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Noah Finch

"Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves".

0 · 1,077 views · located in Youngblood City

a character in “The Wounded World”, originally authored by solarflare, as played by RolePlayGateway



noah finch
nicknames | blue, Finn
age | twenty
sexuality | pansexual


Noah can manipulate, modify and control the thoughts, mindsets, and upper brain functions, although he hasn't found the true capacity to his powers. He can easily make someone feel disoriented, confused, and sick just by looking at them a certain way. He can also speak telepathically with others and to some extent control the actions of others (depends on a person's mental will). He can also place fabricated images in memories in one's mind of something that never happened, and also erase the memories of some. He has been known to be useful when it comes to confessions as he has a unique way of getting into someone's head, either to confess or see their memories themselves. He got the name, 'echo' from the effect he left on people he messed with. They would often have a ringing or echo in their head for hours when he tampered with their minds.

His more complicated powers, such as complete control, and memory tampering require actual psychical contact, and it's extremely difficult for him to focus on multiple targets at one time. His powers take a lot out of Noah, both physically and mentally, it's almost as if the more he exerts from his powers the more his loses pieces of himself. He can often get what he has called, 'scrambled', where he cannot control the flow of mental traffic and it's so overwhelming for him that he just shuts down entirely.


Noah has never been one to be overly social
with others or a true conversationalist considering he's always been almost literally 'lost in thought'. Most would say that he is a little apathetic but that is a stretch, he doesn't mind talking to others or feeling he just avoids it altogether. Sometimes he prefers talking through thoughts rather than voice, it's something that he's used to and has always felt comfortable to him. He's gotten used to being a smudge on the edge of a canvas more than anything his entire life. However, through this he has become a very observant individual. Combined with someone's stray thoughts and body language he notices things that others might not.

Something that most don't see or overlook about Noah, is truly how vulnerable he is as a person. Underneath the steely and cold demeanor, he is one of the most kind, caring and passionate individuals. However, he keeps this side of him locked up deep in his mind, but it occasionally resurfaces with the right people. From a young age, he was shown that this was a point of weakness, nothing more. It doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy feeling that type of way, he's just never truly learned how. It's why everything he's ever done has been easy for him, he blocks out the cries in his mind that was he's doing is wrong. He hates accepting his wrong-doings, and simply chooses to ignore.

From this Noah became a very guarded individual. From having powers that invaded the mind, he knew how easily it was to be manipulated by those around him so he is very selective when it comes to picking out friends or those he lets close to him. For others however, he has no sense of self-control when it comes to reading others minds. He likes to think that he just simply control it, but deep down he feels safer knowing things about the people around him.

With having so many different thoughts flying around in his head Noah has become a very skittish and nervous individual. If you didn't know anything about his abilities you might say that he is schizophrenic or bipolar because he seems to shift moods often and is meticulous about the strangest things. He is also ridden with anxiety most days and when he gets too overworked he can easily slip into an anxiety attack.

More than anything Noah feels truly lost. After having a mind melded from so many others around him, singling himself out of the ocean of his mind has always been quite difficult. It's partially the reason he turned to the life of the underground crime. It gave him a drive and a purpose which is something he has craved his entire life.



LIKES | cold green tea - sad-sappy films - when strangers smile at him - old rock music - sunset - thunder - breakfast - solitude - puppies - children - lemonade - the dark - cold sheets & pillows - morning showers - feeling loved - busy-work - the travel channel - maine - pizza - the woods - stephen king novels - airplanes - vietnamese food - small towns - bomber jackets - neutral colors

DISLIKES | loud people - lies - chocolate - cats - feeling anxious - sudden noises - arrogant heroes - stereotypical attitudes and assumptions - romance novels - sitcoms - the beach - spicy food - people who are scared of him - his father - the past - being lazy & unproductive - the heat - swimming

QUIRKS | scrunches his nose constantly - taps his fingers on any surface when he's anxious - hates the color mauve - always avoids talking about his past or his actions - spaces out constantly - avid daydreamer - has to sit in bed an hour before he can fall asleep - always runs his hands through his hair - mac & cheese sundays

FEARS | seeing his father again - his powers making him go insane - loss of identity - never feeling wanted again - having other's fear him - being a seen as a villain for the rest of his life - drowning; he is a horrible swimmer - never being able to face his problems and powers and live up to his actions - being alone




Noah Finch was born to Luther and Mae Finch in the small town of Portland, Maine. As a child Noah was different. He would never talk, ever. His mother, his main caretaker considering his father was constantly in and out of jail was constantly worried about him being behind in school. However, Noah was an excellent student in elementary. Unbeknownst to his mother, Noah was talking, in his thoughts. He was born with his powers, and from a young age was instinctually pulled into just invading others minds other than talking to them. He eventually spoke for the first time after constantly reading his mothers thoughts and getting worried that she wouldn't love him anymore because he wouldn't speak. His mother was overjoyed when he finally began to talk in third grade, and for a while even though he was a quiet boy Mae was rather content with her life.

Noah began to see how his mother longed for a different life from reading her thoughts, and when he was eight he finally applied his powers to something other than reading minds. He made his mother her first memory, it was a happy one, she was sitting on the beach building sand castles with Noah, his father was there too. Laughing along with them, it was recreation of an image he had seen on a picture frame when his mother had taken him shopping. He just wanted to make her happy. For a while it worked, until a year later when his father got out of jail.

Luther was a miserable man that had got caught up with the wrong crowd out of high school, he was a convicted felon on many accounts of larceny, stolen identity, and many more petty crimes. When Noah was nine his father finally got out of jail and returned home. Noah hadn't seen the man since he was three. Noah knew instantly the second his father walked through the door that he was a terrible man, his thoughts were dark and murky, completely opposite of his mothers.

The week his father returned, the mood of the household had shifted. His mother looked more strained than usual and his father was loud and rude constantly. One night his parents got into a particularly heated argument downstairs and out of fear of his mother's safety he ran downstairs to help her. He could feel his father's angry jumbled thoughts from all the way upstairs. Just as Noah reached the doorway a loud pop went off and he watched as the life left his mother's eyes. He screamed, louder than he ever had in his life, except it didn't come out of his mouth but through his head. His father clutched his head a stream of blood coming out of his nose as Noah emitted a rather powerful mental frequency. Then he ran. Out the door and down the street.

