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Kerstin Wilde

"What d'ya need?"

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a character in “The Voyages of the U.S.S. Warhammer”, as played by Duct Tape



Name:Kerstin Vi Wilde Nickname:Vi Gender: Female Age:28 Species: Cybernetically Enhanced Human Sexuality: Heterosexual
Role: Head Physician Rank: Lieutenant Commander

Hand Stabilizers: Halfway through her career a patient stabbed her through her right hand, her primary hand. Due to the severity of the wound she estimated that it would only heal at roughly 60% and the likelihood of her returning would be at a mere 25%. This was unacceptable. During her first month of recovery she had her hand rewired with several cybernetic for enhanced stability and a tad better precision.

Comprehensive: It's not that she's overly smart, it's just that she's incredibly comprehensive. Learning is just something that comes easily.

Unconventional: She knows how things tick, tock, break, bend. You name it and she can figure out how it works. Some have called her methods a danger to the masses while others think she is an asset that cannot be lost.

Stubborn: She knows what to do and though her methods are skewed she will always do what she sees fit. Even if she gets in trouble.

Act first think Later: She tends to think about the things she does after the fact. She believes that if you're going to do something then get it over with and what happens happens.

Hyper: She eats candy all the time. Thus she is always hyper and crashes pretty hard by the end of the day.

Impulsive - Energetic - Eccentric - Inconsiderate - Manic

Kerstin has always been a rule breaker, everything is simpler when you don't have to follow any. She's a know it all but never shows it and most people think that she is just a new recruit instead of who she really is.

candy: She almost always has a lollipop in her mouth and you can easily find her by following the trail of wrappers.

Tinkering: She's almost always ripping something apart or making random doodads.

Vinyl: She has a rare collection of vinyl records and a refurbished record player.

Rules: They just get in the way.
Talkers: People that talk too much are just the bane of her existence.
Promise Breaks: Especially when someone breaks a pinky promise. She can't stand anyone that can't keep a secret.

Losing her Job: She's already on a watch list and anymore strikes is going to cost her.
Sanity: She's on the crazy side and cannot understand why people think it's a bad thing.
Authority: She has always had a fear of authority figures. She doesn't know where it comes from but she avoids anyone above her like the plague.

Kerstin was mostly a normal human being, she had a father and a mother, an older brother and a little sister. She grew up on a small mining colony right on the rim of the galaxy. Growing up she spent most of her time reading and testing theories on several willing patients. She was nothing more then a smart girl that wanted nothing more but to help people, and on her colony many people needed that help. They were too far away for anyone to really bother with them and they only had limited supplies but thanks to her she saved several lives when the miners accidentally drilled into a gas pocket that created a cave in. She preformed four amputations, and successfully gave a heart transplant.
As soon as she was able she moved from her colony to an actual city. Here she made an underground hospital for those that couldn't afford to see the real thing. This was difficult due to her lack of founds and equipment. The only way she seen to solve this was to start making slight modifications to her body, nothing majorly altering, simple things. First it was her eyesight, she got implants for taking x-rays and from a childhood accident she had to get leg prosthetics from the knee down, she decided to get a much needed upgrade for her legs. Although she knew all the good she was doing she found that it wasn't letting experience everything she wanted so at age twenty-two she joined the medical academy. Kerstin made her name known by being completely unorthodox and getting on almost everyone's bad side. However, they couldn't argue with her results, she was thorough when it came to her experiments but when she was in the moment that went out the window and she did what she had to. If that meant breaking the rules then so be it. It was a tough time, especially with all her professors thinking she was a no good, troublemaker that follows no rule and has a serious disrespect for authority, but she made it out with the top percent.
Kerstin's first real job was with the military during the first war. She spent most of her time in the infirmary room working on wounded soldiers, where in most cases were simply lost causes. She was working on someone caught in an explosion, a delicate procedure, she had to insure the shrapnel was removed without damaging most tissues. With a jagged piece of metal out she started working on stopping the bleeding and patching him up but something must have went wrong with his anesthesia because where one minute he was doing fine, the next he was shooting up in a huff. He grabbed a piece of the shrapnel laying on the collection pan and he lunged at her. Kerstin's hand was resting on the table when the sharp pain ran up her arm. She doesn't remember any noise, just a flurry of bodies restraining the man and her hand, now in two, bleeding on the table.
There was no way she would ever regain her hand and an even less chance of her returning to work, this was unacceptable. During her first month she had cybernetics put into her hand so she can get back to doing what she loved. She still gets complaints and the list of people that find her methods unnecessary just keeps getting longer. Nonetheless she made it up the ranks and with the newly commissioned U.S.S. Warhammer she can get away from the ones that find her . . . crude.

