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Lil' Vine

"Some trees would look cool here."

0 · 616 views · located in Kirkcroft

a character in “The War of Heroes and Villians”, originally authored by SMinSC, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name -Lil' Vine

Secret Identity - Garret Wolistrom

Age - 17

Power - Plant Manipulation- Can create any plant on any surface he disires, and can grow them in the air, does not require base.

Poison Immunity- Immune to poisons due to exposure from his own, and his blood is a cure for most poisons.


Weapon- None, but uses his plants to attack and defend around him.

Side- Hero

Personality- He is quite confident in his own abilities, so he has a child-like arrogance about him.

History- Garret was born to a hero and normal person. His father, the hero, died fighting a villian, so he was raised by his mom for most of his life. He dislikes all villians, due to his past, but does not like killing them. He was picked on most of his life for his height, he has always been short, and combined with his red hair and the fact he is gay, he was the target of bullying growing up, so he doesn't tolerate bullies either. He is child-ish in both his real life and when fighting crime, often sticking his toung out at people and cracking bad jokes. It is his mission to help everyone in his city, without causing a huge riot because he can't get rid of the plants he creates.

Theme song- Eye of the Tiger

Crush- TBA

So begins...

Lil' Vine's Story


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Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret was walking the streets, like any other day. He had a secret, he was a super-hero. He loved that about himself, but he couldn't share it with anyone. Too many heroes had been run out for saving the city in a way they didn't want them too. It seemed odd to him, "We are saving your asses, and thats our thanks?" He would think to himself. Although, he didn't really want the attention of everyone knowing he was Lil' VIne, too much attention. Although, he didn't really like the name he was given, he has always been short, and he figured he would always get taller, but at seventeen, you learn to accept you will be short forever.

He passed a newsstand and bought a paper, with the headline, "BRIGHTSIDE. SAVIOR OR DESTROYER?". He honestly didn't get this Brightside, he was a rogue. Garret always thought you had to pick one side or the other, so going between was odd to him. He was a Hero, and damn-proud of it! He brought a hotdog from a vender on the street and continued down the streets, traveling to no where in particular, just keeping an eye on the streets.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret made his way to the hospital, he had heard about what happened at the courthouse, and was sad he couldn't do anyhting about it. He wasn't even clos eto it, but still, he thought. His mother was a doctor at the hospital, so he would visit and give blood. He knew his blood wasa cure for most any poison, but he didn't share that information with anyone, less they take all of his blood.

When he was in the hospital, he stopped in a room of a woman who was in a coma due to high level of poisoning. He knew the report said they didn't know who did it, but he did know the woman, she was a villian, or at least rogue. While he was happy that she could no longer hurt anyone, he felt bad for her family, they probably didn't know about her, and now she may never wake up.

He had his suit in his backpack, but he kept it close to him at all times. He was in the lobby when it happened. Large men in commandos stormed in and started taking out weapons and shooting people. He knew this might have something to do with the courthouse incedent, but he didn't care. He knew something would happen, so he acted out of out instinct. He hide behind a pillar, and sent a large vine to snake around the roof and then spread out and capture the thugs. It wouldn't hurt them, but it would make it impossible for them to shot at all. He sent the vine and it spread, making a lot of the ceiling turn into vines. And then they went down, attacking at blazing speed and wrapped around the thugs, constricting their hands, legs, and chest.

When that was complete, he quickly went into the restroom, when everyone was panicking and changed into his suit. He knew there was no camera inthe restroom, so no one could see him. He left the restroom and stood in between the people he captured, and saw them struggle for something, although no way could they move.

"Sorry, you will not be killing any one on Lil' Vines watch." He said to the thugs, and someone called the police, so they were probably on the way.


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Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by ceh12
Brightside sat in his chair as he heard the clank of three of the spiderbots zapping to life, making a total of fifteen prototypes. "Ha good job Leo." he exclaimed then snapped his fingers as they shrunk into gumball forms. Brightside picked them up and turned to the monitor where there was a mob going after a hospital. "Looks like the perfect place to have a test. " he said then teleported to the roof of the building. He landed ontop of a vine it looked like the plant kid's. He turned around and saw him taunting the villains. "Sup Midgey. I think I can take it from here " he said then threw out all of the bots. They grew into full size which was about six feet high. He smirked as the swarmed around using their own guns to take down a few straggling thugs. They crippled them but not kill then threw their bodies into the piles of vines.

