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Tristan Blair

Fear The Beast

0 · 320 views · located in The forest.

a character in “The Witch and The Wolf”, as played by TheSpaceInBetween




Mysterious. One word to describe Tristan Noble he is the one you see behind the groups of teenagers moaning about minuscule problems in their lives, that shadow in the dark, the face in the woods.

Most of his exsistance is based on blown up over emphasized stories and rumors about a wild man living in the woods who controls a pack of wild wolves...that is more or less true. He does live in the woods, but is not at all wild.

Tristan is like most average eighteen year old guys. Well not exactly. He is a decent enough guy if you find him in a good enough mood when he is not battling with his inner self. One half of him is calm and collected, protecting even the weakest life giving them one last chance and he will do his best to confront people who are causing harm to others not really caring about his own safety.

The other half causes him the most pain, under the moons light he is turned into something he never wants to be..a bloodthirsty creature that destroys everything in it's path Tristan tries in vain most nights to calm the beast. It never works and Tristan pays for it the next morning with new scratches and bruises. The process before a full moon is a long and grueling one Tristan become angry at the slightest thing, and become even more protective, thats why he stays in the woods to cause no pain.


Tristan keeps very fit and has a decent enough body to show for it with running around 10 miles a day every morning as well as other exercise that expels any energy within him due to the wolf blood flowing through his veins. His senses are enhanced giving him a keen sense of smell and hearing even if he is miles away. He is strong too and is able to bring down a man larger than him. He stands at a tall 6 ft exactly so is an intimidating force to come against but his light green eyes tell another story.

So begins...

Tristan Blair's Story


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The ground shuddered with each heavy footfall, they were after him, they were always after him. Although he never actually existed, he was just a story parents made up in order to scare disobedient children that if they wandered to far into the woods, the beast would rip their flesh from bone.

This is why he was running an idiotic hunter and a few others were helping him to try and capture the beast in order to capture him and claim the big reward. Sliding down a steep hil, the strap rocks and twigs cutting up his torso, he landed heavily his shoulder taking most of the blow. Growling deeply in pain his vision turned blurry for a few moments but his hearing picked up the rustling of leaves and voices and so the beast was unleashed. The sound of growling filled the night air as the men's voices came nearer.

" where did it go, the footprints stop here" said a man crouching down to get a better look. Another man joined him and spoke his voice wavering with concern. " it changed look its probably watching us right now" all the men looked at each other and the stench of fear was high. Leaping from the trees one man was killed instantly by the crushing weight of the wolf, he sank his teeth into the hunter who screamed out in blistering pain. The other man fumbled for his gun shooting random shots unable to compose himself enough to aim, one bullet tore through his shoulder and the wolf snapped his neck in half with a single push.

His human form appeared slowly the popping and crunching of bones as they reset themselves. Panting heavily he searched through the men's equipment taking important things such as bottled water, first aid kits and shoe laces to replaced his old ones.

He took off running again slightly slower this time due to the bullet in his arm, he would have time to take it out when he rested for the night and that wasnt going to be soon. Sniffing quickly he picked up a faint smell of food, he hadn't eaten for a while, sure human and animal flesh was good to live on but actuall cooked food what much more satisfying.

It was a house, a cabin of sorts but it looked a lot like the houses in the village, modern and clean looking. Approaching cautiously getting ready to run at any sound, the house was dark but that didnt mean it wasn't lived in. Opening the window slowly he crept in making his way quickly to the kitchen opening the refrigerator, blinded by the bright light but his eyes adjusted quickly. He grabbed a plateful of chicken as well as some ham and a loaf of bread for good measure. Ripping apart the chicken he ate hungrily, lightly snarling at the pleasure of eating actual food. Next he would try to find some clothes and perhaps somewhere to get clean he had been wearing the same clothes for years and washed then whenever he had the chance but it was limited when you were always in the run.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Mackenzie's eyes opened at the sound of rustling coming from downstairs. She was sleeping peacefully, for once. It was nice, living out here, her home was far enough away that she didn't slip into her neighbors dreams, Dream walking was a real bitch. Problem now was that she lived alone, all by herself. It was kinda scary, tonight didn't make it any better, what with the shuffling coming from downstairs, even for a witch.

