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Weston Carter

"I guess it's time for some thrilling heroics."

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a character in “The Voyages of the U.S.S. Warhammer”, as played by CutUp


For Whom The Bells Tolls| Metallica|| War Pigs| Black Sabbath|| Salute Your Situation| The Raconteurs
"I never asked for anything. But I still have to deal with it."

Name: Weston Thomas Carter
Nickname(s): Wes, Ironhide
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Species: Human Cyborg
Rank: Commander

"Life is define by heartache, and tragedy."

Wes is 6'8 feet, weighs around 220 pounds without his cybernetic implants, and is extremely physically fit. He's an imposing site to be sure, even without knowing he's a cyborg. With his cybernetic implants he weighs around 450 pounds, give or take. He has medium length blonde hair that is slicked back most of the time, and a beard. He has green eyes. He also has several scars all over his body.

He is heavily modified with cybernetics all over his body. His entire right arm, his left forearm, both legs from the knees down, several of his major organs, and his right eye. He also has many implants in his brain. Also he has many cybernetic additions to his joints, such as his hips, and knees. None of his cybernetics show however, due to a synthetic skin he where's on them. Although his right eye can sometimes change colors. In combat he wears a specially made suit of armor that allows his weapons built into his cybernetics to still work.

"I'm just me."



Wes can be described as a sarcastic, fierce, quick thinking, caring, determined, somewhat flirty and brave officer. He is a very caring man, to his subordinates, superiors, and just about anyone else. He prefers to do things himself, especially the most dangerous, so he'd be the only one at risk. He can also be pretty sarcastic, and has a bit of dry wit to him. While he does have a pretty keen tactical mind, he's at his best when coming up with plans on the fly, rather then planning before hand, which as lead to both praise, and criticism. He can also be somewhat rebellious, and won't follow orders unless he feels they are worth following.

He has a great determination to him, never giving up on anything, no matter how lost the cause. He is very brave, and can be seen as heroic as well, as he doesn't hold his life in too high value, and would gladly sacrifice himself for others. He can be somewhat of a flirt, although it's mostly just 'art appreciation' rather then a real interest. While his cybernetic implants can be seen as enhancements to most others, he doesn't hold this same view. He hates his implants, he didn't choose them, he didn't need them, and he doesn't want them, but unfortunately he doesn't have a choice, and now must deal with them for the rest of his life. He feels that some part of him is missing, and that he's not human anymore.

"People don't change. Who they think they are does."

•Fighting- Wes is an excellent, and experienced combatant. His training, while mostly in street brawling, has made him a deadly foe, even without his implants.
•Cybernetics- Due to his advanced cybernetics he is inhumanly strong, fast, and has incredible reflexes. He is strong enough to easily punch through steel. His right eye has several different functions; night-vision, thermal-vision, x-ray-vision, and telescopic vision. Each mode changes his eye's color; night-vision is a neon green, thermal is a bright red, and x-ray is a steely grey. While his iris appears to zoom in on objects for his telescopic vision. He also has weaponry built into his arms. He has a laser built into the arms, and a two inch blade that comes from his fists.
•Weapons- He is also extremely proficient with just about any weapon.
•Hacking- Thanks to his brain implants he is a nature hacker. He has a cable in his right arm that can be plugged into most modern computer systems, and allows him to access them with just a thought. This has proven invaluable for hacking, and information retrieval.
•Talking about his past
•People interested in his implants
•Blindly following orders
•Death because of him
•Failing when needed the most

"I guess I'm living proof that one man's trash is another's treasure."


Wes was born and raised on a very small human Colony, so small that few even knew of it's existence. The Colony was a very devote community. But they didn't worship a God, or any of the such. No, they worshiped technology. They believed that cybernetics are the next stage of human evolution, not by any sort of biological means. They warped their bodies, the bodies of their children with some of the most advanced cybernetics the Galaxy has ever seen. They were a very closed off group, when mankind first got on the galactic stage they first took the information from the Raicans, and improved on them, making their advanced cybernetics. They secluded themselves from the rest of humanity, and thus the Galaxy.

Growing up, Wes was forced to have his body mutilated by his parents, and replaced with cybernetics. Wes hated it, he never believed that technology was anything worth worshiping. He became somewhat of a troublemaker. He was always in trouble, tagging buildings, sabotaging machines, among other things. Due to this he was consistently punished. While his parents tried to keep him reigned in, the leaders of the community weren't convinced they could do it. When he was 15 they made plans to try and use his cortical implants to 'rewrite' his brain waves, making him a different person in all sense of the word, into a more obedient teenager.

Wes found out about this, and ran away from home. He snuck onto a smuggler's ship, one of the few transportation ships that came to his colony to drop off new technology, and occasionally supplies. Eventually he found aboard ship, light-years away from his home. The captain of the ship wasn't the most upstanding of men. He saw the potential in Wes, knowing of the advanced cybernetics of his people. While he could of have just simply killed the boy, and sell off his body for quite the fortune, he had another idea for him. He made Wes apart of his crew. Using Wes' superior strength, and abilities to his advantage as a enforcer of sorts.

