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Ianthe Blevins

"Who am I? I am who I am, you don't need to know any more than that~"

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a character in “The Way to the Future”, originally authored by Jakuri-chan, as played by RolePlayGateway


Ianthe Blevins

Gender: Female
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Ian
Age: Looks 16
Race: Demon-Possessed Human

Appearance: Sheā€™s a fairly small young woman to be honest, her height is diminutive for a girl her age and her weight leaves her thin. Looking at her, she really seems like a beanpole, and her bones can be seen stretching through her pale skin in areas too. But these arenā€™t the traits which most define her, Iantheā€™s noteworthy physical appearance comes from the wolfish ears and tail on her person. Matching the reddish color of her hair, the girl has a set of canine ears protruding from the top of her skull while she has a rather thick tail coming from the base of her spine that extends below her knees. Her hair itself is long, going to about her hips, and she has a set of rather blatant red eyes.

Along with her wolfish ears and tail, Ianthe also has with her fangs and claws upon her hands. Despite her canine features, her appearance really is that of a girl her age, her appearance is very young and youthful, matching her age of sixteen quite well.

Itā€™s also oddly common for her to be seen walking around with bandages around her forearms and over her hands.

Preferred Clothing: Basically what you see her wearingā€”Ian likes to keep her clothing simple enough, long shirts and pants if possible, of course she isnā€™t beyond spicing the look up with a few accessories and such. . . . Sheā€™s not beyond cloaks and such as well. In terms of things, she actually doesnā€™t much care for shoes and would rather go about barefooted everywhere if she could, but since thatā€™s not practical in cities with their paved roads, she wears simple slip-on shoes.

Height: 5 ft (152 cm) (Measured by the tops of her ears, not her head!)
Weight: 85 lbs (39 kg)
Measurements: 32-23-34 (81-58-86)
Hair Color: Auburn
Eye Color: Red

Notable Features: Wolfish features; ears, tail, claws and fangs, then there is her red eyes and this energetic atmosphere she maintains.

Personality: A strange amalgamation of perceptiveness, intelligence and lightheartedness, she is indeed an interesting person. There are times where she may act as if she is disinterested in the happenings around her, like she is lost in her own little world, but the truth is that she is always paying attention to the world around her and is taking in every bit of it all. Times can pass over when she seems the shallow sort, that she does not care about others and their strife, only about simple things, maintaining relationships with people that only goes skin-deep. Although she does indeed socialize in a way that can keep others from feeling as if they are getting close to her, or that they are getting to see a deeper side of her, the reality is that Ianthe always acts as she feels. If there is a smile on her face, and sheā€™s playing the part of a joker, then thatā€™s simply what one will get from her.

She likes acting like a jokester, being lighthearted and suchā€”she finds such an approach refreshing and simplistic compared to the gravity of the world at hand. While she can be teasing, sarcastic and purposefully make bad puns and lame jokes, she knows when to stop this, when things call for a more gentle approach.

In line with her less-than-serious self, she tends to act childlike at times, moving around constantly when awake, speaking in a extremely casual manner and simply acting as if sheā€™s always having fun. She can seem as if she is weak-willed and is lacking in intelligence due to her mannerisms, but this could be not be more opposite of the truth. Ianthe has a resolute heart, and is a girl who is sure of herself. In a way, she is very oddā€”while having faith in herself, and her views, she also realizes that the way she sees the world is flawed and imperfect, so something she believes might be wrong in the eyes of another. But, she also will flat out tell another that their own way of seeing the world is the same, imperfect and flawed due to their humanity and limited scope of understanding. Her policy is that sheā€™ll respect the views of another without question if they can do the same for her.

Although she can seem arrogant due the certainness she has in her own mindset and way of seeing the world, that could not be more of a lie. She is a very modest girl who views herself as being a completely average individual, no better than anyone else. Life is significant to her in all forms, everyone is important, she is above no one and below no one. In a way, she can seem as if she is solitary due to the fact that her outward self can be caught in-between her joking and her more serious side. It is true she does like being alone sometimes, but Ianthe enjoys being around others a lot as well. She is an amicable girl who likes the company of people.

Going along with her strong spirit and unwavering views, she is actually a girl who is rather tough despite looking like she might be the delicate sort. Those who matter to her receive her full protection, doing so with words and force, if the need be. She is not someone who falls victim to rage or anger at all, virtually speakingā€”she has no berserk buttons or anything that really seems to send her into a fit. When she is defending a person even, she displays impressive sang-froid. She would rather settle a matter with words than anything else. It is odd to find a person who doesnā€™t seem to suffer from fury at all, even in situations that might rouse the tempers of others, Ianthe can be found displaying disappointment rather than anger. Disappointment because she believes that people are capable of better, they are intelligent enough to make good choices, and to not act so terribly.

Because of how she views humanity, she is a rather accepting sort, there is little in a person she canā€™t overlook in order to take one as who they are. Due to this, Ianthe makes for a perceptive person, as she is a good listener, capable of encouraging words and appropriate advice.

