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The Vestiges of the Sky

The Vestiges of the Sky


-REDUX- (Still Accepting Human characters and villians!)The forces of Chaos are awakening from a 2,000 year sleep, and it is up to six teens who can control the elements to solve the mystery behind their powers, and save the world from this ancient force.

4,333 readers have visited The Vestiges of the Sky since Jakuri-chan created it.


NOTICE: This might seem a little wonky of me, but to anyone who feels like it, go ahead and make a villain, and you can go ahead and make them a little more than human if you feel like it.

. . . .also, I'm going to be giving you the option of creating your own little backstory regarding your villain and the reason they are not totally human. While these guys might not be the Chaos-possessed ones, it would seem really silly to just have two omnipotent forces from ancient legend being the only deities or magical figures to exist in history.

Chaos and Order are still the two main deities here, but well, go ahead and make humans with connections to some mythical figure if you wish . . . you have to form the story yourself though, I'm giving you some room to be creative here. >.>

Regarding the backstory for the figure you create, post it in the 'Sub-plots' OOC thread. ^^


Always check on the OOC Thread; that's where I leave my notices regarding certain aspects of the roleplay, or character information! ^^


Within the actual roleplay, the actual date is our current date in reality.

Two-thousand years ago, the armies of Chaos and Order did battle against one another. Chaos sought to destroy the world, while Order desired its preservation. The ultimate fate of humankind was uncertain, as these opposing forces continued in a never-ending war. Neither Chaos nor Order ever seemed to gain the upper hand; both seemed as powerful as the other.

This war nearly destroyed the entire world, and all life.

Yet, after what seemed forever, Order managed to get the edge against Chaos, and strike it a fatal blow. . . . Joy spread throughout the remaining humans in the world, for the war seemed to have finally ended. This rejoicing time would be short lived however, as Chaos was far from dead.

Order, knowing there was no true way to forever end the war between itself and Chaos, split itself into six pieces; each piece representing one of the six elements that made up the world. There was Light, Shadow, Fire, Water, Earth and Air. In its efforts to preserve the world and life, the six pieces tore Chaos into six pieces and scattered it across the globe; sealing the horrible God away.

The six pieces of Order came to be known to humanity by these names; Lumen, Tenebrae, Ignis, Aqua, Terra and Ventus. They were revered as Gods in their own right due to their sealing of Chaos. An age of peace, love and prosperity set in upon the world, and humans were able to live without fear for the first time in eons. . . .

To humans, they as a whole became known as ‘The Elemental Six.’

This golden age would soon end though, as Chaos once more attempted to awaken and throw the world out of balance. The six pieces of Order rushed to the sites, and once more re-established the seals over the scattered remains of the dark God. However, the six came to an ultimate decision. In order to give humanity a chance to flourish and thrive without the worry of Chaos once more emerging and destroying all they had strived to create . . . they themselves became a part of the six seals.

By becoming a part of the seals, they were able to strengthen the holds they had on Chaos and create a sort of balancing effect between each other. Good cancelled out evil and vice-versa.

Humanity’s existence would persist on into the eras following, the stories of Order and Chaos becoming a tale forgotten to time. Through Order’s sacrifice, humankind would thrive, and advance to an amazing point.

Yet . . . humanity is still not safe from the forces of Chaos, even after two millennia. You see, the dark God has began to stir once more, even the six pieces of Order have not been enough to keep it locked down completely. Why is that you may ask?

Well . . . you see, the forces of Chaos and Order were both Gods who were born from the mortal heart, from the wills to do either good or evil. Because these concepts are things that cannot be extinguished from the heart; neither of the Gods can ever truly die.

As these two shall forever continue to exist, it was possible for Chaos to awaken from its sealed slumber should the human heart begin to fall down the path of evil. . . . And, it has. The six pieces of Chaos have begun to stir, breaking free of their seals and preparing for the inevitable battles to come. And as it was said when Order sealed itself away; the elemental six themselves had since awoken, choosing for themselves vessels whom they would use to fend off Chaos.

