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a character in “The Volf Chronicles 1: Cyborg Dragon”, as played by delfiler


Name: Gelon

Age: 22
Gender: male
Category: Augmented
Reason: to see what is so special about the eggs and the dragon

Physical Description: check picture above

Eye Color: dark brown (looks black from a distance)
Height: 5.81
Build: average build
Skin Color/Race: lightly tanned and human
Hair Color and Cut: dark brown and medium long messy hair

Personality: a bit closed off and sometimes distant but he is a nice guy if you get to know him and opens up then really well

Fears: getting separated, getting lost, being left alone
Loves: animals, tinkering
Dislike: nags, nit picks, bullies, racists
Like: company(people, not business), puzzles, plants, the dark

History: Gelon was a guard by an reach facility since back in his day there were lots of riots and gurilla attacks on such buildings. On one unfortunate day an attack was launched against his facility and it went hard against hard. both sides had big losses and the big his for him came when he was picked up and throw against a wall breaking his arm to far for recovery. after the attack was thrown off he got his arm amputated and replaced by what was insurances by the company. after 2 years he quit his job and toke small par time jobs and finally found Adion's offer and was curious so he toke it

Weapon of Choice: augmented arm with blade and gun(can be upgraded or aDJUSTED)

So begins...

Gelon's Story


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Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon entered the room and watched Adion "so are you the guy who is loking for people to help you find some dragon eggs?" Gelon said and look around in the room "mind if i do if i'm at home?"


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Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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"Yes I am. Please sit down, there is a lot of information that you could use. It's under the Tefeer's Labyrinth file." Adion said. The solid holo in front of him still having symbols and words streaming by at barely readable speeds. The cyborg had his armor's facemask up, with red light emanating from the seeing slits. His SMG was strapped to his side and his expandable Katina’s handle on a mobile piece.


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Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon sit down and slide his arm open then a small display bothed up "well let's see what that text says" he said and scan the text that was going to fast to read for the human eye


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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When Gelon sat down, the solid-holo user-interface for the seat's computer popped up. Immediately it showed the Labyrinth file, filled with over 100 documents, all set up in priority, the top 3 being the map to Tefeer's Labyrinth, a human to dragon cypher, and a general description of the mission.

The text that was on the solid-holo in front of Adion was little more than a massive list of file-names, and some names of websites about dragon research.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon got a few files from the Solid-holo from Adion and stored them for later then he started reading a bout the dragon and the labyrinth "so this labyrinth is there anything special about it or something else?" he asked while he read a the human to dragon cypher "seems rater painful"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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"The labyrinth is a way for the facility to protect Tefeer and the 10 dragon eggs. It consists of floating blocks that can be hallways, splits, rooms, 4-way splits, stairs, and just about any type of room you can think of. These floating blocks are in constant motion, unless a being is in a room, then that block doesn't move, and any blocks attached don't move. That is, until you leave a block, at which point it will leave. There is a trick to finding one's way through the labyrinth, but I am hoping that someone who does joins out party." Adion said. Gelon was curious, but his curiosity was focused in a good zone. He didn't ask about why Vera Corp would want the eggs, or what Adion had to do to get this information. That was a good thing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon watched aldion now a bit questioning and got his computer back online and started to hack the solid-holo trying to see if he kept something from him cause his curiosity turn to him and the eggs "tell me what is so special about Tefeer? What makes him protecting the eggs?" he asked hoping to distract him from the solid-holo long enough so he could get in and get some hold back info perhaps


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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"To answer your question, it was a thing of timing. Tefeer offered to do the task when it was pruposed. Thus he was the one choosen. By the way, stop trying to hack the system, I can feel it. I provided all the possobly usable information. Vera Corp does not like having outsiders see their files." Adion said, shutting down the computer Gelon was sitting at.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon sigh and look at him leaning forward in his chair "fine BUT if I notice anything suspices i drop out or even switch sides, but what are the eggs for any way, a big omelet?" Gelon joked and smiled


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Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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"Try to make an omelet out of the dragon eggs, and you won't have anything left to identify you by. What do you think Vera Corp even does? They do research. They sell the research. Then they profit. Simple. They want the eggs to study." Adion said, obviously getting a little annoyed at the question.