He spent the next ten years of his life going back and forth from town to town, staying with families when he was younger to getting caught up in things he should'nt have when he was older. After seeing his mother die, every hopeful bone in his body left him. He became cold and apathetic as a person and reckless with his actions. He made quite the name for himself in the underground due to his successful run with mental torture to get people to talk. He's not proud of it, and more than anything it makes him feel like his father but he'd never tell anyone. It was the purpose and wanting he needed that left after his mom died, and deep down while his soul knew it was wrong, it felt good. His work brought him to Youngblood where he began to work for an underground crime ring.


cs by: sol XXXXX fc: froy guiterrez XXXXX hexcode: #7B8F97

So begins...

Noah Finch's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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00000S I E N N A 00 R O S E 0000000000000000|0000000000000--00000000000 S P E N C E 0 J A C K S O N

#691c1c 0 | 0 #2c2b46

sienna 0 | 0 spence

Everyone's job would have been much easier if the villain's lair was exactly like it was in the movies. In a dark, old castle, or underground, or every obviously malicious. In reality, the villains rented the penthouse floor of an office building and renovated it into a base for them. A place to hide, or nap, or even just work and make connections. The thought of villains sitting around sitting around, drinking coffee, and even napping following a job, was strange. The heroes not only knew about it, they knew exactly where it was. But they weren't fools. Even if they gathered all their forces and marched up to the doors, they could be encountering an equally strong villainous side behind those doors. And even if they successfully stormed the building, they'd have the entire villainous side against them. It was agreed that the heroes would leave their base alone, and the villains would do the same.

But now, it seemed like their only hope. The few bedraggled heroes that had escaped, battered and injured, were heading straight for the building. None of them were exactly happy about it. But they were being followed, so they didn't stand a chance by themselves. They'd shaken off their pursuers, but they didn't stand a chance by themselves. This was their only choice. Spence was currently sporting a half-healed bullet graze on his side, a healing wound on his shoulder, and a cloudy head from whatever poison they'd injected into them. He'd healed some of the others, but hadn't been able to deal with anything. When he stumbled into the elevator in the building, holding the doors for the rest, all he could hope was that the reception wouldn't be a hostile one.

The heating and aircon in Sienna's building were both broken, meaning that she was spending more and more time in their shared office space. Her apartment was always either freezing or like a desert. Sienna had received her landlord's promise that it would be fixed today and that from this evening on, things would be back to normal. She sincerely hoped so.

She had emails to respond to and a blog post to write, so it suited her just fine to be in the office anyway. She didn't mind too much as the elevator doors pinged open- people were always coming and going. But when a number of unfamiliar, tired, battered bodies burst through the doors, she looked up. And then she realised who they were. "HEROES!" She yelled, shoving her laptop down to the floor and getting to her feet, drawing the knife from her bag in one swift movement.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen Character Portrait: Akuma Matsuda
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Rylee “Cinder” Ande


To get anything that we want

Drink everything in sight

We're going till the world stops turning

While we burn it to the ground tonight


Rylee didn’t spend too much time at the main “base” the villains had. She didn’t exactly like the idea of being somewhere where people, let alone the heroes, knew where she would be at, she would tend to only be here in between jobs to plan, divide up cash, and work-out since it had it’s own built in gym that wasn’t half bad, Rylee using some of her cash to spruce it up and would make sure people treated the machinery and weights properly, not leaving stuff around.

If it was up to Rylee, they wouldn’t have the base be like this, she was always against the whole idea of a base in the open, a base where the heroes knew was at. To her, it was easy pickings, the heroes could just easily storm building, Rylee didn’t care that there was an agreement that neither party would do that. But Rylee barely trusted some of the villains she worked with, so she wasn’t all about trusting the heroes that were her enemies. Though Rylee was able to convince them to not have a sprinkler system installed in the off chance she had to use her powers inside.

Right now Rylee was at the main base to work out and maybe afterwards to see if there were any jobs in the making. She stood infont of the mirror in the locker room fixing her hair after having it in a ponytail during her workout, there were still many hours left in the day to do things so she wanted to make sure she looked good. “Ugh. Need to buy some more shampoo to keep here, running low a little.” Rylee mentioned to herself as she walked back to her locker and putting her items away, throwing an empty shampoo bottle into the trash. As Rylee changed out of her work out clothes and more into something her style, she heard Sienna yell one word that she was not expecting her to say, heroes.

Quickly grabbing her goggles Rylee rushed down the hallway to where she saw Sienna when she arrived earlier. When Rylee arrived, she stayed around the corner posted up, peaking around the corner and seeing Sienna with her knife, smiling. Rylee was fascinated by her power of blood manipulation, always wanting to see I in action. “Give me the word and I’ll burn this building to the ground with the heroes’ ashes!" Rylee yelled out, not really asking for permission but letting her fellow villains know she was ready to fight, and to threaten and scare the heroes. She started forming small flames in her hands getting ready for whatever was about to happen


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen Character Portrait: Spence Jackson
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0.00 INK

F E L I XX| | XG H O S T

| Outfit |
| #C6C386 |
Image Image
Work was something Felix felt was necessary, but didn’t necessarily like all that much. Today’s shift had been a long one, and although he wasn’t working at a fast food restaurant anymore, it sometimes still felt like one. He wished money grew on trees. Two days ago, on his day off, he’d been lucky enough to assist in a bank robbery operation, and this one had gone over much smoother than his previous escapades. This was the pleasure of working with seasoned professionals. After packing up his bag and telling his coworkers so long, Felix headed out the door and stood out in the fresh air for a moment.

He smelled like fried food. And it wasn’t because he had a delicious meal, either. He had just gotten off work, and since his damn landlord had kicked him out because of his sleeping habits, the only option he had left, other than a park bench, that is, was to make his way over the the headquarters where he had an extra set of clothes and some soap to wash off his greasy self. So he walked in the direction of the headquarters, taking out his sketchbook as he walked and quick drawing some trees and passengers as he got on the bus. The ride wasn’t too long, and he got off soon enough, walking the block further to the building that housed the headquarters. He took out his key and went inside.

The elevator was on a higher floor, so he grabbed a mint from the front desk as he waited, swinging his backpack onto the other shoulder and thinking about the past few weeks. They were...well actually, they were relatively okay. There was no impending sense of doom, yet, no prison bars, no homelessness for the most part. It could be that this villain gig would finally mean that Felix could shake of the debt and finally start his life over. Of course there was no guarantee, but that didn’t seem so bad now.

The elevator door opened on the villain’s floor, and Felix walked out into more commotion than he was expecting. Several heads turned to look at him, and he immediately tensed up. Ferral and Cinder seemed to be on the defensive, and as Felix looked around, he found several unfamiliar faces standing in the main living space. These people didn't look like the usual band of miscreants he had seen in the headquarters before, although they did look a little worse for wear. He moved off to the nearest corner, and found that one of the faces, a man who seemed like he had been hurt, looked more familiar than the others. Felix took a step towards him, trying to place him in his mind, and found that he seemed to remind Felix of a man he had conversed with in the park once after sketching him. He was rather proud of that sketch, actually.

