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Cecil Young


0 · 631 views · located in Upstate New York

a character in “The Young Family”, as played by CarliaRhian123


Boy #2

Full Name:
Cecil Flynn Young


Height: 5'6
Hair Colour: Blonde
Hair Style: Kind of wavy, usually looks a bit messy
Eye Colour: Dark grey eyes that can create a perfect cold glare
Skin Tone: Paler than his siblings and parents

Cecil isnt a people person, he's not good at starting conversations, and instead has a talent for ending them.
He doesnt fit in well with his siblings, mostly because he's never actually tried talking with them, but now Cecil figures that its too late to try to get to know them and now he doesnt even say 'hi' if he passes by one of them, and he'll talk with the maids and nannies instead.
Cecil's main friends are his pets, and according to him, they understand him better than anyone.

Being alone, his pets, chatting with the maids

His parents and their friends, crowded rooms, birds, frogs, spiders, Tempest



Extra stuff/pets:

His first dog, Matthias
Matthias was a present from his father when they had gotten into an argument

His second dog, Kaare
Kaare was given to Cecil from his mother after his pet bird 'accidently escaped' its cage.

His horse, Tempest
Cecil doesnt like Tempest, and she doesnt like him.

So begins...

Cecil Young's Story

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young
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((OOC: I suppose this RP will be played in 1st Person P.O.V, right?
... I dont know >.<
I'll try to keep my posts matching with everyone elses... because im a weirdo like that

Ooh, I meant to have the location as the Stalls... not upstate new york))

June 23, 2012. 5:35 A.M.

I dont know why I woke up at five something in the morning... I mean, it wasnt like I went to bed surprisingly early last night ... unless you would consider three a.m early... which it is I guess, but for me it would be amazingly late...
Whatever. It depends on the circumstances, doesnt it?
Anyway, as soon as I woke up I hadnt been able to fall back asleep.
I also was too lazy to get dressed, so I went outside in my pajama's.
Mom would of killed me for that if she had seen me, she probably would of said, 'Cecil Flynn Young! How dare you go outside looking like that? What if someone saw you? Get back in the house this instant and choose something more suitable to wear!'
Of course, that would of only happened if she was actually at home, which she wasnt.
So I was safe.

Without realizing it, I walked right into the barn and to the horse stalls.
That proves how oblivious I am.
"Oh..." I mumbled, "I guess im visiting Tempest today."
Tempest was the horse that my parents bought me a few years ago, I dont really know what the reason was, but I do know that it had something to do with them wanting me to forgive them.
It hadnt worked though, I remember that I was still mad at them.

"Hey, Temper..." I mumbled, opening her stall door.
Temper was what I had originally wanted to name her, because from the very start no matter what I did, I always seemed to get on her bad side.
Dad had said that was a stupid name for a horse, so I named her Tempest instead.
"Still hate me?" I asked, forcing a smile.
Tempest swung her head up and down and turned away from me.
I nodded, "I dont blame you."

The setting changes from Upstate New York to Alexis and Vidia's bedroom

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Cassie Young Character Portrait: Vidia Danae Young Character Portrait: Kimberly Amelia Young Character Portrait: David Young Character Portrait: Isabella Young
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Edit: To match Echo's post.

June 23rd, 2012; 5:35am

When Alexis's alarm went off, it sent her into a long bout of groans and grumbles in argument. She even grabbed one of my endless amount of pillows and threw it at her, causing Jinx and Mistique to mew in annoyance and burrow deeper under the covers of her bed sheets.

When she finally summoned the courage to crawl out of bed and the warmth that came with it, it was slowly and almost like a caterpillar escaping its cocoon to reveal what a beautiful butterfly it had turned into.