They have come to possess the souls of six young humans who are unaware of the roles they now play in the Destiny of the world. . . .

Our story picks up in a metropolis on the West coast of the United States; a lumbering city called New Ithaca. By some means, all of the teenagers who have been possessed by the elemental six have managed to gather here, though they do not yet know one another. Each teenager either has kept the development of these powers a secret from everyone, even their parents, or have come out into the open about them. How their parents reacted was something that varied. . . . Some reacted with utter fear and shock, perhaps calling their child a monster or a demon in human flesh. Others may have been surprised but supportive of their child’s newfound, albeit bizarre, abilities and accepted them with it. . . . No matter how the youths decided to deal with their powers; keeping them concealed or telling their parents about them, one thing remains clear, the fact that they all now live in New Ithaca.

How they choose to use these powers of course, is entirely up to the person in question, some of the six may choose to use their powers for the betterment of humanity, while others might use theirs for personal gain; and some might take an entirely neutral stance, not using their powers at all.

It all depends on the individual. To the youths though, they are not aware of the reasons behind the manifestation of their powers. The lives of these six will soon intersect with one another, while they wind up getting others caught up in the mystery of their abilities and the battle for the Fate of Earth. . . .

Character Slots: I take reservations, apply in the OOC and remember; the reservation holds for 48 hours only. Read the rules below, and follow the character skeleton I have made please!

The Elemental Six
Girl One ~ Ignis ~ Vega Delacroix played by Beta Type Jakuri
A young woman who is set apart by the ability to summon fire.
Girl Two ~ Terra ~ Calliope Germaine played by Zodia195
The female youth whom is gifted with power over earth.
Girl Three ~ Tenebrae ~ Christelle Fitzroy played by HiddenNymph
She who is blessed with the power to bend shadows to her will.

Boy One ~ Lumen ~ Near Giro Higashiosaka played by DarknessToDeath23
The young man given the gift to control light.
Boy Two ~ Aqua ~ RESERVED by Abraxas
He who is lucky enough to control water and all its forms.
Boy Three ~ Ventus ~ Alexander David Benoit played by Me_and_I
The male youth who is able to use air as he wishes.

Todd Mitchell Douglass ~ Non-Powered Youth played by MaxStokes
Pray Krimsson ~ The Unknown played by ஜ ∂єα∂вℓσσ∂ ஜ
Len Delacroix ~ Vega's Older Brother played by AmiOfTheRain

Axelle LéClair ~ The Scarlett Queen played by Everyone, created by Beta Type Jakuri
Leonid Machiavellie ~ The Lion of New Ithaca played by Everyone, created by Maxstokes
Randal Cross ~ Vandal played by Reginox
Zavran Arran Ollacius played by Zetna
Tillain 'Tilly' Morvone played by zolzol

Character Skeleton
Code: Select all
[left][font=Choose font][size=300]FULL CHARACTER NAME HERE[/size]
[url=DIRECT LINK TO TATTOO IMAGE HERE]Insert what sort of tattoo it is here[/url](Erase if not applicable & copy/paste this if there is more than one tattoo)[/left]

[b]Theme Song: [/b][url=DIRECT LINK TO THEME HERE]Name of theme and artist[/url]

[b]Role: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Nickname(s): [/b]
[b]Date of Birth: [/b]
[b]Age: [/b](15-19 for the Elemental Six Character; villians and humans can be as old as you want)
[b]Nationality: [/b]

[b]Appearance: [/b]List any information here about your character’s physical appearance that is not shown in their picture.  Things like scars, how they tend to keep their hair, do they have tattoos?  What is their physique like, or build?

[b]Preferred Clothing: [/b]

[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Weight: [/b]
[b]Hair Color: [/b]
[b]Eye Color: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]At least a paragraph.
[b]Likes: [/b]
[b]Dislikes: [/b]
[b]Hobbies: [/b]

[b]Phobia(s): [/b]

[b]Power: [/b] (Erase for humans!)