“Uh...Spence, was it?” he asked, directing his tentative question at the man. He looked around again then focused on Cinder. “What the hell is going on here?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen Character Portrait: Akuma Matsuda
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0.00 INK

ignore, sorry


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen Character Portrait: Spence Jackson
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#, as written by sappho
(omg hi guys, I'm so sorry. I was reading cause I got invested and my Mac glitched tf out and posted. I don't even know how I can post because I don't have a character. Wig promptly snatched)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen
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0.00 INK

Image Image
noah finch
echo - #7B8F97 - attire
Noah happened to be at the base that day, to meet a man that was requesting his abilities for a certain job. He didn't spend most of his time at the base, and rather at his apartment. At the time of the commotion he was in one of the spare rooms, tapping his fingers on the desk that sat in an otherwise empty room, trying to occupy his time waiting for the man to show up. He jerked his head to the door when he heard someone shout, 'HEROES'. In a situation like this he would normally bolt for the exit but something was off. He could practically taste the thoughts on the tip of his tongue, because they were strong; anxious and scattered. He pushed out of the chair and opened the door, peeking his head down the hallway. He could see Cinder, her hands already being licked by her flames as she looked particularly too trigger happy. In his best attempt to avoid something, rather ghastly, he walked down the hall oddly calm into the commotion.

He scanned the faces of those that he wouldn't necessarily consider 'familiar' but they were fellow villains he had seen pass through the building before. He then turned to the so called, 'heroes', their thoughts so loud his brows furrowed. They all were so frantic, scared, and scattered that it barely took any pushing to enter their minds.

"They're not looking for a fight"
he spoke calmly, cocking his head to the side staring intently at the group, "they're looking for help".

Image Image
corinna shultz
guardian - #DAB353 - attire

Everything had gone wrong. So horribly wrong. Cori was practically sick to her stomach. Watching her friends get mowed down like, like nothing was something she never wanted to see in her life. They should've been more careful, more cautious, but that was thing thing about heroes, even she was guilty of it they trusted too easily. She was lucky she had gotten out, but she only felt guilty, guilty and ashamed that she couldn't shield everyone.

She was one of the few that suggested going to the villains, because unlike most Corinna had faith in those that the others didn't. Classic Corinna, seeing the good in people who probably didn't deserve it. Yet here they were, facing the people they spent most of the time trying to stop, asking for their help. It was so far-fetched, but she hoped they saw how desperate they were.

She had a deep cut on her forehead, she could practically feel the blood making a trail down the side of her face. Spence offered to help but she had refused, there were others that needed more help than she did. She wasn't surprised when the second they came in they were met with threats and hostility, she didn't blame them. Just for the sake of her fellow heroes she held her hands out, a yellow shimmery shield encasing them from any more harm.

Finally, when the blue-eyed boy spoke, "they're looking for help"
, she let out a breath of relief that he had practically read their minds (she truly had no idea). "He's telling the truth, we were double-crossed. Please, w-we lost so many of us and they're coming back to finish us off" Her voice faltered as she thought of those that were not as lucky as herself, and for the fact that her plea seemed slightly useless. Why would they want to help? She pushed it immediately aside, she had to have hope.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen
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Image Image


N a t X| | XA k u m a


I n t e r f a c e | | P h o b i a

#252980 | | #5C5C5C

XXXX It was a rare occasion for Akuma to be at Base. It was the anniversary of his guardian's passing and he didn't feel the need to be alone. Even if he was a solitary creature. Besides, Noah had to meet with a client at the base anyway so he decided he'd spend some time in the modernly decorated penthouse. Honestly, they were all in rare form. It was uncommon that so many of them would be in one place. Maybe they just felt the need to be together, an idea Akuma very much doubted. Or maybe there was something about the city that rewarded groups and punished individuals. Maybe it was safer to be together. Even if they were the most feared beings in Youngblood. Akuma especially considering he was fear itself.

He was sitting in one of the plush chairs outside the spare room Noah was supposed to be meeting the client in--if the latter designed to show up--listening to music as always. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt, the hood pulled up over his dark head and almost completely obscuring his noise-canceling headphones from view. He had a few small pots of acrylic paint, a small travel bottle of water, brushes, and a multimedia sketchbook with him to pass the time. When the heroes burst into the penthouse lobby, bloody and filthy, he was finishing a painting of his rendition of the grim reaper. He didn't hear the initial crash due to his headphones.

Instead, he noticed Noah emerging from the room in a hurry and he looked up. Surprise lit the corners of his eyes but quickly faded into indifference. He quietly set down his artwork and moved to the back of the group of villains. Cinder's flames were already licking up her arms and Ferral had a knife drawn. Noah and Ghost were just watching them cautiously. No one moved for a few beats. It took a moment to realize that someone had spoken. In fact, it took a hero to step forward and speak, a glittering gold field forming around them.

He removed his headphones, the music still blaring through the tiny speakers, in time to hear her finish her statement. Akuma wasn't usually one to speak, but he could read the fear on their faces. He could feel his ability humming through him, waiting to be released. To shift him into gruesome images. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the wall behind him, his fingers covered in dry paint. "Who exactly is coming?" He asked, wondering if the base wasn't the safest place after all. If that was the case, he'd find a way to get Noah as far away from here as possible.

XXXXNat panted harshly as they climbed the stairs to the villain's supposed hideout. They had been running for blocks. Or at the very least it felt like blocks. Whether or not it was in fact blocks... she didn't actually care to find out. In fact, why didn't they just take the elevator? These stairs were turning the air entering her lungs into sandpaper and she felt her lunch threatening to rise. Of course, that might've been due to watching a couple dozen of her friends and allies get slaughtered, but that's neither here nor there.

Nat wasn't even supposed to be there. She's hardly ever at the scene considering her ability needs very specific environments in order for her to be any help at all. They apparently needed her expertise, however, because next thing she knew she was donning her uniform and heading out on mission with the rest of them. Boy, had she wished she had stayed in bed. Although, if she had, she wasn't sure how many of them would've gotten out without her help. Then again, if she hadn't gone... would they have even been ambushed at all?

Cori was somewhere at the front of their group leading the way. To which Nat's only thought was, Of course she is. Cori was the youngest of them. And yet, she walked around mothering everyone. It only made sense that she take the charge now. Her babies were hurt and she had words. Which isn't exactly what happened when they finally arrived to the penthouse, but her persistance made Nat smirk dispite their situation.