"Do you always have to get up so early?" she whined as Alexis made her way back into the room several minutes later. "I can't, I have to drop everyone off at their practices, Kimmy has summer preschool, and then I have to run errands, remember?" she asked as she slowly went about getting ready for her day, taking a shower in the side of the bathroom that was connected to her sister's. The opposites sides of the bathroom were identical in design, only Vidia's belongings were differently shaped, colored, designed, and anything else someone could imagine. She blow dried her hair and added a small amount of make up to her features, giving herself a smoky eyed look, then tugged on a pair of jeans shorts and a form-fitting white tank top. She pulled her hair back then let it fall back into placed, fluffed it a little, then smiled at her reflection and practically skipped from the bedroom.

She made her way down the halls and finally the stairs, Jinx and Mistique following her. She made her way into the living room and lifted the blanket from over the cage that housed her two birds. She moved her finger against the bars. "Hello Tonio, hello Danela. How'd you two lovebirds sleep?" she smiled, opening the cage and slipping her hands inside to let them wrap their claws around her fingers and she placed them on top of the cage. She opened the feeder inside the cage and filled it with fresh seeds, then opened the water tank and filled it with fresh water. She then lifted the two sleepy birds and placed them back inside the cage, stroking their heads before shutting the door of the cage. She smiled at them, waved, then bid them a goodbye and left the room. Her two white baby tigers trailed after her, almost like puppies, into the kitchen, where she pulled out several pots and pans to cook the normal food she would make for her siblings that woke up later then she did.

She prepared bacon, eggs, omelettes, pancakes, muffins, sausages and one of Kimmy's favorites, pancakes with berries on top. "Breakfast is ready!" she shouted through the house, casting a glance at the clock. It was six-fifteen and they would have another hour before they needed to leave to drop Kimberly off at her summer-preschool and get everyone to practices for the sports they were in, and so she could run errands, so she began to set out plates and place food on them. She moved to the front door and leaned out into the cool, spring morning air. "Whoever wants food had better come and get it!" she shouted, her voice carrying across the acres of farm that they owned. She finally leaned back inside after several moments then returned to the kitchen and went about filling the many animal bowls that were set in what everyone now called the Animal Room, which was basically where the animals ate and played and sometimes slept, along with where the animals were all kept, including her birds. It took a long time since she was the only one that ever did it, but it had to get done by someone, somehow.

The setting changes from Alexis and Vidia's bedroom to Upstate New York

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young
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I curl up in my princess bed holding my stuffed bunny, my big brother Cecile gave me for my birthday. It was my favorite he was soft and squishy and cuddly much like big brother when I'm scared of thunderstormes. He always let's me hide out in his room and he protects me. I know I know normally that would be a parents job, but mommy and daddy are never home or if they are they don't have time for me.

At first I see the sun coming through my curtains so I turn over and cover my head not wanting to get up, I personally hated preschool the kids thre were mean. I try my hardest to ignore the yummy smel of my favorite breakfast but soon my tummy gets the best of me and I find myself slepily walking down the hall carrying my bunny. My hair and nighty all messed up and tousled but I didn't care, looks don't really matter when you're little ya know? "Morning" I say softly as I enter the kitchen, the tile is cold on my little feet. Rubbing my eyes as they adjust to the light I look up at my sissies who are in the kitchen.

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young
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I curl up in my princess bed holding my stuffed bunny, my big brother Cecile gave me for my birthday. It was my favorite he was soft and squishy and cuddly much like big brother when I'm scared of thunderstormes. He always let's me hide out in his room and he protects me. I know I know normally that would be a parents job, but mommy and daddy are never home or if they are they don't have time for me.