Her ways, the silliness in her coupled with her accepting ways, and protective nature toward her important people, it gives her something of a maternal sort of feel. Ianthe seems motherly, to those both younger and older than she is, it seems odd in a wayā€”sheā€™s apt at calming people down, scolding them for inappropriate behaviors and giving comfort to those who need it. She is a source of solace for those who need it, and is more than willing to provide this for even complete strangers. Seeing people happy is what she wants, to make others smile, she wants that. . . .

Of course . . . she can be rather affectionate too, even if she can be a calm girl who seems far too perceptive for her age, her maturity has its limits. She can be prone to hugging people, and clinging onto them. There are also some rather odd quirks present in her as well, very interesting indeed. Something of a klutz, itā€™s not uncommon to find her banging into something/one, falling, tripping or knocking things over, yet sheā€™s able to laugh at herself in these instances rather than become embarrassed.

Even if her heart is a strong one, there is no denying that she is actually a rather sensitive girl, although she can come off seeming as if she really is affected by the world at large due to her displaying little emotion toward things, and expressing them only in ā€˜disappointment,ā€™ Ianthe is a very sensitive young woman. As much of a dork as she can be, even with the smiles and the dissatisfaction she shows toward things that would anger others . . . she is someone who can fall to tears rather quickly. If she comes into hopelessness or feels as if someone she cares for is beyond her ability to aid, she will cry. She is odd, for she sheds tears for others and not for herselfā€”she never cries for herself. Even if someone says they hate her, even someone she really likes, she does not cry. Even to pain, there are no tears, itā€™s only for other people that she ever succumbs to crying. But, thatā€™s often. . . . Her heart is sensitive, she is an empathetic young woman along with perceptive, so she easily finds herself crying for others.

As sensitive, perceptive and intelligent as she is, she is also a blunt young woman who speaks her honest mind, and gives her straightforward opinions to others, even if those are words that might sting.

Oddities: She is literally unable to inflict harm upon another living being but herself, she carries with her a curse that had been bound to a demon she allowed into her body. The curse keeps Ianthe from harming others in the way of if she makes an attempt to do so, her body will be racked with sudden and intense pain that will nearly cripple her movements.

Her blood is silver rather than redā€”a result of the demon within her body.

The blood in her body is capable of healing most any sort of physical wound in the sense that it speeds up the bodyā€™s natural healing processes by multitudes. It is still possible for someone to die even if sheā€™s used her blood to try to heal them. . . . Though her blood can quickly heal another person, it will not quickly heal herself, so any injuries she takes on will only heal as quickly as that as a normal person unless some other method of healing is used on her.

Despite her small size, she has a rather impressive appetite.

If she gets anxious or nervous, sheā€™ll sometimes begin tugging on her wolfish ears with a rather uncertain expression on her face.

The ears on her head and the tail on her rear react to her emotions, they move like a dogā€™s world in reaction to sound or to her emotions.

Even though she has amnesia, she doesnā€™t seem to actually care much, even if she is looking for someone who might know her, sheā€™s pretty upbeat and plenty happy with her nomadic life and lack of known family.

Likes: Good food, sunshine, people, reading, exploring, talking, and shopping.
Dislikes: Burnt/spicy/bitter food, isolation, darkness, thunderstorms, and when people do bad things.
Hobbies: Exploring, reading, talking to people, healing anyone injured, and sleeping.

Fears/Phobias: Sheā€™s kind of oddly ignorant toward most things so she doesnā€™t really appear to bear any known phobias. . . .


Blessed Blood?
She has unusual bloodā€”while she canā€™t do anything too magical with it, Ianthe is able to use it to heal others by forcing herself to bleed and allowing the blood to seep onto another personā€™s wound. For reasons even she doesnā€™t completely understand, the blood is able to quickly heal up most injuries, and can aid in internal ones as well . . . if someone is willing to ingest her blood.

Barrier Maiden
She is a literal one of theseā€”although she canā€™t hurt anyone, she is able to use defensive magic of sorts in the way of putting up a barrier that is rather hard to break. It doesnā€™t actually hurt anything that touches it, rather it just acts like a wall and keeps those she wants to stay away from her, out. The barrier will act as a solid wall to the unwanted while those she doesnā€™t mind can slip through it.

Weapon: Due to a curse, she is unable to harm anyone so she bears no weapon.

Fighting Style: Cannot fight due to a demonā€™s curse, so she acts as a defensive fallback and a healer with her blood.

Personal History: In all truth, her history is something of a question markā€”all that Ianthe knows about herself for sure is that sheā€™s been wandering around for the last year, just exploring. Before when she was a normal girl, she formed a pact with a wolf demon she encountered who was being pursued due to special properties her blood possessed, injured, the wolf resorted to asking a favor of the young Ianthe. She asked if she could sleep inside the girl for a timeā€”to recover and to hide. The demon was left with something of an odd curse in line with the properties her blood possessed that kept her from being able to successfully fight back against anyone or thing that sought to hurt her, she was unable to injure anyone.

Ianthe had agreed to the pact, letting the demon house herself within her body, the transition however wiped the girlā€™s memories from her. She remembered nothing of her former life and knew only a few certain things, the fact that she had a demon sleeping within her, and she also knew well enough of the demonā€™s powers and why her blood was so special. As far as her name went, that was a mystery, so she took on the first name she heard and liked . . . the name 'Ianthe Blevins' actually belongs to another young woman. The demonā€™s blood and powers had become her own while she slept within Iantheā€™s bodyā€”having gone from human to demon-possessed changed the color of Ianā€™s blood from red to silver. And she took on the demonā€™s strange curse, and became unable to ever inflict injury upon another person or thing.

