Hilda was willing to concede on the point that it had been her who approached the group unannounced and invited herself in, as it were, whatever point the mage wanted to make was almost immediately undermined by the unnecessary tirade he directed at her. The swordswoman let out an irritated sigh while she patiently waited for him to finish.

The irony of it all wasn’t lost on Bellemere as she stood beside her companion, musing on the statements that were made more out of frustration than actual logic. With a mild impatience she waited, looking at the brothers with a glare that matched their own

Although hers wasn't as practiced as theirs, it seemed. Less telling, anyway.

“Do all of your kind make so many wild assumptions, or is it just yourself?” Hilda calmly retorted. “If you wish for me to take my leave of you, then I would be glad to oblige.”

Would she really, though? So far this job was the only one that paid a decent wage, and Bellemere wasn't exactly begging to become some farmer's worker for a measly stack of gold.

The woman held up a hand, open palm facing the two brothers; probably asking them to wait. Bellemere quickly reached for a piece of charcoal and some torn paper, and with diligence and grace she wrote down a clear message, handing the note to the soldier, who seemed more likely to listen to reason. Not that the mage wouldn't, but his brother seemed less… impulsive.

"Please forgive my companion. She can resort to brash judgements when the mood takes her, the road has not been kind. We simply want to help in exchange for a modest share, with your approval, of course." The note was accompanied with a shy, apologetic smile. Animosity between would-be adventurers wasn't a good thing at present. Despite her own opinions, they needed this money. No matter who was along for the ride.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth
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0.00 INK

Dranten took the note from the mute woman. He took a quick look at what was written on it, then showed it to Kerph. They both nodded, then the warrior addressed the woman. “I guess both sides aren't completely without fault, so HE apologizes too.” the man poked his brother, who went back to his usual smile. “He is just really curious about others and can't keep his eyes, ears nor brain out of other's business. But he didn't mean to do any harm. And, as Gaveth suggested, we should get going. The longer we wait, the more people get hurt by bandits.”
Kerph wanted to chuckle as his brother explained everything, as Dranten was more of the silent type, but when he opened his mouth, he usually spoke very logically and reasonable. The mage took a look at the swordswoman, as irritating as she was, he really wouldn't lie to her. “You might not believe me, but the runes on your sword are really just scribbles. They don't bare any magic to it. Well, perhaps a very wicked curse, but I can't tell this right now.” He knew she wouldn't believe him, but well, he tried.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Gaveth
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0.00 INK

Hilda nodded in agreement, satisfied that the mage’s brother was of a more sensible disposition. She would have had something to say about his propensity for poking into people’s heads, but it looked like he was only going to learn about that the hard way.

The swordswoman raised an eyebrow as the mage himself approached her, this time to tell her about… runes on her sword? She smiled and shook her head. “Again with your assumptions, I see. Or perhaps it is your eyesight? But really, this is just a normal sword; Spellblades have no need of runes.” Hilda unsheathed her sword and held it out for him to inspect, giving him ample time before she sheathed it again. From hilt to blade, there were no runes inscribed on the weapon.

“Perhaps if there is time later, I would not mind enlightening you on the basics of my craft. From one scholar to another. But for now, we have business to attend to, no?” With little else that needed to be said, Hilda stood beside Bellemere, ready to move out when the order was given.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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0.00 INK

Well, at least the arguments were settled. Everyone came to an agreement, finally. Skelly wasn't very patient, and his inability to participate in the conversation doesn't help solving the problem. In the mean time, he was thinking about all this.

First off, he wasn't really complaining about the quest. It wasn't really his motive for joining the group in the first place. No, he wanted information from the mage. Those Soul Shards could be very useful and interesting for experiments. Helping with the "bandit cleansing" was just a way to achieve his goal, maybe even acquiring the mage's sympathy, and thus getting more knowledge out of him.

He was also intrigued about the swordswoman. The ability to combine weapons and magic ? His curiosity grew stronger by the thought. Following the group would be perfect to witness its use.

Even though he didn't react at first, Skelly was also thinking about the mage's attempt the invade his mind. A futile effort, if not a fatal mistake, as his spirit was totally broken from his reincarnation, only bound by the necromantial magic that gave him life back. He knew it was a terrible vision to witness, and very uncommon to see. Any mortal mind would be consumed and torned by it. But apparently, the mage wasn't suicidal, as he felt him backing off seconds after his intrusion.