At first I see the sun coming through my curtains so I turn over and cover my head not wanting to get up, I personally hated preschool the kids thre were mean. I try my hardest to ignore the yummy smel of my favorite breakfast but soon my tummy gets the best of me and I find myself slepily walking down the hall carrying my bunny. My hair and nighty all messed up and tousled but I didn't care, looks don't really matter when you're little ya know? "Morning" I say softly as I enter the kitchen, the tile is cold on my little feet. Rubbing my eyes as they adjust to the light I look up at my sissies who are in the kitchen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Cassie Young Character Portrait: Vidia Danae Young Character Portrait: Kimberly Amelia Young Character Portrait: David Young Character Portrait: Alexis Young
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Vidia had almost finished in the animal room when she heard Alexis’s voice. She straightened from filling one of the endless amount of food bowls in the room and offered her a smile. “I’ll make sure that I talk to her and see what she needs,” she said, filling the last bowl then leaving the room and shutting the see-through glass door with various small holes in it. She had let the birds and other animals out of their cages and she really didn’t want them getting out in the house, because it would be a pain in the butt to try and find them in the mansion of a country house that they lived in.

She moved into the kitchen. “Hang on, Alexis,” she ordered, snatching up a muffin and moving over to her. She thrust the muffin into her hands and gave her stern look. “You had better eat that or I’m going to start shoving food down your throat, understand?” she asked, crossing her arms. She had begun to notice changes in her sister; she was losing weight, her clothes weren’t fitting her as well, and she hadn’t been eating very often. “Now you can go, but you had better eat that,” she said as the distant sound of Kimmy’s feet were heard. Vidia turned and smiled at her littlest sister. “Hey honey, I made your favorite,” she said, lifting her up at the waist and into her arms. “Pancakes and your favorite fruit of all time,” she said, walking over to the counter to show her the food. “I’ll make you a plate if you go ahead and sit down at the table,” she said, putting the little girl down again. She then turned and began to fill a plate for before making her way over to the long table in the connected dining room. She set the plate on the table and poured a glass of juice for Kimmy from the pitcher that sat on the table, and then set the glass beside the plate. “Eat up honey,” she said, ruffling her little sister’s hair as she turned back to finish her morning chores in the kitchen, which were to clean the dishes, wash the counters, organize the fridge and cupboards, finish a list for food to buy when she went grocery shopping that day, and wash the floors. First, though, she set the food on the counters and a stack of plates beside them, knowing very well that a lot of her siblings would choose to eat alone in their rooms instead of in the kitchen, but not caring in the least.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Elodie Falls Character Portrait: Vidia Danae Young Character Portrait: Alexis Young
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I was almost out the door but Vidia caught me, putting a damn muffin in my hand and telling me to eat, like that would happen. "You not my mom Vi and im not hungry" I put the muffin back on the counter and was out the door before I could hear another word. Maybe just maybe I could talk to Elodie later.
I head into the stable and see Cecil with Tempest " 'morning C plan on going on a ride?" I ask as a grab a brush and head over to the stall that was across feom Tempest. There was a nameplate on the stall that read 'Sage' and in the stall was a black three year old horse. "Why hello there sweetie, want to stretch your legs this morning?" I ask the horse as I go in the stall and start brushing Sage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Alexis Young
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I looked at Alexis in surprise, what was she doing here?
Then I remembered that she had a horse as well, I didnt know what the name of it was, so I quickly looked at the four letters neatly stamped onto a nameplate that hung in the horses stall.
Sage, that was it.

"Uh, no, I was just-" I was about to answer, but Tempest cut me off by kicking her hoof on the stall door, obviously not agreeing with me.
I frowned, "I mean..." I trailed off.
I was planning on saying, 'Of course not! Can you really see me riding that thing? I hate horses!' But then I realized that if I said that, Alexis would only ask why I was in the barn. And frankly I didnt have an answer to that.
So instead I didnt say anything and just simply left the barn.
Im such a great conversationalist, right?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Cassie Young Character Portrait: Alexis Young
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I walk into the barn, Cecil walking out and Alexis down by Sage. What was Cecil doing here? He owns Tempest, a chestnut morgan mare. If it weren't for me that horse would be neglected. I feed her, groom her, ride her, and turn her out in the pasture as needed. It was probably a consolation gift for some crappy thing my parents did.