[b]Abilities: [/b]

[b]Personal History: [/b]At least three paragraphs please!

[b]Other: [/b]

[b]Sample Post: [/b] (OPTIONAL!)

Toggle Rules

1. As far as posting length goes, I'm not a freak about this, but I'll ask that you post at least a paragraph? Please?

2. No godmodding! It's not fair to the other players.

3. Feel free to post as often as you want, but I'll ask that you post a minimum of once per five days. If you can't post for that amount of time, please notify me in the OoC thread. If you vanish on us without notification for longer than five days, your character will be rendered as an NPC, where the remaining players may assume control of them. Nothing personal, I've just seen too many roleplays die as a result of inactive players. One character gets stuck where they are and if another character is interacting with them, then they are stuck also. It just creates this whole gridlock effect. . . .

If you return, I'll give you back complete control of your character.

4. Romance is encouraged, but if things get hot and heavy beyond that of what you would see on regular television, I'll ask that you please take it to the PMs.

5. Violence and gore do not bother me, but let’s all leave it at a level that won't leave anyone mentally scarred, okay?

6. Reserve characters in the OOC, reservations only last 48 hours at the max. Don’t ask to reserve if you aren’t going to stick with the roleplay!

7. There is no posting order here; just don't double post.

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in

New Ithaca City

New Ithaca City by Jakuri-chan

A large city where strange things have started to occur.


Avalon by RolePlayGateway

The downtown area of New Ithaca.


Xibalba by RolePlayGateway

'Place of Fear.' This is a section of the city that lay within Avalon, it is known for having a higher crime rate than the rest of the city. Most avoid this place at night.


Eden by RolePlayGateway

This is the large park that is located on the Western bounds of New Ithaca.

Pacifica Beach

Pacifica Beach by RolePlayGateway

This is the large beach located within the bounds of Eden park, this is a great place to come during the Summer. The ocean is very clear and blue here, despite being located near a large city.

Kormet High School

Kormet High School by RolePlayGateway

The high school where some of the student-age characters attend.


Midgard by RolePlayGateway

Suburbia; this is the area of houses that all look alike that surrounds the entire metropolis of New Ithaca.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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Alex smiled politely at Calli's aunt and peered inside the house. It looked nice and bright in the room beyond the door. The house seemed to be kind of warm and welcoming, at least to Alex. But then again, everything that was probably warmer than the outside currently was seemed warm and welcoming to Alex. ...Should I go in? Or would that be to intrusive? Maybe I should just go home and forget this whole thing ever happened. That would probably be the smartest thing to do. No one ever said I was smart though... Next thing he knew, and well before he could stop himself he replied, "I don't have to be home for a while. Going inside and talking for a bit sounds good. Are you okay with that Calli?"

Maybe this will turn out alright after all. Talking with people is always a good thing, besides it gives me a reason to run my mouth with no filter. Not to mention, I'd rather not stand out here in the cold for a second longer. He looked at Calli, her green hair was nice looking. I'm probably a doofus for thinking this, but I just want to play with her hair... It looks soft and.. I'm just going to stop. Of course, she does look very pretty, and that green hair helps accentuate her eyes, and it frames her face just right. Nope. Gotta stop now. I don't even know her, this whole thing was just one stupid adventure, and now I'm making a fool of myself thinking about her looks. Can't just fall for someone over looks, I'd be even more a doofus than I already am.


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~ Vega Delacroix ~

Vega stared at Mitch with a rather questioning look on her face when she heard him curse at his television. Well, the sudden outburst of his certainly caught her attention, snapping her from her rather depressing thoughts about how everything in her life would very soon return to being normal. Her being alone, the only real interaction she would be having with anyone was online, and that was a rather sparse event for her. She did speak to a few people online rather avidly, but . . . she didn’t make a habit of doing it too often.