His eyes stared at the two other masked figure, especially at the masked woman. He witnessed the mental duel between her and the mage. Well, she was more like "bullying" the mage than dueling him. Although she is quite frightening, trying to mentally rape people who are a bit too curious, he couldn't help but feel at ease by looking at them. Not sure why, it just reminded him of the undead settlements he's used to.

Cutting him in his thoughts, the soldier patted his shoulder. "Feel free to tag along" he said. Again, Skelly gave him a thumb up, expressing his will to follow them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lich Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Skelly, the wandering skeleton Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zaria
While the silent masked guy gave him a thumbs up, he heard swordswoman talking about the runes, and assumptions - well, actually it all happened at once, almost.
He didn't have trouble comprehending few things at once, but it is still a nuisance, and once the magic words "...we have business to attend to, no?" were said, it was clear someone is slowly becoming impatient. - That someone naturally not being him, he's been trying to leave for a while now.

"Well, yeah, business. First we ought to met our employer. So if everyone's done drinking or... whatever that you do." He glanced shortly at the masked guy, then his cold companions, that still didn't drink a thing. Then went back to the rest.

"Ready? - he asked for the last time, as he turned towards the exit - Cause I'm leaving right now."

Kerph looked at the swordswoman. So she couldn't see the tiny rune. Kerph guessed it was hidden from her sight by the creator, but in what purpose was a mystery even for the mage. He just shook his head and nodded that he is ready, when Gaveth said he'll be leaving right at this moment.
Dranten was ready for quite some time now to start their little adventure. They needed to move their asses and stop talking.
With that Gaveth, brothers, and Feiska, with her guardian - Grim aimed for exit. Surely soon they would be followed by the rest.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Kerpheres Character Portrait: Dranten Character Portrait: Bellemere
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte
Tension settled, and butting heads was no longer an option resting on the wonky table that these people had managed to gather themselves around. Relief came in several sighs, and Bellemere glimpsed the closing statements on that rune-drawing business the mage had took a sudden interest in. It seemed, from his expression and tone, that he was convinced that Hilda’s weapons were wrongly engraved; despite the northerner insisting there weren’t any magical traces on the weapon. The mute woman didn’t feel inclined to comment, acceptance was easier to deal with and after several respectful nods Bellemere exited the tavern with Hilda in tow.

The setting changes from The Spicy Jackal to Ebozon Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Makana Valhai Character Portrait: Hilda Vaulke Character Portrait: Moonlight Driftwood Character Portrait: Ein Crowley Character Portrait: Elizabeth Margo Character Portrait: Bellemere
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1.25 INK

Stop the Grokk

Within the twisting, winding paths of an unforgiving forest lies the culprit to the much talked about issue that has risen within mainly BleakMouth City. Multiple people who venture throughout the shady town at night, are being attacked by a mysterious creature, only known as "Grokk".

Many of the towns folk who have personal relationship with the victims have been begging travellers that look well prepared for a fight, to help them out and kill this monster. Not much is know about the creature since the victims seem to be far too ill and petrified to speak of the issue.

This issue has caught your attention. Whether it be out of the goodness of your heart; feeling sorry for the helpless victims; perhaps you seek a challenge? Or perhaps you want people to know your name and see you as a hero? Or maybe you're just in it for the delicious bounty. Perhaps you want to study this creature and learn more about it for your own personal projects and teachings. You could even be simply following someone who's interested due to trying to discover their skills and weaknesses.

What ever your motive, you find yourself deep within the forest of deathly looking trees. The fog has grown thick, the air is sharp and cold. Hopefully you have a form of light, or else who knows might attack you by surprise?

Quest: Stop the Grokk!
Reward: 10.00 INK! (100g IC)
Location: Ebozon Woods
Zone: For pvp - Neutral. For monsters - aggro

Monsters you will come across:


Strength - Venom and Fatigue debuffs
Weakness - Fire, Abdomen

Loot - Venom to coat weapons, legs for alchemy and/or food, websacs for trap making
The larger ones usually hunt alone and attack from trees or if found roaming the floor. The smaller ones also roam trees but hunt in groups and ambush players.


Strength - Can causes excessive bleeding; infection; teeth and claws
Weakness - Defeating the alpha of the pack; fire; eyes and nose

Loot - Pelts for armour, claws for armour or jewelry
They usually hunt in groups of 3 but if one howls, more will come to aid the group.