Brightside then jumped ontop of one and lied down in a taunting way. "So whats up?" he asked then snapped his fingers. "Oh where are my manners ASL?" he asked then laughed at his own joke.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret was mad at the nerve of this Brightside. He had taken down the bad guys before anyone was killed, and then he just shows up and tries to be the good guy. Also the fact that he made fun of his hieght annoyed him. He was 5'2", way taller than any midget.

"Hmm." He pouted, "Brightside. Why am I not surprised you are here?" He said and puffed out his chest a bit. "You know, if it wasn't for the fact you are a villian, I might ask you out." He chuckled a bit, he loved to make people feel awkward, it summed up his childhood perfectly. "Why are you here? No kittens to put in trees? You know, if you ever want to be a good guy, try helping people without the theatrics. I do." He said confidently. He was still unsure about this guy, he had potential, but he was a bad guy, he hurt people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: The Dark Hero
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Chaos was within the ten yards of the hospital entrance when he started to sprint to get in. When he got in he reached into his long jacket to pull out a small little grenade launcher and a gas mask. Fitting it on he used the stairs to get up the floors. First floor he was walking over to the other side's stairs. He began to shoot canisters across two different sides. The canisters were filled with mustard gas and was spreading through the room.

He got to the stairs to move up some more levels, reloading on the way up. Hearing shooting he decided to join his men where the fighting seemed the most intense. He opened the door to what seemed to be the other side of the conflict. So he shot his canisters around as he pleased. He was walking ever so closer to what was probably be a lobby when he stopped when his eye got a glance at a patient.

"Well what do we have here. Never thought I'd see you still alive." He told the woman in the coma. "Thought that poison I sold to those guys who were after ya would of administered it to the neck like I said. Obviously not." The woman gave no response. Chaos shot out the last of his canisters and mustard gas began to fill the room . "Your gonna feel this don't worry. Look on the Brightside. You were practically already dead." He said pulling out an Uzi from another pocket in his jacket and filling his left hand with a frag grenade. With that the man left the room to continue to the lobby, shooting patients as he went.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by ceh12
Brightside listened to the boy smirking the whole time. "Hmm Brightside. Why am I not surprised you are here? You know, if it wasn't for the fact you are a villian, I might ask you out. Why are you here? No kittens to put in trees? You know, if you ever want to be a good guy, try helping people without the theatrics. I do." Brightside rolled his eyes. "Three things midgey, first I'm not a villian I help more people than you have ever, I haven't heard of anyone needing a short botanist in a while. Second of all I am helping just in my own way, these robots are a tribute to my father. " he sighed "Evil and wicked as he may have been he was still a genius." he sat up. "Third off you're not my type sorry." he said jokingly. "I prefer, hm what's the word? Oh yes women." he said laughing. He then sat up then jumped off and snapped his fingers the bots turning back into the metal gumballs and rolling into his palm. "Now if you excuse me I'm gonna actually save someone instead of hanging around with you all day. You're welcome to come with. What'd ya say shortie?" he said holding his hand out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: The Huntsman
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"You kiddies should just leave this to the big guns." The Huntsman said under his mask as he waltzed into the lobby from the front door, looking across from body to body and mearly just gruffing. "Chaos is my prey....." He utter again and kept on walking toward the stares and sounds of gun fire, his sniper held neatly over his shoulder. He was certain the two would recognize him, he had been around a bit and was known for all kinds of assassinations, brutal killings of criminals from super to standard in the street, a few blown up cop cars and quite a few charges of assault. It was ironic he called himself a good guy, though he just enjoyed using the villains tactics against them. With a chuckle he stopped and leaned up against the wall and waited for Brightside's and Lil'vine's response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret was more annoyed with Brightside. He had called him shortie and a midget, so he had to stop himself from punching him, so he used his words instead.