Mitch looked at her, managed to back into the coffee table and sat down. She found herself smiling a bit; seemed he managed to make himself rather self-conscious, not that his little outburst bothered Vega. If anything, she could sympathize with the whole feeling, in most situations she found herself being the center of attention, mainly because she managed to do something completely goofy and worthy of being on one of those funny video shows. Like the one time she managed to back up right into the fountain at a mall. . . . Water never quite seemed to be her ally.

She found herself laughing a bit when Mitch started rambling on about how he didn’t have anything fun to, and apologizing for it. He thinks it’s his fault that I’m all mopey, opps. she thought, nearly smacking herself in the forehead, she really needed to be more careful when it came down to how she was acting, making someone think they were doing something wrong was the last thing Vega felt like doing. Mitch was already in danger with her around, given that she lacked some decent self-control over her emotions, and over her power. Last thing she needed to be doing now was making him feel bad or awkward. “I’m sorry for getting all mopey on you, it isn’t because I’m bored or anything.” She told him with a smile. “Honestly, I’m just thinking about things that I shouldn’t be concerning myself with right now.”

With a grunt, Vega pushed herself up to her feet, not entirely sure what she was planning on doing after she stood up. All she was sure of was that she was tired of sitting on the floor, looking like a girl caught up in the aspects of doom and gloom; letting out a sigh, Vega shut her eyes. She was intending on speaking again when a chill went right through her body, causing her to freeze up, and automatically draw her arms around herself as she shuddered.

Okay . . . what the Hell was that? she thought, bending over and supporting herself on her toes as she shook. That chill that travelled through her tiny body, whatever it had been caused by, the feeling it left was an ominous one, a sinister one that made Vega feel a little queasy. Well, queasy in a way that was very different from almost being . . . taken against her will, you could say. The cold was unnatural, no, more like it was supernatural. It felt wrong, horribly wrong. Still shaking, she peeked around, trying to understand why she had suffered a bout of cold like that so suddenly, and why it had felt so very strange. It . . . felt like something passed right through me.

Vega stood up and looked around, maybe she was paranoid or something, but she sort of felt like she were being watched by something that she definitely want to make contact with. . . . I’m not the irrational sort, but, given the fact I have pyrokinesis or something, I don’t want to doubt that something else couldn’t happen to me that’s paranormal. . . .

“S-Sorry about that, I got a rather random cold chill there, bad one at that.” Vega laughed rather nervously, a silly smile coming over her face. Despite the fact she was smiling, she couldn’t put away the feeling of someone looking at her from within the room. . . .

There was the sound of a gunshot from nearby though that caused Vega to stop breathing for a moment, her mind going utterly blank. Her heart skipped a beat in her chest as she felt her hands clench together tightly. She wasn’t used to Xibalba, used to hearing things like gunshots echo out in the midst of the night like this. There were more, and each time one rang out, a jolt ran through the girl, as she had to hold back the urge to tear up. She found herself biting down on the inside of her cheek to keep herself as calm as possible. It was a sordid reminder of where her bad luck and antics had gotten her again. Don’t think about it too much Vega . . . don’t think about it, come morning you’re out of here. Just a few more hours.

A long exhale came from the teenager’s lungs as she made herself tranquil. “I’ll be okay. . . .” she told herself. However, no sooner did she say that did a dull, rather haphazard knock come from the front door, causing the blonde to shriek in surprise, nearly jumping out of her own flesh. Upon realizing that she had just sounded like a banshee, Vega covered her mouth with her hands and felt her cheeks go rather red. Swallowing harshly, she murmured, “Sorry. . . .” to Mitch before there was another knock on the door, causing her to look at it with uncertain eyes.

Okay. Her attention was captured; first, there was the sound of several gunshots, then a couple of poorly performed knocks at the front door. . . . Nervously, her arms pressed into her chest, and she moved toward the door, standing on the tips of her toes, she peered out the peephole; not seeing anyone at the door. Weird . . . there’s no one there. she thought, letting an audible, ‘Hmm’ escape her throat. Despite finding the stoop empty, Vega continued to look outside, it still raining hard. Just as she was about to pull away from the door, and go back about whatever it is she were going to be doing; she spotted something that made her breath hitch right in her chest.