She rose from her bed and took a deep breath. She looked around her room, found her Book of Shadows and clutched it to her chest. She slowly crept down the stairs, she peeked around the corner into the living room. There was nothing but she still hear the noise, it was coming from the kitchen, which had the backdoor which someone could easily enter. She had just moved in and didn't put up the protection barrier like she had when she lived with her grandmother.

She clutched the Book to her chest and rounded the corner.

it was something like a horror movie, there, slumped over, was a heap of someone or something, tearing through her food.

She wasn't sure what do to, it didn't look like a dog, or an animal that she could see, it looked decidedly huma, the way it tore through the food, removing wrappers and other inedible things.

She whispered a small protection spell and frowned. "Hey!" She barked, keeping her distance.


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Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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He tore through the chicken like it was his last meal, well it probably would be at least a full meal not just scraps. Most of the meat was gone just a few bits of meat left on the bones which was always great to chew on. He gnawed on a chicken leg for a few moment before the bone finally gave way and he chewed it thoroughly for a good few minutes. He sniffed as he ate checking the boundary of where he was, there was an odd smell of herbs around the kitchen so either he had broken into a chef's home or something else.


Sharply turning around he dropped the half eaten chicken leg on the counter, his eyes focusing on a small woman. Snarling loudly he strode towards her quickly, pushing her against the wall. His fingernails elongated into claws as he held her in place, yet as he did so a sharp pain prevented his claws from stretching any further. As well as a pulsing sensation up his arm, snarling again he held his wounded arm blood seeping through his fingers. Stepping closer to the girl he sniffed rapidly trying to gauge a scent, but it was unfamiliar,he hissed deeply, " what are you?" He asked his head tilting to the side his eyes set on hers.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Before Mackenzie knew what happened, she was shoved against the wall. She whimpered with her eyes closed as he sniffed her. She tried wriggling free but she stood not a chance. The Book still clutched in her hands, if she could just get it open, she could read off a spell, she didn't know that many by heart and the ones she didn't had nothing to do with defense, save for maybe the protection spell.

It was then she felt something warm fall on her barefoot, she looked down to see that was bleeding. Of course, she knew plenty of healing spells by heart. She could heal him if he didn't-

"What are you?"

Mackenzie had to blink a few times to snap back to reality. "I-I I'm a Witch, I can help you but you have to...not kill me..." She said all in one breath. "You're bleeding really badly, if I don't heal it now, you may lose that arm." She said, in all honestly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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"I-I I'm a Witch, I can help you but you have to...not kill me...You're bleeding really badly, if I don't heal it now, you may lose that arm."

Snarling again he paced the room, the information she had told him swirled in his mind. A witch? He had never met a witch before, although he might of done he had killed a lot of people in his years they may have been witches or wizards. He looked out of the window he couldn't leave now, the hunters could be anywhere. This witch could be working for them, or she could collect his blood to sell for profit. Werewolf blood was highly valued almost as much as his fur.

Looking at the girl he stepped forward leaning down to look in her eyes. " you must think I'm stupid, you could take my blood and sell it to those murderers out there" he pointed outside and slammed his hand on the wall denting it for good measure. " I never met a witch, you lose track of people you kill" he growled deeply.

He realised that there was no way around it he couldn't get this bullet out unless he used his claws, but if he did that he would lose a lot of blood.

" you will help me, if you make a wrong move I will rip your throat apart" he glared at her and moved away looking out the window again still holding his arm.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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His scare tactics had worked it seemed, the witch had offered to help him. Looking around the kitchen he sniffed quickly seeing a rack of herbs that he had smelt earlier, they must have been used in cooking since they were in the kitchen. This was the first time he had seen the young woman apart from in the dark, but event hen it was hard to gauge what someone looked

She spoke then motioning to an island in the kitchen

"Okay, so to start, I need you to lie on the island, from where I'm standing that looks like a bullet hole, I'll have to remove the bullet before I can heal you properly, and I'm not going to sell your blood,I don't know who those people are but My Coven doesn't deal in bloodtrades, besides, it's gross." She said with a turned up nose. Her eyes widened when she realised that may have come off as an insult.