Alexis is becoming so skinny and her clothes are getting baggy. I don't know why she won't eat. Being malnourished won't make her perfect. I became perfect and skinny by watching what I eat and exercising. But why does she care more about being skinny than her life? You know what? To hell with her. I have my own problems. But, it's still kinda scary. The whole idea of her starving to death to be perfect.

The first door has a plaque that reads, "Queen of Hearts" Penny Owned and Loved by Cassie Young. I talk softly to her and stroke her neck. She has a direct view of the house. It must be like watching cable. I slip her halter on and attach my purple lead rope. I walk her down past Rage and Tempest and over to the wash stalls. When she's on the cross ties I put her Blue Ecole Cresant Roma Saddle Pad, white sheepskin half pad, and Saddle on. I slip the martingale over her head and loop the girth through it. I take her off the cross ties and put on her bridle. I lead her out and get on from the mounting block.

I trot past the jumping field, and two-point up the hill. I walk through a tree line and emerge into the field.

How the hell am I gonna fix things? I screwed up so badly. I really need to talk to someone. But Alexis and Vidia. Will they make fun of me? Laugh? I just really need one or both of them.

I feel like I'm about to cry and I can't have that so I pick up the canter. I go over some of the cross country jumps, which Penny glides over like an angel. After I'm done I walk her out and start heading back for home.
I check the clock in the barn. Almost 7. I don't even bother putting her on the cross ties. I get her tack off and put it in the tack room. She stands there, obediently. I brush her then take off her bridle. She follows me back to her stall and goes in.
I whisper a goodbye and walk back towards the house

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young
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I should of agreed to go horse-back riding with Alexis, even though I had no clue how to ride a horse.
It cant be too hard, right? Just put on the saddle and the reins and stuff... easy.
But I was already inside the house again, and I didnt feel like walking all the way back to to the barn, and Tempest probably would of freaked out if I had even tried to open her stall, so I went back up to my bedroom instead. Away from basically everyone... besides Matthias, my dog who was supposed to be outside.

"You're going to get fur everywhere." I sighed, shooing him off my bed.
Matthias jumped down and sat on the floor instead, then rolled onto his back as if he wanted me to rub his belly.
"No." I said flatly, but sat on the floor beside him anyway.
Out of boredom, I reached out my hand as if I was going to pat his head, then flicked his ear instead.
"Dumb dog."
Matthias rolled back over onto his stomach and barked, like he was telling me to shut up.
"Why cant you be like Kaare?" I asked, flicking his ear again, "She behaves way better than you."
Matthias licked my hand, not caring that he was being compared to one of the stupidest dogs in the house.
"Thats disgusting, you know." I mumbled, wiping the dog slopper on the carpet.
Matthias got stood up and then jumped on my bed again.
"You're annoying." I remarked, but this time I didnt shoo him off the bed, "Then again... to you, I probably am too, huh?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Cassie Young Character Portrait: Vidia Danae Young Character Portrait: Kimberly Amelia Young Character Portrait: David Young Character Portrait: Janai Abie Young
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Vidia made her way down after Cassie, and into the kitchen to clean up after breakfast. A quick glance at the clock told her she had no time to eat and would have to pick up something while she ran errands - again. She stifled a sigh as she packed away the leftovers for later, slid them into the large fridge, and grabbed her jacket. She pulled it on and slipped a muffin into her mouth, checking her pockets for her wallet. Nothing. "Damn," she muttered, but it was muffled and incomprehensible due to the muffin between her lips.

She took off out of the kitchen and up the stairs, straightening stray papers, grabbing loose clothes along the way, and darted into her and Alexis's room. She had ten minutes before they had to leave. Straightening stray things in her room, along with Alexis's side, and chewing on the muffin along the way, she searched for her wallet. When she finally found it, she stuffed it in her pocket and took off downstairs, key jingling around on her finger. "I'm leaving! If anyone needs a ride, they'd better book it outside! You all have five minutes!" she shouted through the house. When she was outside, she yelled the same thing to whoever was out there, then made her way over to the van she had bought herself along with a BMW M5. She slipped into the van and turned it on, before making her way back inside.