There . . . was a foot there. “Oh, Oh my God. . . .” Vega’s voice deadpanned, and she went back to standing normally, and her hand went over her mouth. Someone was hurt, lying up against the front door, injuries meant blood, and blood meant. . . . No, no, no! She didn’t want to think about it, Vega didn’t want to think about someone being hurt!

But, there was someone hurt. Damn it all, screw your fears, you can’t just let someone lay out in the rain hurt! At least get them inside and call an ambulance or something girl! Vega found herself whimpering; yet nodding along with her thoughts. Swallowing back as much of her fears as she could manage, the teenager unlocked the door and hastily opened it up with her eyes clenched shut.

When she heard something slid down onto the floor at her feet she opened her eyes and nearly screamed barely holding it back. A guy around her age lay there, soaked from the rain, unconscious, and hurt; she could see bloodstains on the shoulder of his shirt. A wave of dizziness hit Vega at seeing the faded red stain, but she found herself kneeling down, and doing her best to lock her thin arms underneath the redhead’s, trying to drag him inside out of the rain. “M-Mitch, he, he needs help!” she called out, looking back to him, the expression on her face urgent as she made some progress getting the giant inside.


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((I gotta say Me and I, I love your Alex hehe.))

"Well don't just stand there than, come on in. It's pretty cold out there." Jessica replied before taking Alex's hand and literally dragging him inside.

Letting him go, she turned a light on before closing the door.

"Now, please make yourself comfortable. And where are my manners, my name is Jessica Germaine. I do appologize for my lack of dress at the moment. Calli, sweetie, don't be shy now. I'll get a midnight snack for you two so go ahead and show him where he can sit down."

"Yes Aunt Jessica." Calliope replied as the older woman left.

Realizing she was alone with Alex now, Calliope felt even more nervous.

"Um, this way." she instructed before leading him into the next room, which was the family room.

Turning on a light, the room was comforting with dark wood furniture, deep brown sofa, armchair, and a couch. The walls were cream colored wall paper and there was a fireplace. There was a flatscreen tv hanging on the wall too and a piano. When Calli came in, she sat down in a random spot, which happened to be the sofa.

"My aunt will be back. Please sit." she said politely.

She would look at him, but had hard time looking him in the eye.


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Calli's aunt said, "Well don't just stand there than, come on in. It's pretty cold out there." Then she just grabbed Alex's hand and dragged him inside. Alex was startled. The woman was like his mother in that respect. If she's welcoming someone into the house she basically drags them in and begins the whole welcoming process. It was scary how much the woman seemed to be like his mom, especially when the woman talked again. "Now, please make yourself comfortable. And where are my manners, my name is Jessica Germaine. I do appologize for my lack of dress at the moment. Calli, sweetie, don't be shy now. I'll get a midnight snack for you two so go ahead and show him where he can sit down."

Alex's mom tended to do the same thing. Shove the guests off on him, and he would have to mingle with them while his mom made food. Well... Familiar settings of situations tend to be good. Just play this how you would if you were at your house... Just don't on purposely freak Calli out... Or be overly polite... Okay don't play this how you would if you were at your house… He followed Calli and started to laugh at his mini thought pep-talk. He really hoped she didn’t think he was crazy, as they entered the family room.

He looked at the room. It was so nice looking, and the furniture looked really comfortable. Alex watched Calli sit on the couch. Should I sit next to her, or should I sit somewhere else? He took another quick sweep of the room and he stopped when he spied the piano. Maybe I should show off my mad skills on the piano. Then again, I didn’t ask… They might get mad if I touch it without their permission. Not to mention the only thing I can actually do is play random notes that I think sound good together… That and I can play Für Elise… I don’t have mad piano skills. Maybe I should do it anyways… I’m gonna do it. Alex started walking towards the piano as Calli said, "My aunt will be back. Please sit.”

Stopping he looked at her. She was looking at him, but she was avoiding his eyes. Alex found it nerve-wracking when people avoided his eyes. It made the whole situation seem uncomfortable. No matter. Hmm.. Should I talk? Might as well. No harm in it.

