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Harlow Ford

"I really think this is why people have faces, to hide their souls."

0 · 719 views · located in Youngblood City

a character in “The Wounded World”, as played by rubytuesday



alias: knave
age: 26
sexuality: pansexual
occupation: lawyer
hexcode: hexcodexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsome feelingxx||xx differentxx ||xx instant

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Harlow's abilities have never really risked her exposure, for they are far too easy to hide. They come and go with those she encounters, as she 'steals' the abilities of others. She need only be in generally close proximity to replicate another's abilities, although accessing them through touch tends to allow her a longer amount of time to use them, as increased exposure to the source inevitably results in a greater possession of it. Her access to powers tends to vary in time, sometimes lingering for a week, sometimes a couple hours, sometimes only several minutes. Regardless, she appreciates the boost. What she does not appreciate, however, is the clairempathetic abilities that sometimes come along with the abilities. When she picks up powers, she sometimes unwittingly stumbles into the psyches of those she is 'stealing' from, peeking into their memories or thoughts. A side effect of this is sometimes picking up their fears, or insecurities, or even aspects of their personalities for varying amounts of time. More often than not, these side effects disappear when the powers do, but other times, they linger around for a little longer. Rarer still, psychic connections are formed, giving her random bursts of access into the mind of whom she stole from in the past, but also opening the door the opposite way, bringing the occasional unwelcome visitor into her mind as well.

a talented pianist
resting smirk
dubbed 'Youngblood's Ace'
because of her winning record
loves card games
enjoys high class restaurants
and hates sharing her food
seldom without her trusty hand sanitiser
an expert marksman and combatant
a purposeless life
being vulnerable


appearance goes here.
Harlow is... selfish. She's a woman born and raised in a world of self-prioritisation. She is animalistic in the most elegant of senses, her survival instinct portraying itself as cleverness and shrewdness, rather than beastliness and ferocity. She has yet to be in a predicament that she has not planned ahead for, so organised is she in maintaining her own welfare. The only thing that sometimes puts it at risk is her pride- something that even she, as determined to live as she is, will never put on the line.

This tendency to put herself first sometimes, perhaps even often, leaks into Harlow's capacity for kindness. She is not incapable of empathy (her powers give her no choice in the matter) but she is something arguable worse: she understands how other people feel- she just doesn't care. At least, she doesn't care enough to risk herself. She is brutal in much of what she does, which is what makes her such a brilliant lawyer- she takes no prisoners, and mercilessly cuts down whomever she must to reach her goal.

Harlow would argue that she's better than other villains in this sense- she does not excuse her bad behaviours with tragic back stories or vendettas that must be fulfilled- she knows that she is far from a good person, at least in the socially acceptable sense, and she has come to terms with it without excuses.

That isn't to say she doesn't have moments of softness. But they are few and far between, sealed beneath the cutthroat lawyer exterior, and the icy smirk, and the condescending snark that oh so often spills from her lips. Her biting intelligence comes forth in bouts of pettiness, which only occasionally distract her from her overarching purposes. She's only human, after all, and even she receives satisfaction from overcoming others, and getting the last word.

In fact, she rarely accepts anything less.

It's ironic, almost, that Harlow is at her most humane after committing her most inhuman actions- her powers, which enforce upon her the traits of others, leave her expressing things she would not otherwise. For a brief moment, she is soft, expressing inner feelings she would otherwise mask, or felicitous, eagerly expressing delight at things she would otherwise snidely dismiss.

Suffice to say, she hates this element of her abilities.

I am too intelligent, too demanding, and too resourceful
for anyone to be able to take charge of me entirely.
No one knows me or loves me completely.
I have only myself.

Harlow began her life enveloped by privilege. Her parents, Eugene and Jane Ford, supplied her with a life of luxury, as some of the country's most in demand surgeons in their respective fields. Despite their material prosperity, however, there was little warmth beyond that among the Ford family members. Eugene and Jane's marriage has long since felt more like obligation to their respective images and values that something built from genuine love and intimacy, and Harlow's own relationship with her parents always felt dependent on her successes. She grew up with a constantly rising standard, and as a result, has grown to become a dangerously dissatisfied perfectionist. She was put on a pedestal from birth, whilst at the same time lived with constant fear of everything being pulled out from underneath her. The disappointment of her parents was a threat forever looming, and their refusal to accept anything but the best from their daughter arguably led to her intense success... as well as her self-obsession and deep-set resentment.

Despite her parents' insistence on her improvable, it's decidedly hard to say such a thing was even possible for Harlow, considering how, throughout her school years, she consistently ranked top of the class. From her youth, she exhibited a natural acumen, and a natural brilliance that enamoured professors and had many an Ivy League university throwing scholarships her way.

Studying law was not quite a rebellion against her parents- although they expected her to follow them into the field of medicine, they considered a lawyer to be an equally acceptable position, although even now they are reluctant to compliment Harlow on her success. Instead, they as always search for weaknesses, adding to a biting insecurity that only parents can set in place.