Other: Her hair changes from a bluish green in dark lighting to blonde in bright lighting due to chemicals inhaled as a child.

So begins...

Kerstin Wilde's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: CMSGT.Coal Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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#, as written by CutUp

Wes left the med bay when the doctor started working on Reese's implants. He didn't want to disturb her. "Bridge." Wes commanded as he entered the Turbolift. He isn't quite sure what to think of the doctor. He's read reports both good, and bad of her. It's hard to get a read on someone with only short interaction. But for now he'll just have to trust her to do her job. Soon the elevator stopped at the bridge. He stepped off the lift to see fellow commander Atan along with a Torronax. Strange, Wes didn't even know any Torronax served in the Federation.

"Greetings. I'm Commander Carter." Wes said introducing himself. "A Torronax correct? I didn't realize any of your people served in the Federation." Wes had fought one or two Torronax in his time before becoming an officer, and has made a few smuggling jobs to their homeworld. "You're people a very tough, and long lived right? Or by human standards at least. I'm sure you'll be a valuable asset." While Wes doesn't have any formal degrees in xenobiology, he does have a lot of first hand experience with most spacefaring species, something that proves to be invaluable for his job.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Atan nodded to Carter as he stepped in and talked briefly with Rss'Kan. It was good that there were those who tolerated other species other than humanity on this ship. Snapping a salute once again to Captain Rayne, Atan said, "I shall take my leave Captain. Fare thee well." Bowing in the more formal manner of the Kara'kan capital, he backed out into the Turbolift and entered the combination for the medical deck. Wouldn't hurt to check the place.

On the journey, he thought about his conversation with Rss'Kan. As Atan had said earlier, hope was a noble aspiration. He thought back to the times his race had been persecuted, forced to the brink of extinction and sequestered in various Bastion Worlds across their sector of the Perseus Arm. There were those that would create a military industrial complex, turning the peaceful Kara'k race into one of war, inflicting retribution on those that had wronged. Atan did not despise them for their disposition but he felt sorrow at their misguided feelings. War would ruin the galaxy, not help it.

Stepping off, he entered the medical bay and saw Kerstin sitting there, various items arrayed around her. It seemed she had been working. "Greetings Lieutenant-Commander Wilde. It is a pleasure to meet the head physician. The burden of chief medical officer can be quite tiring without one."

Sitting down at one of the various stations, he leaned his staff against the wall before asking, "What prompted you to join the military? Glory, hope, obligation, adventure? Sorry if I intrude, but I like knowing those I work with personally."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Weslow Rykes
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Kerstin Wilde

It wasn’t until the door shut that she let out a slow calm breath while looking over some medical files on the crew. If she was going to do her job right then she would have to read up on everyone, the one thing she never liked about the job. Paperwork. She was deep into a file when the door snapped her out of her focus.

Swiveling revealed Commander Vuloris. “Hello sir. It’s no bother.” As she greeted him he asked her why she joined and grabbed a chair at the station over from hers.

”Please, it's just Doctor in here and to answer your question,” She paused thinking over her next couple of words. ”I joined because I have a knack for helping people. May I ask the same to you?” She said not looking up from the paperwork.