The piano was so tempting to go to though, he compromised. Walking over to the piano he started to talk. “Well.. Hi Calli. Sorry for intruding like this tonight but… I really didn’t want to go to the movies alone, and you’re the only person I could think of. I know we don’t know each other that well but, hey it was worth a try! Did you know that ‘zip’ as in ‘zip code’ meant zoning improvement plan? You probably did… Well… Um… Your aunt kind of reminds me of my mom… Only, my mom is a lot more… Pushy. Quite literally. My mom drags people into the house, pushes them into a room and has me talk to them, then she comes back with food, and a lot of it, basically forces them to eat it and if they don’t, she gets very insulted. I don’t really understand that… What if they’re not hungry? It’s probably has nothing to do with her cooking, which is totally awesome by the way. My mom is like the greatest cook in the world, I keep telling her to open up her very own restaurant, but she claims she’s very happy working as a physical therapist and she wouldn’t want to give up the satisfaction of that job just to be a chef. I mean I kind of understand her point… But what could possibly be more fulfilling in life than knowing you filled someone’s stomach with great food and probably made them happy with how amazing it was?”

He sat down at the piano and started to finger the keys, his mouth was still running. I should probably shut up and let her talk… But then again if I stop it leaves her room to either tell me to shut up, tell me that I talk to much, or tell me how stupid I am… Actually I think for once I’m gonna take the risk. At the same time he was beginning to go on about Calli’s hair and what he thought of it, without even realizing it.


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Calliope in all honestly didn't know what to think of Alex as he started talking. She was actually having a hard time keeping up with him as he talked on and on. Could anyone talk so much? It was really something to see and certainly not something Calli was use to. At times she managed to get what he was saying. First it was something about her aunt being like his mother and then it was about why he came here tonight. She watched him looking at the piano and would have said he could play, but he never stopped talking. What an interesting person he was. How could he keep on talking like this? Calliope was a bit fascinated for not even her aunt talked that much. She found herself giggling at his behavior and couldn't stop.

Jessica was getting some drinks and some cookies when she heard a sound she had never heard in a long time. Was Calliope . . . . giggling? Having a hard time believing it, she peeked into the room and sure enough, there was Calliope giggling as Alex continued talking on and on. Tears almost came to her eyes. The young man probably wouldn't understand the miracle he just created. She thanked the powers at be for this moment because at this moment, Calli was acting like a normal teenage girl. Not wanting to intrude, she slipped back into the kitchen to pour some milk.

Calliope had recovered from her giggling when Alex started talking about her hair. That got her attention and she started blushing. Did he think her pretty? It was a question she wanted to ask, but knew she be too scared to try.


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Alex shut up and looked over at Calli. She had been giggling at him while he talked. Is that a good sign or a bad sign? I wonder... Just realizing what he had been talking about he began to play more of a tune on the piano and looked over at her. Calli was blushing, it made Alex smile. Even if she was probably blushing about him talking about her hair, he was just happy that not only had he amused her, be it good or bad, but that he had also gotten a better response from her. Blushing, in his experience was a pretty good sign, especially when girls blushed about compliments: Even when he didn't mean to give them.

"I'm sorry about that whole thing. Once I start talking, most the time, I can't stop and my mouth just keeps running. I guess I was talking about your hair. Sorry about that, but I probably really did mean most of what I said about it. Especially if I said something along the lines of how I liked it, especially how it accents your eyes and whatnot. I can't really remember what I started saying about it. My mind and mouth aren't really connected most the time. Right now they are but... It might not last that long." He paused and looked over at her, then finished with: "I'm going to shut up now... Just..." Alex didn't finish. He was lost for words, he really didn't know what else to say.

He began to play Für Elise, waiting to see if she would talk.