"Oh no! What will I do without your love!?" He said heavily sarcastically and started fake crying. "Also, you will be begging for my help when it rains and those little robots of yours no longer work, great thing about plants, nearly impossible to destroy." He said with a toothy smile. "And finally," He said and twiched his right index finger, and a vine struck one inch away from him, cracking the stone floor, "I'll help you. You seem like you need a good influence, but don't you dare underestimate a hero."

He finsihed and got closer, and created an olive branch and broke it off while walking closer, and handed it to him, "I guess this means we are partners, you will do so many good things we me around." He said, and remembered his bag, so he called a vine to hand it to him. It was a bookbag with the letter 'G' on it, and he always kept it with him. "Now, lets roll." He said and stuck out his hand, unsure of how teleportation would work, or even if they were.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by ceh12
Brightside scoffed. "My bots don't rust they're made from stainless steel dumbass." he said smiling. "Plats are easy to kill just a match is all it truly takes or maybe just walk away cause I haven't been chased by a daisy in quite a few days." he laughed looked at the olive branch. He knew it meant peace but he always thought of it more like a weak link unable to grow anything else. He nodded then slipped it in his pocket then pulled out one of the balls and put it in his bag. "There my peace token" he said smiling.

He grabbed the boy's hand and held tight. "Oh and if you loose a few organs just tell me and I'll get you a new one." he said smirking then teleported away to the lower building. Empty canisters were everywhere but the actual gas was gone. "Come on we need to..." he looked at the boy who was missing a good bit of his banges and before it could be scene he grabbed a lock and slipped it in his own pocket for later analisis. "Um you may want to sit down for a moment dizzyness is common also you may wanna get a mirror." he said pointing to his head.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: The Huntsman
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Chaos was about to round the corner when he stopped to make a short call. "Those of you who are left scatter through the building! Spread!" He yelled into the phone before breaking it. He then yelled out to the heroes who were still in the lobby.

"I know your down there. Don't care how many of you there are. Let's make a deal when I run out of bullets I'll surrender. Got it."

With that Chaos turned around the corner and chucked a frag grenade into the lobby. He held is gun up ready to shoot anything that moved after the grenade went off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret didn't like the feelin of teleporting, it made him feel a tad sick. So, when they arrived at their desination, he leaned against one of the beams. That is when Brightside bent down and picked something up and put it into a small bad and put it in his pocket. He then told that he might want to look at a mirror. He didn't know what he was talking about, but found one. He was shocked, his banges were cut off, showing his forehead, and it exposed the upper half of his face, since his costume had a mask, but it appeared to be gone.

"Damnit." He said, making some plants grow by accident, "Of course this happened, I try to help, and now my costume is messed up, damn. So where are we anyways?" He said, looking at Brightside, his red hair showing its natural spikey look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: The Huntsman
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#, as written by ceh12
Brightside jumped as the frag went off. "Well either Iraq or near Chaos." he said then looked around. "Well they have power so Im gonna say near Chaos." he looked at the man charging him and sighed. "Dumbasses" he then hurled three of the balls and the spiders came out Gatling guns blazing. "Take that" he yelled behind cover.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Keepsake Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: The Huntsman
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Keepsake woke up from her nap to the sound of her television. Her roommate must have turned it on while she was asleep. She rolled over in an attempt to get back to what she had been doing, which was sleeping off the headache she'd gotten, only to overhear something on the news.
"In this emergency news bulletin, a group of thugs appears to have stormed the hospital. Keepsake sighed, and put her outfit on.
"Guess there really is no rest for the wicked..." She groaned to herself as she leapt out the window, grabbing onto an I-beam that was left over from construction. Using the further part of the I to brace her feet, she scurried up to the rooftops and ran over to the hospital, thankfully not too far away. When she arrived, the lobby was a wreck, with a duel going on between the heroes and someone she was guessing was the bad guy, due to the Uzi. Good guys never carry Uzis. Unpleasantly pissed, due to her headache, she took a deep breath and shook the lobby with her voice, drowning out the gatling-gun fire.
Hey, robot spiders are all well and good, but woe betide the man dumb enough to confront a woman with a headache. Especially when she has ten knives in her hands.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
"Great." Garret said, creating a large wooden shild in front of him, thick enough so he wouldn't be shot. He then moved his arms, creating vines and plants to move forward and attack. He couldn't see them, but he could feel them, and what was around them, so when he felt a body, he would have it strike.