"Not your blood in particular, just blood in general. Can you get on the island? It'll be easier although removing the bullet is gonna be a bitch."

He gave a soft chuckle and spoke " Bullets are no as bad as arrows, crossbows and the odd bear trap" he pulled of his bloodstained shirt, tossing it into the sink. Sitting on the island he lay back, wincing slightly but held his nerve.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan hissed deeply as the alcohol cleansed his wound, a growl erupted quietly in the back of his throat. The witch introduced herself as Mackenzie. Interesting name he thought he hadn't really made a life of socialising for himself it was always running. Forever running.

"Tristan...just Tristan you can't really shorten it that much" he muttered.

He looked at the cooking tongs and spoke " your probably not going to use those for pulling out your Sunday roast anymore " he chuckled softly. His mind tracked back to food he was still hungry he could just eat a large shoulder of lamb right now, doused in gravy with potatoes. Bliss.

Sighing softly he prepared himself for the upcoming discomfort, he gripped onto the countertop tightly so he would have something to focus on apart form the pain.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan cried out slightly as Mackenzie open up his wound, he growled deeply and gripped onto the countertop. His fingernails enlarged into claws and tore at the wooden cabinets beneath him. It was taking all of his strength to not turn into the wolf and rip Meridith apart, he breathed quickly as she pulled out the bullet.

He relaxed as soon as he felt the pain in his arm subsiding, resting his head on the countertop Tristan sighed as sweat glistened on his face and body. He had never been healed by magic before it was always a case of steal what you could and hope nothing to bad happens. It was certainly a strange experience, and he was feeling tired.

He looked at the bullet and smiled " thank you, you can keep might bring you luck" he mumbled stifling a yawn. He sat up and his head spun, groaning lightly he stood up stumbling over to a nearby seat. Resting his head on the wall he breathed slowly his eyes becoming heavy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan shook of her hand supporting him, it wasn't that he didn't want the help he just didn't want to seem that weak. Even if he had lost a lot of blood. He walked with Mackenzie until they came to the living room, he walked to a couch and sat down on it. Groaning in relief " sure beats sleeping on leaves" he commented yawning soon after.

Kicking off his shoes he tipped his body to the side his head resting on a nearby pillow, his entire body relaxed into the couch. The couch seemed small but that was only due to Tristan's large frame. He breathed slowly and fell into a sleep that was well needed, he let out a soft growl and snorted slightly as the wolf settled down too. For now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan held the blanket to his body tightly as an all to familiar dream.


The sun had not long set and the evening meal was just finishing. Tristan's father Grayson entered, a tall and well built man, had not long returned from fetching wood for the wood burner. The family home did have electricity, but it tended to give their position away to the hunter. At the moment the family home was the only place of true protection from a world of indifference.

Grayson moved to the sitting area of the home were the rest of his family sat, his wife Evalyn, his oldest son Alistair, who was 18 soon to be turning 19, his oldest daughter Daniella, who was 15 and at the age where nothing was fair and his youngest son Tristan who was 7. Kissing Evalyn tenderly on the forehead " All is silent my dear, it seems the woods have held off the hunters for this night." Sitting down next to his wife he put his arm around her holding her close, causing Evalyn to fumble her knitting, but she smiled softly and fell into his warm embrace.

The couples adoration for each other was clear but it was short lived as Alistair came storming down the stairs panic in his voice. "Dad! Hunters are coming I see the torches coming" He went to the window and pointed out to the beams of light merging in the tree line. A burst of glass smashing caught the family by surprise with a bullet tearing through Alistair's shoulder causing him to fall the ground, Grayson acted immediately dragging his eldest son to him checking the wound. Thankfully the bullet had gone through the body entirely and missed the bone by inches. Alistiar pulled himself up looking to his father for any kind of advice, Grayson opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by the scream of Daniella who was upstairs. He bolted upstairs to find his daughter fighting with a man wielding a silver knife, Grayson growled deeply and the hunter turned his head to look and that was all he had to do. Daniella took his head twisting it sharply so his neck broke killing him instantly.