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Calliope had no idea why Alex was apologizing. If anything, she should be the one apologizing for laughing. He wasn't being mean at all, and she was laughing at him. It made her feel guilty. When he commented more about her hair, she turned bright red, which became very evident against her green hair. In all honesty, she never thought she was good looking. She always thought her skin too pale and looking very frail. She would have replied back, but Alex had started playing on the piano again. She recognized the music immediately. Her aunt played the piano to help sooth her sometimes. Getting up, Calliope walked over to Alex and stood next to him. As was her habit, she started humming along and when he finished she looked at him.

"That was lovely, thank you. And um, thanks for the . . compliment." she said, having a hard time keeping eye contact.

Now what should she say? She honestly was trying to think of something else, but couldn't think. Man, she was a dummy.

"Uh, sorry for laughing earlier. I just never met anyone like you." she said honestly.


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Alex didn't quite know how to respond to Calli. All he knew was that he really liked having her next to him, especially when she hummed along with his playing. He looked at her and smiled. "Er... You're welcome... You know, for the compliment... And about the laughing, it's perfectly fine. Not a lot of people are accustomed to my incessant talking, and I figure it's probably a good thing that I made you laugh."

Now what am I supposed to do? Her aunt is in the next room and she can't go out... Plus... Never mind. Maybe I should just talk some more. That seems like a good thing to do, it made her laugh and I'm guessing that it was good laughing. I'm really hungry actually. He tried to turn off his mind for a minute and see if the automatic ramblings would come but it really wasn't working. Alex was kind of worried, he'd never actually been stuck for words before, this whole thing was brand new. That's what I get for intruding on people in the middle of the night. Grabbing Calli's hands he started to walk towards the kitchen. "Let's go see what your aunt is doing. Plus, maybe we can eat. Food is always good, it breaks the mood and brings on a much better one. Just a quick question though, why are you so quiet? I mean, not everyone talks as much as me, but I've never actually met someone who barely talks at all." Ah, so that's where the rambling was. All it needed was moving towards food...

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Game Master Controls

Welcome home, Promethean. Here, you can manage your universe.


Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 7 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

New Ithaca City

New Ithaca City by Jakuri-chan

A large city where strange things have started to occur.


Avalon by RolePlayGateway

The downtown area of New Ithaca.


Xibalba by RolePlayGateway

'Place of Fear.' This is a section of the city that lay within Avalon, it is known for having a higher crime rate than the rest of the city. Most avoid this place at night.


Eden by RolePlayGateway

This is the large park that is located on the Western bounds of New Ithaca.

Pacifica Beach

Pacifica Beach by RolePlayGateway

This is the large beach located within the bounds of Eden park, this is a great place to come during the Summer. The ocean is very clear and blue here, despite being located near a large city.

Kormet High School

Kormet High School by RolePlayGateway

The high school where some of the student-age characters attend.


Midgard by RolePlayGateway

Suburbia; this is the area of houses that all look alike that surrounds the entire metropolis of New Ithaca.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in The Vestiges of the Sky. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

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The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

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View All » Add Character » 18 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Takuya Rawth
Character Portrait: Calliope Germaine
Character Portrait: Pray Krimsson
Character Portrait: Alexander David Benoit
Character Portrait: Christelle Fitzroy
Character Portrait: Randal Cross
Character Portrait: Near Giro Higashiosaka
Character Portrait: Zavran Arran Ollacius
Character Portrait: Len Delacroix


Character Portrait: Len Delacroix
Len Delacroix


Character Portrait: Zavran Arran Ollacius
Zavran Arran Ollacius

"I have lived a long find myself serving"

Character Portrait: Near Giro Higashiosaka
Near Giro Higashiosaka

Young and stupid, left wide open. Hearts are wasted, lives are broken.

Character Portrait: Randal Cross
Randal Cross

"Heheheheh.... Is that really all you've got kid?"

Character Portrait: Christelle Fitzroy
Christelle Fitzroy

~ Tell me what you want then leave i have no time to be dealing with nuisnaces

Character Portrait: Alexander David Benoit
Alexander David Benoit

Fly, fly, fly away. I'll fly away another day.