Once they made it into the room, Nat stood to the side. There were cuts covering her arms and probably a few on her face. She was sure she injured her shoulder somehow too considering she was having difficulty lifing her left arm. Her pain, fear, and lack of oxygen from running blocks and climbing up stairs was beginning to make her... woozy. The room went black around the edges and she braced herself against the wall.

At the contact, the lights dimmed and flashed a few times before Nat realized what she was doing and pushed herself away from the wall. "Sorry. Sorry. That was me. Must be wires close by." She rubbed at her temple with her good hand. "By the way, there's a bulb out somewhere in the penthouse. Might want to see to that. You never know what's hiding in the dark..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen
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0.00 INK

Audrey just wanted to sleep. She had to work later that night and if she didn't get proper sleep, she won't be able to dance. The other tenants in her apartment did not seem to care about her needs. The neighbors on her left sounded as though they were running a daycare. Children were screaming, laughing, and crying while an adult was frantically trying to gain control. The neighbor to her right had gotten into a screaming match with her roommate. It has been going on for twenty minutes. Audrey glanced at the clock and groaned. She pulled the pillows closer to her ears in order to muffle the sounds, but it wasn’t working. Audrey couldn’t sleep and was starting to become irritated. Sitting up, she climbed out of bed and shuffled over to her closet. She just couldn’t stay in her apartment. Audrey quickly threw some clothes for work in her bag, some toiletries, and her two guns.

Once dressed, she made sure that she had everything that she needed for work. Taking hold of her bag, she teleported to the front of the villain base. Audrey tried not to spend too much time at the base. She did not enjoy engaging or mingling with the other villains. She didn’t trust any of them and it was part of the reason she had brought her weapons. The other reason is that she never leaves home without them. Audrey does her best to avoid working with any of the other villains. She just felt as though, she got more done when she didn't have to worry about someone else having her back. Even with the few villains she tolerated, she rarely ask them to join her on a job. Most of the time when Audrey is at the base, she is there to sleep, examine stolen goods, run from the police, or avoid stalkers from the strip club she works at. Audrey was hoping that the lair was empty, she was exhausted. The lair was on the top floor, so it took a moment to arrive. When the elevator doors opened, all the hope she had for sleep disappeared.

She moved towards the group gathered in the middle of the lair, yawning slightly. Audrey glanced around at all the people and her eyes grew a bit wide as she noticed the unfamiliar faces. It didn’t take long to realize they were heroes. Audrey pulled out one her guns as a reflex. Upon, closer inspection she realized that all the heroes were injured in some way. It took a lot of willpower to keep a smile from forming on her face. Please, w-we lost so many of us and they're coming back to finish us off" one of the heroes stated with desperation. Audrey wasn't sure what they were doing here and didn't really care. However, none of the other villains had started attacking or made an attempt to remove them from the vicinity. Clearly, something serious was going on. Audrey dropped her bag on the ground and crossed her arms, gun still in hand just in case any of the heroes tried anything funny. "Who exactly is coming?", Phobia questioned. Audrey cared less about the who was after the heroes and more about why they had come to the villains. ”Also, why should any of us help any of you?” Whomever the 'who' was of this situation wasn't after the villains, so why should they get involved. Another yawn escaped her as she leaned up against the wall, waiting for her answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Spence Jackson
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spence jackson
{ dialogue: #2c2b46; outfit: here }

xxxxi see a pain behind your eyes.
xxxxi know you feel it every day,
xxxxit's like a light that slowly dies.
xxxxbut it's better not to say such things aloud.


Everything seemed to happen so fast. A dark-haired woman pulled a knife on them, screaming about their presence. Then a red-haired woman, with flames licking up her arms. Spence vaguely recognised her as... Cinder, wasn't it? He'd run into her before, but wasn't exactly looking forward to dealing with her again. A man spoke to him, calling him by his first name. He stared for a moment before he realised where he knew him from. They'd spoken for a while in the park, and the other man had drawn him. He just nodded in response to his question about Spence's name. A wave of dizziness came over him, and he could feel himself swaying a little. He wrapped his arms around himself, the pain suddenly stronger than a few seconds before. The familiar yellow flicker of Corinna's force field was a welcome sight, as she begged them to help them. Nat messing with their electrics surely wasn't going to help, and it just made the pounding in his head worsen.

The question of why they should be helped made Spence snap. "Why should you help? They've come for us, who the hell do you think will be next? This wasn't some hero thing, they just want rid of mutants. Once we're out of the way, you'll be next. If you help, we can help you stop them, save your asses. But if you don't, you're all as good as dead." He leaned against the wall and slid into a sitting position, instinctively dropping his head between his knees. His shoulder and side were both aching, his head was pounding, and his legs were weak. He wasn't sure he had the energy to argue any more.

sienna rose
{ dialogue: #691c1c; outfit: here }

xxxx]i'm just a full tank away from freedom.
xxxx]there are the last blues we're ever gonna have,
xxxx]let's see how deep we get
xxxx]the glow of the cities below lead us back


The backup of her team made Sienna smile a little. There seemed to be more of them than the heroes anyway. But then she noticed the state of the heroes. At least one of them seemed to be sporting multiple bullet wounds, and was swaying where he stood. One was bleeding, and one was holding one of her arms a little strangely. They seemed to have just come from a fight, and they weren't looking for another one.

The weak looking one, who was almost grey at this point, gave a retort that made Sienna smirk. They had fire, that was something. ]"How do we know this isn't all some trap? We agree to help you, your buddies round us up, lock us up, and you're all hailed as the saviours of the city. Injuries are easy to fake. Or, hell, I know I'd be willing to get myself legitimately injured to get something I really, really want. You don't even trust us enough to leave down a force field." She remarked, folding her arms, but still leaving her knife in clear view. She wasn't an idiot. And even if they did need help, what was to say they wouldn't turn around and turn them in? "After all, you're heroes. Surely anyone in this goddamn city would be falling over themselves to help you. But us? Everyone wants us dead. We're used to it. We can handle ourselves."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

Rylee “Cinder” Ande

To get anything that we want

Drink everything in sight

We're going till the world stops turning

While we burn it to the ground tonight


Rylee was starting to get antsy, she wanted to just fire off her flames, but knew better than to just unleash, especially in a small room with a people she considered allies. But to get rid of these heroes with just a little bit of collateral damage would be worth it. Heroes were the bane of her existence, always getting in her way of getting what she wanted, and occasionally getting into scuffles with them. Hell, she was even caught one time before she was able to escape with help of another villain. She contemplated what to do for a second before coming around the corner, flames still in her hands and light smoke coming off her jacket.

