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"Ooorah to ashes"

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a character in “The Voyages of the U.S.S. Warhammer”, as played by Booker_Dewit47


Name: Reese Coal
Age: 26
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Employment: previously attached to the 76th Federation Marines
Current: Stationed to the U.S.S Warhammer as onboard security and security detail to away teams
Rank: Marines: Chief master sergeant. Federation navy: Lieutenant

Uniform: Instead of the standard navel BDUs, Reese prefers to wear the standard marine BDUs which are “Frog leaf” camouflage blouse, pants, a brown under shirt, and a pair black snya-leather steal toe boots. He also wears the right Rank symbols as well as his unit patches and the uniform cap (hat).

Bio: Being born in Florida and raised in Japan on old eart was one of the few good things that had happen to him when he was young. His father left when he was young, and only joined the Federation military to help provide for his aging mother. He quickly rose through the enlisted and Noncom ranks in the Federations elite ground forces, the Federation Marines until he reached the rank of Chief master sergeant, CMSGT, and was given command of E platoon of the 76th marines. The platoon had been known as “easy company” after the unit of the same name that fought in one of the more bloody wars in Earths past. After the battle of Antovia, he was injured and spent 4 months in a federation hospital recovering. He has since been reinstated to his rank and rejoined the marines, only to be stationed on a new exploration ship, the U.S.S Warhammer.

Personality: Years of warfare have taken the once wide eyed and devil grin teenager to a hardened soldier and have locked down his rebellious spirit. His mother passing away in the same week of him being stationed on the Warhammer instead of his old ship with his old unit did nothing back darken him more. Now it is rare to even see him smile and often times is thought to be uptight when he is just silent. He also is dedicated to his duty and only has ever disagreed with his order when his CO went haywire and ordered him to fire on unarmed civilians, at which point Reese knocked some sense back in to him with the but of his rifle.

Reese is not one that is easily stirred emotionally, but once he is...he has been compared to a demon, in fighting skill as well as his fury.


Emotionally detached
Its not like he likes to be a cold hearted marine, its just the way that his life has made him.


Reese grew up in Japan under the tutelage of an old master of bushido. Therefore, he has made his own Katana and is vary well trained on how to use it. But alas he hasn't the chance to use it.

Reese will set his minds to things and will not stop until its done, how ever, the ability to do this is rare among him, so it offends takes him a lot to get him in gear to be that determined.

Reese wont leave the federation unless he's dead, or it is deemed a immoral cause in they eyes of one of there deadliest...Reese, well yea, who'd you think I was talking about.

xeno linguistics
This is a something that results from taking basic Racian in high school and taking the advanced classes in basic. When that class was done, if he wasn't eating, or fighting, you could find him learning other alien languages. This makes him a invaluable asset on away missions as he can also read the majority of the tongs he speaks.

Medical training
Originally taking the 3 hour combat life saver course needed to pass the marines training, he spent a whole military campaign as a combat medic. This making him a seasoned medic and offend served s the field surgeon wile on his deployment.


Emotionally detached
Its not like he likes to be a cold hearted marine, its just the way that his life has made him. This will offend lead him to go a bit overboard. Hey, I never said it was a good thing altogether.

Being human
This isn't a really bad thing, its just that humans, though being some of the strongest, still make some mistakes and still are going to be Human.

Scientific implants and upgrades.

>Error Error, Access to implants to id 358-66-3115 phantom subject "BlackHeart" is restricted to authorized personnel only, Protocol 51 started.........
...........n*Ye]w-ruf mw\wfivjd]dofj msw\2w9erifvka]sofjrejm \23if w]sldifim\w w\eofir9ugegsegrsaET4WY545dhtjdnyftwf

So begins...

CMSGT.Coal's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp

Wes left the med bay when the doctor started working on Reese's implants. He didn't want to disturb her. "Bridge." Wes commanded as he entered the Turbolift. He isn't quite sure what to think of the doctor. He's read reports both good, and bad of her. It's hard to get a read on someone with only short interaction. But for now he'll just have to trust her to do her job. Soon the elevator stopped at the bridge. He stepped off the lift to see fellow commander Atan along with a Torronax. Strange, Wes didn't even know any Torronax served in the Federation.

"Greetings. I'm Commander Carter." Wes said introducing himself. "A Torronax correct? I didn't realize any of your people served in the Federation." Wes had fought one or two Torronax in his time before becoming an officer, and has made a few smuggling jobs to their homeworld. "You're people a very tough, and long lived right? Or by human standards at least. I'm sure you'll be a valuable asset." While Wes doesn't have any formal degrees in xenobiology, he does have a lot of first hand experience with most spacefaring species, something that proves to be invaluable for his job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal
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0.00 INK

Resse was in the ships simdeck, doing what he did best, practice. At the moment, ha had a firing range simulation loaded and was checking his accuracy with his rifle and side arm. His rifle was a stander operations Federation marine marksmen carbine with a few modifications. Instead of being a three round burst like mot of them are, it has semi as well as full automatic firing modes as well. Add a DMR sight with close range iron sights as well, and supporting mods to "hot switch" the rifle over to a rail cannon type anti material rifle , and you have Reese's rifle .

He had gone though the kill house sim and was now just firing at a range using his scope and skill to nail the targets.