Weslow Rykes

Weslow finished reassembling his sniper rifle and with one last look over noticed the time. It was time for his second dose of his supplements. Good timing too, he’d take the supplements and then head to the shooting range. Being in one space for too long was never good for his mental state, he tended to get antsy if he has to wait around for too long and not do anything. Which only resulted in him testing his marksman skills and athleticism and that only lead up to him tiring himself out.

Grabbing his rifle he made his way to the med bay where he seemingly intruded on a conversation between Doctor Wilde and Commander Vuloris. “Excuse me.” He said as he passed them and sat in a chair. He rested his rifle against the wall and grabbed a small black container from his pocket. He did not need anyone to give him the injection but it was best if he was supervised.

“Supplements?” A voice chimed in.

“Yeah.” Was all he replied. Kerstin and himself had been stationed together a few times before and by now she didn’t ask questions when it came to this sort of thing. ”I’ll be out of the way in just a moment.” He added as the blue liquid was squeezed through the needle into his vein. Blue. Couldn’t they have made it a more pleasing color. Like how about clear?

Three needles. All blue. All in the same spot. He clenched his fist after they were done and proceeded to leave the room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Weslow Rykes
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Atan sat quietly as Weslow walked in and set his rifle against the wall. An interesting character. If he wasn't mistaken, Weslow was a San'i, which meant that he should have had his pair nearby. He did not remember seeing one. Dead, perhaps? If so, then would Weslow end up being a liability? Something to consider later, and he was leaving anyway.

Turning back to face Kerstin, he gazed at her, tumbling her words around in his head. "As you wish then, Doctor Wilde. Why am I here you ask? Because I despise war. I simply hope to reform the military complex through the complex itself. War is much too brutal for a galaxy. Sadly, sometimes the only way to stop war is to wage it. In a way, my reason is much like yours: I wish to help people, simply in a different way."

Glancing back at the door through which Weslow had exited, he asked, "If I may be so bold, how did you end up here on the U.S.S. Warhammer? Your record is certainly interesting to examine, and many would have passed you over. What did our superiors see in you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde
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Kerstin Wilde

"If I may be so bold, how did you end up here on the U.S.S. Warhammer? Your record is certainly interesting to examine, and many would have passed you over. What did our superiors see in you?"

“I ask myself that same question. I expected a half hearted 'thanks but no' when I applied to be stationed here.” It was fully clear to Kerstin that many of her coworkers had their opinions on her work ethics and completely other opinions on her personally. The entirety of her reputation was based on her experimental trials, evident disregard for the rules and her displeasure of working with others. However, regardless of her flaws she got results and who was going to argue the facts?

Kerstin stopped what she was doing, turning to Commander Vuloris. “ I have been praised and held in high esteem while at the same time being censured over my actions. The one thing that has never been overlooked was my results. I’m good at what I do, Sir. Some say I'm one of the best. Others treat me like nothing more than some girl from a no name colony that got lucky.” She finished as she gathered her things. “I need to check up on my belongings, I've yet to do so. If you want to continue talking I’ll be back here shortly.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde
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Atan stood as Kerstin left. An interesting person to be sure. Despite the misgivings on her official report, she was a good person, that he could tell. Reckless and disobedient at times, but skilled at what she did. Certainly a better doctor than he was. Atan was simply a medical officer, in charge of directing the care of the ship's crew. He did not have much experience treating people themselves, especially those of different physiology.

Walking out of the medical room, he stepped into the Turbolift as it returned and headed over to his room, leaning on the staff along the way. He probably could have found something to relieve the pain in his leg at the medical bay, but what served well for humans might not work for him. Exiting the small pod, he strode over to his residence and unlocked the room. Leaning the spear against the wall, he closed the door and found his medical supplies. Extracting a hypodermic needle and medical fluid, he injected his leg with the substance. The pain was quickly swept away.

Leaning back, he proceeded to use one of the strategy combat sims installed on his data pad, refreshing his skills however much he disliked them.