Since waking up from the demon coming to rest within her body, Ianthe has become a mere traveler, going around to see if she might be able to find someone who knows her or at least of her, all the while she uses the demonā€™s mysterious blood to heal anyone injured she comes across, even if it causes herself harm. . . . Sheā€™s seen many things in the last year, but remains a rather inexperienced young woman regardless.

Other: The baggie around her neck is where she carries her money.

So begins...

Ianthe Blevins's Story


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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She remained unconscious, held in the jesterā€™s arms. Fia was breathing, but it was shallow and labored, her body still in pain despite having fainted, she did not respond to anything said to her, simply she remained in a state of near-sleep, looking peaceful enough.

However, this little dramatic scene wasnā€™t simply playing out without anyone watching, no, dear Fiaā€™s fainting spell had caught the eye of s small crowd, passer-bys had stopped, looking on at the panicked young man, and the cataleptic woman in his arms. Several were whispering among themselves at the odd sight, but . . . there was one among them that stood silent, her eyes watching the scene, holding a near blank expression upon her features; before a slight grin formed over her features. Only her smile could be seen, as the girl wore a cloak over herself, the hood pulled low over her eyes, her small frame covered up. Such a sight. she thought, a soft laugh came from her throat.

After watching for a moment more, the cloaked girl took a step forward, her bare foot showing. She walked through the crowd, moving by and through the people, saying a soft, ā€œPardon me please.ā€ and a, ā€œMay I pass?ā€ once in a while, until she cleared everyone. Without a word, she stood in the front of everyone for a moment, simply looking at the jester and the knightly woman, carrying a seemingly amused air about her figure. Just who this girl was, it was really anyoneā€™s guess. The very atmosphere that stuck to her was an enigma, a mystery. Where this girl was from, her story, no one knewā€”no one in Apea could say that they knew her. ā€œWhat a sight, what a sight~ā€ she sang, moving forward again, stopping just in front of the two.

Without a single warning, the girl knelt down where she had been standing, right before the two, still smiling. ā€œYoung man,ā€ she spoke, ā€œYou are worrying yourself silly for no reason at all.ā€ Her voice was warm, and honest, but it was full of energy and youth. A hand crept out from underneath the cloak, moving toward Fiaā€™s forehead, however, there was a strange thing about her hand thoughā€”she bore no fingernails, but instead, claws, and wrapped around it were bandages.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Joker looked at the cloaked woman, mixed with confusion and panic. He wasn't sure if he should let her get near Fia but he was so lost, he felt like a helpless child who just saw some die. Joker clung to Fia closely and looked up to the cloaked figure that had madeher way to the front of the formed crowd. His eyes lit up with a bright spring green as he looked at the woman, who seemed sheep among wolves.

ā€œWhat a sight, what a sight~ā€ She sang as she looked down at Joker and Fia. Joker winced weakly in panic as she knelt down but was soothed by her soft voice. ā€œYoung man,ā€ she spoke, ā€œYou are worrying yourself silly for no reason at all.ā€

Joker felt a great weight fall from his shoulders as she said this, but then he tensed up flinching as the woman reached towards Fia's forehead with a human hand, covered in bandages and bearing claws instead of nails. The appearance of her hand did not frighten Joker, but more the incertainty of what was to come.

Joker whimpered out slowly, "She's going to be okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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The woman gave but a nod to the jester, still a bemused smile upon her obscured face. Lightly, she brought her hand to Fia's forehead, and set it there for a moment, before retracting it back into the hidden depths of her cloak. Fia remained unresponsive to the woman's touch, her face merely squelching up a bit as a result of it. Her breathing remained a touch uneven, hasty. This was a fact which was noted well by the strange lady who just looked on at the two, continuing to smile. These two . . . how adorable. she thought to herself with a giggle, drawing a hand up to her chin.

The clown-like boy before her was so worried for his companion, a woman donned in armor, toting about a sword. It was a sweet sight to behold in its own light. Lifting her head upward some, the stranger revealed the upper half of her face to the joker, showing that she was no older than he was, herself just a girl, her eyes wide and innocent, though they were indeed the color of crimson. Hmm, dare I say that I sense the roots of affection being planted between these two? she asked herself, before offering up a comforting smile, tilting her head to the side. "There is naught a thing to worry about, young one, this dear girl is far from in any true perils concerning her health. The poor thing has just fainted, and by her complexion I imagine it was because of emotional strain of some sort. Perhaps something this morning has caused her stress, or to become overwhelmed enough to fall unconscious." she suggested.

"No matter the cause, she'll come to soon, in the meantime, however, I would suggest that you take her some place which she may rest."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Joker smiled weakly in relief. "Thank you..." Joker wrapped his arms under Fia's legs and back, and lifted her effortlessly into air, held against his chest like a precious present as he stood up. He looked down at this mysterious woman, her face was so young, she looked younger than him but not by much, she was surprisingly attractive and normal for someone with such hands, but her appearance meant nothing in comparison to making sure Fia was safe.