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Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon watch him with narrowed eyes "i have been before and got back and if I was you I would watch your tune to me, and why all 10? 1 is just enough right all the research they can do on that" Gelon asked curios but was also ready to jump in action if needed to defend himself


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Adion walked over to Gelon and put his hand on Gelon's should. Adion then caused all of Gelon's augmentations, excluding organs, to not work. "Because accidents happen. Why do you test a drug on 100 hamsters instead of 1? To ensure accuracy. The reason that Vera Corp is only asking for 10 is because only 10 exist." Adion said. Gelon was starting to tread over the line between black and white. He was asking some very gray questions, questions about Vera Corp.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon mumbled and already started tinkering on his his arm "then why not 5 that is still accurate?" Gelon said and was already in control of his arm "and a second thing" he said and grab his wrist wit his augmented arm "don't mess with my augments!" he said and push him off "I guess it was a mistake to come here, so go find someone else"he said and stood up


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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"Your mistake was not coming here, but asking the wrong questions when you got here." answered Adion in a hissing tone. In truth, Gelon had asked questions about Vera Corp and tried to hack the mainframe. What could Gelon have expected? Milk and cookies?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Gelon left the building and headed to the labyrint going to warn the dragon and aid it knowing that all the eggs was to much and just taking them seemed wrong but he had to have a reason why.

Gelon walked for a few hours now and got by the entrance "well time to see if I can get through" he said and wak in


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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Adion watched as Gelon left. Presumably for the labyrinth. The door was a trap, and only Adion knew the secret. The memories came rushing back to him.

Adion came tumbling into a dragon temple, which had become filled with cobwebs, even thought the rest of it looked perfectly preserved. He was the only one in the whole army who could read dragon texts without the aid of a cypher. The battle waged on outside of the halls. Turning on his light, Adion walked through the dusty halls. The walls were covered with prophecies that Adion had seen sense the day of his birth, but there was something different about this specific ruin.

As Adion walked through what felt like every other dragon ruin he had been to, until he spotted a door that seemed quite out of place. Upon approaching the door, Adion noted the puzzle. It was one that he had found the answer to at many other dragon ruins. 'Kind of funny how every dragon ruin seems to be connected to the rest.' thought Adion as he solved the simple puzzle. This new room was different than anything that Adion had ever seen.

The scriptures on the walls spoke of how to enter Tefeer's Labyrinth, and of the other unique ruins that held the rest of the needed information. So, Adion ran back out into the hall, then right out the ruin.

Adion ran to the battlefield commander, only to get there in time to see the man's brains scattered to the dirt of the moon. As Adion ducked, he heard a familiar sound, the ticking of death.

Adion then awoken in a hospital, freshly augmented. The memories of the ruin during the battle were still fresh in the man's head, ripping through the confusion and blurriness of the medication. The last thing that Adion could pull of this memory was when the man in the suit walked up to him and said that if he agreed to the contract that they would pay for Adion's forced augmentation.

Gelon would not find what exactly he was looking for. The door was a series of various traps along the floor, walls, and ceiling. What one could see past the traps would be 2 statues of dragons, one made of gold, the other of silver. As Gelon approached, the eyes of both shot to a bright, burning red color as the entryway came to life with the varying traps.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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"fancy" Gelon said and extended his dagger from his augmented arm he then carefully touched the floor 'Please not a trap, please not a trap, I just want to help you' Gelon thought and carefully keep touching the floor to see if it was safe to step on and look around for anything suspicious but the thin was that everything looked like it could be a trap


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Character Portrait: Gelon
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As Gelon stepped on the worst possible stone, which looked the most inviting, the 2 statues began to scream "Run in fear!" in the dragon's tongue. As soon as they were done speaking, they both shot forth a large column of fire. As the column ran through the entrance, more traps were activated in the main entryway. From were Gelon was standing, 2 openings could be seen in the walls, both about the size of a door.


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Character Portrait: Gelon
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Gelon starter cursing and starter running "DAM, DAM, DAM, DAM!" he said as he run to the door to the left and burst through it "god darn it, okay don't step on anything in voting AT ALL" he told himself


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
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As Gelon stood, taking his breath, a hole in the ground opened. Gelon fell into a room that was completely black, save for the lights that were part of the ceiling. The sound of metal and motion run from outside.