She smiled at Kimmy as she lifted a napkin and helped wipe off her face. "Alright, honey, it's time to go to preschool," she said, lifting her out of her booster seat. She walked upstairs and set the little girl on the floor of her room, did away with her pajamas and replaced them with a sundress with shorts underneath. She quickly braided her hair, having done this ritual so many times that by the time she was done, she had two minutes to spare. With that down, she led Kimmy downstairs and out the front door, then helped her into the van. She strapped her into her her booster seat then moved to the front of the van, slipped on her sunglasses, and waited for the rest of her siblings to file out and into the car.


Janai awoke to the sound of Vidia's shouting. She groaned a little, rubbing at her head as a major hangover started to assault her. Her eyes were red from lack of sleep and the drug use from the night before, and when she made her way out of her bed and into her bathroom, she took one look at herself and mutter, "I look like shit."

Making quick work of taming her wild, black and white hair, she pulled on a black tank top, black shorts, black sandals and her black choker. She grabbed her fencing bag and launched from her room, easily taking off down the stairs and tossing back a few pills for her depression and her hangover. She searched through the fridge for a moment before removing a still-warm muffin and some cool orange juice, then took off out the door and tossed her bag into the trunk of the van. She climbed into the van and settled into her normal seat in the back corner, sunglasses in place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Cassie Young Character Portrait: Diane Young Character Portrait: David Young
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Diane Young

My daughter, Vidia, called for her other siblings so she could take them to wherever they needed to be taken to.
I shook my head, it was as if she didnt understand that we had people for that!
Why did she insist on doing unnecassary work?
Crazy child...

I ran through the hallways of my house, but stopped everytime I passed one of my childrens bedrooms to make sure they were all awake and didnt look like they were raised by animals.
I opened Cecils bedroom door -hopefully it was Cecils room- and rolled my eyes when I saw that my son was still in his pajamas, and was talking to his dog, Matthias, or whatever the mutts name was.
Why couldnt he have real friends? Dogs were so... well, blah. Furry little annoying pests, thats what they were.
I told him to take the dog outside, then ordered him to change into actual clothing, and then after he complained I ignored him and told him that he'd have to change into something more formal in a few hours because guests were coming over.
When Cecil made a rather rude remark, I walked over to his closet and picked out two outfits,
"One for right now so you're not wearing... that." I explained, pointing at what he was currently wearing, "And one for later, so you'll look like you actually care about your appearance. Now, get changed." I said, then left the room.

After that I came to Cassie's room.. or, I think it was her room... I dont know, and I was surprised to see David standing outside the door.
"Dont bother your sister." I snapped, then noticed the plate in his hands, "And for goodness sake, David! You could atleast put that in the kitchen instead of carrying it around!"
Were all my children like this?
I was going to say more, but the sound of crying behind the bedroom door stopped me.
What on earth was wrong now?
I banged my fist on the door, "Stop with the crying!" I shouted, then turned back to David.
"Can you deal with this?" I asked, but didnt wait for an answer, "Actually I dont care if you do or not. People will be coming over in a few hours, and I want everyone in this household to look their best, can you tell your sister that?"
Just as I was about to walk away, I remembered one more thing, "Oh! And once your done, your other sister, Vidia, is running a few errands. If you need to be anywhere.. I dont think you do... but if you do, then I suggest you hurry."