Cinder was about to let off a small blast when she noticed Ghost come out of the elevator and say a name in a casual tone, as if talking to one of these heroes like it was casual Friday. Rylee notice him look at her and ask what was going on. But before she could answer Echo, someone she’d rather not be around, walked in and explained about how they were looking for help, not a fight. “That doesn’t mean they won’t get a fight.” Rylee scoffed, but upon hearing a familiar hero confirm Echo’s words Rylee’s flames died down a little in her hands Guardian. A cute hero that Cinder met a couple times on the street of Youngblood City while causing chaos, she would take it easy on her whenever she would try to protect people. Which she was trying to do right now, having a small field up in front of the heroes.

Before Rylee could say or do much else, Phobia walked in, asking about who was coming. Honestly Rylee could care less about who was chasing the heroes. If someone was chasing down heroes and giving them the run for their money, that would make life easier for Rylee to go out and get what she wants as Cinder. As Phobia finishes, the lights in started to flicker. This caught Rylee off guard because they had the penthouse wires through a separate grid from the rest of the building, but another girl spoke up about how she was sorry it was her. Unfortunately, Rylee recognized this girl, not from her schemes of being Cinder, but from a night she went out with some friends to have some legal fun. Wait, don’t tell me she’s a damn hero. What the fuck universe Rylee thought to herself, thinking briefly to that night, and how she had actually gotten with a hero.

She was brought out her thoughts when Aubrey spoke up, Rylee just noticing she had walked in and drawn her gun, finally asking a question that made sense to Rylee. The hero, Apollo, quickly answered, causing Rylee to quickly roll her eyes at him. Sienna quickly remarked against him, almost saying exactly what as on her mind. “Yeah seriously, I’m not one to agree with people, but both these gals have points I like, and none of you have said anything to sway my mind. When the last time any of you had lend me a hand? Fucking Apollo over here’s even given me a scar I still haven’t repaid him for yet!” Rylee basically shouted from across the room, pointing at Spence, her flames intensity building back up. Those two had history, history that Rylee didn’t appreciate.

Cinder finally decided to let her flames die down and go out after coming to terms that there wouldn’t be much fighting, especially with the state the majority of the heroes were in, Guardian could barely keep a small shield up. As her flamed faded from her hands, she put her goggles around her neck and hands on her hips. “If your injuries are real, Guardian mind as well lower her shield, if I hit you with even a light blast, it’ll probably do as much damage to you as if you never had it up.” Rylee remarked, smirking. It wasn’t often she had they had leverage over the heroes. “And I don’t think you’re one to talk about saving our asses when you’re in our building at our mercy.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

F E L I XX| | XG H O S T

| Outfit |
| #C6C386 |
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The tension in the room was palpable. Lost and bleeding heroes stood at the doorstep and members of the confused villainous group stood, un grouped but all wary of the people that just entered their headquarters.

”They're not looking for a fight, they're looking for help." Echo cocked his head, and Felix turned his head to face him, nodding. Echo knew these sorts of things. One of the heroes nodded desperately, and Phobia asked a question that settled on Felix’s mind, too.

“Who exactly is coming?” Felix glanced at the elevator doors as Raven entered, immediately gauging the situation.

“Also, why should any of us help any of you?” She seemed to clench her gun a little tighter, unafraid to use it. Felix felt a growl in the back of his throat. She had a point, these heroes had done nothing for them, they seemed to help the very people who he despised.

And yet… He turned back to the frightened group, noticing again their frazzled and hurt state. He set his backpack down on the floor slowly. There was a first aid kit in it, because of the hazards of the kitchen, but Felix didn’t reach into it to help just yet, still wary of the strangers before him. Spence, the man he met before seemed to stumble on his feet a bit, eyes glazed with the look of drugs or poison. Felix cleared his throat.

“Why should you help? They've come for us, who the hell do you think will be next? This wasn't some hero thing, they just want rid of mutants. Once we're out of the way, you'll be next. If you help, we can help you stop them, save your asses. But if you don't, you're all as good as dead.” Spence wobbled, and Ferral responded, asking about traps. Despite what little he knew of the intentions of the people before him, and their poor state, Felix felt for them. He had been in the same situation nearly two years ago now, and it hadn’t ended up well for him. Still, he had to agree with Ferral, and Cinder, who piped up afterwards, what if this was all a trap? He made his decision as he saw Cinder relax her stance only slightly, she was right, these people couldn’t fight back anyway.

“If someone truly is coming, I can track them, you just need to tell me where you saw them last and who they are.” It may have been a rash idea, but these heroes had entered THEIR headquarters, and it didn’t seem as though they had made any real attempt to cover their tracks. ”you’ve basically lead them straight to us, I’m sure, but if we can prevent any conflict, might as well.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned to each of his comrades, trying to gauge their reactions. He didn’t want to help these people, not at all, and they could probably tell that by his stance and the tone of his voice, but he’d be damned if he let the one solid place in his life since prison go to shit. This, he felt, could be their safest option. He looked back at the heroes, anything they could tell him about their attacker would be helpful enough to get a "scent". With little information, Felix could use his astral form to locate almost anything. He settled in for a long night after the long day he already had. This was something he was good at, but that didn't mean it would be easy. All he needed to start, was solid info.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

Image Image
noah finch
echo - #7B8F97 - attire

Everyone yelling at each other was started to make Noah highly uncomfortable, and panicky. He inched closer to Akuma, almost instinctively, seeing as how Noah felt better around the villain. He was only on friendly (if that is what you could call it) first name basis with him as well as Audrey who had also joined in on the conversation. The thoughts from the heroes, were scattered and messy, and it was giving him a headache. However, he knew they were telling the truth, from what he was picking up. Everyone in the room already seemed to hate each other anyway, so now it was a blame game. Noah had never really ever been 'thwarted' by the heroes before but he understood where the animosity came from seeing as how he had heard stories about some of them. Unlike Noah, the others couldn't see how genuine the heroes were with their words, and he believed that even if he told them they wouldn't listen anyway.