"I know somewhere nearby." He paused as he turned to leave. "Ummm... Ms.Cloak... Could you do me another favor please?" Joker looked back at her with soft turquoise eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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She couldn't help the amused smile that came to her face as she watched the jester ascend to his feet, clutching onto the knight so . . . lovingly? Perhaps that would be the word to best describe how he was regarding her now, holding her as he was. Dear Fia looked contented now, her complexion still pallor though. Hmm, I think I'm going to be sticking around these two for a while, something tells me that there is fun to be had with them~ she giggled standing to her feet as the joker had. Honestly, she couldn't resist the urge to remain with them, the air around them truly was an interesting one. Besides, she had a reason for being there, didn't she . . . ?

"Ummm... Ms.Cloak... Could you do me another favor please?" the girl turned her red eyes back to the young man, a questioning look on her face. She could sense that something from him, something that was indeed about to be very amusing. She smiled and let out something of a laugh.

"Young man, you would do well to be forward with me rather than trying to use tactics of charisma and such to have me do it is you want me to." she told him, raising her hand up, she wagged her index finger back and forth several times as she spoke. "If I were you, I'd save your charm for the girl in your arms~"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Joker raised his eyebrow in confusion but shook it off. "What? No, nothing like that." Shifting Fia in his arms he reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold coin, stepping close to the cloaked girl. "Could you go into this bakery and buy me all the snicker doodle cookies?" He handed her the gold coin, almost naively putting faith that she wouldn't just take the coin and run. "We'll be in a shack on the far east of town. Please keep the change."

Without even waiting for a response, due in fact that the crowd was growing bigger and it wouldn't be long before the city guards would show up, Joker ran away with Fia in is arms, bouncing up some stacked barrels, jumping up onto the roof top. He ran across the roof tops, leaping from roof to roof as he ran for the shack he had found on his first day in town. It looked abandoned and old, some ancient storage shed for a nearby house, but it looked as if it hadn't been touched in years.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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A bemused smile remained over Ianthe's face as she watched the Joker seemingly fly off across the rooftops above the crowd of onlookers. Those people who had been watching the scene between the mercenary and the jester, looked to one another still talking among themselves about it. Even if she'd been wrong about what she'd intended to tease him about, oh well~ Oh, he's certainly something, just entrusting a strange woman whose name he doesn't even know his money. she giggled, and turned her eyes downward at the gold coin in her hand, placed over the bandages. A sigh came from her lungs, as she simply gazed at it for a moment. Snicker doodles, eh? the girl couldn't help a chuckle. As the cloaked-woman remained there, those people who had been watching Fia and Joker were beginning to dispersed, returning to their business as the spectacle of their watching was gone.

She continued to smile, closing her fingers over the coin. "I suppose I should do what he asked of me, and then track him down, after all I have my business with that mercenary." Ianthe had things to attend to, things she needed to speak to the knightly woman about; one of these being a job of sorts, Of course, it looks like she might be a bit busy. the girl's nose twitched a bit, Oh well, even if she isn't poised to take on the task I have to ask of her, I'll just follow after she and her jester until she's ready.

Dropping her hand back to her side, Ianthe began humming to herself stepping forward, her bare feet stepping against the pavement below as she went into the bakery to get what the jester had asked of her, the cookies.


In his arms she remained unconscious, letting out not a sound, until a few words slipped from Fia's lips. "C-Cosette . . . it will be okay. . . ."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Joker ran across the roof tops until he saw it, the abandoned shack. Jumping down onto a building's awning and springing off of it like a trampoline, Joker came to a skidding stop, landing next to the shed. Holding Fia close against him, he found a weak board in the structure, moved it aside and stepped within. If there was ever anything of value in this shack it was long gone, leaving only dust and cobwebs. The important thing was it was secluded.

Joker gently laid Fia down to the soft dirt floor. Still concerned for his friend, he used his most prized possession, his jester's cap, as a pillow for her head. He gently ran his hand across her forehead, wiping away a light sweat and caressing her soft skin. Joker reminisced on the words that girl had told him, focusing on the words.

"There is naught a thing to worry about, young one, this dear girl is far from in any true perils concerning her health. The poor thing has just fainted, and by her complexion I imagine it was because of emotional strain of some sort. Perhaps something this morning has caused her stress, or to become overwhelmed enough to fall unconscious." she suggested.

It was my fault... Joker thought to himself. Despite what the girl had told him, guilt had overcome his mind. If she hadn't been with me... She wouldn't have been so stressed... Joker continued to look down at the unconscious Fia and then looked down sadly in shame. It's all my fault... Again...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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A soft whimper came from her throat as she stirred a bit from where sheā€™d been set down. Fia had turned herself onto her side, a pained expression passing over her face as her breath hitched in her throat, she felt . . . heavy, very heavy. Her arms and legs felt as if they weighed a lot more than they really did, and her left side was hurting her still, her scar throbbing painfully. But, it was nothing like it was, the pain had subsided to a more manageable level, even if it was indeed more uncomfortable than usual. It couldnā€™t be helped though, it had been the reason sheā€™d passed out before, the agony of it had made her faint. It did that sometimes . . . if she let herself become overwhelmed by something, sometimes the stress would leak into the scar for some reason and make the pain reactivate. In all truth, a part of Fia honestly believed it was Cosette trying to communicate with her from the other side at times, telling her that she was doing something wrong, or that she needed to calm down.