He saw Brightside with metal spiders and a gun, "Geez. Do you have anything besides those robots and hair cutting teleportation?" He asked while using more vines to bind the thugs, so they couldn't move, and for good measure, he had their mouths covered by a vine, but not thier noses, "Can't have you teeling anyone we are here." He thought, and when he noticed that hte gun fire had died down he left his shield.

"So, Chaos. You really think you can beat him, because if you think you can, you are sadly mistaken." He said and put his hands behind his half covered face.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Guang Liang (Hanabi) Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: Leo
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#, as written by ceh12
Brightside shrugged. "Well I usually save people's asses instead of screwing around. " he said then smirked as he saw the vines take over the villain. He got a ring on his glasses it was Leo. " Brightside Valkyries have been going rampant get to the lab. I'll get you some overrides then you can get them on the ground" "Hm and maybe on for our own" he said then ended the call.

"Well midgey since you've got this under control, I gotta go help a few people and take a prize. " he snapped his fingers and the bots returned to his pocket. "Peace, oh and if you ever wanna go out, ask someone else." with that he teleported to the lab.

Brightside dropped a few pices of Lil' Vines hair on the table then took the bugs which would be able to hack into the jet's computers and Leo would be able to control them remotely. He smirked. "Analyze the hair I wanna see how he can control plants." he said then teleported to the concert then onto a jet.

The G forces were awful but he was able to withstand it using the claw gauntlets. He looked back to see a hero flying towards them. He raised two fingers then hit the glass making it shatter and the pilot fall. Brightside then teleported the bug onto the controls where it sped up and away from the city.

Brightside then teleported onto a second and started to work on it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Choas Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Brightside Character Portrait: Keepsake Character Portrait: Lil' Vine Character Portrait: The Huntsman
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0.00 INK

ooc: YO WAZZUP!!! I'M BACK!!! i haven't been posting because of a little thing called SCHOOL... BUT, don't count me out of the story just yet ;)

As the events in the hospital lobby took place, Kina was up to more important business.

The reason why the canisters of mustard gas were empty by the time Brightside got to them was because Kina had used her wind powers to purify the air. Wearing the paper bag on her head with two slits for her eyes, Kina went from hallway to hallway, purifying the air. She made sure to avoid the henchman, as she realized they were clumped together, and since they had guns, attacking them would be like suicide.

Suddenly, Kina heard the announcement through the hallway.
"Those of you who are left scatter through the building! Spread!"

Kina could then hear footsteps coming from behind the corner. She quickly turned invisible.

It was one of then henchman, holding a pistol. He walked through the hallway, aiming it at each of the doors, shouting, "AWRIGHT!! ANY SURIVIVAS GIT OUT, OR I SHOOTCHA!! I MEAN IT!!"
Nobody accompanied him, so Kina knew it was her chance to strike.
Invisible, Kina silently took him down, and he fell to the floor. She stole the pistol, and made her way through the hallway. Kina knew it was against her moral code to kill, so if the henchman were not carrying guns, or if they were alone, Kina didn't kill them. If it seemed to be the opposite, Kina shot them while invisible. She tried not to look each time she shot. She felt like each time she shot, she was avenging the memory of Soorya.

Once all the men were gone, Kina turned invisible and shouted through the hallway, "HELLO!!! ANYBODY THERE!!! ANY SURVIVORS, IT'S SAFE TO COME OUT!!! helloooOOOOOOOO...AAAAHHHH!!!
Kina could feel some sort of shockwave below her feet. She started to panic, for she knew it had to have been an explosion. This left a serious question in Kina's mind; should she evacuate the survivors, or explore the noise? Kina thought, and then, came to a conclusion that if the thing downstairs wasn't terminated, then the hospital would fall under captivity again. Kina tightly held the pistol in her hand, and sprinted down the long hallway, and ran down the stairs.