Her true rebellion came with her abilities, as she discovered them at fifteen, when she made physical contact with a fellow student, and accidentally picked up their mind-reading abilities. Naturally, this was an alarming experience, and, for a brief moment, Harlow figured that her parental pressures had finally broken her. However, upon realising the extent of her abilities, she came to revel in them. They gave her an escape, a rush of freedom that she'd spent her lifetime yearning for without hope of achieving. She has found that she enjoys her privileged life, and of being not a good lawyer, but the best lawyer, but inciting chaos ignites something within her- something she never got to experience in her carefully planned out childhood. And she's addicted to the feeling.

So begins...

Harlow Ford's Story


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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Harlow Ford Character Portrait: Harper Yoon
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━━━━━━━━━━━━ HARPER YOON
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━x, hermes

━━━━━━━━━━━━ HARLOW FORD
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━x, knave
Harlow did not don her mask nor her pseudonym as she leant back in the plush leather seat. Instead, she wore a fitted pinstripe suit and a wan smile, examining her fingernails as the villain across from her argued his case. Or rather, argued for her to argue his case.

Truth be told, she seldom came here as a villain, and few of the villains residing in the 'secret lair' were aware of her double life as Knave. She was far more subtle than the others- quite comfortable in her normal life. She only really donned the second identity when craving a little chaos, or seeking a touch of vindication. The rest -the thrill, the danger, the wealth- she found came quite easily to her in the courtroom.

Thus, it was quite the coincidence that she happened to be here when all of the heroes arrived, pleading sanctuary. Hearing the ruckus from their separate room, she addressed the man across from her.

"Sounds like we have company- we'll have to continue this conversation another time."

Without waiting for his reply, she stood up and left the room, strolling lackadaisically towards where many of the other villains had accumulated. Raising a brow in curiosity, she leant back on the wall, cocking her head as the listened to the arguments being thrown back and forth, gaging the situation from the words exchanged.

She only nodded slightly as the others made the decision to invite the heroes in, not moving from her position as the wounded supers began to pour through the gates, some leaning on their comrades, others unconscious, being carried on backs and in arms.

One such super Harlow recognised as Eclipse, an ebony-haired girl with psionic abilities. Her aforementioned dark locks were matted with blood from a gash on her head, some of which had begun to rub off onto the cheek of the person carrying her. Like many of the others, the super had seemingly lost her mask in the chaos, and Harlow blinked in recognition.

Well, if it isn't that intern- what a small world.

Harlow didn't catch her gaze, however, for she was far too focused on the girl on her back. Even with her enhanced endurability, she was beginning to exhaust herself. Many of the people laying outside the doors had been delivered by her in desperate trips back and forth from the wreckage. She'd only been able to grab so many before the chaos had cleared and they had made their escape, and she was torn between frustration at her limitations, and relief to be alive.

Taking a step forward to address the villains (could she call them that, anymore? With their apparent sympathy?) she grimaced, looking down to spy a bullet graze in her left leg that she hadn't even realised was there.

"I'm Hermes. I'm... fast." But not fast enough, apparently.

"I can also help tend to people, once we get everyone inside."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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F E L I XX| | XG H O S T

| Outfit |
| #C6C386 |
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Knowing that he wouldn’t be much help after what he had done to track The Legion until they actually ever came face with the group, Felix stood from his spot near the window, still uncomfortable with the idea of so many new people in a usually sacred space for him. He was a bit wobbly on his feet because of the projection, but had felt worse, so there was no cause for worry for himself at least. He trusted Ferral, Cinder, and Raven to handle any of the immediate danger, they were strong defenders of this place, and always had been. He turned toward the huddled group of heroes again, eyeing their faces one at a time. It was an eclectic group, and some of the faces he could have sworn he’d seen before in passing on the street or in the supermarket.

He now noticed Knave standing off in the doorway, she must have entered the room when he was projecting. She looked the heroes up and down, and Felix knew she must be calculating something, she was always confident and smart, Felix wondered if she knew how to handle what was going on. He nodded a greeting at her and then turned back to the heroes.

”Well, if they’re handling that, why don’t you all take a seat.” He shifted unto his right leg, uncomfortable with having to take a leader position for the moment. He gestured to the seats in the common room behind him where he had been sitting before, and where he had planned to spend the night originally, perhaps that might change now. A park bench would probably suffice, it had before. He rolled his shoulders in around in their sockets and addressed the group. ”You all can call me Ghost, and I can’t do much to help heal you other than point you in the direction of the first aid kit, but I can make you food.” He moved towards the locker room, knowing one of the heroes would followed him, and unlocked the first aid kit, allowing them to access anything they might need.

He stepped out of the way so that the heroes could shift themselves into chairs an rest, and grabbed his bag to take out his apron from the restaurant. He’d been on his feet in the kitchen for around seven hours, but a couple more wouldn’t hurt him too much. He moved off into the kitchen, which had one island counter that bordered the seating/dining area, and began to look through the cupboards to see what they had available for enough people to eat. They didn’t have much, a restock was definitely needed, but they had enough to make a simple chili that Felix used to make years ago for a warm lasting meal. He began getting to work, glancing up every once and a while to ensure the heroes were taking care of themselves.