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The Young Family » Places

Places in The Young Family

This is a list of locations that can be found in The Young Family.

All Places

Upstate New York

94 posts · 12 characters present · last post 2013-04-18 02:45:25 »

         (Hey! And yesh lots of death >.< xD. Some characters got abandoned and I had to do something with them. And It's fine, I've been gone for a while too xD I've got so much stuff going on)

I see mom walk over and talk to one of the nurses. She doesn't see me, though, but I know when she finds out. She may be cold and pretty heartless but there's no mistaking the look of horror and despair that crosses over her face. She quickly turns away and walks back to wherever she came from, and, surprisingly, I follow. It feels like i'm in a trance. Like I have no clue what the hell to do, but I need to do something, so I follow the one woman I have never followed. At least not since I was like 7.
I stay back a little bit so she doesn't hear me, but eventually she gets back to Cecil and Marrick so I stop and stay where I can see, but not be seen.
She shifts around a little bit and her hand raises to her face.
Oddly enough, Cecil stands and he hugs her. It's sweet for the second it lasts, until mom shoves him away. If that's the same Diane Young i've known for years, she's also glaring.
When she says something about finding sisters and my dad, I step forward.
I walk up behind her and in my shaky voice I speak up, "Mom, I'm here.."



2 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-01-16 01:14:57 »

         When Elodie set my fingers back I had to hold back a scream and I grabbed something to bite on, tears were running down my face as I shook a bit from the pain. When Elodie was done I took the washcloth out of my mouth and took a few breaths. "Th..that really hurt" I whispered and wiped away the tears that were falling.
I shook my head when Elodie sad she didnt want me dancing because of my foot "I never missed a practice and if I wamt to get into juliard I have to practice my best but ill try to be easy". I jumped off the counter and winced when my bad foot touch the floor, maybe it was worse then I thought but it doesnt matter because I just can't focus on that right now.
When Elodie started talking about going to a clinic tomorrow to get checked, I bit my lip and took a few moments to think it over. I didn't have anything going on tomorrow so I nodded my head "I guess I can go tomorrow, I need to go get ready now. Do you know where there is any ace bandages in the house for my foot? or any medical tape for my fingers?" Then I remebered about my eating, what if they weigh me? My eyes go a bit wide "Do I really need to see a doctor because I really don't think its necessary" I say gritting my teeth as I try to ignore the throbbing pain in my ankle and fingers.

The Young Estate Kitchen Owner: RolePlayGateway

The mansion kitchen.

The Young Estate

4 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-01-15 03:11:53 »

          Diane Young

"Mom? Where are you?"
Cassie's voice echoed throughout the house.
I frowned, not really wanted to see what she wanted, but headed in the direction where her voice had come from anyway... thats what mothers were for, right? To listen to their children... though in my case I suppose it would be to sometimes listen to my children whine and complain, or yell at me for no good reasons.
Mostly I just block them out, if they have something to say that I dont want to hear, then I dont listen. Why should I?
They were ungrateful and had no respect for me! Im their mother! Its hard to believe that they treat me the way they do, even after all i've done for them!
Ungrateful was a perfect word that described them.

"What do you want, Cassie? Im busy." I growled when I finally saw my daughter.
I had to finish decorating! I had to get the maids to take the wine out and set the tables, and I had to get the chef (assuming there is one ..?) to prepare the rest of the meals!
What Cassie has to say better be important, or else im just wasting my time.


I didnt answer the first question.
Of course Mrs. Young wouldnt be okay when/if she found out, she'd be a bit more than just angry, I knew that much.

"We need to go back inside the house, i'll get some ice for your hand, and then i'll try and set the fingers, okay?"

Upstate New York The Young Estate Owner: RolePlayGateway

The estate belonging to the Young family.

Cassie's Room

3 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-01-15 01:18:47 »

         I hear David outside my door asking if I'm OK.
Then, the sudden sound of my mom banging on the door telling me to stop crying surprises me. Not the fact that she's screaming at me to appear perfect for guests who're coming over, but that's she's home. I'd be easier to love her if she wasn't always such a bitch. Once she called me Vidia and didn't even realize she'd made a mistake.
I turn off the record player and take a deep breath. I open the door to see David.
"I'm fine." I say quietly, "Don't you have to go get ready for the assholes mom invited over?"
I walk past him and down the hall. Taking another deep breath, I wall down the stairs.

The Young Estate Cassie's Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

A contemporary bedroom

David's Room

1 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-01-14 02:23:57 »

         I finished up my breakfast, and looked around my room. There wasn't really much to do. Sighing, I got up to take my dish to the kitchen, knowing someone later would bother me about it. As I walked through the halls, I heard something. Stopping, I listened closer. Is that crying?
Following the sound, I found Cassie's room and frowned. After a moment of thought, I started to hear music. Letting out another tired sigh, I knocked lightly on the door.
"Hey, sis! You okay in there?" I called from behind the door. I really did care for my siblings, but I hoped someone else was helping her. I wasn't good with people, and I wanted a nap. As I waited for her to respond, I tapped at the plate in my hands.

The Young Estate David's Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

David Young's room


1 posts · 0 characters present · last post 2013-01-13 08:01:23 »

         ((OOC: There was a bit of God-modding there, so just be careful next time))


Vidia had just finished her chores and was only then readying a plate of now-cold food to stick in the microwave - a usual occurrence for her - when she was interrupted by the sound of Cassie's voice as she entered through the kitchen door. When she asked her to go upstairs with her for a moment, she cast a curious look in the directions of the animals, as if to ask, 'Do you guys know what's up?', before she shrugged and set her plate down.