There... now hopefully all of my other kids would be outside with Vidia.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Vidia Danae Young Character Portrait: Kimberly Amelia Young
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I sat in my booster chair munching on my breakfast watching everyone hustle and bustle around me, most of the drama and emotions were too complicated for me to understand so I proceeded to sit there and sing a rather loud rendiition of "you are my sunshine"

"YOU ARE MY SUNSHINNNEEEE MY ONLYYY SUUUNNSHIIINEEE YOU MAAKEE MEEE HAAPPPYYY WHEN SKKIIEESSS ARREEEE GREEEYYY YOUUU'LLL NEEVVERRR KNOOOW DEEEWWWRRRR HOOWW MUCHHH IIII WUUBBBB YOUUUUU PWEEEEAAASSEE DOONNNT TAKKK MY SUUUNNSHINNEE AWAYYY!" I sang loudly and happily. When Vidia came in I pouted "I don't wanna go to Pweeschool" I protest. But was carried upstairs anyways. Soon I was dressed and my hair was done and I was out in the car "III dont wanna goo" I say again around my thumb that I was sucking "Der is a boy whoosh meean to me" I whine to Vidia.

I knew that I should tell Cecil because he was my big brother and he loved me lots and lots!

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young
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"Sorry, Matthias." I mutter as I close the back door of the house right infront of my dogs face.
I knew mom didnt like him... or any of the animals of the house, but to me it seemed unfair that Matthias and Kaare had to stay outside or be locked up in the pet room because they shed so much fur.
Whatever, I think, shaking my head.
I go back upstairs and take a quick shower, then I put on one of the two stupid outfits laying neatly on my bed.
Honesty, what was it with mom and her parties?
"Perfect," I growled, "Everything has to be absolutely perfect."
I rolled my eyes, "And even then perfect still isnt good enough."
I had tried to be someone that my mom could be proud of, I used to listen to whatever she ranted about but that always ended in her yelling at me to stop standing around doing nothing, I tried joining sports to see if she'd actually care enough to show up to any of my games... she hadnt, but that was actually a good thing because it turns out im terrible at baseball and soccer.
Im pretty sure my siblings tried getting moms attenion too, but by the looks of it, everyone failed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Marrick Young
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Laying face down on my bed, bored out of my mind, I was surprised to hear a weird, faint voice yelling 'Breakfast!'
What the hell?
Sitting up, I listened more carefully.
"Breakfast! Breakfast!"
Didnt Vidia already make breakfast? And that was like... awhile ago.
Opening my bedroom door, I stepped out into the hallway and let out a laugh when I heard my younger brother, Marrick, talking to the voice of his pet parrot.
He was such a freak.
I walked over and knocked on his bedroom door, "Talking to your imaginary friends again, Marrick?" I teased, wondering if the kid would open the door and yell at me.
"Seriously, arent you too old for that?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Cassie Young Character Portrait: Marrick Young
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I open my bedroom door after Cassie tells me to grow up.
"I don't have imaginary friends!" I insisted, "Those are for babies!"
I turned towards my brother Cecil and glared at him, "Thanks a lot." I growl, "Now she thinks I talk to imaginary people!"

Inside my room, I hear Phil,
"Does Breakfast want breakfast? Shut up! Too bad! Thanks a lot people, imaginary Breakfast!"
I sigh,
"Do pet shops sell muzzles for parrots?"

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Marrick Young
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I only nod when Cassie tells me she's going to the mall, then I laugh as Marrick gets mad at me for saying he still has imaginary friends, and then I let out a sigh when I heared the parrot talking again.... annoying little thing.

"Do pet shops sell muzzles for parrots?" Marrick asked, and I realized that he was probably just as annoyed as I was.
I narrowed my eyes, "No. Now get your damn bird to shut up or else i'll end up killing it." I snap.
Okay... I wouldnt really kill it... that'd make me a bird murderer, wouldnt it?
I'd probably just take it out of its cage and throw it out the window.
That was better.

I used to like birds, I mean, I liked the ones that didnt talk.
But mom kind of made me lose that when I asked if she could watch my old pet bird, she said sure, and then when I came back the bird was gone.
Mom had said that it had flown out of its cage, that part was true, but only cause she let it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Marrick Young
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"You'd kill him?" I repeated, staring at Cecil in complete surprise.
Would he really do that?
He couldn't... Mother would be so mad at him!!
Mother wouldn't care, I remembered, And neither would Father.
So... Cecil really could kill Phil, and no one would be mad except maybe Vidia...