Over the years Wes wasn't just a smuggler, his captain also forced him into underground cage fighting, which he begrudgingly enjoyed. He fought many aliens, and became a extremely proficient fighter. All this came to an end when he was 20, while on a smuggling job their ship was captured by the Federation. As they were neutral in the war, they were transporting some 'goods' to the Dyrens. The officer who captured their ship saw something in Wes, potential. He was given the choice, go to prison and be trailed as a traitor, or join the military. Wes chose the latter.

3 years later would be his defining moment. His crucible came when he was a lieutenant, he was assigned to the security force protecting several ambassadors, and a admiral. Their transport ship was shot down by the Dyrens, and crash landed on a dangerous planet in a lush forest. Only two ambassadors, the admiral, and a handful of other security members survived the crash. Thanks to his implants he survived with barely a scratch. But surviving the crash proved to be the easy part. As they had to deal with both the violent wildlife, and the Dyrens who landed on the planet to finish the job.

With the survivors in no condition to deal with the perils ahead, Wes was forced to step up. He was able to outmaneuver, and out think the Dyrens, and the wildlife. He was able to take out the Dyrens one by one, all by himself. He got the survivors to the Dyren ship. They took the ship, and set out to friendly space. Eventually they made it home, with no casualties other than the ones in the crash. Wes was given a bunch of metals, and praise, much to his dismay. But he accepted it regardless. Due to his toughness, and determination he was given the nickname 'Ironhide' by the survivors, and the name caught on, and has become well known, with each story of his survival growing more exaggerated with each telling.

The Admiral took a particular interest in Wes, pushing for him to be apart of the more dangerous, and risky missions the Federation as to offer, becoming something of a special operations expert. And each time he has succeeded with flying colors. Now the admiral pushed for him to be assigned to the U.S.S. Warhammer.

"I guess that makes me a big, Goddang hero."

Charlie Hunnam

So begins...

Weston Carter's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Captain Rayne heard the turbolift doors open behind him shortly before hearing Atan's voice behind him. "Captain Rayne, may I present to you Ensign Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani, a newly arrived engineer," Atan said as Rayne stood up and saluted both Atan and the newcomer. Being a Tsuriac, Rayne's vocal chords allowed him to mimic Naxik better than Humans, almost as well as Atan could, but not quite.

"Hello, Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani," Rayne said, mimicking Naxik, "I am the leader of this ship, Seth Rayne," Rayne said, switching back to normal for his name. Translating that would be borderline impossible.

That's when Ironh- Weston walked in. Rayne heard him give his greeting to Rss'Kan, and thought back to his days as a ground soldier.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Atan Vuloris Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Kerstin Wilde Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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Atan nodded to Carter as he stepped in and talked briefly with Rss'Kan. It was good that there were those who tolerated other species other than humanity on this ship. Snapping a salute once again to Captain Rayne, Atan said, "I shall take my leave Captain. Fare thee well." Bowing in the more formal manner of the Kara'kan capital, he backed out into the Turbolift and entered the combination for the medical deck. Wouldn't hurt to check the place.

On the journey, he thought about his conversation with Rss'Kan. As Atan had said earlier, hope was a noble aspiration. He thought back to the times his race had been persecuted, forced to the brink of extinction and sequestered in various Bastion Worlds across their sector of the Perseus Arm. There were those that would create a military industrial complex, turning the peaceful Kara'k race into one of war, inflicting retribution on those that had wronged. Atan did not despise them for their disposition but he felt sorrow at their misguided feelings. War would ruin the galaxy, not help it.

Stepping off, he entered the medical bay and saw Kerstin sitting there, various items arrayed around her. It seemed she had been working. "Greetings Lieutenant-Commander Wilde. It is a pleasure to meet the head physician. The burden of chief medical officer can be quite tiring without one."

Sitting down at one of the various stations, he leaned his staff against the wall before asking, "What prompted you to join the military? Glory, hope, obligation, adventure? Sorry if I intrude, but I like knowing those I work with personally."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Captain Rayne Character Portrait: Rss'Kan 's Nssk'Aani
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#, as written by Raidose

"I am the leader of this ship, Seth Rayne." "Captain." Rss'kan acknowledged, nodding dutifully. He waited for his standing orders or any other form of command his Captain may have, when he was addressed by another human. "A Torronax correct? I didn't realize any of your people served in the Federation." That statement caused a bit of a mental flinch for Rss'Kan, summing up how out of place he felt in one sentence. Though, seeing these other various species here, maybe they felt the same as he did? 'I am the first...." he trailed, till he noticed the human's rank. Another Commander. "...S-Sirrr." Rss'Kan finally finished, his attempt at English without the luxury of his translator coming out like the bastard lovechild of a belch and a growl. And yeah, that had to be as unpleasant to hear, if not more so, than humans speaking Naxik. Rss'Kan left himself feeling a bit embarrassed, and now eagerly awaited an update for his translator's dictionary. Provided it was militarily based. He turned back to the captain. "Standing orders, Captain?"