This time though, itā€™d been the worst flare up sheā€™d had from the scar in a long time, Cosette, you truly must believe that my thoughts about how I should take to Joker are wrong . . . even though you know that things could end in turmoil if we became closer for more reasons than one, you still. . . .

She sighed, moving her body enough to signal that sheā€™d begun a full return to consciousness. Involuntarily, Fiaā€™s right hand travelled down to her scar, and she lightly held onto the throbbing area as a moan came from her throat, and she opened her eyes up. It was dark . . . and she was lying down, obviously, but she was on dirt . . . ? How long did I fall unconscious, and where did I wind up? she questioned. Last thing she remembered was that sheā€™d fallen toward the ground outside of the bakery after sheā€™d visibly upset Joker with her harsh words. An obvious mistake sheā€™d thought had been the right course of action before. Honestly, she still wasnā€™t sure about this . . . if she was wrong before, about letting him close to her. Keeping him emotionally distant meant sparing him from all that could potentially go wrong in her line of work, she could well enough die, and there was the fact that he and she were going to part ways someday, and more than likely never meet again.

And with how fast Joker seemed to be becoming attached to her . . . those things could all very well hurt him, and hurting him wasnā€™t something Fia wanted to do. Nipping something in the bud might well have been the best way to go about things, for both of them. Yet, that may well be no longer an option for me, as well as him it seems. a weak smile overcame Fiaā€™s face at that thought as she drew her legs up toward her chest. Even if it is against my normal ways of going about things, there is a truth in all this; I felt guilt for having hurting him. Despite knowing that keeping this on a strict basis of client and employer would be best in the end, I do not think I can abide by that. I am already attached to him as well, if I were not, then I would not be in this state. An honest laugh came from Fiaā€™s throat as she realized that.
How could she have sunk to this . . . ? Someone had managed to bypass the walls she normally kept up around herself so quickly. . . .

Cautious from here on in was what she needed to hold onto. That was right. Worming her arm underneath her body, Fia began the task of sitting herself up. Groaning, she managed to force herself upright, ignoring the pain from her scar the best she could. She turned her head up, opened her eyes up again and looked around . . . spotting both Joker, and his jester cap upon the ground. So, that is what my head was lain upon . . . ? she questioned, stretching her right arm out, she picked it up, and kept her gaze averted from Joker. But, she knew that she had to speak, so, even though she didnā€™t know quite what to say, she still opened her mouth and tried to force something out. ā€œI-I . . . I apologize.ā€ she managed, ā€œFor fainting. I-I am suppose to be the one watching out for you and yet I managed to faint, leaving you to look after myself instead.ā€ Well, that was part of the truth lurking in her heart, at least sheā€™d gotten a part of that out. . . .


Ianthe mustered out a sigh as she stepped out of the bakery, holding in her arms a tied off cloth filled with snicker doodle cookies, she mayā€™ve well undertaken the task that the naĆÆve jester had asked of her, holding true to his quickly-placed trust in her, but she had not been expecting to have to interact with such an . . . odd Undine baker as a result. Oh well, itā€™s over now. . . . she groaned, her bare feet hitting against the stoned roads of Apea as she walked away from the place.

The crowd that had gathered to watch the event between the jester and the mercenary before was all but gone, yet still, an uncomfortable feeling lingered in the air as far as the cloaked girl was concerned. There were guards scattered around the area, here and there, but not all of them bore the colors of Tai. They wore the colors of another landā€”Martanth. Ianthe knew the colors well enough, having been through those lands only a short time ago herself. And though she had not said a word of it before to the youthful jester, she knew his face. She knew that he was a wanted man, his head desired by Martanthā€™s king, she had seen the flyers posted throughout the country, heard the rumors floating about the cities. . . . To think that the kingā€™s knights would seek him out all the way into Tai. . . . That could almost be considered a declaration of war.

Underneath the hood of Iantheā€™s cloak, something could be seen twitching, as if in response to hearing the voices of the Martanth men and their footsteps. She knew well that she ought to hurry back to the jester and to his dear mercenary. . . .


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Fia stood to her feet, holding onto her still-aching side with her right hand. It hurt to stand, but she couldnā€™t remain seated upon the floor, something compelled her to her feet when Joker pulled away from her. In truth, part of her felt relieved to be free of his embrace, but . . . was another part of her disappointed? Was that what she was actually feeling in the depths of her nervous heart? Disappointment? Shouldnā€™t she have been happy to be freed from anotherā€™s touch, relaxed and more at ease? But she didnā€™t completely feel that way about it, certainly, that was new, definitely new for her. She found herself looking to the ground as she came to realize this strange newness. It was a bit overwhelming for her, bizarre, and in truth, she didnā€™t know how she should respond to such a notion, why was this happening to her now?