Character Portrait: Pray Krimsson
Pray Krimsson

"I will not sully my knuckles with you pungent blood."

Character Portrait: Calliope Germaine
Calliope Germaine

I don't understand why this is happening.

Character Portrait: Takuya Rawth
Takuya Rawth



Character Portrait: Calliope Germaine
Calliope Germaine

I don't understand why this is happening.

Character Portrait: Alexander David Benoit
Alexander David Benoit

Fly, fly, fly away. I'll fly away another day.

Character Portrait: Zavran Arran Ollacius
Zavran Arran Ollacius

"I have lived a long find myself serving"

Character Portrait: Pray Krimsson
Pray Krimsson

"I will not sully my knuckles with you pungent blood."

Character Portrait: Len Delacroix
Len Delacroix


Character Portrait: Christelle Fitzroy
Christelle Fitzroy

~ Tell me what you want then leave i have no time to be dealing with nuisnaces

Character Portrait: Near Giro Higashiosaka
Near Giro Higashiosaka

Young and stupid, left wide open. Hearts are wasted, lives are broken.

Character Portrait: Randal Cross
Randal Cross

"Heheheheh.... Is that really all you've got kid?"

Character Portrait: Takuya Rawth
Takuya Rawth


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Near Giro Higashiosaka
Near Giro Higashiosaka

Young and stupid, left wide open. Hearts are wasted, lives are broken.

Character Portrait: Takuya Rawth
Takuya Rawth


Character Portrait: Len Delacroix
Len Delacroix


Character Portrait: Randal Cross
Randal Cross

"Heheheheh.... Is that really all you've got kid?"

Character Portrait: Zavran Arran Ollacius
Zavran Arran Ollacius

"I have lived a long find myself serving"

Character Portrait: Pray Krimsson
Pray Krimsson

"I will not sully my knuckles with you pungent blood."

Character Portrait: Alexander David Benoit
Alexander David Benoit

Fly, fly, fly away. I'll fly away another day.

Character Portrait: Calliope Germaine
Calliope Germaine

I don't understand why this is happening.

Character Portrait: Christelle Fitzroy
Christelle Fitzroy

~ Tell me what you want then leave i have no time to be dealing with nuisnaces

View All » Places

New Ithaca City

New Ithaca City by Jakuri-chan

A large city where strange things have started to occur.


Avalon by RolePlayGateway

The downtown area of New Ithaca.


Xibalba by RolePlayGateway

'Place of Fear.' This is a section of the city that lay within Avalon, it is known for having a higher crime rate than the rest of the city. Most avoid this place at night.


Eden by RolePlayGateway

This is the large park that is located on the Western bounds of New Ithaca.

Pacifica Beach

Pacifica Beach by RolePlayGateway

This is the large beach located within the bounds of Eden park, this is a great place to come during the Summer. The ocean is very clear and blue here, despite being located near a large city.

Kormet High School

Kormet High School by RolePlayGateway

The high school where some of the student-age characters attend.


Midgard by RolePlayGateway

Suburbia; this is the area of houses that all look alike that surrounds the entire metropolis of New Ithaca.

New Ithaca City

A large city where strange things have started to occur.


Avalon Xibalba Owner: RolePlayGateway

'Place of Fear.' This is a section of the city that lay within Avalon, it is known for having a higher crime rate than the rest of the city. Most avoid this place at night.


New Ithaca City Midgard Owner: RolePlayGateway

Suburbia; this is the area of houses that all look alike that surrounds the entire metropolis of New Ithaca.

Kormet High School

The high school where some of the student-age characters attend.


New Ithaca City Eden Owner: RolePlayGateway

This is the large park that is located on the Western bounds of New Ithaca.


New Ithaca City Avalon Owner: RolePlayGateway

The downtown area of New Ithaca.

Pacifica Beach

Eden Pacifica Beach Owner: RolePlayGateway

This is the large beach located within the bounds of Eden park, this is a great place to come during the Summer. The ocean is very clear and blue here, despite being located near a large city.

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