There was something else, just off with some of the heroes memory, like someone else had been tampering with their minds. He had never seen anything like it before. He closed his eyes slightly, trying to tune into the thoughts rather than the angry voices, tapping his hand against his thigh in a pattern of 2s and 3s to help him concentrate. He entered the mind of the one that had spoken first, Apollo, is what Cinder had called him. He was weakened so it was easy to see flashes of his memory. It would've been clearer if Noah could just touch him, but he didn't see that happening. There was a tall building, it looked newer, modern, blurred faces of people in uniforms, then gunfire and screams. He quickly retreated sucking in a quiet breath, it always felt like he was resurfacing from water when he came out of someone's head. He wondered if Apollo had even noticed, or felt it. All he knew is that his right hand was shaking slightly from adrenaline or fear, he didn't know.

Image Image
corinna shultz
guardian - #DAB353 - attire


Corinna felt practically useless. She wasn't used to engaging with people that weren't useD to 'being helpful' for funsies but rather for a price.

She instantly recognized Cinder, from her fiery flames and attitude, they had run into each other on occasion but the girl always pulled back. There had to be good there? Corinna could only hope. “If your injuries are real, Guardian might as well lower her shield, if I hit you with even a light blast, it’ll probably do as much damage to you as if you never had it up.”
There was a definite lack of trust between the two groups, and that's what kept them apart. Not to mention, Spence was already on edge and trying to heal with the multitude of injuries was draining him by the second. After a small bout of hesitation Cori lowered her hands, and the shield flickered then dissapeared. She'd hoped it showed that they were willing to trust the villains by letting their guard down when they were vulnerable. “If someone truly is coming, I can track them, you just need to tell me where you saw them last and who they are. You’ve basically lead them straight to us, I’m sure, but if we can prevent any conflict, might as well”. Cori turned to another villain, one she hadn't seen much of however his willingness to help made her feel better. "They called themselves the Legion. They wanted to wipe us all out, saying that our DNA made humans vulnerable and weak, that we weren't part of the natural order. We thought negotiating with them would help, but they just turned on us. Their building was somewhere on 5th and Main, I- I really can't remember I'm sorry".

Seeing Spence in such pain killed her so she moved to his side placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder before turning to face the villains again. "You're right. You have absolutely no reason to trust us. If you want to kill us, go ahead and do it. You'll probably never get an opportunity where we are as vulnerable as we are now." She looked at the heroes, they looked dejected and broken, she had never seen her friends more lost. "But I'll let you know that this is exactly what they want, because the second you finish the job they'll turn on you next. I've never seen anyone mow us down like we were made of paper. If you don't do it for us, do it for yourselves". Cori fell silent after that, she really didn't have anything else to say. Her mood was much darker and solemn that it had ever been. If that wouldn't reach them they might as well head back down the elevator and try to fight them off as long as they can. Until they all died.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Akuma Matsuda
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0.00 INK

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N a t X| | XA k u m a


I n t e r f a c e | | P h o b i a

#252980 | | #5C5C5C

XXXXAkuma stood very still, his arms crossed and his dark eyes going face to face, hero and villain alike. His brows were lowered in suspicion. Ghost had a point. If this "Legion" was coming after mutants, then the idiots were practically leading them to their front door. Half were limping, the other half were bleeding, two of them were swaying on their feet. And one of the two messed with the lights as the searched for support. He did make a mental note to change that lightbulb later. Just because he had no fear of the dark, didn't mean none of the others feared it. Not that he cared. Just one less worry among them would mean one less shift he had to fight. They were in no state to cover their tracks. The more people spoke, the louder the room became. While Akuma didn't mind the noise, he could only imagine what it was like for Noah.

Just as Akuma went to search for his friend, he felt a shifting behind him. Without looking, he knew it was Noah. He stepped in front of the boy to shield him the best he could from the others. If anyone made a move to attack, Akuma would release his ability and keep them from harming Noah. His friend's powers weren't typically the physical type. They weren't always easy to defend with. But when you're living fear, your opponents fear is the best defense.

He heard the change in Noah's breathing and knew something was wrong. Knowing the fool, he probably used his abilities to read the minds of the heroes for answers. If they were telling the truth--which was becoming more and more obvious--then Noah had seen something terrifying. Akuma reached back with one hand and gently grabbed what he could of Noah's wrist. It was to keep his friend here and in the moment. One can get lost in other's thoughts when they're swirling around. Very quietly he said, "Are you alright, Echo?" He only used the alias when around the others. With his other hand, he pulled the headphones from around his neck and offered them to Noah. "Here. Wear these if it gets to be too much. I'll let you see what you missed in conversation later if you'd like."

XXXXNat had attempted to shrug, her typical response when someone ignored her, but the pain ripped through her shoulder causing her to stop and bite her lip. Man, she could use some of Spence's help right about now, but he looked worse off. She thought about making the trip over to him to help him stand, but figured it was probably useless considering she was just as unstable if not more so. However, she did make the decision to move and sit beside him against the wall. In her state, she probably shouldn't be touching things, but she needed the back support.

Where Spence was sitting, she could better see all the villains. They were obviously angry with the heroes' presence. The tension was nearly reaching physical levels. She thought about making some kind of comment... about a butterknife to cut the tension. Which would've hopefully cut the tension, but she figured with all the hot-heads in the space, one was about to explode if she made a sarcastic comment. But all this yelling was giving her a headache.

A glimpse of red hair made her pause. Her eyes grew wide as she took in the wild red locks, the confident shoulders... her lips... her eyes. You've got to be shitting me. She thought. Her mind flashed back to that night. The drinks, the music, the heat of skin on skin, and soft hair between her fingers. Nat had taken the rare break off work to go drinking with some people from her actual work and found herself chatting up this... spunky, loud-mouthed redhead. One thing lead to another and they found themselves some alone time in one of the guest rooms of her co-worker's house. It had been one night that tended to bleed into her dreams from time to time. She didn't always remember faces, but she remembered that hair and those eyes... and they belonged to a villain. Well... fuck me. She thought, suddenly feeling nauseous and she put her head between her legs.

The lights above her flickered in response, but she didn't bother to comment this time. Especially because she couldn't completely tell if it was due to her ability, or if it hadn't even been the lights at all, but her own consciousness. They needed help. And soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

Audrey was trying to keep up with what was going on, but it was giving her a headache. She was exhausted and needed to sleep. Being able to concentrate on the conversation was starting to get harder as she grew more tired. Coffee could possibly be the answer to her lack of sleep. Audrey would check for that later. First, she needed to attempt to understand what was happening. All she could really comprehend was that all the heroes before her were barely alive. All the others heroes were dead. And according to Apollo, the villains were next. It took her a extra moments to even process that Apollo was in the building. She distinctly remembers shooting him in a stomach and leaving him for dead. She doesn't know how he is alive, but a part of her wanted to shoot him again. She made a mental note to shoot her victims twice before teleporting to safety.