Her face was definitely red, she could feel it. Was this a result of her letting the walls around her heart down? Because she was allowing someone to become closer to her, and she wasnā€™t keeping them at a distance anymore? The sentiment of discontentment at suddenly being released from anotherā€™s embrace, maybe she missed that more than she realized. The last time sheā€™d truly been hugged was before sheā€™d left homeā€”Guiscard had hugged her as they said farewell, and that had been years ago . . . but the embrace with Joker had felt different than the one Guiscard had given her.

With Guiscard, I had not felt embarrassment nor anything else, but with Joker, I am antsy, uncertain, and I sort of feel as if I am upset that it ended . . . ? she questioned herself, not understanding. She released a deep breath at all this, not sure how to take it in. Deciding to lay it aside for now, the girl brought her sage-colored gaze back up to look at her traveling companion . . . her friend. Even if she was not very sure of everything that lay before them now, or of what the past might hold, she felt content. Even if the prospect of parting in the future loomed along with Gods knew what sort of pain, Fia was going to do her best to ensure that Joker did not have to resort to living as she believed he mightā€™ve before. He was . . . her friend now.

. . . .and she would prefer it if he addressed her that way. ā€œPlease, no more formalities, Joker.ā€ She said to him, her voice uncertain, ā€œJust Fia, just call me Fia. If I am to have a friend, I wish that they would address me by my name, not by a title. And, you are my friend.ā€


Ianthe hurried her pace along a bit, she didnā€™t have the best of feelings at the moment, she could hear people, footsteps scattered all around, armored ones. Martanth was on the prowl, looking for their wanted jester. She could only hope that the boyā€™s dear Envoy had come to by now, because they were more than likely going to need to be on the move, and very soon.


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Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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She tensed up at her hand being taken hold of, but Fia held back that urge to pull away, because another part of her was happy enough to actually have the contact with him. . . . Yet still, the girl had to release a deep breath as she looked back at Joker, expression rather serious; what heā€™d said about waiting for someone had not escaped her ears. The fact that Joker had so simply told someone to meet himself and her anywhere when he was wanted dead by Martanth troubled her. Caution was needed in a situation such as his, and it seemed he was able to hold true to this notion, but now. . . . I . . . will have to trust in his judgment for now, if the need arise that I have to draw my sword, so be it then. Fia thought to herself, looking to the ground as she consciously held onto the hand around hers somewhat tightly.

There was no denying that a lot of things were in the midst of changing around her now. . . . And these changes were things she needed to become accustomed to, if not for herself, but for the sake of her friend. There was no changing that she now considered him her friend, because she did, even if that notion frightened her, Fia knew there was no changing it. The aching in her scar was proof enough that what she felt was indeed undeniable. . . . If it were, then there was no way sheā€™d have felt so overwhelmed before. In those moments of silence, another thought crept in upon Fiaā€™s mind, knowing that she well may have to draw her sword soon. Her, having to fight, living up to her title as an Envoy of Death. Taking lives. She had to wonder if Joker was ready to see that, to see that . . . to see her like that.

Fia could only hope and pray that he was, because such a sight was inevitable . . . and not one for the faint of heart.


Ianthe hurried her little self up, keeping a grip upon the tied up cloth, she held in one arm. The cloaked girl did her very best to dodge the sights of Martanthā€™s knights a block back, and somehow she managed to. Those goons were around questioning everyone about the joker and the Envoy already. That was not good since the woman in question couldā€™ve still been out cold. I suppose Iā€™ll just have to hope that the dear girlā€™s woken up by now, and is ready to move~ she thought with a bit of a smile as she ducked down a narrow alleyway, hopping over the fence at its end with a grunt. She didnā€™t stop moving, even after she landed.

Into view came what she assumed was the meeting place that the jester had spoken of; because before her was indeed an abandoned looking shack. Dilapidated and looking as if itā€™d been left to rot ages ago. . . . Ianthe crept toward it, glancing about with those red eyes of hers uncertainly, making sure that no one was around to see her. The girl headed right for the door, knocking on it just hard enough to be heard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Joker heard a knock against the shed, with quick speed he rose up, opened the loose plank and yanked them in. He expected it to be the young woman from earlier but if not he would use the element of surprise to knock out whomever it was. Luckily it was the cloaked girl. He pulled her in and covered her mouth so she could not scream, he spoke gently to calm her, "Thank you for meeting us. I'm going to let you go but please be quiet. Do you have my package?" Joker asked the girl as he released her. "Fia, this is the girl that helped when you were unconscious."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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She had yelped as the jester had yanked her into the shack through a loose plank rather than just letting her in through the door. As she was released, Ianthe couldnā€™t help but seething and mentally cursing as a hand travelled up and she rubbed at one of her fangs, ā€œDamn it . . . I think you went and bent one of my fangs. . . .ā€ she grumbled, sighing a bit before letting her hand drop back to her side, into the depths of her cloak.

Fia absentmindedly blinked while she took in the girlā€™s appearance . . .it mightā€™ve been true that she didnā€™t know what to expect from someone that Joker had put his faith into so suddenly, but. . . . Well, maybe she wasnā€™t quite expecting someone so small. The girl couldnā€™t have even broke the five feet mark. Did Joker ask her about a package . . . ? the mercenary realized, her sage-colored eyes glancing back to her friend, questioningly looking at him. Sheā€™d not heard what the cloaked girl had been grumbling about after Joker had released her either. ā€œSo . . . you are the one who aided us after I fainted then?ā€ she questioned.