Once Kina invisibly entered the lobby, she had to keep herself from gasping. There were vines everywhere. There were some people caught in the vines, and other people who seemed to be surrounded by them. Kina noticed a short boy, a girl who looked like she had some sort of attitude, robot spiders, an older looking man, (not sure if huntsman's still in this rp...) and a mischievious looking boy. Kina could hear him conversing with the small boy, saying,

"Well midgey since you've got this under control, I gotta go help a few people and take a prize. " he snapped his fingers and the weird spider robots seemed to settle in his pocket. "Peace, oh and if you ever wanna go out, ask someone else." the boy then teleported, and suddenly, Kina realized that the boy was Brightside, The anti-hero.

Was this party good, or bad? Kina had to know. without thinking, Kina turned visible, revealing herself in the lobby. With the paper bag still over her head, Kina held the pistol out in front of her, and shouted,

"EVERYONE, FREEZE!" she looked at the heroes, saying, "alright, i'd like to know what on earth is happening. first of all, what side are you all on? second of all, can i trust you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret was more annoyed now then before, Brightside had left him there, appearly to crash a jet. Plus, his costume, after looking at it, would take forever to fix. This was not turning out to be his day.

He was looking around to see what he could find, and then remembered he took his hair, "WHy on earth would he do that?" He thought to himself, and decided to not think about it, unless he saw him again.

This is when he saw a woman appeal out of no-where, holding a pistol at him. She had a paper bag over her head, with two eye slits. It looked funny to him, and he let out a chuckle, and put his hands down.

"Well," He started, getting his vines ready, in case she was a villian, "My name is Lil' Vine, maybe you heard of me. Hero to all!" He said rather happily, and used his vines to strike her, making sure she wouldn't fire at him, "Now." He started now that she was disarmed, "Who are you? Friend of the law or friend or Chaos?"


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Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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The small boy chuckled. (Kina knew it must have been the paper bag. She was kinda used to it) He talked first among the group.

"Well," He started, the vines moving around him.
"My name is Lil' Vine, maybe you heard of me. Hero to all!" he said rather cheerfully. This confused Kina, and because she was confused, she was caught offguard when the vines struck her. She watched her pistol fall to the floor. She struggled a little, but stopped once the kid started to speak.
"Now." he began to say,
"Who are you? Friend of the law or friend or Chaos?"
"....Chaos?" Kina started to say, "IS THAT WHAT THAT DOUCHEBAG TERRORIST IS CALLED?!?! I'VE BEEN ON HIS FREAKING TRAIL FOR A HALF HOUR NOW!!! I OUGHT'A SOCK HIM RIGHT IN HIS EFFIN MOUTH, WHEREVER THE HELL HE IS!!!" she said, struggling out of anger. Suddenly realizing she was shouting, Kina calmed herself down, and said,
"right, sorry. friend of the law. i'm ninja. pleased to meet you. I would shake your hand, but uh...." she motioned the vines around her with her head.
"sorry i'm not in my regular attire today. The stupid courthouse incident caught me off guard, and i kinda did whatever it took to get down here, hence the creepy paper bag." she said, staring intensely at the boy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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#, as written by SMinSC
Garret was listening to the woman, and when she mentioned his vines he said, "Sorry about those, hold on one second." he said and moved his arms, making the vines leave her, and they dropped on the ground.

She spoke with an interesting accent, that was very cool when she yelled, "That accent is so cool." He said randomly, but it was true. He then realized she said her name was Ninja, "WHAT!? that is an awesome name. Come on, I get stuck with Lil' Vine, as if I don't get enough jokes about my height already." He said, brooding on the name the city gave him.

He than collected himself and said, "Well, i guess neither of us are really looking our best, "He said pointing at his newly cut hair, "That guy owns me." He said, ruffling his hair back into its spiked position. "If you want to take down Chaos, I will help you! We heroes need to work together!" He said, showing off a toothy smile at the woman called Ninja.


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Character Portrait: Ninja Character Portrait: Lil' Vine
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"Sorry about those, hold on one second." the boy then moved his arms, and Kina was able to move her arms.

She chuckled when the boy mentioned her accent, and she laughed when he talked about his name.
"Well, i guess neither of us are really looking our best, " he said, and then he pointed to his hair, saying, "That guy owns me."
Kina wondered if he was talking about Brightside, or someone else.

"If you want to take down Chaos, I will help you! We heroes need to work together!" he then said, flashing a smile at Kina. Kina half smiled from under her bag, her eyes becoming less intense. She said, "Alright, kid. you got it."