At the moment, the villains seemed split on what exactly to do. Ghost wanted to find the group that was trying to kill the heroes. Noah seemed overwhelmed by the situation, but didn't seem to be acting as though they were dangerous. Neither was Phobia for that matter. Cinder and Sienna were the only other villains two that were armed. Audrey yawned again. "But I'll let you know that this is exactly what they want, because the second you finish the job they'll turn on you next. I've never seen anyone mow us down like we were made of paper. If you don't do it for us, do it for yourselves" Audrey rolled her eyes. "Save the fucking speech, Guardian. We get it. We are all in danger." She said, just wanting to figure out what to do so that the heroes can get the hell out of the lair. And if seems the only way to achieve that is to figure out who the Legion is. "As long as the others don't mind, you all can stay since none of you are clearly in the condition to leave. And killing any of you while you are injured like this is pathetic."

Audrey usually doesn't take charge or really care to help anyone, but this was an unusual situation. She ran her fingers through her hair and glanced around the room at the other villains. "I guess first things first, is to see if any of these idiots were followed." She stated. It wasn't as if they were in the best condition to truly get away. They could have easily been followed, which means the lair isn't safe anymore. She pulled her other gun out of the bag.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Sienna Rose Character Portrait: Felix Paulsen Character Portrait: Spence Jackson
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0.00 INK

sienna rose
{ dialogue: #691c1c; outfit: here }

xxxxi'm just a full tank away from freedom.
xxxxthese are the last blues we're ever gonna have,
xxxx]et's see how deep we get
xxxxthe glow of the cities below lead us back


They were really hurt. The thought struct Sienna, and at first, she shoved it to the back of her brain. But those kinds of injuries are hard to fake. And then a thought hit her, one that made her smile, even as Audrey declared she was going to go see if they were followed.

"Sounds like a good idea. You know what, guys?" She asked, stepping forward and twirling around to face her teammates, a wicked smile lighting up her face. "We're going to help them. Can you imagine the news if it got out? Heroes attack villains after villains offer heroes sanctuary. A safe place to sleep. Medical treatment. Food. If their plan is to ambush us. And if not, well, they'll owe us one, won't they? Imagine that. The city's heroes in debt to us. And even if we do turn them out on their asses," she said, glancing at Rylee, who she already knew would want that, "If they have back-up outside, they'll come in no matter what we do. And at least if we help them... we'll have hostages." She declared as she turned back around to face the heroes, her vicious smile still on her face. "So. We better know what we're up against. What can you all do?" She asked, making her smile bright and friendly. If they were telling the truth, well, it would be nice to have some allies. She didn't say that though, because she knew not everyone would agree with it.

spence jackson
{ dialogue: #2c2b46; outfit: here }

xxxxi see a pain behind your eyes.
xxxxi know you feel it every day,
xxxxit's like a light that slowly dies.
xxxxbut it's better not to say such things aloud.


Despite himself, Spence smirked as one of them swore about a scar they still had to repay him for. His face was down, and he was fairly confident that she couldn't see it. He did recognise some of them, including one who had seemed a little shocked when she'd seen him. His power certainly had its advantages. He shook his head a little as his ears starting ringing, before realising that it wasn't just part of his injuries. It had to be one of their abilities. He looked up and scanned each of them. His eyes lingered on the artist, the one he'd met in the park. He didn't think it was him- his abilities seemed to be more based around tracking, if what he'd said was true.

One of them, the one who had been shocked to see him, declared that they were at least not going to kill them. Then one declared not only were they not going to kill them, they were going to help them. And then listed all her nefarious reasons for doing so. Spence just rolled his eyes. Villains could be so dramatic sometimes. "As you all know, I'm Apollo,"he said, with a nod towards the redhead. "And my ability is called biological manipulation. It's primary use is healing, if you all watch my arm long enough you'll see this wound here is healing nicely. And I can heal others, but I'm not gonna demonstrate that right now, not unless someone wants me to collapse into their arms. And, as I'm sure Cinder over there is going to tell you, I can also use it to injure."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

Rylee “Cinder” Ande

To get anything that we want

Drink everything in sight

We're going till the world stops turning

While we burn it to the ground tonight

Rylee just stood back and listened, keeping an eye on the heroes. She was actually surprised when Guardian dropped her shield, grinning a little bit to herself. Be pretty easy to just wipe them all out right now, less things in my hair. Rylee thought to herself. She titled her head lightly as Guardian actually gave them good information about these people. The Legion was this organization’s name, and she had a location, though Rylee didn’t really believe they would stay at the location unless it was a front.

Rylee let out a like chuckle after hearing Audrey comment about Guardian’s little speech, putting a smile on her face, though the next thing did surprise her. Audrey had just offered them a sanctuary in their hideout. Rylee was shocked that Audrey had done this so willy-nilly. She did talk about how killing them would be pathetic in their current condition, but honestly that wouldn’t really stop Rylee.

Before Cinder could comment, Sienna spoke up as well, about how they were going to help them, and giving a similar speech like Guardian, but not as pretentious and honorable. “You’re kidding right?” Rylee spoke up stepping forward. She paused for a second before continuing? “Wow, you’re both serious… This is a dumb idea. Just let it be known I was against this when it all goes to hell…” Rylee wanted to just say no and walk out and refuse to help but the rest of the villains were already decided to help, so at this point it wouldn’t help her to just walk out, plus it would be nice to have the heroes owe them something

Apollo started talking, explaining his powers and referencing his run-in with Cinder. “Yeah yeah, cool power whatever. I’ve already ran into most of you out there, don’t really care about your powers, they obviously didn’t help you from being attacked.” Rylee commented with a smirk. The only person she didn’t know the power of, was the girl she had hooked up with in the past, though she guessed it had to do something with electricity. “Now since you have been invited to stay…” Rylee paused and looked at Audrey for a second, “How about you get out of the way to the elevator so me and her can make sure it’s clear.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

Image Image
noah finch
echo - #7B8F97 - attire
Noah looked up from the ground when Akuma shielded him from the others and he let out a shaky sigh of relief for his friends actions. {He hadn't even noticed he had been holding his breath. He was still pretty shaken up from the thoughts floating amidst the room, feeling almost sick. He blinked rapidly, trying to recenter himself and his thoughts when he felt a gentle hand on his wrist. Just the contact from Akuma helped Noah shift his powers away from everyone on to on individual. Akuma's mind was like a room with a hundred locked doors, and since Noah respected the villain he never tried poking into any of them. Instead, it almost felt like sitting in a waiting room. It had a rather calming effect.