At hearing the voice of the Envoy, something of a snide smile formed over Iantheā€™s young face as she looked between her and the jester, Well now, who do I answer first? The jester was indeed the first to interact with me, but my business is really with the Envoy. . . . she thought, sighing after reaching a conclusion. ā€œYes Mr. Jester, I indeed did retrieve what you asked me to,ā€ the red-eyed girl moved one arm out from underneath the cloak, showing the tied cloth sheā€™d been holding onto since leaving the bakery with the odd Undine chef. ā€œAnd yes, dear Miss Envoy, I provided mere emotional aid to your companion here after you had a little fainting spell in front of the bakery. May I say; you two caused quite the scene? A knightly young woman, falling to the clutches of gravity as her jokester of a friend looks about in a state of pure panic? Quite the sight.ā€

A sigh came from Fiaā€™s lips as those words left Iantheā€™s mouth, a grin coming over the odd girlā€™s face. Red had overtaken the Envoyā€™s face. Had she really caused that much of a panic in Joker . . . ? Sheā€™d hurt him before with her words, her uncertainty, and even managed to faint because of her own fear. And even after sheā€™d hurt him he still panicked over her wellbeing . . . she really owed him. . . .

ā€œNow, I hope that you two realize just how much of a sight you became. You both certainly managed to attract more than just the mere attention of the simple townsfolk here.ā€ Ianthe began, the smile fading from her face. ā€œThe knights of a certain enemy country happen to be scouring Apea from top to bottom in search of someone within the confines of this little shack; and I assume it will be only a matter of time before they happen upon this little place.ā€

Hearing what it was that had been said, Fiaā€™s head shot up in alarm, her eyes were wide as all traces of her embarrassment, uncertainty and confusion about everything prior to this faded away, and her sense of duty took hold within her heart; an urge to protect. ā€œMartanthā€™s knights?ā€ she whispered, knowing well what this might mean soon. Battle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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"Fia and I are more than capable of combatting anything in our way to get out, but will you be okay? I can't imagine these knights are being gentle in their searches. And you have seen us." Joker spoke as he tied the bag to his back, deciding he'll save them to give later.

"We need to leave this city, immediately." Joker gripped at his card satchel and hoped that if they did have to fight he wouldn't lose himself, not again. That's what really got him into this mess.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Fia nodded in response to Jokerā€™s words, they did need to get out of Apea as quickly as possible. She noted that he was holding onto his card satchel, and . . . also, she could sense an air of uncertainty about her friend. Even if she was not sure of what might happen next, if a battle was upcoming very soon or not, the idea of having to draw her sword and to draw blood too wasnā€™t something she was fond of. The notion of it settled uncomfortably within her now, when she stepped into a fight, life on the line, she changed, and she knew it. Honestly, she didnā€™t want Joker to have to see her like that. Her eyes travelled down to the weapon kept at her side, and she drew in a breath.

In truth, not a time before now as sheā€™d worked as a mercenary could Fia actively remember when she last worried about what others thought of her in a battle. Things were indeed actively changing around her, werenā€™t they? The acceptance of a friend was causing things to go haywire for her in many ways; it even caused her scar to ache after having been settled for so many weeks. She even wound up hurting someone emotionally and she regretted it, much. All of this Cosette, I am unsure if I can handle it all at once. she sighed.

As sheā€™d been addressed, Ianthe looked between the jester and the Envoy, something underneath the hood of her cloak twitching. The two were very serious when the situation called for it . . . that was a good thing. ā€œOh~ You havenā€™t figured it out yet?ā€ she asked, crossing her arms underneath her cloak, smiling a bit as she responded to the question posed of her. ā€œDonā€™t you think it a bit random for me to wander up out of a crowd of spectators, and then for me to adhere to your request despite not knowing the name of either you or her?ā€

Hearing the girlā€™s words, Fia drew her gaze up to the cloaked girl, uncertain of her.

Simply, Ianthe smiled. ā€œIā€™ve planned on coming along with the two of you since before approaching you after she fainted.ā€ She said, pointing to Fia with one of her clawed fingers. ā€œFor one; I have business with your dear Miss Envoy here, and two young Joker, I already knew about your wanted status in Martanth before bothering to help you.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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"Can we discuss all this once we're out of the city?" Joker looked nervously out a plank. "How fast can you run? Can you use a weapon?" He asked the cloaked girl. This was not when he wanted to explain the reason for his warrant. Martanth was a crazy time brought on by the freedoms of finally being on his own, he made many mistakes, mistrusted the wrong people, and practically collapsed the entire kingdom's patriarchy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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She shook her head at the question posed to her; noting that heā€™d become very apprehensive at her mentioning knowing of his wanted status. It was to be expected. . . . ā€œNo, I cannot use a weapon, but Iā€™ve no need for one.ā€