" That's my girl c'mon we have to go" Grayson said taking his daughters hand and rushing downstairs to find Evalyn tying Alistiar's arm up to hold it until it healed. Tristan was huddled in the corner holding his kness tightly, trembling with nervousness, he had never come across hunters this determined before. Alistair pushed a table up to the smashed window, turning around he ran over to Tristan picking him up and returning to the family. Tristan huddled up to his mother who held him tightly in her arms.

" Come out you beasts and fight! Why cower away like the dogs you are?" One of the hunters shouted as they banged against the door. " It is not a fair fight and only beast I can see here are you!" Alistiar roared loudly back putting himself in front of Daniella. The door began to give way to a barrage of axes and boots, Grayson looked to Evalyn and nodded. Crouching down to Tristan she spoke tears brimming her eyes " Tristan you need to hide okay? You can hide under the house until the hunters go away Allright?" Tristan nodded " But what about everyone else? You can fit too" he spoke pulling on his mothers sleeves. Evalyn smiled softly " no we can't sweetheart, they would know we hid there and then you'd be hurt too" Evalyn said opening a small hatch underneath where the family was standing and popped Tristan inside, she smiled softly kissing him on the head and added " Remember what we told you about the wolf and when he comes? Even though your changing on the outside, you are still you on the inside, never forget who you are. Understand Sweetheart?" She pushed Tristan down locking the hatch.

The family stood as one as the door broke down, they all changed into their wolf forms and fought as well as they could even with axes and bullets tearing flesh apart from bone. As body by body dropped to the last growl, blood seeped through the floorboards dripping onto Tristan coating him with the blood of his family. The hunters left after a while, he had no idea how long they had stayed celebrating the kills of the century, taking fur, blood, teeth and anything that resembled werewolf culture.

However Tristan stayed under the house for days sobbing uncomtrolably to scared to move incase the hunters came back. He couldn't help but listen to the voice at the back of his head, telling him to get revenge on his families killers and revenge of the world for hating his kind. Tristan's viewpoint changed that night, they all had to pay in blood. He finally crawled out, covered in blood and dirt. He may have lost a family but he had gained a new mentor to aspire to, the comforting voice in the back of his head.


Tristan growled softly as the dream his hands shaking as events long forgotten played in his head. He wished he would have helped his family against the hunters, he would have rather died fighting than cowering under the floorboards hearing his family scream.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Tristan growled lightly as he felt someone holding his hand, his eyes burst open his mind pulled from the nightmare. Although all he felt was anger, he acted quickly his eyes glowed a bright yellow as he dived on top on Mackenzie completely blind to her kindness. He roared loudly his teeth elongating into fangs " Don't feel sorry for him witch...he made his choice long ago. We are better off for it" Pulling away Tristan moved back to his former self, the wolf tended to show himself through emotion even without Tristan knowing it was all about control.

Tristan stumbled over to the door opening it and stepping out into the cool dawn air, taking a deep breath he sat down on the steps his head leaning againsts a wooden beam.


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Character Portrait: Mackenzie Lewis Character Portrait: Tristan Blair
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Before Mackenzie could think, Tristan was on the hunter. She watched, shaking as Tristan beat the man.

He was going to...

"Have you got anything to take his sight or memories. He knows where you live now!"

Mackenzie's blinked back to reality. "M-Mhm..." She said and darted to the pantry, she grabbed a bottle of ground blinding tree, pour some into her hand and ran into the living, while the Hunter struggled, she pulled Tristan away and threw the ground herb directly into his eyes. THe hunter screamed in agony and Mackenzie turned into Tristan's large chest as the hunter's eyes began to become inflammed and blistered, his eyes sealing shut, the intense pain knocked the hunter unconscious.

With that, Mackenzie's felt weak looking at the disfigured body of the hunter.

"He was gonna....He tried to...." Mackenzie turned away, shaking, not for what she had done to the man but what he was going to do to her.

Somehow her arms found their way around Tristan's waist and even as the man towered over her, she sobbed, trembling violently. " Th-thank you..." She said through her tears.