"I'll get Phil to be quiet!" I promised, "Dont kill him!"
I rushed over to the parrots cage, he tilted his head at me again.
"You have to stop talking, okay Phil?" I whispered, "Cecil doesnt like it when you-"
Before I could finish my warning, the bird began talking again

"Stop talking!" Phil squawked, "Have to stop talking, Phil! Cecil doesnt like talking!"
I winced, "No, no... shhh!"
"Hushh." Phil copied, "No no, hushh. Phil stop talking!"

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Marrick Young
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I laughed when Marrick starting fussing over the stupid bird, tying to get it to shut up... it was actually pretty funny in my opinion, and I honestly cant remember the last time I found something that amusing aside from when Tempest freaks out whenever it rains.
Too bad it was because I threatened to kill an animal, though.

"Marrick, relax. Phil can live to see another day." I promised, then I smirked, "But if it happens again..." I said, then trailed off, knowing full well that Marrick knew what I meant.
"Well, I guess we'll find out, wont we?"
I left it at that, then began aimlessly wandering around the house with no real idea where I wanted to go.

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Character Portrait: Cecil Young
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I hear Vidia yelling, then Kim crying, and I avoid going anywhere close to where their voices are coming from.
Honestly im not the first person anyone would think of when it comes to making people be... not, uh.. sad? Heck, I dont even know how to explain it.
Im not a people person, I dont understand what makes people cry or laugh, sad or happy or angry, I dont know why I laughed when Marrick was upset, I dont think someone feeling like that is supposed to be funny... I have a hard time understanding emotions unless they're the ones you get when you grow up like I did... usually alone.

Sighing, I walk to the main enterance to the house.
"Im leaving! I'll be back in a few hours!" I shout, not caring who hears me, or if anyone hears me at all.
Being back in a few hours was a lie, i'd probably be back around midnight, or when moms party is over.

Sometimes I get mad like this, pissed off at everything for no explainable reason, and I have to leave for however long it takes me to realize and accept that nothing is changing and it never will.
Im still Cecil Flynn Young, some kid who cant deal with other people.
Im still the son of two complete idiots who dont care for their children.
The closest things I have to friends are Kaare and Matthias.
The closest thing I have to an enemy is Tempest.
I hardly know anything about my siblings, and I dont think I ever want to know more than what I do know.
My family is messed up, while it seems like everyone elses is completely normal.

So why cant we be normal too? I think, furrowing my eyebrows in frustration, Why cant we be like everyone else?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Young Character Portrait: Elodie Falls
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"Cecil, where do you think you're going? Your mothers party will be starting soon!" Elodie asks me as I walk past her.
I look up from the ground and at the nanny, "Out." I reply simply.
Elodie folded her arms, "Thats not a proper answer. You're mother would kill me if I didnt know where one of her children was!"
"Thats only a problem if she asks, and she wont." I snap, annoyed with her even though I knew it wasnt her fault.
Elodie was more of a mom-figure then my own mother, she always tried to make the best of things, she was rarely seen without a smile on her face.
She was nice.
But sometimes her being nice was downright annoying.

"Atleast tell me you're going with one of your friends and not by yourself." Elodie pressed, obviously not realizing that I didnt really have anyone to call a 'friend'.
"Im going with Preston." I lie, choosing the guy who sits two rows infront of me in one of my classes at school.
Elodie frowns, "Preston? Isnt he the boy you had a fight with last month? I thought he was expelled! Honestly Cecil why in the world would you be friends with him?!"
I shrug, "That was just an accident, besides im fine now, arent I?"
Lie. Im pretty sure me punching him in the face and him throwing me down the stairs was not something as simple as an accident.
Elodie stared at me with a sad look, and I knew immediatly that she was playing the, 'I care for your well-being, dont lie to me. If you do you'll be filled with guilt' card.
But instead of sending me back into the house, Elodie sighed and looked away, "Fine, go."