She followed after her and walked into the parlor, grabbing stray papers and books that had been left out by her siblings, straightening them. When Cassie spoke, the newspapers she had been gathering together slipped from her fingers and fluttered to the floor. For a moment, she didn't speak and she remained still. Finally, she reached down and gathered the papers, straightened them, then set them on the desk that sat in the room. She turned and faced her sister, stared at her for several moments, then took three long strides to reach her, before pulling her into her arms. "Shh, hush now ... It's all going to be okay. I'll handle it, Cassie. I'll take care of it, just like I always have," she murmured soothingly.

She leaned back and grasped her sister's upper arms. "No matter what, don't say anything to mother and father. I'll take care of them, too. I won't let anything happen. I know Ryan; if you talk to him about it, he'll accept the responsibility and he'll take care of you, too. Don't mention this to anyone else other than Ryan and me, at least until I say so," she said, looking into the eyes of her sister sternly. "Now take a few deep breaths, wipe your eyes, blow your nose, and once you feel better, go downstairs and get some more food to eat," she ordered, releasing the younger girl. She turned back to grab a coloring book Kimmy had left out, closed and set it down, then turned back to Cassie. "Cassie ... I'll take care of it, don't worry. Nothing's going to happen to you, the baby, or Ryan," she said gently, moving over to gently rub her arm for a moment. "You'll be okay," she reassured her, starting out of the door. "Now let's go get something to eat, alright?"

The Young Estate Parlor Owner: RolePlayGateway

A quiet room at the front of the house.

Alexis and Vidia's bedroom

2 posts · 1 characters present · last post 2013-01-12 06:12:48 »

         Edit: To match Echo's post.

June 23rd, 2012; 5:35am

When Alexis's alarm went off, it sent her into a long bout of groans and grumbles in argument. She even grabbed one of my endless amount of pillows and threw it at her, causing Jinx and Mistique to mew in annoyance and burrow deeper under the covers of her bed sheets.

When she finally summoned the courage to crawl out of bed and the warmth that came with it, it was slowly and almost like a caterpillar escaping its cocoon to reveal what a beautiful butterfly it had turned into.

"Do you always have to get up so early?" she whined as Alexis made her way back into the room several minutes later. "I can't, I have to drop everyone off at their practices, Kimmy has summer preschool, and then I have to run errands, remember?" she asked as she slowly went about getting ready for her day, taking a shower in the side of the bathroom that was connected to her sister's. The opposites sides of the bathroom were identical in design, only Vidia's belongings were differently shaped, colored, designed, and anything else someone could imagine. She blow dried her hair and added a small amount of make up to her features, giving herself a smoky eyed look, then tugged on a pair of jeans shorts and a form-fitting white tank top. She pulled her hair back then let it fall back into placed, fluffed it a little, then smiled at her reflection and practically skipped from the bedroom.

She made her way down the halls and finally the stairs, Jinx and Mistique following her. She made her way into the living room and lifted the blanket from over the cage that housed her two birds. She moved her finger against the bars. "Hello Tonio, hello Danela. How'd you two lovebirds sleep?" she smiled, opening the cage and slipping her hands inside to let them wrap their claws around her fingers and she placed them on top of the cage. She opened the feeder inside the cage and filled it with fresh seeds, then opened the water tank and filled it with fresh water. She then lifted the two sleepy birds and placed them back inside the cage, stroking their heads before shutting the door of the cage. She smiled at them, waved, then bid them a goodbye and left the room. Her two white baby tigers trailed after her, almost like puppies, into the kitchen, where she pulled out several pots and pans to cook the normal food she would make for her siblings that woke up later then she did.

She prepared bacon, eggs, omelettes, pancakes, muffins, sausages and one of Kimmy's favorites, pancakes with berries on top. "Breakfast is ready!" she shouted through the house, casting a glance at the clock. It was six-fifteen and they would have another hour before they needed to leave to drop Kimberly off at her summer-preschool and get everyone to practices for the sports they were in, and so she could run errands, so she began to set out plates and place food on them. She moved to the front door and leaned out into the cool, spring morning air. "Whoever wants food had better come and get it!" she shouted, her voice carrying across the acres of farm that they owned. She finally leaned back inside after several moments then returned to the kitchen and went about filling the many animal bowls that were set in what everyone now called the Animal Room, which was basically where the animals ate and played and sometimes slept, along with where the animals were all kept, including her birds. It took a long time since she was the only one that ever did it, but it had to get done by someone, somehow.

The Young Estate Alexis and Vidia's bedroom Owner: RolePlayGateway

The twin's bedroom

Cecil's Room

The Young Estate Cecil's Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

A teenage boy's room

Tack Room

Barn Tack Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

All the horse tack is in here

Kim's bedroom

The Young Estate Kim's bedroom Owner: RolePlayGateway

A little princess room


Stalls Owner: RolePlayGateway

The nice stalls inhabited by the Young Family horses.

Sun Room

The Young Estate Sun Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Little room off the kitchen

Home Theater

The Young Estate Home Theater Owner: RolePlayGateway

The very thing every rich family needs

TV Room

The Young Estate TV Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Another place for TV watching.


Barn Owner: RolePlayGateway

A Lovely Barn.

Guest House

Guest House Owner: RolePlayGateway

The house for guests to stay in.


The Young Estate Pool Owner: RolePlayGateway

A nice swimming pool