Fia had her eyes set on Joker; a worrisome look had etched itself over her face at seeing how he was acting . . . it was true that she didnā€™t know the entire situation behind why he was so wanted by Martanthā€™s knights, but sheā€™d taken to acting as his aid. He was not a bad person, she could well tell that now, and it was in her duties to take looking after good people in bad positions like this. That was what she believed of herself anywayā€”and there was the fact that he was her friend. Sighing deeply, the mercenary turned her gaze back to the cloaked girl a serious and stern expression having overtaken her face. ā€œIf you are unable to wield a weapon, then may I ask how you intend on defending yourself?ā€

To this question, Ianthe merely smiled, ā€œOh, my dear Envoy~ You should know as well as anyone else that there are methods of defense beyond brute force. Methods in the way of . . . magic.ā€

A breath escaped from her as she was given an answer, what more could she have expected from such an odd acting girl but that? She didnā€™t look like she could physically fight with her stature anyway. . . . Once we are all free of Apea and away from Martanthā€™s forces, there will indeed be a serious discussion to happen about several topics. . . . Fia thought, turning her eyes back to Joker. In truth, given the fact that Martanth was now scouring Apea up and down for him, getting to freedom now was a definite battle waiting to happen. Being cautious at this point probably had little merit.

The expression upon Iantheā€™s face shifted all of a sudden . . . she could hear them. ā€œI believe it is time that we take our leave, I can hear them coming closer now; combat may be on the cards if we do not flee immediately.ā€

ā€œHear . . . them?ā€ Fia parroted, curious as to how the girl could hear something that she herself couldnā€™t, even having honed her sense of hearing for the last odd years. Sighing, she shook it off; the answer to that was something that could wait until the three of them were safe. Composing herself, regaining her mindset as the mercenary she was, Fia set her right hand on Jokerā€™s shoulder. ā€œWe go, now. Whatever must be spoken of will wait until you are safe from Martanthā€™s men.ā€ With this, the blonde moved forward, ducking through the open plank in the side of the shack, and back into the sunlight . . . hand upon her sword whilst she could feel an aching still in her scar. What lay ahead was uncertain, but she would fulfill her duty as a mercenary and keep her friend safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Joker stepped out into the sunlight, keeping low because of the fact he stood out like a cave troll's sore thumb. Joker was nervous, he expected he was going to have to talk about himself but now it loomed over them, expected to be discussed when they were safe. He couldn't focus on that right now, he kept his hand on his satchel, ready to spring into defense if they drew attention.

"Come on, we have to head south." Joker said sneaking quickly away from the shed, expecting the girls to be following behind.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiammetta Thorne Character Portrait: Joker Character Portrait: Ianthe Blevins
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Ianthe herself moved through the opening in the shack, following in the footsteps of the mercenary and the jester. A rather serious look had etched itself upon her young face as she looked up to the sky for a moment, thinking. To the South, from here. Something under the hood of her cloak moved, and this did not escape Fiaā€™s attention in the broad daylight. Oh dear me. . . .

She kept a hand poised upon the hilt of her sword, just in case, her eyes kept upon the cloaked girl. Why is it that she is simply gazing to the sky? Fia thought. ā€œTell me, is there something wrong perchance?ā€

At being addressed, she turned her crimson eyes to the Envoy, a questioningly look upon her face. She did not smile or attempt to make a single joke this time. ā€œYes, there is something wrong indeed, Miss Mercenary.ā€ Ianthe began, raising an arm up and out of her cloak, the girl proceeded to point a clawed finger in the direction Joker had begun heading toward. ā€œThe direction in which the young Joker has chosen to go is not safe. Currently, it is riddled with many of Martanthā€™s soldiers; I can well hear their metallic footfalls against the paved road close by.ā€

Fia could not help but tense up at the girlā€™s words, how was she able to hear so far away? ā€œIs that . . . so?ā€

A nod came from Ianthe as she retracted her hand back into the dark depths of her cloak. ā€œYes, I know it may seem quite odd to you that I would possess such sensitive hearing . . . but for now, you are simply going to have to trust it and me.ā€ As she finished speaking, she drew her eyes down to the clasp at the front of her cloak, quickly she began to fiddle with it, until it finally came loose and undone. I do believe that there is someone here who needs this more than I at the moment~ An arm snaked out from the cloak, clutching onto the shoulder of the garment before pulling it off herself to reveal her full appearance.

ā€œMy Gods,ā€ Fia breathed out, eyes widening as she took in Iantheā€™s full self. She stood in place, staring somewhat nervously at the girl while her heart skipped a beat. She has . . . wolfish ears? And, and a tail . . . ? she questioned, I did not think things could take another strange turn Cosette, but it seems that your sister was once more wrong. If it was not enough for me to begin developing a friendship with Joker, my evidential new travelling companion has wolf features.

Sighing in relief, Ianthe shook her hair and tail out as she held the cloak out before her, giving Fia a coy smile. ā€œI know, my form is truly shocking without the cloak, is it not?ā€ She idly waved a hand out to her before turning toward Joker, and holding out the cloak to him. ā€œEven if it is very true that I look quite strange without this, I do believe that even I would be less of a sight to see than he as things stand. It may be for the best if this was worn to hide yourself for now, until we are able to clear Martanthā€™s men.ā€

Fia could only bring herself to nod in agreement to her statement, still a little flabbergasted by Iantheā€™s overall appearance. She knew that Apea needed to be left behind them as soon as possible, but things would be easier to deal with if they were not so obvious.