"Are you alright, Echo?"
His friends voice spoke softly, to which he nodded slightly. Noah responded, by in Akuma's mind rather than aloud. I'll be alright... just a lot of aggressive and frantic thoughts floating around. It's... exhausting. There's something off about the heroes thoughts, but I- I can't explain it. Noah felt the small music player being placed in the palm of his hand. "Here. Wear these if it gets to be too much. I'll let you see what you missed in conversation later if you'd like." Noah didn't outwardly smile but his eyes seemed to soften slightly in the same gesture. Thank you, I doubt I'll be able to shut them out completely, but it'll help. He gingerly placed the head phones in each ear, flipping through the songs (Akuma had put some on his device especially for Noah) and felt his shoulders relax when 'Free Bird' flooded through his ears. He closed his eyes slightly, concentrating, as the music allowed him to relax and focus his mind on the tune instead of the thoughts.

Image Image
corinna shultz
guardian - #DAB353 - attire

"Save the fucking speech, Guardian. We get it. We are all in danger. As long as the others don't mind, you all can stay since none of you are clearly in the condition to leave. And killing any of you while you are injured like this is pathetic." Corinna flinched slightly at the harsh words in her sentence, but felt a weight lift from her shoulders as the woman mentioned they could stay. The other woman spoke up next agreeing, however much of her tone was sarcastic. At this point Cori didn't seem to mind as long as her friends were given temporary sanctuary and protection to get back on their feet.

"So. We better know what we're up against. What can you all do?" Both Apollo and Interface spoke up about their abilities, Corinna noted the two had taken a lot of the damage and would need medical attention and rest first. She outstretched her palms slightly and they flickered with a familiar yellow energy, "I'm sure you've seen what I can do", most of them already knew her alias and abilities.

“Now since you have been invited to stay… How about you get out of the way to the elevator so me and her can make sure it’s clear.” Cinder spoke up. She didn't even think about the fact that they could've been followed. Her heart fluttered slightly in her chest at the thought of going up against them again, this time with half their numbers and already half-beaten into the ground. They were going to need some help if they were going to move out of the way.

However, the rational man (or so he seemed), that was soft around the eyes spoke up. Cori hadn't even noticed he had gone to a corner of the room by himself. "They're headed out of town, don’t know where, a few are injured, one badly, you all put up quite a fight.” We had. It still wasn't enough. "They’re covered in armor, and they have a leader...they-- they knew I was there. How could they know that?” Corinna's face fell slightly as she turned to him. "There were... a lot of things they knew that seemed impossible, unexplainable. However, since it seems like they're not headed here first is there anyway you can please help me move them to somewhere they can rest? I will tell you everything you need to know when my friends have some place to heal". Her eyes fell on her fellow heroes, most of which had sunk to the ground either from pain or exhaustion. "Anyone with medical knowledge would be nice as well" She added on quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

Audrey lingered around to see what Sienna had to say about the entire situation. Surprisingly, she agreed to the entire idea. Even going a step farther to even help stop the Legion. Audrey didn't know if she wanted to go around playing hero. For all they know, the heroes could still be lying. She didn't trust any of them. And what's to stop them from turning them all in once it is all over. The heroes may need them now, but that doesn't mean they are worth keeping around later. Sienna seemed to think that they could use the villains as hostages in case everything goes south. Audrey trusted her thought process. Cinder, however, did not care for this idea. But she was outvoted quite easily. All the other villains seemed to agree. Guess the redhead will just have to suffer through this for a little while.

Audrey dug through her bag and pulled out her villain outfit. She couldn't go outside waving her guns around without her disguise. She would be arrested. "Now since you have been invited to stay…How about you get out of the way to the elevator so me and her can make sure it’s clear.” Raven blew a kiss towards Rylee when she glanced at her. Audrey knew that the girl wasn't happy with her, but she didn't care to entertain her anger. "One second, love. I need to get more comfortable." With her villain disguise in hand, she teleported to the nearest bathroom. Audrey was used to quick changes, so within seconds she was already in her leather full body suit. Her hair was pulled up into a high pony tail and guns placed gently in her holsters. She put on her eye mask and reappeared before Rylee. "I'm ready now." Audrey headed with Rylee to the elevator. "If we're lucky, then we might be able to actually kill someone." She said playfully, but a part of her actually meant it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rylee Ande Character Portrait: Audrey Newton Character Portrait: Noah Finch Character Portrait: Corinna Shultz Character Portrait: Natalie Mitchell Character Portrait: Sienna Rose
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0.00 INK

F E L I XX| | XG H O S T

| Outfit |
| #C6C386 |
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Knowing that he wouldn’t be much help after what he had done to track The Legion until they actually ever came face with the group, Felix stood from his spot near the window, still uncomfortable with the idea of so many new people in a usually sacred space for him. He was a bit wobbly on his feet because of the projection, but had felt worse, so there was no cause for worry for himself at least. He trusted Ferral, Cinder, and Raven to handle any of the immediate danger, they were strong defenders of this place, and always had been. He turned toward the huddled group of heroes again, eyeing their faces one at a time. It was an eclectic group, and some of the faces he could have sworn he’d seen before in passing on the street or in the supermarket.

He now noticed Knave standing off in the doorway, she must have entered the room when he was projecting. She looked the heroes up and down, and Felix knew she must be calculating something, she was always confident and smart, Felix wondered if she knew how to handle what was going on. He nodded a greeting at her and then turned back to the heroes.

”Well, if they’re handling that, why don’t you all take a seat.” He shifted unto his right leg, uncomfortable with having to take a leader position for the moment. He gestured to the seats in the common room behind him where he had been sitting before, and where he had planned to spend the night originally, perhaps that might change now. A park bench would probably suffice, it had before. He rolled his shoulders in around in their sockets and addressed the group. ”You all can call me Ghost, and I can’t do much to help heal you other than point you in the direction of the first aid kit, but I can make you food.” He moved towards the locker room, knowing one of the heroes would followed him, and unlocked the first aid kit, allowing them to access anything they might need.

He stepped out of the way so that the heroes could shift themselves into chairs an rest, and grabbed his bag to take out his apron from the restaurant. He’d been on his feet in the kitchen for around seven hours, but a couple more wouldn’t hurt him too much. He moved off into the kitchen, which had one island counter that bordered the seating/dining area, and began to look through the cupboards to see what they had available for enough people to eat. They didn’t have much, a restock was definitely needed, but they had enough to make a simple chili that Felix used to make years ago for a warm lasting meal. He began getting to work, glancing up every once and a while to ensure the heroes were taking care of themselves.